Goddess Gift Baskets Godde
Goddess Gift Baskets Godde
chi chitown townisismy mytown town $150 $150 A AAcollection collection collectionof ofoffine fine finelocal local localartisanal artisanal artisanalproducts products products great great greatfor for forwelcoming welcoming welcomingnewcomers newcomers newcomersto totothe the thecity city city or ororbidding bidding biddingfarewell farewell farewellto totoold old oldfriends. friends. friends.Includes Includes Includes Goddess Goddess Goddesshandmade handmade handmadecookies, cookies, cookies,Vosges Vosges VosgesMo’s Mo’s Mo’s Bacon Bacon Baconpancake pancake pancakemix, mix, mix,Rare Rare RareBird Bird Birdpreserves, preserves, preserves, Milk Milk Milk& &&Honey Honey Honeygranola, granola, granola,Beeline Beeline Beelinehoney, honey, honey, Intelligentsia Intelligentsia Intelligentsiacoffee, coffee, coffee,Smoke Smoke SmokeDaddy Daddy DaddyBBQ BBQ BBQ sauce, sauce, sauce,Nicole’s Nicole’s Nicole’scrackers, crackers, crackers,Plocky’s Plocky’s Plocky’schips, chips, chips, Frontera Frontera Fronterasalsa, salsa, salsa,Balducci’s Balducci’s Balducci’spasta pasta pastasauce, sauce, sauce,Vosges Vosges Vosges exotic exotic exoticcandy candy candybar, bar, bar,Terry’s Terry’s Terry’sToffee, Toffee, Toffee,candied candied candied nuts nuts nutsfrom from fromSweet Sweet SweetMargy, Margy, Margy,chocolate-covered chocolate-covered chocolate-covered pretzels pretzels pretzelsfrom from fromChocolate Chocolate ChocolatePotpourri, Potpourri, Potpourri,assorted assorted assorted truffles truffles trufflesfrom from fromRich Rich RichChocolates Chocolates Chocolatesand and andmore. more. more. ORDERING ORDERING To To Toplace place placeaaagift gift giftbasket basket basketorder, order, order, please please pleasecall call callus us usat at at773 773 773292 292 2927100. 7100. 7100. You You Youmay may mayalso also alsoorder order orderonline online online at at atgoddessandgrocer.com goddessandgrocer.com goddessandgrocer.com or or orfax fax faxyour your yourorder order orderto to to773 773 773292 292 2927117. 7117. 7117. Orders Orders Ordersshould should shouldbe be beplaced placed placedby by bynoon noon noonthe the thepreceding preceding precedingday day day for for fornext next nextday day daydelivery delivery deliverywithin within withinChicago Chicago Chicagocity city citylimits. limits. limits. Other Other Otherorders orders orderswill will willbe be beshipped shipped shippedwithin within within48 48 48hours. hours. hours. If IfIfyou you youwish wish wishto to tocustomize customize customizeaaagift gift giftbasket, basket, basket, please please pleasecall call callus us usor or ordrop drop dropinto into intoone one oneof of ofour our ourstores. stores. stores. PAYMENT PAYMENT candy candybox box $50 $50 So So Soperfect perfect perfectfor for forentertaining entertaining entertaining–––aa a selection selection selectionof ofofchocolate chocolate chocolatecovered covered covered nuts, nuts, nuts,yogurt yogurt yogurtraisins, raisins, raisins,gummy gummy gummy bears, bears, bears,toffee toffee toffeepeanuts, peanuts, peanuts,malt malt maltballs, balls, balls, trail trail trailmix, mix, mix,pistachios pistachios pistachiosand and andmore. more. more. Seasonal. Seasonal. Seasonal. Payment Payment Paymentis isisdue due duein in infull, full, full,prior prior priorto to todelivery. delivery. delivery. We We Weaccept accept acceptall all allmajor major majorcredit credit creditcards, cards, cards, corporate corporate corporatechecks checks checksand and andcash. cash. cash. CATERING CATERING The The TheGoddess Goddess Goddessand and andGrocer Grocer Groceroffers offers offersfull full fullservice service servicecatering. catering. catering. Whether Whether Whetherit’s it’s it’sbreakfast breakfast breakfastor or orlunch lunch lunchat at atthe the theoffice, office, office, aaacocktail cocktail cocktailparty party partyat at athome, home, home,or or oraaapicnic picnic picnicin in inthe the thepark, park, park, The The TheGoddess Goddess Goddessis isishere here hereto to toprovide provide provideyou you youwith with withfresh fresh fresh and and andfabulous fabulous fabulousfood. food. food. 2222 2222 2222North North NorthElston Elston ElstonAvenue Avenue Avenue.. .Chicago Chicago ChicagoIl IlIl60614 60614 60614 ttt773.292.7100 773.292.7100 773.292.7100.. .fff773.292.7117 773.292.7117 773.292.7117 the theeverything everything basket basket $250 $250 A AAlittle little littlebit bit bitof ofofeverything everything everythingto totoimpress impress impressthat that that most most mostimportant important importantclient client clientor ororto totocomfort comfort comfortthat that that dearest dearest dearestfriend. friend. friend.Includes Includes IncludesStonewall Stonewall StonewallKitchen Kitchen Kitchen scone scone sconemix, mix, mix,pancake pancake pancakemix mix mixand and andsyrup, syrup, syrup,dried dried dried fruits fruits fruitsfrom from fromPeeled, Peeled, Peeled,sea sea seasalt salt saltcrackers, crackers, crackers, Stonewall Stonewall StonewallKitchens Kitchens Kitchensonion onion onionand and andgarlic garlic garlic jam, jam, jam,Skipjacks Skipjacks Skipjacksseasoned seasoned seasonedpeanuts, peanuts, peanuts,cheesecheesecheesestuffed stuffed stuffedolives, olives, olives,imported imported importedpappardelle pappardelle pappardellepasta, pasta, pasta, Balducci’s Balducci’s Balducci’spasta pasta pastasauce, sauce, sauce,Acadamia Acadamia AcadamiaBarilla Barilla Barilla balsamic balsamic balsamicvinegar, vinegar, vinegar,Yellingbo Yellingbo Yellingboorganic organic organicolive olive olive oil, oil, oil,aa abottle bottle bottleof ofofred red redwine, wine, wine,aa abottle bottle bottleof ofofwhite white white wine, wine, wine,Chocolove Chocolove Chocolovechocolate chocolate chocolatebar, bar, bar,peppermint peppermint peppermint creams, creams, creams,golden golden goldencaramel caramel caramelcorn corn cornpuffs, puffs, puffs,Sweet Sweet Sweet Margy’s Margy’s Margy’scandied candied candiednuts, nuts, nuts,chocolate-covered chocolate-covered chocolate-covered pretzels, pretzels, pretzels,Tate’s Tate’s Tate’schocolate chocolate chocolatechip chip chipcookies, cookies, cookies, assorted assorted assortednuts nuts nutsand and andcandies. candies. candies. 96251_ABC_GiftBrochure.indd 1 Goddess Goddess Gift Gift Baskets Baskets ph: ph:773 773292 2927100 7100 order orderonline onlineat atgoddessandgrocer.com goddessandgrocer.com STORES STORES Gold Gold GoldCoast Coast Coast 25 25 25East East EastDelaware Delaware DelawarePlace Place Place ttt312 312 312896 896 8962600 2600 2600.. .fff312 312 312896 896 8962590 2590 2590 Bucktown Bucktown Bucktown 1646 1646 1646North North NorthDamen Damen Damen ttt773 773 773342 342 3423200 3200 3200.. .fff773 773 773342 342 3423203 3203 3203 Elston Elston ElstonAve Ave Ave 2222 2222 2222North North NorthElston Elston ElstonAvenue Avenue Avenue ttt773 773 773292 292 2927100 7100 7100.. .fff773 773 773292 292 2927117 7117 7117 In InIncase case caseof of ofunforeseen unforeseen unforeseenavailability, availability, availability,The The TheGoddess Goddess Goddessand and andGrocer Grocer Grocerreserves reserves reserves the the theright right rightto to tosubstitute substitute substituteany any anyproduct product productwith with withone one oneof of ofequal equal equalor or orgreater greater greatervalue. value. value. 12/3/09 1:23 PM three’s three’s three’sfor for forcheese cheese cheese life life lifeis is isjust just justaaabowl bowl bowl of of ofblueberries blueberries blueberries breakfast breakfast breakfastaround around around the the thetable table table $45 $45 $45 $85 $85 $85 AAAcomfy comfy comfybox box boxofofofbreakfast breakfast breakfastfavorites favorites favorites including including includingStonewall Stonewall StonewallKitchen Kitchen Kitchen blueberry blueberry blueberrypancake pancake pancakemix, mix, mix,blueberry blueberry blueberry maple maplesyrup syrup syrupand and andMaine Maine Mainewild wild wild maple blueberry blueberryjam, jam, jam,Milk Milk Milk&&&Honey Honey Honey blueberry blueberry blueberrygranola granola granolaand and andBiscottea Biscottea Biscottea blueberry blueberry blueberryshortbread. shortbread. shortbread. blueberry AAAbreakfast breakfast breakfastfor for forthe the thewhole whole wholefamily! family! family!This This This basket basket basketincludes includes includesVosges Vosges VosgesMo’s Mo’s Mo’sbacon bacon baconand and and chocolate chocolate chocolatechip chip chippancake pancake pancakemix, mix, mix,Stonewall Stonewall Stonewall Kitchen Kitchen Kitchenmaple maple maplesyrup, syrup, syrup,scone scone sconemix mix mixand and and lemon lemon lemoncurd, curd, curd,Rare Rare RareBird Bird Birdpreserves, preserves, preserves, Intelligentsia Intelligentsia Intelligentsiacoffee coffee coffeebeans, beans, beans,Mighty Mighty Mighty Leaf Leaf LeafTea, Tea, Tea,Kschocolat Kschocolat Kschocolathot hot hotchocolate chocolate chocolate mix, mix, mix,and and andMilk Milk Milk&&&Honey Honey Honeygranola. granola. granola.The The The perfect perfect perfecthousewarming housewarming housewarminggift. gift. gift. just just justfor for forkids kids kids trattoria trattoria trattoriabasket basket basket $45 $45 $45 $75 $75 $75 italian italian italiangourmet gourmet gourmet basket basket basket AAAfun fun funbasket basket basketofofoftreats treats treatsincluding including includingaaa tray tray trayofofofyummy yummy yummygummy gummy gummycandies, candies, candies,PB PB PB Loco Loco Locoflavored flavored flavoredpeanut peanut peanutbutter, butter, butter,Two Two Two by by byTwo Two Twonatural natural naturalcookies cookies cookiesinininstorytime storytime storytime shapes, shapes, shapes,Pirate’s Pirate’s Pirate’sBooty, Booty, Booty,Boylan’s Boylan’s Boylan’s Orange Orange OrangeCream Cream CreamSoda, Soda, Soda,Smart Smart SmartPuffs Puffs Puffs and and andassorted assorted assortedcandy candy candytreats. treats. treats. AAAromantic romantic romanticdinner dinner dinnerwithout without withoutthe the thefuss. fuss. fuss. Handmade Handmade Handmadeimported imported importedpasta, pasta, pasta,Balducci Balducci Balducci pasta pasta pastasauce, sauce, sauce,toasted toasted toastedbruschetta bruschetta bruschetta rounds rounds roundswith with withpesto pesto pestoand and andartisan artisan artisan spreads spreads spreadsfrom from fromAcademia Academia AcademiaBarilla, Barilla, Barilla, olives, olives, olives,aawedge awedge wedgeofofofParmigianoParmigianoParmigianoReggiano Reggiano Reggianocheese, cheese, cheese,Molinari Molinari Molinarisalami salami salami and and andaabottle abottle bottleofofofchianti. chianti. chianti. party party partyin in inaaabasket basket basket for for forthe the theboys boys boys $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $50 $50 $50 AAAfun fun funarray array arrayofofofStacy’s Stacy’s Stacy’spita pita pitachips, chips, chips, River River RiverValley Valley ValleyKitchen’s Kitchen’s Kitchen’sportobello portobello portobello mushroom mushroom mushroomdip, dip, dip,East East EastShore Shore Shoredipping dipping dipping pretzels, pretzels, pretzels,Stonewall Stonewall StonewallKitchen Kitchen Kitchendipping dipping dipping mustard, mustard, mustard,Skipjack’s Skipjack’s Skipjack’sseasoned seasoned seasonedpeanuts peanuts peanuts and and andeveryone’s everyone’s everyone’sfavorite favorite favoritegummy gummy gummytreats. treats. treats. Plocky’s Plocky’s Plocky’stortilla tortilla tortillachips, chips, chips,Stonewall Stonewall Stonewall Kitchens Kitchens Kitchenssalsa, salsa, salsa,East East EastShore Shore Shoredipping dipping dipping pretzels, pretzels, pretzels,Stonewall Stonewall StonewallKitchens Kitchens Kitchens mustard, mustard, mustard,Skipjacks Skipjacks Skipjacksseasoned seasoned seasoned peanuts, peanuts, peanuts,pistachios pistachios pistachiosand and andaasix-pack asix-pack six-pack ofofofseasonal seasonal seasonalmicrobrew. microbrew. microbrew. $25 $25 $25 Perfectly Perfectly Perfectlychosen chosen chosenand and andperfectly perfectly perfectlypriced priced priced for for foraahostess ahostess hostessor or orthank thank thankyou you yougift, gift, gift,these these these baskets baskets basketsoffer offer offeraawedge awedge wedgeofofofone one oneofofofour our our fine fine finecheeses cheeses cheeseswith with withcrackers crackers crackersand and andaajam ajam jam or or orchutney chutney chutneydesigned designed designedtototocompliment. compliment. compliment. Choose Choose Choosefrom from fromthe the thefollowing: following: following: Parmigiano Parmigiano Parmigiano Reggiano Reggiano Reggiano with with with Chianti Chianti Chianti Jelly, Jelly, Jelly, Cheddar Cheddar Cheddar with with with Blueberry Blueberry Blueberry Thyme, Thyme, Thyme, Manchego Manchego Manchego with with with Quince Quince Quince Apple Apple Apple Compote, Compote, Compote, Bucheron Bucheron Bucheron with with with White White White Fig Fig Fig Compote, Compote, Compote, Taleggio Taleggio Taleggio with with with Camembert Camembert Camembert with with with Spiced Spiced Spiced Apricot Apricot Apricot Spread, Spread, Spread, Spiced Spiced Spiced Pear Pear Pear Honey, Honey, Honey, St. St. St. Andre Andre Andre with with with Pears Pears Pears ininin Balsamic Balsamic Balsamic Syrup, Syrup, Syrup, Blue Blue Blue Cheese Cheese Cheese with with with Spicy Spicy Spicy Fig Fig Fig Compote Compote Compote 96251_ABC_GiftBrochure.indd 2 $150 $150 $150 AAAsupersize supersize supersizebasket basket basketfor for forthose those thosewho who who truly truly trulylove love loveItalian Italian Italianfoods. foods. foods.Handmade Handmade Handmade pasta, pasta, pasta,Balducci Balducci Balduccipasta pasta pastasauce, sauce, sauce,toasted toasted toasted bruschetta bruschetta bruschettarounds, rounds, rounds,pesto pesto pestoand and andartisan artisan artisan spreads spreads spreadsfrom from fromAcademia Academia AcademiaBarilla, Barilla, Barilla,olives, olives, olives, aawedge awedge wedgeofofofParmigiano-Reggiano Parmigiano-Reggiano Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, cheese, cheese,Molinari Molinari Molinarisalami, salami, salami,Academia Academia Academia Barilla Barilla Barillaolive olive oliveoil oil oiland and andbalsamic balsamic balsamicvinegar, vinegar, vinegar, Rustichella Rustichella Rustichellawhite white whitetruffle truffle truffleoil, oil, oil,herbed herbed herbed Sicilian Siciliansea sea seasalt salt saltand and andaabottle abottle bottleeach each eachofofof Sicilian red redand and andwhite white whiteItalian Italian Italianwine. wine. wine. red aaasparkling sparkling sparkling evening evening evening $65 $65 $65 Perfect Perfect Perfectfor for foranyone anyone anyonewith with withan an an occasion occasion occasiontototocelebrate, celebrate, celebrate,this this this collection collection collectionofofofbubbly bubbly bubblyfeatures features features Meinklang Meinklang Meinklangsparkling sparkling sparklingrose, rose, rose, IlIlIlProsecco Prosecco Proseccoand and andfour four fourcute cute cutecans cans cans ofofofSofia Sofia Sofiablanc blanc blancde de deblancs blancs blancsfrom from from Soppola Soppola SoppolaWinery. Winery. Winery. 12/3/09 1:23 PM