70j_GSCB_Tournament - European Deaf Sports Organisation
70j_GSCB_Tournament - European Deaf Sports Organisation
70th Anniversary GSCB 26. – 27. May 2017 International DEAF Tournament Bern / Switzerland Hearty invitation To our 70 year-old jubilee with international tournament for bowling, small-field football, futsal, floorball, shooting, chess on the 26th and 27th May 2017 in Bern and surroundings. Dear sport friends We would like to cordially invite you to an evening of friendly sports competition and fun. On Friday evening the 26th of May 2017, the tournament begins with a social evening in Wankdorf in Bern followed by a jubilee Party on Saturday 27th of May 2017, in the Wankdorf station in Bern. The party will be full of entertainment with music, a show, and a surprise! Attached to this there are the registration forms. Please choose which sports you’d like to take part in and return to us before 31st December 2016. You can send completed forms back by E-Mail:[email protected] or by post: Deaf Sports Club Bern, "70-year anniversary", Postfach, CH-3001 Bern (Switzerland) The entry fees for teams in football and floorball amounts to 70 Euro in total. There will be prizes for winning participants, including money, trophies and souvenirs from us. More information can be found on our website: www.gscb.ch For anyone looking for overnight accommodation, we will include an information brochure with registration. Or you can do this yourselves by checking out www.bern.com, where hotel details are supplied. We would be glad about your commitment and call you already today "Warm welcome to the federal town of Bern" Sporty greetings Beat Spahni OC President Fränzi Ledermann GSCB President Attached: - registration form for tournaments and night 70-Year Anniversary Tournament 2017 DEAF INTERNATIONAL BOWLING OPEN 2017 BERN Veranstaltung / organization 70th anniversary GSCB 2017 Bern Datum /date 26th May 2017 – 27th May 2017 Veranstalter / organizer Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern Turnierleitung / tournament management H.R. Schumacher, Thomas Ledermann, Brigitte Bühler Austragungsort / venue Bowling de Muntelier Hauptstrasse 171 3286 Muntelier www.bowlingmuntelier.ch Bahn / lane 24 Bahnen / Lanes - Brunswick Teilnehmer / participant Herren / Men Damen / Women Mindestteilnehmerzahl / Minimum number of paricipants 50 Spielmodus / play mode Einzel / Singles 6 games Doppel / Doubles 6 games Trio Mixed 6 games Startgebühr / Entry Fee Herren / Damen Men / Women Einzel & Doppel & Trio – Singles & Doubles & Trios : 120.00 € Alle Gebühren, inklusiv Spielgeld und Preisgeld All fees, included play money and Trophy money Anzahlung bis 31.12.2016 IBAN: CH81 0900 0000 6137 3815 5 BIC/SWIFT: POFICHBEXXX PC: 61-37815-5 Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern Postfach 3001 Bern Zahlungsreferenz: “70-Jahre-Jubiläum GSCB“ 70.00 € pro Person Restzahlung 50.00 € bei Ankunft Advance payment until 31.12.2016 IBAN: CH81 0900 0000 6137 3815 5 BIC/SWIFT: POFICHBEXXX PC: 61-37815-5 in favour of: Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern, Postfach CH-3001 Bern Payment reference: “70-Jahre-Jubiläum GSCB“ 70.00 € / Person Final payment is 50.00 € on arrival Spielregeln / game rules Alle Teilnehmer spielen alle Spiele wobei der Bahnwechsel nach 3 Spielen mit 4 Bahnen nach rechts erfolgt. Die Bahneneinteilung wird durch das Los bestimmt. All participants play all the games where the lane changes made after 3 games of 4 lanes to right. The lane schedule is determined by lot. Trio mixed: Ein Trio kann nur gebildet werden, wenn mindestens 1 Spieler des anderen Geschlechtes im Trio ist. Es spielt keine Rolle ob es 2 Männer oder 2 Frauen im Trio ist. Frauen erhalten pro Spiel 10 Hdc zusätzlich. A trio can be formed only if at least 1 player of the opposite sex in the trio. It does not matter if it's 2 men or 2 women in the trio. Women get per game 10 hdc addition. All Event: Einzel / Singles – 6 games & Doppel / Doubles - 6 games & Trio -6 games. All Event – Wertung erfolgt nach 18 Spielen All Event ranking will be created after 18 games. Keine Finalrunde! /No Final round! Senioren +50 erhalten 5 Hcp Seniors +50 optain 5 Hcp Seniors +60 erhalten 10 Hcp Seniors +60 optain 10 Hcp Einzel / Singles Freitag / Friday, 26.Mai 2017 Squad S1 – 09:00h to 11:30h Squad S2 – 12:00h to 14:30h Doppel / Doubles Freitag / Friday, 26.Mai 2017 Squad D1 – 15:00h to 17:30h Squad D2 – 18:00h to 20:30h Trio / Trios Samstag / Saturday, 27. Mai 2017 Squad T1 – 09:00h – 12:00h Squad T2 – 13:00h – 16:00h Information Änderungen vorbehalten / subject to alternation! Abhängig von der Teilnehmerzahl Depending on number of participants Die Anmeldung ist auf maximale 88 Plätze beschränkt. Registration is limited to maximum of 88 places. Preisgelder / Trophy money All Event Men / Women Place 80 Players 72 Players 64 Players 56 Players 48 Players 40 Players 32 Players 24 Players 1. 460 € 410 € 370 € 320 € 280 € 230 € 180 € 140 € 2. 300 € 270 € 240 € 210 € 180 € 150 € 120 € 90 € 3. 220 € 200 € 180 € 160 € 140 € 110 € 90 € 70 € 4. 150 € 140 € 120 € 110 € 90 € 80 € 60 € 50 € 5. 120 € 110 € 100 € 90 € 70 € 60 € 50 € 40 € 6. 90 € 80 € 70 € 60 € 50 € 50 € 40 € 30 € 7. 80 € 70 € 60 € 50 € 50 € 40 € 30 € 20 € 8. 60 € 50 € 50 € 40 € 40 € 30 € 20 € -- Einzel / Singles Men / Women Place 80 Players 72 Players 64 Players 56 Players 48 Players 40 Players 32 Players 24 Players 1. 360 € 320 € 290 € 250 € 220 € 180 € 140 € 110 € 2. 240 € 220 € 190 € 170 € 140 € 120 € 100 € 70 € 3. 180 € 160 € 140 € 130 € 110 € 90 € 70 € 50 € 4. 120 € 110 € 100 € 80 € 70 € 60 € 50 € 40 € 5. 100 € 90 € 80 € 70 € 60 € 50 € 40 € 30 € 6. 70 € 60 € 60 € 50 € 40 € 40 € 30 € 20 € 7. 60 € 50 € 50 € 40 € 40 € 30 € 20 € 20 € 8. 50 € 40 € 40 € 30 € 30 € 20 € 20 € -- Doppel / Doubles Men / Women Place 40 Doubles 32 Doubles 24 Doubles 16 Doubles 8 Players 1. 310 € 250 € 190 € 120 € 70 € 2. 210 € 170 € 120 € 80 € 50 € 3. 160 € 120 € 90 € 60 € 30 € 4. 100 € 80 € 60 € 40 € 20 € 5. 80 € 70 € 50 € 30 € 20 € 6. 60 € 50 € 40 € 20 € -- 7. 50 € 40 € 30 € 20 € -- 8. 40 € 30 € 20 € 20 € -- Trio/ Trios Mixed Place 30 Trios 22 Trios 14 Trios 6 Trios 1. 270 € 200 € 130 € 70 € 2. 180 € 130 € 90 € 50 € 3. 140 € 100 € 70 € 30 € 4. 90 € 70 € 50 € 30 € 5. 70 € 50 € 30 € -- 6. 50 € 40 € 30 € -- 7. 50 € 30 € -- -- 8. 40 € 30 € -- -- Anmeldung / Participants Damen & Herren Einzel / Women & Men Singles Club name: Club leader name: Adresse / address: Stadt / country: Email: Damen Einzel / Women Singles Vorname / first name: Nachname / family name: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Herren Einzel / Men Singles Vorname / first name: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Nachname / family name: Anmeldung / Participants Damen & Herren Doppel / Women & Men Doubles Club name: Club leader name: Adresse / address: Stadt / country: Email: Damen Doppel / Women Doubles Vorname / first name: Nachname / family name: 1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b Herren Doppel / Men Doubles Vorname / first name: 1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b Nachname / family name: Anmeldung / Participants Trio Mixed / Mixed Trios Club name: Club leader name: Adresse / address: Stadt / country: Email: Trio Mixed / Mixed Trios Vorname / first name: Nachname / family name: 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c 4a 4b 4c 5a 5b 5c Anmeldeschluss / closing date: 31.12.2016 Email: [email protected] 70-Year Anniversary Tournament 2017 Dear Sports Friends We invite you to our anniversary tournament on 26/27 May 2017. The organising committee would like to welcome you and your Chees knowledge to this event. We extend a warm welcome to all and hope to see you in the Swiss Capital Bern. Director of Chess Rolf Kyburz Saturday 27 May 2017 Venue: Room Wankdorf Bern Modus/Time for moves: 5 – 7 rounds according to intl. Tournament Modus depending on number of participants. 20 Minutes per game and person. Time: From 9 am to 4 pm Cost: 30 €, payable until 31. 12. 2016 IBAN: CH81 0900 0000 6137 3815 5 BIC/SWIFT: POFICHBEXXX PC: 61 – 37815 – 5 in favour of: Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern, Postfach CH-3001 Bern payment reference: 70-Jahre-Jubiläum GSCB Schedule will be emailed one week prior to the tournament. Food and Drink: on site restaurant with plenty of choice. Spectators free! Price money: 8 Players 12 Players 1. place 100 € 1. place 150 € 2. place 60 € 2. place 90 € 3. place 30 € 3. place 50 € Celebrations: After the event, however 1. to 3. placed teams will be honoured on the evening of the event. Registration Deadline: 31 December 2016 Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern 70-Jahre-Jubiläum GSCB Postfach, CH-3001 Bern E-mail: [email protected] Registration to the Chess Tournament 2017 (Please keep to the deadline on 31 December 2016 the latest!) Date: Name/Frist Name: Address: City: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... Colours of jerseys: ....................................................................... Contact Person: E-Mail: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... Signature: 70-Year Anniversary Tournament 2017 Dear Sports Friends We invite you to our anniversary tournament on 26/27 May 2017. The organising committee would like to welcome you and your Floorball-Team to this event. We extend a warm welcome to all and hope to see you in the Swiss Capital Bern. Director of Floorball Dominik Willenegger Friday 26 and Saturday 27 May 2017 Venue: Sporthalle Wankdorf Bern Modus: Playing rules according to SUHV Max. 8 players per team 3 players and 1 Goalkeeper on field Women are allowed in mens teams! No license required! Cost: 70 € per team, payable until 31. 12. 2016 IBAN: CH81 0900 0000 6137 3815 5 BIC/SWIFT: POFICHBEXXX PC: 61 – 37815 – 5 in favour of: Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern, Postfach CH-3001 Bern payment reference: 70-Jahre-Jubiläum GSCB Schedule will be emailed one week prior to the tournament. Food and Drink: on site restaurant with plenty of choice. Spectators free! Price money: 8 Teams 12 Teams 1. place 300 € 1. place 400 € 2. place 225 € 2. place 300 € 3. place 150 € 3. place 200 € 4. place 100 € Celebrations: After the event, however 1. to 3. placed teams will be honoured on the evening of the event. Registration Deadline: 31 December 2016 Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern 70-Jahre-Jubiläum GSCB Postfach, CH-3001 Bern E-mail: [email protected] Registration for small field Floorball Tournament 2017 (Please keep to the deadline on 31 December 2016 the latest!) Date: Name of club: Address: City: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... Colours of jerseys: ....................................................................... Contact Person: E-Mail: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... Signature and club stamp: 70-Year Anniversary Tournament 2017 Dear Sports Friends We invite you to our anniversary tournament on 26/27 May 2017. The organising committee would like to welcome you and your Football-Team Seniors to this event. We extend a warm welcome to all and hope to see you in the Swiss Capital Bern. Director of Football Rolf Kyburz Saturday 27 May 2017 Venue: Playing field Athletics Stadium Wankdorf Bern Modus: 5 players plus 1 goalkeeper per team. International football rules apply... No license required! Insurance: To be organised by each participant! Cost: 70 € per team, payable until 31. 12. 2016 IBAN: CH81 0900 0000 6137 3815 5 BIC/SWIFT: POFICHBEXXX PC: 61 – 37815 – 5 in favour of: Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern, Postfach CH-3001 Bern payment reference: 70-Jahre-Jubiläum GSCB Schedule will be emailed one week prior to the tournament. Food and Drink: on site restaurant with plenty of choice. Spectators free! Price money: 8 Teams 12 Teams 1. place 300 € 1. place 400 € 2. place 200 € 2. place 300 € 3. place 100 € 3. place 200 € 4. place 100 € Celebrations: After the event, however 1. to 3. placed teams will be honoured on the evening of the event. Registration Deadline: 31 December 2016 Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern 70-Jahre-Jubiläum GSCB Postfach, CH-3001 Bern E-mail: [email protected] Registration for Seniors Small Field Football Tournament 2017 (Please keep to the deadline on 31 December 2016 the latest!) Date: Name of club: Address: City: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... Colours of jerseys: ....................................................................... Contact Person: E-Mail: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... Signature and club stamp: 70-Year Anniversary Tournament 2017 Dear Sports Friends We invite you to our anniversary tournament on 26/27 May 2017. The organising committee would like to welcome you and your Futsal-Team Mens to this event. We extend a warm welcome to all and hope to see you in the Swiss Capital Bern. Director of Futsal Rolf Kyburz Friday 26 and Saturday 27 May 2017 Venue: Sporthalle Wankdorf Bern Modus: 4 players plus 1 goalkeeper per team. International futsal rules apply... No license required! Insurance: To be organised by each participant! Cost: 70 € per team, payable until 31. 12. 2016 IBAN: CH81 0900 0000 6137 3815 5 BIC/SWIFT: POFICHBEXXX PC: 61 – 37815 – 5 in favour of: Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern, Postfach CH-3001 Bern payment reference: 70-Jahre-Jubiläum GSCB Schedule will be emailed one week prior to the tournament. Food and Drink: on site restaurant with plenty of choice. Spectators free! Price money: 12 Teams 16 Teams 1. place 400 € 1. place 600 € 2. place 300 € 2. place 400 € 3. place 200 € 3. place 300 € 4. place 100 € 4. place 200 € Celebrations: After the event, however 1. to 3. placed teams will be honoured on the evening of the event. Registration Deadline: 31 December 2016 Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern 70-Jahre-Jubiläum GSCB Postfach, CH-3001 Bern E-mail: [email protected] Registration for Mens Futsal Tournament 2017 (Please keep to the deadline on 31 December 2016 the latest!) Date: Name of club: Address: City: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... Colours of jerseys: ....................................................................... Contact Person: E-Mail: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... Signature and club stamp: 70-Year Anniversary Tournament 2017 Dear Sports Friends We invite you to our anniversary tournament on 26/27 May 2017. The organising committee would like to welcome you and your Futsal-Team Women to this event. We extend a warm welcome to all and hope to see you in the Swiss Capital Bern. Director of Futsal Rolf Kyburz Friday 26 and Saturday 27 May 2017 Venue: Sporthalle Wankdorf Bern Modus: 4 players plus 1 goalkeeper per team. International futsal rules apply... No license required! Insurance: To be organised by each participant! Cost: 70 € per team, payable until 31. 12. 2016 IBAN: CH81 0900 0000 6137 3815 5 BIC/SWIFT: POFICHBEXXX PC: 61 – 37815 – 5 in favour of: Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern, Postfach CH-3001 Bern payment reference: 70-Jahre-Jubiläum GSCB Schedule will be emailed one week prior to the tournament. Food and Drink: on site restaurant with plenty of choice. Spectators free! Price money: 8 Teams 12 Teams 1. place 300 € 1. place 400 € 2. place 225 € 2. place 300 € 3. place 150 € 3. place 200 € 4. place 100 € Celebrations: After the event, however 1. to 3. placed teams will be honoured on the evening of the event. Registration Deadline: 31 December 2016 Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern 70-Jahre-Jubiläum GSCB Postfach, CH-3001 Bern E-mail: [email protected] Registration for Womens Futsal Tournament 2017 (Please keep to the deadline on 31 December 2016 the latest!) Date: Name of club: Address: City: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... Colours of jerseys: ....................................................................... Contact Person: E-Mail: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... Signature and club stamp: 70-Years Anniversary Tournament 2017 Dear Sports Friends We invite you to our anniversary tournament on 26/27 May 2017. The organising committee would be pleased to welcome you to this event. We extend a warm welcome to all and hope to see you in the Swiss Capital Bern. Director of Shooting Thomas Mösching Friday 26 May 2017 Place: 10 meter shooting range Zollikofen (Alpenstrasse 88) Time schedule: from 1 pm... 10m air rifle, 60 shots 10m air pistol, 60 shots IMPORTANT: depending on number of applications Saturday 27 May 2017 Place: Shooting Range Gümligental (Dentenbergstrasse 73 in Gümligen) Time schedule: 10 am... 50m small calibre lying, 60 shots IMPORTANT: depending on number of applications Schedule will be emailed one week prior to the tournament. The catering: is available, as usual. Spectators free! Price money: 8 shooter 12 shooter 1. place 70 € 1. place 100 € 2. place 50 € 2. place 70 € 3. place 30 € 3. place 50 € 4. place 30 € Celebrations: After the event, however 1. to 3. placed players will be honoured on the evening of the event! Cost: 20 € per discipline, payable until 31. 12. 2016 IBAN: CH81 0900 0000 6137 3815 5 BIC/SWIFT: POFICHBEXXX PC: 61 – 37815 – 5 in favour of: Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern, Postfach CH-3001 Bern payment reference: 70-Jahre-Jubiläum GSCB Registration Deadline: 31 December 2016 Gehörlosen Sportclub Bern 70-Jahre-Jubiläum GSCB Postfach, CH-3001 Bern E-mail: [email protected] Registration for Shooting Tournament 2017 (Please keep to the deadline on 31 December 2016 the latest!) Name/Frist Name: ...................................................................... Address: ...................................................................... City: ...................................................................... Category: 10m Air Pistol 10m Air Rifle 50m small cal. lying 50m 3-way match E-Mail: ...................................................................... Name of Club: ...................................................................... Unterschrift: Overnight in the Hotel Ibis Budget & Ibis Bern Expo Novotel Bern Expo, Guisanplatz 2, CH-3014 Bern www.novotel.com Date: 26th - 28th May 2017 Rooms: Single, double or 3-occupancy possible Price CHF 89.00 per room / night, excl. breakfast & Taxes. Breakfast: CHF 11.00 per person / day *City taxes: CHF 5.70 per person / night Facilities of Ibis budget rooms Category 1: A Queen-size bed (140 x 200 cm) and an additional bunk bed (90 x 200 cm) Category 2: Two single beds (90 x 185 cm) Other infrastructure: working table for a person, WC, shower and TV in the room. In addition, free WiFi access is available for our guests in the entire hotel. Date: 26th - 28th May 2017 Single, double occupancy possible Price CHF 135.00 per room / night, excl. breakfast & taxes Breakfast: CHF 16.00 per person / day *City taxes: CHF 5.70 per person / night Facilities Ibis rooms Rooms are equipped with two single beds as well as rooms with a double bed. The rooms have a TV, telephone, shower, work desk and air conditioning. In addition, free WiFi access is available for our guests in the entire hotel. General information on both hotels Parking is subject to availability exist. The daily fee per parking place is CHF 20 per 24 hours. A tram stop is located directly in front of the hotel (with tram no. 9 direction Wankdorf, guests reach the hotel in 8 minutes) Tram station hotel: Guisanplatz Expo * Included in the City taxis is the "Bern ticket" which guests will receive on arrival. This ticket is valid during the stay as a ticket for zones 100/101 in the city of Bern incl. the transfer from the airport Belp Registration: Directly at the hotel Ibis Bern Expo via E-Mail: [email protected] Directly at the hotel Ibis Budget Bern Expo via E-Mail: [email protected] Code: Enter "GSCB anniversary“(special price for anniversary) The rooms are bookable up to the 25th of April 2017 in the contingent. Group lodging „Sporthalle Wankdorf“ Papiermühlstrasse 91, CH-3014 Bern 26th - MAY 28 2017 Highway A1 Coming from Zurich exit Wankdorf Highway A1/A12 Coming from Lausanne/Freiburg exit Wankdorf. Sporthalle Wankdorf Highway A6 Coming from Thun exit Wankdorf (Sleeping beds) Cost: Price 25.— € per person / night (incl. breakfast, showers / WC, pillows & woollen blankets and taxes*) * Included in the City Taxis is the "Bern Ticket" which the guests will receive upon arrival. This ticket is valid during the stay as a ticket for zones 100/101 in the city of Berne incl. the transfer of the airport Bern-Belp. Recommendation:..! Please bring your sleeping bag The group lodging is bookable up to the 30th of April, 2017 under [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Registration: Mark appropriate: Group lodging 26th/27th of April 2016 27th/28th of April 2016 Persons: __________ Name: ______________________________ first name: _______________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________