Construction Begins: The Future of Wingra is Now


Construction Begins: The Future of Wingra is Now
Friends of
The newsletter for the Wingra School community. | Winter 2016
Construction Begins: The Future of Wingra is Now
ur building construction has finally
begun! What was once a distant
vision is now becoming reality, and
we thank every friend and family of Wingra
School who joined us to make this vision
Truly, the future of Wingra is now.
This historic building has been home to
Wingra School for more than 43 years. But
eight years ago Wingra began looking to
move to a new location because the city,
who owned this property, was considering
new plans for it.
inspired our community to join them in
making our dreams a reality.
Last year, upon completion of our capital
campaign, we hired the design-build team
of CG Schmidt and Epstein Uhen Architects
to design an expansion that addresses as
many of our needs as possible. We are so
excited to share these plans with you!
The exterior of the addition is designed to
complement the school building. The brick will
contain a similar range in color as the existing
material, and the belt course, window lintels,
and roof edge metal will match the color of
the existing limestone.
Additionally, two types of metal panels will
highlight the window openings and visually
We would like to extend our thanks to every friend and family
of Wingra School who joined us to make this vision possible.
A transformational gift from a very
generous group of anonymous donors
gave Wingra the opportunity to purchase
this building and stay.
The addition will include an elevator,
reception area with a central office for school
administration, a large physical education
and comunity space, and an ADA accessible
The vision and generosity of an anonymous
donor group planted the seeds for this
building project, and their matching gifts
The one-story 3,300 square foot addition will
extend to the second floor for the elevator
shaft and entrance to the second floor.
separate the addition. The new space will be
built to the north of the existing building into
the current parking lot.
The Plan
At the beginning of the planning process,
the board worked with Wingra staff and
our school community to set specific facility
goals, including providing flexible learning
environments, improving community
continued on page 3
Friends of Wingra gratefuly accepts
articles, story ideas, photos,
“What’s New with You” contributions,
comments, inquiries, and address
changes to Rebekah Young,
[email protected].
Interim Head of School
Mary Campbell
Rebekah Young
Jinger Schroeder
Between issues of Friends of Wingra,
follow us on Facebook at
Board Members
Alastair Shore, President
Thomas Kammeyer, Vice President
Debbie Blitz
Andrew Carne ‘88
Nick Carolla
Katie Dowling-Marcus
Patricia Finn
Lynn Hirsch
Lisa Kass
Beth Rogers
Lesley Sager
Regina Whitemarsh ’02
Letter From Mary
Thank you for being a part of
Wingra School’s rich history
of child-centered, hands-on,
collaborative learning. I am
serving as Interim Head of
Wingra School for the
2015–2016 school year, and
what a wonderful year it is!
This year, along with hiring our permanent
head of school and completing our
building expansion and renovation, we are
dedicated to strengthening and enhancing
our learning community.
Increasing Time Outdoors
Our staff is committed to creating more
opportunities for students to learn and
explore in nature. The studies are clear:
children’s brain development, learning,
and health benefit from spending time
outdoors. One new initiative this year:
the Pond classrooms (ages 7 to 9) spend
Mondays outdoors—rain or shine! As
we continue to find ways to connect
students with nature, we are so grateful
for our new outdoor classroom. We are
thankful for all the passionate, invested
parents who are helping us “dig deep”
into enhancing our outdoor learning
environment by creating more natural,
educational, and even edible features.
Thank you!
Mary Campbell
Interim Head of Wingra School
world a better place.” Moments later she
added, “What am I waiting for? I am going
to do it right now!” and off she went.
With the success of our now established
year-long, K–8 service learning programs,
we are looking to strengthen existing
community partnerships while exploring
new possibilities for rich discussions and
meaningful actions for our students.
Changing the Conversation
Our dedicated staff of professional
educators work to design rich days full
of powerful, innovative, and unique
programming. We are committed to
extending the educational impact of our
programming beyond our own classrooms
as we work to guide the educational
conversation back to child-centered
This is an important year for Wingra
School—one in which we harvest the fruit
from the capital campaign and where we
welcome the next head of school. My
goal as interim head of school is to ensure
that students, parents, and staff have the
best experience possible as we make a
smooth transition into our next chapter of
learning and growing together.
Strengthening Service Learning and Social
Justice Curriculum
The title of our All-School Unit last year was
Social Justice: Working for Positive Change,
inspired by children around the world
who have been active change-makers. A
parent shared that her 8-year-old daughter
said, “Someday I am going to make the
Thank you so much for your continued
Mary Campbell
Interim Head of Wingra School
continued from cover
gathering spaces, increasing safety, and
ensuring the facility meets ADA accessibility
codes. The addition will help achieve each of
these goals.
“We worked diligently to find the most
cost effective solution to best accomplish
their vision for Wingra School. Our team
[Eppstein Uhen Architects and CG Schmidt]
is very excited to help create a facility that
will enhance the innovative program offered
at Wingra,” said Eric Schmidt, the PrincipalIn-Charge from CG Schmidt Construction.
through hands-on experiences, we can be
very messy. A longstanding wish among
teachers has been to have running water in
the classrooms. We will add water to Rooms
103, 105, and 205 and modify the sink in
Room 200, providing water to a classroom
in each level.
Timeline & Cost
Throughout the fall, we continued working
with the City of Madison to implement
plans for the project. Following approval
from the Plan Commission and the
Common Council, construction begin
on December 1. Current plans slate
construction to be completed in July
2016. The estimated project cost is
Because of the outpouring of support
of our community, we are pleased to
Science Labs and Creative Work Space
Previous office spaces will now
become a science lab, science
classroom, and breakout space for
small group work. We are so pleased
that our rich science programming
will now have a dedicated space for
longer, messier, and more in-depth
New Gym and Community Area
The new gym space will prove a more open
and safe space for play and movement and
serve as a large group gathering space. In
addition, it will be available for community
needs, like polling and neighborhood
meetings. We have designed the expansion
so that outside groups can use the visitor
bathroom and the new gym without having
access to the rest of our building. We are
excited to continue to be a space for the
community while being a safe place for our
A Look Back
Since purchasing the building in 2007, we
have invested in many projects to care for
our historic building.
Each classroom received a set of iPads,
and the Pond, Lake, and Sky levels
received a set of laptops. We upgraded
technology in the classrooms, all-school
programs, offices, and computer lab.
Windows and doors
We replaced all the windows and many
doors and added pocket doors to connect
classrooms in the Pond and Lake levels.
We updated the kitchen to better support
the incorporation of fresh food.
Safety and security
We improved security with video camera
and electronic lock systems
We updated the electrical system.
We repaired the roof to keep the rest of
our structure dry and strong.
report that Wingra will use cash on hand for
this project. Pledge payments in the future
will be used to establish an endowment for
tuition assistance, making our extraordinary
program available to more students.
Eppstein Uhen Architects and CG Schmidt
Construction were hired as a design-build
team in November 2014. The designbuild process allows the architect and
construction management firms to work
together from the beginning of a project
and offers several advantages including
increased collaboration, owner involvement,
efficiency, and cost savings.
Multipurpose Space
The current gym will become work space for
small groups and continue to serve as our
lunchroom and a space for large community
The building, originally constructed in 1927,
was designed to meet the needs of an
early twentieth century public elementary
school, with rows of desks in self-contained
Access to Water in Classrooms
Because we bring our learning to life
Now, we turn it into a more safe and
engaging home for generations to come.
We replaced the 70-year-old (!) heating
system and added a cooling system.
We replaced the obsolete fluorescent
lights with new energy efficient lighting.
“I am so excited about this project. In
addition to the many ways it will improve
and enhance our school and community,
I am so humbled and overflowing with
gratitude for the many people in our
community who really stretched to make
this happen, because it means they truly
believe in what we do here at Wingra,” says
Lisa Kass, long-time Wingra teacher and
Building Committee member.
Head of School Announcement
In June 2015, we thanked Paul Brahce for
his seven years of service and began the
search for Wingra’s next head of school.
unanimously accepted the committee’s
I am pleased to announce that Debbie
Millon, Head of Bellwether School in
Vermont, has accepted the invitation from
the Board of Trustees to become Wingra
School’s next Head of School, effective
July 1, 2016.
Since 2003, Debbie has served in a variety
of roles at Bellwether School, a PK­­–6
school in Vermont that is closely aligned
with Wingra’s progressive philosophy. Her
roles at Bellwether have included teacher,
operations manager, and, since 2008,
head of school.
Search Process
Beginning last April, the Search
Committee began by soliciting input from
the Wingra community and asking for
candidate recommendations. Using the
Information for Candidates school profile
that detailed the leadership opportunity,
and assisted by our consultant, Jeff
Bradley, from Educators’ Collaborative,
we began recruiting the strongest and
best-matched candidates from all over
the country. Interest in the opportunity at
Wingra came from many states, yielding a
robust candidate pool.
Following preliminary, confidential,
off-campus interviews with the Search
Committee, four of these applicants and
their spouses were invited to visit the
school, where they met with faculty,
staff members, parents, administrators,
students, past parents, alumni, and
On October 20, the Search Committee
unanimously selected Debbie Millon
as its nominee to the Board of Trustees
to serve as the next Head of Wingra
School. On October 27, the trustees
About Debbie
Besides her work at Bellwether, Debbie
and her husband Aaron, a professional
chef, opened and co-led a combination
restaurant/bakery/market in Vermont
until 2010. In the 1990s, Debbie served
as director of the PlayCare Center, a playbased preschool for children ages six
weeks to seven years. On behalf of the
Mathematical Association of America in
Washington, DC, Debbie collaborated
with university professors to define
novel teaching methods to strengthen
mathematics achievement in minority
high school students.
Debbie holds a Bachelor of Health Science
in physical therapy from the University
of Miami and an M.S. in biomedical
engineering from the University of
We are delighted with the outcome
and look forward to welcoming Debbie
and Aaron to the Wingra family. We are
confident that each of you will, in your
own way, extend a warm welcome to
the Millons.
Committee Members
Board Search Committee
Alastair Shore (President, Board of Trustees)
Debbie Blitz (Wingra School Nest Teacher)
Lisa Kass (Wingra School Lake Teacher)
Thomas Kammeyer (Vice President, Board of Trustees)
Beth Rogers (Parent)
Greg Simmons (President Emeritus)
Thank You
We are grateful to have had a school
community dedicated to a thorough
and in-depth process that included
welcoming our candidates to Wingra. I
would like to extend special thanks to
the members of our Search Committee
who devoted countless hours and great
care to the search process to ensure
its successful outcome. In addition,
our Stakeholder Group of school
constituents, moderated by Christen
Ring, offered invaluable support to
the process through their in-depth
interviews. We are also grateful for the
guidance and support of Jeff Bradley of
Educators’ Collaborative.
I especially want to recognize Mary
Campbell for the exceptional leadership
she is providing as interim Head of
School. She graciously welcomed all
of the candidates to the school and
made sure their visits were productive
and successful. A new Head of School
is a time of transition and change; it
is an exciting time as new horizons
open. Mary is leading with grace, with
confidence, and doing an exceptional job
every day. Thank you, Mary.
Thanks to the dedication of so many,
and their participation in the search
process, Wingra School is poised for a
bold and bright future.
— Alastair Shore, Chair of Search
Committee and President, Board of
Stakeholder Group
Eric Carlson (Former Parent)
Allen Cross (Wingra School Sky Teacher)
Brian Gibbs (Parent)
Cynthia Hirsch (Former Parent)
David Hoffert (Alum)
Andrea O’Brien (Wingra School Technology and Lake Teacher)
Joyce Perkins (Former Director of Wingra School)
Christen Ring (Parent and former Capital Campaign manager)
Ann Wilson (Former Director of Wingra School)
Thank You, Wingra School Donors
Wings for Wingra Donors
Wingra School is so grateful to the many
parents, board members, alumni, alumni
parents, grandparents, staff, and friends who
generously contribute their time, effort, and
resources to make each year a success. We
would not be able to do what we do without
your dedication and commitment. On behalf of
the students and staff at Wingra School, thank
you for your generosity.
The following is a list of our donors who
contributed to the Wings for Wingra Annual
Fund during the fiscal year beginning July 1,
2014 and ending June 30, 2015.
We apologize for any omissions or misspellings.
If you have any questions or concerns
regarding this donor list, please contact
Rebekah Young at [email protected].
Alastair Shore
Allen Cross and Mary Klehr
Andrew Garst and Karen Deaton
Angie Sparks and Andrea Hughes
Ashley and Christopher Fletcher
Ben Marcus and Katie Dowling-Marcus
Beth and Tim Rogers
Bonnie Schey
Bruce Edmonson and Kathleen Massoth
Chhoeub Chham
Chris Cornish-Larkins
Claire Weiss and Alan Weinberg
Dale Waldron
Daniel Rogge and Anne Wilson
David and Ann Jarvella Wilson
Debbie and Mark Blitz
Deborah Ptak and Jennifer Pressman
Diane Gutmann and Tom Palay
Doug Batty
Edward and Susan Friedman
Elizabeth Garcia
Erica and Phil Colmenares
Ethan Witkovsky
Fred and Jana Bartlit
Gail and Robert Weigl
Gary and Lanette Price
Google Inc.
Howard Czoschke
James Danky and Christine Schelshorn
James P. Laudon
JoAnne Lindberg
Joe and Christen Ring
Joel F.W. Price and Lela K. Patrik
John McPeek
Jonathan, Daniel, and Jeremy Kane and Janet
Judy and Red Zitske
Judy and Robert Siegfried
Kathy Oker and Dave Herrmann
Kay and Greg Simmons
Lari and Paul Fanlund
Larry and Marla Frank
Linda and Niles Berman
Marge and Bruce Anderson
Mary Campbell and Matthew Robinson
Michael Gleicher and Julie Loehrl
Pamela and Charles Becker
Phil Joyce for the Rogers Family
Rebekah Young
Dr. Robert J. Hoffnung
Ronald Raines and Laura Kiessling
Sheldon and Pearl Leibowitz Legacy
Sophie Rosen
Susan Bernstein and Daniel Kleinman
Tanya Stevens
Thomas Kammeyer and Joan Bartel
Tom Popp
Virginia Bessert
Weslie Cymerman
Capital Campaign Donors
Thank you to the many donors over the past
seven years who contributed so generously
to the capital campaign. We have a lot to be
proud of in completing this campaign.
The following is a list of donors who
contributed to the campaign since it began.
We apologize for any omissions or misspellings.
If you have any questions or concerns
regarding this donor list, please contact
Rebekah Young at [email protected].
A.J. and Sarah Love
Aaron and Dawn Frank
Aaron and Sarah Hoffnung
Al and Lindy Wilson
Alastair Shore
Allen Cross and Mary Klehr
Amy and Bert Kritzer
Amy and Jim Walden
Amy and Kevin Coombe
Amy and Kim Kraus
Amy and Sean Bina
Amy Duckart
Amy Noonan
Andrea O’Brien
Andrea Richardson and Rebeca Chacon
Andrew and Danielle Carne
Andrew Champion and Layne HammondChampion
Andrew Cunningham and Jeri BarakCunningham
Andrew Garst and Karen Deaton
Angela and Peter Fuhrken
Angela Baker
Angela West Blank and Steven Blank
Angie Sparks and Andrea Hughes
Ann and Richard Burgess
Ann and Tim Sweeney
Ann Freiwald
Annabelle Cunningham
Anne and Jon Bauman
Anonymous Donor Group
April Denton
Ashley and Christopher Fletcher
Aswin Balasubramanian and Aparna
Ava and Lori Dresen
Aviv Kammay and Parthy Schachter
Barbara L. and Richard C. Barrett Family
Barbara Westfall and Carl Johnson
Basil Tikoff and Sara Hotchkiss
Ben Brewster and Lea Jacobs
Ben Marcus and Katie Dowling-Marcus
Benjamin Endres and Kristin Rehberg
Benjamin Singer and Carolyn Emery
Bernard Bazan and Julie Shiner-Bazan
Beth and Tim Rogers
Beth Godbee
Beth Warner
Betty and James Custer
Bill Barker and Susan Paskewitz
Bill Megan and Alyce Amirian
Bobbi and Chad Laipple
Bonnie Schey
Brendan Leroy
Brian and Colleen Remer
Brian and Jen Beck
Brian Fick and Kristina Stadler
Brian Hirsh and Cathlene Hanaman
Brijetta Hall Waller and Ellis Parker Waller, Jr.
Bruce Edmonson and Kathleen Massoth
Bruce Rosen and Diane Seder
Cambridge Focus
Carl and Eileen Brahce
continued on page 6
continued from page 5
Carlos Rivas and Amanda Postel
Carol Carlson
Carol Montgomery
Carol Prochaska
Catherine Coberly and Francis Stanton
Chad and Beth Moritz
Charles and Ann Campbell
Chhoeub Chham
Chris Cornish-Larkins
Christie Olsen and Marty Zanni
Christine Herrmann
Christine Hughes
Christopher Pax and Ashley Waldron
Cindy and Michael Bell
Claire Sandler and Michael Kramer
Claire Weiss and Alan Weinberg
Claudia Grabow
Colleen and Paul Hathaway
Colleen Pardun and Steve Nolan
Collin and Gretchen Olson
Connie McElrone and Greg Pfluger
Crista Pooch
Cristina and Matt Kudek
Crosby Blake-Leibowitz
CUNA Mutual Group
Cynthia Hirsch and Andrew Frank
Dale Leibowitz and Amy Kaster
Dana and Luke Mosling
Daniel and Anne Gustafson
Daniel and Jum Kahrs
Daniel Rogge and Anne Wilson
Dave and Cherry Beto
Dave and Liz Stevenson
Dave Dwyer
David and Amy Guinther
David and Ann Jarvella Wilson
David and Anne Fink
David Cooper and Sheryl Lilke
David Gulisano and Rebecca Minsley
David Huttleston and Louise Latterell
David Van Sickle and Lolly Merrell
Dawn Liska-Tollefson and Dave Tollefson
Debbie and Mark Blitz
Debra Greene
Derek Jennings and Michelle JohnsonJennings
Diana McFarland
Dimension IV Madison Design Group
Dixie Kee
Don and Bobbie Blitz
Doug Montgomery and Karen Brock
Dudgeon Monroe Neighborhood Association
Eddie Smith and Holly Kopplin Smith
Edward and Susan Friedman
Efrat Livny
Einstein Noah Restaurant Group, Inc.
EJ and Alissa Alexandra
Elijah Meeker and Amy Head
Elizabeth Allgood
Elizabeth and Kevin Dionne
Elizabeth and Richard Askey
Elizabeth Garcia
Elizabeth Robinson
Emily and Kevin Sonnemann
Emily Lewis
Eric and Jane Carlson
Erica and Phil Colmenares
Erica Furukawa
Favian McMurray
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fred and Brenna Kunkel
Fred and Jana Bartlit
Frederick Langheim and Julia Balio
Gail and Robert Weigl
Gail Robertson and Philip Smith
Gary and Lanette Price
Gary Stone and Debbie Garten
General Mills Box Tops For Education
Geoff and Amy Baker
Geoff Borman
Geoffrey and Meghan Blake-Horst
Georgina Palmer
Gerry Ring
Gila D. Shoshany and Stuart Glosser
Gillian Blake
Giri Venkataramanan and Shalini Singh
Glenn Reinl and Sara Krebsbach
Google Inc.
Great Dane Pub & Brewing Co.
Gregory and Ann Schultz
Gretchen Schmelz
Gundega Korsts
Hannah Weinberg-Kinsey
Harold and Penny Blumenstein
Heather Swan
Hector DeLuca and Margaret Clagett Dame
Hirsch Group, Inc
Howard Czoschke
Iris Hengst and Robert Godfrey
J. Gilbert and Marilyn Lair
Jack Lawton and Bonnie McMullin-Lawton
Jack Opel and Melissa Huggins
Jackie Wood
James and Betsy Lair
James and Hope Henley
James and Michelle Rameker
James Dahlberg and Elsebet Lund
James Hudson and Diane Martin
James Miller and Emily Hall
James P. Laudon
James Spartz and Carolyn Sullivan
Jamie Bernthal
Jan Hake and Pat Stevens
Jane Gilbertson
Jane J. Montgomery
Jane Ramey
Janet Leino and Jesse Smith
Janet Washbon and Clare Stapleton Concord
Janie and Joe Roher
Janine VanderWhitte and Vivian Ma
Jason Grimme
Jason Isenberg and Margaret Berg
Jason Leabman
Jean and Gary Nelson
Jeanne and Thomas Foss
Jed Roher and Nora Edie
Jee-Seon Kim and Daniel Bolt
Jeff and Lisa Bartig
Jen Greenwald
Jenna and Eric Boyd
Jennifer and Andy Giesler
Jennifer and John Lucas
Jennifer and Richard Valtierra
Jessica and Bill Colaluca
Jill L. Pardo
Jill Yeck
Jim McGonigle
Jim Thoreson and Becky Mitchell
Jo Anne Sturiale
Joan and Steven Ziegler
JoAnne Lindberg
Joe and Ann McDonough
Joe and Christen Ring
Joel F.W. Price and Lela K. Patrik
John and Annie Piper
John and Ginny Moore Kruse
John and Ruth Brown
John L. Hall II
John Sparks
Jon Reavis
Jonathan Biatch and Bonnie Margulis
Joohyun Lee and Jeeyon Jeong
Joyce and Bill Perkins
Judd Aiken and Debbie McKenzie
Judy and Ben Sidran
Judy and Gordon Faulkner
Judy and Red Zitske
Judy and Robert Siegfried
Karen A. Laudon
Karen and Arthur Emery
Karl Whitemarsh
Kasey Love
Kathy and Dave Weinberg-Kinsey
Kathy and Tim Mazur
Kathy Oker and Dave Herrmann
Katie and Jon Baumler
Katrina M. Lambrecht
Kay and Greg Simmons
Kellie Kimura
Ken Kushner and Erica Serlin
Ken Strasma and Karisa Johnson
Kendall Storch
Kent Barta and Susan Haag
Kent Brye and Sandra Ellis-Brye
Kim Cotant and Ted Parker
Kira and John Wehn
Kira Milanich and Kate Behrens
Kraft Foods, Inc.
Kristin Davis and Kenneth Taylor
Kurt Vogel and Tanya Langdon
Kyle and Beverly Martin
Laura O’Rourke
Laura Sparks
Lee Hendrickson and Stephanie
Lena Wehn
Leo and Amanda Sidran
Liam Miller
Lincoln Ramirez and Carolyn Bell-Ramirez
Linda and John Griffin
Linda Schwabacher
Lisa and Irwin Kass
Lisa Fike
Lisa Hanrahan
Lisl Fuhrken
Liz Briskin
Lois Lair
Lori and Mark DuRussel
Louise P. Googins
Lydia Bouffiou
Lyn Ungrodt
Lynn Paskewitz
Madison Community Foundation
Madison Gas and Electric Foundation
Maretta Miller
Marieka and Marshall Greene
Marla and Larry Frank
Marsha Jaeger
Marty Zanni and Christie Olsen
Marvin Wickens and Judith Kimble
Mary and Michael Zinn
Mary Campbell and Matthew Robinson
Mary Ellen and Ron Carne
Mary LaMar and Michael Price
Mary Lamon-Smith and Stevens Smith
Mary S. Erdman
Mateus Wehn
Matthew and Kelly Hora
Matthew Dregne and Claire Silverman
Maureen Campbell
McDonough Foundation
Meg and Chris Newlin
Meg and Eric Rothstein
Meg Meyer
Merry Spangler
Michael Anderson and Erin Clune
Michael Callahan and Jaala Spiro
Michael Gleicher and Julie Loehrl
Michael Newton and Christina Kendziorski
Michael Sheets and Catherine Fox
Michael Sweetnam and Marilee Wertlake
Michael Witkovsky and Julie Nielsen
Michele Tjader
Michelle and Nick Carolla
Michelle and Russ Sharpswain
Michol Ford
Mike Epley
Mike Langer and Ginny Goldberg
Miriam Kopelow
Nancy Vedder-Shults and Mark Shults
Natasha and Justin Sattin
Neckerman Insurance Services
Network for Good
New Morning Nursery School
NJS Badger Hebrew Program
Noodles and Company
O’Gara Publishing
Oak Bank
Oma Vic McMurray
Pamela and Charles Becker
Park Towne Development Corporation
Patricia Hughes
Patricia McKinney-Lins and James Lins
Patrick Sweet and Kelley Conway
Paul and Annemarie Banas
Paul and Heidi Sigmund
Paul and Kimberli Miller
Paul Brahce
Paul Ososky
Peg Barratt
Perry J. Dick III
Peter Timbie and Patricia Rosenmeyer
Philip H. Joyce
Rachel Weinberg
Randy and Kathy Converse
Randy Blumenstein and Marci Gittleman
Rebecca Jallings
Rebecca Ring
Rebekah Young
Regina Whitemarsh
Rich and Lila Hemlin
Richard and Sally Bond
Richard W. Atkin
Rick Stulgaitis and Leslie Ann Howard
Robert and Jane Pricer
Robert and Jo Sparks
Robert and Joyce Sikes
Robert and Nona Richardson
Robert Brazas and Christina Hull
Robert Half International
Dr. Robert J. Hoffnung
Robert Stigsell
Ron and Rosemarie Elliott
Ron Serlin and Susan Anderson
Ronald and Barbara Schuler
Ronald Raines and Laura Kiessling
Ruth Martin
Ruth Tollefson
Sagan Pizzingrilli
Sandra Newbury
Sarah Archibald
Sarah Whelan Blake
Scott Anderson and Collette Stewart
Seth Dailey and Iris Kurman
Shana Verstegen
Shelby and Timothy Connell
Sidney and Eleanor Raynes
Staci Burkard and Kevin Dardis
Stephanie Kirby
Stephen J. Schumacher
Steve Kalinosky and Claire Fallon
Sue Reddan
Supreme Structures Incorporated
Susan and James Fiore
Susan and Mark Miller
Suzanne and Michael Swift
Suzanne Askey and David Foss
Suzanne Lee and A. Thomas Bozzo
Tanya Stevens
Tara and Rob LoBreglio
Ted Osthelder and Jill McNaughton
Ted Weigl and Jenny Bosben
Teresa Atkin
Tessa and Brett Schmidt
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Douglas Stewart Company
The Dudgeon Center for Community Programs
The Magic Pebble Foundation
Theo Streibel
Thomas Kammeyer and Joan Bartel
Tiffany and Michael Rampey
Tom and Lynn Hirsch
Tom Popp
Tom Whitemarsh
Torrey Jaeckle
Tresi Smyth
Trevor Stewart
UMOJA magazine
Valerie LaLuzerne
Vicky and David Hestad
Victoria Thomas
Virginia and Gebhard Fuhrken
Virginia Bessert
Warren Palmer and Rona Finman
Waseem Kazi and Cheryl Sanchez-Kazi
Wegner LLP, CPAs & Consultants
Wendy and Quinn Holzheimer
Wendy Weirich
Weslie Cymerman
Whitney Rimel and Margaret Borg
Will Martin
Winn and Lesley Sager
Zach Elliott and Sharon Mollman Elliott
Outdoor Classroom Built
e are pleased to announce the completion of
our beautiful outdoor classroom. Our outdoor
classroom is made from sustainably harvested
black locust timber produced by WholeTrees Architecture
and Structures.
Students, staff, parents, and neighbors all shared ideas
and inspirations as architects Thomas Hirsch, FAIA, of
Hirsch Design Group LLC and James Worker of Dimension
IV Madison Design Group guided us through the planning
and design process. We also thank Dan Bertler of Supreme
Structures, Inc. for the donation of
labor and materials.
This project was made possible
through the capital campaign.
Special thanks to Paul Brahce, Mary
Campbell, Weslie Cymerman, Tom Hirsch,
Julie Loehrl, Christen Ring, Rick Stulgaitis,
James Worker, and to all who contributed
ideas and helped plan the outdoor
Wingra School
718 Gilmore St
Madison, WI 53711
In This Issue
Construction Begins
Letter from Mary
Head of School Announcement
Thank You, Wingra School Donors 5
Outdoor Classroom Built 8