Complete Yoga Breath - (Illustration by Bobby Shew)


Complete Yoga Breath - (Illustration by Bobby Shew)
Mark Zauss
Complete Yoga Breath - (Illustration by Bobby Shew)
We can start with these basic exercises. To begin, breathe in slowly through the mouth
& inhale until you cannot anymore, then exhale slowly thru the mouth. As you began
this breathe, you may have felt you chest, ribs, and throat slightly stretch & expand.
Now lets try this again.
Lets begin to slowly inhale through the mouth to almost your full lung capacity.
As you breathe, the stomach area should push outward, away from the spine.
After you feel like you have inhaled as much air as your lungs will hold, hold the breath
& sip more air in thru your mouth 3 times. Each time you "sip" more air thru the mouth
it may feel like you cannot take in any more air, but you do. It is OK to lift the
shoulders for maximum air intake while practicing this breath. After your lungs are full
of air, as your holding in the air, relax your shoulders down as seen in step 4. This
feeling may be similar to stretching your leg or other limb in a different manner after
not stretching for a while, or perhaps for the 1st time.
Another helpful tool to better understand the complete breathe, is to lay on your back
and practice breathing in the same manner. When you breath in as deep as you can
while laying on your back is how it feels to breathe correctly.
Repeat this process (upright) before each practice session 3 or 4 times, resting at least 2
minutes between exercise. After repeating this process for several weeks, it should begin
to feel more natural & eventually 2nd nature. This is the 1st step towards the practice of
the Yoga breath.
Mark Zauss
Inhale through the mouth to almost your full lung capacity.
As you breathe, the stomach area should push outward, away from the spine.
After you feel like you have inhaled as much air as your lungs will hold, hold the
breath & sip more air in thru your mouth 3 times.
Each time you "sip" more air thru the mouth it may feel like you cannot take in
any more air, but you do. It is OK to lift the shoulders for maximum air intake
while practicing this breath. This feeling may be similar to stretching your leg or
other limb in a different manner after not stretching for a while, or perhaps for the
1st time.
Another helpful tool to better understand the complete breathe, is to lay on your
back and practice breathing in the same manner.
Repeat this process (upright) before each practice session 3 or 4 times, resting
at least 2 minutes between exercise. After repeating this process for several
weeks, it should begin to feel more natural & eventually 2nd nature. This is the
1st step towards the practice of the Yoga breath. The full effect of this exercise
will probably not start working and feeling natural until after about 90 days.

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