Wie das Bild in den Kopf kommt.


Wie das Bild in den Kopf kommt.
Das Bild im Kopf.
Esther Honig - unretouchiert
Eine Geschichte ist stark,
wenn sie authentisch ist.
Wie das Bild in den Kopf kommt.
Jim Malone
Hayward, 2006
Client : The Observer Magazine
Whitfield Diffie
Pioneer of modern cryptography
San Francisco, 2005
Client : Brandeins
Stockage hall of the Saline de Bex, Canton of V aud, 2008
Client : COOP, Magazin für Slow Food
Video Walter Steiger, Paris
From conception to manufacturing to the test drive, 201 1
Mercedes Benz Concept Car F700
Client : Der Stern
From conception to manufacturing to the test drive, 201 1
Mercedes Benz Concept Car F700
Client : Der Stern
From conception to manufacturing to the test drive, 201 1
Mercedes Benz Concept Car F700
Client : Der Stern
Portraits of the film crew
“Eine wen iig - de Dallebach Kari” by Xavier Koller , 2012
Client : Catpix AG
Portraits of the film crew
“Eine wen iig - de Dallebach Kari” by Xavier Koller , 2012
Client : Catpix AG
Annual Report 2006
Seismic retrofit work at the San Francisco Bay Bridge
Client : SwissRe
Annual Report 2006
Seismic retrofit work at the San Francisco Bay Bridge
Client : SwissRe
Boeing Production Facility, Seattle 2004
Client : Brandeins
Hairwars, Black Hair Show , Los Angeles, 2006
Reportage for the Style and Fashion Department
Client : The New Yorker
American Style Wrestling in the Farm Barn
Client : GEO Swiss Edition
American Style Wrestling in the Farm Barn
Client : GEO Swiss Edition
Craig Venter, Biochemist and Entrepreneur
Known for being one of the first to sequence the human genome.
Client : Der Stern
Official Portrait
The Regierungsrat of the Canton Aargau, 2012
Client : Canton Aargau
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