Camera Lens News
Camera Lens News
Contents Two more DigiPrime ® lenses to be introduced at NAB Carl Zeiss at the “Gulf Imaging & 2 Carl Zeiss Tessar ® lens – the best performance, lowest in price 5 Resolving power of 2 Carl Zeiss Biogon ® lens goes digital Photo Show” in Dubai photographic films 6 Six reasons why the Carl Zeiss 3 Sharp Max™ is superior to other collimators 7 Technical data for Carl Zeiss interchangeable lenses 4 We make it visible. N e w s l e t t e r f o r a l l w h o u s e , b u y, s e l l , l i k e , r e p o r t a b o u t a n d a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n C a r l Z e i s s l e n s e s Carl Zeiss Camera Lens Division Camera Lens News 19 March 2003 Camera Lens News No. 19 March 2003 Two more DigiPrime ® lenses to be introduced at NAB NAB 2003 in Las Vegas will see the Editorial introduction of two more lenses in the successful Carl Zeiss DigiPrime® lens range for digital cinematography with 24p High Definition cameras. Dear Readers, The Distagon® T* 1.5/28 lens will bridge Camera Lens News gives you some the gap between the existing 20 mm practical tips and factual information and 40 mm lenses, while the which will help to give you more Distagon® T* 1.5/70 CF lens will extend the line to certainty in your decisions and better longer focal lengths while, at the same time, offering extreme close-focusing capability where very high image quality results in your photographic work. In the foreground: Two new DigiPrime® lenses In this issue, for instance, we are pre- is reached. At the close-focus limit of 33 The intended purpose of this capability senting a list showing the resolving centimeters in front of the image recei- are commercials, where small products power that can actually be achieved ver, mere 6 cm in front of the front lens or parts thereof are shown close-up with photographic films. We will T* 1.5/70 CF with stunningly sharp detail and impres- extend this list form time to time, as sively fill the entire screen. soon as additional test results become element, the Distagon® lens can frame an object of 38 mm x 51 mm. This is less than half a credit card. available. While working pre-production lenses of the Distagon ® T* 1.5/28 lens will be We wish you many hours of enjoy- shown at NAB, and will be available for ment and success with your Carl Zeiss field testing right after the show, the lenses. first working units of the Distagon ® T* 1.5/70 CF lens will be available at Best wishes Cinegear in June 2003. Left to right: Helmut Lenhof, Renee Contreras (BandPro, USA), Christian Bannert, Gerhard Baier (BandPro, Munich), Konelius Müller with the two brand new DigiPrime® lenses Carl Zeiss Tessar ® lens – best in performance, lowest in price In a recent photo magazine test, the famous Carl Zeiss Tessar ® Kornelius J. Müller lens once again came out winner: “on the bottom f/1.9 Limited, the Voigtlaender Ultron 40 mm f/2 SL Aspherical, and the Carl Zeiss Tessar® T* 45 mm f/2.8 MM lens. showed the best overall At Carl Zeiss, we see this as another performance – and this at the most proof that “the eagle eye of your favourable price”. This was the conclu- camera”, 101 years after its invention is sion of fotoMAGAZIN, one of the two still a very competitive photographic big monthly German photo magazines. tool. line, the Tessar ® fotoMAGAZIN, in their Jan. 2003 issue, compared four compact standard lenses for 35 mm SLR cameras: the Nikkor 45 mm f/2.8 P, the Pentax SMC-FA 43 mm Contax Aria silver with Tessar® T* 2.8/45 lens silver (Special Edition 2002) 2 Camera Lens News No. 19 March 2003 Carl Zeiss Biogon goes digital ® lens The Carl Zeiss Biogon ® T* 4.5/38 lens, the most appreciated lens available for the Swiss Alpa camera, the only interchangeable version of this well-reputed lens, was taken to test recently by Swiss The Carl Zeiss Biogon® T* 4.5/38 lens and the Sinarback 54 attached to the Alpa camera precision product companies Alpa and pleased to hear about this positive real future-proof, when it comes to image Sinar. Alpa adapted the new Sinarback world evaluation and we are proud to quality and optical performance. 54, a 22 Megapixel digital back for pro- share this information with the readers fessional medium format cameras. With of CLN. It gives further support to our the Sinarback 54 attached to an Alpa claim that investing in Carl Zeiss lenses is camera, several high performance lenses were compared for effective image quality, among them new digital high resolution lenses from other lensmakers, and the famous Carl Zeiss Biogon ® T* 4.5/38 lens in its newest configuration, featuring the new formula using the eco-friendly glasses. The purpose of this test was to find the best lens to deliver very high detail content in the images with very low distortion for a photogrammetric application. According to Thomas Weber-Capaul of Alpa, the Biogon ® lens once again lived up to its reputation of being arguably “the best wide-angle lens in the world”: it came out the best of them all. The Biogon® lens, based on an optical formula developed by Dr. Ludwig Bertele in the early 1950s, proved to be better corrected against color fringing than the most recent competing “apo” and “digi” lenses. At Carl Zeiss, we were Sinarback 54 These photos have been taken by André Oldani with an Alpa 12 camera, the Carl Zeiss Biogon® T* 4.5/38 lens and the Sinarback 54 3 Camera Lens News No. 19 March 2003 Technical data for Carl Zeiss interchangeable lenses Users of Carl Zeiss lenses take it for this true performance data. However, granted that Carl Zeiss will “automati- Carl Zeiss does not publish technical cally” provide the users with technical data for lenses manufactured by third data sheets for each and every Carl Zeiss parties under Carl Zeiss license, based lens on the market. However, we ask on a Carl Zeiss lens design but not car- you to remember that lens manufacture rying the Carl Zeiss name, like some of ® Planar T* 1,4/85 at Carl Zeiss is a business-to-business the lenses made by Rollei. activity. We are an OEM supplier. Carl Zeiss supplies lenses to our partners, the From the perspective of a camera manu- camera manufacturers, offers additional facturer the situation looks like this: services, like data sheets, only at their With a system camera like a 500 series explicit request. Hasselblad, for instance, Hasselblad, the user can choose among orders this service, as does Kyocera for many different lenses for his camera. Carl Zeiss Contax interchangeable lenses The availability of technical data sheets for all four systems: 645, N, G, and RTS. in such a situation, helps the user to 90 48 bis zum Film 80 ® CONTAX N Längerbrennweitige hochlichtstarke Objektive gehören zu den bevorzugten Optiken für anspruchsvolle Kleinbild-Spiegelreflexkameras. Carl Zeiss hat für das Contax N Autofokussystem ein Objektiv Planar® 1,4/85 völlig neu gerechnet. Es zeichnet sich durch eine über das gesamte Bildfeld sehr hohe Abbildungsleistung aus, die schon im Spiegelreflex-Sucher klar erkennbar ist. Dabei kann die volle Öffnung von 1:1,4 nicht nur zum Einstellen, sondern auch ohne Einschränkung zum Fotografieren verwendet werden. Die große Öffnung von 1:1,4 ermöglicht Bildgestaltung mit selektiver Schärfe, sehr reizvoll beim Porträtieren. Neuartig ist, daß die hohe Abbildungsleistung auch über den gesamten Fokussierbereich von unendlich bis zur Naheinstellgrenze auf ungewöhnlich hohem Niveau bleibt. Sach-Nr. Anzahl der Linsen Anzahl der Glieder Öffnungsverhältnis Brennweite Negativformat Bildwinkel 2w* Kleinste Blende Kameraanschluß Filteranschluß Entfernungseinstellbereich (ab Filmebene) Freier Arbeitsabstand (ab Vorderkante Objektiv) 10 22 33 10 9 1 : 1,4 83,0 mm 24 x 36 mm Breite 25°; Höhe 17°; Diagonale 29° 16 Contax N M 82 x 0,75 unendlich bis 0,83 m Carl Zeiss erreicht dies durch ein neues Innenfokussierungs-Design IFD, das zum Fokussieren 6 von 10 Linsen bewegt. Dieses Objektiv mit seinem hohen Glasgehalt und entsprechender Masseverteilung stabilisiert die Kamera beim Auslösen derart, daß auch mit relativ langen Verschlußzeiten aus der Hand verwacklungsarme Bilder entstehen können. Kombiniert mit der hohen Lichtstärke von 1:1,4 und hochempfindlichen Filmen werden ungewöhnliche Fotos im Grenzbereich der Fotografie möglich. Bevorzugte Anwendung:Reportageaufnahmen, "available light" Porträts, Kinder, Sportfotos, Theaterund Bühnenaufnahmen, Innenraumaufnahmen ohne Blitz, dynamische Fotos, die sehr kurze Verschlußzeiten erfordern. Kleinstes Objektfeld 221 mm x 335 mm Max. Abb.maßstab 1 : 8,9 EintrittspupiIIe* Lage 99,7 mm hinter dem ersten Linsenscheitel Durchmesser 57,5 mm Austrittspupille* Lage 28,3 mm vor dem letzten Linsenscheitel Durchmesser 50,9 mm Lage der Hauptebenen* H 82,7 mm hinter dem ersten Linsenscheitel H' 43,7 mm vor dem letzten Linsenscheitel Schnittweite 40,6 mm Opt. Baulänge 85,1 mm Gewicht 800 g 0,70 m *Angaben für unendlich make an informed choice and thus utilize his camera system to the fullest. This, Leistungs-Daten: ® Planar T* 1,4/85 Sach-Nr. 10 22 33 in turn, reflects very positively on the 1. MTF-Diagramme Auf der Horizontalachse der Kurvendarstellungen ist die Bildhöhe u - von der Bildmitte aus gerechnet - in mm aufgetragen. Die Vertikalachse gibt die Modulationsübertragung T (MTF = Modulation Transfer Factor) an. Parameter der Kurvendarstellungen sind die über den Diagrammen angegebenen Ortsfrequenzen R in Perioden (Linienpaaren) pro mm. Dabei ist die niedrigste Ortsfrequenz dem obersten, die höchste dem untersten Kurvenpaar zuzuordnen. Über jedem Diagramm ist die Blendenzahl k, für die die Messung erfolgte, angegeben. "Weißes" Licht bedeutet, daß die Messung bei einer Objektbeleuchtung mit tageslichtähnlicher Spektralverteilung erfolgte. Falls nicht ausdrücklich anders vermerkt, beziehen sich die Leistungsangaben - dem Hauptverwendungszweck normaler Foto-Objektive entsprechend - auf große Objektentfernungen. Modulationsübertragung T als Funktion der Bildhöhe Spaltenorientierung: Weißes Licht. Ortsfrequenzen R = 10, 20 und 40 Perioden/mm. Blendenzahl: Blendenzahl: T (%) 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 sag tan k = 5,6 system which earned its excellent repu- 20 0 reputation of that system. Here again, Hasselblad is a very good example of a 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 u (mm) 15 20 u (mm) Relative Beleuchtungsstärke tation due to the practical ability of its E (%) 100 users, with the NASA among them, to 80 2. Relative Beleuchtungsstärke Bei diesem Diagramm ist horizontal die Bildhöhe u in mm und vertikal die relative Beleuchtungsstärke E aufgetragen, und zwar sowohl für das voll geöffnete als auch für das mäßig abgeblendete Objektiv. Die Werte für E sind unter Berücksichtigung der "Vignettierung" und des "natürlichen Lichtabfalls" ermittelt. 3. Verzeichnung Auf der Horizontalachse ist auch hier die Bildhöhe u in mm aufgetragen. Die Vertikale gibt die Verzeichnung V in % der zugehörigen Bildhöhe an. Ein positiver Wert für V bedeutet, daß der tatsächliche Bildpunkt weiter von der Bildmitte entfernt liegt als bei exakt verzeichnungsfreier Abbildung (kissenförmige Verzeichnung), ein negatives V kennzeichnet sinngemäß eine tonnenförmige Verzeichnung. k = 1,4 T (%) Example of the front of a data sheet on the basis of the Planar ® T* 1.4/85 lens 60 40 select the optimum lens for the job at 20 k = 1,4 k = 5,6 0 0 5 10 15 20 hand and show off with extremely good u (mm) Verzeichnung in % der Bildhöhe u V 2,0 image results. 0,0 -2,0 0 5 10 15 20 u (mm) Änderungen in Ausführung und Lieferumfang sowie technische Weiterentwicklung vorbehalten. Printed in Germany 11.09.2002 Carl Zeiss Geschäftsbereich Photoobjektive 73446 Oberkochen Telefon (07364) 20-6175 Fax (07364) 20-4045 eMail: [email protected] On a camera with a built-in lens, like a Contax TVS or a Sony DSC-F717, however, the user has taken his irrevocable lens choice automatically upon purcha- Example of the backside of a data sheet on the basis of the Planar ® T* 1.4/85 lens sing the camera. Additional information on the lens itself cannot alter this, since the lens cannot be dealt with separately Technical data provided in the Carl Zeiss from the camera. Therefore, camera data sheets are not simply taken from manufacturers usually do not order lens the computer simulations carried out data for built-in lenses, with the 38 mm during the lens development process Biogon® lens equipped Hasselblad SWC since this does not give a true assess- 905 being an exception. ment of the actual lens performance. Actual performance is heavily influenced In short: by the manufacturer´s ability, experience Lens data sheets are provided by Carl and willingness to manufacture the len- Zeiss ses with the extremely tight tolerances upon request of the camera required by top quality optics. Instead of manufacturer just publishing computer simulated for lenses that are interchangeable data, Carl Zeiss takes measurements on and bear the Carl Zeiss name. real lenses actually built and publishes 4 Camera Lens News No. 19 March 2003 Carl Zeiss at the “Gulf Imaging & Photo Show” in Dubai Dubai, under the direction of Sheikh Mohammed bin Raschid al Maktoum, is expanding its “Media City” at a rapid pace. The Dubai Media City is home to a multitude of Cine and TV production facilities, TV channels like mbc and CNN, and related businesses. This holds opportunities for precision optical instruments, like lenses, and related products. Therefore, the “Gulf Imaging & Photo Show” saw ten German manufacturers from the photo industry exhibiting their products at the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Feb. 11. through 13. 2003. Carl Dubai Chamber Of Commerce & Industry Zeiss showed photo and cine camera showed their medium format cameras lenses, binoculars, as well as sun glasses. and the whole line of Carl Zeiss (and The camera lenses at the Carl Zeiss Carl Zeiss license) lenses available for booth were displayed with the respec- these cameras. All three companies tive Contax, made valuable new business contacts in Hasselblad, Sony. Likewise, cine compa- the Middle East during the show. As a ny Arnold & Richter of Munich showed result of this exhibition, more ARRI and their latest Arriflex and Arricam 35 mm Carl Zeiss equipment will be available cine cameras with Carl Zeiss/ARRI Ultra for cine productions in Dubai from 2003 Prime® cine lenses, which turned out to on. cameras from Alpa, be the most effective magnets of attenThe booths of Carl Zeiss and Rollei Fototechnic tion at the whole show. Adjacent to the Carl Zeiss booth, partner company Rollei Fototechnic (Rolleiflex) of Braunschweig, The most effective magnet of attention at the show: The latest ARRI 35 mm cine cameras with Carl Zeiss lenses 5 Camera Lens News No. 19 March 2003 Resolving power of photographic films Decades ago, when black & withe films were the dominant photographic recording materials, the resolving power was seen by many photo enthusiasts as the deciding factor of photographic quality. Although we at Carl Zeiss are very much aware that resolving power is only one of many criteria which constitute image quality, it is quite important when photos are taken for documentary purposes, where resolving power primarily determines image quality. In documentation, resolving power is one of the most important aspects of image quality. Since Carl Zeiss, by and large, is a 13 different films have been tested at Carl Zeiss to find out the maximum performance company with strong scientific roots and utilized with existing films, and is not results about new film types in future many science related activities, docu- just mere theory. At Carl Zeiss, we the- CLN issues, we will also publish more mentation is at the hearts of our photo- refore conduct occasional tests to find detailed information on the test target graphic mentality. We therefore take the out about the real-world resolving used, and the evaluation of the resol- power of photographic films. As ving power, the tools and methods. measures needed to design and manufacture our lenses with above average announced in CLN 17, we want to share our results with CLN readers. The tests The film manufacturers generally con- documentation qualities, which includes were conducted by Kornelius Mueller of duct their tests under special, sterile, high resolving power. Carl Zeiss for the the purpose of lens precisely repeatable laboratory condi- resolution testing and information tions where high performance microsco- This, of course, makes sense only when recording. Error margin is +/- 10 line- pe lenses with resolving powers beyond the resolving potential can actually be pairs per millimeter. As we add new test 1.000 linepairs per millimeter and light Resolving Power (lpmm) sources with very controlled spectrum are used to image the test targets onto Brand Film Type Comment Agfa Agfaortho 25 b&w discontinued by manufacturer 250 world photo situation. In contrast, our Agfa APX 25 b&w discontinued by manufacturer 200 procedure is based on typical photo Kodak Ektar 25 color negative discontinued by manufacturer 200 conditions like outside sunlight, exposu- Kodak T-Max 100 b&w 180 res controlled by normal camera shut- Fujifilm Fujichrome Velvia color transparency 160 ters, focusing done with the normal Agfa Portrait XPS 160 color negative 150 focusing aids of the camera, standard Kodak Portra 400 b & w monochrome C- 41 150 film developing by a normal photo finis- Kodak Portra 160 VC color negative 150 her, and of course, using normal Carl Kodak Portra 160 NC color negative 140 Zeiss photographic camera lenses. In Kodak Ektachrome 100 VS color transparency 130 other words: we use equipment and Kodak T-Max 400 b&w 120 techniques which are readily accessible Fujifilm NPZ 800 color negative 110 and our results are therefore relevant to Kodak Portra 800 color negative 90 film, completely unrelated to any real every photographer. 6 Camera Lens News No. 19 March 2003 The only non-standard tool is used for Based on our extensive experience over (taken on Kodak Ektar 25) at photokina viewing the films at high magnification: several decades of testing, there (page 6) 1996, those few employees from film Since we are after resolutions of 200 is our list of film maximum performan- manufacturers who saw this display linepairs per millimeter and significantly ces, presented in a tabular form. were deeply impressed and finally saw beyond, we need a suitable viewing aid the fruit of their work, resolving power for this purpose. With the normal Comments of Carl Zeiss about the film in films, utilized in real world photos. human eye being able to resolve around market, concerning resolving power: Carl Zeiss may want to repeat such a 5 linepairs per millimeter at normal vie- demonstration and bring it to the awa- wing distance, we need at least 50 x In recent years, high resolution low reness of broader circles of the photo- magnification to be able to see 250 line- speed films have been discontined by all graphic world. pairs per millimeter dissolved. No loupe large film manufacturers. We found two would do. So we use a Carl Zeiss SV 11 reasons for this move: Apo stereo microscope , which delivers 2. Film manufacturers find that low speed films around 25 ISO have become magnifications up to 100 x. Admittedly, 1. Film manufacturers live under the increasingly unpopular. They discontinue this tool may not be part of the normal impression, that only few if any lenses these films and concentrate on 100 ISO equipment of a photographer, but it is are capable of utilizing film resolving and faster follower products instead, important to note that the special powers of 200 linepairs per millimeter incresing their resolving power. equipment involves the interpretation, and beyond. When Carl Zeiss displayed not the performance, of the tests. “The sharpest color photos ever taken” Six reasons why the Carl Zeiss Sharp Max™ is superior to other collimators 1. The Carl Zeiss Sharp Max™ uses a 72sectored Siemens star as internal test target. This multi-sectored version provides a quick and accurate visual detection of the sharpness maximum. Other collimators use an inexpensive 18sectored Siemens star, compromising sharpness detection severely. 2. The Carl Zeiss Sharp Max™ is designed and built athermal, using very expensive exotic materials like INVARSTAHL ® . This means that the sharpness readout is reliable and independent of ambient temperatures. Other collimators completely ignore the problems associated with changing temperatures, compromising reliability severely. 3. The Carl Zeiss Sharp Max™ optics are of high quality and are corrected for Carl Zeiss Sharp Max™ 7 Camera Lens News No. 19 March 2003 spherical aberration, meaning that the sharpness readout reliably stays the same regardless of the aperture setting on the camera lens. Other collimators use undercorrected optics of insufficient quality which produce different back focus readouts at diffenrent aperture settings on the same camera lens, making the back focus calibration unreliable and thus worthless. 4. The optical system of the Carl Zeiss Sharp Max™ provides sufficient accuracy of the collimation process for all focal lengths in the DigiPrime® lens range. Other collimators incorporate inadequate optics which cannot provide sufficiently accurate results with lenses of 40 mm and more. 5. The brightness of the Carl Zeiss Sharp Carl Zeiss Sharp Max™ together with the complete set of 8 DigiPrime® lenses Publisher’s Imprint Max™ test target can be user-adjusted. Camera Lens News Other collimators use a simple consumer grade flashlight for illumination with no Conclusion: means of brightness adjustment. Re- In an industry in which the consistency A newsletter for all who use, buy, sell, chargeable batteries can be used and of the final result is so critically impor- like, report about and are interested in can be re-charged by the Carl Zeiss tant to the overall success of the enter- Carl Zeiss camera lenses. All information Sharp Max™´s internal circuitry, once prise, and where the cost of re-shooting in Camera Lens News is given to the best external power is connected. Other col- or other post-production manipulation of our knowledge at the time of publi- limators are unable to re-charge their can be extremely high, the value of the cation. Technical specifications of Carl batteries. The Carl Zeiss Sharp Max™ Carl Zeiss Sharp Max™ becomes imme- Zeiss products are subject to change. can be powered externally by the diately apparent. Anything less would camera and other power sources. Other be false economy. We invite you to inve- Publisher: collimators fail to utilize external power stigate this for yourselves. Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen from the camera and other power sour- Camera Lens Division ces. Editor: 6. The Carl Zeiss Sharp Max™ can be Kornelius J. Müller clamped to the lens under test, so the Carl Zeiss operator´s hands are free for other 73446 Oberkochen, Germany work. Phone: +49 (0) 73 64-20-61 75 Fax: +49 (0) 73 64-20-40 45 Other collimators need to be constantly E-mail: [email protected] held by hand during the complete cali- bration procedure. 8