*878# iBank - GTBank Kenya
*878# iBank - GTBank Kenya
GUARANTY TRUST BANK (KENYA) LIMITED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30TH SEPTEMBER 2015 I. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION BANK 31st Dec 31st Mar 30th June 30th Sept 30th Sept 2014 2015 2015 2015 2014 Shs ‘000 Shs ‘000 Shs ‘000 Shs ‘000 Shs ‘000 (Audited) (Un -Audited) (Un -Audited) (Un -Audited) (Un - Audited) GROUP 31st Dec 31st Mar 30th June 30th Sept 2014 2015 2015 2015 Shs ‘000 Shs ‘000 Shs ‘000 Shs ‘000 (Audited) (Un -Audited) (Un -Audited) (Un -Audited) 150,913 1,931,207 - 201,413 2,200,388 - 184,178 3,443,856 - 247,695 4,633,174 - 199,931 1,567,228 - 840,868 1,931,207 - 768,299 2,200,388 - 753,660 3,443,856 - 881,200 4,633,174 - 614,875 1,567,228 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,450,042 43,756 3,016,651 24,230 2,650,054 23,517 3,139,732 26,153 2,471,227 - 2,450,042 2,761,897 3,016,651 4,302,275 2,650,054 2,390,907 3,139,732 3,241,442 2,471,227 2,026,516 5,455,836 230,910 1,602,769 7,091,607 160,948 1,872,666 7,300,951 152,257 733,323 3,649,549 145,790 1,626,248 4,140,755 152,493 3,035,297 5,455,836 230,910 1,602,769 7,091,607 160,948 1,872,666 7,300,951 152,257 733,323 3,649,549 145,790 1,626,248 4,140,755 152,493 3,035,297 775,772 2,714,396 30th Sept 2014 Shs ‘000 (Un -Audited) A. ASSETS 1 Cash (both local and foreign) 2 Balances with Central Bank of Kenya 3 Kenya Government and other securities held for dealing purposes 4 Financial Assets at fair value through profit and loss 5 Investment Securities: a).Held to Maturity: i).Kenya Government securities ii).Other securities b). Available for sale i).Kenya Government securities ii).Other securities 6 Deposits and balances due from local banking institutions 7 Deposits and balances due from banking institutions abroad 8 Tax recoverable 9 Loans and advances to customers (net) 10 Balances due from banking institutions in the group 11 Investments in associates 12 Investments in subsidiary companies 13 Investments in Joint Ventures 14 Investment properties 15 Property,plant and equipment 16 Prepaid lease rentals 17 Intangible assets 18 Deferred tax asset 19 Retirement benefit asset 20 Other assets 21 TOTAL ASSETS B LIABILITIES 22 Balances due to Central Bank of Kenya 23 Customer deposits 24 Deposits and balances due to local banking institutions 25 Deposits and balances due to foreign banking institutions 26 Other money market deposits 27 Borrowed funds 28 Balances due to banking institutions in the group 29 Tax payable 30 Dividends Payable 31 Deferred tax liability 32 Retirement benefit liability 33 Other liabilities 34 TOTAL LIABILITIES C SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 35 Paid up/Assigned capital 36 Share premium/(discount) 37 Revaluation reserves 38 Retained earnings/Accumulated Losses 39 Statutory Loan Loss Reserve 40 Other Reserves 41 Proposed dividends 42 Non controlling Interest 43 Capital grants 44 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 45 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY III. OTHER DISCLOSURES 1,963,528 2,009,781 1,125,935 995,035 3,009,200 3,747,723 2,886,763 3,535,562 10,678,396 12,440,594 1,311,022 306,301 10,893,074 188,884 11,207,219 206,161 12,374,541 32,536 29,538 55,649 17,625,632 19,347,818 - 1,032,324 17,622,459 237,844 18,288,203 206,161 19,890,159 32,536 2,165,747 2,432,747 455,771 501,376 37,148 257,518 17,914 11,953 796,398 510,006 28,103,601 32,991,926 2,432,747 517,906 240,065 26,169 569,651 31,366,413 2,737,026 537,269 261,166 19,867 606,931 30,169,915 2,737,026 525,658 250,999 40,860 638,249 29,161,835 1,046,998 1,174,519 70,363 617,405 151,523 299,148 950,197 605,509 37,862,176 45,554,406 1,215,564 577,021 220,117 786,550 41,832,286 1,256,798 591,174 207,286 963,973 41,717,493 1,278,738 581,477 223,112 1,014,064 40,564,039 16,090,711 17,734,223 970,617 2,068,770 16,951,760 434,900 16,581,418 226 16,061,675 - 27,936,344 29,449,780 970,617 2,068,770 26,545,098 434,900 27,351,078 226 26,962,924 - 896,940 1,235,154 1,389,604 946,482 1,055,522 902,162 1,253,181 1,688,110 1,127,828 1,175,862 200,589 2,568,452 196,026 4,011,256 200,589 4,477,192 195,976 4,321,048 200,640 3,476,257 273,767 - 272,024 4,014,082 277,249 4,477,192 277,287 4,321,048 288,923 3,476,257 83,011 35,203 554,720 546,261 21,365,040 25,826,893 93,763 550,315 24,098,123 16,877 437,791 22,499,818 32,355 11,922 547,298 21,385,669 83,011 35,200 54,942 136,049 849,228 1,159,859 31,070,071 38,388,945 93,785 22,068 1,094,099 34,632,501 16,877 54,506 940,196 34,089,046 32,355 70,039 823,624 32,829,984 1,276,480 1,276,480 3,608,917 3,888,534 (3,644) (11,362) 1,790,442 1,934,477 66,366 76,904 6,738,561 7,165,033 28,103,601 32,991,926 1,276,480 3,888,534 (16,713) 2,032,408 87,581 7,268,290 31,366,413 1,276,480 4,192,814 (29,825) 2,154,503 76,125 7,670,097 30,169,915 1,276,480 4,192,814 (50,991) 2,280,887 76,976 7,776,166 29,161,835 1,276,480 1,276,480 3,608,917 3,888,534 (3,644) (11,362) 1,668,888 1,787,316 92,735 129,047 53,462 49,055 95,267 46,391 6,792,105 7,165,461 37,862,176 45,554,406 1,276,480 3,888,534 (16,713) 1,905,510 127,145 (30,093) 48,922 7,199,785 41,832,286 1,276,480 4,192,814 (29,826) 2,023,339 116,113 (22,824) 72,351 7,628,447 41,717,493 1,276,480 4,192,814 (50,991) 2,076,238 129,119 37,998 72,397 7,734,055 40,564,039 30th Sept 2014 Shs ‘000 (Un -Audited) NON-PERFORMING LOANS AND ADVANCES Gross non-performing loans and advances Less: b) Interest in Suspense c) Total Non-Performing Loans and Advances (a-b) Less: d) Loan Loss Provisions e) Net Non-Performing Loans (c-d) f) Discounted Value of Securities g) Net NPLs Exposure (e-f) 2) Insider Loans and Advances a) Directors, shareholders and associates b) Employees c) Total Insider Loans and Advances and Other Facilities 3) Off-Balance Sheet Items a) Letters of credit, guarantees, acceptances b) Forwards, swaps and options c) Other contingent liabilities d) Total Contingent Liabilities 4) Capital Strength a) Core capital b) Minimum Statutory Capital c) Excess/(Deficiency) d) Supplementary Capital e) Total capital (a+d) f) Total risk weighted assets g) Core capital/total deposit liabilities h) Minimum Statutory Ratio i) Excess/(Deficiency) j) Core capital/ total risk weighted assets k) Minimum Statutory Ratio l) Excess/(Deficiency) (j-k) m) Total capital/ total risk weighted assets n) Minimum Statutory Ratio o) Excess/(Deficiency) (m-n) 5) Liquidity a) Liquidity Ratio b) Minimum Statutory Ratio c) Excess/(Deficiency) (a-b) 31st Dec 2014 BANK 31st Mar 2015 30th June 2015 30th Sept 2015 30th Sept 2014 Shs ‘000 Shs ‘000 Shs ‘000 Shs ‘000 Shs ‘000 (Audited) (Un -Audited) (Un -Audited) (Un -Audited) (Un - Audited) 31st Dec 2014 GROUP 31st Mar 2015 30th June 2015 Shs ‘000 Shs ‘000 Shs ‘000 Shs ‘000 (Audited) (Un -Audited) (Un -Audited) (Un -Audited) 1) a) 524,221 471,969 601,356 606,923 629,200 1,654,617 1,664,684 1,759,955 1,776,770 2,027,616 195,536 328,685 203,035 268,933 211,005 390,350 223,546 383,377 234,112 395,088 375,095 1,279,522 426,128 1,238,556 460,457 1,299,499 541,908 1,234,862 593,942 1,433,674 203,085 125,600 125,600 - 207,003 61,930 61,930 - 209,671 180,679 180,679 - 211,558 171,819 171,819 - 216,479 178,609 178,609 - 421,830 857,693 857,693 - 529,179 709,377 709,377 - 491,740 807,758 807,758 - 421,232 813,630 813,630 - 529,993 903,681 903,681 - 233,318 50,504 283,822 247,778 48,879 296,657 119,289 31,723 151,012 329,139 34,964 364,103 541,395 44,116 585,511 264,196 204,028 468,224 274,426 175,319 449,745 163,420 55,736 219,155 478,183 50,119 528,302 547,271 150,625 697,896 1,142,941 1,289,035 1,065,139 1,512,315 1,551,887 1,992,877 2,242,209 1,361,874 1,903,107 1,809,205 385,426 1,045,721 2,574,088 31,206 1,105,962 2,426,202 9,759,341 1,420,256 12,244,736 10,335,323 1,895,879 13,743,516 8,008,478 1,927,101 11,487,465 385,426 2,768,295 5,146,598 31,206 3,049,840 5,323,254 9,759,341 2,004,351 13,125,566 10,335,323 2,638,086 14,876,515 8,008,478 2,030,928 11,848,610 4,320,555 4,666,745 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,320,555 3,666,745 198,643 194,859 4,519,197 4,861,603 17,645,579 18,750,469 26.9% 26.3% 10.5% 8.0% 16.4% 18.3% 24.5% 24.9% 10.5% 10.5% 14.0% 14.4% 25.6% 25.9% 14.5% 14.5% 11.1% 11.4% 4,710,371 1,000,000 3,710,371 200,340 4,910,711 16,745,334 27.8% 8.0% 19.8% 28.1% 10.5% 17.6% 29.3% 14.5% 14.8% 4,777,112 1,000,000 3,777,112 174,511 4,951,623 17,280,280 28.8% 8.0% 20.8% 27.6% 10.5% 17.1% 28.7% 14.5% 14.2% 4,839,914 1,000,000 3,839,914 170,267 5,010,181 18,540,400 30.1% 8.0% 22.1% 26.1% 10.5% 15.6% 27.0% 14.5% 12.5% 57.0% 20.0% 37.0% 53.6% 20.0% 33.6% 47.2% 20.0% 27.2% 53.4% 20.0% 33.4% 45.3% 20.0% 25.3% The financial statements are extracts from the books of the Institution. The complete set of quarterly financial statements, statutory and qualitative disclosures can be accessed on the institution’s website www.gtbank.co.ke. They may also be accessed at the institution’s head office located on Plot 1870 Woodvale Close - Westlands. IBUKUN ODEGBAIKE MANAGING DIRECTOR MARY M’MUKINDIA DIRECTOR II. STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 1.0 INTEREST INCOME 1.1 Loans and advances 1.2 Government securities 1.3 Deposits and placements with banking institutions 1.4 Other Interest Income 1.5 Total Interest Income 1,133,748 656,841 68,534 1,551,302 888,825 94,412 413,152 230,693 29,022 787,306 465,892 82,155 1,215,117 639,227 258,339 2,106,617 819,804 94,541 2,816,941 1,129,643 129,623 699,543 289,854 32,127 1,338,974 575,638 88,614 2,052,943 798,151 267,437 24,748 1,883,871 31,358 2,565,897 5,219 678,085 9,530 1,344,884 14,149 2,126,832 24,748 3,045,709 31,358 4,107,565 5,219 1,026,743 9,530 2,012,756 14,149 3,132,680 771,530 38,433 1,024,985 74,272 274,491 18,767 530,718 38,628 800,535 59,280 1,292,442 39,562 1,696,090 75,621 380,528 25,011 731,911 49,104 1,091,051 78,206 13,841 823,805 1,060,066 18,506 1,117,763 1,448,134 4,563 297,821 380,264 9,177 578,523 766,361 13,841 873,656 1,253,176 17,977 1,349,982 1,695,728 24,065 1,795,776 2,311,789 5,966 411,505 615,238 12,040 793,055 1,219,702 18,299 1,187,556 1,945,124 73,394 102,661 15,440 55,381 80,329 143,803 174,723 25,072 87,723 130,321 96,560 50,750 75,269 146,821 63,222 77,153 36,176 12,929 13,475 75,665 33,232 41,671 113,849 61,949 49,140 228,736 165,333 172,263 291,894 211,087 168,527 87,149 47,027 24,585 172,851 104,396 95,828 229,822 199,330 119,652 295,973 1,356,039 389,858 1,837,992 78,019 458,284 205,949 972,310 305,267 1,558,443 710,136 2,405,863 846,231 3,158,020 183,832 799,070 460,798 1,680,500 679,125 2,624,249 24,056 379,906 42,034 93,464 33,722 34,921 540,491 44,494 127,705 45,793 7,671 129,806 14,041 34,989 17,890 27,714 274,675 25,233 73,473 40,608 44,843 418,245 39,388 108,842 67,091 236,492 849,694 70,158 148,506 87,292 230,801 1,113,450 69,441 202,024 118,164 11,585 270,974 21,515 56,381 39,784 42,332 568,301 37,870 116,917 94,695 130,742 867,301 62,350 175,588 152,919 5,887 235,433 814,503 541,536 13,301 344,546 1,151,252 686,740 6,261 92,473 303,130 155,153 12,521 204,876 659,099 313,210 18,782 366,278 1,063,469 494,974 10,012 573,185 1,975,338 430,526 22,036 869,532 2,625,448 532,572 20,442 205,361 626,043 173,026 12,521 456,486 1,329,122 351,377 50,623 711,109 2,150,632 473,617 2.0 INTEREST EXPENSES 2.1 Customer deposits 2.2 Deposits and placements from banking institutions 2.3 Other Interest Expenses 2.4 Total Interest Expenses 3.0 NET INTEREST INCOME/(LOSS) *878# iBank NO DATA? JUST DIAL *878# TO TRANSACT FROM YOUR GTBANK ACCOUNT 4.0 OTHER OPERATING INCOME 4.1 Fees and commissions on loans and advances 4.2 Other Fees and Commissions 4.3 Foreign exchange trading income (loss) 4.4 Dividend Income 4.5 Other income 4.6 Goodwill on Acqusition of subsidiary 4.7 Total Non-Interest Income 5.0 TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 6.0 OPERATING EXPENSES 6.1 Loan Loss Provision 6.2 Staff costs 6.3 Directors’ emoluments 6.4 Rentals Charges 6.5 Depreciation charge on property and equipment 6.6 Amortisation Charges 6.7 Other operating expenses 6.8 Total Operating Expenses 7.0 Profit/(Loss) before tax and exceptional items 8.0 Exceptional items 9.0 Profit/(Loss) after exceptional items 10.0 Current tax 11.0 Deferred tax 12.0 Profit/(Loss) after tax and exceptional items 13.0 Other Comprehensive Income 13.1 Gains/(Loss) from translating the financial statements of foreign operations 13.2 Fair value changes in available -for-sale financial assets 13.3 Revaluation surplus on Property, plant and equipment 13.4 Share of other comprehensive income of associates 13.5 Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income 14.0 Other comprehensive income for the year net of tax 15.0 Total comprehensive income for the year Attributable to: Non Controlling Interest Equity Holders of the Parent - - - - - - - - - - 541,536 (162,461) 379,075 686,740 (141,168) (11,924) 533,647 155,153 (46,546) 108,607 313,210 (93,963) 219,247 494,974 (148,492) 346,482 430,526 (178,629) (1,434) 250,463 532,572 (150,754) 64,827 446,645 173,026 (53,756) 119,270 351,377 (106,021) 245,356 473,617 (165,051) 308,566 - - - - - (6,962) (33,447) (73,584) (70,214) (9,392) 1,835 (5,883) (5,350) (18,463) (39,629) 1,835 (5,883) (5,350) (18,463) (39,629) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,835 (5,883) (5,350) (18,463) (39,629) (5,126) (39,330) (78,935) (88,678) (49,021) 380,910 527,764 103,257 200,784 306,853 245,337 407,315 40,335 156,679 259,545 2,886 242,450 (3,540) 410,855 2,530 37,805 4,947 151,732 4,992 254,553 30th Sept 2015 Access the following services: • Check balance • Get a Mini Statement • Transfer money to your own account, other GTBank accounts or other banks • Transfer money to M-Pesa • Pay Bills • Buy Airtime 0703 084 390 /391 Guaranty Trust Bank (Kenya) Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya *Terms & Conditions apply
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