Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions
ESD / Central Solution Designers
March 2010
Frequently Asked Questions
Fax Server FAQ - ed04
1 ............. Architecture, link with OXE
2 ............. Fax server global features
3 ............. User and admin features
4 ............. Billing
5 ............. Redundancy - security
6 ............. Email environment
7 ............. LDAP - AD - SAP Interworking
8 ............. Actis and licencing
9 ............. Bics - virtualization
10 ............ Miscellaneous
1 - Architecture, link with OXE:
1 - Q1: It it possible to choose between H323 or SIP connection? Can we connect Fax server with another PBX?
Only SIP connection is possible. 8450 cannot be connected via analog lines. The only proprietary thing between 8450 and OXE
is the billing and the SIP digest (password exchange to secure a sip trunk connection).
If you don't need to manage fax costs, it is possible to connect OTFS on a third party PABX, but it must be validated.
1 - Q2: Can we have OXE & 4 port FAX server on the same CPU?
The Fax server is not running on the same CPU than OXE. But this is possible on the Bics project.
1 - Q3: Which OXE release do we need to use the new FAX server?
The fax server is compatible from OXE release 7.1.
1 - Q4: Can a single Fax server be used in a multi node network architecture?
Yes. See the Fax server presentation for more details.
1 - Q5: Centralized Fax solution into an ABC network (calls can comes from different nodes): How the IP trunks between nodes
have to be engineered?
The network between nodes must respect the fax on IP characteristics: Round trip delay <400ms, jitter <50ms, packet loss <1%
(high audio profile). See Fax Server presentation to read about design considerations.
1 - Q6: Trunk group: does a fax sent by a user in node 1 can use node 1 trunks? Same with node 2, 3, etc..
Yes, but it is not a specific fax server question. It depends of things like the ARS routing table or OXE management, priority
trunk group, etc.
Also, a user can add manually a trunk group prefix before the called fax number. This prefix is transmitted by the Fax server to
the OXE and pushes the OXE to use a specific trunk group.
1 - Q7: Fax Routing based on DID: does it work with analog trunks?
If the link between the operator and the PABX is done via classical analog lines, the fax routing cannot be done by the PABX.
This type of routing is only possible with specific DDI protocols like DDI R2.
1 - Q8: Here is an example to illustrate a question related to RTP path and how the IP trunks between nodes have to be
Fax Server is installed @ site 1
Incoming fax call arrives on site 2
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Fax Server FAQ ed1
Fax call need to be routed from site 2 to site 1 to be treated by the server
Does the RTP flow go from OXE @ site 2 directly to the fax server? (direct RTP) or does the RTP flow go from OXE @ site 2 to
OXE @ site 1 and then to fax server? This might change trunk dimensioning on OXE accordingly.
The T38 flow between the site 2 and the Fax server is a direct RTP.
1 - Q9: How does the Fax Server select the appropriate trunk group to send a fax over the telephonic public network?
The selection of an appropriate trunk group is done by the OXE when using a prefix. The Fax Server can add, suppress, delete
digits for the outgoing fax number. This feature is managed by the administrator. A number change or conversion can be done
for specific fax number or for a slice numbers.
1 - Q10: Is there any restriction about the compression type in the OXE network ? In other words, can we connect a fax server
in a network architecture (ABC - heterogeneous network) for a bank with branches which have OXE’s with G723 compression?
The OXE’s are connected on the WAN.
Yes, when starting the call, the communication is first on voice mode, then switches to T38 mode.
During the voice mode, the Fax server supports G711, G723, G729 algorithms.
1 - Q11: I need to understand if we can configure the OTFS with fax boards instead of T.38 SIP connections. If so, what is the
type and port density of those fax ports?
No, OTFS is a full software solution witch communicates with the OXE in T38 and Sip.
No possibility to install any type of boards.
1 - Q12: Is it possible to connect directly the OXE with fax server in case of LAN problem ? This to allow fax reception.
Yes, it is possible via a physical link but a switch is needed because OXE must communicate with GD board. But don’t forget in
a such situation, users will have problem to be connected to the mail server and internal web server of fax server.
1 - Q13: There is a customer, that have an OXE and a Fax Server. They have also installed the connector to syncronizze with
MS Active Directory. They cannot configure Fax users from Active Directory but they would like to do so. It seems that they have
release 5.1. Do you know if it should work for this release too?. The customer wants to manage everything from the Directory. It
seems that they cannot use R6.0 because they have OXE 7.1
This feature is available from Fax server release 6.0. From technical support, this release is compatible with OXE 7.1. Only
the Sip trunk autehtification will not run because OXE R9.0 is needed.
Don't forget the OXE release 7.1 is no more supported after november 2009. To increase the fax release without increasing the
OXE release, it will be mandatory to fill a PCS, or ask pemission to PLM.
1 - Q14: Is it possible to use business code OXE Feature with the Fax server?
Yes, in the field dedicated to type the fax number, the user has to type a business code suffix after the fax number. The fax
server will transmit the numbers to the OXE. If the business code is managed in the OXE, the ticket generated will be flagged
with the business code.
1 - Q15: Our customer has a non Alcatel fax server connected to a PABX thru a S0 bus. Is it possible to use a SO link to
declare more than 8 different number? Of course, the customer wants lot of fax numbers but have low traffic on this link.
A S0 bus is limited to 8 addresses per bus. But if the link is configured to T0 bus, there is no limitation because the PABX
transmits the called number. Of course, the interface board between Fax server and PABX must support T0 connectivity. In
Crystal architecture, the BRA board accepts T0 and S0 connectivity. In common hardware, the board must be changed.
A T0 bus allows for example to connect a PABX to an operator.
1 - Q16: Is it possible to connect the fax server physically to the OXE? That means a cable between OXe and FS?
No, this configuration is not possible. The connexion via the LAN is mandatory.
1 - Q17: We have 2 OXE users, A and B on the same node. A sends a fax to B. What happens with the fax server? Does the
fax communication go through the PABX?
Yes, the fax server uses the OXE to establish the outgoing fax, then the OXE routes the communication to the fax server. In this
case, 2 SIP channels are used.
2 - Fax server global features:
2 - Q1: Does the Fax server support OCR (Optical Character Reading). And therefore, routing based on the results?
No the current version is not supporting OCR.
2 - Q2: Can the fax server be sold alone without My IC?
Yes it can be sold as an independent application.
2 - Q3: When you mean UC users, are we referring to My IC Users?
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2 - Q4: In case of standalone fax server installation, do we need to install OTUC also?
2 - Q5: Does the Fax server support calls with Group IV faxes?
No, the Fax server supports only group III faxes.
2 - Q6: Where are stored faxes received? and what about the format?
The fax are all stored in the fax server in tiff format.
If the customer uses email client to send and receive faxes, the faxes are stored in this case both in the fax server and in the
email client.
2 - Q7: What refers the number of ports? The number of external faxes that can be connected simultaneously?
A port is equivalent to an analog fax line. With one port, you can send or receive one fax at a time. With two ports you can send
and receive a fax at the same time, etc. If the ports are busy, users can send faxes because the Fax server manages a waiting
queue for outgoing faxes.
2 - Q8: You mentioned a max of 4 ports? it is not 30?
The total capacity of the fax server is 30 ports (channels). 4 fax ports is the capacity supported by a single HW server when the
solution cohabit with Unified Communication/ My Instant communicator.
2 - Q9: Will the fax server be integrated with our UC framework? Single point of User Creation, access to UDA etc..
No, Fax server does not share the framework with UC. Concerning users creation, it is compatible with LDAP directories.
2 - Q10: Will there be any issues in selling the Fax Server and OTUC as separate components? Is there any functional issues we
should know about?
No, there is no issue in selling the fax server as a separate component, excepted maybe the double management.
2 - Q11: what advantage is there (other than less physical servers) of having OUTC and Fax Server as an integrated solution?
Here, the advantage for small configurations is to have less physical servers.
2 - Q12: If Fax Server and Otuc are initially sold separately, can we upgrade both in into an integrated solution?
yes, in this case, the upgrade will be possible into an integrated solution. If you plan to migrate to a unique physical server, the
capacity max is 500 UC users and 4 fax ports.
2 - Q13: Is there a compatible list of T38 fax machines certified to work with this Fax server?
This list does not exist for the time.
2 - Q14: Is it possible to have more than 30 ports ? (e.g. can you deploy a second server for more ports?)
The only possibility is to use a second fax server, however, if this solution is not accepted by the customer, you can push
Sagem XMedius fax server.
2 - Q15: How about fax storage capabilities, have you informations?
OmniTouch fax server requires space for fax storage. Fax storage can only be roughly estimated. The average fax page is 35 to
50 kb after Tiff compression. If each user keeps 20 fax (3 pages per fax), the storage size for 5000 users is 15Go (150ko x 20 =
3Mo per user).
2 - Q16: How to dimension the server and the hard disk?
We have some rules to define the server’s size. The result, in terms of fax ports, and server features is described in the Fax
server presentation.
2 - Q17: Does the Fax Server support double connection to the local network (network connection redundancy)?
By double connection, we think about 2 Ethernet boards per PC, each of one is connected to a dedicated enterprise sub net. If
one of the subnet is out of order, the machine switches automatically to the other subnet. The LDAP server is compatible with
this topology if it’s supported by an Appliance. Otuc server is also compatible with this topology because Red Hat supports it.
Fax Server is also compatible with that because it runs on Linux. But this point has not been validated.
2 - Q18: Which Linux Version have we to use for the OmniTouch Fax Server?
For Fax Server R5.0 and R5.1, the linux Version is Red Hat Enterprise R4. For Fax server R6.0 Linux is Red Hat R5.
2 - Q19: There should be static pages on the FAX server which can be called / invoked by the IVR which in turn should be faxed
to the requester. These faxes could be bank promotions, offers, etc.
We think this feature is possible. To be confirm with the IVR specialist. For fax mass sending, the Fax server proposes a feature
based on Microsoft Word mailing capabilities. See presentation for feature overview.
2 - Q20: Could the Fax server support 10 transactions per minute?
We don't have limitation with the number of transactions per minute. Time transaction depends also for the baud rate transfer of
the distant fax.
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2 - Q21: The IVR (GVP) can directly submit delimited, unformatted txt file thru file scan or SMTP. The customization effort
should include formatting the text in a format that FAX Server can understand. For e.g.- FCL.
The Fax Server integrates a rasterization sytem, able to transform many files formats in fax format (Tiff). The list of supported
formats is given in the Fax Server product description.
2 - Q22: Or alternatively if the customization cannot accomplish the above point then we would have to look at integrating the
FAX Server with the banks middleware wherein the details are mentioned in the point 4 below. There are dynamic pages to be
stored on the Fax server wherein the FAX Server would communicate / integrate with the bank’s middleware. The middleware
would supply the unformatted details of the account holder, like the account no., name, account statement, etc. The fax server
should then format the data in the relevant areas of the form, append the RAK Bank logo on the form and then fax the
consolidated data to the caller.
Not any Fax server can do that. In the context you describe, the third party application must control the fax server via email
client or a dedicated media connector.
2 - Q23: Can the Fax Server support super G3 V34 at 33,6k?
No, on IP network, the maximum recommended speed is 9,6kbit/s. The Fax Server can transmit up to 14,4Kbits/sec but due to
network delay, it is difficult to use this speed without problems.
2 - Q24: Can the Fax Server support MH, MR MMR compressions?
Yes, these compression methods are supported.
2 - Q25: Can the Fax Server support ECM option?
Yes, this option is selectable or not at the administrator level.
2 - Q26: How is done the fax routing at the Fax Server level?
The internal routing table works at 2 levels:
1 - with the called number. Faxes are sent to the proper user depending of the fax number called.
2 - with the fax caller identifier (this identifier sent by the caller via T30 protocol is composed with the fax number and fax name
(20 characters). Faxes are sent to the proper user depending of the identifier.
2 - Q27: Do you have any informations concerning the bandwidth needed to sent faxes from the email client or web client?
The bandwidth depends of:
- Size of attached document to send (Word, PPT, Text…)
- Quantity of fax sent by each user
- Number of users
For example, consider a Word document of 100ko, 20 sending per day, 5000 users. The total data amount is 60X20X5000=
10Go between fax server and email client.
The calculation is the same as email data volume but must be adapted to the users habits.
2 - Q28: Is fax server is able to send SNMP alarms to OmniVista 4760?
No, Fax server is not able to send smtp traps and alarms to the 4760. Also mibs are not implemented. The Fax server has for
the time only one alarm dedicated to monitor faxes quantity in the waiting queue before sending.
The administrator can define the quantity of waiting faxes. If this quantity is exceeded, the fax server sends an email via the
internal mail server router) to a predefined email address. The init value of this parameter is "infinite".
2 - Q29:Do the integrated Fax server produce SNMP alerts? Is it integrated into 4760?
Fax server is not able to send smtp traps and alarms to the 4760. Also mibs are not implemented.
Fax server has for the time only one alarm. This one is dedicated to monitor faxes which are in the waiting queue before
sending. The administrator can define the quantity of waiting faxes. If this quantity is exceeded, the fax server sends an email
(via it’s internal mail server router) to a predefined email address. The init value of parameter "waiting fax quantity" is "infinite".
We are in discussion with Sagem to implement some monitoring and alarm features in the future releases. Some possible
solutions are:
- develop a dedicated monitor software in the Fax server,
- use the free snmp Linux pack to transmit server activity
- use the integrated Linux syslog features to transmit logs
These points are only proposals and have to be analysed and tested before implementation. For the time if customers needs
advanced alarms, the only way is to propose Sagem XMedius.
2 - Q30: Is a function like multitenancy available. This means in global each user per organisation must be handled in the Fax
server for the outgoing fax calls with there own trunk seizure prefix. Somehow a routing table inside. This should prevent that
calls from one country breakout in an other country.
No, this feature is not available today but is planned for the future releases (no roadmap). This feature exists on other Sagem
Fax server on windows but for the time, it's not included on our Linux version.
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2 - Q31: Is Fax Server able to print automatic incoming fax to a network printer? Lets think about a common inbox. All the
incoming fax sould be printed on a network printer.
What do you mean by common inbox?
- If it is a directory hosted on a network disk (a storage space shared with several users), the answer is no. It will be done in the
future but for the time, no roadmap.
- If it is a common mailbox, the answer is yes.
2 - Q32: Is Fax Server only for receiving faxes or can you also send faxes? If yes, how is this done, EG with a printer driver?
Fax server can send and receive faxes. Outbound faxes are sent from:
- Users PC desktop. The user can send and receive faxes via his email client or a web browser (electronic file like Word or
another software can be integrated to the fax - fax server works with lot of file formats, or scanned document).
- Multi function printers, connected to the company's network. This device uses T37 protocol to communicate with Fax Server.
2 - Q33: Should the Fax server integrated with a file server? Is it possible to route the faxes to a network disk, for example to
allow users to access faxes from any PC?
Fax server is supported by Linux. It is not possible to route faxes to a file server.
2 - Q34: Does our OTUC fax server have any API to connect to external applications, where the user can click a button to
automatically send out a fax?
API are not possible on Fax server.
2 - Q35: Does the new integrated Fax in the UC offer 1 number services, that is using a same number for the user extension
and fax?
No this feature is not available. A specific solution through Pro Serv could be possible : if this is a mandatory requirement, I
advise you to contact directly The Professional Services.
2 - Q36: In a multicompany environment, each user per organisation could be handled in the Fax server for the outgoing fax
calls with there own trunk seizure prefix. Somehow a routing table inside.
This feature is not available today but is planned for the future releases (no roadmap).
2 - Q37:: Is Fax Server supported to print directly incoming fax to a network printer? Lets think about a common inbox. All the
incoming fax should be printed on a network printer.
The Fax server can print directly faxes to a network printer.
What do you mean by common inbox?
- If it is a directory hosted on a network disk (a storage space shared with several users), the answer is no. It will be done in the
future but for the time (no roadmap).
- If it is a common mailbox, the answer is yes.
2 - Q38: If the customer have another document type which is not included in the supported list, is it possible to load this onto
the fax server themselves?
You have the list of supported formats (ASCII, jpeg, dBase, etc.) If the customer specific format is not supported, it is possible to
open it by the Fax Server if the application or a viewer able to open this document is installed on the Fax server. Note that the
Fax Server runs on Linux environment.
2 - Q39: After sending the fax to company email server, does the fax copy remain inside the fax server or not. If yes, for how
many days.
When using the email interface (or connector), the fax is stored both in the fax server and the email server.
In the fax server, you can manage the deletion policy. For instance, incoming and outgoing faxes have specific management,
with automatic historical deletion, etc.
2 - Q40: Using fax server is it possible to route faxes using DTMF over dialing?
Yes, fax server can route incoming faxes with DTMF overdial. For an external fax sender, overdial is used for instance to route a
fax after dialing a unique company fax number. Useful when the company equipped with a fax server does not have DDI lines.
2 - Q41: Is the Fax server compatible with group 2 faxes?
No, the Fax server is compatible with group 3 but not with grop 2. Group 2 is a protocol strongly different than group 3.
2 - Q42: Does the Fax server work with a SIP operator? Is it possible to send and receive faxes?
We don’t have tests reports with SIP operator but our technical support say that it will be working.
2 - Q43: Can an external fax machine/printer be declared to send and receive faxes?
Yes, an external fax/printer (also called multifunction printer) can be declared to send and receive faxes thru the fax server.
2 - Q44: Is it possible to reserve a specific line for a user? For example, Mr smith uses the fax port 8.
No, it is not possible to designate a specific line for a user.
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If you think to it concerning billing, it is more easy to use the accounting feature.
2 - Q45: Is Fax Server supported by Blade server?
Like OTUC, it probably works in this context, but this architecture is not yet supported. The Blade server must support the
hardware requirements and must be Linux red Hat certified.
2 - Q46: Is it possible to install Fax Server on a virtual server VMWare? Is it supported?
This solution works, but except for Bics, it is not supported. Because of load problems, response time, etc. a such solution must
be validated before installation.
2 - Q47: Our customer is asking us if our fax server over IP solution sends and receives faxes at V.17 (14.4 Kbps) or V.34
(33.6 Kbps). Could you help to answer this question? They compare us with Cisco that can use V.34
Our Fax Software solution supports only 14,4kbps. The R&D department is working on 33,6kbps and we plan to announce this
speed in one year.
But, your customer has to consider some points:
- 33,6kbps needs hi speed network with specific characteristics (see Fax server presentation). Today few network are
compatible with such speed.
- when a fax is sent from IP to IP, usually the cost communication is very low, then, the transmission duration is not linked with
the cost
- when a fax is sent from IP to an external analog private line, the speed is usually negociated at 14,4kbps, even less.
That is because the fax world is moving "slowly" to 33,6kbps.
2 - Q48: Our customer wants to use the fax server and keeping his fax machines. In this configuration, users use paper fax
machines which are connected to the fax server. Fax server manages the waiting queues, and routes incoming faxes to fax
machines. Is it possible?
No, it is not possible because the fax server is connected to the network in FXS (station) mode, not FXO (operator) mode.
Therefore it is not able to route a call to another fax terminal.
2 - Q49: In case of failure on FAX Server can I transfer incoming fax for a Fax machine connected on analog port ? I
understand that OXE transfers incoming FAX over sip trunking to the FAX Server… What’s happen if the FAX server is out of
We have the High Availability on 8450. In case of failure, the fax services are duplicated. If the HA is not purchased, The only
way is to configure manually the OXE to route the fax numbers to an analog trunk with analog faxes connected.
2 - Q50: Does the fax server solution support 60000 fax per day (50% sending, 509% receiving)?
Yes, but for dimensioning, it depends how the traffic is during the day. Talk with your customer to analyse the traffic peak. Fax
server presentation R5.1 and R6.0 gives some tools to evaluate. The ports quantity.
2 - Q51: which type of scan is used on the fax server ?
The digitizing feature is a module based on Stellent mecanisms. It provides a Tiff file used by the Fas server. Many file formats
are supported (office, jpeg, bmp, photoshop, etc. see feature list).
2 - Q52: What are the possibilities to search quickly an ancient fax, for example a 2 years old fax?
There is no backup database feature on the fax server. The faxes are stored on the fax server hard disk. The average capability
is 10 millions of faxes. A good way is to have a deletion policy, to erase automatically ancient faxes. The automatic erasing can
be managed via several parameters. If the customer wants to keep 10 years old faxes, the disk space must be estimated.
Otherwise, if the email client is used, archiving can be done at the email server or client level.
Other possibilities are:
- route automatically a copy of incoming faxes to an email address or a network printer.
- copy of database (incoming, outgoing and management) with the script “/opt/ofs/” to a directory. This Linux
command can be launch from the crontab or automatically.
2 - Q53: On the Fax server presentation, we can see a Lan Fax multifunction sending a Fax to Fax Server using T.37 protocol
In this solution can we use OmniTouch Fax Server + OXE like a gateway to PSTN
Yes it is possible to use the MFP with T37 to the PSTN.
3 - User and admin features:
3 - Q1: Shall Fax Server SW have a dedicated management tool?
Yes, it is a web based management tool.
3 - Q2: Do you have to have either the email connector or the web client, or can you also send directly from Word for example,
by selecting the fax server as appropriate printer?
No, it is not possible to send directly a fax from Word or Acrobat reader, but the effort to use and send a fax via the e-mail client
or the web client is pretty much the same. I remind that the procedure is simply to attach the document you want to fax.
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3 - Q3: Will fax notification only appear in MyIC if we have purchased the email connector?
This feature is for the time in development. Fax notification will appear in my IC and will be displayed on the phone set without
purchasing email connector.
3 - Q4: Will there be a notification on the phone ?
The phone set lamp is not usable for fax notification. The MWI led on the phone is blinking only for Voice messages. When
used as a UC/ my instant communicator option, The IPTouch phone will display dynamically notification of events.
3 - Q5: I have a customer that wants Fax notification to BlackBerry. Is stand-alone Fax server (with email notification) available
for prior OXE releases?
The fax server will send an e-mail to the e-mail server, then Blackberry is handling the notification to the mobile device. This is
no fax issue here.
3 - Q6: Fax will have a dedicated internal number, or the same number of user? If it is the same, how OXE will manage the
The current solution does not provide single fax and voice number. We don’t know a third party solution supporting this feature.
3 - Q7: Can we have notification when we have email connector, but sending a fax from web interface?
Yes the notification rules applies whatever the interface you have used to send fax (web or e-mail client).
3 - Q8: can I route a fax from an IP Touch to a FAX machine to print it?
3 - Q9: Will other languages be developped?
Today only the following localizations are existing. Other languages could be developed but this will depend on the commercial
- Web client, notifications, outlook forms and Notes forms localized in 6 languages (French, English, Italian, Spanish,
German and Portuguese)
- User documentation in the same languages
- Admin guide only in english
3 - Q10: After a defined delay, is it possible to transfer faxes, which are non consulted, to a classical fax?
The fax are stored on the server. They can be forwarded to a local or distant fax machine. This action is done manually by the
user, not automatically.
3 - Q11: How is it possible to customize fax cover pages ? Is it possible to create and include templates by user or by group?
Templates are customisable by the administrator and are assignable for user groups or individual users. Each user can select a
template proposed among many, depending his profile. The parameters accessible by the administrator are: sender
informations, company, etc.
3 - Q12: There should be a track & record of the notification of the receipt of the documents to the caller. This is to signify
successful delivery of the documents by the receiving fax client.
When a fax is sent, the sender receives a good receipt acknowledgement. If the fax is not received, the sender receives a code
of non delivery (busy, wrong number, etc.) the fax server stores a full ticket with all parameters. It's readable by the manager.
3 - Q13: Is it possible to resend a fax received in the email box thu a TUI (Telephone User Interface - GSM or hotel phone)
Yes its possible but it is a specific feature of my Messaging, not a fax server feature.
3 - Q14: Fax Log: Is there a fax log? Does a user see only his in/out faxes (individual log) or is there a common log?
Yes, there is a fax log per user. An user can see only the fax he has sent and received.
Moreover, the administrator can see all the faxes sent and received by the Fax Server.
3 - Q15: Can one send directly to the fax server a document from a word application ? Most fax servers use network "printer" to
do that.
The printer driver is available on ALU Fax server. With this feature, it is possible to send a fax from any application able to print
a document, by selecting the “XM Print to Mail” virtual printer in the printing window.
This driver converts the printing file in tiff format, launches the email client, creates a new mail and attaches this document in
the mail.
The other way to send for example an Office document, is to save it, then attach this document in an email.
3 - Q16: Can we build one fax of multiple documents from multiple applications?
Yes, all the documents must be attached in the mail or in the web interface.
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3 - Q17: Can we send faxes at a later time?
No, it is not possible from the web interface. This feature is not planned for the time. But if the email client proposes to the user
to send emails at a later time, yes this feature will work.
3 - Q18: Is it possible to assign more than one fax number to a single user?
Yes, a user can have many fax numbers.
3 - Q19: Is it possible to use different fax number for outgoing faxes? In other terms, can a user set a specific number in the fax
header for outgoing fax other than the one for an incoming fax?
Different Fax number for outgoing and incoming faxes should be possible.
3 - Q20: Is it possible to limit the number of usable coversheets per user? Some user should be allowed to choose between
multiple coversheets, some should be limited to use just one.
Yes, each user can access to one or several coversheets. This is defined by the administrator.
3 - Q21: Is it possible to have different Fax number for outgoing and incoming faxes? Mr Smith has a personal fax number
0155667123. For some outgoing faxes can the number 0155667000 should be sent? Can the user choose which fax number is
used for each outgoing fax?
Yes, it is possible.
The user can send a fax with a sender number different than his fax reception number. To do that, he must have the rights to
modify the “fax” field in the optional “sender info” tab, in the email client or web interface. This rights are managed by the system
3 - Q22: From the email or web interface, if a fax is emitted or forwarded to several people, does all people know who has
received the fax?
No, each people receiving the fax does not know who has received the fax.
3 - Q23: What about the acknowledge message if a fax is locally transmitted from an email user to another email user? Also do
we have a notification when a fax message is opened by the receiver?
The acknowledge message, is only transmitted when the fax is transmitted via the OXE, when the OXE has to dial a number to
send he fax.
The notifications are delivered only when the fax is well transmitted, not when the fax message is opened.
3 - Q24: Is there any possibility to copy all incoming faxes on a file server to archive it?
At the Fax server admin level, there is no specific command to send a copy of faxes on a file server.
But there are two alternatives:
- all incoming faxes sent to an user can be routed by the Fax server to an additional email address or a network printer.
- all the fax server database (incoming faxes, outgoing faxes and user configuration) can be duplicated in a folder via the
console login, with a script (/opt/ofs/ This command can even be launched automatically thanks to the crontab.
3 - Q25: Can the Fax server be mapped as a printer and allow users to send faxes like printing a document?
Yes, the Print to fax feature is available since the release 5.1.
3 - Q26: Is it possible to schedule a date and hour to send a fax?
No, the OmniTouch Fax server don’t have this feature.
3 - Q27: Send directly via FAX letters, reports and maps ?
Reports are readable via the administrator console. These reports are not sent directly.
3 - Q28: Could you explain about alarms in the Fax server?
Fax server creates reports that can be red in the admin console.
These reports consist of notifications, occurring when some devices or internal components fail or restart. Notifications can be
routed by email. The configuration is done through admin web page: “Sys configuration/General Settings/System alert
3 - Q29: It is possible for the administrator to view all faxes from the admin console.
Yes, it is possible.
3 - Q30: It is possible to view the status of each line (busy sending, busy receiving, free, etc.).
Yes, with the management console, there is a window displaying in real time the status of each Fax server line (or port).
3 - Q31: Under Fax Management, it highlights that there is a way to view all inbound & outbound faxes through a web interface
Yes, inbound and outbound faxes can be viewed from the admin console.
3 - Q32: Is it possible to create fax users directly in the SQL fax server database, or in another way than the web one? API or
else? Our customer wants to create automatically faxes in relation with an enterprise database.
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The 3 possibilities to access to the fax user database are:
- manually with the admin web interface
- via a LDAP directory database
- by import of “.csv” file. This file coming from another database allows mass user creation. However, this feature does not offer
automatic data synchronisation.
3 - Q33: With Send fax client, is it possible to access to a LDAP directory? Where are stored the contacts by default? Can we
have different contacts per user?
Send fax can access only to the Outlook / Notes local contact stored on the users PC. Send fax cannot access to contacts
stored on an external LDAP.
3 - Q34: I send a Fax to e.g. 27722 (Alcatel Lucent Austria) extension 74261, so to 2772274261.
I get a confirmation receipt with “ALCATEL LUCENT AUSTRIA”, this field is defined in the Fax Server.
We need that on the receipt is the number to which I sended and maybe an Textfield.
The problem is that this company has severel departments and the sender should get a specific receipt not a generic one.
1 - In emitting mode from the fax server, it is possible to use a header with variable fields (including the receiver number).
Moreover, it is possible to create a header per profile and per user.
When the OTFS user sends a fax, he can choose a header (or cover sheet). This page contains some informations such as
sender, receiver, dialed number.. So the fax is sent as it to a receiver. When the transmission is finish, the fax server is informed
and it creates a notification for the OTFS user.
This notification is sent by mail. In the mail sent, a copy of the fax (in pdf or tiff format) is attached. In mail body, there is a
message with informations (number, receiver, sender, date, fax state…)
2 - If you talk about fax header located in the fax page, (we talk here about the first line printed in the fax page), yes, it is
possible to change information at this place:
Default parameters:
But here are all the parameters you can choose (including numbers)
Sender information variables
@@SenderAddress @@Sendere-mail @@SenderSalutation
@@SenderBillingCode @@SenderFax @@SenderState
@@SenderCellular @@SenderFirstName @@SenderSubBillingCode
@@SenderCity @@SenderLastName @@SenderTitle
@@SenderCompany @@SenderPager @@SenderZipCode
@@SenderCountry @@SenderPhone
Recipient information variables
@@RecipientAddress @@Recipiente-mail @@RecipientPhone
@@RecipientBillingCode @@RecipientFax @@RecipientState
@@RecipientCellular @@OriginalFaxDestination @@RecipientSubBillingCode
@@RecipientCity @@RecipientFirstName @@RecipientTitle
@@RecipientCompany @@RecipientLastName @@RecipientZipCode
@@RecipientCountry @@RecipientPager
Fax information variables
@@Csid @@Retries @@UserDefined1
@@FaxDestination @@RetryDelay @@UserDefined2
@@FaxHeader @@SendPriority @@UserDefined3
@@FaxSubject @@TimeSubmitted @@UserDefined4
@@PagesSubmitted @@TransactionId @@UserId
Transmission variables
3 - Q35: Does the fax server support other typo or characters for sending faxes because the customer email client does not
support specific charaters like “[“ “]”.
The Fax server supports all types of smtp servers. The current syntax used from an email client is:
[email protected]
Where “faxcompany” is a company a domain name of the email server. It is used to route emails from the email server to the fax
With a recent fax server release, the character “=” is not mandatory.
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For Exchange, the following syntax can be used to send faxes and use the outlook address book.
For Lotus, the following syntax can be used :
3 - Q36: When a user receives a Fax this Fax is transmitted to the user according to the following rules.
- DNIS (Dialled Number Identification service)
- Call Station ID (CSID)
- ANI (Automatic Number Identification)
Is it right? If yes, what’s happens when a received fax does not have an ANI registered on this table ?
Yes, all this routing possibilities can be mixed themselves with logic characters "and" "or" in the Fax server routing
The misrouted faxes are transferred to the admin account by default, but they can also be routed to a default user
account, a printer, or a common mail box (in this case, the common mail box must be created in the email server).
3 - Q37: Is it possible to have a centralized management for several Fax servers (Centralized configuration and monitoring)? or
OmniTouch Fax server must be managed separately… one administration console per server ? Do you think that ALU Pro
Services or Sagem could propose a solution?
The 8450, does not have a centralized management. However the management console is a web client. If you have to manage
several fax servers, you can have in your browser one browser favourite per fax server. Each time you want to connect to a fax
server, you select simply the page in your browser.
Note if you have a Fax server with HA, the management is centralized, because the browser is connected to a logical IP
address, not a physical one.
3 - Q38: What is the method to send mass-faxing ? I mean sending simply a fax to a list of recipient.
Mass faxing is possible with both the application Send Fax and the mass-mailing capabilities of Microsoft Word.
4 - Billing:
4 - Q1:
Your presentation state that OT8450 will benefits of OV 4760 for accounting features.
Now I have BP that is asking me if FAX mailbox must be considered on OV4760 handled users licenses or not.
Example: As we don’t have one number for fax & phone calls in OXE we have a User declared and a network routing prefix to
access the 8450. We have 1 users number (created on OXE) and 1 FAX Mailbox on 8450 (via Trunk sip). To benefit, for such
users, of accounting for Fax & Phone call, 4760 must have 2 handled user licences opened or only 1?
No, you don't need another 4760 user licence.
The Fax Server sends to the OXE the charged user number.
For example, your phone numer is 01 55 66 44 55 , your fax number is 01 55 66 47 48.
When you send a fax, 8450 includes in the SIP message the number 01 55 66 44 55. Then the OXE will charge this number
with the fax communication (this solution because OXE is not able to charge a range of DDI numbers).
Obviously the user number transmitted by the fax in the message must be known by the OXE.
User fax and voice costs can be analysed in the 4760.
4 - Q2: if we use a faxserver in multicompany environment, how can it be billed? Do we create a bunch of sip extensions each
allocated to a cost center?
No, Fax Server is billed globally. In fact, the Sip trunk group linking the Fax Server and the OXE is like a unique cost center.
4 - Q3: Hi, We don't have reports for the time on the ALU fax server. Are they planned to be implemented?
Access to an integrated tool is not planned yet. An accounting ticket is emitted on the OXE side when a fax is sent (available
from the release 5.1).
5 - Redundancy - security:
5 - Q1: is there ability for hot standby? any redundancy?
Redundancy is planned for Q4 2008.
5 - Q2: Can we have server redundancy for the OmniTouch Fax solution in two different locations?
The Fax server redundancy is available since the R5.1.
5 - Q3: Is the fax server using physical or virtual IP addressing system? In case of embedded fax server with OTUC, is it
possible to have OTUC High Availability option (redundancy) + encryption?
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The licencing model is based on physical addresses, and the Fax server uses it. Therefore it is possible to have OTUC + fax
server on the same physical server + encryption and OTUC High Availability. In this case the Fax server will not be duplicated,
the only way is to install a second physical fax server.
5 - Q4: Any further information about security? Is it supported (SSM and MSM)?
The security is not supported for Fax server because the use of SSM - MSM boxes to connect the server leads a software
development in the Fax Server. This development is not planned for the time.
5 - Q5: It is not possible to encrypt the flow directly between a GD and a MP102 Audiocode, however encryption of remote
IPTouch is possible.
If you want to encrypt the fax flows, you must use a mediagateway on the remote area. In this case, the flow is encrypted
between the two mediagateways. The advantage of this architecture is to have PSTN accesses on the remote site, leading
reducing bandwidth on the Lan.
5 - Q6: In case of no IPMG in branches, even though it is not possible to encrypt fax flows, how about the normal flow ? Is there
any problems between GD and MP102 ? The encryption is not important for us to fax at this moment.
Yes, without mediagateway the IP Phones flows are encrypted, not the fax flows.
No problem between GD and MP102 but encryption is not possible.
5 - Q7: What is the process to quote HA?
Until Actis 3.5, the process is: Typing 3BA09201JA in eBuy. Price is unique:1990€ wpl does not depends on users and ports
quantity. Also a Service Pros job must be quoted to install and configure the system.
5 - Q8: When redundancy is installed, is it possible to active manually the Passive Fax Server to have management action (like
an upgrade) on Main Fax server with no interruption on FAX services ?
To active the passive fax server, stop the main server, the other server will launch automatically the fax services.
For a management action, it is not necessary to stop the FaxServer at all.
For a major upgrade action, it is recommended to stop servers and to upgrade (very short interruption)
6 - Email environment :
6 - Q1: Does the e-mail client require Unified messaging or can fax be separated?
No, the fax can be order separately from Unified Messaging. The e-mail connector allows the notification to be sent to an e-mail
address and sending/receiving fax from email client.
6 - Q2: which inbox will the faxes appear in?
The fax will appear in the main inbox. Receiving a fax in the e-mail client means that you receive an e-mail notification with an
attachment. The class of the message will be positioned in such a way it will show a fax icon.
6 - Q3: A customer environment is following :
- 237 Macintosh OSX (10-4), equiped with Entourage 2004 email client.
- the email server is Postfix on Apple server OS10 (Postfix is Imap 4 compatible). Entourage from Microsoft permits interfacing
Macintosh clients with Outlook server.
Is the fax server usable in a such environment? If yes, are there restrictions? If not, do we have another solution?
The fax server works in a Macintosh environment but with the integration is less than the integration with Outlok on PC.
In reception mode there are no differences, the receiver is notified by a mail with a pdf file enclosed.
In sending mode, the destination must have the following structure: “fax calling number @”. The fax server domain
is managed by the local DNS.
Word, PPT files, etc can be rasterized in the same manner as Windows environment because they are multi platform
6 - Q4: Is it necessary to install something on the Exchange Server or the Outlook client for proper work or a better integration
between Fax server and the company email system?
No plug in, no patch to work properly, it’s only mandatory to create an email account dedicated to the Fax Server. For advanced
integration and extended options in the email client, it may be necessary to install DLL files on the email server and / or forms
on the email clients. See the table in the Fax Server presentation to know what must be installed depending on Outlook and
Lotus Notes releases.
6 - Q5: Is the Fax Server able to notify by SMS?
We understand the possibility to notify by SMS a user when he receives a fax. Fax server is not able to notify directly by SMS.
The SMS notification could be done by the email server (Notes or Exchange) please refer to email server capabilities.
6 - Q6: Our customer is using MS Outlook in “cache mode” to limit the bandwidth on the network. Can we use the fax server in
a such environment?
Yes, it works with Outlook in “cache mode”.
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6 - Q7: Our customer has 2 MS Exchange “hubs” on his site. Does the Fax server work in this case?
If you talk about one fax server to communicate with 2 or more Exchange servers, this case works but is not well optimized. For
example, if the Fax server try to reach an unknown address, the Fax server will try and try again because it don’t have an
internal IP table for unresolved IP addresses.
To treat unresolved addresses and to match the right user with the right Exchange server for incoming faxes, it is
necessary to add an external mail server router in the customer data architecture.
A mail server router is more adapted in this case than the internal fax smtp gateway. Another advantage to use a mail server
router is a better mails management in the waiting queue.
6 - Q8: Is it mandatory to create one e-mail account for the Fax server system or one e-mail account for each Fax client?
First, in all cases, you don't have to create email account for the fax server in the email server.
For users, it is not mandatory to have email accounts, they can use the fax server with the web client.
6 - Q9: As an extract from the FAQ “For advanced integration and extended options in the email client, it may be necessary to
install DLL files on the email server and / or forms on the email clients”. What does it advanced integration and what it will
provide us with?
Advanced integration means the access to optional tabs (or pages) plus fax icons in Outlook or Lotus client. The optional pages
are used to provide additional sender information and delivery options. Note that this features are from stock in the web client
6 - Q10: MS Outlook fax extension, is it needed to be installed in all the cases on the client or only in case of “advanced
integration” mentioned in the previous point?
Fax extensions is an option, available in Outlook (and Notes) when the forms files are installed in the email client.
From the Fax server release 5.1, nothing is installed in the server side, only forms in the client side.
6 - Q11: Our customer wants to know about “advance tab” option; does the form file (which enables the advanced tab on
Outlook client or fax server client) comes with the system as a default or it is optional file and has to order separately? Do we
need professional services to enable the advanced tab on site?
If there any commercial values for this feature please advice.
So, don't forget the user can have this option (optional tabs) without installation if he uses fax server thru the web interface.
The file to install on the PC client is provided on the DVD installation. 2 files are provided: one for Notes and one for Outlook.
Professional Services are not needed to install this, because a new installation wizard simplifies now the procedure.
By the way, the mass deployment or automatic installation can be used to install file forms on email clients.
6 - Q12: Is it possible to connect fax server with an email server located in an email provider? If yes, what are the setups to ask
to theprovider?
No, this feature is complicated to realize. The provider must propose internal mail routing depending on domain name. Another
possibility is to deposit faxes in a specific mailbox. The fax server looks in this mail box to resent faxes. To do that, the fax
server must supports Pop3 protocol, and in fact it does not.
6 - Q13: Is it possible to communicate with Domino Notes V6.55 without using a SMTP gateway? Can we use a specific
connector because our customer cannot support SMPT gateway.
Yes, the fax server can address directly Notes server without using a SMTP Server.
6 - Q14: If a group of “Customer Sevice” mail box is set up to receive faxes, is there a way to track who accesses individual
This feature is related to email server not fax server. I’m not specialist in email servers but it seems to be not possible. It is also
not possible to have a group mail box with different username/passwords for each user.
The only way is to create a common mail box then create an automatic message forward to a distribution list. But there will no
report on this access.
6 - Q15: There are Lotus 2 clients:
-Notes 8 (Standard Configuration) - java based
-Notes 8 (Basic Configuration)
As for now we only integrate UC with the Basic one. Is this the same status for the fax integration in Notes?
Fax server works without issues with this both versions Standard and Basic.
6 - Q16:: Is Fax Server able to tag emails containing fax attached document? It may be useful for email server to identify this
emails, in order to put them in a unique box. This feature is dedicated for Contact Center environment, to dispatch the faxes to
the agents.
If yes, how many users must be declared in Actis?
Yes, emails containing a fax are tagged with a special subject like “You have received a fax”
Fax server messages are identified for OTUC. others applications can identify them if they are programmed specifically.
If faxes are directed to a unique mailbox, only one user must be declared in Actis. But in this case, only one user can send faxes
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6 - Q17: Do I need the Email connector license as soon as I have smtp exchange with a mail server, or only if the forms for
Notes and Outlook are used?
As soon as there is SMTP exchange with mail server to send a fax, you need e-mail connector.
Note the smtp connector is not needed to receive faxes via the email client.
6 - Q18: Is the Fax Server solution compatible with TSE flows?
Some of components are tested by Sagem: Send Fax, email client and web client. Unfortunately, ALU support don’t have
the same test environment, therefore it is not possible to support this compatibility.
6 - Q19: Is the Fax Server compatible with Citrix? If Outlook client is used in this environment, what about the Fax server plug
in? Do we have some limitations?
The Fax server plug in (allowing option tabs and selection of front pages) is compatible with Terminal Server. Concerning Citrix,
this compatibility is not tested.
6 - Q20: We are positioning 1 OXE System and 1 Fax Server for an environment with 5 different companies; i.e. the
OXE system and the Fax Server will serve the 5 companies. Is it possible to connect the fax server to 5 exchange
servers for routing the faxes to different 5 email domains?
Yes, it is possible but with some conditions.
First, the network IT system must be equipped with a Mail server router, to match the right user with the right exchange server
for incoming faxes. Secondly, the fax server management is unique for all companies.
If these points are a problem, you propose XMedius wich is really multi company compliant.
7 - LDAP - AD - SAP interworking :
7 - Q1: Is there a Microsoft AD connector (for fax user creation from Microsoft AD)?
Yes there is a Microsoft AD connector which enables the fax server to retrieve information from AD. This connector is valid for
any LDAP directory.
7 - Q2: Is it possible to create distribution lists to send fax from OMC intranet directory ? What are the possibilities and limits?
It is possible to consult a list from the Outlook client. The list can come from a LDAP directory. The lists are done by the
7 - Q3: API - Is there any other API other than the SMTP/POP3 which they may be able to utilise? Two questions were raised,
a SAP connector and a Webservices API.
No other API than SMTP/POP3. The connector with SAP does not exists. No Web services.
7 - Q4: Active Directory Integration - Is there an AD integration? Do they need to double manage user accounts or can they
create a user in AD with fax capability and the user is automatically created in OTFaxServer?
Yes, integration with Active Directory is possible and does not need a double management. Users can be imported from Acrtive
Directory to the Fax Server. However, this facility is not possible for users connected via the web client. This type of users must
be declared manually in the Fax server management console.
7 - Q5: I've just been informed that AD integration is extremely important for our customer. Also is there any further news on
the porting of the SAP integration?
Yes, the ALU Fax Server is compatible with LDAP directories like Active Directory.
In this case, you don't have to declare the users. No double management.
Users' rights are defined in AD, where users are putted inside groups. Each group can have different rights in relation with the
fax possibilities.
In the Fax server side, define profiles, then assign them for each AD group. Its an account integration.
There is one restriction: the AD integration may not work for users using fax server through the light web client.
Despite the client leading, SAP integration does not work and is not planned today. The onliest thing possible is to develop in
the SAP Delivery Manager side, a connector to transform the sending order in syntax type:
[fax=called number@domainfax]
(called number is the number to dial to send the fax)
(domainfax is a dns declared in the fax server embedded dns)
7 - Q6: Fax Directory: Is there a directory service to choose number from? Can I use the OXE directory?
Integration is possible with LDAP directory.
7 - Q7: The customer uses two IMAP mail servers: Lotus and Exim. The mail users are distributed on the two servers. At the
fax server level, is it possible to declare both mail servers?
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No, with ALU Fax Server only one server can be declared. A solution exists with Sagem Xmedius on AAPP.
7 - Q8: Can the Fax server be interfaced with the IBM AS400 environment? Our customer wants to send fax from AS400 to the
Fax server.
The only way for AS400 to communicate with Fax server is using the SMTP protocol.
If AS400 does not support SMTP, another solution is to use XMedius on AAPP program. In this case, there are several ways :
file rasterization in a specific folder, XML file, API commands, printing spooling.
7 - Q9: Can the Fax server address more than one LDAP?
The Fax server can address several LDAP directories. In the admin console, fill the field "Exernal Directory" with the following
syntax for example: "AD server1_AD server2_AD server3"
In this example, the fax server sends a request to the first server, then if the request does not have a response, it sends another
request to the second server, etc. The only condition is: the LDAP attributes in the several directories must be identical (same
name, same order), for example "user name, phone number, office location, etc".
7 - Q10: Can the user authentification be done externally? On an external SQL database for example?
There are 3 possibilities for a user, to be connected to the Fax server: email, web or via Send fax.
- Email:
There is no authentification because the user has been authentified when opening Windows session, or Notes/Outlook session.
- Web:
(1) If the Fax server is not linked to a LDAP directory, authentification window is displayed (login - password). The Fax server
compares datas keyed with the internal database.
(2) if the Fax server is linked to a LDAP directory, the authentification is done automatically, in a transparent manner for the
user. In fact, the Apache Tomcat web server, embedded in the Fax server makes the request directly to the LDAP server.
- Send fax: The identification can be enabled or disabled for Send fax (management level). If the authentification is done, the
situation is same than the web case.
7 - Q11: More specifically, can a fax user account be created directly from the Active Directory? Or the account must be
created from the Fax Server management inteface and then assigned to a user entry in the Directory?
Yes, the user can be created directly from the LDAP directory.
7 - Q12:
Is there a Microsoft AD connector (for fax user creation from Microsoft AD)?
Yes there is a Microsoft AD connector which enables the fax server to retrieve information from AD. This connector is valid for
any LDAP directory. It is provided on the DVD installation.
8 - Actis and Licencing :
8 - Q1: When sending from email client, does email connector you mentionned earlier require a license? if so how to order it?
Yes, the e-mail connector is part of the items that need to be purchased. The commercial items are :
- Fax System base server
- users
- ports
- e-mail connector
8 - Q2: Is licensing managed through otuc flexlm? or seperately through the fax solution?
The license key will be retrieved from the e-LP website. But this is a dedicated key.
8 - Q3: Where do you quote the SIP ports in ACTIS? another window?
If the Fax server is an independent application, you must configure SIP private links manually. If the Fax Server is integrated
with My IC, Actis will add automatically the Sip links.
8 - Q4: Does the integrated ACTIS dimensioning tool account for the integrated fax option?
From the October 2007 version, for the small configurations (less than 500 My Instant communicator user and less than 4 fax
ports) the dimensioning tool will position 1 server only.
8 - Q5: Are they sold in individual ports or in bundles?
Ports are sold in bundles of 2.
8 - Q6: Is there a dimensioning tool? I suppose that ACTIS takes care of this automatically.
The dimensioning tool will provide information on the total HW server that is needed to run the solution. Some additional rules
can be used to estimate the number of port versus the number of users. See the Fax Server presentation.
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8 - Q7: In the case of fax server configured with OTUC / My Teamwork, shall we key manually the SIP network links in the Actis
Prvate Network window?
Before Actis 13.5:
If ordered as a standalone, you must manually enter the number of VoIP SIP Network links on the OXE to connect with the
OmniTouch Fax Server. In this context, this licences are not free.
However, if ordering OmniTouch Fax Server as part of the OTUC framework and Instant Communicator, then you do not need
to manually enter the VoIP SIP Network links. This is because, SIP Bypass licenses are calculated for all SIP connections within
the OTUC framework (ie, audio ports for collaboration, vxml ports for UM and fax ports for faxserver). Note in this context, SIP
bypass licences are free.
Please remember though, this will not increase the number of compressors on the OXE. This needs to still be done manually.
From Actis 13.5:
SIP bypass licences are automatically configured, it is only necessary to enter the number of ports in the offer.
8 - Q8: For the FAX over IP (to connect a Fax server to the OXE over IP) do we have to go through a PCS process?
You don't have to go through a PCS process to connect the fax server on the OXE, or order a fax server for your customer.
8 - Q9: When we order the OTUC Fax server. What is the process for obtaining the license and associating this with the
Fax licencing is similar to My Teamwork.
After ordering, the BP must wait 24 hours (for database refresh reasons), then calling the Customer support (Call center 24/7) or
The BP has to give the order number, and the Fax server mac address. Alcatel-Lucent calculates a key with this mac address
and delivers it : by mail immediately or via e-Buy / e-licencing / fax server.
However the Fax server can run without key licence. After installation, it runs automatically in demo mode. The demo mode is
similar to the normal mode except all fax are tagged with a mention "Demo" in diagonal and port are limited to 2.
As soon as the key licence is entered, the Fax server switches to normal mode (see documentation).
8 - Q10: What about Demo licences?
The Fax Server runs basically with demo licences (100 users, 2 ports, fax tagged).
To use it, simply download the installation file or take the DVD, then install it. You don't need licences, but in the OXE side, you
must have sip private links + sip gateway, or sip bypass licences.
If you need to make a POC with more than 2 ports, we have several possibilities:
- If it is for Alcatel, ask to pricing division, to obtain shop cost licences or buy a Pro Services job.
- If it is for a BP, he must ask to the Channel Manager to have licences and even server with cost reduction.
8 - Q11: Our customer wish to have a demo. Is it possible to do it in the show room in Colombes? What are the other
There are many possibilities:
- Coming in the show room in Colombes
- Doing a demo via a Teamwork application sharing session. In this case, the customer can use his PC and an analog fax to
send and receive faxes.
- The BP can install in the customer’s site an OXE demo platform with a fax server in demo mode (2 ports, 10 users)
- Pro Services can install a Proof Of Concept with a fax server in real mode. This prestation is charged.
8 - Q12:If we choose “None” in the “Release” field what does that mean? will the server still be provided?
This field is accessible only in case of Fax server as an independent application. If you choose “None”, it does not configure the
Fax Server in the offer. Note the other fields are greyed and are not accessible.
About providing the Server platform: simply fill the dedicated fields in the corresponding “Alcatel-Lucent servers” area.
8 - Q13: so it is madatory to choose R5.0?
Yes, to configure the Fax server as independent application in your offer, you must begin to select “R5.0”.
8 - Q14: When using the ports calculation tool, is the estimation similar to the one if we use an external fax server or integrated
Fax server?
Yes, this tool can be used to calculate ports for both situations.
8 - Q15: can we communicate the ports calculation tools to our BP?
Yes, absolutely.
8 - Q16: we can use the Excel tool in the presentation by clicking on it.
The example given in the presentation is a screen shot. But you can add a link button in the slide to launch automatically the
tool from the presentation. In this case, the tool must be copied in your PC. Indicate the link to the file when adding the button in
the presentation.
8 - Q17:If we choose “None” in the “Release” field what does that mean? will the server still be provided?
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This field is accessible only in case of Fax server as an independent application. If you choose “None”, it does not configure the
Fax Server in the offer. Note the other fields are greyed and are not accessible.
About providing the Server platform: simply fill the dedicated fields in the corresponding “Alcatel-Lucent servers” area.
8 - Q18: so it is madatory to choose R5.0?
Yes, to configure the Fax server as independent application in your offer, you must begin to select “R5.0”.
8 - Q19: When using the ports calculation tool, is the estimation similar to the one if we use an external fax server or integrated
Fax server?
Yes, this tool can be used to calculate ports for both situations.
8 - Q20: can we communicate the ports calculation tools to our BP?
Yes, absolutely.
8 - Q21: we can use the Excel tool in the presentation by clicking on it.
The example given in the presentation is a screen shot. But you can add a link button in the slide to launch automatically the
tool from the presentation. In this case, the tool must be copied in your PC. Indicate the link to the file when adding the button in
the presentation.
8 - Q22: A Fax server is connected to an OXE ABC network. It is declared on one node. Can the users of the other nodes use
the Fax server capability and are there some licences needed on the other nodes?
The fax server is accessible by the users declared on the other nodes. No licences are needed on the distant nodes. The only
thing to do is adding manually compressors for the media gateways if Fax server traffic is important.
8 - Q23: We have 2 nodes in network, 2500 fax users on each node. How to design the architecture? Shoud we have 1 or 2
Fax servers? How to key the licences in Actis?
Declare only one Fax server on a node with all licences (users, node, etc.). users on the other node could access to the fax
8 - Q24: Our customer, an Hotel, has 100 administrative people sending and receiving faxes, 300 rooms with fax sending
capabilities. Can we create a unique account for these rooms? Do we need licences in this case?
You need 100 user licences for the administrative people + 1 licence for the common account. Be careful, users with this
account will have the same coversheet and the same fax number indicated on the fax header.
9 - Bics - virtualization:
9 - Q1: In the case of Fax Server quotation in a Bics environment, is the Fax Server integrated with the Bics server or is a
dedicated server platform needed?
Now, Bics does not integrate the Fax Server. It is necessary to order a dedicated platform. In the next Bics release (October
2008) the Fax Server will be integrated on the same platform.
9 - Q2: Do you know if it is possible to install Fax server on a VM Ware virtual server ?
Our position is still the same: The only VMware supported by ALU is proposed in the Bics context.
Running Fax server on VMware is possible but the result depends on the context (server power, other software
installed, etc.) therefore it is not possible for ALU to guaranty the proper working and of course supporting the
Bics is supported because ALU controls the server side.
10 - Miscellaneous:
10 - Q1: Will this be branded as Alcatel-Lucent?
Yes, the commercial name of the product is: Alcatel-Lucent OmniTouch Fax server.
10 - Q2: What is the answer to our customers when Cisco is offering a fax server with 30 channels, including hardware and
Alcatel-Lucent Fax Server includes hardware and software, but hardware is only a server. No additional and expensive specific
boards. 30 channels is the maximum quantity of supported ports.
10 - Q3: What about IP card for integration with Cisco Call manager?
We don't know about integration with Cisco Call Manager. What we can say is: the fax server is connected to the ALU
Communication Server with SIP links.
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10 - Q4: How the user dials from a T37 Multi Function Printer fax? In other terms, what is the syntax used to send a fax from a
MFP connected to the fax server?
Mass faxing is possible with both the application Send Fax and the mass-mailing capabilities of Microsoft Word.
The user use the current syntax, for example: [email protected]. If the MFP is equipped with a Sagem
board called Modfaxsi, the user has to type only the number “012345678”, then “Send”.
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