Christoph Ribbat Publications


Christoph Ribbat Publications
Ed. (with Anke Ortlepp) Mit den Dingen leben. Zur Geschichte der Alltagsgegenstände (Living with
things: The history of everyday objects). Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010.
Ed. Twenty-First Century Fiction: Essays, Readings, Conversations. Heidelberg: Winter, 2005.
Ed. (with Anke Ortlepp) Taking Up Space: New Approaches to American History. Trier: WVT, 2004.
Blickkontakt: Zur Beziehungsgeschichte amerikanischer Literatur und Fotografie (1945-2000) (Eye
contact: The relations of American literature and photography). München: Wilhelm Fink, 2003.
Religiöse Erregung: Protestantische Schwärmer im Kaiserreich (Religious excitement: Protestant
revivalists in Imperial Germany) Frankfurt: Campus, 1996.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
"Being 'Stresslessly Invisible': The Rise and Fall of Videophony in David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest"
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 30:4 (2010): 252-258.
"Seething Static: Notes on Wallace and Journalism." Consider David Foster Wallace: Critical Essays.
Ed. David Hering. Los Angeles: SSMG Press, 2010. 187-198.
"Beim Leben meines Kindes, ich habe gewunken`: David Bowie als Schnappschuss“' (On the life of
my child, I waved: David Bowie as snapshot). A Star Is Born: Fotografie und Rock seit Elvis. Ed. Ute
Eskildsen and Christiane Kuhlmann. Göttingen: Steidl, 2010. 241-250.
"Radical Decenterings: On Wanting the 'American' in American Studies." American Studies/Shifting
Gears. Ed. Birte Christ et al. Heidelberg: Winter, 2010. 349-363.
(with Anke Ortlepp) Introduction. Mit den Dingen leben: Zur Geschichte der Alltagsgegenstände
(Living with things: The history of everyday objects). Ed. Anke Ortlepp and Christoph Ribbat. Stuttgart:
Steiner Press, 2010. 7-19.
"Stay Clear of Propellers at All Times: Photography, the Everyday, and William Eggleston's Guide."
PhotoEspaña 2009: The Everyday. Ed. Sergio Mah. Madrid: La Fabrica, 2009. 16-21.
"Memoirs lieben, memoirs hassen" (Loving memoirs, hating memoirs). Amerikanisches Erzählen nach
2000. Ed. Sebastian Domsch. Munich: Edition Text und Kritik, 2008. 95-108.
"Die Nüstern der Kühe, das Knistern der Nähe: David Foster Wallace' Reportagen aus dem Mittleren
Westen" (The nostrils of cows and the allure of closeness: David Foster Wallace reporting from the
Midwest). Plurale 7 (2008): 119-135.
"In den Betten der Armen: Text, Bild und Dokumentardiskurs seit Bruce Davidsons East 100th Street"
(In the beds of the poor: Text, image, and documentary discourse since Bruce Davidson’s East 100th
Street). Fotogeschichte 108 (2008): 29-37.
"'Hey, breathe, man, breathe': Boxing and the Promise of Intimacy." Kritische Berichte: Zeitschrift für
Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften (4/2007): 25-32.
"America as 'Neon Jungle': Signs, Lights, and Writing in the Twentieth Century City." America from
Near and Far: Varieties of American Experience. Ed. Marc Lee Raphael. Williamsburg: College of
William and Mary, 2007. 52-61.
"Das Loch im Picasso, der Geist von Las Vegas" (The hole in the Picasso, the spirit of Las Vegas).
Maß oder Maßlosigkeit: Kunst und Kultur in der Gegenwart. Ed. Doris Schuhmacher-Chilla und Julia
Wirxel. Oberhausen: Athena, 2007. 131-147.
"Party without Party People: Richard Avedon at the Brandenburg Gate." Richard Avedon: Photographs
1946-2004. Ed. Michael Juul Holm. Humblebaek, DK: Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2007. 172180 (also in Italian and French).
"Utopia, Nevada: Las Vegas and American Nonfiction." ZAA: A Quarterly of Language, Literature, and
Culture 55:1 (2007): 37-51.
"'Attracted by a Dusky Object": Henry James's 'The Patagonia' and Its Atlantic Context." The Henry
James Review 28:1 (2007): 1-12.
"Hunger and Closeness: Jacob Holdt." Jacob Holdt: United States 1970-1975. Ed. Jerome Sother and
Paul Cottin. Göttingen: Steidl, 2007. 177-184.
"Sportsmänner: Interpretationen des Faustkampfs um 1900" (Sportsmen: readings of pugilism around
1900). Väter, Soldaten, Liebhaber: Männer und Männlichkeiten in der Geschichte Nordamerikas. Ed.
Jürgen Martschukat und Olaf Stieglitz. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2007. 183-200.
"Authorship, Alzheimer's, and the Illness Memoir." Colloquium Helveticum (2006): 181-200.
"Das Handtuch werfen: Boxen, masculinity studies und amerikanische Kulturgeschichte" (Throwing in
the towel: boxing, masculinity studies and American cultural history). Gender Talks:
Geschlechterforschung an der Universität Bonn. Ed. Sabine Sielke und Anke Ortlepp. Frankfurt: Lang,
2006. 81-99.
"You Can't Hide Your Love Forever: Popular Culture
Amerikastudien/American Studies 50:1/2 (2005): 157-181.
"The Windshield and the Rear-View Mirror: An Introduction to 21st Century Writers, Books, and
Readers." Twenty-First Century Fiction: Readings, Essays, Conversations. Ed. Christoph Ribbat
(anglistik & englischunterricht 68; Heidelberg: Winter, 2005): 7-32.
"Nomadic with the Truth: Holocaust Representations in Michael Chabon, James McBride, and
Jonathan Safran Foer." Twenty-First Century Fiction: Readings, Essays, Conversations. Ed. Christoph
Ribbat (anglistik & englischunterricht 68; Heidelberg: Winter, 2005): 199-218.
"Impartial Portraits? Photography and African American History." Visual Culture in the American
Studies Classroom. Ed. Udo Hebel and Martina Kohl. Berlin: US Embassy Teacher Academy, 2005.
"Der kontrollierte Gebetsverein: Religiosität, landeskirchliche Beobachtung und masurische
Einwanderer im Ruhrgebiet um 1900" (The controlled praying association: Religion, state-church
observation and Masurian immigration in the Ruhr Valley around 1900). Migration und Religion im
Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Ed. Hartmut Lehmann. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2005. 75-89.
"Ganze Tage und halbe Nächte: Das Kasseler Zungenreden von 1907 und der bürgerliche Diskurs
über religiöse Erregung" (Entire days and parts of the night: Speaking in tongues in 1907 Cassel and
the middle-class discourse on religious excitement). Religiöser Pluralismus im vereinten Europa:
Freikirchen und Sekten. Ed. Hartmut Lehmann. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2005. 31-48.
"Information and Tenderness: William Carlos Williams, Photography, and 'The Girl with the Pimply
Face.'" Rigor of Beauty: Essays in Commemoration of William Carlos Williams. Ed. Ian Copestake.
New York: Lang, 2004. 177-192.
"The Skies over Pittsburgh: Duane Michals' American Dreams." Duane Michals: The Theatre of Real
Life. Ed. Söke Dinkla. Essen: Klartext, 2004. 19-27.
"The Spaces of Boxing and the American Writer." Taking Up Space: New Approaches to American
History. Ed. Anke Ortlepp & Christoph Ribbat. Trier: WVT, 2004. 155-168.
"Taking Up Space: An Introduction" (mit Anke Ortlepp). Taking Up Space: New Approaches to
American History. Ed. Anke Ortlepp & Christoph Ribbat. Trier: WVT, 2004. i-xi.
"Relaunch für die Unschuld: Der Körper des Kindes und die amerikanische Literatur des 21.
Jahrhunderts" (Innocence Relaunched: Children’s bodies and American 21st century fiction. Die USamerikanische Gesellschaft im Spiegel ihrer zeitgenössischen Literatur. Ed. Hans-Peter Burmeister
(Loccumer Protokolle 74/2003): 57-67.
"A Place Called Oil Can: Streets, Landscapes, American Photography." Yet Untitled: Fotosammlung
Bernd F. Künne. Ed. Thomas Seelig und Susanne Pfleger. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2003. 24-28.
"Handling the Media, Surviving The Corrections: Jonathan Franzen and the Fate of the Author."
Amerikastudien /American Studies 47:4 (2002): 555-566.
"Kent Haruf's Fictions of the West." ZAA: A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture 49:2 (2001):
"American Studies und deutsche Populärkultur" (American studies and German popular culture).
Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven in der Nordamerika-Forschung. Ed. Friedrich Jaeger. Tübingen:
Stauffenburg, 2001. 145-160.
"Queer and Straight Photography." Amerikastudien/American Studies 46.1 (2001): 27-39.
"Die Entdeckung der Nachbarschaft: New York in der amerikanischen Fotografie" (Discovering the
neighborhood: New York in American photography). Zaunkönige: Nachbarschaftliche Beziehungen im
Gespräch. Ed. Franz R. Stuke. Bochum: Bochumer Universitätsverlag, 2001. 207-216.
"Behind Words: Robert Frank's American Poetry." Hold Still - Keep Going: Robert Frank. Ed. Ute
Eskildsen. New York: Scalo, 2001. 116-124. In Spanish: "Tras las Palabras: Poesía Americana de
Robert Frank." Hold Still - Keep Going: Robert Frank. Ed. Ute Eskildsen (Madrid: Museo Nacional
Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2001): 114-123. In German: "Hinter den Wörtern: Robert Franks
amerikanische Poesie." Hold Still - Keep Going: Robert Frank. Hg. Ute Eskildsen (Essen: Museum
Folkwang, 2000): 114-123.
"How Hip Hop Hit Heidelberg: German Rappers, Rhymes, and Rhythms." Here, There, and Everywhere: The Foreign Politics of American Culture. Eds. Elaine Tyler May and Reinhold Wagnleitner.
Hanover, N.H.: New England University Press, 2000. 207-216.
"Poland a la Montana: New Deal Photographers in Postwar Europe." Regional Images, Regional
Realities. Ed. Lothar Hönnighausen. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000. 97-109.
"The European Eye: German Refugee Photographers and American Visual Culture, 1933-45."
Pioneering America: Mediators of European Literature and Culture. Ed. Klaus Martens. Würzburg:
Königshausen & Neumann, 2000. 240-249.
"His Father's Books: Writing, Masculinity, and David Guterson's Snow Falling on Cedars." Literatur in
Wissenschaft und Unterricht 32:1 (1999): 27-36.
"After Reading After. Melvin Jules Bukiet's Novel and the Limits of Representation." Begegnung
zweier Kontinente: Die Vereinigten Staaten und Europa seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Ed. Ralph Dietl and
Franz Knipping. Trier: WVT, 1999. 331-341.
"Shiny Silk Blouses: Luxury and Memory in the Novels of Louis Begley." ZAA: A Quarterly of
Language, Literature and Culture 46:3 (1998): 243-251.
Reading Eating Disorders: Writings on Bulimia and Anorexia as Confessions of American Culture by
Greta Olson. Amerikastudien/American Studies 50:4 (2005): 661-662.
Existential America by George Cotkin. Amerikastudien/American Studies 49:3 (2004): 455-457.
The Critical Reception of Edith Wharton by Helen Killoran. Amerikastudien/American Studies 49:2
(2004): 264-265.
American Photography by Miles Orvell. European Photography 25:2 (2004): 75-76.
100 Suns von Michael Light. European Photography 25:1 (2004): 68-69.
Regarding the Pain of Others von Susan Sontag. Photonews 6/2003: 19.
Freedom: A Photographic History of the African American Struggle. Photonews 2/2003: 22.
Nigger by Randall Kennedy. Netzeitung (25. Februar 2002).
1926: Ein Jahr am Rand der Zeit von Hans-Ulrich Gumbrecht. die tageszeitung 19.7.2001: 16.
"Reflections in Black: Deborah Willis und die Fotografie des schwarzen Amerika." Photonews 2/2001:
8-9. (Willis, Reflections in Black: Black Photographers 1840 to the Present)
Jewish-American Artists and the Holocaust by Matthew Baigell. Amerikastudien/American Studies
45.2 (2000): 274-275.
Künstler, Cowboys, Ingenieure...Kultur- und mediengeschichtliche Studien zu deutschen AmerikaTexten, 1912-1920 von Deniz Göktürk. The Germanic Review 75.1 (2000): 77-80.
As Seen on TV: The Visual Culture of Everyday Life in the 1950s by Karal Ann Marling. Amerikastudien/American Studies 42.1 (1997): 138-140.
Poland 1946: The Photographs and Letters of John Vachon, ed. Ann Vachon. History of Photography
21.2 (1997): 171-172.
"The Washcloth at the Bottom of the Pile: A Conversation with Jonathan Franzen." Twenty-First
Century Fiction: Readings, Essays, Conversations. Ed. Christoph Ribbat (anglistik & englischunterricht
68; Heidelberg: Winter, 2005): 83-91.
"Reading Novels for the Boston Globe: A Conversation with Gail Caldwell." Twenty-First Century
Fiction: Readings, Essays, Conversations. Ed. Christoph Ribbat (anglistik & englischunterricht 68;
Heidelberg: Winter, 2005): 129-136.
"Der jüdische Sinn für die Straße: Max Kozloff über New York: Capital of Photography." (The Jewish
Sense of the Street: Max Kozloff on New York: Capital of Photography) Photonews 11/2002: 5.
Miscellaneous Publications
"Representing Poverty: American and European Perspectives." Bulletin of the German Historical
Institute 45 (2009): 76-79.
"Pappe, Passsanten (und Botho im Boot): Ein Besuch in Thomas Demands "Nationalgalerie."
Photonews 11 (2009): 3 (exhibition review, Thomas Demand).
"One is the loneliest number." Ute Behrend, Zimmerpflanzen. Köln: Snoeck, 2008. N. pag. [3 pages].
"Material Culture Studies" (with Bärbel Tischleder). Metzler Lexikon Literatur- und Kulturtheorie. Ed.
Ansgar Nünning. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2008. 464.
"Bürger, scharf und verschwommen: Die Würde des Familienbilds" (Citizens, focused and fuzzy: The
dignity of the family snapshot). Photonews 10/2007: 3.
"Liza Nguyen: Die Sprache der Dinge". (Liza Nguyen: The language of things) Lido: Kunst im Tunnel
2/2007: 76-77.
"Flammendes Neon." (Flaming neon) Uni Nova: Wissenschaftsmagazin der Universität Basel (März
2007): 32-33.
"Leichtigkeit und Gegenwart: Eine Liebeserklärung an die amerikanische Literatur." Basler Zeitung,
24. Januar 2007. 6-7. (essay on contemporary American literature)
"Irving Penns 'Salad Ingredients' (1947).“ Sehen Zeigen (2007): 47-49.
"Was werde ich sehen?" Ronka Oberhammer, Tagebuch eines Ausserirdischen. Innsbruck:
Fotoforum, 2006. [o.S.; 4 S.] (essay on Austrian artist Ronka Oberhammer)
"Fototheorie im Flur." (Phototheory in the hallway) Deutschlandbilder: 17 fotografische Positionen. Ed.
Thomas Meyer. Heidelberg: Edition Braus, 2005. 8-13. In Russian: "Фотразмышления в приемной." 8:1 (Januar 2006): 14-17.
"Liebe. Risiko. Teppichböden: Mit Andreas Schmidt in Las Vegas" (Love. Risk. Wall-to-Wall Carpets:
In Las Vegas with Andreas Schmidt). Andreas Schmidt, Las Vegas. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2005.
"Where I Did Lodge Last Night: Peter Granser's Images of Alzheimer's." Peter Granser, Alzheimer.
Heidelberg: Kehrer, 2005. N. pag. (4 pp). Also in Italian, French, German, Dutch.
"Smoke Gets in Your Eyes oder: Wie ich lernte, über Fotografie zu schreiben, ohne Roland Barthes zu
zitieren." (How I learned to write about photography without quoting Roland Barthes) Kunstforum
International (September/Oktober 2004): 39-42.
"Lunch mit Frau Hofer." (Going to lunch with Evelyn Hofer) Evelyn Hofer, hg. Susanne Breidenbach.
Göttingen: Steidl, 2004. 233-235.
"Heavy Glow." Peter Bialobrzeski, Neon Tigers. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2004. 100-103. (Deutscher
Fotobuchpreis 2004 / Winner, German Photobook Prize 2004)
"New York by Andreas Herzau." Chobi Mela Festival of Photography (Dhaka [Bangladesh], 2002): 35.
"Männer in Bewegung: Die Erfindung des Ruhrgebiets in Reisereportagen" (Men on the Move:
Inventing the Ruhr Valley in Travel Reportage). Regina 9/2002: 88-93.
"Borrowed Beats and Native Tongues: Multicultural Rap in Germany." Inter Nationes: GermanAmerican Cultural Review (Spring 1997): 14-17.
"From Sauerkraut to Liberty Cabbage: The German-Language Press in America." Inter Nationes:
German-American Cultural Review (Winter 1996): 22-25.
"Crusader with a Pencil: Thomas Nast." Inter Nationes: German-American Cultural Review (Spring
1995): 70-75.