Agenda - Stanislaus Council of Governments


Agenda - Stanislaus Council of Governments
San Joaquin Valley Regional
Planning Agencies' Directors' Committee
- ••_ _ U
Meeting Agenda
Thunda)', D«ember 1,2011
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Sul Joaquin Council orGo~eml1l<'nlS
S55 East Weber Avenue
Slodr.lon, CA 95202
Toll "ru N"mhe~; /·877-} /(j·155'
I'anidl'"m Code: )]/581
2. High Speed
J. "bc,ClOillb",
... SB 37S Subeomm,u""
S. Calirorn•• Pa'lntrsh,p
S. [)abbs
6. Valley Modeling Improvements
M. ailner
7. SJV In(emllonal Goods Movement
M. Sigala
8. V.lIeywide RI ......." .. n.
B. SI<:<:I<
9. SJV Regional EncI1D' Pl.nning
M. Sip"
10. S8 325 Sbon HIl.1 Rail- -Moving FOfWllllf"
II. Valley lAllSI~i'l: Committee
Diu"» "/'C'OMlI.X S~'."n1tll Vallq Vol..., trip
C. Malel<os
Prop. 34. SU$\.Iinabl~ Communities Planning Gnnl (~lIClosur('J
DlM..n""flAppnlN ••_fI r ... P"IIr,""'*k SlIbIPIiI,.1
Federal TraJl$portalion ReaUlhorization Bill
DlseNss SIIlI., Rlm,(' 99 Jl'lrilt: P"p('r~
V. /tarris
Dil'tt1On Worlshop
M. Sigala
ere Stalewide NeWs Assessment
"lid Ruonm,,,,,dlliioou/rom th" Vllllq
A,.prtJ~ """
FflCilitfU,II' NFl'
D<.=rnber 9, 1011 Regional Policy Coonci\ Mcclinll (eftelOJ"r.,)
M. Sigala
Rue/vr InpMt til' A8"II4" ".,_
17. O'fttlOr hCnls
II. Public f"n.osenuolions for hems NO'I on Agenda. This pon;e., oflhc _ing is ~cd rooIl'C'rsons wishinltO add~ the Comm;uee on items w;llIin i~ juri$diction bul NOT on Ihis
agenda. Unscheduled comments may be limited 10 3 minutes. Note: 11>e llcneral public
mllY comment on listed agenda ilems as they are considered.
Nul ll;nelOrs
Thundlly, J~nuary S, 2011 in Fresno
Ame.;un, wilh I>lsabilllie:s Act (AI)") Accommodatiuns
'llIc: San J(la(Iuin Coonl;;1 of Govmvnenu offices and rnlrooml are ADA llCCeSSible.
Rcpacnwi,"C:I or individuals ...·i!h disabililies shoold conlaCl. the Fl'UI'IQ Council of
GClvnnmerns It (209) 235-0600. al least) dlYS in advlncC, 10 KqUC51 luxiliary lids lIIdIor
lranslalioo services necessary 10 participate in lhe public meeling.
San Joaquin Valley Regional
Planning Agencies' Directors' Committee
cliP 'I'lftC..aI"k,w. . . . -tnUIlII'I• • J Il.. Ut5aM
PIIHII: 21H25-4I11 fll:!lHU·ma
Fresno Council of GovemmefllS
"'" R_
2035 Tulan: Street. SuiIC 201
Fresno. California 9lnl
Dir«lors Me.:ling
Thursday, November 3. 2011
Ene-In"", i\li"l~
Membefs Anmdi~
Rob Ball. Kern COG (1'0< R. 1lnIrIw<1)
AIId"'''' Chesley. SJCOG
Ted Smalley. TCAO
kn" Brown, MCAG
Vin« Harris. SI.nCOG. Chair
Palricia Taylor. Mere. Vic~Chair
TOny lJoren, Fresno COO
Terri King, KCAG
See Appendix A for Us! ofOlbcn Anmdi1l&
The meeting was called to order by Mr. V;n.:;e HarTis. ellair. Everyone inlrod\ll;ed
I. (klober II. 2011 Oir«1o,', Mfotli'l uti (kIObe, 19. 2'11
Oirftlor'l Meell'r: ."jlll Co.gress.... kIll••
A mOlion was made by Mr. Jesse: Brown to approve the Dirttlon' Meeting minutes
and w;onded by Mr. Andrew Chesley. Moti<m carried.
Mr. Ted Smalley made a correction 10 the Minutes from the Dirrctor', meeting with
<:on&rasman Omtwn. The minl,l\C$ need 10 refl«t I discussion ofCMAQ instead of
STIP funds. MOlion 10 ~ minula ~
Mr. IIams initiated roll call.
Dnfi O<:t.r 13. 2011
M. Sigala
Kttiou' ......i<-y Co...,i, Mi•• 1Q (nodM""J
Mr. 1 _ Ol"OlOn KqueslCd Mr. Michad Sipla put the: llIinUICS in !he: ~ 110 thaI Dim:lOn have !he
opporlunil)' 10 1ft<! !he minul~ and ...... e any...usury chanp. Minutes from the Regional Policy
Courocil"'ill be approved allhe neXl _ing, December 9. 2011.
J. Abercrombie/It Forhan
High SPffi:llbil
Mr. Jeff Abercrombie reported llll: IISRA re.:cived some 800 responses for Ihe Merced \0 Fresno Oraft
EIR. and is now beginning 10 process them. The 1lSRA is wOlting on a Il"'fcrml roule thaI is SCI for
presentalion 10 lbeir Board alllw:ir mo:eling De<;embc:r 8. 2011 in Merced and finaJi~ n !heir Board
the end of February, ~ FresnoIIJakersfield segment plan still on IKt>roulc for. ml'lc~ of
draft in April. The IISRA will rmeI" 1m groups and $hareholders over !he nUl few weeks 10 pin do""
proposed ..'esc Ilanfonl.'ignment 10 include in !heir O«ember ploposaJ 10 their ao.rd.
Bryn Forl\an IlftKlIlcd an updale on their business plan.. The HSRA rdeaed the: business plan on
and has reccind much lnNi. amnii.... 'J'tw: businl:S1ll plan i$ unlike prior pbn$; this _
plan is urnlined and has taken a new approac:h. The Central Valley coninues 10 be. critical put ofthc:
HSR project ... i\h Wf\SIrUCUon lqinning ~"t year and finishing in 20 17 .... itll • price lag ofS6 billion.
Mr. Vince Ilarris upn::sscd concern allhe notable increase in price pro~idcd by lhe HSRA. Ms. Forhan
respondcd Ihat the HSRA now knows more aboul whal is r\CCded in lerms of trenching, ~iadl>CU. aerial
and raised lTllcks ha~e all impacted Ihe price increase. The IISRA has become more granular about supply
COSIS of steel, cOr.<.:rete. etc. and moreo~er lhey IuIve been extremely eonscrvati~e up 10 now about Ihe
o~enIl1 COSI oflhe projec:L
Mr. Andy Chesley commemed WI up lO this poim.the San JOIIlluin Valley has been generally SU:pp(Mti"e
ofHSR but lhis newly released business plan has created a new en"ironment in terms of staled obj«li'·es.
Mr. 0lesJey lUlled lie imends 10 take tIlis new busiM$S plan 10 his Boanl forthrir p;lSition and lie
anticipates more in-depth questions. Mr. Chedey asked for future assistance from the HSRA in the my
pan of next yur 10 pullogethcr a joinI-policy p;lSition.
T. Taylor
Ms. Tanisha Taylor pro~ided a handout and began lhe discllS:lioo with lhe char1 01\ page 3 highlighling
importanl dales and current limeline for fTIP/AQ. I'M 2.~ SI!' is lhe firsl mileslone: 10 look al. Ancr
January 2012. budgcts will Dccome effecli~c and confonnily analysis mUSt meellhose budgets. Aller
mid·February ARB mUSl usc lhe new I'M 2.5 SIP budgets and 8-hou. o~one budgelS. The lransilion
period for lhe uSC of EM FAC 20 II is January 20ll and Ms. Tlylor explained it is anlicipaled thaI wc can
still use EMFAC 2007. She wenl on to say she used the word ""ricipofedbecausc there is no official
lelle. from I'll WA allhouglt there have been discussions bctw~n I'll WA. ARB and EPA.
Curmllly there is aCOlItt." 11w ifwc mU'i1 use EMFAC 2011 all eighl coum;es migh. not be able .0
~ conformity 10 the ne.... bucllldS set;n February 2012. In using EMFAC 2007 tbalCOl1tt1ll
goes away. so EMFAC 2007 becomes imporunl in this process for proj«ts tbal cannot .... it for lhe 2013
mp update.
We do assume some risk in lenns ofthe TIP amendmcnl ifsomething were 10 cha~ with tile
recommendation. In lhe 2013 FSTIP update, C.lll1lllS indicated in Octobe. lhey would be maintaining lhe
Khcduk l;OQSislmt with ~ 2011 FTIP update "'hkh means "'e would ~ lilt FTIP lIIplble in fettn..y
2012 and falillflfkr f..MfAC 2007 "'ith adoption in July 2012.
from Jul)' 10 IkcmlooCaltrans will &0 through lilt fSTlP publk panldpalion process indudinl
~ and eommenlS. Amkipattd approval of lilt fSTl P is IkI;:nnber 2012.
Mr. Vinc( Iiams rc:itC1lIl00 ~ iSlOm( risk involved. Mr. Jmnaine Hant>O<l did inlttj<:t"tlhat
anticipate.:! dal(S for trllrulition arc:jusllhal; there is no dates ,el as ofytl as talks arc: slill ongoina Wilh
ARB and EPA contingent on a new model. Mr. Ted Smalley requested thai all the provided malerials be:
sent OUI e1eetroniCIIlly.
Mr. Andy Clw::sl~ ask...! thal!x<;a,,* EMfAC 2011 can be a game changer, what is being done t(l "'0<\
with ARB to address ehallengcl ofEMfAC 2011. Ms. Taylor replied .. e are curnntJ)' n>ttling with ARB
~ing LIIi"l EMFAC 2011 and ensuring the dauo in EMFAC 2011 is lhe u.nsponation dauo provided.
SB J75 S.bcom.iulN'
T. Taylor
Ms. Tanisha Taylor provided. handout on !he eighl MPOKlion$WI OC(urm! 0'0'<:1" the mondtt: of
SeptcmberlCktobn" in terms of the muhi-MPO SB-l75 Rlional stalTn:pon. All eighl MPOs did we a
posilive aclion 10 lhe two rccomm~alions- asseflmcnl ofVlllcywidoc: WgeI and strategy development
beneficial to the IlIl'TJ<:ics. Some Il:cncics had mon: discussions lhan OIhen. Kem did add In additional
m(ltion, which is summariud in the handout. Kings County did ha"e some di$ClWion about Ih( $Chedule
and how that will play out in a multi-county target. StanCQG had general process questions for the
subcommillee. M,. Taylor then opened the di~lWiooto the individual members to report on their
respective board discussions.
In terms ofne"t steps.lhc Subcommiuee has dcvclClpCd I COOrdinalion contact lisl, which is by no means
exhaustive. but il does provide easy division of n:sponsibilitics. The Air Districl did off<:l" to set up I
II'lCftiIl& ... ith ARB SlI1TIO 5W1 tho Rlationship-buildi"l process.
Mr. Robert Ball rc:poned ~ lilt Kern COG BoanI felt it .. as in thcir bnI illlCft:St 10 keep movinc
fon,anl,,'ith Kan', individual tarcet with the oplion ofValleywidc coordination abo on !hi: Iabk. Kem
COG has COO\.II;Icd ARB 10 have. spot on the agenda discussing their local elTorts Kparate from !hi:
Valleywide prcs.enlallon. Mr. Vinc:c Ilani, asked if the ItISOrl for thi, i, bcalusc the I(em COG Board
fccls il can achieve the targct independently. Mr. oln responded thai Kan COO feels il is unique and
wouid not be accurately reprcso:nled in a Villcywidc pre$Cntation.
Mr. Andy Chesley asked Mr. Ball what Vallcywide eoordinati(ln would mean for Kcm COG, Mr. nail
replied the concern was in "'hat a Villeywide pr'e$Ct\tatioo might do 1(1 limit IOClllu[ooomy. Mr. Ball
~ wind farms IS an example ofKem's uniqueness where typiell modelinldi.e. urban development
focus) ...'ould OOI.lpply.
Ms. Tanisha Taylordid say that in HmIS ofmodclill£ the.te:enarios, thai ~ is an indiYidual elTon so
~ ..·m be diffO"mCCS and I Mone_size fiu all~ IUilOOc is noll applicable. Mr. H.m and Ms. Palrid.
Taylor I"'CSONllcd Ms. TI)'Ior's comments. Mr. Harris eJr;pn:sscd I concern !hal ifKcm ..·ants 10 set
indcpmdelll conVCfSllion ~ ..'OUId dcuact from I Vallcywidoc: united fronr.
Ms. Tari Kine felt I multi_n:gional tartet needs to be less ~riclive Ind Kings Slill plans 10 dol sinlleCOUllI)' SCS. Further, Ms. King feels disclWions on I multi-cOWlly llrgct nero to begin soon. Kings
Coumy hili issue: "'ith scheduling wheR other counties further their schedules Ind meet their target but
Kinp Coonty cannot mtt1 thrirtIJ'gU.
C.liforlli. PIlrtunhip (mc/oswn)
Ms. Slade Dabbs provided. handout on the SJV Rurnl Development Center suucmre and services
offered where lhe Cal ifomia I'artnership acl$ a$ a mezzanine-con$ulLin& fiml. The Cenler is for alilhe
rural communitie, and Cil;e$ with population under 50,000. If lhere are any questions, please contact
Ismael HelTCrn (559) 278-0519 or [email protected]. Ms. Dabbs thanked the Direclors for
o;oordjnal;ng neXI month's meeting wilh the California Partnc:rsltip meelin&. [)ecc,mber 9" in TuriocJi::. Mr.
Michael Sipla is to .. ortc "'ith Ms. Dabbs and Supervisor Ishida who ,,'ill make a shoo presentation at
the California Pannenhip mtt1ing.
Ms, Dabbs abo arIfIOI.IO«d ~ are
IlC'W job openings "'ith the California Pannmhip - Go>"mm>mI
Atrail'$lWortc O..... p Coon.!inatorand Communications Direc:lOn.
Following the mffiing. Ms. Dabbs senl lhe following infonnalion via e-mail:
On behalf ofthe California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley and lhe San Joaquin Valley
Regional Policy Council, I would like to invite you to panidp,lue in an UPCOm,nll meeling of the
Sustainable Communities Woo Group· Thursday, NO\"fm~r 171h from IOall,.llpm at the
Stanislaus Council of Governments. 1111 I Slr'Cft, Sui", 308, MooksIO.
In atlempl 10 obuIin input from throu&houi the San J,*!uin Valle)' on the ..·ortc &J'OUIl's idtnliflCd
priorities. we have held mCClinp in tIfte valle)' locations in 2011- Fruno (June). Bakenfirid
(Scplember) and ModnIO{Novcmber). Your participation in this retioNl con...-tion would be
ofiJUI value as the work group scd<lIlO engage i"f'UI from a bn'-.l fUlgc ofperspectivcs and
Item II was moved up upon Commissioner Assemi's arrival.
A..'~IfIJ R~II"rlllnJt $tuU
Tru"~fWrllll/II" Cllmm/nlont:r
Ro"u 91'
Mr, DariUll Assemi WIled be has had COQvnsations with Mr. Tony Dorm about pullin; togcthn'a pKQcI:
10 olxain lIKII"C money as .. e an: gmina to the end ofOUl" bond money. SR 99 is one oft,,-o StatC-routcs in
Ik Uniled Slates !hit ha"" been laflCIed as high-dollar ant:rie oflranSpOtllUon. Mr. As$cmi ur&ed the
Directors 10 get a pKkft 10 our legislalOr1l fOlllI!hey develop a bill f... SR 99. Mr. As$cmi .. ftlI on 10
encootl1lgc lilt: Directors 10 fonnal1y submit a pKkft 10 the Tl"&Il:5pOI1Btion Comminee. Tbe pKkft should
include why SR 99 needs lilt: money, whn"c tht: deflC~in are and .. hat lhe benefits~,
Mr. Ted Smalley added lllat SR 99 was largeled as a high·priorily corridor in SAFETEAI.U, Mr. Smalley
explained lhal lhe Sl V lias a program in place so the r!exl $lep, he added, would be 10 ask for funding ror
this progmn. Mr, Jcsse Brown added the SlV has experience in pl"ioritizing SR 99 projects and
TIGER III projects so he SU&gCSled usin; the TIGER III eriteria and add the Air Qualily componem. Mr.
Brrno'n would be "iJlillllo put money IO£CIher and lIire a professional lOassemble lhe pKuge. Mr. Andy
Chesley seconded Mr. Brown's ida 10 hire a professional and offered funds 10 further this..
Ms.. Terri Kina was ronccmed about only ickntifying SR 99 as a priority, SR 99 does noc run lhrough
Kinp CllUnIy and ~ may be ClI$I.wcslconidon WI need repair and ,nvcstmenl Mr, Viroc:c Harris
follo....ed up witll tbe queslion as 10 how does the comminec: incorporale importanl east·..·es\ corridors
throu&hoot the: SlV. IlOl jUSl in K inp Count)'. "'it/>out dilUlilli the: f()f;US on SR99. Mr. Tony Boren
insislw. thaI f()f;US nttd:s 10 ~in on SR 99 lIS il is the SlV -bread...d bulle'r.
Mr. Assmli closed "'im oflhilli uUfti's (ofCTq help 10 fin out pnl applglions mon: thorou&hIy. In
tlw: pasl he: &/lid we have miS¥d out on monies hccause of lhe: lOlly we resfJOIlded 10 questions on &'lint
applglions and u..el is happy 10 hc:lp wort: OUIIll)' issues in gellinll our fair shan of dollars.
M. Bilner
Mr. Michael Llimer explained lhal he plans 10 begin providing dClails on lhe modcl at the Del:cmber 8'"
meetini: includinll documenlalion and script. He tonlinucs 10 ....011; on gening a meeling pullOge1hcr
ei1her by phooe or in-person. Mr. Vince Harris lhanked lhe: learn for fruilfuJ I.Ilks on ....he:n w'e are in
Ms. Terri Kine ime.jcaed IhIoI she: had hoped the Cal COG Modeling 101 for Dim:lOfS{al the Cal COO
Dim:lor" MMine) had beo:tI mon: helpful. Mr. Billlligcins n::spondcd Ihc CO\lf$C focused on Caluans
Moderil1& 101 and offered ~ions on IIw top;c.
Mr. Andy Chesley, dirccling his (Om......!.'i 10 Mr. Ilarril and Mr. Jesse Brown. said lhc:y had had a &ood
mttlins (via conference tall) wilh their modelers Lut wttk and would do well 10 ha,"C another nl«lins
with the modelcl'I.lpC<:ifically addressing whal the: Dim:lon expect 10 achieve and relevanl protocols.
C. Malekos
Ms. Ciody Malckos addressed lhe Di=lors on Valley Voice !rip 10 SaCJ'lImcll1O uSUlIJly held in ~'cbruary.
She: SOUghl input, feedback aod (OmmenlS from DircclOfS on focus queslions for lhe 2012 lrip and
lpC<:ifieally ....halllle main os4- should be. Mr. Vince Ilam. fell1he Valley Voice trip should be continued
and 1hIo1lhc:y shoIiklreqUCSl: $eIling ... ilh Ihe Governor for nexl year. Mr. Andy Chesley fell the:
Sacramenlo trip is very importanl buI wanu a room mOft conducive 10 discussion for nexl ynr. Mr.
Olesley ,.-anu 10 ~ ~b. Dianne Uri on spcciroe.w:.. Mr. Ted Smalley inIcIjcc!ed an imporwll .....
for 2012 is SIIppOl'I of !TIP requests.
M... £li2abctlI Wright put fonll qUlCSlions lIS 10 ...haIlan&.... KC the: Dirccron IOlIJIIlO usc: in addressi"ll
Iegislalon; whc:lherlhc Dim:1OB have a particular billlhc:y ....anl passed; and finally, ..-he!her Ihc
Dirn:lon wam 10 discuss hirinel DC lobbyisllO creale mon: consislency. Mr. Iiams expressed interUt in
further diseussinlla federallobbyiSl. Mr. Andy Chesley SlalOO his position lhalhis COG already has I
lobbyisl and he is not ready to invesl in a lobbyisl for lhe Directors' COnlmilu,c.
Ms. Malekos concluded lhe discussion saying lhal she would nlove forward with plans for a February trip
and be!>in preparin!> dates, etc.
SJV Good, MovemCIII
M. Sigala
Mr. Miehlod Sipla reponed the fil'$l six wb oflhe project are ongoing tIvou&h February. The Dim:ton'
Commitlcc should =ci'·c I deliverable this ..·ed on fCOIlOIUK:s. derno&r'aPhks and cireulation. The
seo;ond quanerty report will be submillcd 10Callnnl this wed ..·ith the: I'CllI ~fercnce <;&II sdleduled
for November I 'fill 10:OOam.
B. $tedJR. Terry
M,. &rWn Stcc:l< aIIfIOI.In«d the Valkywido: BllI\'pOm pac:bgc$ have been Jent OUllO everyone for
disuib.nion. MJ. Stcc:k a$.ked the Dircwn lO pIA 0UI1 wide distribution of the VIlIey..'ilk Blurprinl
malmlls. The smtcgic: OI'O\ll'1ll Coond1 will be releasi", round lWO ofgranu. fresno COG is manIlli"&
Proposition 84 for~ MPOs within OlD" thm:-pan proJrmn. M,.. Steck his n:acbed OUIlO!heir project
rn.ana&cn for help for that $Cope of ..-ort "'illl I deadline offdJruary IS, 2012.
Mr. Rob Terry n:poncd the Vllleywide 81urpri.. r«ei~ Ihree proposals on Ol:lober"" for !heir
Blurprim Intevalion I'rojecL TIle Klection oornmiuee chose URS lOac! 1II1he consuJtill& finn. URS will
wort undct" I 14-monlll conlnlCl for JUS! over $460,000 lO provide cireuil pl~ .. orting in 46 SII\I11er
communi lies lhrou&hool SJV ,",'here lhe Blueprint principles need lcadcnhip. URS hid I greal prop<!$ll
wilh greal circuil planners. Mr. TCIlY and Ms. Steck listed all the: circuit pllnners on this project in
""pons<: 10 Mr. Michael Sillala', queslion IS 10 whelher ~ project would be usinllloc:aJ planners. Mr.
Rob aall commented lhal his offiee =eived high praise on lhe final Blueprint. Ms. Terri King
commenll'tllhere is eumnlly dalll available 10 these circuit planners thaI should be utilized SO as nOllO
duplicale work, Ms, Steck agreed 10 work with Clmbridge aOO KCOG to makc sure this dupliealion of
,",'oR does noloccur.
2011 Siale.."ide Nttds AsKs!JDlelll
V. Harris
Mr. Vince Harri$ opena;llhe diKuWon willi I briefbaekpound expllinin& thai SANDAG lOOk ~ lead
on this project 10 build a Slate..·ido: Needs AsKs!Jment "'illl the helpoflll the MPOs. The final produel
"'11I vel)' lIitt report IIld pn:smlcd II ercs IISI meeting. The report ereated some bun panicubrly the
policy implications and some ctw-g.ed wonline in the doeumenL panieulll1y ChapIer 1. policy 110. 4 that
implies crelling a foeus of the six I.argesI ~itan .-cas in that funds eouId be divenftllO thooe al'Cl$.
Re-poning on l:w .. eek's
meeting, Mr. Ilam.)ald the Slate COG Di=_ expo ..... concerns raiKd
about smaller rqions.. It is IIIlicipated there will be rewrite of the Needs ASKUmelIt It the next ere
Mr. Andy CMsJcy spoke lO Ihis issue sllliing the n«d for a letter "'ith each Director's name on iL Mr. 6ill
Higgins reported that ell COG inlenlionally did not talr.e ICtion at their wt medina because some
members were involved in authoring lhe Needs Assessment. Mr. Higgins does nollllticipale Cal COO
wriling any kind of letter bUI he encouraged the Direclors 10 do 50. Mr. Michael Sigala, speaking on his
conversalion with Bob Leiter at SANDAG. suggeSled the Direclors' Commillee add a map oflhe Central
Valley with projeelS -similar 10 the Goods Movement project. Mr. Ilarr;s imerjcClcd Illallhe Needs
Assessmcnl team never asked for any kind ofmlp from the Cemral Valley and fUl'lher. only lhe largest
mctropolitan areas have maps in Ihe Needs Assessment repan.
Ms. Lindsey MOIIlC' staled Illal Fresno COG did pro~ide I VaJleywide projecllist Ind projKt map to the
Needs Assessmenl oornmillee. Ms. Monge then followed-up "'ith Mr. L.citer and did nol rec:ei"e any
feedbaek or further inslJUClion.
Mr. Harris concluded discus.sions willi the undenundi"& Ihai .1el.Ier .. ould be "'rillen forthe Diredors 10
sign. Mr. Jesse Brovo'n SU&llCSted ISKl11bling a package willi a signed IettCT including policy
m;ommendltions, Vllleywidc: project lis!: and map. Mr. ChcsIey made the moIion ear1iCT in the diseuuion
and Mr. Brovo'n seconded. MOIion CII'ricd.
Mr. Sigala re<jUl.'Sled member support in"ll map and !he necessary doctunenu for. Vllleywide
Needs AssessmenI pac:l.eI. Mr.
suggeslcd includi"& the liS! from the n:gionIJ tnnsportItion plans
ofe"ery projec:1 in the nexi 20 years. Mr. Tony Boren volunteered BarWn Steck, MJ. King V(lIUrlleen:d
Bruce Abanathie and Mr. Harris volunteered Cirlos Yammnto lUSiS! in 1 eoordinatcd response.
SB32S Shorl IlMul Kail_ ",\!ovillg fonvard w
T. lloren
Mr. Tony Boren stated lhis significanl piece of legislation has been signed by lhe Governor and we are
aUlhorized 10 move forward (alleaSI five members of the lJoard). Mr. Boren pressed thai al some lime in
lhe near fUlure Ihe Direclors need 10 sit-down and fonnalize a IPA. He felt unSure about whether loday's
meeting Was the lime 10 discuss a drafl JPA but he did PI"eS'5 thai discussions On lhis need 10 stan
imminenlly. Mr. Jesse IJrown agreed with Mr. Boren that discussions on the JPA need to begin bUI should
be addressed at a separate meding. Mr. Vince Harris assigned Mr. Michael Sigala to work wlth Mr.
Boren on scuing up a meeling for this issue. Mr. Boren asked who was the author ofSBJ25 as thai figure
should be included in these talks. Mr. Ted Smalley feilihat an infonnal documem need, to be laid out to
include alilhe steps and direction of our wor1< from the stan, Mr. Smalley stated he is willing to work
with Rob _ or a designee - on pUlling together such a document Mr. Smalley wanted to set a goal ofa
January mceting On this issue with JPA finished in summer 2012.
Ms. Terri King added that an alanning rail study has recently come out specifically regardinllthe cross_
Valley rail. Thl\.'C counties joined IOgcther to update these rail lines but they have instituted a railcar fee,
She urged the Goods Movement to incorporate this infonnation as well. Mr. Ted Smalley echoed Ms,
King's concerns that sOme ofthcir local rail companies have already made the SWilCh to Hucks.
Fe<ler.! Transportation ReaUlhori,,,uio;>n Bill
P. Taylor
Ms. Patricia Taylor reponed that they mel with Congressman Denham to speak on the population
threshold aod improved communication belween his office and the Directors, Congressman Denham
asked for any kind ofte<:hnicallanguage on streamlining CEQNNEPA and for us to devel<:>p in writing
for the Congressman 10 have when discussing these lopics including c.~amples. Mr. Jesse Brown added
that with all the wor1< of Tanisha's team and with Air Qualily there ought to be things on Ihe list to
change. Mrs. Sharri Ehlen offered to provide her team's li,tto the Din.'<:lors' Committe<: via Mr. Sigala.
Mr. Sigala to work further with Mr. Ted Smalley On this.
Uireetors' Workshop
V. Harris
Mr. Michael Sigala sent out an e-mail about the possibility ofaugmenting next month's optional
Directors' meeting however Palricia Taylor was unavailable. Additionally, it was unclear who will take
lhe DireClOr'S position (fonnerly Ron Ilrummeu) in Kern County. Mr. Rob Ilall is the interim Director
however he doc, nOt assume this role unlit December 17". Mr. Sigala will work Wilh Mr. Harris on
securing a new date for January. The next Directors' mceting will he held ~ember 1st in Stockton.
a. Mr. Derek Winning followed·up on last meeting's discussion on the Madera Interehangc
Project. CTC staff cancelled the last m~'<:ling betwCt:n CTC and Madera leaving this issue
cum:mly at a standstill. The Directors' Commillcc letter of,uppon did not seem to help or affect
lhe CTC relations. Commissioner Asscmi recommended that Madera reach OUIIO CTC staff onc
more time_ Mr. Winning responded that Madera is struggling to get money from erc partly
because erc is hesitant to usc bond money on right_of_way activilies. Mr, Winning related
Cal tranS is worried that savings might not material i7.e as other county proje<:ts come up and those
price tags increase. Mr. Andy Chesley said it would be wonhwhile to invite erc staff to the table
on this discussion, Mr. Bililliggins asked if Mr. Chesley's suggestions Were for the llCXI Cal
COG meeting as well. Mr, Chesley responded il would be a nice request. The issue of risk has
made the erc staff almost impossible to deal with because. as Mr, Chesley explained. they have
taken a Mno-risk~ auitude and push the risk to lhc local level.
b. Mr. Michael Sigala sllared lhal he is wOfting on a conf~ call with Senator BoKcr on MPO
issue. Ms. Palricia Taylor responded SO,OOO-200,OOO is w population size: for MPOs .... ilh caseby-e:asc c,,:~p.ions. Mr. Chesley lISted Mr. Sigala 10 maintain pending conferen« call with
Senator Boxer 10 clarify ~cue-by-cascw CKccpion Crilma. Mr. Sipll has set "'I lunch meeting
"'ith Supervisor Ishida and Mr.llaml forroo:xl ..-ed, IOdi$cuss the upcoming yUl. A ..'ebsile
lubeommin... has been fanned 10 rrw:t:I monthly and ens_ that In rdcVlm "'ebsilcs ha'-e cunnn
informltion. Mr. Sipla provided I SR99 Bond s..vings list; if~ il any feedbK-k please
corl\If:I him with updatn or eorreclions.
Mr. Al WillS mated IS an outsider thaI the eommillee uses ilS own lang. . . and SlI&&""''''Cl thai an index
of acronym I be made: lvailable 10 lhe public. Ms. Ki,,&olTtmllO provide her acronym list 10 w public.
Meetingadjoumed II 12:10 pm.
Appendix A: List ofQthcrs Allcnding
Darius Assemi, ere
Derek Winning, MCTe
Neil Bretz, CalTrans
Sharri !lender Ehlen, Cahrans
JefT Abercrombie, HSRA
Bryn Forhan, HSRA
Michael Sigala, Sigala Inc,
Rebecca Caporale, Sigala Inc.
Elizabeth Wright, TCAG
Tanisha Taylor, SJCOG
Barbara Steck. Fresno COG
Rob Terry, Fresno COG
Lindsey Monge, Fresno COG
Rosa I'ark. Stan COG
CarlQS Yamzon, Stan COG
Cindy Malckos, Stan COG
Tom Jordan, SJV APCD
Elizabeth Johanson. Coalition for
Clean Air
Jcrmaine Hannon, ARB (phone)
Bill Higgins, Cal COG (phone)
Stacie Dabbs, CA Parlnership (phone)
AI WallS. Tulare
Rick Farinelli, Madera County
SN COG llRIa<r'.
lItem 12
Pnl9" Roo.od Z GnriI " . . . .
In Oe«mber 2010 Itw: frMnO COG, on beNIf of the
llPAs of the
Jo»quin v• . ~ .1Otilied
of SUCCMS on lis Prop 8l Round llf3"141Wit<t6on from thIe ~ Grow1h Council for $1,000,000.
As acrftd upon by me DiredO<'l, lhis I"'nt is prcMcf". for SCS outruch KtMties (~Task 1; 19"of
the ~ fundin&l; will pr<Mcle cimoit plinnet' i ~ for the 46 ~ cme of the
Valley repro.. inlegr;olion of !he 8l~1 ~ ..... princ.iplH into ~ ~ I plans - ' Itol
ord~11CItS (n Tnk 2; S~ of the total fundin&l. and proyide for Greenprinl ~rw'IiI'lI adMti6 (as
Tm 1; 211" of the lotal /undine).
SCS Oulreadl is slated to begin in earty 2012, followinS 58315 rask FQrcuetions and the One Voice
trip. A committee comprised of all eight of tt-.e Valley RPAs ha~ recenttv selected URS <:o.-pomion for
conSU~ilnt service to po!'rform 8luept'int Integration work, aoo the Greenprinl stee.lnS comm~tee
activities COOlinue to move forward ilS scheduled In the work program. Tile Strategic Growth Courn:il
continues to be impressed with the unlf>ed plllnn;ns methods being utiNzed bv the Valley In this
Roynd 2 Options:
In Nt;Ntmblor, 2011, the Snt. Growth CouncIl ilnnouoced the rek"ase of tho! Round 2 SoliciUlion
of Prop 8l Grinl Fundl"ll:. The &eAffilI con_s of the those inYc:JM!d project Il"IiNII'!" tIlrouchoot
the V*v COGs is that the pm~ lMtlnet' in .....tMdl to ~ Round 2 is in • ~ hlshion ~
Round 1; oaI!'Ctioflv ~ i region. The lnd1c3tion is !hit the Str.IteP: Growth Council was -V
supportiIoe of our jc:Wl1 efforts in Round 1, """ ~ ~ 10 see sud> efforts continue in
Round 2. Stilff (¢cp!I.ncnsb the [)irectoO eM the! fPP"OY!l ind P'PP"'1!!!C!'!IitW forwKd in f
CllllCtftCd effort.
lI!JWCf!!n'w 2 sranll' .. iliOn (prl~'
to the
~ellit Growth Council by ~ IS, 20121. The firU ~ in the p-oces is to Identify, in brief, the
desirKi ~ ~ ind objecU-. A'IMi" funllOow ~ from SllXl,(D) 10 S1,llX),lXXl per
~ ~ the many ictMTy options thil could tit indudKI in i jc:Wl1 Round 2 illlliation _:
SCS Com!*IiaoI iSSistMIC1!
and ~,tition
Orwi! P\inn@r~1imlliemelimion
MoDe. . ~tion; idenlified c1itli neo!d liPS
2018 RTP prepit'ition
Wtth the Director's ipprOYi~ Villey stiff members wi! jc:Wl1ly formulate i proposal includinc items
well as those alXMe whidl will best set'Vl! the Valley as a whole. The Oir«lor's should exp«t to _ i
draft of said proposal, includins lhe PfOC,am O'IeNiew, objectives, products and tasks at the f~afV
2,2012 Q;,Klo(S meeting. prior to its submitlal to IheSGC.
San Joaquin Valley Regional
Policy Council
e..I • • ,a
-mll . . . . ._-.·..._ .._
I "~161
Drafl Meeting Agenda
Thursday, D«ember 9, 2011
Time: 9:0011.11I.
Turlock. California
Location: T8D
To/I f'rw N_I-: 1-8
rtJTIiciponl C
J. Abm:rombie
T. Smalley
~"~f"i~1 Goods Movnncnl
M. Sipla
v. Hams
V Regional Ene'lP' Planning
MeelingCalendanhru FY 2013
M. Sigala
M. Sil:81a
GUEST SPEAKER. Ff'n'''' M,,)'tH As"ItyS..-tTfIlilf,
Bo.N a..'r, C"lijtHrlJ. ""f11InsIIlp/llrSll" JOINflWt V"IIt}'
10. Valley Lqislative Arrairs Commit!«
D/scfGS ."" r«t~
f9rt1lt FItM_". 1'/1
Sac""",IIto Vlllity Vllk.. trip
C. Mald<O$
II. Califomill T~ion Commission SW.... i<k Neab ~
DMIISS ~ ."" • ~c."""",,,,,tio.J /rtml 'lie V.llq
V. Harris
12. fcdcn;1 Transportalion RClIlJlhoriulion Bill
R«e/.'C IlpdllfC iJ"d di:<CIUJ ViJlI..y priorltia
V. Hams
."Ii rcrommc"d.'hm!i
13. I'rop. /14. Sustainable Communities Planninll Grant (enclosure)
I)/sruff iJ"d Appro.'f! Rou"d T,,'f) V/lII"J''''ille Sub..,llIol
I •. MemberCommenlS
IS. Publi<; I"mcntation for hems Not on Agenda.
ponion ot'lhc: mcel.inll is ~ for
~rsons wishinlllO addrus the Commil1tt on i
within JUrisdi<;tion bill NOT on this
agenda. Unscheduled comments may be limited
3 miftules. NOll.': ~ llenen.1 public
rna)' comment on listed allt'ooa itetnslS the)' are oori'Ji.ckml.
"""rieau ..-il.ll Dlsabi.!illts Al'I (AIlA A
The fadlily otrK:eS
an: A A lIl:UMibic. R'JlIual1llives or individu:lls "'ith
diubililies ItIouSd eontaet
faeili!)' Illeasl.} da)·s in advance. 10 Kquut auxilialy aids .....or
~ lOpanil:iplle in the public meeUn&-

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