K467a.de Knauf TRIAS
K467a.de Knauf TRIAS
Note on English translation / Hinweise zur englischen Fassung This is a translation of the technical data sheet valid in Germany. All stated details and properties are in compliance with the regulations of the German standards and building regulations. They are only applicable for the specified products, system components, application rules, and construction details in connection with the specifications of the respective certificates and approvals. Knauf Gips KG denies any liability for applications outside of Germany as this requires changes acc. to the respective national standards and building regulations. K467a.de Drywall Systems 2012-01 Knauf TRIAS Gypsum compound for filling joints of drywall systems by hand application Product description Fields of application Properties Knauf TRIAS is a special gypsum-based, synthetic-tempered, powdery material, adjusted with additives for its fields of application. Joint filler type 4B acc. to EN 13963. Knauf TRIAS is used for filling of joints by hand application for ■ gypsum boards or composite boards with HRK (half-rounded edge) or HRAK (half-rounded tapered edge), without joint tape on paper covered edges, ■ gypsum boards with AK (tapered edge, particularly with Knauf Horizonboard) in connection with joint tape, preferably Knauf Joint Tape Kurt, ■ perforated gypsum boards with edge type SK (cut edge) or FF, e. g. Knauf Cleaneo® Acoustic boards. Colour and absorptivity of Knauf TRIAS comply with the characteristics of the gypsum board paper liner after drying, providing low-contrast surfaces, e. g. for paint coats or fleece wallpaper. ■ Extremely low drying shrinkage Order information 5 kg bag 25 kg bag Material no. 00073967 Material no. 00073968 Storage Store bags dry on wooden pallets. Close damaged or opened bags air tight and use first. Can be stored for 9 months. Recommendation Reinforce cut edge joints with Knauf Joint Tape Kurt. ■ Highest crack resistance ■ Absorptivity is adapted to the board paper ■ Colour matches board paper colour after drying ■ Consistence can be adjusted in a wide range ■ Extraordinary easy filling due to its creamy firm, pliable consistency ■ Easy to sand with Knauf Abranet Sanding Mesh ■ Tools and pails are easy to clean K467a.de Knauf TRIAS Gypsum compound for filling joints of drywall systems by hand application Application Coats and linings Substrate Knauf Boards should be applied tightly on a steady substructure, clean and with dust-free joints. Prime edges of Knauf Cleaneo Acoustic SK Boards. Mixing Sprinkle Knauf TRIAS in clean water up to close below water line (5 kg in approx. 2.4 l water) and mix immediately with slowly running mortar mixer (min. cage diameter 80 mm) or by hand with trowel, without any further additives to a creamy, firm compound. Use clean mixing vessel and tools. Application (non-perforated gypsum boards) Apply in usually two operations, depending on required surface quality level. Fill joints fully in the first operation. Create a smooth and levelled transition to the board surface in the second operation with Trowel or Wide Spatula. Fill screw heads as well. Sand after complete drying, e. g. with Knauf Abranet Rasp Mesh. Clean tools and pails after use. Application (perforated gypsum boards) See installation guides Knauf Cleaneo® Acoustic SK (TRO14.de) and Knauf Cleaneo Acoustic FF (TRO14FF.de). ® Application time Hardening starts approx. 45 minutes after sprinkling (at 20 °C). At low temperatures a shorter application time can be expected, while at high temperatures a longer application time occurs. Application time is shortened if unclean pails and tools are used. Do not use hardened material and do not try to fluidize it by adding water or stirring to make it processible again. Application temperature/climate Filling and covering of joints should only take place after the boards have been allowed to rest in the given humidity and temperature zones, and no more longitudinal changes can be expected, i. e. expansion or contraction. In case of mastic asphalt, gypsum and cement screed, fill joints after screed has been applied. Do not fill joints at air and surface temperatures below 10 °C. Notes of the Code of Practice no. 1 “Baustellenbedingungen” of the BVG (IGG) are to be observed. The filled surface should be dust-free. Prime if necessary for special requirements of the following coat or lining (e. g. wallpaper primer, interior silicate paint), acc. to BVG (IGG) Code of practice no. 6. "Vorbehandlung von Trockenbauflächen aus Gipsplatten zur weitergehenden Oberflächenbeschichtung bzw. –bekleidung". Ensure that the primer and the coat or paint or lining are compatible. In case of wallpaper lining a primer that allows an easier removal of wallpaper for redecoration is recommended. A sealing primer of Knauf Flächendicht is required for covering splash water areas with tiles. After wallpapering with paper and fibre glass wallpapers or the application of resin / cellulose plasters, quick drying must be ensured through adequate airing. Consumption of material Approx. consumption in kg/m² joint filling Q2 without perimeter connection joints Board thickness/type (type of long edges) Ceiling Partition Dry lining / furrings / shaft walls Pre-fab screed 9.5 mm Knauf Wallboards (HRAK) 12.5 mm Silentboard (HRK) 12.5 mm Knauf Boards (HRAK) 12.5 mm Knauf Horizonboard (4 AK) 15 mm Knauf Boards (HRAK) 18 mm Knauf Fire-resistand Boards (HRAK) 18 mm Solid Boards GKB / Diamant 18 (HRAK) 20 mm Solid Boards (HRAK) 25 mm Solid Boards (HRAK) 2x 12.5 mm Knauf Boards (HRAK) 2x 15 mm Knauf Boards (HRAK) 2x 20 mm Solid Boards (HRAK) 18 + 15 mm Knauf Boards (HRAK) 25 + 18 mm Knauf Boards (HRAK) 3x 12.5 mm Knauf Boards (HRAK) 12.5 mm Knauf Cleaneo Acoustic SK 12.5 mm Knauf Cleaneo Acoustic FF Composite Boards EPS Composite Boards Knauf InTherm 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.6 0.6 0.65 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.2 0.1 - 0.6 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.8 0.8 1.0 - 0.3 0.3 0.25 0.55 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.85 0.7 0.3 0.6 - Filling of perimeter connection joints in connection with Knauf Trenn-Fix: Approx. 0.15 to 0.25 kg per m joint, depending on cladding thickness. .QDXI'LUHFW 7HFKQLFDO$GYLVRU\6HUYLFH 3KRQH )D[ ZZZNQDXIGH K467a.de/engl./01.12 .QDXI*LSV.*$P%DKQKRI,SKRIHQ*HUPDQ\ &DOOUDWHVWR.QDXI'LUHFWIURPZLWKLQWKH*HUPDQODQGOLQHQHWZRUNʑSHU0LQ&DOOHUVZKRVHSKRQHQXPEHUVDUHQRWUHJLVWHUHGLQWKH.QDXIDGGUHVVGDWDEDVHHJSULYDWH EXLOGHUVRUQRQSDWURQVDUHFKDUJHGʑ0LQ&DOOVIURPPRELOHSKRQHVPD\GLIIHUDQGZLOOEHFKDUJHGDFFWRQHWSURYLGHUDQGFDOOUDWH )D[ʑ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ÀFDWLRQVDQGFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRIEXLOGLQJSK\VLFVRI.QDXIV\VWHPVFDQ RQO\EHDFKLHYHGZLWKWKHH[FOXVLYHXVHRI.QDXIV\VWHPFRPSRQHQWVRURWKHUSURGXFWVH[SUHVVO\UHFRPPHQGHGE\.QDXI