Original Practices at the Globe


Original Practices at the Globe
Original Practices at the Globe
The Globe has staged a number of ‘Original Practices’ productions which aimed to
replicate as far as possible the material practices of early modern theatre. The archives
contain additional material relating to these productions, including papers deposited by
the Artistic Director, Master of Music and Master of Clothing & Properties.
Productions that used all male or all female casts are indicated as [M] or [F].
Antony & Cleopatra [M] 1999 (dir. Giles Block)
As You Like It 1998 (dir. Lucy Bailey)
Edward II [M] 2003 (dir. Timothy Walker)
Hamlet 2000 (dir. Giles Block)
Henry V [M] 1997 (dir. Richard Olivier)
Julius Caesar [M] 1999 (dir. Mark Rylance)
Measure for Measure [M] 2004 (dir. John Dove)
The Merchant of Venice 1998 (dir. Richard Oliver)
Much Ado About Nothing [F] 2004 (dir. Tamara Harvey)
Richard II [M] 2003 (dir. Tim Carroll)
Richard III [F] 2003 (dir. Barry Kyle)
Richard III [M] 2012 (dir. Tim Carroll)
Romeo and Juliet [M] 2004 (dir. Tim Carroll)
The Taming of the Shrew [F] 2003 (dir. Barry Kyle & Phyllida Lloyd)
Twelfth Night [M] 2002 (dir. Tim Carroll)
Twelfth Night [M] 2012 (dir. Tim Carroll)
The Winter’s Tale 2005 (dir. John Dove)

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