D3121 (DW20.1) SS - Guaranteed Parts
D3121 (DW20.1) SS - Guaranteed Parts
Bottom vell and related parts D3121 US 416 420 406 418 414 421 411 409 403 404 419 410 402 415 407 Bottom vell and related parts ASKO, D3121 US - SS Bi (DW20.1) Pos Spare part No. Description Qty 402 402-a 403 404 406 8073690-77 8073002 8057487-79 8058454 8074252 Bottom Well w/o Sensor ORing Sump Plug DW 05/06 Cleanout Cover Str. Basket 05/06 DW Use 8074364 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 406 407 409 410 410-a 8074364 8073835 8073396-77 8073818 8002584 STRAINER DW20 MICROSWITCH FLOAT INSERT STRAINER BASKET Drain Pump ORing Drain Pump 05/06 DW 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 411 411-a 411-b 414 414-a 8074030 8052239 8052430 8801248 8052239 Outlet Hose Hose Clamp Squeeze Cable Strip Check Valve Kit Hose Clamp Squeeze 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 414-b 415 416 418 418-a 8053642 8075110 8057972-77 8072528-77 8053642 Hose Clip FLOAT Strainer Basket Grey 05/06 DW Holder Outlet Hose Hose Clip 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 418-b 418-c 418-d 419 420 8052239 33700450 8902072 8072848 8074760-77 Hose Clamp Squeeze Cable Strip Screw Lockring Bottom Well Ventilator 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 421 8075321 End Cuff 1 Pcs Comment Inner door, panel and related parts D3121 US 504 501 506 508 505 523 510 529 513 511 510 Inner door, panel and related parts ASKO, D3121 US - SS Bi (DW20.1) Pos Spare part No. Description Qty 501 501-a 501-b 504 504-a 8801243 8900646 8902121 8073804 8071916 Door Inner w/Insul. Screw 20 Torx SS Screw Combidisp. Optical 120V Subs to 8071918 1 Pcs 6 Pcs 4 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 504-b 504-c 504-d 504-f 505 8071917 8071918 8072288 8902087 8057524 CAP RINSE AGENT Detergent Lid Complete Sealing Strip Combbidisp. Screw Plastic Housing 20 Torx Hinge Right DW 05/06 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 6 Pcs 1 Pcs 505-a 505-b 506 506-a 506-b 8057530 33500262 8057525 8057530 33500262 Screw hinge 05 Nut Term Block Hinge left DW 05/06 Screw hinge 05 Nut Term Block 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 507 507-a 508 510 511 8057530 33500262 8057948 8060254 8071106-95 Screw hinge 05 Nut Term Block Slide washer hinge bearing 05 Lower SealInner Door 05/06 DW Door Outer Thick SS 2 Pcs 2 Pcs 2 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 511-a 513 523 523-a 523-b 8900646 8074015 8057984 8900646 8902357 Screw 20 Torx SS CABLE BRACKET DOOR Push Button Grey 1706/1716 DW Screw 20 Torx SS Screw 6 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 2 Pcs 2 Pcs 529 8073612 BRACKET FOR HARNESS 1 Pcs Comment Control panel and related parts D3121 US 604 629 651 609 607 655 647 652 650 649 633 630 638 601 603 632 624 631 626 627 608 Control panel and related parts ASKO, D3121 US - SS Bi (DW20.1) Pos Spare part No. Description Qty 601 602 602 602 603 8076753-81-UL 8075156 8075157 8075296 8074957 PANEL ASKO 3121(322) GRAP UL4 Prog. Info. Label Prog. Info. Label Prog. Info. Label ES Decor Plate Graphic 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 604 607 608 608-a 609 8074277 8801286 8073788 8076839 8073782 SPRING MAIN SWITCH CONTROL.UNIT DW20.1 US F.DISH Thermistor thermistor spacer MAIN PUSH SWITCH 1 Pcs 1 Pc's 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 614 617 618 619 622 8075736 8075737 8075738 8075734 8075731 cable set CABLE SET FLOW SENSOR cable set power cable set door CABLE SET DRAIN 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 624 626 627 629 630 8073470-81 8074000 8074464 8075078-81 8075082-81 Cover for Handle Metal Gray Lens DW320 SPRING FOR LID HANDLE Push Button Main Switch Graphi Push Button Prog. 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 631 632 633 638 647 8075081-81 8075084-81 8075083-81 8074008 8072906 Push Button Start/Stop Push Button Start/Stop Push Button Left Opt. Light Guide Catch Handle 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 649 649 650 651 652 8072908 8075790 8072907 8073836 8057545 SPRING LOCK Spring Door Lock Handle Control Arm Safety Catch MICROSWITCH DOOR Rotary catch child safety 05 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 655 655-a 690 690 690 8072905 8902085 8076756 8076757 8076758 Protection Catch Screw 20T for Plastic INSTR D3121-322 USA ENG INSTR D3121-322 USA FR INSTR D3121-322 USA ES 1 Pcs 2 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs Comment Base and related parts D3121 US 142 101 135 140 102 143 136 141 105 134 111 133 158 125 109 124 106 Base and related parts ASKO, D3121 US - SS Bi (DW20.1) Pos Spare part No. Description Qty 101 101-a 101-b 102 102-a 8074450 8901104 8901110 8073880 8902357 Bottom Outer DW20 Screw 20 Torx Machine Screw w/ORing DW 05/06 25T REAR PANEL Screw 1 Pcs 2 Pcs 4 Pcs 1 Pcs 5 Pcs 105 106 109 111 124 8074877 8073647 8057549 8073481-49 8074293-95 Foot FOOT ADJUSTABLE FROM FRONT CPL Bracket/Toe Kick 05/06 DW Spring Kicking Plate L. Gray LOWER COVER LOW STAINLESS 2 Pcs 1 Pcs 2 Pcs 2 Pcs 1 Pcs 125 125 125-a 133 134 8073707 8076822 8902357 8051957 8058491-77 Proection Plate GUARD PLATE Screw Slide foot 02 DW Door Spring 05/06 for 07 lbs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 4 Pcs 3 Pcs 2 Pcs 135 136 136-a 140 140-a 8073774 8073781 8902131 8073825 8052189 Cord Set TERMINAL BLOCK D3000 W/ RFI Screw Inl. Valve Single 120V Sens. Hose Clamp Squeeze 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 141 142 143 143-a 154 8073879 8006948 8074230 8052189 33055088 Fill hose quick connect Grommet Rubber Hose Hose Clamp Squeeze Rubber Hose Orex 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 2 Pcs 1 Pcs 154-a 158 8052189 8059758-81 Hose Clamp Squeeze Kick Plate Grey 2 Pcs 1 Pcs Comment Baskets and related parts D3121 US 230 247 210 232 202 209 219 220 245 225 218 222 208 241 221 213 231 212 203 206 244 227 248 Baskets and related parts ASKO, D3121 US - SS Bi (DW20.1) Pos Spare part No. Description Qty 201 202 203 206 208 8057056 8801236-36 8801237-36 8009516-77 8071214-77 Upper Basket Gray Lower Basket Gray Rack Wheels Lower 05/06 DW Knife Holder 05/06 DW 1 Pc's 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 8 Pcs 2 Pcs 209 210 212 213 218 8071336-36 8071337-36 8801239-77 8058498-77 8057052 Cup Shelf 05/06 DW Cup Shelf Wine Glass 05/06 DW Cutlery Basket incl. Door Wheel Upper Basket 05/06 DW Guide Rail 05 06 DW 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 4 Pcs 2 Pcs 219 220 221 222 225 8057977 8057978-77 8057979-77 8058638-77 8057978-77 Bearing Upper Rail 05/06 DW Rail Stop Back Grey 05/06 DW Rack Stop Grey 05/06 DW Ball Holder Upper Rail DW Rail Stop Back Grey 05/06 DW 8 Pcs 2 Pcs 2 Pcs 2 Pcs 2 Pcs 227 230 231 232 241 8057489 8071257 8072986-77 8801240 8057506-77 Tub Seal 05/06 DW Edge Guard Door Cutlery Basket Lock Catch incl. Screw&Nut Knife Stop 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 244 244-a 245 247 247-a 8057514 8052189 8057536-77 8074342-95 8900646 Sub To 8801234 Hose Clamp Squeeze Lockring Airbreak Gray Trim Strip Left SS Screw 20 Torx SS 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 2 Pcs 248 248-a 8074343-95 8900646 Trim Strip Right SS Screw 20 Torx SS 1 Pcs 2 Pcs Comment Not a spare part Wash system D3121 US 326 313 324 325 331 312 327 318 308 323 323 328 332 329 310 307 303 306 305 304 Wash system ASKO, D3121 US - SS Bi (DW20.1) Pos Spare part No. Description Qty 301 303 303-a 304 305 8072108 8073813 8075380 8075130 8073785 Circ. Pump 120V 60HZ capacitor D3000 Rubber Damper Circ. Pump Heating Element 1200W 120V 1 Pc's 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 306 307 308 310 310-a 8073702 8075070 8073385-77 8072888 8056491 Element Transmutation INSERT FOR HEATER Cup Drainage Gray Hose Circ. Pump Hose Clamp Squeeze 2 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 2 Pcs 312 313 318 323 323-a 8072728-77 8801268 8073387 8801270 8901765 Spray Arm Bearing L. Gray KIT SPRAYARM BEAR. UPPER DW20 Spray Pipe KIT SPRAYARM BEAR. LOW NOZZLE ORing det. Comp. 03/04 DW 1 Pcs 1 Pc's 1 Pcs 1 Pc's 1 Pcs 324 325 326 327 327-a 8801268 8072891 8072894 8073381 8902085 KIT SPRAYARM BEAR. UPPER DW20 Spray Arm Lower Complete Spray Arm Upper Complete Tube Pot Rinse Screw 20T for Plastic 1 Pc's 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 2 Pcs 328 329 329-a 330 331 8071607 8075936 8075071 8073385-77 8072543-77 Lockring Spray Pipe Bearing INTERMEDIATE WELDED ORing Cup Drainage Gray Spray Nozzle 1 Pcs 1 Pc's 2 Pcs 1 Pcs 1 Pcs 332 332-a 8075420 8052189 Hose Hose Clamp Squeeze 1 Pcs 2 Pcs Comment Not to be ordered For part no 8073381 and 8072730-L-77 8 7 6 5 3 4 F 2 1 F HE 10 HE MS MS D 9 HS HS 1 2 RAS DP DS CD FN 4 3 VAX CP IV SV 5 SS 6 DIV 8 7 E TS PS FM TH HL CP TH D VAX FN DIV M FM WIRES IN ALL MACHINES INTERNAL CONNECTION WIRES IN SOME MACHINES 1 23 3/4 1/C PS SS CD C C This document must not be copied without our written pemission, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any unauthorized purpose. Contravention will be prosecuted. Asko Cylinda AB DR RESISTANCES AT ROOM TEMPERATURE (CA. 20°C/68°F) VALUES WITH +/-10% ARE REGARDED AS NORMAL B A TS RESISTANCE 1 MOHM 12 OHM 30 OHM 25 KOHM 0.3 KOHM 1,3 OHM 22 OHM 90 OHM 56 OHM 25 OHM 150 OHM 85 OHM 2.6 KOHM 8,5 KOHM 0.95 KOHM 0.5 KOHM 0.95 KOHM 3,8 KOHM 2 KOHM 3,8 KOHM <10 KOHM 1.1 KOHM 0.18 KOHM 0,75 KOHM DP HE 7 3/4 IS CP 1/C HL IV B F FS N Pos. Qty Part No. L Dens.Kg/dm3 Dimensions, Type, etc. Gen.tolerance Description(ENG) Gen.tol.Angle Description(SE) 1:1 Designed by Released by 6 Appd Year Week 5 Material Name of item Material Scale Rev ind Revision 8 2 RAS 2 COMPONENT RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION FILTER HEATING ELEMENT 1400W 120V HEATING ELEMENT 1800W 230V THERMISTOR COMBINED DISPENSER 120V COMBINED DISPENSER 230V CIRCULATION PUMP 120V 60HZ CIRCULATION PUMP 230V 50HZ CIRCULATION PUMP 220V 60HZ DRAIN PUMP 120V 60HZ DRAIN PUMP 230V 50HZ DRAIN PUMP 230V 60HZ SPRAY ARM DIVIDER 120V 60HZ SPRAY ARM DIVIDER 230V 50/60HZ INLET VALVE SINGLE INCL. FLOW SENSOR 120V INLET VALVE SAFETY INCL. FLOW SENSOR 120V INLET VALVE WATER SOFTNER INCL. FLOW SENSOR 120V INLET VALVE SINGLE INCL. FLOW SENSOR 230V INLET VALVE SAFETY INCL. FLOW SENSOR 230V INLET VALVE WATER SOFTNER INCL. FLOW SENSOR 230V HALOGEN LAMP 5W 12V WAX MOTOR FAN MOTOR 120V FAN MOTOR 230V SV DS 1/C S:\U\Dw20\1_Tryckunderlag\Kopplingsschema\8073809 Circuit diagram DW20.4_c.dft , mall , 2002-06-18 08:34:08 E NET CD: COMBI DISPENSER CP: CIRCULATION PUMP DIV: WATER DIVERTER VALVE DP: DRAIN PUMP DR: DOOR DS: DOOR SWITCH F: FILTER FM: FLOW METER FN: FAN FS: FLOAT SWITCH HE: HEATING ELEMENT HL: HALOGEN LAMP HS: HUMIDITY SENSOR IS: ILLUM. SWITCH IV: INLET VALVE MS: MAIN SWITCH PS: PRESSURE SENSOR RAS: RINSE AID SENSOR SS: SALT SENSOR SV: SALT VALVE TH: THERMISTOR TS: TURBIDITY SENSOR VAX: VAX ACTUATOR NET: INTERFACE TO HOME NET COMMUNICATION UNIT 4 ML CIRCUIT DIAGRAM DW20.1, .2, .3, .4, .C Iss by Dept KOPPLINGSSCHEMA DW20.1, .2, .3, .4, .C Year UD 00 ASKO CYLINDA Week 41 3 Rev Ind 80 738 09 00 2 A Replace Project 1FORMAT A3 8 7 6 5 3 4 2 1 Displays F F DW20.1 COMPONENT TEST: First enter Service menu. Panel type DW20.1, L = LED, S = Push-button DW20.1 No component test avalible. E DW20.2 and DW20.3 Component test: Press the Programme button (S1) and index through the following components: 1. Inlet valve 2. Salt valve (only machines with water softener) 3. Detergent and surfactant dispenser 4. Circulation pump 5. Heating element and circulation pump (Max 75°C) 6. Fan 7. Drain pump D D DW20.4 First enter service menu. Press Drying/Menu (S4) to access component diagnostics. Press Temperature/Set (S3) to activate the following components: 1. Inlet valve (display shows water intake volume) 2. Salt valve (only machines with water softener) 3. Detergent and surfactant dispenser 4. Circulation pump (display shows turbidity in Volts) 5. Heating element and circulation pump (Max 75°C) 6. Fan (display shows humidity sensor value) 7. Drain pump (display shows pressure sensor reading; 0.5-3.5 VDC) C This document must not be copied without our written pemission, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any unauthorized purpose. Contravention will be prosecuted. Asko Cylinda AB S:\U\Dw20\1_Tryckunderlag\Kopplingsschema\8073809 Circuit diagram DW20.4_c.dft , mall , 2002-06-18 08:34:08 E TOTAL RESET TURN OFF MAIN SWITCH WAIT FOR AT LEAST 5 SECS HOLD PROGRAM BUTTON (S1) TURN ON MAIN SWITCH RELEASE PROGRAM BUTTON (S1) B A SERVICE MENU TURN OFF MAIN SWITCH WAIT FOR AT LEAST 5 SECS *HOLD PROGRAM AND START BUTTONS (S1 & S2) TURN ON MAIN SWITCH RELEASE PROGRAM AND START BUTTONS (S1 & S2) *FOR DW20.4 HOLD TEMPERATURE/SET AND DRYING/MENU BUTTONS (S3 & S4) B Pos. Qty Part No. VARIANT SETTING *ACTIVATE THE SERVICE MENU PRESS START (S2) 3 TIMES WITHIN 5 SECS *FOR DW20.4 HOLD PROGRAM AND START BUTTONS (S1 & S2) TURN ON MAIN SWITCH RELEASE PROGRAM AND START BUTTONS PRESS START (S2) 3 TIMES WITHIN 5 SECS 7 Dens.Kg/dm3 Dimensions, Type, etc. Scale Gen.tolerance Description(ENG) Gen.tol.Angle Description(SE) 1:1 Designed by Released by 6 Appd Year Week 5 Material Name of item Material Rev ind Revision 8 C 4 ML CIRCUIT DIAGRAM DW20.1, .2, .3, .4, .C Iss by Dept KOPPLINGSSCHEMA DW20.1, .2, .3, .4, .C Year UD 00 ASKO CYLINDA Week 41 3 Rev Ind 80 738 09 00 2 A Replace Project 1FORMAT A3
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