THE NEW VOICE OF GOR [short online version] PUBLICARE ET PROPAGARE! Third volume, issue No. 127 First day of the fifth hand of the month of Se'Kara (The Second Turning) 10164 Contasta Ar Based in Tancred's Landing Editor and Publisher: Rarius Yuroki (Yuroki Uriza), merchant Accountant: Wendie, scribe of HoY (Wendie Lemon) Correspondent in Olni: Teal Razor, Slave of Siri Emerald Jr. _______________________________________________ 01 Content 02 Editorial ## All over Gor 03 Statement of the City of Vigo to the new salt decree of the STA 04 True of false - that is the question ## Gorean Cities 05 Port of Olni # The Slave's Corner 06 Genesian Port 07 Amhas Cairn 08 Hellenos ## Rare dialects of Gor 09 Krieg zwischen Teslit und der Oase der zwei Scimitare? 10 Oase der zwei Scimitare 11 Wiedereroeffnung der Schwertakademie zu EnKara 12 Anango 13 OOC Krieger gesucht! ## Trade 14 True Southern Trade Alliance (STA) 15 House of Yuroki Companies (HOY) 16 Currency Exchange Rates of the HoY Banks ## Miscellanous 17 Pictures ## Advertisement Mentioned: Verr Fjord Gorean basis Training Academy, The Gorean Recruitment Centre, Lady JJ's Art Gallery in Olni, Gorean University, Gorean Campus, Gorean Legal Academy ## Roleplay 18 Beyond Paniland 19 Pilgrimage ## Knowledge 20 Are slaves allowed to touch coins? 21 Trivia ## Onlinism of the week ## Gorean Newspapers (Overview) ## About the NEW VOICE OF GOR Note: The management accepts no responsibility for views expressed herein. The proprietors reserves the right to edit articles submitted. Any news, articles, poems, gossip, schedules, paintings, jokes you have, please send them to the editor. You are looking for a free companion, a slave, an assassin? Advertisements are very welcome. ______________________________________________ 02 EDITORIAL # A warm welcome to the pages of the 127th issue of the NEW VOICE OF GOR ! A year in Gor is a long time for someone to dedicate themselves to producing an article for every NEW VOICE OF GOR is exceptional. Then to make it interesting funny and witty takes some doing. Teal has been doing it for a year now. Without this kind of sacrifice the NEW VOICE OF GOR would be a poor read . Thank you Teal " Long may you find the stories to carry on and keep that cutting edge. Lady Wendie, Hoy Scibe and accountant Member of the NEW VOICE OF GOR staff ______________________________________________ ## ALL OVER GOR 03 STATEMENT OF THE CITY OF VIGO TO THE NEW SALT DECREE OF THE STA This decree concerns only the white salt from the centre of the Tahari. The colored and qualitatively higher to be valued salt from the edge areas of the Tahari, in particular the red salt from Kasra and the yellow salt from Vigo is not concerned by this decree. We welcome the decision of the Kasbah of the Guard of the Dunes, the Oasis of Nine Wells, the Oasis of Sand Sleen and the City of Tor to mark their inferior products by an uniform name to warn the consumer about it. Besides, we point out to the special quality of the yellow salt which is won and available in the City of Vigo. Admin of Vigo "Brody" Lady Sabina [Comment of the editor: The True Southern Trade Alliance will react properly as soon as possible.] 04 TRUE OR FALSE - THAT IS THE QUESTION by Lady Wendie, HoY scribe One sometimes wonders how scribes can get their facts so wrong when the scroll containing them is to be endorsed by their administrator and head merchant. The true SOUTHERN TRADE ALLIANCE decree concerns the red and yellow salt of the Tahari. This is obvious as white salt can be found anywhere on Gor. Sometimes scribes are too busy to read the scroll correctly, then people get confused. They are also confused with the SOUTHERN TRADE ALLIANCE (STA). The true STA is solely a trade alliance unlike the false STA, in former times a front company of the Vosk league of Fina and Mequara before and is now a front company of the allies and vassals of Turia. ______________________________________________ ## GOREAN CITIES _______________________ 05 PORT OF OLNI # THE SLAVE'S CORNER By Teal Razor ~ slave of Siri Emerald Jr ~ Captain Olni Scarlet's THE SLAVE'S CORNER…ONE YEAR LATER By Teal Razor I want to thank my Master for giving me an opportunity to express my slave heart and sensibilities on scrolls. I also want to thank the Rarius Yuroki for granting me a space on his Gor-wide scroll, The Voice of Gor. I send a hug and kiss out to his chief accountant and scribe, Wendi Lemon. And last but not the least is any one who has read this column and been entertained by it. The "boss" has seen 52 submissions from me over the year. I have made sure he received my scroll on time at the end of every week. For that I congratulate myself. The pat on the back that I give myself is actually due to the fact that I have been able to get past the guard on duty at the gate and leave the city to and make my way to Tancred's Landing. It is there that I deliver my column to the boss. I have had to keep track of my columns in earth time since I cannot get used to dating everything from Contasta Ar, and in case some other earthlings don't know what that expression signifies, it means from the founding of Ar. You would think I would not have trouble with this dating system for it resembles the system on earth where time is gauged on the basis of it being beyond or retroactive from the birth of a man in Bethlehem. I have learned through research from my Master's lessons, that the city of Ar is simply spelled by the letter "R", and pronounced as the earth word "are". It is the letter carved on their Home Stone. But I digress. I am stupefied that "the boss" has not cut my quill down to a nub and put out a decree that ink should not be sold to me in any town, village, or hamlet on Gor. Thankfully he has not, yet. I feel privileged to have my Master who has given me a writing desk, several pots of ink, and plenty of parchment to scribble my musings on. I hope to write many more columns for "the boss" and hope that they have amused and informed him. If my few readers would like to see a collection of my writings over the year, I have enclosed a scroll containing all of the columns. You may go back, at your leisure, and read the drivel of an acolyte to the great historian, Master Norman. I hope those who read the contents will find themselves chuckling as they go about their daily lives on Gor. DEAR TEAL By Teal Razor DEAR TEAL: My Master is fond of taking cold baths. He says that they are invigorating and it is what a man should do. When he steps out from the bath, I can't help but stare at his genitals. His member takes on the appearance of a hairy angry little acorn... My question is.. Hmmm... No question really, I just had to get that off my chest. DEAR NUTCRACKER: Well, if there is no question then I will offer no solution. Except an observation…."Mighty Oaks from little acorns grow". DEAR TEAL: I am a free woman who has made some observations from cities I have visitied as an ambassador's assistant. I notice that more and more Goreans are not giving a damn about their appearance. Where has the planet's fashion etiquette gone? DEAR FRUSTRATED FASHIONISTA: Have more truer words been written? I remember back a few months ago when I wrote about the lack of pride among warriors who do not wear their caste colors. But, sadly, you are correct in your assessment. Maybe the problem is not the color unconsciousness of some. No, I believe this fashion faux pas is more due to a lack of personal style and a peculiar understanding of good taste and not the hue of the clothing. I wish I could relate some examples but it would be tactless of me. Well, maybe just one or two couldn't hurt. There was this time, last waiting hand, when slave after female slave was seen sporting a comic book disregard for surgically enhanced body parts. Then there was a time when slaves started wearing silks during the day. It was ludicrous to see these women, being the "slave" to an irrational way of dressing. Any rational mind would disregard the notion of a slave milking a bosk, tending the fields, washing dishes and running back and forth in service dressed in delicate silks as lunacy. But, there we had it. Slaves wearing their fine silks to perform every day chores. I don't think their chores were performed with all the gusto they should have. I can't worry about having a wardrobe malfunction when my silks are in danger of being trod on by a sweating clumsy bosk and by that I don't mean a master in the furs. But yes, I have been told time and again, there is no bad weather, just inappropriate clothing. In the case of the lack of style on some sectors of the planet, it would be more appropriate to say, there is no bad clothing, just inappropriate outfits. _______________________ 06 GENESIAN PORT # BREAKING NEWS - NEW VOICE OF GOR EXCLUSIVE THE ADMIN OF GENESIAN PORT RESIGNED by Anonymous Overheard conversation in a tavern on the docks of a large city: The Administrator of Gensian Port we assume Liam Whitesong has resigned and left the city. He has now appeared in Voltai Viktel maybe to take over this city, as he once tried with Landa when the banker Rarius Yuroki was Administrator there. On that occasion the red caste would not give their backing to him and he was forced to leave. Gold coin is available for any substantiating evidence. # NEW BANK OPENED? Rumors say that a new bank had opened in Genesian Port. We do not have valid information. The House of Yuroki company will pay one silver tarsk to get to know the name of the banker and one silver tarsk more for some coins of Genesian Port. We will compensate you for these coins for sure and give you valid coins of other cities, for example Olni, Tarnwald or Tharna. The editor _______________________ 07 [OOC] AMHAS CAIRN Every Monday and Friday @ 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. slt Amhas Cairn - Torvaldsland and Gorean Classes Cave classroom at tp point. All welcome to attend. Removes meters, weapons, and take a seat in a chair. Every Thursday @ 4 p.m. slt Trothfjell Alekk Baroque reading Contact: Stjorn Zun Every Saturday @ 11 a.m. slt and 6 p.m. slt Amhas Cairn This is a time for feasting, announcing news, pledging fealty, bringing up matters of local law, etc. It's an IC event that visitors too, are welcome to attend. Every Sunday @ 1 p.m. slt Story Trothfjell Story Teller and Poet Contact: Stjorn Zun Every Sunday @ 6 p.m. slt Rorus Capture the Flag Contact: Joseph Surface Read more: _______________________ 08 HELLENOS HELLENOS KAISSA TOURNAMENT starting October 6th 2013 _________________________________________ ## RARE DIALECTS OF GOR 09 KRIEG ZWISCHEN TESLIT UND DER OASE DER ZWEI SCIMITARE? Botschaft An: Sir Andy Urbar von Venna An: Regenten von Teslit 1. Hiermit wird die Beglaubigte und bezeugte Botschaft durch die angebliche Schreiberin Amira zu Teslit aus Ivalo nicht anerkannt. Eher wird darum gebeten, die sich zu selbsternannte Schreiberin, an die Oase der 2 Scimitare auszuliefern, da sie eine entflohene Sklavin des Paschas ist. Da ich selbst der Blauen Kaste zu Gor angehöre gibt es kein Verzeichnis in der Registratur, dass eine Amira Schreiberin aus Ar ist, noch Ausbildungsnachweise vorliegen wie sie behauptet. Eher wurde sie von mir bei einem Spiel in Ar gewonnen und entsprang aus einer Zucht von Sklaven und wurde als Tänzerin ausgebildet. (Gleicher Avatar mit gleichem Namen, weitere Details sind bei den Owner von Scimitare zu erfragen) Hiermit fordert der Pascha der 2 Scimitare die Herausgabe der Sklavin Amira oder wie in Teslit benannte Schreiberin. Beweis durch das Brandzeichen welches von einem Schmied gesondert angefertigt wurde und durch eine Heilerin zu prüfen ist. 2. Des Weiteren wird Teslit beschuldigt eine Sklavin als Schreiberin zu verschleiern und sich der Beihilfe schuldig zu machen. Dies wird an einem Gericht der Neutralität zur Anzeige gebracht und in den nächsten Fingern Teslit zugestellt. 3. Sir Andy Urbar von Venna, ich als Pascha werde eure Herausforderung annehmen und meinen besten Krieger in dieses Duell schicken, allerdings NICHT unter den von euch ausgeschriebenen Preis! Als Pascha der Oase habe die solche zu schützen und nicht durch ein solch lächerlichen Kampf in Gefahr zu bringen. Das ihr das tut verwundert mich keineswegs. Ihr und Sir Mark wurdet als Söldner der weißen Kaste von dem Wissenden zur Aufklärung und Beschaffung des blauen Steins in die Dienste der Oase gestellt. Gegen die Anweisung und des Befehls wurde eine Gefangene Lady Blue die der Mittäterschaft ihres Bruders Sir Akim des Diebstahls des Amuletts beschuldigt wurde und unter Hausarrest des Palastes vom Pascha gestellt wurde von euch und Sir Mark an einem Nordmann übergeben mit der Begründung das ihre Hilfe für eine schwer verletzte Sklavin benötigt wurde die im Norden auf dem Landsitz des Nordmanns lag. Hier ist euch und Sir Mark der Mittäterschaft des Diebstahl des Amuletts zu verschleiern und Mittäter aus dem Land zubringen, vorzuwerfen da alleine die Reise vom Norden bis in die Tiefen der Taharii eine lange Schiffs- und Karawanenreise zu Grunde liegt, daher ist davon auszugehen das diese Sklavin gar nicht mehr lebte, eine Heilerin aus mittel gor oder Nord gor in diesem Fall aufzusuchen wäre, näher gewesen . So mit ist die Sache unglaubwürdig. Hiermit untersage ich Euch die Oase zu betreten. Eure Kriegsdrohung wurde mit heutiger Wirkung der Südallianz eingereicht, auch wurde es der STA übergeben. Gezeichnet Sabian Pascha der Oase der 2 Scimitare 10 OASE DER ZWEI SCIMITARE MARKT - WEEKLY MARKET The Oase der zwei Scimitare invites you to koin the weekly market (every Thursday, 2 pm SLT/8 pm GMT+1) Die Oase der zwei Scimitare lädt nun jeden Donnerstag ab 20:00 Uhr zum Markttag ein. Wir freuen uns auf Händler von fern und nah und auf tolles Rp, natürlich auch ausserhalb des Markttages! Kommt doch einfach mal vorbei und geniesst einen Tee oder Ka-la-na Wein inmitten unserer wunderschönen Oase. Wir freuen uns auf EUCH! 11 [OOC] WIEDEREROEFFNUNG DER SCHWERTAKADEMIE ZU ENKARA Die Stadt EnKara sucht intessierte Spieler/ Spielerinnen mit/ohne Gorerfahrung. Unsere Gruppe ist klein, aber wir organisieren Feste und nehmen an IC Events und Turniere von anderen teil. Wir glauben an die Pristerkönige, sind aber weder Norden noch Süden und nutzen als RP Unterstützung das G&S. Es gibt kleine kostenfreie Zimmer als Wohnraum, Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten für Sklaven und SKlavinnen in der gut organisierten Sklavenschule. Freie können sich in der Kriegerakademie an den Waffen und auch in anderen Wissensbereichen ausbilden lassen, die heute nach der Sommerpause wiedereröffnet wird. Uns ist es wichtig, daß neue Spieler ins Team passen, wo jeder Spieler sich zu Hause fühlt. Es sollte Dir, genau wie uns, Freude machen, Dein WIssen zu teilen und anderen auf Ihrem Weg zu helfen. Hier lernt jeder von jedem. Du findest uns auch im Internet unter: oder klick in unseren Blog: Wenn Du, genau wie wir, daß Rollenspiel nicht nur als bierernste Sache siehst. zum Lachen nicht in den Keller gehst und Du Lernwille, Zeit und Einsatzbereitschaft hast..solltest Du uns OOC und IC kennen lernen. HaniBaal Mohr Statthalter von En´Kara, der Stadt der 11 Türme Die Akademie für Freie oeffnet nach Umbau wieder ihre Pforten. Kurs- und Seminarplan, sowie Einschreibung ab dem 06.Okt.2013 in EnKara. Die Veranstaltungen finden soweit moeglich IC statt und legen neben dem Kampf auch viel Wert auf Bildung. Ansprechpartner bei Fragen rund um die Akademie: HaniBaal Mohr. 12 ANANGO # AN DIE TATRIX Nach der unerfreulichen Situation mit der neuen Baeckerin und ihren scheinbaren Geliebten, kopfschuettelnd in die Schreiberstube geht und ihre Neuerworbenen Kenntnisse zu Papier bringt : Insel Anango, Tag 5, 4.Hand, Monat Se kara, 0007 An die Tatrix der Stadt Anango wie auch den Stadtrat zur weiteren Verfuegung. An Hand meiner Pflichten die Finanzierung der Stadt im Auge zu behalten und zu Ordnen, wie auch ein Auge auf die Einhaltung der Gesetze zu haben, stelle ich folgenden Antrag und rate zu schnellstmoeglicher Klaerung des Sachverhaltes. Lady Riva wird angeklagt ohne ordentliche Genehmigung in der Unterstadt Anangos einer Bewirtung nach zu kommen bzw die Baeckerei in ein ueber der massen uebliches Bewirtungsbebaeude fuer die Unterstadt, laut ihrer Wortwahl in ein "Kaffee" ausgedehnt zu haben. Des weitern ist zu Erforschen in wie weit es mit rechten Dingen vor sich geht, dass eine einfache Frau von niederen Kaste an kostbaren Blaeckwine gelangt und diesen scheinbar unbegrenzt ausschenken kann. Es konnte keine Ermittlung von dem Abgabezins fuer die Baeckerei weder noch eine Ausschanksteuer fuer das "Cafe" an die Stadt erfolgen. Da sich die Baeckerin straeubte, die noetigen Papiere bei der Kontrolle vorzuzeigen, somit also unsachgemaesse Einrichtung eines unerlaubten Bewirtungsgebaeudes (bisherige einfache Baeckerei) ohne Besitz der Ausschanlizenz von jeglichem Getraenk. Von dem benoetigen Gesundheitszeugnis also dem koerperlichen Zustand der Baeckerin werde ich absehen, da ich davon ausgehe, dass dies bei der Vergabe des Backhauses geklaert und kontrolliert wurde! Weiterhin wird aus dem Gespraech zufolge der Antrag auf Ueberpruefung den Personen Sir Ery Tuatha de Danann (marus.matova) wie auch Lady Riva beantragt. (Stand und Verhaeltnis zueinander sind zu klaeren.) Hochachtungsvoll Lady Ros Schreiberin auf Anango Mitglied der blauen Kaste Gors # NEUER HEILER Ich, Sera von der gruenen Kaste, habe mich nun hier in Anango niedergelassen. Um mir einen Ueberblick ueber die hier lebenden Sklaven zu verschaffen, moechte ich die Freien Herren und Freien Frauen bitten mit Ihren Sklaven mich im Heilerhaus aufzusuchen. Bei der Untersuchung der Sklaven wird das Sklavenpapier aktualisiert. Sollte im Heilerhaus niemand anzutreffen sein, bin ich entweder auf Reisen, um neue Kraeuter zu kaufen oder in meinem Haus,hinter der Backstube anzutreffen. Sichere Wege Sera, Heiler von Anango Mitglied der Gruenen Kaste 13 [OOC] KRIEGER GESUCHT Gesucht werden deutschsprachige Krieger fuer eine Soeldner-Truppe, die gern manchmal zusammen trainieren wollen und ab und zu raiden (auch im englischsprachigen Gor, Englisch ist aber nicht Voraussetzung). Jede denkbare Hilfe wird gestellt. Auch Neulinge (und auch per voice, zum Ueben) Wir wollen euch alles beibringen, was zum Kaempfen in SL Gor gehoert. Raschid Hassanein _________________________________________ ## TRADE 14 TRUE SOUTHERN TRADE ALLIANCE (STA) # The true Southern Trade Alliance is a trade alliance of southern Gorean cities and oases only (and associates of the Vosk region) and has nothing to to with Turia. The STA is the biggest and most important trade alliance of southern Gor. # The Oasis of Klima decided to join the True Southern Trade Alliance again. Klima is still pending member, the assembly of the STA members will have to decide about that soon. Klima was the first place in southern Gor the HoY mint made coins for. The House of Yuroki company had a bank branch there some years ago, but the company decided to close it. # NEW MAP The STA cartographers made a new map where all members of the true STA are located, even the false STA of Turia can be seen. Full STA Members: The Kasbah of the Guard of the Dunes Oasis of Nine Wells Oasis of the Sand Sleen Shrine Valley (formerly known as Jazirat al Khusuf) Kasra / Karak of the State of Kassarya (ITA) City of Tor Ukunga Region - Land of the Family Kron Asperiche Tancred's Landing Port Kar (GER) Umland of Ra-Rir (GER) Isle of Sulport (GER) Privately owned Companies: The Phoenix Trading Company House of Yuroki (HoY) Companies Associated members: Tharna Rive de Bois Trading Post (ES, former Kasra, associated member) # MAGNA CARTA The Citizens of the TRUE SOUTHERN TRADE ALLIANCE, in league to form a more perfect coalition, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for trade with safe passage, promote the general well-being, and secure the Blessings of the Priest Kings to ourselves and our Posterity, do prescribe and validate this: We proclaim to work together towards trade support to unify the south against invaders seen from any entity especially from the North that disrupts our mutual trade investments within our Ports, Cities and Oases, for peace and prosperity and the protection of our trade routes. 15 HOUSE OY YUROKI COMPANIES # FACTS The HoY Companies are currently located in Tarnwald (Voltai region), Tancred's landing (Vosk region), Landa and in Tharna. The HoY Companies are a member of the true Southern Trade Alliance. # REWARD - DEAD OR ALIVE A messenger arrived at the HoY headquarters delivering this scroll, sealed and encrypted: "On Monday night of this week a man with long dark hair, a small short beard around his jaw line and a patch of hair under his chin came to Olni and confronted, if that is a good word, the Ubar of Port Olni as he was leaving the small area after a spar match. The Ubar was talking to his Captain of the guards, Siri Emerald. We found out through his confession that he was from Port Salaria. He wants to kill Yuroki. He confessed to using a lot of different weapons so I could not vouch for that..He is slender of body and dresses all in black...He usually has a Glaive on that looks like a Q-tip with spikes on the ends encrusting it. I have never seen this glaive and I watch weapons obsessively. It is quite unusual." The House of Yuroki Companies will pay TWENTY GOLD TARN for this man DEAD OR ALIVE. # SEEKING MERCENARIES, AGENTS AND MERCHANTS The HoY Companies are currently located in Tarnwald (Voltai region), Tancred's landing (Vosk region/Saleria) and in Tharna. The HoY Companies are a member of the true Southern Trade Alliance. The HoY Companies (Trading company and bank) is a privately owned company. It employs its own bankers, merchants and elite guards, all of the highest quality. More branches are under construction. The House of Yuroki Companies (HoY) is looking to recruit Mercenaries. They will be used to escort Hoy caravans throughout Gor and protect the merchants. Remuneration is by the 4 Hands ranging from 1 silver to 1 gold depending on the work required. Merchants are also required to further the interests of the house of HoY remuneration is negotiable. Agents in other cities are also required. [OOC] We are looking for active male role players which are able to act independent and like to follow some sophisticates story lines (some of them started 2011). Mercenaries who had been hired by a privately owned company are very common on Gor (but NOT in SL Gor), they are mostly members of the red caste. We do NOT need pixelsex addicts, lifestylers or players who are online once weekly or play 20 alts at the same time. You need to LIKE roleplay. You should be able to make a valid log without metagaming and OOC. We accept apprentices too or players who want to learn how to roleplay. Ask Rarius Yuroki (Yuroki Uriza) for details # THE HOUSE OF HOY JOB OFFERS BANKERS / COIN MERCHANTS REQUIRED Applications are invited for the post of" Banker" and (coin) merchant in the below listed cities (these cities have a bank building but no banker) SELNAR OR PORT KAR PORT OF OLNI ISLE OF SULPORT Duties will include Normal banking duties Keeping of records - ledger Exchange of coins checking of coins for quality checking for rare coins contracts for trade Apprentices accepted too. Applications to Rarius Yuroki 16 CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES HOY BANK The base unit of exchange rates are the coins of the city of Tharna. The gold tarn disk of Ar is considered to be the standard by which other cities, such as Ko-RoBa and Port Kar. set the value of their own coinage. It is worth, generally, 10 silver tarsks, but standardization is slight due to the shaving or splitting of the coin as well as faulty scales that contribute to the debasing of the coinage. (pg. 155, Rogue of Gor) New: The HoY bank accepts and converts coins of Turmus (german BTB), the City of Tor, coins of Torviksburg (Torvick Burg, H.O.S.) and coins made by the mint of the Golden Larl Trading Company. _______________________________________________ ## ADVERTISEMENT # VERR FJORD GOREAN BASIC TRAINING ACADEMY (special note to experienced roleplayers of Verr Fjord and of any other group in Gor. We invite you to come to our Verr Fjord Basic Training Academy for storytime. It is a scheduled event for newcomers to hear experienced roleplayers speak of their role, their character, or their group. You are allowed to set up freebies in our academy, a notecard giver with landmark, laws and note to newcomers so they may decide for themselves once done with their basic training how they wish to participate in their own roleplay. Maybe they want GE or BTB or North or South or a certain character. We show them the options then they are guided by those that take the time to come share their experience and wisdom of Gor. This is a good recruiting tool especially since we take care of the basics of Gorean roleplay. Once finished with our Academy they may go with the group (including our own Verr Fjord fishing village) to more advanced training. Contact Samanya Seetan if you wish schedule an appointment to do a one hour storytime with the newcomers of Verr Fjord Basic Training Academy.) Welcome to the Verr Fjord Training Academy. We are free of charge only accepting donations which are optioinal. If you can't donate lindens once you have benefited from our program and are ready for roleplay maybe you can give tours of our facilities or help recruit. We all try to contribute in what way we can to the life of the sim. # THE GOREAN RECRUITMENT CENTRE As listed in the SL destination guide, on its Website and in World via the SL3 viewer And Now on the "Tumbler" Loads of New people coming and looking for RP destinations The Gorean Recruitment Centre (GRC) has, since its creation in 2009 , expanded on a regular basis. and this is due NOT to the wishes of the Owner, but because of the needs of the people who use it. The GRC is now a Part of the ROLEPLAY CENTRE ( RPC) but it retains its total Gorean Theme and is 100% separate from the RPC itself. they just share the same landing point. As the signs show. The GRC HALL is to the Right and through an Archway. Best Wishes Astarte Hubbenfluff # LADY JJ'S ART GALLERY IN OLNI Welcome to my Art gallery. I have many sketches on view of people who you may recognize so please feel free to drop in any time you wish to look round. I am adding new ones all the time so keep visiting. For Olni residents I charge just ten coppers for a sketch of a single person. so why not have one done of yourself, your loved one or your slave. Or even all three as they make wonderful gifts. My gallery is in the square besides the bank building in Olni so please come along. Lady JJ # GOREAN UNIVERSITY The Gorean University (previously Gorean Pleasure Silk University) Educating Gor since 2008 Schedule of classes and events: # GOREAN CAMPUS � - Classes Sunday Oct 6th - Arena Dance Graduation - Rya - 6pm Monday Oct 7th - Olni classroom - Weekly GLA Magistrate Course - Janette - 1 pm and 5 pm Monday Oct 7th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Physicians of Gor Training - Kaiila Mahoney - 3 pm Tuesday Oct 8th - Meet at the docks - Weekly Guided Campus Tour - Dani - 12 noon Tuesday Oct 8th - Campus Courtroom - Weekly GLA Advocate Course - Janette - 1 pm and 5 pm Tuesday Oct 8th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Medical Seminar - Foxxie Okina - 4: 30 pm Tuesday Oct 8th - Gallery - Weekly New to Gor - Krista - 6:30 pm Wednesday Oct 9th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly RP and Emote Course - Nephtides - 12 noon Wednesday Oct 9th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Basic Kajira (in Spanish) - Azhar - 1:30 pm Wednesday Oct 9th - Arena - Weekly Combat and Warriors - Azerbain Grey - 3 pm Wednesday Oct 9th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Tavern Slave - Ahwi Ash - 6 pm Thursday Oct 10th - Campfire - Weekly Reading Marauders of Gor - Alekk Baroque - 12 noon Thursday Oct 10th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Leadership - Kaiila Mahoney - 1 pm & 5 pm Thursday Oct 10th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Tahari Culture - Carrie Islar - 2 pm Thursday Oct 10th - Arena - Weekly Tarnsmanship - Azaereus Meridian - 4 pm Thursday Oct 10th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Scribal Matters - Yoda Mactavish - 6:30 pm Friday Oct 11th - Meet at the docks - Weekly Guided Campus Tour - Krista - 12 noon Friday Oct 11th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Philosophy of Gor - Gorm Runo - 1:30 pm and 6 pm Friday Oct 11th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly About the Kurii - Lord Primal - 3 pm Friday Oct 11th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Wagon People - Fawna - 4:30 pm Sunday Oct 13th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Free Women of Gor - Juvana Grey - 9:30 am Sunday Oct 13th - Arena - Weekly Write Your First Dance - Rajaa - 11 am Sunday Oct 13th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Gorean Assistant Healers Course - Darwin - 4:30 pm Monday Oct 14th - Olni classroom - Weekly GLA Magistrate Course - Janette - 1 pm and 5 pm Monday Oct 14th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Physicians of Gor Training - Kaiila Mahoney - 3 pm Tuesday Oct 15th - Meet at the docks - Weekly Guided Campus Tour - Dani - 12 noon Tuesday Oct 15th - Campus Courtroom - Weekly GLA Advocate Course - Janette - 1 pm and 5 pm Tuesday Oct 15th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Medical Seminar - Foxxie Okina - 4: 30 pm Tuesday Oct 15th - Gallery - Weekly New to Gor - Krista - 6: 30 pm Wednesday Oct 16th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly RP and Emote Course - Nephtides - 12 noon Wednesday Oct 16th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Basic Kajira (in Spanish) - Azhar - 1:30 pm Wednesday Oct 16th - Arena - Weekly Combat & Warriors - Azerbain Grey - 3 pm Wednesday Oct 16th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Tavern Slave - Ahwi Ash - 6 pm Thursday Oct 17th - Campfire - Weekly Reading Marauders of Gor - Alekk Baroque - 12 noon Thursday Oct 17th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Leadership - Kaiila Mahoney - 1 pm & 5 pm Thursday Oct 17th - Arena - Weekly Tarnsmanship - Azaereus Meridian - 4 pm Thursday Oct 17th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly FC Series Scribal Training - Yoda Mactavish - 6:30 pm Friday Oct 18th - Meet at the docks - Weekly Guided Campus Tour - Krista - 12 noon Friday Oct 18th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Philosophy of Gor - Gorm Runo - 1:30 pm and 6 pm Friday Oct 18th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly About the Kurii - Lord Primal - 3 pm Friday Oct 18th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Wagon People - Fawna - 5 pm Saturday Oct 19th - Arena - Monthly Beginners Dance Workshop - Rajaa - 10 am Sunday Oct 20th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Free Women of Gor - Juvana Grey - 9:30 am Sunday Oct 20th - Arena - Weekly Write Your First Dance - Rajaa - 11 am Sunday Oct 20th - Outdoor classroom - Weekly Gorean Assistant Healers Course - Darwin - 4:30 pm - Events Saturday Oct 12th - Outdoor classroom - Monthly Panner Comedy & Poetry - Panner - 5 pm Saturday Oct 19th - Chapel Dainial in Concert - 1 pm Saturday Oct 19th - Cinema Animal House - 2:30 pm Sunday November 3rd - Arena Dance Class Graduation - Rajaa - 11 am Sunday Nov 10th - Q & Q Theatre Quill and Quarrel - 2 pm - Dance contests Saturday November 2nd - Arena - 1 pm Saturday January 4th - Arena - 1 pm # GOREAN LEGAL ACADEMY (GLA) LEGAL COURSES Magistrate & Advocate Courses Lady Janette Inglewood - GLA offers two main legal courses. There is no charge and courses are open to both free and slaves. GOREAN ADVOCATE COURSE - eight, one hour classes. It is based around RP trials. We focus on the law, courtroom procedure and tactics as we roleplay a series of case studies. Two further cases are covered as written work. - graduation certificates for both your profile and for display - graduates receive a Law School Advocates Ring ~ next course will begin in Mid September for 8 weeks classes each Tuesday at: 1pm OR 5pm SLT - To enroll in the Magistrate and/or Advocate course, please contact me, Janette Inglewood or my girl Krista (krista1k) - info regarding GLA self study basic scribe course SCRIBE DIPLOMA COURSE self-study (version 3, 2013) Lady Janette Inglewood - The Scribe Diploma Course is a self study course requiring written answers and essays. Each assignment is submitted to the tutor for marking. This course can be done at the learner's own pace. - Topics covered include: Caste, sub-Castes, Caste codes, first and second knowledge, language and the role of the Scribe. The course has been run for a long time now, with many excellent Scribes having completed it and it is also applicable for Scribe slaves. - There is no charge for this course and graduation certificates for both your profile and for display, as well as special commemorative jewelery, are awarded upon successful completion. - To commence this course, please contact me, Janette Inglewood or my girl Krista (krista1k). __________________________ ## ROLEPLAY 18 BEYOND PANILAND by Nephtides na Neidos [Nephtides Resident] Huge expedition beyond Paniland is starting already, with the preplay and planning. All scenes set, we accept all goreans. You will be able to play this parallel to your "usual" character life, BUT over solid three months. Let me know if a sim or group feels like joining. More information will follow per Forums and per Messages. This is a non-territorial, joint effort to create an epic rp with a maximum of immersion and originality. 09 PILGRIMAGE The pilgrimage is a thrilling idea for role playing in Second Life Gor, it is the role play background itself and is a way for pilgrims to explore the amazing and wild world of Gor more or less in safty. Pilgrims to the Sardar mountains have to endure endless journeys, have to travel through dangerous regions and visit a lot of cities, villages and camps. The pilgrimage is not only an idea for the pilgrims, it also enriches the entire world of SL Gor. Go !!! join the adventure, contact: Luqara Darkwatch __________________________ ## KNOWLEDGE 20 [HOY LIBRARY) ARE SLAVES ALLOWED TO TOUCH COINS? Generally, slaves were not allowed to touch coin. They could be punished severely, even to the point of having their hands cut off, for having unauthorized money on their person or in their belongings. This, in other words, was touching money without authorization. However, slaves were often given money to run errands, go shopping, to give to their owners, etc. This money could be carried in a bag tied around their necks, in their mouths or carried in their hands. (Even the free carried coins in the mouth because most Gorean clothes have no pockets). The difference between this and the previous statement is that they were authorized to have the money. Slaves could touch coins in Gor, as long as they had the permission of their owners to do so. 21 TRIVIA Per the code of the Warriors, this is the only death that is fit for a man. "I am of the Caste of Warriors, and it is in our codes that the only death fit for a man is that in battle, but I can no longer believe that this is true, for the man I met once on the road to Koro-ba died well, and taught me that all wisdom and truth does not lie in my own codes." --Priest-Kings of Gor, page 7 The codes of the Warrior recommend respect for the status of the free female, if not for the female herself. Does this apply to all free women or just those of the Warriors Home Stone? "The codes do, you see, recommend respect for the status of the free female, if not for the female herself. To be sure, the codes make it abundantly clear that this pertains only to females with whom one shares a Home Stone. Cabot, however, as some Warriors, tended to generalize this recommendation to free women more generally, saving, of course, those who might be insolent or abusive, or of an enemy city. Whereas there are clear cases in which the codes apply or do not apply, they, as most recommendations, rules, principles, and such, perhaps unavoidably, were occasionally afflicted with a regrettable penumbra of obscurity. More acutely, a personal sense of honor, one which seems to me misplaced and overly sensitive, seems to have been involved, one clearly exceeding the parameters of the codes. One suspects this might have been the consequence of a personal idiosyncrasy, or even a residue lingering from an unnatural and ridiculous acculturation, one to which he had been subjected in the innocence of his childhood or adolescence." --Kur of Gor, page 60 Warriors, it is said in the codes, have a common Home Stone. What is it's name? "Men shuddered. Warriors, it is said in the codes, have a common Home Stone. Its name is battle." --Renegades of Gor, page 358 By the thinking of the Gorean, what is it that separates men from sleen and larls? ""What is it, Bran Loort, that separates men from sleen and larls?' asked Thurnus. 'I do not know,' said Bran Loort. 'It is the codes,' said Thurnus. 'The codes are meaningless noises, taught to boys,' said Bran Loort. 'The codes are the wall,' said Thurnus. 'I do not understand,' said Bran Loort. 'It is the codes which separate men from sleen and larls,' said Thurnus. 'They are the difference. They are the wall.'" --Slave Girl of Gor, page 257 Sleen are used for many purposes in Gor. They are sometimes used by assassins, though the caste of assassins, by their caste code, preclude their use. Why use the use of the sleen forbidden? "Aside from these common uses, sleen are put to other uses, too. In Thentis, for example, sleen are used to smell out contraband, in the form of the unauthorized egress of the beans for black wine from the Thentian territories. They are sometimes, too, used by assassins, though the caste of assassins itself, by their caste codes, precludes their usage; the member of the caste of assassins must make his own kill; it is in their codes." --Slave Girl of Gor, page 206 By the code, this caste is not allowed to bear arms; they are not permitted to injure or kill. Which caste would this be? "Initiates, incidentally, are not permitted by their caste codes to bear arms; nor are they permitted to injure or kill; accordingly, they hire men for these purposes." --Assassin of Gor, page 250 The young peasant has challenged the current leader for control of the peasant caste in a small village. The challenger declined the test of five arrows. He is now challenged to the test of knives. What is this challenge? "'I am caste leader,' said Bran Loort. 'In what village is that?' asked Thurnus. 'In Tabuk's Ford,' said Bran Loort, angrily. 'Have you conveyed this intelligence to Thurnus of Tabuk's Ford?' inquired Thurnus. 'I do so now,' said Bran Loort. 'I am first in Tabuk's Ford.' 'I speak for Thurnus, caste leader in the village of Tabuk's Ford,' said Thurnus. 'He speaks it not so.' 'I am first here,' said Bran Loort. 'In the name of Thurnus, he of the peasants, caste leader of the village of Tabuk's Ford,' said Thurnus, 'I speak. He, Thurnus, is first.' 'I am first!' cried Bran Loort. 'No,' said Thurnus. Bran Loort turned white. 'Will it be the test of five arrows?' asked Thurnus. In this the villagers, with the exception of the two contestants, leave the village and the gate is closed. Each contestant carries in the village his bow, the great bow, the peasant bow, and five arrows. He who opens the gate to readmit the villagers is caste leader. 'No,' said Bran Loort, uneasily. He did not care to face the bow of Thurnus. The skill of Thurnus with the great bow was legendary, even among peasants.' 'Then,' asked Thurnus, 'it will be the test of knives?' In this the two men leave the village and enter, from opposite sides, a darkened wood. He who returns to the village is caste leader. 'No,' said Bran Loort. Few men, I thought, would care to meet Thurnus in the darkness of the woods armed with steel. The peasant is a part of the land. He can be like a rock or a tree. Or the lightning that can strike without warning from the dark sky." --Slave Girl of Gor, pages 259-260 You see a young woman, aged 15 or 16, known to be of the caste of physicians. On her left wrist, you see two bracelets. Is there a significance to these bracelets? "The woman of the Physicians, at the age of fifteen, in many cities, wears two bracelets on her left wrist. When she has one child one bracelet is removed; when she has a second child the second bracelet is removed.." --Fighting Slave of Gor, page 214 Taken from Sari's Daily "Quote from the Books" Trivia for August 2013 _______________________________________________ ## ONLINISM OF THE WEEK # MYSTERIES OF LIFE Comicus of Cos appreciated the crowds applause. "Lately I have pondered the mysteries of life. Do illiterate people get the full impact of alphabet soup? If quizzes are quizzical what does that make tests? And finally, who was the first person to say, "See that chicken? I'm gonna eat the next thing to come outta it's ass". Stand-up Philosophers of Gor, Page 23 # READING From the group chat Admins and Sim Owners of Gor: [01:50] Titania [Titania Halasy]: Are you hinting people should actually READ books, Sir? [01:50] Apolonia Anatine: Well, what a bloody stupid suggestion that is!! _______________________________________________ ## KNOWN GOREAN NEWSPAPERS (OVERVIEW / ONLY INWORLD ) THE NEW VOICE OF GOR (Gor wide) Editor and Publisher: Rarius Yuroki (Yuroki Uriza), merchant of Tarnwald Accountant: Wendie, scribe of HoY (Wendie Lemon) Correspondent in Olni: Teal Razor, Slave of Siri Emerald Jr. OLNI GAZETTE Editor: Janette Inglewood THE GENESIAN GAZETTE Editor: Sophia Farella THE VIGO TIMES Editor: Alphil Darkfire THARNA NEW TIMES SCROLL KaTrina Velde, Editor THE TURIAN GAZETTE Editor: unknown ARCADIAN MESSENGER Editor: Nephtides Resident THE RORUS CHRONICLE™ Editors-in-Chief: Penumbra Straaf and Tala Winterwolf THE GAMES OF GOR NEWSLETTER produced by the Kaissa Guild of Gor Editor: shani (littleredhead Resident), slave of Master Jonathan Crane, Sword of Ko-Ro-Ba _______________________________________________ ## # ABOUT THE NEW VOICE OF GOR (OOC) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION Is the NEW VOICE OF GOR OOC or IC? This newspaper is available IN CHARACTER at message boards in several cities. But it has OOC parts and IC parts which can be identified although many people mix both. We try to keep the two separate. But if you start a storyline based on an IC article of the NEW VOICE OF GOR it would be useful for a moderator to have a log where you have read the message ICly. The NEW VOICE OF GOR can be true or false, propaganda or journalism like on earth. There is no freedom of the press on Gor. Why let the truth get in the way of a good story?! "Goreans were not always fooled by posts on boards. Those who control the public boards, it is said, control the city. But I was not sure of this. Goreans are not stupid. It is difficult to fool them more than once. They tend to remember." (Magicians of Gor) Why is "publicare et propagare" the motto of the NEW VOICE OF GOR? You all know that Goreans use message boards to spread news, announcements and gossip. Such are found at various points in Ar, such as the vicinity of squares and plazas, near markets, and on major streets and avenues. Books are rare on Gor and expensive. Paper is the essential trade good of the Rencers and they sell their wares on both the eastern and western edges of the Delta of the Vosk river. The NEW VOICE OF GOR is a collection of rence paper scrolls but the editor paid some message boards too to spread the newspaper. Gorean Public Boards sometimes made people angry. Those who control the public boards, it is said, control the city. We took our motto from the Acta Diurna [latin: Daily Acts sometimes translated as Daily Public Records] on earth. The Acta Diurna were daily official notices in ancient Rome, a sort of daily gazette. They were carved on stone or metal and presented in message boards in public places like the Forum of Rome. Acta Diurna introduced the expression "publicare et propagare", which means "make public and propagate". This expression was set in the end of the texts and proclaimed a release to both Roman citizens and non-citizens. # THE NEW VOICE OF GOR is available: for members of the group Cartographers and Explorers of Gor for members of the group Raid Messenger of Gor for members of the group BTB Goreans for members of the group Alliance of Valkyrie Panthers for members of the group Gorean Information and Notices for members of the group Goreanische Freie Presse Gor Hub: City Port of Olni (gate house) Voltai Viktel (library) Tharna (skybox) New Tancred's Landing (docks) Tarnwald (docks) [temporarely under construction] Oasis of Turmas Gorean campus (Library) %20Aquarius/68/37/25 Physician School - The City of Koo Vidrew (docks) %20XIII/14/152/22 The RPC - GRC Sim Info Centre If you want to have a dispenser of the NEW VOICE OF GOR (6 prims, not transfer) on your sim, please contact Yuroki Uriza The NEW VOICE OF GOR