Status Authorised Economic Operator (AOE)
Status Authorised Economic Operator (AOE)
To Company Management Aschaffenburg, 14. Juli 2008 Status Authorised Economic Operator (AOE) Dear Sir or Madam! The increasing globalization and the changing international security situation have disposed the World Customs Organization to create a worldwide framework for a modern and effective risk management in customs authorities ("Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade" - SAFE). The European Union has transferred these security-political aspects in April 2005 into European Law by changing the customs regulations and releasing a new executive order. One essential detail of this security initiative is the introduction of the status Authorised Economic Operator (AEO). Since January 2008 all companies which are located in the European Union and which are involved in customs activities can apply for the status AEO at their responsible customs authority. This status allows privileges at security-relevant customs controls and simplifications according to customs regulations. The purpose is the protection of the whole international supply chain. The status Authorised Economic Operator is valid in all countries of the European Union and is not limited in time. This status can be awarded in 3 different versions: • AEO-Certificate "Customs Simplifications" (AEO-C) • AEO-Certificate "Safety" (AEO-S) • AEO-Certificate "Customs Simplifications/Safety" (AEO-F). The idea of this certification is to control global companies and to assure that those companies become safe market participants. It is planned that the status AEO will be introduced all over the world. This status does not exist only in the European Union, a similar status exists already in the United States of America concerning import (C-TPAT: Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism). The target of the WCO is to create this status in all other countries. -2- -2TAKATA-PETRI has applied for AEO-F in March 2008. In order to reach the status AEO-F a lot of different security-relevant processes have to be implemented inside the company. One of the basic premises for receiving the AEO certificate is to guarantee supply chain security. This means that all members in the supply chain who are in the sphere of TAKATA-PETRI (suppliers, customers, logistics service providers, external providers) have to be checked if they fulfil all AEO-relevant security requirements. Therefore we ask you to inform us if your company already received an AEO certificate (AEO-S or AEOF). If your company already reached the status AEO (AEO-S or AEO-F) please send us via e-mail a copy of the certificate and the corresponding approval number. In this case your company fulfils automatically the security requirements of TAKATA-PETRI. st If not, we ask you to sign the attached security declaration and send it to us via e-mail until 31 of August 2008. Please send the documents to the following e-mail addresses: [email protected] and [email protected] We would like to point out that the security requirements of AEO will be part of the General Terms and Conditions of TAKATA-PETRI. If you have any questions about AEO please contact your local customs authority. In case of doubt you can contact the following contact person at TAKATA-PETRI: Markus Podbelsek Team Leader Customs & Duty Logistics Europe TAKATA-PETRI AG Bahnweg 1 63743 Aschaffenburg, Germany Phone: +49-6021-65-1033 Mobile: +49-15117106674 Fax: +49-6021-65-1219 E-Mail: [email protected] Sincerely yours Takata-Petri AG Dieses Schreiben wurde maschinell erstellt und ist ohne Unterschrift gültig! Security Declaration according to specifications for Authorized Economic Operators AEO Name (Company) __________________________________________________________ Street Adres __________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________________________ Country __________________________________________________________ Postal Code __________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________ E-Mail __________________________________________________________ I hereby declare that: • • • goods, which are produced, stored, forwarded or carried by order of below-mentioned TAKATA companies, which are delivered to AEO or which are taken for delivery from AEO o are produced, stored, prepared and loaded in secure business premises and secure loading and shipping areas o are protected against unauthorized interference during production, storage, preparation, loading and transport reliable staff is employed for the production, storage, preparation, loading and transport of these goods business partners who are acting on my behalf are informed that they also need to ensure the supply chain security as mentioned above. Name of Authorised Signatory 1 ________________________________________ Position ________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________ Date issued ________________________________________ Company Stamp (where required) This declaration was issued for all current and future deliveries/services to following TAKATA companies: TAKATA-PETRI AG Bahnweg 1 63743 Aschaffenburg Deutschland TAKATA-PETRI (Sachsen) GmbH Scheibenberger Str. 88 09481 Elterlein Deutschland TAKATA-PETRI PlasTec GmbH Industriegebiet Albertshausen Häuserschlag 1 97688 Bad Kissingen Deutschland Petri-DN GmbH Inflator Systems Kronacher Str. 63 90765 Fürth Deutschland TAKATA-PETRI Romania SRL Zona Industriala Vest Str. III Nr. 9 310375 Arad Rumänien TAKATA-PETRI Sibiu SRL Zona Industriala Vest Str. Florian Rieger nr.3 Sibiu Rumänien TAKATA-PETRI Parts Polska Sp.z.o.o. ul. Betlejemska 16 58 - 405 Krzeszów Polen TAKATA-PETRI Sp.z.o.o. ul. Uczniowska 20 58306 Walbrzych Polen TAKATA-PETRI Parts sro 543 74 Dolní Kalná 203 Tschechien TAKATA-PETRI South Africa (PTY) Ltd. Charles Mathew Street Atlantis 7349 Cape TownDassenberg 7350 Südafrika ___________________________________________________________ 1 Authorised Signatory registered at the Commercial Register