June 2010 - The Gazette Newspaper
June 2010 - The Gazette Newspaper
The Gazette June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 1 Newspaper for Hasbrouck Heights • Little Ferry • Lodi • Moonachie • Teterboro • Wood-Ridge Published Monthly. Issued the first week of the month. Distributed FREE via U.S. Postal Service and available at select locations. Every issue is online in PDF format at: www.The-Gazette-Newspaper.com RSS feed available. PRSRT STD US Postage PAID Hackensack, NJ Permit # 451 VOL. 7, No. 6 June 2010 Hasbrouck Heights Borough Administrator Michael J. Kronyak takes the hit and makes a big splash during the Hasbrouck Heights 2nd Annual Street Fair on May 16. See story on page 2. Check out photos on pages 16-17. Street Fair Makes A Big Splash Mother’s Day Celebrated Page 3 Kindergarten Tours PD & FD Page 12 HHFD Inspection Page 13 Loyalty Day Services Page 15 A Taste of Moonachie Page 27 PAGE 2 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 Spectacular Street Fair An estimated 30,000 folks enjoyed the Hasbrouck Heights Second Annual Street Fair on The Boulevard, Sunday, May 16, 2010. Two stages featured continuous live entertainment. The main stage at Raymond Street included performances by The Cameos, Retro Spectro, Doomsday Diaries, Glove Monkey Band and American Idol’s Ashley Hollister. The second stage at Franklin Avenue included Tae Kwon Do, Zumba by Michelle, Young Dreamers (Salsa), Hip Hop Dancers, Character Review, Marionettes by Rachel -- and a DJ spinning tunes. Chip Dee opened his doors for “jamming” all day. The dunk tank was a big hit, with Borough Administrator Michael Kronyak, Police Chief Michael Colaneri, Police Sgt. Joseph Rinke, BOE President/Fire Chief Richie Giarratana, Civilian Parking Enforcement Jarred Cooke, and Dom D’Amico being really big sports -- that water was cold! There were amusements, inf latables, trackless train, etc., as well as face painting. A stilt walker, mime and cos- tumed characters delighted the youngsters. Over 150 vendors provided lots of fun, festival food like cotton candy, hot dogs, pizza, sausage & peppers, ice cream and more. Many Hasbrouck Heights businesses participated, setting up tables and displays to sell wares, food, provide give-aways, raffle drawings... even hair styling! T hey i ncluded Bi l l O’Shea’s Florist, Heights Flower Shoppe, Real Living Gateway Realtors, Century 21/Eudan Realty, Prudential Merendino Realty, Jerzey Boyz, Heights Pizza, Heights Bar & Grill, Maria’s Kitchen, BeJay Drugs, The Religious Shoppe, etc., to name a few. Many community organizations participated such as HH Swim Club, Care on the Corner, FOCAS, Scouts, etc. The Hasbrouck Heights Fire Depar tment EMS set up two first aid stations, and Moonachie EMS assisted. The Police Department mingled with the family crowd. And the DPW provided support by placing barricades, refuse containers, and clean-up of The Boulevard during and af- Primary Elections -- June 8 Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. ter the event. Rob Brady and his volunteer crew provided assistance. This free event was provided by the generosity of: Costa Memorial Home, Boiling Springs Bank, CareOne at Wellington, Optimum, Otterstedt Insurance Agency, 101.9 RXP, BeJay Drugs, Heights Flower Shoppe, Hekemian & Co. Inc., Hennessey Heights Funeral Home, Sonic Drive-In, TD Bank, Chandless, Weller & Kramer, Cinelli Iron & Metal Co., Bill O’Shea’s Florist, Hackensack University Medical Center, Hilton Hasbrouck Heights, Holiday Inn Hasbrouck Heights, IHOP Hasbrouck Heights, J. Fletcher Creamer & Son, Joseph M. Sanzari, Lenox Corp., Mason & Musella, Esqs., Pepe Plumbing & Heating, ShopRite of Lodi, The Gazette Newspaper, The Observer, Tyco Tees and Valley National Bank. The event was sponsored by The Borough of Hasbrouck Heights and The Mayor’s Business Community Committee, who contracted Cliff hanger Productions. ### VFW Hall Rental Up to 250 Guests Catering • Dance Floor Plenty of On-Site Parking Handicap Accessible Facilities are also available for Corporate Meetings • Repasts VFW Post 4591 • Hasbrouck Heights Call Post: 201-288-1112 Clip, copy and send this message to Trenton. “Don’t cut funding!” Governor Chris Christie, PO Box 001, Trenton, NJ 08625 New Jersey Senate State House PO Box 099 Trenton, NJ 08625-0099 NJ General Assembly State House PO Box 098 Trenton, NJ 08625-0098 District 38 District 36 Senator Robert M. Gordon 14-15 Plaza Road PO Box 398 Fair Lawn NJ 07410 Senator Paul A. Sarlo 207 Hackensack Street Wood-Ridge, NJ 07075 Assemblywoman Joan M. Voss 520 Main Street Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Assemblyman Frederick Scalera 800 Bloomfield Avenue Nutley, NJ 07110 Assemblywoman Connie Wagner 205 Robin Road, Suite 216 Paramus, NJ 07652 Assemblyman Gary S. Schaer 1 Howe Avenue Passaic, NJ 07055 Support FREE Public Libraries. Ask Trenton to maintain funding. The Energy Corner Retention Oil Burners Every non-flame retention burner, and most pre-1985 first generation flame retention burners, should be replaced. Boilers or furnaces installed after 1980 will run much better with a new burner. If a new boiler or furnace was installed before 1970, it is better to replace the system than to just put in a new burner. New burners with their white-hot flame may “kill” the old unit quicker. OTTERSTEDT insurance agency TRUSTED INSURANCE ADVISOR SINCE 1919 417 BOULEVARD, HASBROUCK HEIGHTS 201-288-8844 Replacing an old inefficient boiler or furnace is one of the best investments you can make. It will pay for itself in a few years and will continue providing savings for years to come. Call for a FREE analysis of your heating system. See if upgrading your equipment is right for you. There is no cost or obligation. Call John Depken if you have any questions that you would like answered in this column Oil Heat -- It’s Just Better and Less Expensive! PROVIDING INSURANCE PROTECTION FOR: AUTO – HOME – BUSINESS LIFE & BONDS REPRESENTING 26 INSURANCE COMPANIES TO BETTER SERVE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS kdoil.com Keeping families warm since 1897 24 Hour Service • 201-288-0723 • 1-800-242-1897 Bookkeeping & Sales • 201-939-0060 • 1-800-262-1897 Automatic Deliveries • Service Contracts System Maintenance • Easy Payment Plans New Tanks • Fuel Tank Service Agreements Installations of Efficient Burners, Boilers & Furnaces with A.C. Conversions from old, expensive gas to Safe, Efficient Oil. June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 3 Methodist Nursery School Celebrates Mother’s Day The Pre K children of the Methodist Nursery School celebrated Mother’s Day by performing several songs to the delight of their moms and friends. After singing “We Really Love Our Mothers,” each child presented their mom with flowers, a keepsake handprint on a ceramic plaque, and plants they grew from seeds in hand-decorated flowerpots. The Methodist Nursery School, located on Division Avenue in Hasbrouck Heights, is in its 38th year, and offers early childhood programs for three, four and five-year-olds with individual classrooms for art, music, and academic areas. For information, call 201-288-4636. ### HH Lions Sponsors Fireworks Program July 1, 2010 The Lions Club 26th Annual Fireworks are tentatively scheduled for July 1, 2010 at Depken Field (Route 17 & Franklin Avenue). The rain date is July 2 and extended rain date is July 9. Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for children. Under 5 free. Only blankets will be allowed on the field (no chairs). Water will be allowed, but no food. ### Wanted: Advertising Sales Representative Good Commission Part Time • Flexible Hours Car Required Call 201-288-8656 Hats Off To Mom! How long has it been since you wore a hat to Church? Re m e m b e r t h o s e E a s t e r bonnets you wore as a kid? On Sunday, May 9, 2010, it was Hats Off to Mom Day at First Reformed Church. All the women of the Church were encouraged to wear their most beautiful, Happy Mother’s Day at IHOP Carnations were presented to all the “Moms” who visited Hasbrouck Heights IHOP on Mother’s Day. ### Mother’s Day Boutique On May 1, 2010, the Little Ferry/Moonachie Rotary Club sponsored a Mother’s Day Boutique at the Moonachie Civic Center. About a dozen vendors provided kids the opportunity to purchase inexpensive gifts for Mom, Grandma, etc., such as chocolates, candles and jewelry, with gift wrapping. A professional photographer was on site to take family pictures for $10. Picture frames were available. ### Change your watch battery • Starting at $3.99 WE BUY GOLD Est. (Standing l-r) Angela McLeod, Estella Hackel, Rev. Dianna Smith, Barbara Morici, Janet Wright, Rose Buwalda. (Front row, l-r) Karen Londino, Julie Morrow, Nancy Frank. 1983 201 Williams Avenue (Corner of Blvd.) Hasbrouck Heights • 201-393-7076 Danson Jewelers paid FIVE TIMES more than “Cash for Gold” as featured on Ch. 12 News by Alicia Vitarelli THINK GREEN All Types of Travel Family Travel • Honeymoons • All Inclusives • Individuals • Groups Reunions • Tours • Theme Cruises • Religious Travel Lucy A. & John M. Cappadona • HH Residents for over 25 Years 877-699-7851 • 201-393-9049 • Fax: 201-257-8807 [email protected] Personalized service; or book on-line at www.7seascapercruises.com outlandish, silly, serious hat to worship. The Reformed Church Women's Guild had a hat decorating meeting right before Mother's Day. ( D o n’t w o r r y l a d i e s , Father’s Day is coming and you won’t believe what the guys will be asked to do!) ### PAGE 4 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 How to Choose a Checking Account For most people, the centerpiece of their relationship with their bank is a checking account. Studies have shown that consumers overwhelmingly define “their” bank as the institution where their checking accounts are held, not the bank where they may have a mortgage or CD. It’s no wonder banks throw a sizeable amount of money toward attracting and retaining consumer checking accounts. Banks know one way to get you in the door to open a checking account is to lure you in with gifts. In the old days they used toasters; today’s gifts are less domesticated -- coolers, camping and beach gear to name a few. The freebies get Farmers’ Market Starts June 15th The Hasbrouck Heights 10th Farmers’ Market is scheduled to begin on June 15, 2010, and continue every Tuesday from Noon to 6:00 p.m. until late September, at the corner of The Boulevard and Central Avenue. This Farmers’ Market is scheduled to host about a dozen vendors. George is back! Additionally, many new vendors to include Hoboken Farms, Rebbecca Amish Baked Goods, a gourmet coffee company, Cookie Man, Dr. Pickle, hand made soaps, etc. Senior coupon day has been scheduled for July 13th. According to Chamber President Ray Vorisek, Hasbrouck Heights businesses and community organizations are invited to set up a free table for one Tuesday afternoon during the 2010 Market. Limited positions are available. Call Ray at 201-288-5464 for more information. During Farmers’ Market days, Boulevard businesses are permitted to take advantage of “Sidewalk Sale” opportunities and set up tables in front of their stores. ### Copy for the July Issue is due June 10th. Previous Issues of The Gazette Newspaper are available on-line at: The-Gazette-Newspaper.com RSS Feed Available better as the stakes get higher. Banks in search of “total relationships” with customers are offering free checking accounts with loan discounts, investment bonuses, insurance incentives and other financial sweeteners. Because banks are offering discounts or freebies when you have multiple accounts, you can use any banking product you are considering, as leverage to snag something else you want from the bank -- say, a higher CD rate. The more business you do with one bank, the more likely they are to sweeten the deal. Kearny Federal Savings Bank has enhanced their existing relationship program, which currently offers 22 financial benefits, by adding “lifestyle” savings as well. By opening a StarBanking Plus account at KFS, you’ll receive free checking with interest, free wire transfers, fee rebates up to $10 per month on foreign ATM transactions, bumpedup CD rates, reduced rates on new home equity loans and much more! And if all those free services don’t save you enough, they’ve combined those fi nancial services with GenGold®, where you’ll save even more money on “lifestyle” services like travel, shopping and restaurants! It’s easy to qualify for StarBanking Plus. All you need is a Kearny Federal Savings Star Checking account with direct deposit and a combined balance of $20,000 or more in your savings and checking account. If you’re over 55, you can be a SuperStar and receive the same benefits with a combined balance of just $10,000. Visit one of KFS’s 26 convenient branches for complete details, or call toll free 1-800273-3406. With Kearny Federal Savings’ StarBanking Plus program, you’ll never need another checking account! ### Newspaper for Hasbrouck Heights • Little Ferry • Lodi Moonachie • Teterboro • Wood-Ridge Published Monthly. Issued the first week of the month. Distributed FREE via U.S. Postal Service and available at select locations. All issues are available online FREE in pdf format. 343 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 201-288-8656 • Fax: 201-288-7215 www.The-Gazette-Newspaper.com Email: [email protected] Member: New Jersey Press Association Fritz Rethage ..................................... Editor • Publisher Marie Gallo .................................. Assistant to the Editor Nancy Halloran ......................................... Copy Editor Peter J. Gallo Jr. ........................................ Contributor Pauline Freedman ........................................ Bookkeeping Deadlines are: Editorial copy due 10th day of month preceding issue, and completed ad material due 15th day of month preceding issue. Issued about the first week of the month. © 2010 All Rights Reserved. Published by The Iron Horse Advertising and Marketing Company, Inc. Reproduction of any photos requires permission. Many photos may be viewed in color @ www.hasbrouck-heights. net. “The Gazette” may represent “The Gazette Newspaper for Hasbrouck Heights, Little Ferry, Lodi, Moonachie, Teterboro and Wood-Ridge.” Press releases welcomed. Photo submission of original and unpublished photos are accepted for exclusive use in The Gazette and/or www.hasbrouck-heights.net. Email original jpg (under 3 meg) and include photo details. Names should be listed left to right. Publisher reserves the right to accept or refuse any advertising. Advertisers assume all liability for all content of advertisements. The Publisher is not responsible for any loss claimed by advertiser in cases of errors or omissions. Not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 5 6th Annual Environmental Poster Contest Winners Announced EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT • 4-10 PM DINNER SPECIALS Buy One Dinner Entree Get 2nd Dinner Entree Plus Two Beverages Of Equal or Lesser Value 2.99 $ Maximum Discount $7.00 The 6th Annual Environmental Poster Contest was again sponsored by the Mayor’s Environmental and Transportation Commission. The theme was “How the Environment Impacts My Life in Hasbrouck Heights” or “What We Can Do to Help The Environment.” Students in Grades Kindergarten through Fifth from Euclid School, Lincoln School and Corpus Christi School were invited to submit an entry. Each entry was judged on originality, artistic merit and portrayal of the chosen theme. There were 39 awards given. Entrants received either First Place, Second Place, Third Place or Honorable Mention. All winners, along with their parents and/or guardians, attended the May 11, 2010 Mayor and Council meeting. Each child received a Certificate of Achievement. Cont e st C h ai r Mayor Rose Heck, Environmental and Transportation Commission Chairman John Stavash and John Kosakowski visited each school. Mr. Kosakowski, owner of Bill O’Shea’s Florist, presented a begonia plant to each child. He explained to the children that the plants could be kept on window sills or planted in gardens. Committee Members Liz Moser and Jim Dressel distributed all the posters which are now on display in The Hasbrouck Heights Free Public Library, Wachovia Bank, Valley National Bank and Bank of America. The winners and class teacher follows: Euclid School • 1st Grade First Place: Vatsal Baherwani - Ms. Cavanagh, Second Place: Nithin Vadakken - Mrs. Lambe • 4th Grade First Place: Megan Longo - Mrs. Incognito, Second Place: Giana Marie DiLascio - Mrs. Dubofsky, Third Place: J a c q u e l i n e DeLorenzo - Mrs. Dubofsky Place: Heather Cali - Mrs. Dussault, Paige McGuire Miss Rodriguez, Second Place: Antonio Mancini - Miss Rodriguez, Chiara Alvarez - Mrs. Rodriguez, Third Place: Victoria Vitelli - Mrs. Rodriguez. Honorable Mention: Evan Morrow - Miss Rodriguez, James Toscano - Miss Rodriguez. • 1st Grade, First Place: Ethan Ortiz - Ms. Jarosiewicz, Second Place: Madison Murray - Mrs. Kroncke, Ananda Thool - Mrs. Rau, 2nd Grade First Place: Tejasi Thool - Miss Platania, Second Place: Joseph Toscano - Mrs. Abramo, Jacqueline Jera - Miss Platania, Third Place: Tommy Murray - Ms. Cannizzo. • 4th Grade, First Place: Sara Herron - Mrs. Mastello. • 5th Grade, First Place: Ramneet Saini - Mrs. Mancuso Corpus Christi School • K i nderga r ten, First Place: Daphne Dzugay - Mrs. Rocha, Second Place: Emily Cosgrove - Mrs. Rocha, Third Place: Azmat Fatema Sheliya - Mrs. Rocha. • 1st Grade First Place: Joshua Mackiewicz - Mrs. Carris, Second Place: Rachel Fraile - Mrs. Donovan, Nicholas Hubay - Mrs. Carris. • 2nd Grade, First Place: Zachary Mackiewicz - Mrs. Clem, Danielle Pinto - Ms. Deppert, Second Place: Chiara Colletti - Mrs. Clem, Natalie Pinto - Ms. Deppert. Third Place: Ethan Cabral - Ms. Deppert. • 3rd Grade, First Place: Andrew Marrero - Ms. Lemaire, Second Place: Joseph DeFelice - Mrs. Paladino, Samantha Cosgrove - Mrs. Paladino, Third Place: David Fraile - Mrs. Lemaire. • 4th Grade, First Place: Isabelle Impalli - Mrs. Calabrese. • 5th Grade First Place: Frank DeFelice - Mrs. Scanlon, Second Place: Michael Hubay - Mrs. Scanlon ### Lincoln School • K i n d e r g a r t e n Fi r s t Maria’s Kitchen Breakfast Eggs • Pancakes • Morning Sandwiches • Corned Beef Hash Cereal • Fruit • Yogurt • Muffin • Croissant • Toast • Bagel Lunch Signature Subs • Paninis • Burgers • Salads • Soups • Wraps Nosh Gourmet Desserts • Gelato • Coffee • Expresso • Cappuccino Cooking On-premise • Fresh-made Pastrami & Corned Beef 111 Route 17 South, Hasbrouck Heights • 201-288-0355 Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner & late night snacks Open 7 days from 7 a.m. to midnight • Plenty of free parking Major credit cards accepted • Gift cards available Open 7 Days • 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Curb Service • Local Delivery Free Wi-Fi • Catering Available Major Credit Cards Accepted 220 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights • 201-288-1180 PAGE 6 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 Public Libraries Offer Immeasurable Savings The public library has always been a place to save money. Where can you go to get the latest New York Times best sellers, the hottest music CDs, the latest movie releases on DVD, find your favorite magazine and stock up on audiobooks for those long road trips without having to buy them? And these days libraries offer even more activities and services for less. Consider the following facts: • Computer Access: Many people find that they need access to a computer; rather than purchasing their own and maintaining one, they save money by using the free wireless service. • Books: Think of the saving possibilities of borrowing instead of buying your reading materials. Your local library has access to thousands of titles and has established lending agreements with neighboring libraries to share resources. According to the latest survey by the Department of Labor, a U.S. consumer spends an average of about $120 on books each year. • Magazines and Newspapers: A number of people I know have cancelled most of their periodical subscriptions and get their reading materials from the library instead. This is a great way to reduce the amount of paper being sent to your home. • DVDs, CDs, and Other Media: Save on rental fees for movies, music, audiobooks, and more by borrowing them from the library for free. If you have not visited your local library for a while, I bet you’d be surprised by the incredible multimedia collections they have established. • Entertainment and Space: With sum mer just around the corner, libraries are getting geared up to offer exciting reading programs and events for all ages, including everything from author-led book discussions and music recitals to playtime programs for children. And if you’re looking for an inexpensive place to hold a community event, check with your library, many have meeting rooms available. • Save on Utilities: Li- braries have taken on many roles, why not make them the center of your world to spend time at all year round. That way you can turn down the heat or AC at home and save. • Volunteer Opportunities and Tax-Deductible Donations: Most local libraries have their own “friends” groups that are involved in and support library activities. Volunteering at a library can be a great way to meet new people and earn community service hours. Your gently used books are welcomed and get a second home at book sales. Often, contributions to The Friends are tax-deductible. Rush Service Available Embroidery • Awards Uniforms • Polos Promotional Items • Etc. 973-614-0015 116 S. Main Street, Lodi, NJ www.JDMassociatesinc.com your kitchen, offer suggestions for your next dinner party, plan a weekend getaway and provide an entertaining and educational afternoon experience for your children. Where can you find a bargain like this? Story by Mimi Hui, Director, Hasbrouck Heights Free Public Library. ### Your choice of Pancake Stackers served with your favorite combination: Ultimate Bacon & Sausage Combo (pictured) Three strips of crispy bacon, three pork sausage links, two eggs and golden hash browns 8.99 Low Minimum Orders If you avail yourself of all the resources and services that local libraries have to offer, they can save you a bundle of money. Your local library has become a one stop shop for the entire family. It can be your home away from home. They are a place where you can check your e-mail, help you remodel Offer expires June 20, 2010 Bacon & Eggs Combo Sausage & Eggs Combo Four strips of crispy bacon, two eggs and golden hash browns 7.99 Four pork sausage links, two eggs and golden hash browns 7.99 Ham & Eggs Combo A hearty grilled ham slice, two eggs and golden hash browns 7.99 Egg Combo Two eggs and golden hash browns 5.99 111 Route 17 South, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ • 201-288-0355 Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner & late night snacks • Open 7 days from 7 a.m. to midnight Gift cards available • Plenty of free parking • Major credit cards accepted June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 7 The First Grade Students of St. Joseph School, East Rutherford, made “Earth hats.” The students discussed ways to save the Earth, and wrote stories on what they would do to protect the planet that they live on for future generations. Photo provided by St. Joseph School.### HH Garden Club Meets June 18th The HH Garden Club will have its final meeting for the season on June 18, 2010. They will be having a private garden tour with Club members. The members will then meet in The Library Community Room on the second floor of the Municipal Building located at 320 Boulevard for refreshments at 7 p.m. The Boulevard in Bloom Flower Pots have all been planted and are located on the Boulevard to be enjoyed by all. A special thank you to Club members who planted, the DPW who delivered them and will water throughout the summer. Thanks to the merchants who water. Have a great summer everyone. See you in September. ### The Gazette Newspaper is printed on 35% recycled newsprint. Please recycle your newspapers after reading. Alex Asencio (foreground, Mother Cabrini tee-shirt) of Little Ferry and Hasbrouck Heights residents Steven Brust (“R” hat) and Darryl Albonico. All are juniors at St. Joseph. Local Students Help Clean Up Meadowlands Students from the ecology club at St. Joseph Regional High School in Montvale recently visited the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission in Lyndhurst to help clean up nearby Harrier Meadow. The students cleared debris that was carried into the Meadows during the March nor’easter. Prom Headquarters Corsages • Wristlets Crystal & Pearl Wristlet Bands • Pearl & Gem Accents Available Graduation Fresh Cut Flowers • Roses Balloons • Plush Animals Unique Gifts • Jewelry Father’s Day Unique Gifts for Dads Creative Indoor & Outdoor Planters John & Linda Kosakowski Proprietors Est. 1969 231 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 201-288-2300 • Fax 201-288-7129 • 1-800-473-2303 Order safely on-line @ www.osheasflowers.com Major Credit Cards Accepted • World-wide Delivery Open 7 days • Plenty of FREE PARKING in rear of store 1 Doz. Carnations 7 $ Reg. 99$15 With coupon. Cash & carry. Expires 6/30/10 Miniature Wicker Basket With Fresh Flower Arrangement 5 $ 99 Reg. $7.50 With coupon. Cash & carry. Expires 6/30/10 1 Dz. Long Stem ROSES 21 99 $ Reg. $50 With coupon. Cash & carry. Expires 6/30/10 Photo provided by St. Joseph Regional High School. ### Strawberry Moon The June full moon appears on Saturday, June 26, 2010, at 11:32. It is called the “Full Strawberry Moon.” According to the Farmer’s Almanac, this name was universal to every Algonquin tribe. The name reflects the relatively short season for harvesting strawberries that comes each year during June. Other names include the “Full Hot Moon,” or in Europe, the “Full Rose Moon.” The Native American Indians of the northern and eastern United States kept track of the seasons by giving a name to each recurring full moon. European settlers followed the custom. ### HH Recycling Center Closed Saturday; Regular Wednesday Pick-up Remains Effective May 1, 2010, the Hasbrouck Heights Recycling Center will be closed on Saturdays. The regular curb-side Wednesday recycling pick-up remains in effect. The DPW Recycling Center will remain open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Closed on holidays. For more information call 201-2881072. ### St. John’s Annual Plant Sale St. John’s 31st Annual Plant Sale was held on Saturday, May 1, 2010 on the Church grounds. Pre-orders were picked up Friday evening in the Church basement. Over 300 flats of bedding plants, geraniums, along with vinca vines, tomato plants, daisies and many beautiful hanging flower baskets were offered for sale. Additionally, baked goods were available and several flea market vendors set up tables. ### PAGE 8 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 Park Improvements Tour HH Garden Club Beautifying The Boulevard Beautiful flowering planters have adorned The Boulevard for the past four years. On Saturday, May 15, 2010, at the Plant Road DPW yard, the Hasbrouck Heights Garden Club and the Hasbrouck Heights DPW prepared 60 fiberglass planters with mulch, soil and plantings. Each planter has 13 different types of plants. Plants include: Canna, Coleus, “El Brighto,” Dahlia “Grande Tesie,” Pillar Geraniums, Coleus, “Gay’s Delight” Verbena, “Light Blue,” Ipomoea, “Chillin Lemonade,” Osteospermum, “Orange Symphony,” and accented with brightly colored Petunias. On Monday morning, May 17th, the planters were put into position along The Boulevard by the DPW. The DPW has agreed to water the plants during the season. Through the summer, students from the HH Jr. High Beta Club will adopt and tend the planters for community service credit. The club advisor is Jane Gay. Keep Wood-Ridge Beautiful The “Keep Wood-Ridge Beautiful” committee will hold its 11th Annual Downtown Clean-up Day on Sunday, June 6, 2010 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers will meet at the Wood-Ridge Senior Center at 12:30 p.m. Last year, over 175 volunteers participated. You are welcome to help clean the shopping districts and raise awareness of the effects of litter in the com- munity. The Bergen County Board of Health will provide cleaning utensils, gloves, brooms and bags. Hot dogs and light refreshments will be served after the clean-up. To sign up, call 201-9390202 (press 1) and leave your name and how many adult and children’s shirts should be ordered. For more information call 201-531-0259. ### Mosquito Season is Abuzz Standing water means you could be raising mosquitoes! Many generations of mosquitoes can breed right in your own yard. All mosquitoes need water to complete their life cycle. Yard and home checklist: • Get rid of old tires, tin cans, buckets, drums, bottles, or any water holding containers • Fill in or drain any low places (puddles, ruts) in yard • Keep drains, ditches, and culverts clean of weeds and trash so water will drain properly • Cover trash containers to keep out rain water • Repair leaky pipes and outdoor faucets • Empty plastic wading pools at least once a week and store indoors when not in use • Make sure your backyard pool is properly cared for while on vacation • Fill in tree rot holes and hollow stumps that hold water with sand or concrete • Change the water in bird baths and plant pots or drip trays at least once a week • Keep gutters clean and free of debris and leaves. ### According to Ann Lustberg, “The Boulevard in Bloom beautification project adds visual interest and aesthetics to The Boulevard streetscape from May until September.” After the summer, the DPW will collect the flower pots and store them for the winter. The estimated annual cost for this program is $4,000 and is funded by donations. Work is done by “Green Thumb” volunteers. Sponsor recognition is located on the first floor of the Municipal Complex. The Hasbrouck Heights Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the HH Garden Club, invites businesses and residents to sponsor a flower pot with planting to be placed along The Boulevard during 2010. Donations for the 2011 program are welcome. Cost is $175 and includes the purchase of a fiberglass pot, soil, mulch and plantings. Cost is $40 to replenish the planting of an existing pot. Call Maria at 201-288-3111 or Ann at 201-288-3956 for more information. ### June Flower Rose On Saturday, May 15, 2010, the Hasbrouck Heights Mayor and Council toured and reviewed recent improvements that were provided by grant money. Borough residents were invited. Woodland Park 2006 Bar rier Free Improvements to Park total ordinance $215,000.00 funded by $116,800.00 in Community Development Funds and $98,200.00 in Borough funds. Work included new comfort station as well as walkways and grading around pavilion. In 2009 the Borough was awarded $69,500.00 in Open Space Grant Funds for the installation of a new pavilion. Central Avenue 2008 Central Avenue Parking Lot and Pocket Park total ordinance $420,000.00 funded by $54,000.00 in Open Space Funds and $366,000.00 in Borough funds. The park improvements were funded by the Open Space Funds while the parking lot was covered by Borough funds. The project included the installation of new park equipment and swings as well as a new pavilion. Wo o d l a nd Park a nd Miers Park Improvements 2009 total ordinance in the amount of $250,000.00 for improvements in both parks funded by $46,208.00 in Community Development Funds, $80,000.00 in Open Space Funds and $123,792.00 in Borough Funds. New playground equipment in both parks, pedestrian walking path around Woodland Park and repaving of south parking lot. Miers Park also received a new pavilion and basketball court. ### Heights Continues Satellite Recycling at Central Avenue The Hasbrouck Heights Recycling Program coordinator reminds residents of the Satellite Recycling drop-off located at the The Boulevard and Central Avenue parking lot. It is available the first Saturday of every month from 7 a.m. to 12 noon. This disposal site collects the following items for recycling: bottles, cans, plastic bottles, newspapers, cardboard, magazines, junk mail, and E-waste such as computer equipment and TVs. For more information, call 201-288-1072. ### Prom: Corsages • Boutonnieres • Nosegays Wristlets: Rhinestone • Pearl • Fiber Optics Graduation Balloons! Recital Bouquets! Heights Flower Shoppe 209 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 1-800-525-3873 • 201-288-5464 • Fax: 201-288-6866 www.heightsflowershoppe.com Major credit cards accepted • World-wide delivery • Corporate accounts welcome Have Your Sensitive Documents Shredded Saturday, June 5th The Hasbrouck Heights Recycling Program will host a community paper shredding event for all residents and businesses on Saturday, June 5, 2010, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Municipal Building parking lot (Corner of The Boulevard and Central Avenue). There is a limit of three banker boxes. There is no cost. ### Complete Landscaping Company Weekly Lawn Service Sod Jobs • Lawn Repairs • Lawn & Shrub Treatments Tree & Shrub Planting • Shrubs, Hedges, Trees Pruned Sprinkler Systems Installed, Serviced, Repaired Landscape Lighting Custom Landscaping to Fit Your Needs and Budget Thomas D’Amato Prime Cut Landscaping • 201-935-3162 Insured • Certified • Honest • Owner/Operator since 1995 Home Improvement Contractor • Lic.# 13VH00894500 June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 9 Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My! Troop 535: Gabriella Cano, Alize Collazo, Zoe Contorno, Heather Farrell, Isabella Impalli, Julia Jureidini, Olivia Madonna, Lianna Pacifico, Tionne Pommells, Katrina Stroedecke and Olivia Wicki. Leaders: Denise Wicki and Joni Madonna. Girl Scout Troop 535 Recognized Junior Girl Scout Troop 535 from Corpus Christi School was honored at a luncheon hosted by the Regent Care Center nursing home in Hackensack, NJ, on April 24, 2010. The girls have volunteered at the nursing home since November 2009 and visit the residents bi-monthly. While at the center they make crafts, play games, and read to the residents. At the luncheon the girls enjoyed a delicious meal and received certificates for their volunteer work. They plan to visit their new friends at the center during the summer months. Story and photo provided by Troop 535. ### HH Music Parents Hold Car Wash & Garage Sale The Hasbrouck Heights Music Parents Association held its Annual Car Wash and Garage Sale on Saturday, May 1, 2010 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. The car wash was held outside the gym on LaSalle Avenue and the garage sale was held on the front lawn of the Hasbrouck Heights High School. Money raised will go towards scholarships for the graduating seniors. ### Xcel Tae Kwon Do Your Child Deserves the Best Studies show that martial arts instill a strong sense of self-confidence in children ... Our curriculum includes powerful programs that build confidence and leadership skills which lay the foundation for a lifetime of success. Loans for HHHS Grads Come and see why World Class Teachers make the difference. Xcel Tae Kwon Do Instuctors: Former US Olympic Training Center Team Captain Former New York University Team Coach NJ Junior Olympic Team Coach ow! ecial. Call N for $99 p S r e m m u S rm ons + Unifo Less 6 Weeks of * New Stude Rachael Dallara NJ State Champion nts Only Bible Baptist Church will be hosting its annual community event Monday thru Friday, July 12-16, 2010. This year they hope to attract even more kids as it will be from 6:45 – 8:30 p.m.. Yes, that’s in the evening! It can be difficult during the day with work schedules and “day camp.” BBC has held what used to be known as “Vacation Bible School” for many, many years. It’s been a great tool for bringing kids into an environment where they can have fun while they learn about the Bible. Most years, well over 100 children attend this week long experience. Dorothy and the SAC crew are looking forward to an exciting adventure with kids from (going into) Kindergarten through 6th Grade in the land of lions, tigers and bears, oh my! Characters in the “Adventure to Golden City” may be somewhat familiar as one “wishes he had a brain,” another wants to “have a heart” and yet another wants some “courage.” As always, there are theme songs, puppets, skits, Bible verses and stories, games and snacks! Beginning June 1, you may register your children by calling 201-288-4139 X17. Leave a message and someone from the SAC crew will call you back. A $10 donation would be appreciated. You may learn more about Bible Baptist Church by visiting their web-site at www. biblebaptist.net. ### “Xcel has given my daughter the confidence she needs to succeed in school and in every day life. She is a straight A student and a State Champion!” Mrs. Dallara 229 Boulevard Hasbrouck Heights “At Xcel, the teachers are very patient and extremely moti201-288-8033 vated to help each individual child. We could not have found www.XcelTKD.com a better school for all three of our kids.” Mrs. McCabe N.Y. Star Barber Shop The Student Loan Fund of Hasbrouck Heights gives interest free loans to help pay the cost of two or four year colleges or technical schools. These loans are available to Graduates of Hasbrouck Heights High School. Donations and loan repayments have kept the fund in existence since 1939. You can request information and an application by e-mailing slfhh@hotmail. com. Applications can also be obtained at the Principal’s Office of Hasbrouck Heights High School. ### 440-1A Boulevard • Hasbrouck Heights • 201-257-8836 Across from Dunkin Donuts All Styles of Haircuts Walk-ins Welcome 9 $ Regular Haircut LAWN MOWER SNOW BLOWER Tuesday and Wednesday Only Open 7 Days: Mon-Fri 9-7 • Sat 9-6 • Sun 10-2 Happy Father’s Day Expert Repair & Service Boulevard Exxon Boulevard & Madison • HH 201-288-5959 62 Students Get the BUG At the end of the third marking period, sixty-two students in Grades 4 and 5 of our local schools received the BUG Award from the Kiwanis Club of Hasbrouck Heights and Teterboro. The Bug Program (Bring UP Grades) is a program designed to encourage students to bring up one or more grades one level in Reading, Language Arts, Social Studies and/or Mathematics without going down in any of these subjects. These students receive a “BUG” pin to wear, a pencil and a certificate to take home. Nineteen Fourth Graders and eight Fifth Graders were from Lincoln School. Sixteen Fourth Graders and nineteen Fifth Graders were from Euclid School. Two raised their grades in three subjects; ten in two subjects; and fifty in one subject. Thirty-eight of the students raised their Language Arts grade, twenty-three in the Mathematics grade, and fourteen in their Reading grade and one in Social Studies. Story by Peter Gallo Jr. Photos by Marie Gallo. ### PAGE 10 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 Est. 1975 Students See Recycling in Action On April 23, 2010, 96 Second Grade students from the Allendale Elementary School toured the Cinelli Iron and Metal Company as part of Earth Day. They began the tour of the Hackensack facility (nonferrous division) by standing on a truck scale for a collective weight of 7,260 pounds and were impressed that if they were aluminum cans, they would be worth $6,115. Every student then received their very own hard hat and were placed into tour groups. Before entering the facility, they were cautioned about safety procedures and provided an overview on recycling. The first station was about sorting of metals followed by a demonstration of metal fabrication. Bathroom Remodeling $9,800 5 x 7 Bathroom in 7 Days Call for a FREE Consultation. Make an appointment to inspect our work and speak to our customers. Diamond General Construction Never a Wait • Quick Prompt Service! Mon. - Fri. 7 am to 4 pm • Sat. 7 am to 12 pm Open Saturdays all year round Cash Buyers Of • Aluminum • Copper • Brass • Composition • Insulated Wire/Cable • Stainless Steel Office: 201-229-0709 • Cell: 201-755-2968 Residential or Commercial • 26 Years in Business • Italian Craftsmanship Tuscany Style Entrees 167 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights • 201-288-4000 • 201-288-4089 Monday - Thursday: 11 am to 9 pm • Friday & Saturday: 11 am to 10 pm Sundays Private Parties Only Catering For All Occasions Travel Agency Exotic tropical island vacations Luxury and adventure cruises • Safaris Romantic getaways • Honeymoon packages Tours • Resorts • Travel planning Miller Travel Inc. 116 Madison Avenue, Midland Park, NJ 201-444-4868 • www.mtitravel.com • Factory & Industrial Plants • Electricians • Plumbers • General Contractors • Supply Houses 201-488-2588 “We Specialize in Copper & Aluminum” 310 Secaucus Road Secaucus, NJ 07094 109 McKinley Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 www.cinelli-iron-metal.com BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH ANNOUNCES JULY 12 – JULY 16 6:45 – 8:30 PM LIONS & TIGERS & BEARS, OH MY! Follow Dorothy and her friends as they journey down the Golden Road in the Land of 40 Winks Call for Reservations Tuscany Touch Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria Servicing Please Call for a Price Quote! SUMMER ADVENTURE CAMP Lic.# 13VH05232100 Complete Demolition & Removal of all Debris Sheetrock/Spackle/Paint • All Electric & Plumbing Ceramic Tile Walls & Floors (3 colors to choose from) Tub or Shower Pan • Sink • Faucets • Toilet • Vanity Ceiling Light or Light Bar The students saw how wire is stripped bare of plastic sheathing, technicians separating scrap that had several types of metals, and the machine that packages each metal type into bales. The tour concluded in the warehouse of the bales ready for shipping. The students then proceeded to the Secaucus (ferrous division) steel yard. Cinelli Iron and Metal is a second generation family business established in 1975 and serves the tri-state area. They handle aluminum, copper, iron & steel, lead, nickel & stainless steel, zinc, etc., scrap from local plumbers, contractors, electricians, etc., to large industrial and manufacturing plants. ### Highest Prices Always Paid! rices Great P ay! r yd e Paid Ev Adventure is around every bend as Dorothy uses God’s Word to travel down the Path of Life! For kids going into Kindergarten thru 6th grade $10 Donation 201-288-4139 X17 to register www.biblebaptist.net KIDS WILL HAVE THE ADVENTURE OF THEIR LIVES WHERE THEY WILL ENJOY SONGS, GAMES, GOODIES AND DRAMAS! June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 11 Lodi High School Interact Club Becomes Official After three years of operating as an “unofficial” Interact Club, Lodi High School received its formal Charter on April 29, 2010. During a ceremony in the Lodi High School auditorium attended by several Mid-Bergen Rotary Club members, Interact Club advisor Aimee Cook received the Charter, and about 125 students received their Interact Membership cards. Refreshments were then served in the cafeteria. According to Ms. Cook, “In conjunction with our sponsoring Rotary Club 7490, the Club has been raising funds for the Gift of Life Foundation. Most recently, our Club participated in the Gift of Life Walk-a-Thon at Bergen Community College, where we raised over $600.” The Mid-Bergen Rotary Club has also sponsored Interact Clubs at Bergen County Technical School and WoodRidge High School. Interact is a Rotary sponsored service club for ages 14 to 18. The program gives young people an opportunity to participate in fun, meaningful projects while developing leadership skills and meeting new friends. The Mid-Bergen Rotary held their first meeting on February 8, 1962 and was originally chartered as the Teterboro Rotary Club, Bergen County, NJ. As the 1960’s progressed, the Club grew with members from the surrounding towns of Hasbrouck Heights, Wood-Ridge and South Hackensack, thereby prompting the name change to Mid-Bergen Rotary Club. Since 1975, Rotary International’s ‘Gift of Life’ program has benefited over 5,000 children worldwide. The program includes more than 70 participating hospitals worldwide — 50 in the United States. Participating hospitals and physicians donate their services and skills to save the lives of suffering children, who otherwise would not be able to afford the life saving surgery in their home country. ### Prudential MERENDINO REALTY Home Sales • Rentals • Residential • Commercial Free Home Value Analysis • List your home or business with us Call For Appointment ...Any Time • Open 7 Days A Week To Better Serve You Imaginations Took Flight at Open Cockpit Day HASBROUCK HEIGHTS Colonial Beautiful home design that’s perfect and move-in ready! California closets with 4 large BRs, master w/Jacuzzi, 3.5 baths. Custom kitchen, LR, FDR w/crown molding, FR w/fpl. and finished bsmt. Htd. in-ground pool. 2 car attch. gar. So much more! $699,000 HASBROUCK HEIGHTS Victorian Magnificent 4 BR, 3.5 bath home w/ Lemonade Porch! Fireplace upon entrance w/curved staircase. Gourmet kitchen, granite counters, s/s appliances and butler’s pantry. FLR and FDR w/hardwood throughout. Fin. bsmt. Custom in-ground Grecian pool. 2 car dtch. gar. Many exquisite details and amenities. $615,000 Prudential Merendino Realty 236 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 201-288-4222 www.prudentialmerendinorealty.com MEMBER: New Jersey MLS • Garden State MLS • Hudson County MLS We speak: Spanish, Polish, Italian & Portuguese • Each office is independently owned & operated On Saturday, April 24, 2010, the Aviation Hall of Fame and Museum opened all aircraft and their cockpits to the public for visitors of all ages to sit in and pretend to fly. Aircraft include Martin 202 Airliner, Cobra Gunship Helicopter, Coast Guard Rescue Helicopter and a Lockheed 402-2 Bush Master. Guides were available to explain each aircraft. Hen r y M. Holden, who launched his recently published 128 page softcover book “Teterboro Airport,” was available for a book signing from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Founded in 1972, the Aviation Hall of Fame & Museum of New Jersey is dedicated to the preservation of the Garden State’s aviation and space heritage. The men and women, whose outstanding aeronautical achievements have brought world-wide recognition to the state, are enshrined in the Hall of Fame. The Museum is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Group tours, birthday parties and Dare-toFly Programs are available. For more information, call 201-288-6344, or go to: www. naahof.org ### PAGE 12 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 Euclid Kindergarten Tours HH Police and Fire Departments On May 10, 2010, 72 Kindergarten students from Euclid School toured the Hasbrouck Heights Police and Fire Departments. Sgt. Joseph Rinke, assisted by Lt. Thomas Archer, led the students though the Police Department main entrance and made introductory comments. They then went inside to the heart of of Police operations -- the main desk where Rinke provided an overview of the desk activities. A test call was made to illustrate how 9-1-1 works. T hey then visited the fingerprint room, sally port (where prisoners enter the Department) and each student got a chance to go into a jail cell. Police Chief Michael Colaneri showed the students the communications and electronics room. The students then went to the Fire Department where Firefighter Thomas Rubino reminded them of fire safety tips (9-1-1, fire escape plan, stop, drop and roll, etc.). He explained the firefighters’ turnout gear and gave them a chance to put on a helmet. The students toured Fire Headquarters and got to go into the ambulance, Engine 2 and Engine 1. Rubino was assisted by EMT Liz Waring and Firefighter Dan Wixon. Each of the students received a souvenir fire helmet. ### All Emergencies Dial 911 PROPANE BAR-B-Q Summer Music Boot Camp 8 Lessons Only $99* 2 Sessions • Registration Now Open Piano • Guitar • Bass • Drums • Vocal Coaching • Bands Welcome $14.95 $12.45 TANKS FILLED 7 Days a Week until 8pm Including Sunday & Holidays! Instrument provided in Academy • Gift Certificates Available *Special introductory offer with lessons taught in group setting Chip Dee Academy of Music 195 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights • 201-288-8245 www.chipdeeacademyofmusic.com PROPANE 199 ROUTE 46 • LODI, N.J. 973.778.0812 Gazette Newspaper Photos Available Did you see yourself or your child published in The Gazette Newspaper? The EXACT images used in The Gazette Newspaper, are now available as black & white photographic prints and may be purchased at: http://gazette-newspaper.smugmug.com/ June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 13 Business Lunch Special for Two* Any Two Gourmet Sandwiches with Soup or Salad *Mon-Fri 20 $ 525 Moonachie Avenue Wood-Ridge • 201-728-4501 Mon - Sat: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Free Wi-Fi Access • Parties Available Refined • USP/NF • Kosher • cGMP Certified Vegetable Oils Grapeseed Rapeseed Almond Avocado High Oleic* Rice Bran Lecithin Canola Safflower Olive Castor Sesame Palm Coconut Soybean Peanut Corn Sunflower (*Sunflower) Cottonseed FDA Registered Proven Quality All Natural Established 1838 WELCH, HOLME & CLARK CO., INC., 7 Avenue L , Newark, NJ 07105 973-465-1200 • Fax: 973-465-7332 • www.welch-holme-clark.com HHFD Annual Inspection With personnel in full dress uniform and equipment clean and polished, The Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department conducted its Annual Inspection, at 7:00 p.m., on Saturday, May 8, 2010. Due to high winds, the equipment was positioned outside and the brief ceremony took place inside the firehouse bays. The program began with Firefighter Thomas Rubino calling the Department to attention, the presentation of the Honor Guard, and the Pledge of Allegiance. HHFD Chaplain, Deacon Vincent De Fedele, provided the invocation. Mayor Rose Heck and Fire Commissioner David Gonzalez made comments. Fire Chiefs from WoodRidge inspected the Department’s equipment -- and they did a thorough job. Local officials and the public also inspected the equipment and met with the men and women who serve. The Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department operates with 70 volunteer members, including EMS and Juniors. The Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department has a Junior Squad for those between 16 and 18 years of age who offer on-scene support, but are not permitted to enter burning buildings. Every firefighter must receive 25 weeks of basic firefighter training and every EMT receives 140 weeks of basic training. Many members continue extensive advanced training in the areas of search and rescue, vehicle operation, incident command, hazardous materials, first responder, mass decontamination, etc. The Department conducts training on a regular basis. The Department is contracted to provide fire and ambulance service to the Borough of Teterboro, and has done so for over 60 years. In 2009, they responded to 1,558 ambulance calls and 541 fire calls and other emergencies. Its rolling stock includes two pumpers, 110 ft. ladder, heavy rescue truck, crash/foam truck, two ambulances and three chief SUVs. These assets are owned by the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights, but maintained by the volunteers. The Department conducts only one fundraiser a year, with the proceeds providing training, supplies, etc. The Department is a member of the South Bergen Fire Chiefs Mutual Aid Association which helps to coordinate multi-departmental responses to large-scale incidents. Zone 2 includes Carlstadt, Little Ferry, Moonachie, Wallington and Wood-Ridge. These departments are also all volunteer. The Department was established in 1896. Interested in joining? Call the Fire Chief at 201-288-0082. ### PAGE 14 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 Vacation-proof Your Home An Overview Most communities across the United States will experience a 10 to 18 percent increase in home burglaries during the months of June, July and August, with most tending to occur in August. The majority of home and apartment burglaries occur during the daytime when most people are away at work or school. Statistics suggest that 70% of the burglars use some amount of force to enter a dwelling, but their preference is to gain easy access through an open door or window. Ordinary household tools like screwdrivers, channel-lock pliers, small pry bars, and small hammers are most often used for break-ins. Although home burglaries may seem random in occurrence, they actually involve a selection process. Burglars choose an unoccupied home with the easiest access, the greatest amount of cover, and with the best escape routes. Burglaries are committed most often by young males under 25 years of age looking for items that are small, expensive, and can easily be converted to cash. Jewelry, guns, watches, laptop computers, VCRs, CD players, and other small electronic devices are high on the list. Quick cash is needed for living expenses or drugs. The average loss per residential burglary hovers around the $1,300 mark. Don’t Advertise Burglars are always on the prowl for a house that looks temporarily unoccupied, so don’t “advertise” your home as an easy target. Light, time, and noise are a homeowner’s greatest weapons --- if it takes a burglar more than four or five minutes to break into your home, they’ll move on. Practical Tips Whether going down the shore for a long weekend or taking that long planned vacation trip, the Moonachie Police Department offers some practical steps to protect your home from theft and damage while you’re away. • Notify the police if you are going to be gone longer than a week as they will often schedule extra drive-bys. • Have a friend or neighbor collect the mail, newspapers and fliers. • Never leave an outgoing answering machine message saying you’re away. Set your machine for five rings (answering too soon or too late indicates nobody is at home). • Leave the light on in the kitchen. The kitchen tends to have lights on the most. • Put lights on timers in two or three rooms so the lights go on and off at various times. • Timers should be used on a daily basis. By setting up a routine, your neighbors can become suspicious when your normally lighted home becomes dark. • Use light-timers near the front and back windows with the curtains drawn. The timing pattern should simulate occupancy. • Timers can be used to turn on a radio or television. Turn your stereo on to a talk station to create a more realistic impression that someone is home. • Outside motion lighting should be installed high enough so that the bulbs can’t be unscrewed by a possible intruder. • Security lights with infrared motion sensors are relatively inexpensive and can easily replace an exterior porch light or side door light. The heat-motion sensor can be adjusted to detect body heat and can be programmed to reset after one minute. These security lights are highly recommended for single family homes. • Most burglars enter via the front, back, or garage doors. Experienced burglars know that the garage door is usually the weakest point of entry, followed by the back door. The garage and back doors also provide the most cover. Windows • Double-check that door and window locks work properly, especially in older homes where they may not fit tightly any longer. • Windows left unlocked and open are entered at a much higher rate than doors. • An open window, visible from the street or alley, may be the sole reason for your home to be selected by a burglar. Basement and ground floor windows are more susceptible to breakins for obvious reasons. • Upper floor windows become attractive if they can be accessed from a stairway, tree, fence, balcony or deck. • Make sure the AC unit is properly secured so a burglar can’t push it in. Doors Experienced burglars can tell from the street if a door is easily breachable. Install deadbolt locks and make sure the Be sure to make a check-list of things to do before you walk out the door. Check windows, turn on timers, disconnect appliances, set alarm, etc. strike plate is securely fastened to the door. • Door glass can be covered with a film or glazing that is resistant to breaking. • Pull out the plug on your electric overhead garage door opener. This will disable the unit and prevent anyone tampering with the frequencies and gaining entry. Street Assessment Crop shrubs and, if necessary, trim trees. If your yard is neat there is nowhere for a burglar to stand or hide when breaking a window. • Examine your home and make sure that valuables are not visible from the street. • Partially close all curtains or blinds to ensure that nobody can look in. Leave upstairs curtains open while first floor drapes shut. Padlock All Gates Make your backyard inaccessible. Padlocking your gates makes getting into the backyard more difficult (not impossible), but it seriously hinders getting out while carrying items like stereos and computers. This difficulty level serves as a strong deterrent. Obliterate Alternate Methods of Entry Put away or chain up ladders, barbecues, garden tools, patio furniture and other items that could aid in a burglary or could be stolen. Car in Driveway Park your car in the driveway and have a neighbor move it so it looks like someone is home. Offer your neighbor a place to park. to keep the smash and grab burglar, nosey kids, dishonest babysitter or housekeeper from gaining access to important documents, small valuable items, and personal property. Home safes need to be anchored into the floor or permanent shelving. Install it away from the master bedroom or closet. • Include in it the video tape of your possessions. • Use the safe routinely. • Protect the safe code and change it occasionally. Alarm Systems Alarm systems deter burglaries because they increase the potential and fear of being caught and arrested by the police. Home and apartment burglars will usually bypass a property with visible alarm signs. • Don’t write your alarm passcode on or near the alarm keypad. • Alarm systems can monitor for fire as well as burglary. • All systems should have an audible horn or bell to be effective. Audible alarms should be programmed to reset automatically after one or two minutes. The criminal got the message and will be long gone but your neighbors will have to listen to the alarm bell, sometimes for hours, until it is shut off. • Home alarms, like car alarms, are generally ignored except for a brief glance. • Instruct your neighbor how to respond to an alarm bell. Property Identification Engrave your driver’s license, not your social security number, on televisions, stereos, computers, and small electronic appliances so police can identify your stolen items if recovered. • Patrol cars are equipped with computers which can easily trace driver’s licenses. • Photograph your valuables and make a list of the make, model, and serial numbers. Keep this list in a safety deposit box or with a relative. Include receipts of the larger items. This provides proof when filing insurance claims. • Photocopy important documents and the contents of your wallet. Extra Precautions The Moonachie Police Department also offers these precautions: • Refrain from carrying anything with you that will create physical, financial or emotional hardship if lost or stolen. • Leave extra credit cards, keys and expensive jewelry at home. • Carry traveler’s checks. (They are replaced if lost or stolen). • Leave prescription medicines in the original containers marked with the prescription numbers. • Leave your passports and valuables in a safety deposit box at your hotel. • Don’t put your home address on baggage tags. Use your business address instead. • Carry a list of all credit cards and bankcards with you. Don’t keep it in your purse or wallet. (You may need the list to report the loss or theft of these cards). • When you check in at your hotel, don’t give your home address verbally. Also, if you are a single woman, caution the front desk clerk not to announce your room number. • Before you go shopping or sightseeing in a strange city, check with the hotel concierge for directions to your destination and the safest mode of transportation to get you there. The Moonachie Police Department wishes you an enjoyable and safe vacation. And if you are driving, don’t forget to buckle up! ### LOCKS • ALARMS • SAFES Call 201-288-8823 for a FREE Security Check Preventing Household Emergencies • Make sure the smoke detector is functioning. • Unplug unnecessary appliances. Shut off water to washing machine. A broken hose could flood your home. • Tell someone where you’ve gone and leave a contact number where you can be reached. Get a Safe Home safes are designed One Stop Security Residential • Commercial Safes • Keys • Digital Locks Complete Alarm Systems Security Cameras Decorative Hardware J & B Lock & Alarm 427 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ Serving the area for over 20 years! June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 15 VFW Posts 4591 & 3616 Loyalty Day Services Hasbrouck Heights Loyalty Day services were held at the VFW Post 4591 on May 7, 2010. The program began with opening remarks by Post Commander Mike Vaughan. Andy Proscia provided a prayer and students led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Hasbrouck Heights Mayor Rose Heck was the keynote speaker. VFW Post 4591 presentations were made by Commander Vaughan and Mayor Heck to: • The Police Department Community Service Award: Detective Michael Colaneri Jr. • The Fire Department Community Service Award: Edmund Carter Jr. • The Department of Public Works Community Service Award: Richard Giarratana. Presentations were also given to the Police, Fire and DPW Departments. Presentations were made to the “Voice of Democracy” Essay Contest winners: Ryann Espinosa, First Place, Joo Weon Summer Vehicle Service Mark Olivo Joe Olivo EXPRESS Est. 1963 T&J Auto Service 39 Hackensack Street, Wood-Ridge, NJ 201-939-8585 • 201-939-9575 24 Hour Towing • 201-935-0425 NJ Licensed Motor Vehicle Inspection Center • Full Automotive Repair • Fully Computerized Shop • Foreign & Domestic Cars • Road Service & Towing Vans & Light Trucks • Buy & Sell Cars • Trucks Free Pick-up & Delivery to local bus, train, home and business Protect yourself and your family with a well maintained vehicle. Summer Service: Tune Up • Lube Oil Change • AC Check-up Yu, Second Place, and Steven Winka, Third Place. VFW Service Award Pins were presented to Angelo Talignani for 40 years and Tony Gentile for 45 years. Refreshments followed. Wood-Ridge About 150 attended the Loyalty Day services held at the Wood-Ridge Senior Center on April 28, 2010. V F W Po s t 3616 Pa s t Commander and Loyalty Day Chairman Burt Alkin led the ceremony. The Invocation was given by Chaplain John Lanzante. Post Commander Joe Cecere led the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the singing of the National Anthem. Alkin gave welcoming remarks about Loyalty Day and introductions. The guest speaker was NJ Senator and Mayor Paul Sarlo. The “Voice of Democracy” winners were announced as follows: Taylor Parks, First Place, Erica Prinzo, Second Place, and Alannah Dragonetti. Each then read their essays themed “My Service to America.” VFW Post 3616 presentations were made by Com- Show Your Colors ... Commercial Accounts Fleet Service: Cars • Trucks • Vans Pick-up and Delivery to Businesses Special Employee Discounts Flag Day is June 14, 2010 mander Joe Cecere: • Outstanding Law Enforcement Award: PatrolmanMatthew Mueller. • Firefighter Award: ExChief Thomas Bischoff Jr. The program concluded with the singing of “God Bless America,” followed by refreshments. Photos of Mueller and Bischoff by Dennis Kronyak. Other photos provided by the Post. ### PAGE 16 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 30,000 Family, Friends an June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 17 nd Neighbors Having Fun PAGE 18 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 Real Estate Insight Fitness Tips By Mary Ellen Courtney By Joann Glussich House Isn’t Selling? What’s the Reason When I was in school, I was always among the last to be picked for sports. Coordination has never been my strong suit. So I know how homeowners feel when their home isn’t selling and other homes seem to be. ‘Why me?’ The real estate market is sometimes as cruel as the school yard these days. The reasons are often simple. The real question is: Can you change it? Let’s look at the main reasons…. 1. Your Photos Are Terrible Have you actually seen the photos your Realtor took? If they look like they were taken by a 6 year old tilting his head while standing in the dark, then you have a problem. Photos should help sell the house. And if the photos are scaring away buyers, then it’s time to insist your agent take different photos. Buyers are spending hours online looking at photos and if yours look unattractive, believe me, they won’t be attracting any buyers. 2. Your Home Is Inaccessible In order to buy your home, people need to be able to see it. This may seem like a nobrainer but I have actually seen a listing recently where viewings were made available only on Saturdays, from 12PM to 2 PM. Or where sellers follow buyers around the house? Or those who don’t plow their walks/driveways after a snowstorm? Or who leave snarling dogs in the living room? Buyers don’t need to have unfettered access to your home but, by the same token, every effort should be made to let people in with a reasonable amount of notice. 3. Your Home Is Cluttered How many times have I heard, “They’re not buying my stuff. They’re buying the house. They can decorate it any way they want after they buy it.” It often seems silly to home sellers that home buyers today cannot look past all their stuff. Maybe it’s all the HGTV shows, but most buyers will automatically focus on your stuff if it’s in the way of them seeing your house. And, if they really can’t see your home, they won’t buy it. 4. There Are No Buyers For Your Home The unfortunate quirks of a sputtering recovery, while some segments of the market are buzzing, others are dead. Even when the tax credit was available for fi rst-time home buyers, the upper middle and high ends of the real estate market had slowed. Financing for investors has also been hard to come by. 5. Price, Price, Price Is your house priced well for condition, location and what’s comparable on the market? It’s not enough to look at prior sales – it’s crucial to know what else is on the market that buyers these days would be looking at and price your home accordingly: at or below these homes (your competition!). Mary Ellen Courtney is owner of Real Living Gateway Realtors, 201-288-0004. www. GatewayToHomes.com ### FREE Colgate Platinum Whitening with any new patient exam, cleaning and X-rays. A $300 value. Zach Orden, D.D.S., F.A.G.D. The End of Food Temptation W hy Does Temptation Always Win? We live in a society where food temptations are everywhere. • Walk through a store and you’ll see the unhealthy food items displayed front and center. • Turn on the TV and you’ll be assaulted with commercials for fattening foods. • Open a magazine and you’ll notice glossy pin-ups of sugary snacks. • Go down the street and you’ll have restaurant signs clamoring for your attention. In addition to the abundance of tempting edibles, you also have deeply ingrained positive associations with indulging. You treat tempting food as a reward, stress relief or comfort. You allow tempting food to become a habit. It’s Your Turn to Win Temptation doesn’t need to have the upper hand anymore. It’s time to fight back using your most powerful asset: your brain. Your mind is an amazing thing. Once it is made up about something it is nearly impossible to change it. Overcoming temptation is all about building negative associations in place of existing positive ones. Use the 2 steps below to harness the power of your mind to become stronger than any temptation. Step One: Create a Strong Negative Association with all the BAD STUFF If cookies and chips and burgers are put on a pedestal in your mind as your favorite things to eat, then you will always eat unhealthy and will continue to gain weight. What do you dislike about tempting food? • It causes weight gain. • It drains your energy. • It kills your confidence. Every time that you encounter tempting food items focus on your list of negatives. It’s time to kick those cookies off the pedestal and to put something healthy in its place. Step Two: Create a Strong Positive Association with all the GOOD STUFF Now that your mental pedestal has been cleared, put healthy food items on it. Juicy fresh fruit, crispy vegetables and savory lean meats are a great place to start. • What do you love about healthy food? • It makes you healthy. • It causes weight loss. • It boosts your energy. • It builds your confidence. • It improves your quality of life. Immerse yourself into the world of healthy food. Browse the aisles of a natural food store. Walk through a farmer’s market. Bring healthy snacks to work. Clear your kitchen of anything unhealthy. Using the technique above, you will soon find that healthy food is your favorite food. And temptation will become a thing of your past. The Domino Effect Regular exercise makes it easier to eat healthy. Just as healthy eating makes you more likely to exercise. It’s the domino effect. When you begin to make a positive change in one area of your life other areas will soon follow. Remember, while nutrition is vitally important for weight loss, true results are achieved through a combination of both nutrition and challenging, progressive exercise. Would you like to get that domino effect started in your life? Call or email today for a fitness program that will quickly transform your body. Joann Glussich, Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Contours Express, 1 South Main Street (Lodi Mall), Lodi, NJ 973-777-4494, www.contoursexpress.com/lodinj ### This Summer, Take It Off with Confidence! If your goals are to: Lose Body Fat, Improve Muscle Tone, Revitalize Skin Complexion, Treat Arthritis, Control Diabetes, Manage Fibromyalgia, Enhance Overall Health & Fitness, Reduce Cellulite, Lower Blood Pressure, Decrease Cholesterol Levels & Improve Bone Density and if you want to fit in with no intimidation and get help with your workouts... THEN OUR PROGRAM IS FOR YOU! All Phases of Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry 513 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights • 201-393-0022 422 Pascack Road, Township of Washington, NJ • 201-664-8884 Cell: 201-739-9878 • E-Mail:[email protected] Join Now, Get the Summer FREE! Call Club for Details! Offer expires 6/30/10. Offer not valid with any other offers. Call or Visit Today! Contours Express Lodi 1 South Main Street (Second Floor) (973) 777-4494 www.contoursexpress.com/lodinj Celebrating 8 Years Serving the Community June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 19 Protect your eyes from the sun’s UV radiation Prescription Sunglasses • Transition Glasses Wide selection of Designer Sunglasses We accept Davis Vision, Spectera and N.V.A. Plans Burnett Eglow, O.D. 219 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights • 201-288-2354 Member American Optometric Association We will fill your own sunglass prescriptions Dogs • Cats • Exotics Routine Wellness Care • Senior Care Illness Examinations/Consultations 6 Days A Week by Appointment Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. • Saturday: 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 343 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 201-288-0299 • www.oradell.com John G. DeVries, DVM Pharmacist Corner Drug Induced Sunburn By William Zachok, RPh As the days grow longer, thoughts begin to turn to outdoor fun, whether on the beach, in the mountains, or in local backyards and parks. An unfortunate reality of these summer activities is sunburn. Studies show that up to 4 in 10 adults are sunburned each year, with the resulting pain and discomfort, lost work time, and increased risk of skin cancer well documented. While most sunburns can be attributed to a straightforward unprotected, over exposure to sunlight, it is important to consider other potential factors, such as diseases or Dispose of your unwanted medication at BeJay Drugs. Check store for details. BeJay Drugs We will match all competitive prescription prices! Prescriptions Specializing in unusual and hard to find prescription items Compounding • Veterinary Compounds • Vaccines Specialized Insurance Needs We accept all insurance plans • Medicare • Medicaid Worker’s Compensation Specialized Services Competitive prices • Refill reminders • “Automatic Refill Service” Full Line of Home Health Products Compression Hosiery • Incontinence Supplies • Urological Products • Wound Items Home Diagnostic Test (blood pressure, blood sugar, peak flow meters) Bathroom Safety Items • Orthopedic Products Walkers/Canes & other Ambulatory Aids Diabetic & Respiratory Supplies • Aids to Daily Living • Call us for quotes, availability, etc. Full Line of Vitamins BeJay Drugs is proud to have a knowledgeable and experienced group of registered pharmacists. Our friendly staff always has time to answer your questions. We take pride in knowing our regular customers by name. Come to BeJay Drugs for an “old time” pharmacy experience. Everyone deserves a home -We will be collecting toiletries, rice, sugar and Parmalat for the IRF for the homeless of Bergen County. A Heights Tradition Continues -BeJay Drugs has been servicing you for over 55 years. 450 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 201-288-0404 • Fax 201-393-0859 Open 7 days: Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat.: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Sun.: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Refill Prescriptions safely online at: www.bejaydrugs.com Rapid Refill Line: 888-516-8861 FREE DELIVERY • Established 1952 • Sam Papasavas, RPh • Linda Stumper, RPh Don’t have a prescription plan? Tired of paying full price? Inquire about BeJay Drugs discount Rx Plan. Save up to 70% Follow us: www.twitter.com/BeJayPharmacy or www.facebook.com/BeJayPharmacy medications, which may affect a person’s sensitivity to light. Systemic lupus and dermatomyositis are medical conditions associated with skin eruptions made worse by sun exposure. Lupus is more common in younger women, with the affected skin described as mild, patchy redness. Dermatomyositis is more common in the elderly, the rash most often appearing around the eyes and back of the hands. Medications can affect a person’s response to sunlight in two ways, either as a toxic reaction or an allergic reaction. Phototoxic reactions are more common, usually develop soon after exposure to sunlight, and appear only in the sun-exposed areas. Common medicines associated with phototoxicity include antibiotics such as tetracycline or ciprofloxacin, and diuretics such as furosemide. Photoallergic reactions are less common, occur 1 to 3 days after sun exposure, and may spread to areas not exposed to direct sunlight. The most common medicines that can produce these reactions are the diabetic agents glyburide and glipizide. Prevention is the key to reducing your sunburn risk. Not all patients with these diseases, or those taking these medicines, will develop increased sun sensitivity. Take notice of the labels on your prescription bottles to see if your medicine increases sunburn risk, and consult your pharmacist with any questions. Limit sun exposure when rays are strongest, typically between 11 am and 4 pm, and use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15. Severe sunburns can lead to infections, so be sure to contact your physician if you experience blistering, pain, fever, or chills. With a little planning you’ll be able to enjoy the warm weather without risking your health. William Zachok, RPh, is a Pharmacist at BeJay Drugs, 450 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ. 201-288-0404, www.bejaydrugs.com ### Too Much Sun is Bad for Your Skin Understanding UVA, UVB, SPF Basking and working in the sun, without protecting your skin can lead to wrinkles, premature aging and, worst of all, skin cancer. Sun damage is also responsible for leathery-looking skin, broken capillaries, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation, or age spots. While people are more aware of the sun’s harmful effects, many do not protect themselves or use sunscreens. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation that affects the skin is classified as UVA and UVB. UVA is the longest of the UV. It can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and plays a major role in skin aging and wrinkling. UVA penetrates glass and clouds. UVB is responsible for burning, tanning, accelerating the skin aging and also plays a key role in the development of skin cancer. UVB varies by season, location and time of day. The most intense amount of UVB hits the U.S. between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Try not to schedule outdoor activity between these hours and seek playgrounds where shade - from trees or awnings - is plentiful. If your child has to be outdoors during these hours, be sure they’re protected from the sun with a hat, sunglasses, etc. What is SPF? Sun Protection Factor (SPF) measures the protection provided by a sunscreen against UVB. Higher SPF numbers are preferable, but SPF measures protection only from UVB -not UVA rays. When choosing a sunscreen, select a product that provides “broad-spectrum” protection for both UVA and UVB. If you are going to the beach or pool, make sure it is water-resistant and doesn’t wash off in the water. Use an SPF of 15 or higher. When to apply sunscreen -- Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going out into the sun to give it time to absorb into the skin. Be generous and regular -- about 1 ounce every 2 hours, and more often if you are swimming or perspiring. Apply sunscreen to the top of your ears, back of hands, neck and toes. Other protection tips: • Use a hat to shield your face where sun damage frequently occurs. • Be aware that the window glass in cars does not block all of the sun’s harmful rays, making the driver’s left side more prone to sun damage. Apply sunscreen before long car rides. ### PAGE 20 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 DAV National Service Officer Visits VFW 4591 A fully-equipped DAV National Service Office on wheels was at the VFW Post 4591 on May 12, 2010, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This annual event, sponsored by DAV Bergen County/ Chapter 15, is held in May at the VFW Post 4591 in Hasbrouck Heights. National Service Officers from the DAV took claim applications for service related disabilities for about 75 Veterans. Veterans had to provide (l-r) 1st Place winner, Kristen Hohnecker, 2nd Place, Samantha Guerra, and 3rd Place, Samantha Algauer. AL Announces Essay Winners American Legion Post 106 in Hasbrouck Heights has announced the winners of this year’s essay contest. They are Kristen Hohnecker, First Place, Samantha Guer ra, Second Place and Samantha Algauer, Third Place. They are all seniors at Hasbrouck Heights High School. All contestants had to write an essay on the topic “How Can We Keep Patriotism Alive.” Mrs. Czekaj, supervisor of English, collected all the essays and had them reviewed by a committee of Legionnaires. The committee was impressed with Ms. Hohnecker’s remarks -- “Patriotism can be kept alive by really showing people how much their country has given them. Parents should not solely rely on history teach- ers to relay the importance of our country’s past. They should discuss with their children and explain how lucky we are to live in such a powerful and prosperous country. Simply raising the American f lag outside your house or, nowadays, putting a bumper sticker on your car shows support of your country.” And finally, “By making sure the next generation realizes the power and integrity of the country they live in, we will continue to portray our deep appreciation for it, and we will forever stay united.” The winners will be given a monetary award along with a medal signifying their placement in this contest. Story by Peter Gallo Jr. Photo provided by American Legion. ### Claim Settlement Center We handle everything for you. Towing • First Reports • Rental • Estimating Insurance Company Liaison Collision & General Repairs • Towing & Recovery Lenox Garage Services 510 Terrace Ave., Hasbrouck Heights • 201-288-0752 Offer valid thru 7/31/10 • Lic. #1813A We now offer Crane Service Inquire About Our Airport Services Division claim number, Social Security number and any other pertinent documentation. A DAV National Service Officer (NSO) -- rigorously and professionally schooled in the full range of benefits for military Veterans and retirees, provided the best counseling and claim filing assistance. The DAV helps eligible Veterans receive the benefits and services they have earned through their sacrifices. DAV Bergen County/Chapter 15 has about 458 members. They invite “all disabled service-connected Veterans” to join. Monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday at the VFW Post 4591 at 19:30 hours. Call Ignazio Valente at 201421-5922. Website is: www. davchapter15.org ### Skip Conroy of VFW Post 3616 on Valley Boulevard, W-R. Remembering “Buddies” Who Never Came Back Hasbrouck Heights VFW Post 4591 and Wood-Ridge Memorial Post 3616 continued the tradition with their annual Poppy Drive during May. For Veterans in VA hospitals, domiciliaries and in state Veterans’ homes, who assemble them -- every day is “Buddy Poppy Day.” VFW pays the disabled, needy or aging Veteran for the work. Poppy assembly is often used as a therapy program to provide exercise for fingers and hands. All the money contributed by the public for Buddy Poppies is used in the cause of Veterans’ welfare, or for the well being of their needy dependents and the orphans of Veterans. About 14 million Buddy Poppies are distributed annually. The memorial poppy is never sold, but given in exchange for a contribution. ### Do you have storm damage? Niro Construction can help you! We will beat any price. We’ll work with your insurance company! 10% OFF with this ad Residential and Commercial Construction Kitchens • Bathrooms • Extensions • Roofing • Siding • Windows Decks • Basements • Closets • Installation Major Appliance Tile Work • Flooring • Doors • Framing • Dry Wall • Painting NIRO CONSTRUCTION • 917-299-1302 Reasonable Prices • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates • Free Consultation • Fully Insured Licensed #13VH04598700 • Over 20 Years Experience June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 21 Kiwanis Sponsors Doo Wop Concert On Thursday, May 6, 2010, more than eighty residents attended an evening of Doo Wop Music held at the Municipal Building. This spring concert was sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Hasbrouck Heights and Teterboro, and featured the talents of a new a cappella group called “The Party of Five.” They sang more than twenty songs. Many of the oldies were familiar to the audience. The group harmony was fantastic. Doo wop represents a vocal style that includes group harmony, a wide range of vocal parts, a simple beat, and simple lyrics. It was popular when our world was relatively simple and our lives were less complicated. If you are interested in learning more about Kiwanis, please call Barbara at 201-2880562. Story by Peter Gallo Jr. Photos by Marie Gallo. ### We Buy Gold • Silver Diamonds • Coins Platinum • Watches 14K Gold Jewelry • Diamond Jewelry • Expert Repairs All That Glitters Buy or Trade • Celebrating Our 26th Anniversary 139 Main St., Little Ferry • 201-641-5877 Highest Prices Paid Ever! ("'?X??0RINTPDF0- Seated l-r: Lisa Mason, Cara Capasso-Murray, Cindy Capozzi. Standing l-r: Liliana Donargo, Nancy Riordan, Mary Blanusa, Bo Neilsen, Nancy Goodman, Maria Adamkiewicz, and Andrea Gaffney. Hasbrouck Heights Juniors Attend Convention; Receive Numerous Awards The NJSFWC held its 83rd Annual Convention of Junior Membership on Saturday, May 15, 2010, at the Parsippany Hilton. The Hasbrouck Heights Juniors had 10 members in attendance. The Juniors announced that awards were won in the following categories: 1st Place Membership, 1st Place International Affairs, 2nd place Homelife & Health, 2nd Place Golden Key Award, 3rd Place Public Affairs, 3rd Place Pressbook, 3rd Place Conservation, 3rd Place Education. The Hasbrouck Heights Juniors also received the Diamond Dozen Award for the third year in a row. Both Nancy Goodman and Bo Neilsen received the Honor Award for their many years of dedication and service to the Hasbrouck Heights Juniors. Any woman living in the Hasbrouck Heights area interested in finding out what the Juniors are all about is invited to come to their next meeting on the second Thursday of HH Contemporary Club Attends Atlantic City Convention Approximately 680 women from all over NJ attended this year’s NJSFWC of GFWC Annual Convention in Atlantic Take your dirty laundry to work Rutherford Antiques Wash, Dry & Fold Service Dry Cleaning • Shirts Laundered Corporate Accounts Welcome Major Credit Cards Accepted Antiques & Collectibles • Quality Refinishing Restoration & Repairs • Estate Sales • Appraisals Interior Design • Stenciling & Paint Finishes 201-896-1696 25 West Erie Avenue, Rutherford, NJ 07070 201-489-4244 Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. FREE Pick-up & Delivery City. The theme this year was “Hollywood on the Boardwalk” with all the appropriate decorations. The convention was filled with fun, fabulous workshops where knowledge and ideas were exchanged. Highlights from the convention included many inspirational speakers who talked on topics: • Working & Raising money for CARE ORGANIZATION & Hefer International Highlights on Advocacy & Human Rights Workshops on how to become Effective Leaders & Nancy Goodman & Bo Neilsen, Honor Award Winners from the Hasbrouck Heights Juniors every month at 8 p.m,, except July & August, at the First Reformed Church on the corner of Washington Place and Burton Avenue. Story and photos provided by Nancy Riordan. ### Recruiting New Members. • October 2009 Day of Service Project brought in 43,070 new books for school children in underprivileged areas. • 2,000 Christmas stockings were filled from all over the state by our organization and sent to the troops around the globe. • The Special State Project for the past 2 years was Austim New Jersey and the final total amount raised was $133,845.00. A check was presented to Austim NJ representatives at their Tuesday night banquet by NJSFWC State President Ann Redlus. Entertainment included a presentation by the State Chorus of which Contemporary Club members Patty Link & Marge Heeren are members. Working behind the scenes at the convention were Helen O’Shea, Patty Link & Marge Heeren. In the picture taken at one of the banquets are 2nd from left Patty Link, Maryann Kremer, President of Contemporary Club Marge Heeren & Helen O’Shea joining other ladies from the Federation. Story and photo provided by Pat Link. ## PAGE 22 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 The former Valley Fair Department Store is now A convenient Indoor Shopping Bazaar where many individual store owners provide a wide-selection of high-quality merchandise at VALUE PRICES! HUGE SELECTION Lots of Father’s Day and Graduation Specials! Madison Wine (liquor store & bar) AK Jewelry (10-14k gold and silver) Mom’s Mission Best Love (hand-crafted wood furniture) Moda Luggage-N-More (discount store) BG-n-Son T-Shirt Outlet Oasis Water Clean and Love Bidet Planet Astrology (psychic readings) Dr. PC (computer repair) Raka Fashions (men’s & women’s) Happy Face Jewelry Shoes 22 HMart (grocery store) Star Citizen Electronics HR Fashions (custom jewelry) Summana Snack Bar It’s a Bargain Rugs (100% wool rugs) Toy Store Jessica’s Eyebrow Threading Ven-Ton Accessories Jumanna Restaurant (Korean food) Verizon Wireless K Jewelry (5 minute repairs) Violet’s Men’s Fashions (men’s suits) Kiri-Kiri (furniture) And Much More! Little Ferry Laundry 260 Bergen Turnpike • Little Ferry • 201-347-2265 (just north of the Rt. 46 Traffic Circle) www.valuefairmarket.com • Vendor opportunities available 10% OFF any item with this ad* * Offer expires 7/31/10 Open Mon. - Sat. from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 23 June 2010 Heights Senior Calendar Open to All Hasbrouck Heights Seniors SENIOR ACTIVITIES Monday, June 7, 14, 21, 28 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Games, cards & coffee 11:00 a.m. Mahjong Tuesday, June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 10:00 a.m. Line Dancing $1.00 2:00 p.m. Adv. Chair Yoga $1.00 6:00 p.m. Games, cards & coffee Wednesday, June 2 2:00 p.m. Senior Paced Aerobics $1.00 Wednesday, June 9 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Health Awareness held in the HH Health Department (Blood pressure, nutrition, stress, etc.) Wednesday, June 16, 23, 30 10:00 a.m. Wii Bowling League 2:00 p.m. Senior Paced Aerobics $1.00 Thursday, June 3, 10, 17, 24 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Games, cards & coffee 11:00 a.m. Mahjong 2:00 p.m. Senior Yoga $1.00 Friday, June 11, 25 10:00 a.m. Fun Bingo 1:00 p.m. Movies Check Center Bulletin Board for listings Friday, June 4, 18 10:00 a.m. Games, cards & coffee CLUB MEETING SCHEDULE Wednesday, June 2 10:30 a.m. Leisure Club Executive Meeting Wednesday, June 9 1:00 p.m. Monthly meeting Program: Joseph Zingone “The 6 Must Have Documents” Leisure Club members are reminded that their annual membership dues of $12 are due and should be paid by check. Get Ready For Summer Benjamin Moore Paints SC Grass Seed • Fertilizer • Mulch NE RE Lawn & Garden Hand Tools Wheelbarrows • Carts X T EN S Hoses • Sprayers DA R Y EP SE AI Cold Mix Asphalt RV RE IC D E HARDWARE Quantity Pricing Available Airport Ace Hardware 111 Moonachie Ave., Moonachie, NJ 201-935-7780 • Fax: 201-935-4421 CORPORATE ACCOUNTS WELCOME Open a new account and get 20% off your first order! Low prices • Monthly billing Expert “how to” advice • Friendly staff Large inventory of quality items Central location • Convenient hours Airport Ace Hardware Your Business Hardware Solution HH Leisure Club Spring Update On Wednesday, April 21, 2010, members of the Leisure Club traveled to The Brownstone for a luncheon and to watch the Ace in the Hole production, “American Bandstand.” The show was a fast paced tribute to TV’s longest running popular music show. The performers were Joey Arminio and The Family. They sang and danced as they portrayed many of the singers who appeared on Bandstand. An added attraction was comic, juggler, Jack Swersie. He has appeared with such stars as Jay Leno, Joan Rivers, the Smothers Brothers and many more. His off beat comedy style was both very funny and clean. At the meeting held on May 12, 2010, representatives from the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office were on hand to issue “Gold Star ID” cards to seniors. The program provides first responders with vital medical information in the event of an emergency. The BCSO’s Gold Star Identification Program is run in conjunction with local fire departments, hospitals and emergency service providers. Participating senior citizens are issued a photo identification card, which corresponds to a file maintained by the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office’s 24-Hour Operations Unit. Data kept on file includes a list of family and emergency contacts, physician’s contact information, as well as current and prior medical conditions. In the event of an emergency, or if a participant becomes incapacitated during a medical emergency, the Operations Unit will release his or her emer- gency contact information to first responders. The June 9, 2010 meeting is the last meeting before the summer break. President John Fitzin encourages all members to attend. He also invites members to participate in the many programs available at the center. President John is always present at the center. He makes the coffee for all activities, selects and shows movies twice a month, runs the monthly bingo games, purchases the supplies needed for the daily operation of the center, takes out and puts away games, cards, etc., and does so much more. Sometimes John is overlooked for his efforts. It is very hard to find a man like him in any organization, one who does so much yet gets very little credit. Thanks, John! Story by Peter Gallo Jr. ### AARP Learns About the New Health Care Reform At the annual meeting to elect its officers, the Central Bergen Chapter #418, AARP learned more about the new Health Care Reform Act passed by Congress. The election took place on May 14, 2010. The officers for the 2010-2011 years are President Marie Gallo, 1st Vice President Frank Zabransky, 2nd Vice President and Assistant Treasurer David Davidowicz, Secretary June Raymond and Treasurer Peter Gallo Jr. The program for the meeting was presented by Mr. Cosmo Palmisano, a Bergen County Representative for AARP. He spoke at length on what the new medical reform will do for the seniors. Some of the highlights of his presentation were: 1. Immediately after its en- actment, seniors who fall into the “Donut Hole” will receive a $250 rebate. Starting in 2011, seniors will receive a 50% discount on all brand-name drugs for those in the Donut Hole. By 2020, the Donut Hole will be eliminated. 2. The Medicare Tr ust Fund, which is currently projected to run out of money by 2017, will be extended at least through 2026. 3. Seniors will receive free preventative services. Starting in 2011, deductibles, co-payments, and other cost-sharing for preventative care will be eliminated. 4. The new law will also increase Medicare payments to doctors for primary care, protecting and increasing access to these vital services for seniors. 5. Seniors will also ben- SPECIAL OFFER 90 Day Supply of Generic Drugs* *Check store for details. Offer expires 12/31/10 $ 899 DiGiNo’s Apothecary 255 Valley Boulevard Wood-Ridge, NJ • 201-365-0344 Monday-Friday: 9-7, Sat.: 9-4, Closed Sunday Continuing the Wood-Ridge tradition of an independent pharmacy serving the community. efit from better chronic care, with doctors working together, through innovations such as medical homes, to provide patient-centered help for the 80% of older Americans who have at least one chronic medical condition, like high blood pressure, or diabetes. 6. The reform will provide for affordable long term care, by creating a new voluntary long-term care services insurance program. 7. The law will encourage reimbursing health care providers based on the quality of health care, rather than its quantity, taking away incentives to subject seniors to procedures and tests they do not need. Many other areas of the new law were discussed. President Marie reminded all the members that on June 11th the club will have its annual end of the year luncheon. The affair will take place at the Maywood Inn and the cost is $27.00 per person. She also invited members to the 2nd Annual Picnic in the Park on Saturday, June 26, 2010, at Woodland Park in Hasbrouck Heights. The cost is $12.00 per person. Story by Peter Gallo Jr. ### PAGE 24 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 Reflections June is a Time of Change Rev. Joseph Pickard, Vicar Church of St. John the Divine, Hasbrouck Heights Atop my desk sit three calendars. I use each of them to help me determine the schedule and orchestration of activities each month of the year, each week of the month, each day of the week and finally, the organization of the hours entrusted to me on a daily basis. One calendar records the “world’s” celebrations. It was created by The National Children’s Cancer Society, and each month it depicts “backyard birds” from around the country. The graphics are outstanding; the snippets of stories from people’s lives that are living with cancer share a small portion of their journeys which need to be told; and the dates list what is happening regularly. For June – Flag Day, Father’s Day, and the First Day of Summer are noted in bold type. The month of June also sees Graduations of many kinds, most commonly from Grammar School, Middle School, and High School. The majority of colleges have graduated their students in May so they may enter the work force as early as possible. June brings with it a definite sense of “vacation” – or at least the hope that everyone can “get away” for awhile – a change of pace and routine of life; a change in the weather – warmer, brighter, longer days; a change in the opportunities we enjoy – BBQing, getting to the movies more frequently, ice cream, picnics in the park. The second calendar on my desk is a liturgical, church calendar. It gives me different information about my sphere of life. It tells me which church Season we’re in; what Saint or Apostle, or Celebration is current in the month; what color is appropriate; what marks the progress of understanding God’s presence in the world and learning how to live the fullest possible life of faith. Over the more than six decades of my life I have learned that ‘living’ is a liturgical activity – no matter what calendar we choose to follow regularly. For Christians, the month of June opens the Season after Pentecost. It’s the longest Season of the church year, and encompasses 26 weeks – generally from mid-May to late-November, and each week focuses on a particular aspect of Jesus’ teaching and ministry – which sets the example for each of us. The third calendar I carry with me where ever I go. It’s my personal, daily log of life. I record, hour by hour, the tasks I need to do each day, the people with whom I come in contact, the activities, meetings, events at which I am expected. It is my journal and my friend; without it I’m lost – or at least what I think is the productive, accomplishment oriented facet of who I am. It helps me record the people in my life - their anniversaries; our contacts; our time together; the stories we share; the things we create together; and the potential of that which we commonly build. I’m not of a mind to use the newest palm pilot, or cyber/ electronic tools. I still cling to the heftier, totable type of calendar. I need something to hold on to. Perhaps this is the ground upon which I have my being – something to hold on to. For me, it is knowing God in the fullest sense possible, which makes hope possible. It is God who brought all things into being; who knows us and calls us his own. O u r l i ve s’ jo u r n e y s , marked daily in this world, are a recording of the points which connect us to things larger, more wonderful, glorious, and mysterious than we can ever imagine – and yet is so intimate, caring and compassionate, that each moment gives witness to the delight of being alive. “Jabez” is only mentioned once in the Bible, in the Hebrew Scriptures (I Chronicles 4:10). He is a man of faith, and his prayer has been recorded for eternity. I have never found him “celebrated” on a calendar; but he is one of my daily companions. He asked of God: “Oh that you would bless me, and enlarge my territory, and that your hand would be with me, and keep me from all harm!” God granted what he asked. May God g rant you a peaceful June, a time of refreshment this summer and sense of wonder and delight in all of life. ### Formerly Associated Gift Shop Same owners • New location The Religious Shoppe 220 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights 201-288-4373 • www.thereligiousshoppe.com Religious Gifts for all Occasions Baptism Communion Confirmation Weddings Anniversaries Birthdays Graduations Ordination Holidays Church Schedules: Hasbrouck Heights BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH 31 Passaic, HH • 288-4139 www.biblebaptist.net Rev. Bill Hegedus, Pastor Sunday 8:00 a.m. Prayer Partners Meet 8:30 a.m. Early Worship Service (Traditional) 9:30 Discipleship Hour for all ages 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service (Contemporary) Evening Service as announced CORPUS CHRISTI R.C. CHURCH Boulevard & Kipp, HH • Offices: 288-4844 • School: 288-0614 Rev. Msgr. Lewis V. Papera, Pastor Rev. Raymond M. Holmes Rev. Jerzy R. Zaslona Rev. Msgr. Martin O’Brien Deacon Vincent DeFedele Sunday Obligation Masses: 5:00 p.m. Saturday (Chapel) 7:30 a.m. (Church), 9:00 a.m. (Chapel), 10:30 a.m. (Chapel), 12 noon (Chapel) and 6:00 p.m.(Chapel) Daily Masses: (Church) Mon.-Fri. 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m. • Sat. - 8:00 a.m. Reconciliation (Confession): Sat. 4-4:45 p.m. Corpus Christi Church/School Websites Parish: www.rc.net/newark/corpuschristi/index.html School: www.corpuschristischool.net CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE (EPISCOPAL) Terrace & Jefferson, HH • 288-0002 Rev. Joseph Pickard, Vicar www.saintjohnthedivine.com www.careonthecorner.org Sunday - 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II - Church School Monday - 7:30 p.m., N.A. Women’s Meeting Tuesday & Friday - 12 noon, N.A. Meeting FIRST REFORMED CHURCH Burton & Washington Place, HH Church Office: 201-288-1122 Rev. Dianna L. Smith, Pastor www.churches.rca.org/firstrefhh/ Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship Service Fellowship Hour follows Worship Service. Child care provided FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 57 Burton Ave. at Division Ave. • Parsonage: 201-257-8773 Church and Nursery School Office: 288-4636 Pastor Iraida Ruiz de Porras Sunday 10:00 a.m. - Worship Service Thursday - 7:00 p.m. - Bible Study Friday - 7 p.m. Contemporary Family Service THE CROSS KOREAN UMC 57 Burton Avenue • 393-7890 HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 92 Burton Avenue, HH • 288-6889 Pastor Rev. Susan Nelson-Colaneri Sunday 9:00 a.m. - Holy Communion 10:00 a.m. - Sunday Church School Costa Memorial Home Boulevard & Central Avenue Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 201-288-0234 www.costamemorialhome.com THE COMMUNITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Boulevard & Charlton Ave., HH • 288-0622 Rev. Edward J. Glasser, Assoc. Minister Sunday - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship Communion-- first Sunday of the month Church Schedules: Little Ferry Established 1975 Dignified Services For All Faiths Joseph L. Costa, Manager-Director (NJ Lic. No. 2561) Joseph A. Costa, Director (NJ Lic. No. 3809) Vincent L. Costa, Director (NJ Lic. No. 3807) Members of the New Jersey Pre-Paid Funeral Trust Fund EVANGEL CHRISTIAN CHURCH 165 Main Street • Office: 201-440-0470 Rev. Veronica M. Pearson, Pastor Sunday - 9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study • 10:30 Worship Children/Teens Sunday School meet during Worship Service Wednesday - 7:30 p.m. Bible Study June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 25 Church Schedules: Lodi FAITH REFORMED CHURCH 95 Washington St., Lodi • 973-778-4529 • www.lodifaith.net Rev. Timothy Ippolito, Pastor Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship and KIDZ Church (Ages 4-10) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CONVENT 143 South Main Street, Lodi Mass: Sunday 9 a.m. • Daily (M-F) 7:00 a.m. • Sat. 8 a.m. ST. FRANCIS De SALES 125 Union Street, Lodi • 973-779-4330 ST. JOSEPH R.C. CHURCH 40 Spring Street, Lodi • Rectory: 973-779-0643 Rev. Michael Marotta, C.R.M, Pastor Rev. Americo Salvi, C.R.M., Parochial Vicar Rev. Jason S. Gaganap, C.R.M, Parochial Vical Rev. Anastacio “Nony” Villaluz, C.R.M, In Residence Rev. Mr. Steve Marchese, Deacon Sunday Obligation Masses: 6 p.m. Saturday 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. (Italian), 10:30 a.m., Noon, 6 p.m. Daily Masses: 7:00 a.m., Noon • Holy Day Mass Eve: 7 p.m. Reconciliation (Confession): Sat. 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Friday Adoration of Blessed Sacrament: 11 a.m. to Noon Church Schedules: Moonachie FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF MOONACHIE 221 Moonachie Road Church Office: 201-641-4919 Rev. Kimberly Chastain, Pastor Sunday 9:30 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service ST. MARGARET OF CORTONA (Little Ferry/Moonachie) 31 Chamberlain Ave., Little Ferry • Office: 201-641-2988 Rev. Arthur Frank Humphrey, Pastor Sr. Dorothy A. Donovan, S.S.J, Pastoral Associate Sunday Obligation Masses: Saturday: 5:30 p.m. • Sunday: 8 a.m., 10:00 a.m., Noon Daily Masses: Mon., Novena 7 p.m., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 a.m. Saturday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving: 9 a.m. Rosary for Peace: First Saturdays after 9 a.m. Mass Reconciliation (Confession): Mon. 6:15 - 6:45 p.m. Church Schedules: Wood-Ridge ASSUMPTION R.C. CHURCH 143 First Street, Wood-Ridge • Rectory: 201-438-5555 Center: 201-933-6118 • School: 201-933-0239 Fr. Brian Cullinane, OFM, Pastor Fr. Paul Sinnema, OFM Fr. Thomas Kelly, OFM Deacon Nicholas Valdez Sunday Obligation Masses: 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Daily Masses: (Church) Mon., Fri., Sat.: 8 a.m. • Tues., Wed., Thurs.: 7:30 a.m. Holy Hour: Friday after 8 a.m. Mass Sacrament of Penance: Sat. 11:00 - 12:00 p.m. Assumption Church/School Websites Parish: www.assumption-parish.org School: www.assumptionschoolwr.org FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WOOD-RIDGE 190 Valley Boulevard • Office: 201-438-5559 • 201-438-8966 Rev. Kimberly Chastain, Pastor Sunday 9:30 a.m. Worship Service MEEL AL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NJ Rev. Changsik Jang, Pastor Sunday Worship 12:00 • Wednesday Worship 8:30 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday 6:00 a.m. Morning prayer meeting 201-727-1201 ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH/RESURRECTION Center & Humboldt Streets, W-R • 201-438-8333 Rev. Jacob David, Rector 1st Sunday - 9:30 a.m., Combined CSI & Healing Service 3rd Sunday - 9:30 a.m., Combined Espiscopal Eucharist 2nd & 4th Sunday - 11:00 a.m. Malayalam Service Vestry Meeting: 2nd Sat. 10:00 a.m. First Reformed Church Launches Cyber Worship Rev. Dianna Smith announced that the First Reformed Church has launched a weekly Cyber Worship service consisting of scripture readings, a short reflection on the scripture, music and prayers. Commenting on the success of the service, Rev. Smith said, “In an age of time crunches, overburdened parents and children, and a deep hungering for something that has meaning, Cyber Worship is a time to reconnect with God, and with others in the Christian community. What began as a project for my Doctoral Degree has expanded to become a true work of the Holy Spirit, changing lives and changing the Church.” Worshippers have praised the service as a connection to Church and a chance to recharge batteries. The worship service is offered every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on the First Reformed Church Cyber Worship site on the social media network Facebook. To access the Facebook site, one must be a subscriber to the Facebook community; once signed in, First Reformed Cyber Church can be found through a name search. The First Reformed Church of Hasbrouck Heights is a congregation of the Reformed Church of America, founded by the Dutch in New Amsterdam in 1628. Today, the RCA is a diverse and inclusive community of believers growing in faith and witnessing to the gospel in word and deed. The Church welcomes all to worship every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. For more information call 201-288-1122 or [email protected] ### Turkey Dinner With all the Trimmings On May 1, 2010, the Faith Reformed Church, Lodi, NJ, held their 4th Annual Dinner and Silent Auction. About 100 attended. The menu was turkey dinner with all the trimmings. The silent auction was for over a dozen beautiful gift baskets. Live music was provided by the Worship Band from the First Reformed Church of Palisades of Fort Lee. About $2,000 in proceeds help fund regular Church ministries and missions, with a portion benefiting the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity. The Faith Reformed Church was formed in 1859. Their website is: www.lodifaith.net For more information, call 973-778-4529. ### From The Porch Ministries .... Looking for an opportunity to share with others -- give back? Pay it forward? An invitation from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. . . Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, at the corner of Burton and Hamilton Avenues in Hasbrouck Heights, welcomes you to be a part of our “From the Porch” ministries. During June, we are sponsoring a “Just Because/Just for Fun” ministry to thank our soldiers overseas for all their sacrifices. We will be sending a care package of items for fun and recreation (for men or women). Playing cards, recent magazines, frisbees, puzzle books, snacks such as microwave popcorn, granola bars (no chocolate or things that melt), etc., are among the suggested items. Use your imagination! Items may be left on the porch at Holy Trinity, 92 Burton Avenue, Sundays in June from 9 to 11 a.m. Thanks to all who participated in our Barefoot4Haiti program. Close to 300 pairs of shoes have been collected to date and, with the help of New Balance North Jersey on Route 17 and Soles for Souls, appropriate footwear has been forwarded to those in Haiti struggling to recover from the earthquake. Watch The Gazette Newspaper for more on Holy Trinity’s monthly ministries or check our front porch for the “From the Porch” project of the month. We invite you to join us – in small ways, together, we can make a big difference! If you have any questions, please call 201-288-6889. ### Tools Of Hope Corpus Christi Church To honor Father’s Day each year, The Guild of Reformed Church Women collect money to buy Tools of Hope for Church World Services. For $5.00 Church World Services can buy a set of tools: hammer, saw, shovel, etc., which they give to help men who have been overcome by disaster. The men (or women) can be here or anywhere in the world. They can use the tools to remove debris, repair homes or businesses, plant crops, etc. The Guild would like to collect enough to pay for 100 tool kits. Send a contribution to Guild of Reformed Church Women, Box 66, First Reformed Church, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604. The need is great. Deadline is Father’s Day, June 21, 2009. ### Rosary Society News The final General Meeting of the Rosary Society before summer break is Thursday, June 10, 2010, in the school cafeteria following the recitation of the Rosary at 7:15 p.m. and Mass in the Chapel. The Installation Ceremony for next year’s officers will take place at Mass. On the June agenda is the Strawberry Festival and Annual Baby Shower for the benefit of Birthright. There is a particular need for diapers (all sizes) and clothes for boys (infant thru 4T). Gift items are to be new and unwrapped. Gift cards for Shop Rite, K-Mart or monetary donations are also appreciated. The parish community is invited to participate in this project. For further information or pick-up of gift items, please call Irene Drzewiecki at 201-288-2787. The women of the parish are encouraged to join the Rosary Society in prayer and service. Simply come to a General Meeting or call Membership Chairperson Dee Sullivan 201-288-7415 for further information. The officers and members of the Rosary Society wish to express their gratitude to the parish community for your generous support of all their activities. Enjoy the summer! Story provided by Carol Viceconte. ### Pray for Peace PAGE 26 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 Knights Acknowledge Their Priests Assumption Church Appreciation Night Annually, the parishioners of Assumption Church in Wood-Ridge who serve in many of the Church ministries are recognized at an appreciation night buffet dinner. This year’s affair was held on April 24, 2010, in the Father Patrick Morris Hall. The Church’s Lectors, Eucharist Ministers, Choir Members, Ushers, Greeter, Decorating Committee, Religious Education Teachers, Pre Cana Team, Organization Leaders, Altar Servers, etc., were all invited and were served by the members of the Assumption School’s Eighth Graders. However, this year’s festivities had a new twist. The parishioners used the occasion to show their appreciation to the priests who serve their parish. Deacon Nicholas Valdez offered a blessing prayer to the priests and then he and his wife, Carol, presented a statue of St. Francis to Fr. Brian P. Cullinane, Pastor, Fr. Paul G. Sinnema and Fr. Thomas Kelly. Story by Peter Gallo Jr. Photos by Marie Gallo. ### On Wednesday April 28, 2010, the Knights of Columbus of the Archdiocese of Newark hosted its Fourth Annual Pride in Our Priests dinner at The Fiesta in Wood-Ridge. The dinner was a way to honor and express their appreciation to all the men of the cloth. The evening was opened to all Knights and their wives, and was a great way for the Knights to show their Priests and Deacons how proud the Knights are of them. More than 500 men and women were in attendance. Many dignitaries were present, including the Most Reverend John J. Myers, Archbishop of Newark since 2001, Past Archbishop of Newark Most Reverend Peter Leo Gerety who served from 1974 to 1986 and State Deputy Herbert Meyers from Regina Council #1688 in Rutherford. The local priests who attended the dinner were Father Brian Cullinane, Father Paul Sinnema, and Father Thomas Kelly all from Wood-Ridge, and Rev. Msgr. Lewis V. Papera from Hasbrouck Heights. The Knights who attended from Assumption Church in WoodRidge were Deacon Nicholas Valdez and his wife Carol, Deacon Candidate Frank Ma- teria and his wife Kathy, Grand Knight Angelo Urato and his wife Sandra, PGK Peter Gallo and his wife Marie, and PGK and District Deputy Russell Petrocelli; and from Corpus Christi Church in Hasbrouck Heights were Grand Knight Michael Marella, PGK Joseph Blythe, PGK John Duvernay, PGK Silvio Sartori, PGK and District Deputy Anthony Bernice and Council members Joseph Vucak, Michael Ciano, Joseph Peso, Steven Kriso and David Kriso. The Archdiocese of Newark consists of four counties: Bergen, Essex, Hudson and Union. More than 2,800,000 Catholics reside in this archdiocese. There are 21,000 Knights and 95 Councils in the Archdiocese. At the dinner, State Deputy Herbert Meyer presented The Most Reverend Archbishop John J. Myers a check in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) raised from the local Councils during the Drive for those with Intellectual Disabilities which will go to Catholic Charities. The Archbishop expressed his gratitude to the Knights and commented on their accomplishments. Story by Peter Gallo Jr. Photos by Marie Gallo. ### Automotive Service Cars • Vans • Trucks Company Cars • Fleet Service • Full Service Gas Station • Major & Minor Repairs • Maintenance Programs • NJ State Inspections • Certified Mechanics • Quality Guarantee • Towing Service • Hassle-free Monthly Billing • Fleet Discounts HH Boulevard Exxon 321 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ • 201-288-5959 Convenient Hours: 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Corporate Accounts Welcome • Major Credit Cards Accepted Serving the area for over 25 years June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 27 Segovia: Andrea Rodrigues, Manny Martinez and Maria Agrelo Grasshopper Also: Mitchell Sandler and Louis Pichardo Hudson Bread Berry Creek Cafe William Grant & Sons Dolce Novità: Richie Vukaj The Moonachie Centennial Committee Greatly Appreciates the Spectacular Gourmet Presentations for “The Taste of Moonachie” Gianna’s Grasshopper Also The Graycliff Segovia Segovia Steakhouse Dolce Novità Bazzarelli Margie’s Deli Paradiso Deli & Cafe Berry Creek Cafe Fabulous Foods Hudson Bread Palermo’s Bakery Edible Arrangements Allied Beverage Nash Distributor With Special Thanks, The Moonachie Centennial Committee Recognizes Tony Papamarkos and The Graycllff Staff for their Outstanding Contribution Towards the Success of “The Taste of Moonachie” Gianna’s: Mayor Fred Dressel, Paula Graziano, Joanne Kreeger and Raul Avila Allied Beverage Group: George Poulos, Nora Shenorida and Todd Rodelli Admiral Imports: Krissy Castiglione and Stephen Della Vecchia The Graycliff Fabulous Foods: Paula Woods and Julio Alvarez Paradiso Deli & Cafe Taste of Moonachie Bazzarelli: Victor Mata, Joseph Bazarelli and Denise Bazarelli Allied Beverage Group Palermo’s Bakery Edible Arrangements To c om me mor at e t he Moonachie Centennial “100 Years of Pride,” about 200 attended “The Taste of Moonachie” on May 18, 2010, at The Graycliff, from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Local restaurants, food production companies and spirit distributors offered samples of their cuisine and delights. The event was sponsored by the Moonachie Centennial Celebrations Committee. ### PAGE 28 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 The Boulevard Mall ADVERTISING CLEAN-OUTS FUNERAL Iron Horse Advertising & Marketing Co., Inc. Basements, garages, attics, etc. cleaned out and hauled away COSTA MEMORIAL HOME Ads • Brochures • Catalogs 201-288-8656 www.ironhorseadv.com Free Estimates • Insured 201-952-5417 Dignified Services For All Faiths 201-288-0234 • Est.1975 Joseph L Costa, Mgr.-Director (NJ Lic. No. 2561) Joseph A. Costa, Director (NJ Lic. No. 3809) Vincent L. Costa, Director (NJ Lic. No. 3807) MASONRY & PAVERS PODIATRISTS IURATO & SONS ERIC S. ROSEN, DPM Driveway: Asphalt • Concrete • Pavers Retaining Walls: Block • Mason • Stone Sidewalks • Patios • All Types of Masonry Fully Insured • Free Estimates 201-288-4434 NJ License # 13VH00213200 AIR CONDITIONING FRANCIS AIR CONDITIONING Commercial • Residential 201-288-3366 MV Clean-outs • Rubbish Removal Residential • Commercial • Industrial Remove: Furniture, fencing, carpet, wood, pallets, household debris, and much more. Clean-up: Attics, basements, garages, estates Demo: Garages, sheds, decks, above ground pools ANTIQUES RUTHERFORD ANTIQUES Antiques & Collectibles Estate Sales • Appraisals 201-896-1696 ATTORNEY JAY MICHAEL ARNESEN, ESQ. Criminal Defense DWI & Traffic 384 Liberty Street, Little Ferry 201-807-0990 Free Consultation Available Hon. Harry H. Chandless Jr., Esq. REPAIRS • PAINTING Counsel Kathryn V. Chandless, Esq.* Employment Law • 610-879-6400 *Lic. NJ, PA, NY & US Sup. Ct. MASON & MUSELLA, ESQS. Thomas E. Mason Jr. Mark Musella ATTORNEYS AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE 232 Boulevard • 201-288-1511 POSTMAN & POSTMAN COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILLIAM R. POSTMAN, JR. 189 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights (Next to Post Office) 201-288-0330 The Gazette Newspaper delivers. 201-641-0285 201-288-2368 DENTIST Free Estimates • Lic. & Insured NJ Specialty Permit # 3704 Member American Assocation of Orthodontists DR. LAWRENCE M.BODENSTEIN HOME REMODELING Cosmetic Family Dentistry 253 Boulevard • 201-288-1788 www.Dr.Bodenstein.com Spring Siding Special $5.99 per Sq. Ft. Includes Siding, Insulation & House Wrap ANTHONY BONURA D.M.D. 217 Washington Place Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 201-288-2727 Family & Esthetic Dentistry Hours by appointment M.i.P Remodeling 201-233-1675 DR. JEFFREY MASON Cosmetic and General Dentistry Roofing • Decks Reasonable Rates Over 20 years experience • Insured Free Estimates • Lic. #13VH04598700 201-845-6287 Scott E. Loveless • 201-393-0202 423 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ Free Est. • Fully Insured • Accept Visa/MC C. Hoyt # 4392 • M. Hoyt # 11625 FRANCIS ELECTRIC CONTRACTOR 201-288-3366 Licensed • Bonded • Insured Lic. #7898 HADDAD ELECTRIC 201-376-5809 Residential & Commercial Emergency Service • Large/Small Repairs Free Estimates • Fully Insured BANKS Kearny Federal Savings KUBLER ELECTRIC 201-288-3694 Residential & Commercial We’ll solve your current problems! Free Estimates • Established 1946 Lic. #34 EI 00058200 • Permit #34 EB 00058200 Starting at $150 per room 201-438-4325 201-288-2991 Please Patronize Gazette Newspaper Advertisers. PHOTOGRAPHY 1 coat sealer • 1 coat Urethane Member: Better Business Bureau 201-438-4325 201-440-1775 • 201-538-8505 CLEANING SERVICES FUEL OIL SERVICES LIMOUSINE SERVICE DEBBIE’S CLEANING SERVICE KELLER-DEPKEN 99¢ per Sq. Ft. 201-288-0723 Auto deliveries • Service contracts Conversions from gas Budget plans • New Systems Fornet Limousine Car Service • Limo • Stretch Proms • All Airports • Parties Weddings • Night On The Town 888-817-7638 www.fornetlimo.com CENTURY 21 EUDAN All Services Guaranteed List your home Sell your home Buy your home 201-288-5533 REAL LIVING GATEWAY REALTORS Residential • Commercial Sales • Rentals 201-288-0004 PRUDENTIAL MERENDINO REALTY Free Home Value Analysis Open 7 days • Call for Appointment 201-288-4222 RE/MAX Trading Places Certified Distressed Property Experts For All Your Real Estate Needs Call 973-773-3200 www.remaxtradingplaces.com www.joinremax.com 973-365-0300 TOWING PLUMBING Lenox Corporation 201-288-3366 Lic. #6328 RICHARD J. GORAL PLUMBING “No Job Too Small” Residential • Commercial • Industrial Lawn Maintenance • Spring Clean-ups Plantings • Lawn Renovations • Mulch Shrub Trimming • Sod & Seeding Free Estimates 201-896-4135 Spring Special Licensed • Bonded • Insured MV LANDSCAPING & DESIGN www.wood-ridge.com/debbiescleaningservice PAINTING PLUS GREENTOP LANDSCAPING, INC BUDGET FLOOR REFINISHING Homes & Offices Personalized • Reliable • Quality Fully Insured • Free Estimates REAL ESTATE LANDSCAPING DELEASA BROS. 201-935-6642 PAINTING FRANCIS PLUMBING AND HEATING 201-288-8481 NJ License #2342 201-288-4611 Weddings • Portraits • Commercial www.victorelite.com FLOOR REFINISHING PSYCHOLOGIST 248 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ Representing 26 Insurance Companies Auto • Home • Business BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Waterproofing Contractors 20 Years Experience Free Estimates • Fully Insured 201-727-0988 ELITE PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO Providing Quality Work since 1983 -- prompt reliable service. Fully insured • Free estimates James Hogan - Proprietor 201-288-8656 Licensed Psychologist Individual, Family and Group Psychotherapy 417 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights 201-288-8844 • www.otterstedt.com Please Patronize Gazette Newspaper Advertisers. PRINTING Sell Sheets • Brochures • Catalogs Craftsman Quality • 1 to 6 Color Full Prep • Print • Finish Mailing Services Available Member Am. Assn. of Orthodontists Allstate New Jersey Insurance Company, Bridgewater, New Jersey. © 2008 Allstate Insurance Company. OTTERSTEDT INSURANCE AGENCY PRINTERS GERARD VACCARELLA, Ph.D. RON PENNA 228 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 201-288-3373 • Fax: 201-288-3390 For Business • Home • Auto • Life Insurance Specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of all disorders of the foot and ankle Most insurance accepted • House calls Specialist in Orthodontics NJ Specialty Permit # 3988 Painting • Wallpaper Power Washing • Gutter Cleaning Ceramic Tile Work Handy Man Services ELECTRICIANS Electrical Contractor, Inc. Residential • Commercial Industrial • Trailer Homes Michael A. Perillo, DMD INSURANCE 232 Boulevard • 201-288-4447 CHARLES HOYT Orthodontic Associates of Hasbrouck Heights, P.C. 150 Terrace Ave., Hasbrouck Heights, NJ Practice Limited to Orthodontics Free Consultations & Flexible Payment Plans NIRO CONSTRUCTION 917-299-1302 Lic. # NJEL # 16592 • NJGCL # 13VH044118800 Your neighborhood bank since 1884 1-800-273-3406 www.KearnyFederalSavings.com Bernard D. Gorkowitz, DDS All Types of Repairs • Power Washing Carpentry • Clean-outs • Painting Tile Work • Decks • Fencing • Roofing Judge, MC, 36 Years, Ret. 291 Terrace Ave., HH • 201-288-1661 ORTHODONTICS 201-440-1775 • 201-538-8505 Licensed • Bonded • Insured Lic. #7898 HANDYMAN 288 Boulevard • 201-288-3000 973-779-6144 NJ Plumbing Lic. No. 4900 Collision Repairs Towing & Recovery 201-288-0752 510 Terrace Ave. Hasbrouck Heights, NJ Fax: 201-288-4224 • Lic. #1813A Serving the area for 3 generations VIDEO SERVICES ENVISION VIDEO Transfer • Editing • DVD &VHS Production • Duplication 201-288-7228 www.envisionvideoservices.com Please mention to our advertisers that you saw their ad in The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 29 Bookkeeping Service Small Business • Professionals Accounts Receivable • Accounts Payable Invoices • Statements • Payroll Experienced in Quickbooks Free Consultation • Reasonable Rates Call Pauline at 201-679-5332 5 x 7 Bathroom • $10,995 Completely Gut & Remove all Debris Sheetrock & Spackle • Ceramic Tile Walls & Floor Fixtures: Toilet, Tub, Sink, Vanity & Medicine Cabinet Ceiling Light, Fan, Light Bar, GFI Receptacle/Switches R&S Premier Construction Inc. Remodeling • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Attics • Additions • Upgrades 201-741-5787 • Formerly Wheeler Home Service Free Consultations • Design • Insured • Lic.# 13VH02202000 HOME IMPROVEMENT Ron Penna & John Antaniese Bathrooms • Kitchens • Attics Basements • Decks • Sunrooms Doors & Windows • Custom Cabinets • Tile Painting • Power Washing 201-288-2991 • 201-796-7238 Free Estimates • Insured • Licensed • Family Owned & Operated No Job Too Small • Serving Hasbrouck Heights Area for Over 30 years Coleman Tile Has it All! Biggest Selection of Tile, Marble, Granite, Travertine Spectacular Showroom and Displays Ceramic • Porcelain • Natural Stone Wood Flooring • Laminate • Vanities Countertops • Cabinets • Fabrication HIC#13VH04575700 Factory Direct Savings Free Estimates • Contractors Welcome Professional Installation Available No Payments • No Interest for 12 Months* * based on credit approval 161 Woodbine St., Bergenfield, NJ • 201-384-4405 We carry setting materials & tools • Major credit cards accepted Mon./Tues./Fri.: 8:30 am to 5 pm • Wed./Thur.: 8:30 am to 7 pm • Sat. 9 am to 3 pm Bring Ad For 10% Savings Friends of the Library Do It Again In the past ten years, The Friends of The Hasbrouck Heights Free Public Library have sponsored a variety of fund raisers. To be specific, they had an evening of shopping at Macy’s at the Garden State Plaza; Wine and Other Delights at the Ivy Inn and Cat Show and Tricky Tray FOCAS will hold its Annual Cat Show and Tricky Tray Auction on Sunday, June 6, 2010, at the American Legion, 100 Liberty Street, Little Ferry, NJ. Stop by with your feline companion. Don’t have a feline companion? Stop by anyway to join in the fun and participate in the Tricky Tray Auction. Refreshments served. Registration begins at 12:30 p.m. Program and auction begin at 1:30 p.m. All cats must be six months or older, in carriers and current on all shots. The admission fee is $5.00 per cat. Cat Show and Tricky Tray Auction proceeds enable FOCAS to continue its work to provide humane services, programs and extraordinary medical care to shelter animals and our Feral/Stray Cat Spay or Neuter Program. For additional information call the FOCAS Help Line at 201-943-4019, or visit www. focasnews.org ### also at the Hasbrouck Heights Hilton; a Victorian Tea Party at Neiman Marcus’ Rotunda Room in the Garden State Plaza; Chinese New Year’s Luncheon at the Asian Grill Restaurant and also at the Taos Wok and Restaurant; and a Sunday Afternoon Tea and Delights held in The Library. This year, on Sunday, April 25, 2010, with new president, Judy Mascis, at the helm, they sponsored “An Afternoon in Italy with The Friends.” The luncheon was held at Teggiano Ristorante in South Hacken- Century 21 Eudan Realty Earns National Quality Service Award Century 21 Real Estate LLC, franchisor of the world’s largest residential real estate sales organization, has announced that Century 21 Eudan Realty is a recipient of the 2009 Century 21 Quality Service Office award for its commitment to providing quality customer service to its clients. “Receiving this award is a great honor and a testament to the focus and attention we commit to our clients in ensuring that they understand each and every step of the home buying and selling process,” stated David Fanale, broker/owner of Century 21 Eudan Realty. “This award is the collective result of the efforts of each and every member of the Century 21 Eudan staff.” ### sack. The three course meal was not only pleasing to the eye, but was also delicious and plentiful. An added attraction was a performance by Joe Amato. He sang a tribute to Frank Sinatra. He selected many of the songs Sinatra made famous. Joe is a great Sinatra impersonator who has had many years of experience entertaining in many cities including Las Vegas. Friends chairwomen Marilyn Bowen and Amy Nodroff did an excellent job in planning the luncheon. One can only wonder where the “Friends” will take us next year! Story by Peter Gallo Jr. Photo by Marie Gallo. ### Joe Costello Receives President’s Award David Fanale, broker/owner of Century 21 Eudan Realty, announced that in recognition of his outstanding sales production and commitment to quality service, Century 21 Real Estate LLC recently honored Joe Costello, sales associate with Century 21 Eudan Realty with the 2009 Century21® President’s Producer Award. The annual award is bestowed upon those Century 21 System sales associates that earn the Century 21 Centurion® award and the Century 21 Quality Service Pinnacle Producer award in the same calendar year. ### Yield to Pedestrians hook up to the engine that can pull you out of the recession and into prosperity Established 1979 creative & marketing services delivering innovative sales tools for visionaries brochures • catalogs • sell sheets The Iron Horse Advertising & Marketing Co., Inc. 201.288.8656 • www.ironhorseadv.com • Est. 1979 PAGE 30 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 HH Little League Picnic The Wood-Ridge Police Department has updated the crosswalk signage reflecting a revised law, effective April 1, 2010, requiring drivers to come to a complete stop and remain stopped as soon as a pedestrian enters a crosswalk. Prior to this legislative change, drivers were only mandated to yield, an ambiguous direction authorities say led to one of the highest rates of pedestrian fatalities in the nation. Motorists violating the new law face a $200 fine (double the current fine), plus court costs, and 2 points on their license. They can also be subject to 15 days of community service and insurance surcharges. In addition, if a motorist hits a pedestrian, the burden of proof as to blame falls squarely on the driver. Previously, there was no legal standard. Pedestrians may also be cited under state law for failing to use due care when crossing. The law requires them to obey pedestrian signals and use crosswalks at signalized intersections as well as yield the right of way to traffic if they are not crossing within a crosswalk or at an intersection. Failure to comply with the law carries a $54 fine, plus court costs. ### WALK Facing Traffic BIKE With Traffic and cold drinks. There will be several inflatable amusements. It’s a nice way to end the regular season. The event is open to all Hasbrouck Heights families participating in the 2010 season. The Hasbrouck Heights Little League was established in 1953. ### TEB 5K Run July 17th Care On The Corner Golf Outing June 9th The 13th Annual PSE&G Teterboro Airport 5K Run is scheduled for 8:30 a.m., on July 17th, 2010, at Jet Aviation (Moonachie Avenue). The USATF-New Jersey event features: $10,000 Random Prize Giveaway, $1,000 Super Random Grand Prize, ChronoTrack D-Tag Scoring, United Way Mini-Flyer Dashes, Food, DJ and Pace Plane. The course is flat out and back with only five turns, two water stops and mile clocks on the runway. Run is 500 USATF-NJ NBGP points. Early registration is advised. No one will be allowed entry to the airport and race staging area after 7:55 a.m. Proceeds will benefit 2-1-1; Bergen County United Way’s free 24 hour helpline. Race director is Mark Zenobia. Results will be at: www.compuscore.com. For more information go to: www. oymp.net/Raceinfo/teterboro_ airport_5k.htm ### Super 50-50 The Hasbrouck Heights Knights of Columbus Council #7041 is conducting a Super 50-50. Ticket sales are limited to 6,000 tickets. Donation is $5 per ticket.Three prizes are: 35%, 10% and 5% of gross proceeds. Drawing is June 6, 2010, at Corpus Christi School cafeteria. Winner need not be present. Proceeds to benefit Corpus Christi School Science Lab. For more information, call Mike at 201-888-2511. ### Care on the Corner will sponsor their Annual Golf Outing at Bowling Green Golf Club in Oak Ridge, NJ on Wednesday, June 9, 2010. Cookout buffet lunch and registration is at noon, with a 4-person scramble. Golf starts at 1:00 p.m., and the awards dinner following golf. Sponsorships are available. Cost is $160 per golfer and $620 for foursomes. Dinner is $50 per person. To sign up, call Care on the Corner at 201288-0002, or register online at: www.careonthecorner.org ### Don’t wait until summer to start Designing and Building that deck you have always wanted. Custom decks take Time and Planning. M.i.P. Custom Decks • 201-233-1675 Francis Home Remodelers Specializing in Kitchen & Bath Complete Home Renovations Electrical • Plumbing • HVAC Free Estimates • Financing Available Licensed • Bonded • Insured Over 30 Years Experience Call 201-288-3366 MASONRY SPECIALS Walkways • Driveways • Patios Stairs • Bricks • Stones • Fireplaces Retaining Walls • Belgian Blocks Call for a FREE Consultation. Make an appointment to inspect our work and speak to our customers. Diamond General Construction Little Ferry FD Holds Wetdown Office: 201-229-0709 • Cell: 201-755-2968 Residential or Commercial • 26 Years in Business • Italian Craftsmanship Little Ferry Hook & Ladder Co. 1 will celebrate the arrival of their new American LaFrance/LTI, 100 ft. Midmount with a wetdown on Saturday, June 26, 2010, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Public Safety Building on Main Street, Little Ferry. There will be music, refreshments, T-shirts, mugs, children’s attractions. Call 201-641-7251 for more information. ### Summer Special STORAGE ROOMS •Low Rates •All Sizes •24 Hr Access available The VFW sponsors Atlantic City Bus Trips on the last Wednesday of the month. Bus departs at 10:30 a.m. and returns at about 9:00-9:30 p.m. Proceeds are used to help defray building expenses. Call the Post for more information at 201-288-1112. ### NOTICE: Hasbrouck Heights Borough offices will be observing summer hours -- 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. -from June 1st thru September 6th Regular hours of 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. will go into effect on Tuesday, September 7, 2010. •Open 7 Days A Week •Secure. Every Room Alarmed •Boxes & Packing Supplies •Outdoor parking – RVs, Boats FREE 2nd Month with 2 mo. Rental FREE Use of Truck to move in FREE Lock COUPON FREE Conserve Energy When not in use, turn off the juice. * THOMAS J. MESUK ARCHITECT, L.L.C. • Residential Additions/New Homes 400 West Broadway • Commercial HALEDON Fit-out/Ground Up AC Bus Trips Call Today! Lic.# 13VH05232100 WRPD Updates Crosswalk Signage The Hasbrouck Heights Little League will hold its Annual Picnic on Saturday, June 19, 2010, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at the Little League Complex. Rain date is June 20th. Families can enjoy plenty of grilled foods, Italian ices Get ready this Spring for a Great Custom Deck This Summer 50 Bergen Tpke LITTLE FERRY 201 641-4415 Wood-Ridge, NJ 201.602.0824 [email protected] www.aselfstorage.com JANIEC ROOFING REROOFING • NEW CONSTRUCTION • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL RUBBISH REMOVAL Quality Work At Reasonable Prices • Most Jobs Complete in One Day 200 $ 00 OFF With This Ad JANIEC ROOFING INC. COMPLETE ROOFING JOB 13VH01286400 • FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED • REFERENCES AVAILABLE 201-797-1189 June 2010 The Gazette Newspaper - PAGE 31 Effective May 31, 2010, Hasbrouck Heights DPW will no longer collect garbage and trash on holidays. INSURANCE Auto•Home Business FREE Review FREE Quote “Our policies come with a helpful agent” Weiner-Ludwig Inc. Wealth Creation & Protection Strategies, LLC 237 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights 201-288-9044 Family owned and operated Robert C. H. Weiner, President Serving the community for over 50 years Wings & Wheels FOCAS Holds Expo 2010 Flea Market July 4th Children’s Patriotic Parade T he Av iat ion Hal l of Fame is sponsoring a Wings & Wheels Expo 2010 on September 25 & 26 at Teterboro Airport. Various aircraft are currently being scheduled for this event to include the B-17 (Yankee Lady). Last year’s aircraft included: F-4U Corsair, TBM Avenger, C-47 Dakota, B-25 Mitchell, C-54 Spirit of Freedom, etc. The Expo anticipates presentations of exotic, antique and custom cars and military vehicles. The Army Air Force Historical Association will again provide an extensive display. Additional attractions will include vendors/exhibitors. The 2009 event may be viewed at: www.the-gazette-newspaper. com/ (pages 14-15) October 2009 issue. ### The Annual Children’s Parade is scheduled for 10 a.m., July 4, 2010, at Washington and Burton. Sign-up is 9:30 a.m. The Hasbrouck Heights Police Department will lead the parade east on Washington to Terrace, south to Kipp Avenue and north to the starting point where prizes will be awarded. All classifications and categories will be judged prior to the parade. Prizes will be awarded in the categories of patriotic, most original and most artistic to: costumed children on foot, wagons and tricycles, carriages, strollers, etc., decorated bicycles, floats, and grandparents’ corner, with carriages and children on foot. Helmets are required for those on bicycles. Prizes awarded: First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize and Honorable Mention. All participants receive medals. Registration is limited to Hasbrouck Heights children up to 10 years of age, excluding the grandparents’ corner. The event is sponsored by the Mayor’s Celebrations Committee. The HHFD will be on hand for any assistance. ### Book Discussion: The Secret Scripture Wanted: Advertising Sales Representative Good Commission Part Time • Flexible Hours Car Required Call 201-288-8656 The Wood-Ridge Memorial Library will hold a book discussion at 7:15 p.m., on Tuesday, June 15, 2010. “The book to be discussed is, ‘The Secret Scripture’(2008) by Sebastian Barry. Set against an Ireland besieged by conflict, ‘The Secret Scripture’ is an epic story of love, betrayal, and unavoidable tragedy, and a vivid reminder of the stranglehold that the Catholic Church had on individual lives for much of the twentieth century.” ### FOCAS will hold a Flea Market on Saturday, June 12, 2010, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, June 13, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the American Legion, 100 Liberty Street, Little Ferry. This market features specialty items that make unique gifts, a selection of household items, jewelry, collectibles, electronics, linens, games, toys, pet supplies, cds/videos, and more. Refreshments and baked goods are available. Flea Market merchandise donations are gratefully accepted. They may be dropped off at the American Legion on Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. and Saturday (all day) of the Flea Market weekend. For additional information call the FOCAS Help Line at 201-943-4019, email info@ focasnews.org, or visit www. focasnews.org ### Knights Pancake Breakfast June 6 The St. Michael’s Council Knights of Columbus will hold a pancake breakfast on Sunday, June 6, 2010, from 8:30 a.m. to noon, at 39 Washington Street, Lodi. Cost is $6 per person. Menu includes pancakes, eggs, sausage, juice, coffee/tea. For tickets, call Frank at 973-7780796 or Lou at 973-472-7741. Vie t n a m Ve t e r a n s of ### America Chapter 800 will be hosting a Father’s Day Buffet and Dance on June 19, 2010, starting at 7 p.m., at 100 Main Street, Little Ferry. Tickets are $20 pp and include buffet, music, beer and soda. For more information, call 201-320-8079. ### Father’s Day Buffet & Dance Century 21Acquires JR Higgins Realty Century 21 Eudan Realty announced the acquisition of JR Higgins Realty of Carlstadt and East Rutherford. The company will continue to operate under the Century 21 Eudan Realty name and specialize in Residential and Commercial property sales. Century 21 Eudan Realty’s headquarters will remain at Hasbrouck Heights with their branch in Wood-Ridge, New Jersey. ### Evening With Uncle Floyd VFW Post 4591 is hosting an evening with the legendary Uncle Floyd on June 25, 2010 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Ticket includes entertainment and a buffet dinner of antipasti, pasta w/marinara, penne w/vodka sauce, chicken parmigiana, coffee, dessert, draft beer, wine and soda. Cost is $40 per person (in advance). Call the Post at 201-288-1112 for tickets or to reserve a table. ### Free Lunch June 5 This program is an expansion of the First Presbyterian Church of Moonachie’s ministry of feeding hungry bodies and hungry hearts, and will continue on the first Saturday of every month throughout the coming year. If the economy’s got you down, or you want to share a meal with others, come and be a part of the fun! The next opportunity is June 5, 2010, beginning at 11:30 a.m. If you need a ride, please call Tina Williams at 201-9524734. There is no charge and there are no strings attached! Everyone is welcome. ### HH Senior Picnic July 15 The Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights invite you to the 10th Annual Free Senior Citizens Picnic to be held on Thursday, July 15, 2010, from 12 -- 4 p.m. in the Senior Center. This is an invitation to all Senior Residents of Hasbrouck Heights to join your friends for a day of fun and good food in a comfortable environment! Entertainment will be provided by The Music Man -- Peter Lieberman. Sign up sheets are available in the Senior Center or in the Borough Clerk’s office or by calling 201-288-0195. The Senior Bus will be available to pick you up if you need a ride. Please let the Borough Clerk’s office know if you would like to be placed on the Senior Bus list including your address and telephone number. ### June Birthstone Pearl Rutherford Antiques Antiques & Collectibles • Quality Refinishing Restoration & Repairs • Estate Sales Appraisals • Interior Design Stenciling & Paint Finishes 201-896-1696 25 West Erie Ave., Rutherford, NJ 07070 Have a Safe Summer! Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. PAGE 32 - The Gazette Newspaper June 2010 Real Estate is Changing. We are too! Upper Saddle River $1,399,900 Custom sprawling 5 BR, 5.5 Bath Manor Colonial set on Cul- de sac. Tray ceilings, skylights, FLR/ fpl. huge granite EIK. Majestic great room w/fpl. Formal banquet DR,beautiful ingrnd. pool w/spa, large Master suite w/sitting room & balcony & much more. Tour at: www. gatewaytohomes.com/1019696 Hasbrouck Heights $399,900 Beautiful Sugar Maple Split offers EF, FR, full bath, large LR/DR combo, kitchen, 3 BRs and full bath, large attic for storage, full basement, C/A, hardwood floors, fenced yard, NY view, attached garage. Tour at: www. gatewaytohomes.com/1003197 Hasbrouck Heights $699,000 New development! Pick your colors! 6 sprawling 4 BR, 2.5 bath Colonials w/grand entrances, open bright rooms, GR/fpl., large master suite, C/A, hardwood floors, full basement, 2 car garage. Dead end st. Tour at: www.gatewaytohomes. com/1000636 Wood-Ridge $639,000 Custom 4 BR, 2 bath Split w/large EF, sunken LR w/cathedral. ceil., FDR w/built-ins, EIK w/isle stove & sliders to deck. MBR & bath w/tub & SS. Spiral stairs to grnd. level FR w/sldrs to yard & in-grnd. pool and patio, 2 car att. garage. 2 zone heat & C/A. Tour at: www.gatewaytohomes. com/1018363. Hasbrouck Heights $725,000 Custom CH Colonial built in 2006, on 125’ deep lot. FLR & FDR, kit w/granite, SS appliances, island & breakfast area w/sliders to deck. FR w/gas fpl. & ½ bath. 2nd floor w/3 BRs & master suite, hardwood floors, C/A, 2 car garage. Tour at: www.gatewaytohomes.com/1010682 Lodi $559,000 Beautiful spacious 2 Family located in Hilltop section of Lodi. Offers LR, DR, EIK, 3 BRs & 1 bath each floor plus finished bsmnt. w/summer kit., FR & full bath. C/A, separate utilities, garage. Tour at :w w w. gatewaytohomes.com/1013320 Hasbrouck Heights $449,000 Located on beautiful block, 3 BR Dutch Colonial in pristine condition w/open floor plan & hardwood floors offers LR w/gas fpl. DR, new kitchen, 2 updated baths. Enclosed porch w/view of yard w/pool & paver patio. Garage and full basement w/lndry. Tour at: www.gatewaytohomes.com/1016578 Lodi $495,000 Large 2 Family offers 3 BR & 4 BR Apartments. Each floor offers LR/ DR combo with red oak hardwood floors, mod. kit. MBR w/PR & full bath. Fin. basement w/FR, laundry, den, full bath, summer kit, sep. utilities, 2 car garage. Tour at: www. gatewaytohomes.com/1009371 Wood-Ridge $389,000 Lovely 3 BR, 2 bath Cape Cod offers LR w/bay window, DR off EIK, 3 season room, fin. bsmt. w/FR, bar, sum. kit. & bath, large BRs, great yard w/ingrnd. pool, patio & white fence, hardwood floors, central air, attached garage. Tour at: w w w. gatewaytohomes.com/1018998 Wood-Ridge $574,000 Renovated top to bottom. Custom kitchen, Brazilian marble & SS, 3 BRs, 2 baths, LR, DR, hardwood flrs., den w/door to deck, new elect. & two zone heat, fenced yard, central air, att. garage. Beautiful home! Tour at: www.gatewaytohomes.com/1016742 Hasbrouck Heights $559,000 Lovely 5 BR, 3.5 bath Colonial on 75 x 100 lot in prestigious location. LR w/fpl., FDR , EIK . 1st f loor FR, and finished basement. C/A, alarm system, fenced yard, deck, attached garage and paver driveway. Tour at: w w w.gatewaytohomes. com/1008927 Hasbrouck Heights $374,000 Lovely 3 BR Side Hall Colonial in convenient central location. Featuring on 1st floor, entry foyer, large LR & DR w/hrdwd. floors, EIK, den & sun room w/wd burning stove & ent. to backyard. Finished basement, gas heat, C/A & det. garage. Tour at: www. gatewaytohomes.com/2942945 Wood-Ridge $249,900 Cute Bungalow Style house, 3 BRs, 1.5 baths, LR and EIK. Ext. w/newer siding & windows. Beautiful paver block driveway & retaining walls. Interior in need of TLC. Short Sale! Buyer responsible for CO.“sold as is.” Tour at: www.gatewaytohomes. com/1018650 Hasbrouck Heights $359,000 Beautiful 3 BR, 2 bath Ranch awaits new family. Offers spacious LR w/ fpl and FDR w/dbl inlay hardwood floors. Updated kitchen w/French Doors to large deck w/NY skyline views. Large double lot, fin. bsmnt w/ kit, FR, office & O/E. Garage, HOW. Tour at: w w w.gatewaytohomes. com/1008491 Hasbrouck Heights $399,900 Lovely expanded 3 BR, 3 bath Colonial offers lots of living space in double living room, formal dining room, MEIK & bonus room off the LR for den/office or 4th bedroom. Deep yard, finished basement, C/A & Garage. Tour at: www.gatewayrealtors.com/1007360 East Rutherford $435,000 Lovely spacious Expanded Cape offers large LR, opens to DR w/ sliders to deck & pool. Large kitchen & MBR w/bath on main level. 2nd floor has 2 lge. BRs & 2 full baths. Fin. bsmnt. w/kit., FR, bath & 2 bonus rooms. Low taxes! Tour at: www. gatewaytohomes.com/1015443 Fact: The way people buy and sell homes is changing. Real Fact: We are changing too. Gateway Realtors GMAC Real Estate is now Real Living Gateway Realtors. We are bigger, bolder, with an incredible host of new services to help you buy and sell your home fast! Gateway Realtors is stepping up to serve you better with more resources, people, technology and marketing. Real results you can count on. Buying or Selling your home. It’s got to be real! GatewayToHomes.com The Proof Is In -RealLiving.com Is The Nation’s Most Popular Real Estate Site 464 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 201-288-0004 Independently owned and operated
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