p01 Cover FEB10.indd


p01 Cover FEB10.indd
fo r g ay / b i wo m e n | Fe b r u a r y 2 0 1 0
TOP 100
all n
ew io r
on at ea
St blic e Y
Pu f th
on pigeonholing, pride
and her gorgeous gal pal
There are
innate desires
and goals and
it doesn’t change
just because
you are with
one gender
or another.
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NNadia Attura, Joyeeta Basu, Julie
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Faircloth, Philip Garcia, Tiff Griffiths,
Theresa Heath, Steph Kay, James
Lawrence, Joni Lewis, Lynn, Mercury,
Kathy Mingo, Siv ‘La Bomba’ Nilsen,
Maz Ogden, Mel Parsons-Kay, Ben
Summerskill, Titchy Tiff, Tonya.
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Why women’s
nights come
and go so fast
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Kristanna Loken
Angela Eagle:
Parliament’s only
out lesbian MP
58 \Sea
60 Q][[c\Wbg
Fashion faves and groovy
gadgets, music and film
reviews and event previews.
The rise and rise of legal
highs: how mephedrone is
taking over our clubs.
We review London’s
G Spot, Club Kali, and
SHUSH, Manchester’s Vanilla
and Liberty in Bristol, plus
all the latest UK bar and
club listings.
All the latest gay news
issues, nationally and
We interview Sue Sanders,
founder of LGBT History
Month. Plus Stonewall’s top
100 gay-friendly employers
and the Brighton Equality Walk.
We speak to firefighter
Laura Noble, and the
Royal Navy’s Lieutenant
Commander Jac McWilliams.
Knock her dead
thisValentine’s Day
Our survival guide to moving
back in with your parents,
plus a fun-packed Girls’ Night
In with singer-songwriter and
DJ Manda Rin.
Dyke heaven in Amsterdam.
The butch girl’s guide to
Valentine’s Day traditions.
back in date
send us your letters:
Just send your letters to the
usual address or email:
[email protected]
A DVD of
Butch Jamie
This month’s star letter writer
wins a copy of gender-bending
lesbian comedy Butch Jamie. Jamie
(Michelle Ehlen) is a failing actress
whose fortunes start to look up after
an audition has a very unexpected
Visit www.peccapics.com
for more information.
Dear g3, The piece in your last issue
about how to return to the dating
game was a real lifesaver. I’ve
been out of action for over a year
now, and had kind of given up, but
after I read your article I thought
“What the hell?” and logged on to
GaydarGirls. I’ve now got a date
next week – fingers crossed!
ED: It’s scary out there in the dating
jungle, but if you don’t give it a go,
you’ll never know. Hope it goes well!
civil war
Dear g3, Your article about the
heterosexual couple campaigning
for a civil partnership was a real
eye-opener for me. It never really
occurred to me how segregated
the system is. I applaud them and
wish them the best of luck. We are
stronger together after all!
ED: Let’s hope Tom and Katherine’s
fight opens a few more eyes:
preferably some governmental
ones. Marriage should be open to
everyone, regardless of sexuality.
Insisting that civil partnerships can’t
have any religious element to them,
calling them by a different name,
and shutting them off from straight
people is shockingly divisive.
Get out there!
In this evil weather, it’s all too easy to snuggle up with your copy of g3 and become
attached to your sofa. But the world doesn’t stop just because the temperature’s dropped.
Thankfully, in this issue of g3, we’ve got plenty to encourage you to get off your bums.
First up, we take a look at the worrying turnover of lesbian nights. Every week it seems
one closes down and another starts up… only to shut down a week later.Why? Because
we don’t get round to going to them! Next time you decide to take a rain check on
attending a hot new girls’ night, remember that people turning up at the launch could be
the difference between success and failure for the club’s promoters.
February is also LGBT History Month.There are loads of events taking place across
the country. From art exhibitions and poetry readings to sports events and good old
parties –you’re bound to find something you want to go to. We interviewed founder Sue
Sanders to find out where LGBT History Month came from, and where it’s going.
There’s only one thing for it: grab your coat/scarf/gloves/boots and get out there and enjoy!
Till next time…
touch me
Dear g3, Thank you so much for
the Sam Fox interview. She came
across as totally unpretentious and
down to earth… not to mention
a bit of a giggle! Oh, and she’s still
looking good as well. I would!
ED: Unfortunately Ellen, she seems
to be a one-woman woman, but,
hey, we can dream…
g3 live U![OUQ]cY
Can’t get g3? Read the latest g3 magazine instantly
on your computer by visiting our website which
includes instant access, page-turning graphics, music
and film videos, plus interactive web links from our
articles and advertisers.
Check out the latest issue and archives at www.g3mag.co.uk
This month: g3 gets
up close and personal
with Kristanna Loken.
Plus our fun quiz,
celebrity gossip and all
the latest reviews.
hitting your spot again and again!
of the
For more information,
visit www.shiragirl.com or
the sound
Studio sound quality and bold graphics make these
headphones a winner for top quality tuneage
and fashion-forward style.The detachable woven
cable eliminates the stress of tangles and faulty
connections. With titaniumcoated mylar drivers on
top of all that, these
babies definitely
sound just as good
as they look.
RRP £69.95
The world’s first multi-touch mouse is here!The ergonomic
perfection of its seamless top shell means you can touch
anywhere to scroll and click flawlessly across the screen. It’s
wireless too, so no worrying about cables restricting your work.
Simple, but it will definitely make your life a little bit easier.
RRP £56 www.store.apple.com/uk
Nokia’s latest creation is pure luxury: an 18-carat gold-plated
phone! It boasts the expected 3.2 megapixel camera, interactive
touch screen and a truckload of other features, making it technically
on trend as well as ridiculously decadent. Beware, though: this
bling could break the bank.
RRP £1099 www.nokia.co.uk
tech up in style with the latest gadgets
Show that special someone you care
with a very special Valentine’s-themed
treat, guaranteed to win over the iciest of
maidens.The tin is easily filled with the
tasty cake mix of your choice or even
jelly or ice-cream if you are particularly
adventurous. Everyone loves cake, right?
RRP £29.95 www.gadgets.co.uk
Gear/ / t o y s / / f a s h i o n / / r e v i e w s / / n e w s / / m u s i c / / f i l m / / g i r
Go trainspotter chic in a light mac.
Perfect for fashionistas wanting to
look but not feel cool as the last
vestiges of winter trail out.The
jagged cut of the lapels and button
detail add interest to give an
otherwise plain wardrobe
essential edginess.
Mac coat £150
Worn with leggings until the weather
improves, these khaki shorts have a loose,
flattering fit and are great for tomboys
everywhere.The faded denim and stud
detail channels the distressed theme
without having you walking round in rags.
embrace the outdoors in style
Studded shorts £24.99
the cardi
Set sail for spring in some nautical stripes.The
cardigan is easily layered up withT-shirts and paired
with jeans or leggings in complementary blue tones.
It also gives the nod to the navy trend hitting stores
and the cute gold buttons are a bonus!
Clara nautical gold button top £12
Whether you are more city slicker or rural bohemian, the
warm sheepskin and robust leather make these cosy boots
ideal for stomping around in any terrain.They are probably
the most comfy yet fashion-conscious footwear you will find
without joining the mindless Ugg masses… Rejoice!
Mavern lace-up boot £85
Quiz/ / t o y s / / f a s h i o n / / r e v i e w s / / n e w s / / m u s i c / / f i l m / / g i r
How strong is your
and what does it take to crack your resolve?
It’s 10pm on a Monday evening.
Your friends want to go to a
club.What do you do?
a) I tell them I’ve given up drinking
and I’m staying in.
b) Say “Hell yeah!” and buy a
bottle of vodka to drink on
the bus.
c) Suggest going out on Friday.
a) I sit down for a jolly good read.
b) I peek at her inbox, without
actually opening anything.
c) I log her out immediately.
You’re meant to go jogging with
your friend, but you’ve woken
up with a cold.What do you do?
You’re on a diet.Your friend
invites you for a birthday meal.
What do you eat?
a) I gulp down some Lemsip and
run out of the door.
b) I turn my phone off and go back
to sleep.
c) I call my friend and tell her I’ll
come jogging when I’m better.
a) It’s her birthday! I’ll have chips
with everything.
b) I have a low-fat pasta dish.
c) I stay at home and nibble on
celery sticks.
a) I glare at her furiously and leave.
b) Aw, c’mon… She’s FIT. I give her
a massive snog.
c) I try to avoid her eye.
a) 5
a) 1
a) 5
a) 1
a) 5
a) 3
a) 5
a) I have a puff on a colleague’s fag.
b) I grit my teeth firmly around a
piece of nicotine gum.
c) I buy 20 B&H and smoke the lot.
b) 1
b) 3
b) 1
b) 3
b) 1
b) 5
b) 1
Rumours of a break-up
between Angelina Jolie and
Brad Pitt abound. I’m not
going to say,“Girls, here’s your
chance!” because, let’s face it,
boyfriend or no boyfriend, she’s
outta your league. But it would
be nice to think she might pick a
chick next time.
You gave up smoking last
week, but you’re having a really
bad day.What do you do?
Your mate’s new crush wanders
on to the dancefloor and gives
you the eye. How do you react?
The girl you fancy has left
herself logged into Facebook
in your local internet café.
What do you do?
Jane Lynch as
Sue Sylvester
in Glee
c) 3
c) 5
c) 3
c) 5
c) 3
c) 1
c) 3
7-12: Weakling:
You give in to temptation every time.
13-21: Human:
You’re all about compromise.
22-35: Ox:
You stand firm and never give in.
Glee Glee Glee… everyone’s watching/
talking/singing/dreaming about Glee. Not
only does it have a lesbian cheerleader plot
(woo!), we also hear news that Jane Lynch,
who plays the no-nonsense
head of the cheerleading
squad, is getting married to
her girlfriend.The couple
plan to get hitched in May.
Of course, we hope they’ll
be gleefully happy…
It’s payday.What do you do?
a) I pay all my bills.
b) I buy myself a new pair of really
expensive jeans.
c) I pay the most urgent bills, and
get myself a newT-shirt.
that she wasn’t
invited to Casey’s
funeral. Casey,
heiress to the £110
billion Johnson &
Johnson fortune,
was found dead
after a suspected
drug overdose on 4 January this year.And
just to add to poorTila’s despair,Yahoo!
heiress Courtenay Semel, an ex of both
Casey andTila’s, has piped up and alleged
TilaTequila, partner of
to the press that she and Casey had plans
socialite Casey Johnson, to release a sex video they’d made
has expressed her distress together.A sad and tangled web indeed…
27, Migration
Case Officer
… film you saw
… album you bought
Some People Have Real
Problems – Sia
… club you visited
Heaven, London
… book you read
Gender Outlaw – Kate Bornstein
… magazine you bought
Total Guitar
Sunday 28
Lesbian Meditation Day – Chill
out and meet fantastic women
at this tranquil event in the
London Buddhist Centre in
Bethnal Green. Bring your own
lunch and an open mind!
1. Red rose:
The old
A symbol of
pure love.
2.Ambrosia: Heard the words
“I love you” but not responded yet?
Give these flowers as a sign that your
lady’s love is requited.
3. Green carnation:
Crushing on a
mysterious lady
about whom you
know very little?
Express your
fascination with a
bunch of these.
4. Buttercup: Being pursued by a
suitor who is just too young for you?
Buttercups are a pretty way to tell her so.
Throughout February
Throughout February
Cold – It’s been winter
for far too long, and our
thoughts are turning
longingly to sunshine,
short sleeves and spring.
LGBT History Month – There are loads
of fantastic events taking place across
the UK. Talks, performances, marches
and parties that all celebrate the LGBT
community. Get involved!
Sunday 14
Valentine’s Day blues – It’s
extremely stressful for couples
under pressure to have a perfect
day, and a slap in the face for lonely
singletons… Plus, exploiting love
for money in the form of myriad
fluffy, pink things
just ain’t on!
6. Cyclamen: Time to say goodbye?
Do it with cyclamen thisValentine’s Day.
Monday 29
Eileen Myles/cool for you
Published by Soft Skull Press £10.99 Out now
The true life story of narrator Eileen Myles’ early life, as
she endures a harsh upbringing in a Catholic school
followed by a series of harrowing jobs caring for
society’s physically and mentally sick rejects. An honest
and engaging account of a young lesbian finding her
way in the world.
5. Daffodil:
In love with
someone who
doesn’t love
you back?
Show her the
flame still burns
bright,even if she can’t
return your devotion.
Bad news for everyone whose
birthday falls on this day,
because there wasn’t one last
year and there isn’t another
one until 2012…
7. Forget-me-not:Want to remind an
ex-lover of better times? Hand her some
forget-me-nots and reminisce together.
8. Forsythia: In the first bloom of a new
affair? Longing to take things further?
Show her how eagerly you anticipate
her touch with these bright blooms.
9. Pink hyacinth: Messed up and
want to apologise? Nothing says
“I’m sorry” like a bunch
of pink hyacinths.
10. Lavender:
Fond of your admirer,
but only as a friend? Let
her down gently with a
bunch of lavender.
… on typecasting,
stereotypes and why it
doesn’t matter who you love
The bisexual, blonde bombshell
best known for her role as T-X
in Terminator 3 tells Joni Lewis
how she is just a normal,
outdoor-loving girl at heart…
and gives an exclusive glimpse
into her current relationship.
Interview f i l m
Kristanna Loken is away in CapeTown when I call her. “I am
looking at a beautiful ocean and yesterday the weather was really hot,
probably close to 40 degrees,” she reveals. “When I am here, I devote a
lot of my time to different causes. I work with street kids: educating
them, getting them off drugs and teaching them how to look after
themselves. They are such a live, vibrant people here. They have nothing,
but they are smiling. ”
A Norwegian-American actress who grew up on her parents’ organic
fruit farm in upstate New York, Kristanna got her big break as T-X in
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. Pulling off a series of daring stunts
whilst dressed in a leather catsuit, she was every girl’s wet dream. Yet
this is an actress who prides herself on the diversity of the parts she
plays. “Artistically, you have to grow by playing different roles,” she
tells me. Kristanna’s all-time favourite actress is Helen Mirren, for her
willingness to play gritty, often unflattering roles and her ability to
resist getting stuck in that ‘Hollywood starlet’ rut. “Men like to
pigeonhole you as either the girlfriend or the wife or the damsel in
distress. But she really overcame that,” Kristanna explains.
The media has always been hungry for information about
Kristanna’s personal life. Her career has been a continual battle to
be recognised just as herself. Kristanna says, “It’s hard loving both
genders because people don’t take you seriously… It’s really
important for me to be a voice for other young men and woman
out there who feel very confused, or feel like they don’t belong to
one group. But you don’t have to!” she explains: “I think the
biggest part of my acceptance was learning that’s OK.”
I found
myself being
drawn to men
and women
and having
with both.
Kristanna was briefly married to actor Noah Danby in 2008. However, she is
now adamant that women make the best soulmates. “When I was married,
there were things that I really missed on a day-to-day level about being with a
woman,” she muses. “There is a softness and an emotional connection that I
think is just easier to find with a woman.”
Was there a temptation to stick to the ‘easy’ hetero route? “It’s always easy to
go in the same direction as the masses,” she confesses. How does one quantify
‘easy’? Kristanna admits: “Easy is subject to your own evaluation.” But she says
she was treated with more consideration when she was with her husband. “As a
lesbian, men don’t treat you with the same respect,” she declares. “If I am with
my ex, who is 6ft 3 and 220 lbs, they are not going to make snide remarks. But if I
am with my beautiful girlfriend, they make crude comments and ask invasive
questions about our sex life. That’s not OK!” On top of that, Kristanna felt a
responsibility to give her parents that ‘picture book’ wedding and grandchildren
that all mums and dads dream of. She says: “My sister identifies as lesbian and
has always lived that lifestyle. My parents only have two children so I felt a lot of
pressure there.” But Kristanna realises that being gay or bisexual does not close
off those options to you: “I think more and more same sex couples are having
families now and it’s not such a taboo thing anymore. There are innate desires
and goals and it doesn’t change just because you are with one gender or another.”
Loken and her current partner, Victoria Pal, have been together for over a year
now and this is the first time she has mentioned her by name in the media.
They met when Victoria started as Kristanna’s personal trainer and have kept
things very private up until now. “It’s really nice to be with someone who is
comfortable in their sexuality and is OK with me talking about them,” Kristanna
A curvaceous blonde herself, wanting to be acknowledged as more
than a sex symbol is something Loken totally identifies with:
“I have had to prove myself to be taken seriously,” she says. Add to
this her bisexuality and you have many stereotypes to contend with.
“I don’t think people should even have labels,” she declares. For
Kristanna, people are just people: “I grew up with a lesbian sister
who always taught me to embrace whoever it is that you love…
and I found myself being drawn to men and women and having
relationships with both.”
So, finally, when this superwoman isn’t saving the world or on set, how does
she relax? “I am an outdoor-lover for sure,” she says. “I’m an equestrian; I ski and
hike. It’s a big part of my life and one of the great things is that Victoria really
enjoys those things too.” A match made in heaven then.
Kristanna sends a message to her fans at g3: “Be true to yourself and don’t be
afraid to be who you are.” Wise words indeed!
Kristanna’s most recent film was Darfur, a film documenting the horrific genocide
taking place in Sudan. Director Uwe Boll used actual survivors from the tragedy,
and Kristanna and her fellow actors worked without scripts to make it feel as real
as possible. She describes it as a harrowing experience: “I was the only woman,
so obviously came at it from a more female, human, kind of emotional side... it
was really moving.” Kristanna spent time with many of the survivors: “I will
never forget this one woman I interviewed. She was 23 years old and had lost her
entire family. She had such despair in her eyes and such hopelessness. I will never
forget her,” she tells me. Kristanna helped produce the film as well as acting in it.
She says: “Producing is something that makes sense to me. I like having more
overall control with a project so that you can really create your vision.” Kristanna
also produced cult art house film Lime Salted Love and TV series Painkiller Jane.
In the next year, she will be producing and starring in a film written by her father.
“It’s another humanitarian-based film dealing with the immigration crisis in
Kristanna with
America,” she tells me. Other exciting future projects include a post-apocalyptic partnerVictoria Pal
film in the same vein as Sin City, called Tribes of October, which Kristanna
declares is “one of the coolest scripts I have ever read!” We can’t wait.
For more information on Kristanna Loken
visit www.kristannaloken.net
Marriage and kids are certainly on the cards, but not just yet. “I would love to
have a family,” she tells me. Kristanna’s extensive work with street kids in Africa
and Romania, through charities like R.O.C.K and the Mylife Project, has brought
her closer to this point. Kristanna continues: “I would love to adopt. There are so
many beautiful children out there. It would be the ultimate gift to give back.”
Having her own kids is something Kristanna describes as “an experience that
I don’t want to miss in this lifetime.” As for marriage, she eagerly awaits the day
it will be legal for her to marry her partner: “We are still fighting hard but,
hopefully, under this administration, it will change,” she says. Kristanna’s sister
has been in a civil partnership for many years (having taken advantage of a legal
loophole) and Kristanna recognises the significance of this gesture: “Before I got
married, I didn’t understand, but I really do see it now. I think that marriage is a
huge commitment and something that is very special… it has a whole new
weight to it when you are able to get up there in front of your friends and families
and declare your love for someone.”
says. “I know it also makes her feel comfortable that I am so outspoken, and
obviously there is a certain level of pride… you want to talk about your partner
because you are excited.”
There is a
softness and
an emotional
connection that
I think is just
easier to find
with a woman.
events/keeping it live
for girls who like to be out
the :ORg5OUO
From 18 February.
Various venues across the UK.
David Lane’s new play about developing and exploring
sexuality tours the UK as part of LGBT history month.
It tells of the emotional rollercoaster as two girls form
an unbreakable friendship that develops into
something more… something dangerously unknown.
Boundaries are pushed, and it could be the beginning
of the end of everything. Utterly engaging and a great
way to support LGBT art.
14 February. Cadogan Hall, Sloane
Square, London SW1X 9DQ.
£15 - £35. www.cadoganhall.com
art/drawn out &
painted pink
2-28 February, noon to 7pm
daily. Entry £3/£5 with a souvenir
programme. The Drill Hall, 16
Chenies Street, London, WC1E 7EX.
show/thriller live
From 3 February. Various venues across the UK.
the art
TheTickTock of My
Biological Clock by
Cher Morrissey
Enjoy romantic music on that most
passionate day of the year. Acclaimed
Japanese violinistTaro Hakase will be
performing classics such as Elgar’s Salut
d’Amour and Brahm’s Rainsong.
An exhibition
of the works of
gay cartoonists
David Shenton
and Kate
from the 70s to
the present day.
A fascinating
showcase of
cartoons covers everythingfrom the
beginning of the AIDs epidemic to the
legalisation of civil partnerships.
Maoris by
music/valentine gala
Attend an enlightening evening of provocative
gender bending art from some amazing
women. Molly Barron, Cher Morrisey and
RosieThomson’s talents will be on show in a
range of mediums from photography to
pencil sketches and graphic design.There
are also complimentary drinks, so this is an
evening of sophistication, elegance, and
intellectualism not to be missed… oh yes,
did we mention the wine?
Various dates. Flazon Patootch Gallery,
237 Kentish Town Road, London, NW5 2JT.
Free. www.mollybarron.co.uk
The man was a
legend and
even if you’re
feeling a bit
by the
Jackson mania,
you surely
can’t resist
chance to
relive the
magic. Sing along to your favourites
for a wicked night out.
Throughout February.
Lyric Theatre, West End,
London. £13.50-£40.
Love her or hate her you can’t deny her
instant magnetism. At g3 we just can’t take
our eyes off her and have been drooling
over tickets to her Monster Ball tour.
Promoting her new album,The
Fame Monster, the show is an orgy of
mind-blowing costumes, camp cabaret
and shedloads of bling. Expect real
fireworks as she belts out her catchy
pop and dance beats.
screen/what to watch
for girls who like a good flick
Out 5 February
dvd/500 days
of summer
dvd/butch jamie
Out 18 January
Out 5 February
Ignore this movie’s bad reviews. I frankly
found it hilarious. Katherine Heigl (Grey’s
Anatomy) puts in a great performance as
a romantically challenged morningTV
show producer who finds herself
reluctantly embroiled in a series of
outrageous tests. We all know where the
story is going. Gerard Butler’s American
accent does not improve with age, but
the dinner scene is right up there with
the classic fake orgasm scene in When
Harry Met Sally. Cuddle up with some
popcorn and a beer or two and give it a
chance…You will laugh, I promise you.
cinema/valentine’s day
Out 12 February
We may love or hate the day itself, but this year you’ll find the ‘date movie’ to
end all ‘date movies’. Valentine’s Day stars an impressive range of both up-andcoming and more established Hollywood stars. If Jennifer Garner, Julia Roberts,
Anne Hathaway, Shirley MacLaine, Queen Latifah, Taylor Swift and Emma
Roberts (yes Julia’s niece) aren’t enough to whet your appetite, check out the
male counterparts: Bradley Cooper, Ashton Kutcher, Topher Grace, Jamie Foxx,
Patrick Dempsey, Joe Jonas and Eric Danes. Watch these intertwining couples
and singles as they break-up and make-up based on the pressures and
expectations of Valentine’s Day. It’s cheesy but thoroughly entertaining. Don’t
be a Grinch: try it, you might love it.
Check out these other new releases this month:
brothers Out Now
crazy hearts
fish tank Out Now
born in‘68 Out Now
in treatment
season 1
Out 19 February
Out 1 February
the lovely
how i met your
mother season 2
Out 19 February
Out 8 February
Born in ‘68
Out Now
Settle in for a darn good lesbian
romcom. Michelle Ehlen wrote,
directed and stars in Butch
Jamie.The film follows a
struggling actress trying to
make it in Hollywood. Sadly,
roles are hard to find and it
seems Jamie’s roommate’s cat
Howard is getting more work
than her. On the advice of a
close friend, Jamie ventures into
her next audition as herself
(rather than a wig-wearing
femme version). She gets a
callback but it looks like the
director has a bit of a surprise
for Jamie: he wants her to play
Steve.Things get complicated
when a female member of the
crew takes an unsuspecting
shine to a male version of
Jamie.Think of it as A Comedy
of Errors meets Tootsie. It’s a bit
of a slow-burner, but stick with
it and eventually you’ll find
yourself giggling all the way.
If ever there was a role just made for Morgan Freeman, it is
that of Nelson Mandela. Invictus focuses on Mandela’s first
term as the South African President, during which he chose
to initiate a unique venture to try and unite his apartheidtorn land. Mandela decided to enlist the national rugby
team on a mission to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup.
Heading that team is Matt Damon with a thoroughly
believable South African accent. With Clint Eastwood also
starring, it just screams out for award recognition. It’s
uplifting and a great way to escape this cold, white winter.
music/keep on track
for girls who want to stay in tune
As I write this, we are trapped in
our house due to a snowstorm.
The question is, what happened? Did
we ever get out? Is this my last message
to the outside world? Have we got
enough milk? Will the boiler hold out?
music having nostalgic overtones of
Woody Guthrie and Hank Williams,
the sound is modern, stark, and a great
soundtrack to these dark days.
Jonsi and Alex
One thing is certain: this enforced
entrapment means that I have had
plenty of time to listen to hours and
hours of my favourite obsession…
album I’ve ever made.” I might even
agree with him.The most touching
thing about it is his rendition of When
YouWere Sweet Sixteen. Composed in
1898, he says “It was the first pop love
song ever written, and it’s as meaningful
today as it was over a hundred years
ago.” Other greats include Fools Rush In,
The LookOf Love and We’veOnly Just
Begun. Whether you like Bazza for his
kitsch value or just because you’re a big
‘ol softie, I say get it and enjoy it!
… LoneLady.
g3 catches up with the
urban songstress.
How did you start out?
I’m a self-styled vocalist, guitarist
and writer. I started with
nothing, on a shoestring budget
in a ramshackle studio in
What do you sound like?
Emit Bloch
Staying with country-tinged sounds,
Emit Bloch releases DictaphonesVol. 1
(iDot/One Little Indian).This is a strange
one, and all the more reason to check it
out. Emit recorded this collection of 16
self-penned songs on a cassette
Dictaphone at his kitchen table.They
managed to secure him a publishing
deal, and when the record was made
‘properly’ in the recording studio,
everyone agreed that his original demos
sounded so much better that they
agreed to put them out. Despite the
Jonsi has a new album called Go
(Parlaphone) which was going to be a
low-key acoustic affair, but which he
then decided to expand. He did this with
the help of Nico Muhly, who has
previously worked with Bjork, Antony
and the Johnsons, and the recently
huge Grizzly Bear.This ‘low-fi project’
has expanded and exploded, creating
something spectacular, inventive, and
beautiful. For more information, go to
www.jonsi.com where you can
download an album track for free.
Right, enough of all this culture. Here’s
Barry Manilow with TheGreatest Love
SongsOfAllTime (Arista). Bazza says: “It
was an honour to sing songs written by
some of the masters of pop songwriting.
I think that this is the most beautiful
Two Door Cinema Club announce
their debut album release Tourist History
(Kitsune) amidst industry whisperings of
great things for 2010. It’s pop Jim, but
not as we know it. Drawing on electro,
rock and afro beats, the only
comparison I dare make is Vampire
Weekend (particularly with the afroguitar groove) which is certainly no bad
thing! I love this band, and I have a
feeling you will too…
Two Door Cinema Club
Aggression, space, tension. I am
drawn to music that wakes up
the mind and body – music
that is energetic, propulsive.
The poet Paul Morley
described my sound as:‘fitful and
skewed/disordered, hurt/
shredded, open-eyed, unpretty
Who/what are your influences?
Scott Walker’s Tilt and The
Drift, classical and experimental
music, MIA, Grace Jones, Prince.
I like a lot of music from the
late seventies and early 80s…
It seems exploratory, brave,
smart. Peter Buck was an early
guitar influence on me. I love his
arpeggiated playing, particularly
in early REM songs. I am
attracted to funky, economic,
energetic, lean playing, in the
style of artists like Andy Gill,
Keith Levene, and Bernard
Sumner. I think my album Nerve
Up has echoes from the past
but also has its own voice.
Where/when can we see you play?
My debut London show@
Cargo on 29 January. My new
album Nerve Up is out 22
February on Warp records
and I will be touring in March.
Right then! See you next month,
hopefully at the dawn of spring!
For more information visit
First up has to be the grande dame of
female vocalists, k.d.lang. Recollection
(Nonesuch) is unbelievably her first
career retrospective in a career that has
spanned over a quarter of a century, and
earned four Grammy awards.The
deluxe edition of Recollection includes a
third disc of previously unreleased
rarities as well as a fourth DVD disc of
rare live performance footage and
music videos. I can’t think of a reason
not to buy this.
Icelandic post-rock band Sigor Ros are
known for their soothing hypnotic
soundscapes and almost classical
elements. Members Alex and Jonsi, who
are also partners, also perform as an art
collaboration called ‘Jonsi and Alex’.
Ku Bar,
Save our
Why do lesbian nights seem to be in such a
constant state of flux? Paula Faircloth investigates.
We all know how it goes. You hear news of a hot
new girls’ night, get excited, and by the time you
get round to deciding to check it out… it’s gone.
It’s happening everywhere. Even Soho, once the
epicentre of UK-based lady-loving hedonism, seems
to have lost its lesbian mojo. Unfortunately, things
don’t show many signs of picking up. The boys don’t
seem to have this problem, so why is it affecting us?
I gathered some friends in the Retro Bar and we
began comparing g3 listings past and present to see
if any patterns emerged. We were soon mourning
our dead: Vespa, Due South, Miss Shapes. Two pints
in and we had decided Soho has lost its crown as the
gay capital, and anything vaguely decent had
moved to the East End. After about an hour of
heated debate on why we didn’t go to any of the
nights that were still running, I took a depressing
glance at the notes I’d scrawled: ‘cliques’, ‘avoid’,
‘rebound’, ‘monogamy’, and tellingly, ‘trouble’. One
phrase seemed to succinctly answer the riddle of
why lesbians don’t go out on the lesbian scene:
“Because we think it’s s**t.” All the theories I’d come
armed with clearly came secondary to the
increasingly indisputable fact: most lesbians don’t
like the lesbian scene.
This should have been less of a revelation. I’d been
discussing the article with every lesbian I saw over
the Christmas period. People’s reasons for not going
out as much as they used to ranged from the classic
– “you only go out clubbing for about three weeks
till you find someone then you stay in for three
years” – to the comical – “you only go to places you
know your ex won’t be, and if you have a lot of exes,
you stay in”. We confirmed these suspicions in front
rooms, local boozers and on stairwells at house
parties with not a pink pound in sight. If the
locations for these discussions didn’t give me a hint,
the expression on people’s faces should have set off
alarm bells. Almost without fail, every time I
broached the topic, faces began to contort, lips
curled into a snarl and throats gagged like they were
coughing up the ghost of pubics past. So why do
many lesbians seem to hate their scene?
would proceed to buy everyone shots because
drinks were just so cheap back then, weren’t they?
RIP Smack
etto, L
From what I can grasp, most of you don’t find the
scene representative. You don’t like the music and if
you do, it’s too loud and on too late. Basically, you’re
a fussy lot and the scene simply doesn’t cater for
your tastes in the way you want it to. The lesbian
scene seems to be something you put up with when
you were first coming out but now you’ve grown,
you’re comfortable with your sexuality and expect a
better clubbing experience. As my friend Rosie put
it, “Lesbians want to go to good places, not grimy
little broom cupboards full of psychos that you have
nothing in common with.” I know not when the
moment of disillusionment occurs but it doesn’t
seem to have tainted your memories of past club
glory. You gaze back to bygone days when the
dancefloor was rammed full of
beautiful women who wanted
to kiss you. These are the
sepia- tinted days when at
least once a month you’d
find a note of sizable
under the bar and
And now I’m going to suggest something really
controversial: it’s not because the scene is s**t
that you don’t go, but rather that the scene is s**t
because you don’t want to go. I went to Ruby
Tuesdays and was relieved to find Soho wasn’t dead,
I just hadn’t been there in a while because I’d assumed
it was rubbish. It wasn’t – and I had an amazing
night. I also went to check out Twat Boutique in
Dalston, another night I’d been avoiding because I’d
pigeonholed it as “too trendy”. Guess what? I had
some great conversations with some lovely people
and another fabulous night. Both venues were free
to get in, the dancefloor was rammed and the
women were as hot as they used to be, if not hotter.
OK, I didn’t find any money on the floor, but the
shots kept flowing and I remained happily
inebriated till closing time with very little spent.
For those of you screaming, “What about the rest of
us, there’s life outside of London,” I never remember
getting along very well with the scene in Brighton,
but I have since met people who were living in
Brighton at the same time as me and lament the
Save Our
uin, Lon
H, Lon
fact we never found each other. Why did we never
meet? Because we didn’t go out to the gay places
often enough. If enough of you go out and ask for
something different, they’ll have to provide you
with what you want. Simple supply and demand
economics, right?!
Here’s what I’d recommend to reverse this flow of
negativity. Take some friends, an open mind and a
sense of humour and try somewhere new. Don’t
just talk to the people you came with – avoid cliques
by approaching other groups of women. Don’t dash
for the door at the first sign of someone you don’t
want to see. Don’t get in a huff if you don’t pull or
see anyone you want to pull. You can even bring
your girlfriend (being in a relationship does not
preclude you from admission to clubs), just don’t
have an argument with her and never, ever, kiss
someone else’s girl. Do throw some shapes on the
dancefloor like nobody’s watching and if enough of
you do this, at the very least, you will have fun. If all
of you did it – presto! The scene that you thought
was tired, old and didn’t represent you will stop
being so. Let’s turn cries of “it’s not as good as it used
to be”, and moans of “we’re only here because
there’s nowhere to go”, into “I tried X and was
pleasantly surprised”. Because if all of you came out
as much as the boys there could be enough nights
to cater for all your various tastes.
Chances are, the nights you loved closed because
they no longer made enough money to sustain
themselves, and why is that? More often than not,
it’s because you stopped going! As Beyonce nearly
sang, “If you liked it, then you shoulda shook yo’
thing in it.” If the night you loved is gone, don’t
moan about it: instead, go out there and experiment.
New nights only get a few attempts before the
venue decides it’s not busy enough and puts on
something else, but it takes time for word of mouth
to spread. Nights that you could have loved never
really took off because you thought you’d get
around to going later. Go now! The recession, the
smoking ban and 24-hour drinking have only made
it worse… and some once-great venues have
already been forced to close. And if you’re lucky
enough to have a favourite night, then do it a favour
– get out there tonight and vote with your feet!
As a lesbian, it’s perhaps best to
avoid a few countries in the world
if you’re in the mood to celebrate
your sexuality.
Until recently, India was one of them. In a
historic ruling in July 2009, the Delhi High
Court decriminalised homosexuality,
overturning a 149-year-old British
colonial law. Predictably, the result
brought on nationwide elation, for the
LGBT community. And even as
some political and religious
agendas raged on against
the decision, the elite
and the poor, the straight and the queer,
poured on to the streets in celebration.
The LGBT community was finally free.
However, even in the midst of all the
jubilation, uncertainties loomed large. A
battle had been won but not the war.The
law may still be repealed and is waiting for
a final judgement by the Indian Supreme
Court this month (February).After all,
lesbians and gays are a tiny minority in a
swollen nation of 1.17 billion people.
Media professional Georgina Maddox,
35, from New Delhi, says: “Our problems
are on several levels.Women face
harassment in private places with forced
marriages and honour killings. Men, on
the other hand, face it in public places
like at work or through harassment
by cops.“The fight for lesbians is at a
personal level, she explains.“It’s the
attitude that needs to change.
Though my father had
always been
supportive of me, I
haven’t come out to
my extended family
because they will be
uncomfortable with
the knowledge.
So I turn to my
partner and close
friends for
support when
I need it.”
The feeling is
echoed by
social worker
Shruti C, 29,
who is currently
working on a project on
gender issues.“Mumbai is a
pulsating and accommodating
city and I never felt threatened.
So I hadn’t expected the decision would
affect me too much, but it did. I felt free. It
was an overwhelming feeling of euphoria.”
Shruti is currently in a relationship with
a woman she met in London a few years
ago. She says they both agree that the
widespread positive publicity has put
things in perspective. She supports an
LGBT helpline and says the ramifications
had been instantaneous: “From two to
three calls a day, we now get about five.
A lot more youngsters are calling in now.”
Shruti may have come out, but in
another part of the same city, marketing
professional SorayaVerma, 29, is still
shying away. “I did come out when I was
in the US and UK but I still feel vulnerable
here. Perhaps it will take another few
decades for civil partnership and antidiscrimination laws to be in place. But the
day the news broke, I remember saying,‘I
just had my first legal sex’. It was brilliant.”
The likes of Shruti, Georgina and
Soraya have had their battles made easier
by a large number of celebrity supporters
including former Miss India pageant winner
and Bollywood actress, Celina Jaitley.
Admitting to having dated a closet gay
guy, who left her confidence in tatters,
she says: “It’s terrible to realise how the
situation was till recently.A great deal has
changed since.”
All agree that the problem lies in a
lack of acceptance at grassroots level.To
step in, Celina is going to hold a businesssponsored, pan-Indian, transgender talent
contest called V-care Indian Super Queen.
“They are treated as outcasts and I’m
trying to do my bit to include them in
society,” she explains.
Well, it looks like the future is finally
here and the spirit is right. Now, it’s up to
the aged Indian laws to try and keep up!
but lethal?
g3 Readers’ Poll:
Would you be
more inclined
to take a drug if
it was legal?
and 25% of you say:
‘Yes, of course’.
To vote on next
month’s poll, visit
As latest drug craze mephedrone sweeps
across our clubs and bars, Joni Lewis warns
of the dangers of trusting legal highs.
In a 2007 survey, Stonewall found that LGBTs were
more prone to develop problems with alcohol and
drugs, with lesbian and bisexual women five times
more likely to take drugs than their heterosexual
There are various characteristics common to
LGBT lifestyles which could lead to greater drug use.
We are more likely to suffer psychological stress due
to the trials of coming out and homophobic abuse,
making drugs a tempting method of escapism.We
often settle down later in life, and we are less likely to
have the responsibility of looking after children, so we
tend to frequent the club scene longer than most
heterosexuals. Monty Moncrieff, from LGBT drug
and alcohol addiction support charity Antidote,
notes how the “[gay] lifestyle and recreational drug
use go hand in hand”.
Most of us associate illicit substances with
potentially dangerous side effects, and treat them
accordingly. However, the recent influx of legal highs
on to our already drug-strewn clubbing scene is
becoming a real cause for concern. Legality adds
extra danger to our dabblings with mind-altering
substances, because it creates an often false sense
of security.
Previously legal Gammahydroxybutrate (GBL)
and Benzylpiperazine (BZP) were made Class C
under the Misuse of Drugs Act as of December
2009. But the Government lags behind popular
trends (no surprises there!) as partygoers have left
these stimulants behind for the cheap, legal and
widely available high of mephedrone. Known as
meph, MCAT or ‘meow’ on the streets,
4-methylmethcathinone is a stimulant sourced from
a plant. Just one molecule different to ecstasy, it
creates a similar euphoria.Yes, the rave fuel of this
shiny new decade is plant food! Most importantly it’s
as easy to obtain as a takeaway and you won’t face a
prison sentence if caught with it.At as little as seven
pounds per gram (approximately five doses) it’s as
“I wouldn’t take it, but I
think I would be more
inclined to due to the fact
that it’s legal. The thing
is, just because it’s legal,
doesn’t mean it’s safe.”
sky, AbcRS\b
“I think that I might
try it once, although I’d
be terrified of dying! It
would be a one-off.”
“Being legal suggests it’s
safe. I think it depends
on the circumstance and
what frame of mind you
are in.”
cheap as chips, too. In London, you can have it
delivered to your door in under an hour.
Mephedrone is believed to have entered Britain
early last year from China.An anonymous source
who runs one of these plant food courier services
told g3: “I get all mine shipped over from China.
I resell it to UK consumers and can easily double and
triple my profits. I have made a few grand a week at
busy times and it’s legal so I don’t see the problem.”
As long as these entrepreneurs warn customers that
their product is ‘not for human consumption’ then
the law cannot touch them. Ironically, according to
the European Fertilizer Manufacturers’Association,
mephedrone is never used in any products you
would use to fertilise plants. Not only this, but
mephedrone is often mixed with other drugs: you
have no idea what you might be taking.
There is so much we don’t know about
mephedrone, because it is a new and as yet
unclassified drug. Cocaine, ecstasy and cannabis –
and their effects on the human body – have been
studied for decades and the dangers are well known.
What we do know is that mephedrone is a
potential killer.The death of 14-year-old Gabriel Price
in Brighton in December last year was believed to be
due to mephedrone. Unfortunately, rather than
putting people off, the media coverage following
Gabrielle’s death sparked a rise in sales of
mephedrone.Worryingly, it seems people were
excited to discover something so potent could be
acquired easily and legally rather than concerned to
discover it could be lethal.
Will, 19 and a regular on the gay clubbing scene
told us: “I have seen countless people going under
on GB. now it’s more common to see them going
to medics with racing pulses and panic attacks
after overdoing the meph.” Other side effects can
include nosebleeds, convulsions, psychosis, and
respiratory problems.
Mephedrone has been made illegal in Sweden,
Denmark and Israel: it is likely, particularly given that
the substance has now been linked to a death, that
the UK may follow suit.The Home Office say a
review of mephedrone’s legal status is top of the list
for the Advisory Council for the Misuse of Drugs
when they come to review various legal highs later
on this year. Until then, it’s important that people
remember to treat it with the caution it deserves.
Have a good time, continue to rave all night if that’s
what you love, but stay smart and stay safe. Just
because you’re on something legal, doesn’t mean
it’s harmless.
Eveb before I take off my coat in the
spacious office ofAngela Eagle,MP for
Wallasey,Merseyside – and, since June
2009, Minister of State for Pensions and the
Ageing Society in the Department forWork
and Pensions – we are deep in discussion
about feminist literature. “I always liked the
work of Dale Spender,” (an Australian
feminist writer),she tells me,before launching
into a fascinating story about her childhood.
Growing up in a loving, working class
family in the north of England, Angela
benefited from being raised by progressive,
pro-feminist parents (her mother died aged
51 before Angela was elected as an MP).
“My father taught me about feminism
and I actually stopped washing up,” she
laughs. He also, she tells me, taught her and
twin sister Maria (also an MP) to play chess
when they were seven. Both entered the
national chess championships and it was
then that Angela realised that all things were
not equal in the world.
“It was at the competition that I realised
pictures – it was front page news.This, I think,
is because she really is about substance not
style. I look back though and that substance
and bravery means everyone else has to
respond well or they look like pricks.”
“Suzanne did a great piece,” recalls Angela.
“I knew if we got into government and I was
a minister I didn’t want to be not out. I have
been with my current girlfriend and civil
partner for 20-odd years but we didn’t live
together then, although we wanted to.The
beforehand – they notice the signs, the lack
of flirting with them and whatever – but all
the gay men were astounded,” she laughs.
The story made it on to the front page of
The Daily Mail, which ran a less than
complimentary headline. Did she frame it
and hang it in her loo?“I’m not going to tell
you what I did with it!”
With her reputation for being an
excellent constituency MP, Angela has won
the respect of the people ofWallasey. “I
boys are terrified of being beaten by a girl.
One boy came up to me and said, looking
appalled,‘What are you doing? Girls don’t
play chess!’”
Her parents’ lack of opportunity to fulfil
their true potential made Angela realise that
inequality was endemic in Britain.
“Dad went into the print trade as a
young man although he would have loved to
have been an artist. Mum worked in a biscuit
factory from 15 years old until she was
sacked at 17 so they wouldn’t have to put
her wages up.Why were they denied the
sorts of opportunities available to those
who were better off?”
When Angela joined the Labour party at
17, the whole family followed suit. “It was
1978 and Labour was about to suffer a
major defeat and would be out of power for
a long time.Who was her political role model?
“Barbara Castle,” she says without hesitation.
“She was totally redoubtable; sharp as
anything. Eloquent, determined and gutsy. In
politics, guts is everything.”
Angela’s political career to date has
certainly been a success. After a two-year
stint as constituency party secretary for
Peckham in south London she became an
MP in 1992.
Her first government role was in the
Department for Environment,Transport
and the Regions where she was appointed
as a Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
following the 1997 general election that saw
the Labour Party elected to government.
Following the 2001 general election,
Angela was moved to the Home Office
until she was sacked byTony Blair. Following
that, Angela served as a member of the
Treasury Select Committee for five years
where she used her background in economics.
Although clear that she is not a
spokesperson for lesbians, Angela has certainly
been an inspiration. Derek Munn, Stonewall’s
Director of Public Affairs, is delighted that she
is part of the LGB community.
“Angela has been tenacious, principled
and consistent in her support for equality,” he
says. “She also remains the only role model
for lesbians aspiring to become an MP.The
good news is that she is an outstanding one.”
What made her decide to take the risky
step of coming out in 1997? Journalist
Suzanne Moore, then writing for The
Independent, was approached by Angela
and offered her‘coming out story’. Suzanne
remembers it well: “When we did the story
it worked perfectly because Angela was so
dignified and at ease. Here was a woman
who worked hard for her constituents and
everyone knew that,so her sexuality was not
an issue for people.Obviously,I had no problem
with her being gay because she didn’t.”
She continues: “The biggest problem
I remember was getting her to pose for
My father taught me about feminism
and I actually stopped washing up.
situation was not desirable or sustainable
and I wanted to put it right. I was never in the
closet but I didn’t go around talking about it.”
Angela was delighted to find that
everyone, from the prime minister down,
was extremely supportive of her when the
news became public. She reveals: “I was
working for John Prescott at the time and I
knew I had to tell him first out of politeness
before I told Downing Street. He said to me,
‘Tell me something I don’t know love’, and
gave me a big hug.”
“Peter Mandelson gave me some great
advice. Chris Smith was also lovely.All the
heterosexual men I told had guessed it
went up to my constituency the day the
article in The Independent was published so
they would know I had nothing to hide and
was happy to talk about it.They were fantastic.
I didn’t know that’s how it would work but I
had obviously hoped so.”
Does she know of any other lesbian
MPs who are choosing not to come out?
“It is a right to decide not to come out,” she
says. It is not my business unless someone
who is closeted is extremely hypocritical
about gay issues.”
We move on to talk of the future.The
general election is coming up in the next few
months and Labour are in real danger of
losing to theTories.
“If people are saying ‘We need a change,
let’s vote the other lot in’, they should
remember that change can either take you
forwards or backwards. Just look at their
[the Conservatives’ ] voting record on gay
and equality issues. It is still a reactionary party.
The majority voted against progressive
policies such as civil partnerships, lesbian
fertility rights, equal age of consent and the
repeal of Section 28, which took three
years. Cameron talks about tax breaks for
married couples – as if gays and lesbians
don’t have families.”
Angela was responsible for canals and
allotments during her time in the
Department for Environment,Transport
and the Regions. She passionately explains
how important allotments are to people
without gardens, and how much she loves
canal boats.
With her passion, commitment and
absolute belief in justice, I can’t think of many
others inWestminster with guts quite like
Angela Eagle. And, if you’d like to meet
Angela, she’ll be holding a fundraising event
for her electoral campaign on 11 March
atThe Groucho Club in London’s Soho
(email Daniel Hughes at HUGHESDP@
Parliament.uk for details).
NadiaAttura Amy&Lisa
Be My
Woo her in style this 14 Feb,
with clothes that are almost
too gorgeous to peel off…
Opposite page…
Lisa wears:
Top by Red or Dead, jeans by
FDJ Jeans, boots by Cat Footwear,
jewellery by Storm.
This page…
Amy wears:
Polo shirt and jacket by Luke, jeans
by FDJ Jeans, boots by Red or Dead,
watch by Storm.
This page…
Amy wears:
Dress, bag and boots by Red or Dead,
scarf by J Fedders.
Lisa wears:
Dress and boots by Red or Dead, bag by Viva
la Diva, watch by Storm.
Opposite page…
Lisa wears:
Scarf by Luke, jacket by Red or Dead.
Amy wears:
Shirt and key-ring by Luke, tie and trousers by
J Fedders, jacket by Red or Dead.
This month:
g3 checks out
Shush, G Spot,
Club Kali,
Vanilla, Liberty
+ more…
You’ve got to be scene to be seen
club of the
# 0`WQY:O\S
Thursday 21 January
For more information visit
This month’s Style photos were taken at
weekly women’s night Ruby Tuesdays in the
Frith Street Ku Bar. For more information
visit www.ku-bar.co.uk
23, Finance
Dress: Papaya, £40;
Scarf: Egypt, £25;
Boots: New Look, £45;
Warehouse, £10;
Tights: New Look, £5
al Ass £20
, 24, P op: France
ck t
Hat: M
, 29, P
Spain .A.S.H, £15 hotograph
-51, £3
5; Sca T-shirt: M.A r
rf: a p
resen .S.H, £20; H
t; Jean
s: Nik oody:
ita, £8
or Supervisor
mwaLo, 23ok,, Do
9;Trousers: H&M,
5;Top: H&M, £14.9 M, £9.99; Bag: New Look, £6
Perkins, £5; Locke
Bracelet: Dorothy
, 23, DJ
Hat: Rockit, £5; Denim waistcoat:Vintage shop in Camden, £10;
T-shirt: Ex-girlfriend; Leggings: Brick Lane market, £7
ra, 26, Ad opolitan, £2
Phede20; Jeans: Cosm
&D, £
Top: K Cyma, £175
:]\R]\E1 Thursday 21 January
With reasonable bar prices, comfy
booths to sit in and top music from
DJ Minx, G Spot is the perfect place to
hang with your girlfriends after work or
for pre-clubbing drinks.We headed
there for pre-SHUSH drinks on
Thursday, and spent a happy couple of
hours chatting away to some very
interesting women – with a little bit of
dancing thrown in for good measure!
G-Spot is open every Weds,Thurs
and Fri from 5pm-midnight, in the
downstairs bar at Kudos,Adelaide St.
For more information
visit www.gspotgirlbar.com
Friday 15 January
Friday 15 January saw the first Club Kali
of 2010. Doors opened at 10pm and it
wasn’t long before the smell of incense
was wafting through the air, the
dancefloor was full and everyone was
having a good time.
At 12.30 there was an enchanting
performance by the Snake Boy, who
delighted the crowd as he shook and
rippled his way across the stage. DJ Ritu
then took to the decks and got everyone
dancing again till the small hours.
Club Kali is open 10pm-3am and runs
monthly on every third Friday with a mix
of Dance, R&B,Arabic, Bhangra and
Bollywood coming courtesy of DJs Ritu
and Dillz.
The next night is the KaliValentine
Special on 19 February.
For more information visit www.clubkali.com
Saturday 6 February
Some of Liberty’s regulars were asking
how they could get to know other
women on a one-to-one basis in the
club… So we came up with the fantastic
idea of running a speed dating night at
Liberty, taking place from 8pm to 9pm
before the main club event.This will give
women the opportunity to break the ice
and get to know other on a more
personal level.
Come along – you never know, you
might find yourself aValentine!
Tickets for speed dating will cost £10,
which includes free admission to Liberty
For more information
visit www.libertybristol.co.uk
TheVanilla girls Climaxed to the max on NYE!
Club CRUZ/SUB 101 was packed to the rafters
with hot gay girls from around the UK.
Owner Steph Kay said,“It’s been one of our busiest
NewYear’s Eves both at the bar and in the club.”
Cheap entry, drink promos, brilliant tunes from
DJ Furey and the option to party in this massive gay
venue until 7am were all winning factors. Bring on
the next one!
For more information visit www.vanillagirls.co.uk
Thursday 31 December
T clubs//girls//bars//clubs//girls//bars//clubs//girls//bars//
T / / g i r l s Listings
for girls who just can’t stay in
Listings are ordered by region
and then by day. If you can’t
find the address, it may be in
our Boozer Guide.
If you’ve been to a listed
event and it’s advertised
incorrectly in our listings,
please let us know.
g3 recommended events
>> new entry events
Ytransport links
<girl ratio (out of 5)
Listings info and large, high
res photos must be sent by
15th of the previous month.
Listings not guaranteed.
1st Sat: 6 February
2nd Sat: 13 February
3rd Sat: 20 February
Last Sat: 27 February
Please include the
following with all listings:
1st Sun: 7 February
Club/night name, venue and
2nd Sun: 14 February
address, frequency and day/
3rd Sun: 21 February
date, description of DJs/music
Last Sun: 28 February
policy, opening times, contact
details and percentage female
attendance expected.
Send all listings to: [email protected]
Happy Mondays@ Oak
Bar, 79 Green Lanes, Stoke
Newington. Free pool and
games night.
Pub Bingo@ Royal Vauxhall
Tavern, Kennington Lane,
Vauxhall SE11
Bar Wotever @ RVT,
Kennington Lane, Vauxhall
SE11. www.rvt.org.uk.
Comedy Camp @ Barcode,
Archer Street, Soho W1.
www.comedycamp.co.uk. £8
members (£2 membership).
Fish Market @ Belushi’s,
Camden Town. New weekly
girls’ night! www.myspace.
com/friedafishmarket <<
Games Night @ Blush,
Cazenove Rd, Stoke
Newington N16.
com/ 02079239202. 8pm,
Ruby Tuesdays @ Ku Bar,
30 Lisle Street, London WC2.
www.ku-bar.co.uk. Low-lit
basement venue for girls.
FREE, 9pm-3am.<<<<
G-Spot, 10 Adelaide Street,
Charing Cross WC2. 5pm till
late www.gspotgirlbar.com
Miss Basin’s Jarmy Bingo
@ The Windsor Castle, 152
Bath Rd, Hounslow TW3.
hounslow.co.uk. <<
Quiz @ Blush, Cazenove Rd,
Stoke Newington SE11. Cash
prize! 9.30pm-12am, £1.
Soap@Etrusco Bar,
1 Hardwick Place Camden
Town.New weekly girls’
night! £3, 8pm till late.
[email protected] <
Open Mike night@ The
Edge, 11 Soho Square, Soho
W1. Live acts. 9pm till late.
www.edgesoho.co.uk. <
Bird Club @ Bethnal Green
Working Men’s Club,
Pollard Row Bethnal Green
E2. www.myspace.com/
Curves@ Apt
1st Mon: 1 February
2nd Mon: 8 February
3rd Mon : 15 February
Last Mon: 22 February
1st Tues: 2 February
2nd Tues: 9 Februay
3rd Tues: 16 February
Last Tues: 23 February
1st Weds : 3 February
2nd Weds: 10 February
3rd Weds: 17 February
Last Weds: 24 February
1st Thur: 4 February
2nd Thur: 11 February
3rd Thur: 18 February
Last Thur: 25 February
1st Fri: 5 February
2nd Fri: 12 February
3rd Fri: 19 February
Last Fri: 26 February
Saturday 13 March
10 Great Queen St, London EC4
birdclubcabaret. [2nd Thurs]
£6/5. <<
Blush Acoustic @ Blush,
Cazenove Rd, Stoke
Newington SE11. Live music
and comedy. 8pm-12am. £3.
Chicks Rock! @ Zenith
Bar, 125 Packington Street,
Islington N1. [2nd Thurs &
4th Thurs]. www.zenithbar.
co.uk. 7pm-2am. Free entry.
G-Spot, 10 Adelaide Street,
Charing Cross WC2 .5pm till
late. www.gspotgirlbar.com
Gay Girlz @ Heaven,
Embankment W2.
11pm-4am. Free with
flyer. Facebook: Gay Girlz
Laughing Cows Comedy
Night @ The Green
Carnation, 4 Greek Street,
Soho W1. [2nd Thurs]
Female stand-up night.
co.uk. 7.30pm. £5
Ladies Night@ Load of Hay,
207 Pinner Rd, Watford Heath
WD19. [Last Weds]. www.
loadofhay.co.uk. 9-11pm,
FREE. <<<
Lounge @ Vertigo
1 Leicester Square,
Soho WC2. [2nd Thur] Stylish
girls’ night. www.lounge.uk.net
Popstarz@The Den 14 West
Central Street, W1CA. www.
Pulse @ Lo-Profile 84-86
Wardour Street, Soho. www.
Rock the Lezba@Oak Bar,
79 Green Lanes, Stoke
Newington. Free, 8pm
- 1am, www.oakbar.co.uk
Usual Suspects@ First Out,
52 St Giles[3rd Thurs}
StreetSoho WC2. www.
Wotever Slumber Party
@ RVT, Kennington Lane,
Vauxhall SE11.
www.rvt.org.uk. [4th thurs]
Calling All Tribes @ The
Macbeth 70 Hoxton Street
Hoxton www.myspace.
com/themacbethuk. FREE B4
10.30/£5 after.<
Club Kali @ The Dome,
1 Dartmouth Park Hill,
Tufnell Park N19 [3rd Fri].
www.clubkali.com. Asian LGB
club night. 10pm-3am,
£8/£5 conc. <<<
CODE @ The Green
Carnation, 5 Greek Street
Soho W1D [last Fri].
Dirty Converse @
Boston Music Rooms, 178
Junction Road, Tufnell Park
[2nd Fri].
Funkin’ Fridays@The Edge,
11 Soho Square, Soho W1.
9pm till late.
GAY Camp Attack @
Heaven, 9 Villiers St, Charing
Cross WC2. <<<<<
Angel (The): Cabaret bar.
21 Church St, Stratford E15.
020 8555 1148.
Bar 68: Friendly bar, 68
Brigstock Rd, Thornton Heath,
CR7. 020 8665 0683.
Black Cap: Mixed bar + club.
171 Camden High St, NW1.
020 7428 2721.
Bird in Hand: 291 Sydenham
Rd, Croydon. 020 8683 3104.
Pool, darts, function room.
Blush: Intimate, friendly
bar. 8 Cazenove Rd, Stoke
Newington, N16.
Brewery Tap: Community
pub for South Londoners.
78 Lingham St, SW9.
Box (The): Café bar.
32-34 Monmouth St, WC2.
YCov. Gdn
Candy Bar: Girls’bar, open 7
days a week. 4 Carlisle Street,
Soho, W1. YTottenham
Court Road
Charlie’s Bar: Stylish, cosy
cocktail bar. 124 Globe Rd, E1.
020 7790 1007.
YStepney Green
Duke Of Wellington: Soho’s
traditional pub. Open ‘til
11pm. 77 Wardour St, Soho.
020 7439 1274. YPiccadily.
Edge (The): Three floors of
tasteful décor. 11 Soho Sqare,
W1. 020 7439 1313.
Ego @ Southern Pride:
82 Norwood High Street,
West Norwood SE28.
020 8761 5200. Bar, club,
cabaret experience
YWest Norwood BR
Escape (The): Cosy venue,
fun atmosphere. 8 Brewer
St, Soho. 020 7734 2626.
YLeicester Sq
Flag (The): Traditional
boozer. 29 Crouch Hill, N4.
YFinsbury Park
First Out: Cafe/bar. 52 St
Giles High Street, Soho
YTottenham Ct Rd
Friendly Society: Bringing
out the London cool. Tilman
Cr, Soho, W1 (adjacent to Ann
Summers). 020 7434 3804.
YLeicester Square
G-A-Y Bar: Women’s bar in
the basement. 7pm-12am/
10.30pm on Fridays.
30 Old Compton St, Soho.
020 7494 2756
YLeicester Square
Trash Palace/Ghetto:
58 Old Street. EC1. Popular
alternative venue. www.
Green (The): 74 Upper St,
Angel. 020 7226 8895.
Y Angel
Joiners Arms (The): Up for it
mixed crowd. Open ‘til 2am.
116 Hackney Rd, Shoreditch.
020 7739 9854.
KazBar: 50 High St, Clapham
SW4. 020 7622 0070.
King Edward VI: Friendly
mixed bar, 25 Bromfield St, N1.
‘til 12am. YAngel
//clubs//girls //bars//clubs//girls//bars//c
T c l u b s / / g i rListings
DJ Minx
House, Electro, Tech
House , Funky House
Fave song? I Will
Follow by Full Intention
What’s your life
philosophy? Life is
what you make it, and
positive thinking will
get you further than
Where do you DJ?
G Spot, Box Bar, Nobu,
and guest spots at the
Shadow Lounge.
Girl Action@Trash
Palace 58 Old Street, EC1V,
[last Fri] Free before 10pm/ £8
after, www.trashpalace.co.uk
Girl Friday @ First Out,
Soho 52 GilesStreet, W1.
Cheap cocktails at London’s
top LGBT cafe adn bar.
5-11pm, FREE. <<<<<
Girls and their friendz night
@ The Windsor Castle, 152
Bath Rd, Hounslow TW3.
hounslow.co.uk. <<<<
G-Spot, 10 Adelaide Street,
Charing Cross WC2 . 5pm till
late www.gspotgirlbar.com
Karaoke @ Blush, Cazenove
Rd, Stoke Newington SE11.
8pm-12am. <<<<
Kimono Krush @ RVT [2nd
Fri]. Spanish night. www.rvt.
org.uk. 8pm-2am.
Lower the Tone @ Oak
Bar, 79 Green Lanes, Stoke
Newington [last Fri].
Infamous kitsch party. 9pm3am. www.oakbar.co.uk. £6.
>>Play @ The Enclave 25
Brewer St Soho. (2nd/5th Fri).
clubplay. <<<<
Popstarz@The Den 14 West
Central Street, W1CA. www.
popstarz.org. [3rd Fri]<<
Something for the
Weekend @ Vertigo
1 Leicester Square,
Soho WC2. [Last Fri] Stylish
girls’ night. www.lounge.uk.net.
Soup @ The Star of Bethnal
Green 359 Bethnal Green
Road Bethnal Green E2.
Italo and Hi-NRG. www.
starofbethnalgreen.com. <
S.L.A.G.S/chill-out @
RVT 372 Kennington Lane,
Vauxhall. New Year’s Day
special www.rvt.org.uk.
2pm-12am, £7.
Splosh-a-Rama @ RVT,
Kennington Lane, Vauxhall
SE11. www.rvt.org.uk. £5. [3rd
Stiletto @ The Chapel Bar,
Penton St, Islington. N1. [Last
Fri]. www.stilettoparty.co.uk.
Trailer Trash @ On The
Rocks, 25 Kingsland Rd
Shoreditch, E2.
trailertrashin. <<<
Wino @ Oak Bar, 79 Green
Lanes, Stoke Newington.
[2nd Fri]. www.oakbar.co.uk.
9pm-2am. £6. <<<
26 Taboo @ 26 Smithfield,
26 Smithfield St, City of
London EC1. [2nd Sat]
www.26taboo.com. £5 B4
10/£7 after. <<<<
A Taste of Honey @ The
Cape Bar, 10 Aldermanbury,
Moorgate EC2.
[3rd Sat] www.
8pm-2am. £5 B4 9.30pm/£7
after. <<<
Boudoir, 36-34 Stoke
Newington Rd, Stoke
Newington. 8pm, £8
[4th Sat]
Boudoir@ The Edge, 11 Soho
Square, Soho W1. 9pm till
1am, www.edgesoho.co.uk.
So What! @ First Out, 52
Giles Street Soho.
Bootylicious @
Colosseum, 1 Nine Elms
Lane, Vauxhall Erotik
Cabaret. [3rd Sat]. www.
bootylicious-club.co.uk.11pm5am. £12/£10 b4 12am/£5
NUS. <<
Cabaret @ The Windsor
Castle, 152 Bath Rd,
Hounslow TW3.www.
Cabaret @ Central Station,
37 Wharfdale Road, Kings
Cross N1. <
Club K @ The Livery, 130
Wood St, City of London
EC2. [1st Sat] www.clubk.
co.uk. £6 B4 10/£8 after.
Club Wotever @ RVT. 327
Kennington Lane, Vauxhall
[1st Sat].www.woteverworld.
Duckie @ RVT 372
Kennington Lane, Vauxhall:
Cabaret 9pm-2pm, £5. [2nd
Sat] <<
Exilio @ Rez Bar, 1 Nine Elms
St, Vauxhall. LGB latino club.
£8 b4 11pm/£9 after,
10pm-3am, <<<
Fun for Females @ a
secret location. Erotic party .
G-A-Y @ Heaven, The
Arches (off The Strand), Villers
St, Charing X WC2N. 020
7930 2020: www.heavenlondon.com.10pm-5am. £12.
G-Spot, 10 Adelaide Street,
Charing Cross WC2 .5pm till
late www.gspotgirlbar.com
Girl Action@Clerkenwell
23-27 Hatton Wall, Islington
EC1N [3rd Sat] 8pm
Hum Tum@ The Oak
Bar, Green Lanes, Stoke
Newington [Last Sat]. New
Asian night. www.oakbar.
co.uk. £5. Drag artists free
before midnight.
10pm-3am. <<<<
Hustle @ The Oak Bar,
Green Lanes, Stoke
Newington [2nd Sat].
www.oakbar.co.uk. £5.
9pm-3am. <<<<
Kuch Kuch@ABACUS
24 Cornhill EC3V. www.
kuchkuchnights.co.uk. [last Sat]
LGBT History Month
party@Wall Bar 45 Old
Broad Street, Old Street
EC2N . Charity Event, world
music and commercial pop and
house. 9pm - 2am£15. [3rd Sat]
Lounge @ Vertigo Leicester
Square, Soho WC2. www.
lounge.uk.net. <<<<
Mannequin @ Shoreditch
Members Club, 2a
Tabernacle Street. Old
Street/Moorgate EC1. [2nd
Sat] <<<<
don’t miss!
Torture GardenValentine Ball
@ seOne.Sat13 February
Western St,London Bridge,SE1
Get twisted this Valentine’s Day as the world’s
leading fetish club offers a night of mayhem.
Love hurts but you may as well enjoy it!
This will sell out so get your tickets now.
//bars//cl //ba
T / / g i r l s Listings
If this is you, email
co.uk to find out
what you’ve won!
7pm-10am. £10. <<<
Unskinny Bop @ Pleasure
Unit, 359 Bethnal Green
Rd, Bethnal Green E2 6LG.
[3rd Sat]. www.myspace.
com/ubop 9pm-2am, FREE
b4 9.30pm/£4 after. <<
Wish @ Gramaphone,
60-62 Commercial St,
Aldgate East [1st Sat].
www.club-wish.co.uk. 9pm4am, £5 b4 11pm/£10 after.
Mofest Part Six!@Barden’s
Boudoir 36-34 Stoke
Newington Rd, Stoke
Newington 8pm - 4am
[2nd Sat]
MooMaa @ Jerusalem,
33-34 Rathbone Street
Bloomsbury W1. £5
B4 10.30/£8 after.
com <<<<
Oysters @ Oak Bar,
79 Green Lanes, Stoke
Newington [3rd Sat] £7/ £5
with flyer. www.oystersuk.
com <<<<
Play 2 @ Purple Turtle 65
Crowndale Rd, Camden [1st
Sat]. Valentine Special, pop/
indie/electro/hip hop. www.
play-squared.com. 10.30pm3am.£7/5 b4 11pm/£3 NUS.
Pout Party@Brown Sugar
146 High Holborn Covent
Garden WC1V. [3rd Sat]
Queer Complex @
The Red Star, 319
Camberwell Rd, Camberwell
SE5. <<<
Queer Playspace @ Klub
Fukk, 37 Wharfdale rd, Kings
Cross N1.[2nd Sat] www.
RuMoUrS @ Minories,
64-73 Minories, Tower Hill
EC3. [Last Sat]:
Salla! @ Oak Bar, 79 Green
Lanes, Stoke Newington.
[Last Sat]. www.oakbar.co.uk
9pm-late. £7. <<<<
Soul Naturelle @ The
Oak Bar, 79 Green Lanes
Stoke Newington. N16.
[1st Sat] www.oakbar.co.uk
Smack @ Hidden, 100
Tinworth St, Vauxhall, SE11.
smackclub. £11 b4 11pm/£14
after. <<<<
So What @ First Out, Soho
FREE. 7-11pm. <<<<
Torture Garden Valentine
Ball @ SeOne, Western
St, London Bridge, SE1,
[2nd Sat} £35, 9pm - 6am.
Fetsih costume night. www.
TTease @ The Black
Gardenia, 93 Dean St,
Soho [Last Fri].
Bumbaclart @ Green
Carnation Greek Street
Soho W1.
Exquisite @ The Shadow
Lounge 5 Brewer Street,
Soho W1. [4th Sun].www.
11pm-4am. <<<
Fozzie’s Classic Karaoke
Disco @ Central Station, 37
Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross
N1. www.centralstation.co.uk
Future Fusion @ The Green
5 Greek Street, Soho W1.
lucas. <<<
Girls on Top Comes to
London @ Lightbox.
6a South Lambeth Place,
Vauxhall SW8. 9pm-4am,
£3 B4 11pm/£6 after.
Cosy Oak Bar Sunday @
Oak Bar, 79 Green Lanes,
Stoke Newington. Opens
1pm. Sunday roast, £2 drinks
and kareoke. www.oakbar.
co.uk <<<
Wet Yourself @ Fabric
Ku Bar: Award-winning gay
bar, 30 Lisle St, Leicester Sq.
King William IV: Trad
pub.77 Hampstead High
St, NW3. 020 7435 5747.
Oak Bar: Late night
club/bar. 79 Green Lns N16.
020 7354 2791. YManor
Profile Bar: Brings to life
the world of Gaydar. 4pm to
1am. 56-57 Frith Street, Soho,
W1D 3JN. 020 7734 8300.
Reflex: Fri + Sat, 10pm-3am.
184 London Rd, Kingston.
020 8549 9911. YNorbiton
Retro Bar: 2 George Ct. WC2
020 7321 2811.YCharing X
Roebuck (The): 25 Rennell
St, Lewisham, SE13.
020 8852 1705.
YLewisham BR
Royal Vauxhall Tavern:
372 Kennington Lane, SE11.
Rumours :67-73 The
Minories, EC1
Star at Night: 22 Gt
Chapel Street, Soho. www.
Star of Bethnal Green
359 Bethnal Gn Rd, E2.
Yard (The): 57 Rupert
St, Soho. 020 7437 2652.
YPiccadilly Circus
London, 77A Charterhouse
St, City of London EC1.
(2nd Sun). Techno/house/
dance/dub step/ DnB. www.
fabriclondon.com <<
Rock Society @ The Black
Gardenia, 93 Dean St,
Soho W1. www.myspace.
7pm-11pm, £3. <<<
S.L.A.G.S/chill-out @
RVT 372 Kennington Lane,
Vauxhall. www.rvt.org.uk
2pm-12am, £7. <<<
Sunday Games @ First Out,
52 St Giles StreetSoho WC2.
Sunday Happy Day @
Century, 61-63 Shaftesbury
Ave, Soho WC1. [last Sun]
Joyous music for your soul,
funk/house/ dance beats.
co.uk <<<
Sunday Jukebox @
Blush, Cazenove Rd, Stoke
Newington N16. [2nd Sun].
DJ and music quiz.
7pm. <<<<
@Oak Bar
Sat 20 February
Brand new Asian night in
North London. Bhangra
beats and live dancers.
Play² Valentine
Sat 6 February
Rock out and maybe get
hit by Cupid’s bow.
LGBT History
Wall Sat 20 Feb
Fundraiser event for
LGBT history month.
//clubs//girls //bars//clubs//girls//bars//c
T c l u b s / / g i rListings
R Bar
Sat 13 February
Meet dates or mates in
one of Brighton’s top
gay bars. Organised by
Voluptuous Events this
life saver comes just
before Valentine’s.
Liberty speed MONDAY
Frat Party @ Ghetto, 129
St James’s Street, Brighton
BN1. www.popstarz.org/
Saturday 6 February
A pre-Valentine event
to ensure you don’t
spend that most lovedup of weekends alone.
Come along and bag a
Bristolian beauty.
ghettobrighton. <<
I Don’t Like Mondays @
PV at The Jury’s Out 161
Edward Street, Brighton
Liz’s Quiz@R Bar, 5-7 Marine
Parade Brighton, BN2. Free.
12pm - 2am. www.revenge.
Studio 150 Warm Up@
Charles St Club, Brighton
BN1. www.charles-street.
com. <<
Pub Quiz@Grosvenor 16
Western St, Brighton www.
thegrosvenorbar.com. 8pm
Karaoke with Lucinda
Lashes @ Edge Nightclub,
Southampton www.
Is It Only Tuesday? @ PV at
The Jury’s Out 161 Edward
Street, Brighton BN2. 01273
687090. <
Twisted Karaoke @ R Bar,
Brighton, BN2. Free. 12pm
- 2am. www.revenge.co.uk
ChillOutTuesdays @Charles
St Club, Brighton BN1.
www.charles-street.com. <<
Chatterbox @ Riverside
Tavern, West Bank of River
Medway, Kent: www.
riversidetavern.co.uk. <<<
Midweek Social @ Charles
St Club, Brighton BN1.
Midweek Mashup@ R Bar,
5-7 Marine Parade Brighton,
BN2. Free. 12pm - 2am. www.
Colours Karaoke @
Beehive Pub [upstairs],
Kingswood Suites,
Southernhay, Basildon, Essex
CM2.FREE. <<<
Lush @ Bent, 36-40 Poole
Hill, Bournemouth, BH2.
R ‘n’ B Night @ Magnum,
St Mark’s St, Southampton
S014. 9pm-2am, <<
Theme Nights @ Riverside
Tavern, West Bank of River
Medway, Kent: www.
riversidetavern.co.uk <<
The Infamous PV Quiz
Bar 11: 11 Burgate, Canterbury,
Kent, CT1. 01272 478 707.
Charles Street. 8 Marine
Parade, Brighton. 01273
624091. Coopers Arms: TV.
55 Bute, St, Luton, Beds. www.
Colours: Beehive Pub
(upstairs), Kingswood Suites,
Southernhay, Basildon. 01268
242031. www.colorsessex.co.uk
Edge (The): 58 St Mary’s
Road, Southampton, SO14.
@ PV at The Jury’s Out
Brighton BN2.
Transition@ Ghetto, 129 St
James’s St, Brighton BN1.
Booty Call Monthly@
Ghetto, 129 St James’s
St, Brighton BN1.
[1st Thurs] <<
HDSM @ Ghetto 129 St
James’s St, Brighton, BN1.
Fresher than Fresh @
Bang Bar, 5 The Parade.
www.bang-bar.com.. 9pm2am. £4 B4 12/£5 after.
Girls on Top@ R bar, 5-7
Marine Parade Brighton, BN2
Leader of the Pack @
Ghetto, 129 St James’s
St, Brighton BN1. [Last
Thurs] www.popstarz.
org/ghettobrighton <<
Liberty@ Toto’s Bar, 125
Flamingos: 23-25 West
Street, Old Market, Bristol,
BS2 0DF.
Fudge: Redbourn Rd, St
Albans, Herts AL3. 01582
Ghetto Brighton: 129 St
James’s St, Brighton. 01273
622424. 10.30pm
The Grosvenor Bar: 16
Western St, Brighton, BN1.
Load of Hay: 207 Pinner
Road, Watford Heath WD19.
Redcliffe St Bristol. NYE
party masqued ball.. £10
[last Thurs]
Mad Cow @ Charles St
Club, Brighton BN1. www.
charles-street.com <<
Open Mic@ The
Marlborough, 4 Princes St
Brighton BN2.
Rack ‘Em Up @ Ghetto,
129 St James’s St, Brighton
BN1. [2nd Thurs]. Blues, Rock
and Country. www.popstarz.
Spot the Dot @ Riverside
Tavern, West Bank of River
Medway, Kent: www.
riversidetavern.co.uk. <<
Tits Up @ Ghetto, 129 St
James’s St, Brighton BN1.
[3rd Thurs].
Fairylea @ Charles St Club,
Brighton BN1. www.charlesstreet.com <
Girls Connect @
01923 441113. (T): Bushey BR
London Hotel:
02380 710652 (F): 30%
The Lounge: 53 Old Market
Street, Bristol.
//bars//cl //ba
T / / g i r l s Listings
Marlborough (The):
4 Princes Street , Brighton, BN2 .
01273 570 028.
Old Vic:
104 St Paul’s Road,
Southsea, Portsmouth, Hants.
02392 297013.
Princess Victoria Bar (The):
106 Edward Street, Brighton,
BN2 0JB. 01273 687 090.
Edge Nightclub,
Southampton [1st Fri]. www.
G Spot @ The Bizz and
Works 15 Station Road East
Canterbury Kent [4th Fri]
Popstarz @ Ghetto, 129 St
James’s St, Brighton BN1.
Queer & Alternative@ The
Marlborough, 4 Princes St
Brighton BN2. <<<
Sirens@Latest Bar,
Manchester Street Brighton
[3rd Fri] Parisian Cabaret.
10pm - 2am, £7/£5.
women’s only disco@
Babylon Lounge Western
Esplanade, Kingsway Hove
Brighton [3rd Fri] 9pm - 2am
Club 52 @ Leonards,
Wennington, Essex
[last Sat]. Girlie night with
DJ Jo. www.club52.com
Club Wotever @The
Queen Anne: 11 Queen Anne
Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME14.
01622 753 023.
The Retreat West Street, Old
Market, Bristol.
Revenge: 32-34 Old Steine,
Brighton. 01273 606064.
Riverside Tavern: Canal
Road, Strood, Kent, ME2.
01634 719949
Secrets: 8-12 New Road,
Chatham, Kent,
ME4. 01634 832433
Ship Inn: 347 High Street,
Rochester, Kent, ME1. 01634
Marlborough, 4 Princes St
Brighton BN2. 7.30pm [1st Sat]
Girls Rock On@ The
Marlborough Brighton
Electronic Disco @ Secret
Location, Brighton BN1.
Dangerous @ Charles
Street Club, Brighton BN1.
Funky House. www.myspace.
Kinky Classica@ R Bar,
5-7 Marine Parade Brighton,
BN2. Free. 12pm - late. www.
Poleoke@Latest Bar,
Manchester Street Brighton
10pm - 2am, www.poleoke.
co.uk [2nd Sat]
Lesbian Speed Dating@
R Bar, 5-7 Marine Parade
Brighton, BN2. £15, 7pm
- late. www.revenge.co.uk
Liberty@ Toto’s Bar, 125
Redcliffe St Bristol. Women
only. Pre-Valentine Speed
dating special. [First Sat],
£10, www.totosbristol.com
Sugar Rush@ PV at The
Jury’s Out Brighton 12pm
- midnight
Theme Nights @ Riverside
Tavern, West Bank of River
Medway, Kent: www.
riversidetavern.co.uk <<
Tom’s Salon@The
Malborough. Brighton
Cabaret [2nd Sat]
Viva la Divas/Booty Call
@ PV at The Jury’s Out
161 Edward CabaretStreet,
Brighton BN2. Free.<<<
Wigout @ Ghetto, 129 St
James’s St, Brighton BN1.
Women’s Disco @ The
Babylon Lounge, Hove BN3.
[email protected]
Cabaret @ Old Vic,
Portsmouth. www.
Electronic Disco @ Charles
we love
St Club, Brighton BN1. www.
Ghetto, 129 St James’s
Street, Brighton BN1.
[1st Sun]. www.popstarz.
Fuck the Pain Away @
Sirens @ Ghetto, 129 St
James’s St, Brighton BN1.
[3rd Sun]. www.popstarz.org/
ghettobrighton <<<
Sublime Sundays@R Bar,
5-7 Marine Parade Brighton,
BN2. Free. 12pm - 2am.
Sunday Sundae Double
Floor Special @ Audio,
Marine Parade, Brighton BN1
Sundaylicious Roast@PV
at The Jury’s Out
Brighton BN2. 12pm -11pm
Wild Fruit @ Tru, West St,
Brighton BN1. [1st Sun].
10pm-3am. £8/£12. <<<
Latest Bar
Sat 12 February
Manchester St.
Kareoke for pole dancers!
Request a tune and
unleash your inner pole
vixen. Beginners
welcome and debaucherous fun guaranteed!
Come early for a lesson.
DJ Sandra D from RubyTuesdays
How long has your club been running?
Nearly three years! I am so proud and already
planning birthday party for May.
Where is Ruby Tuesdays held?
At the Ku club, downstairs on Lisle St, Soho W1
What can someone expect from a night there?
Mischief and mayhem!
It’s where all the girls go.
What do you enjoy most about running it?
It has to be the girls. They love Ruby Tuesdays
and that’s the best part in running it.
When is the next event?
Next Tuesday!
How can can people get hold of tickets?
Find Kal, my flyer girl, out on the streets of
Soho everyTuesday,and she can give you one
of the famous FREE SHOT flyers!
//clubs//girls //bars//clubs//girls//bars//c
T c l u b s / / g i rListings
Princess St, Mancs M1. Retro
& camp Pop. www.poptastic.
co.uk 11pm-3am, £4.50/3.50
members. <<
Club Furburger@GHQ
Picardy Place,Edinburgh
Friday 12 February
A michevious hub for girls who like and love music.
Residents Dejabird, Boy Toy, Funki Diva and Debit
will provide the most tantalising aural stimulation...
the rest is up to you!
Compassion @ LT nights,
47 Heathcoat St,
Nottingham NG1 [1st Mon].
Ladies night. www.ltnights.
co.uk 9.30pm-3am, £3 b4 11
or NUS/£4. <<<<<
Open Mic Night @
Bar du Fay, 25 Stanley St
Liverpool L1: Live music
from talented regulars. www.
myspace.com/bardufay. From
9pm. <<<<
Karaoke @ Propaganda,
107 Ferensway, Hull, HU2. 9pm.
CU Next Tuesday @
Vanilla, Richmond St, Mancs
M1. www.vanillagirls.co.uk
Indie Night @ Bar du Fay, 25
Stanley Street Liverpool L1.
Poptastic @ Mutz Nutz,
Band Practice @ Bar du
Fay, 25 Stanley Street
Liverpool L1. www.myspace.
DJ Angel Delight @ Kampus,
45 China St, Lancaster LA1.
Music & drag.
Paramore afterparty @
Vanilla, Richmond St, Mancs
M1. [3rd Weds]. 7pm -3am
Back 2 Back @ Cruz 101,
Princess St, Mancs M1. Retro
& Camp Pop.
9pm-3am. £4/£2 students
and Cruz members.<<
Cumasudare @ Route
69 Wine Bar, 1 Gas St,
Northampton N1. www.
route69.co.uk 10pm-3am. £5.
Fussy Pussy @ FG2, 5
Dickson Road, Blackpool.
[Last Thurs]. 9pm. www.
vanillagirls.co.uk <<<<
Student Night @ Bar du
Fay, 25 Stanley St Liverpool
L1. www.myspace.com/
Toga Party@Coyotes 14
Chorlton St Mancs. www.
coyotesbar.co.uk [last Thurs]
The Lick @ Vanilla,
Richmond St, Mancs, M1.
R’n’B. www.vanillagirls.co.uk
5pm-late. £1 after 10pm.
Quiz night @ Coyotes,
14 Chorlton St, Mancs M1.
9-11.30pm. FREE. <<
11th Bday @Vanilla
Richmond St, Mancs, M1.
www.vanillagirls.co.uk [2nd
Climax@Sheffield Union,
University of Sheffield,
Sheffield. [3rd Fri]. www.shef.
ac.uk. 10.30pm-3am (last
admission 12.30). £4 adv/£5
on door. <<
DJ Miss Candi @ Bar du Fay,
25 Stanley St Liverpool L1.
Dykes to Dine @ various,
Calder Valley. 01706 373
066 (last Fri): Fine food and
company. <<<<<
Fridays @ No. 1 Club
Mancs. 10.30pm-5am.
Brandirls on Top 2 @ Bar
24/7, Redbourne Rd, St
Albans, Herts, AL2. (last Fri).
HankiPanki @ Coyotes,
Mancs. www.coyotesbar.
co.uk Old Skool Dance
Anthems. 5pm-4am
Lez-B-Naughtier @ Flame,
58 Wellington Street, Luton.
Pre-Fuel warm up @
Propaganda, 107 Ferensway,
Hull, Pre party. HU2. 9pm.
DJs @ Fuel Sheffield, 6 Baker
St, Sheffield S1. Dance, Chart
and Pop. 10.30pm-3am.
Fridays @ Vanilla,
Richmond St, Mancs,
Comemrcial Pop/Dance/
House/RnB/ Hip Hop. M1.
The Twisted Wheel @
Legends, Whitworth St,
Mancs. £6. www.myspace.
Lash For Lasses@The
Tunnel, 6 Whitworth
St, Mancs. BDSM. [2nd
Sunday]. www.clublash.com
Big Gay Friday @ Cruz 101,
Princess St, Mancs. www.
cruz101.com members. <
Rah Rah Rah @ Stardust
Bar Cambridge St,
Sheffield. [1st Fri]. www.
10pm-2am. <<
Princess St. Manchester,
0161 2270341
Queer: 4 Canal St, Mancs.
0161 2281368 (F) 35%
Taurus Bar: 1 Canal St,
Manchester M1. 0161 236
4593. (F): 50%
Spirit: 63 Richmond St.
Mancs. 0161 2379725
(F): 40%
Vanilla: Women’s bar (men
as guests). 39-41 Richmond
St, Mancs M1. 0161 288 2727.
(F): 95%
Via Fossa: 28-30 Canal St,
M1. Classy bar.(F): 30%
DJs @ Fuel Sheffield,
6 Baker St, Sheffield S1.
Dance, chart, pop. 9pm-3am.
£3 b4 11pm/£5. <<<
Drama Queen @ Cruz 101,
Princess St, Mancs.
11pm-6am. <<<
Freakshow @ No. 1 Club
Mancs. 11pm-6am. www.
no1club.co.uk <<<<
Genesis @ Eden Canal St,
Mancs. genesisclubnight
@yahoo.com [1st Sat of
the month] 10.30pm. £3.
Girls Go Down@3345 Parr
St Liverpool L1, £3, www.
ggdevents.co.uk [1st Sat]
AXM Bar: Mixed bar. 10
Canal St, M1. 0161 236 6005.
(F): 60%
Coyotes: Fun bar. 14
Chorlton St, Manchester, M1.
0161 236 4007. F: 80%
Lucy’s Two: Gay bar with
pool and darts. Abingdon St,
Blackpool. 01253 753 598.
(F): 50%
Poptastic: c/o Mutz Nutz,
//bars//cl //ba
T / / g i r l s Listings
Glasshouse @ Mission,
Heaton’s Court, Leeds
[2nd & 4th Sat]. House night.
11pm-9am. <<
Jukebox @ Coyotes, Mancs.
Karaoke @ Bar du Fay, 25
Stanley Street Liverpool L1.
Ladypoof @ My House,
Brick St Leeds. Grimey
Electro/ Pop/ Indie/ House.
Lavender Lounge @Gregson,
33 Moorgate Lancaster.
Nocturnal @ Propaganda,
107 Ferensway, Hull,
HU2. 2.30-6am. www.
Poptastic @ Mutz Nutz,
Princess St, Mancs M1. www.
poptastic.co.uk <<
Saturday ROCKS! @
Vanilla, Richmond St,
Mancs. . www.vanillagirls.
co.uk.10pm-4am. FREE b4
Girls Go Down @ Vinyl
Basement Bar, Lark Lane,
Liverpool [1st Sun].
Laughing Cows @ The
Frog and Bucket, 102
Oldham St, Mancs [last
Sun] Comedy night. www.
DJ Dean’s Karaoke @
Nightingale Club,
Kent St, Birmingham B5.
FREE. <<<
Short St Coventry, CV1 2LW
www.rainbowscov.com <<<
Poptastic @ NG1 76-80
Lower Parliament Street,
Nottingham, NG1.
(0115) 958 8440 <<
DJ Dean’s Karaoke @
Nightingale Club,
Kent St, Birmingham B5.
FREE. <<<
Betty’s Music Bar @
Betty’s Nightclub, 10
Cornhill, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1.
9pm-2am, FREE b4 10pm/£4
members/£7. <<<<
Big Saturday Night Out
@ Nightingale Club, Kent
St, Birmingham: www.
nightingaleclub.co.uk 10pm6am. £4 b4 10pm/£8. <<
Party Women’s DiscoNight
@ The Fox, 17 Lower Essex St,
Birmingham. 0121 622 1210.
www.foxbar.co.uk <<<=
Women’s Disco @
Todmorden Cricket Club,
Burnley Road,Todmorden,
Yorkshire.[2nd Sat]
01706 816 655.
Betty’s Music Bar @ Betty’s
Nightclub, 10 Cornhill,
Ipswich, Suffolk IP1.
www.bettysbar.co.uk. £6/£4
members. 9pm-2am.
FREE b4 10pm. <<<<
Blast! @ Nightingale
Club, Kent St, Birmingham
10pm-4am. Free b4 10pm/£2
till midnight/£5 after. <<
Gay night@The Swan,
The Street, Lawshall,
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
Ipswich, IP29.[2nd Fri] www.
Karaoke @ The Fox, 17
Lower Essex St, Birmingham
0121 622 1210: www.foxbar.
co.uk 9-11.30pm, FREE.
Fridays @ The Club 14
Hillcrest St Stoke-on-Trent
ST1 2AA. www.theclub-stoke.
co.uk 01782 201829 <<
Party night @ Rainbows 88
Comedy Collective @
Nightingale Club, Kent
St, Birmingham: www.
nightingaleclub.co.uk £3.
@ The Three Tuns 9 Bucknall
New Rd, Stoke-on-Trent
www.thethreetuns.net <<
Funday Sunday @ NG1 76
80 Lower Parliament Street,
Nottingham, NG1 1EH <<
DV8 Nightclub
& Innov8 Bar: 16 Lower
Essex St, Birmingham.
0121 6666366
Fox (The):
Popular women’s bar.
17 Lower Essex St,
Birmingham B5.
0121 6221210
Greyhound: 2am licence.
14 Bond St, Wolverhampton,
WV2. 01902 420916.
Kudos: 28 Horse Fair,
Village Inn: 152 Hurst St.
Birmingham, 0121 6224742
Missing Bar:
148 Bromsgrove Street,
B5 6NU
New Forresters: 18 St Ann’s
St, Nottingham NG1.
0115 9580432.
NG1: 76-80 Lower
Parliament St. Nottingham,
0115 9588440
Nightingales: Kent St,
Birmingham. 0121 6221718.
Route Two: 139/147 Hurst
Street Birmingham.
0121 6223366:
Rainbow & Dove: 185 Charles
St.Leicester 0116 2547568
Subway City: 27 Livery St.
Birmingham, 0121 2330310
The Club: 14 Hillcrest
St. Hanley 01782 201829
Village Inn: 152 Hurst St.
Birmingham, 0121 6224742
61-65 Crowndale Rd, Camden, London, N1
How long have you been going?
Two years.
Anything new & interesting?
Every month. You will have to come down and
check it out...
What is the night famous for?
Great tunes and fun times!
What is the atmosphere like?
Crazy, we are a mixed night and anything goes.
Leave your attitude at the door!
What is the music policy?
Anthing we like… pop/indie/electro/ dance/hip
hop and much, much more.
Describe it…
Cheap, rockin’, gritty, funky, happy, sexy, monthy
fun. Full of preppy party animals, freaky geeks,
delicious divas and mouthwatering mods .
//clubs//girls //bars//clubs//girls//bars//c
T c l u b s / / g i rListings
Fridays @ Foundation
Carnegies Brae, Aberdeen.
Funky house, pop, disco, £4,
open ‘til late.
Foundationnightclub <<
Ladies night @ Planet Bar
6 Baxter’s Place Edinburgh
EH1. www.bebo.com/
Furburger @ GHQ Picardy
Place Edinburgh EH1. [2nd
Fri]. www.myspace.com/
clubfurburger <<<<<
Kick Start @ Cafe Habana
Greenside Place Edinburgh
EH1. www.cafehabanaeh1.
com <<
g3X… join the
networking revolution
The latest events, meet gorgeous women, find out
who is going where, get deals on club entry…
and much, much more!
On Demand @ Cafe
Habana Greenside Place
Edinburgh EH1. www.
cafehabanaeh1.com <<
Cheesy Wotsits @ Cafe
Habana Greenside Place,
Edinburgh EH1.
Karaoke @ Planet Bar
6 Baxter’s Place
Edinburgh EH1.
Shagtag @ Foundation
Nightclub Carnegies Brae
Aberdeen L1.
Drinks offers and shagtag
board! www.bebo.com/
Foundationnightclub <<
Carnegies Brae, Aberdeen.
Foundationnightclub. <<<
Sunday sessions @ Cafe
Habana Greenside Place
Edinburgh EH1. www.
cafehabanaeh1.com <<<
Sundays @ Foundation
Carnegies Brae, Aberdeen.
Foundationnightclub <<<
Karaoke @ Kings Cross,
25 Caroline Street,Cardiff
CF10 1FF
www.kxcardiff.co.uk <<<
For the angels @ Exit
Nightclub, 48 Charles St,
Cardiff, CF10 2GF
Open mic @ Thru the Arch
Club, Newport 33A Stow Hill
Newport NP20 1JH
Loud & proud @ Thru the
Arch, Club Newport 33A
Stow Hill Newport NP20
1JH www.thruthearch.com
Open all levels @ Exit
Nightclub, 48 Charles St,
Cardiff, CF10
Get the party started @
Club X, 35-37 Charles Street
Cardiff, CF10 2GB
BHQ @ Cafe Habana
Greenside Place Edinburgh
EH1. www.cafehabanaeh1.
com. <<<
Saturdays @ Foundation
The Polo Lounge: 84 Wilson
St Glasgow, G1 1UZ
0141 553 1221
Dolls: 36 Broughton Street
0131 476 2699
68 Virginia St
Glasgow, G1 1TX
0141 552 4803
Sala Cafe Bar: 58a
Broughton Street, Edinburgh
EH1 3SA 0131 556 5758
Pop Rokit: Picardy
Place,Edinburgh EH8 1JT
0131 556 4272
The Blue Moon Cafe
Restaurant Bar: 36
Broughton St Edinburgh, EH1
3SB. www.bluemooncafe.
co.uk 0131 556 2788
The Laughing Duck:
24 Howe Street, Edinburgh,
Midlothian, EH3 6TG
Lesbian bar.
Absolute heaven @ Exit
Nightclub, 48 Charles St,
Cardiff, CF10 2GF www.
exitclubcardiff.com <<<
Big night out @ Thru the
Arch Club Newport 33A Stow
Hill Newport NP20 www.
thruthearch.com <<<
Kings kitchen @ Kings Cross,
25 Caroline Street, Cardiff
CF10 <<<
Exile @ Club X, 35-37 Charles
St. Cardiff, CF10 2GB www.
club-x-cardiff.co.uk <<<
Minskys Show Bar:
Cathedral Walk, St David’s
Centre Cardiff CF10
The Offas Tavern: Prestatyn,
North Wales, LL19
(01745) 886 046.
Three Crowns: Well Street,
Bangor, LL57
Golden Cross: 283 Hayes
Bridge Road, Cardiff, CF10 1GH
Exit Nightclub: 48 Charles
Street, Cardiff, CF10 2GF
Lush: Caroline Street, Opp.
Kings, Cardiff, CF10 1FF
/bars//cl //ba
T / / g i r l s /Review
Stonewall’s Laura Doughty
has been promoted from
Director of Fundraising and
Communications to a new
position as Deputy Chief
Executive. Laura said:
“This is a hugely exciting
time to be Deputy Chief
Executive of Stonewall. I look
forward to working with the
Stonewall team, the lesbian,
gay and bisexual community
and all our key stakeholders
to ensure that we achieve
equality in every aspect of
our lives – at home, at school
and at work.”
uganda/anti gay march
While Ugandan President
Yoweri Museveni faces
international pressure
to discard the draconian
Anti-Homosexuality Bill,
which proposes execution
for some gays, anti-gay Pastor Martin Ssempa
will spearhead a million-man march on 17
February in support of it. Ssempa maintains that
homosexuality breaks the laws of God and nature.
new zealand/radio host
comes out
New Zealand’s long-time
radio host Mike Puru, 34,
came out live on air on
the nationwide Morning
Madhouse radio show last
month by telling his surprised
listeners, “Yes... I am gay.” He had previously
spoken about visiting gay bars but had never
openly admitted to his sexual orientation.
malawi/gays get cash
The underground Malawi
Gay Movement is reported to
have received 15,000 euros
from an unnamed source in
the Netherlands, in order to
help establish the Malawi gay rights movement.
The money is expected to go towards bringing
gays and lesbians together, and to start a samesex marriage campaign.
netherlands/lgbt awards
Dutch LGBT rights
organisation COC (Cultuur
en Ontspanningscentrum),
has presented this year’s
Bob Angelo Prize to joint
winners: TV presenter Arie
Boomsma, for making homosexuality a topic of
conversation in a light hearted and loving way
and Remonstrant Church, for being the first
Christian church to accept gay relationships.
usa/gays“molest children”
William Tam, a supporter
of Proposition 8, told a trial
on gay marriage in January
that gays are more likely to
molest children. Tam was
called as a hostile witness by
two gay couples challenging
California’s marriage ban, to show that
opposition to gay marriage is based on
animosity towards gays.
Ben Summerskill is
Chief Executive of
Next month,
Stonewall’s new
Deputy Chief
Executive Laura
Doughty will be
taking over this
column. We’d like to
thank Ben for his
contributions over
the past six years.
Coming to a
secondary school
near you this month:
FIT – The Movie
FIT – Stonewall’s new
film for schools. FIT (The
Movie) is an adaptation
of Stonewall’s touring
play for schools – seen by
more than 20,000 pupils
over the last couple of
years. The overwhelmingly
positive response from
teachers and pupils alike
convinced us that this story needed to
be told in all secondary schools. Sarah,
a year 9 pupil at a South London
school said: “I’m sure that now pupils
will think twice before using
homophobic words as an insult.” After
a fundraising campaign involving
thousands of supporters, FIT will be
sent to every secondary school in
Britain. The storyline uses hip-hop,
humour, Adidas kit and lively writing
similar to Channel 4’s Skins to
communicate with pupils. Visit
www.stonewall.org.uk/FIT for
trailers, pics, teacher and pupil quotes,
downloadable music and wallpaper
and how to get more involved.
Stonewall passionately believes
that people perform better in
work and in study when they
can be themselves. And we
have the research to prove it.
Our recently published annual
Workplace Equality Index lists the Top
100 Employers for lesbian, gay and
bisexual staff – and each position was
hotly contested. Over 350 employers
entered our 2010 list, our fifth.
However, the Index reveals some
telling trends from the biggest ever
survey of lesbian and gay staff,
involving over 7,000 participants. It finds
that only two thirds of respondents
are out to their manager. Six per cent
of lesbians and over 50 percent of
bisexual women said they weren’t out
to anyone at work. Stonewall’s
Diversity Champions programme will
continue to support employers across
Britain until all lesbian and gay staff
fulfil their full potential at work.
Did your employer make it into
Stonewall’s 2010 Top 100 Employers?
Find out at:
– Kylie Minogue cries out for female flesh.
Conservative MP for Maidstone Ann
Widdecombe, has told a debate at a
Bournemouth church that new laws
which prevent people using religion as
an excuse for homophobic
discrimination are threatening freedom
of speech. The Bournemouth Daily
Echo reported that Widdecombe, 62,
said, “For the first time in this country
we are being obliged as citizens to do
things which are against our
conscience.” She had spoken at St
Andrew’s Bournemouth United
Reformed Church. “The other thing is
that you can now have the police on
your doorstep, not for something that
you have done, but for the views that
you have expressed,” she added.
Widdecombe has previously voted
against equal gay rights.
Rugby star Gareth Thomas
has been appointed the new
patron for LGBT History
Month.Taking place in
February every year, LGBT
History Month is aimed
at celebrating the history
of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender people with a
wide range of special events
taking place across the country.The Cardiff Blues player said he
felt “honoured” to have been asked to support the campaign.
He added he wanted to take a more hands-on role in future.
Thomas came out publicly in December 2009, after reportedly
having confided in his teammates and family. LGBT History
month will be marked in schools with its annual conference on
6 February at London’s Drill Hall.
Increased acceptance of homosexuality
The results of the government-backed 2009 British Social Attitudes Survey
suggest that tolerance of homosexuality has increased considerably in the last
30 years. Only 39% of those surveyed said they believed homosexuality was
“always or mostly wrong”, compared to 62% of respondents in 1983. The survey
is conducted annually by the National Centre for Social Research, and questions
3,000 people on a range of topics including politics, transport, education and crime.
Hate mail over gay
Bible exhibition
The head of Glasgow’s museums,
Dr Bridget McConnell, said she was
harassed for allowing an exhibition
on homosexuality and the Bible
to go ahead. Also head of the
city’s Culture and Sport Glasgow
quango, she said Christian groups
had subjected her to a “personal
witch hunt” by inundating her with
letters, emails and phone calls. The
exhibition involved inviting visitors
to write their comments in the Bible.
However, the museum was forced
to place it behind glass after people
scrawled obscenities in it.
Dr Bridget
Gay laws prevent free
speech says MP
INDEX 2010
On 13 January 2010, Stonewall
published its annual list of the top
100 gay-friendly employers in
Britain. g3 takes a look at why the
list is so important, how it’s created…
and who’s on it this year.
TheTop 100 Employers
2 HampshireConstabulary
3 Ernst &Young
4 Brighton & HoveCityCouncil
6 HomeOffice
7 London Boroughof
Tower Hamlets
8 ManchesterCityCouncil
9 Kent Police
9 Nacro
11 EnvironmentAgencyfor
England &Wales
11 London Boroughof Islington
13 Merseyside Police
13Transportfor London
15Simmons &Simmons
17 EastSussexCountyCouncil
17 Foreign &CommonwealthOffice
19 Nottinghamshire Healthcare
19West Midlands Police
21 Metropolitan PoliceService
22 Barclays
23Greater Manchester Police
25 London Fire & Emergency
25WestYorkshire Fire &
26 Metropolitan Housing Partnership
27 NationalOffender
29 Ford
30 NewcastleCityCouncil
32 LeicestershireCountyCouncil
32 NewhamCollege
34Staffordshire Police
34Sussex Police
36 Pinsent Masons
39 BritishTransport Police
39 Deloitte LLP
43 KirkleesCouncil
43 London Boroughof Hackney
45 HM Revenue &Customs
45 NHSTower Hamlets
47 LancashireConstabulary
47 NationalAssemblyforWales
50 London Boroughof
Barking & Dagenham
LGB-friendly employers
Stonewall has released its sixth
Workplace Equality Index for 2010. This
forms the basis for the prestigious Stonewall Top
100 Employers 2010: a definitive compilation
of the UK’s best employers for lesbian, gay and
bisexual Staff. It is encouraging to see that these
successful and ever-expanding companies are
making active attempts to attract the very best
candidates, regardless of sexual preference.
2010 has seen the introduction of fresh
assessment criteria for the Index, pushing
employers even further to show how their
gay-friendly initiatives in the workplace not
only support their LGB staff, but also have
a continually positive effect on the work
environment as a whole. Despite the pressures
of the recession, we are pleased to report that
competition is tougher than ever and standards
are improving with every year. Employer
involvement in the index has doubled since its
inception in 2006. As of 2010, the minimum
standard required to win a spot is an astonishing
10% higher than last year.
This may seem like a PR stunt: companies can pat
themselves on the back with a nominal nod to
diversity, rather than doing something of concrete
benefit to the LGB community. But working for
an employer that wins one of these sought-after
places on the index really does translate into
quantifiable benefits for LGB workers. Every
employer on the list has shown an understanding
that LGB equality benefits individuals and
businesses. They all have special LGB staff
networks, and strong support systems in place for
LGB staff.
A representative from Nottinghamshire
Healthcare NHSTrust accepts their award
for Most Improved Employer from Stonewall
Chief Executive Ben Summerskill
INDEX 2010
TheTop 100 Employers
Chief Constable Alex
Marshall and other
representatives from
Hampshire Constabulary
Daniel Winterfeldt
from Simmons &
Simmons, hosts of
the WEI launch
Stonewall received 352 applications for the index
from over 24 employment sectors. In the 2010
list, the top performers are the professional
services, police and central government.
Stonewall interviewed over 7000 LGB staff (more
than ever before) and their satisfaction levels were
highest when they worked for the organisations
that occupy the top spots in the index.
This year IBM UK & Ireland took gold again. It
also won the title in 2007. IBM continues to invest
extensively in creating a harmoniously diverse
workplace – its Employee Alliance for LGBT
Empowerment (EAGLE) works in partnership with
its Diversity & Inclusion Team to deliver a top
class LGBT equality agenda. It also has an LGBT
sales team.
Transport For London ranked 13th on the list and
is one of many prominent organisations aware
of the prestige attached to scoring high. Darren
Crowson, Information and Marketing Manager
for TfL, commented on how proud his company
is to top the charts again: “TfL is pleased that it
remains one of the best performing employers
in the Stonewall Workplace Equality index. It is
encouraged by the recognition it has received for
its work on equality in the procurement process.”
TfL realises how diversity benefits all aspects of its
business. Crowson told us: “The investment it [TfL]
puts into creating fair and inclusive workplaces
for its own staff has an even wider impact, and
benefits LGBT people and people from other
groups where they work. TfL is committed to
improving its score for next year and aims to be
back among the top five employers in 2011.”
No one can deny that diversity makes for good
business sense. The index is a powerful tool, aimed
at helping Britain’s 1.7 million gay employees and
150,000 gay university students decide where to
take their talent and skills. Employers take note: it
pays to value your lesbian and gay staff.
For info on Stonewall’s workplace programmes,
visit www.stonewall.org.uk/workplace
50 NorthWales Police
50ThamesValley Police
54Aviva plc
54SuffolkCountyCouncil &
CustomerService Direct
56 HerbertSmith LLP
56 MinistryofJustice
58American Express
58Sussex Partnership
NHS FoundationTrust
60 BirminghamCityCouncil
60 HertfordshireConstabulary
60 Procter &GambleUK
63Crown ProsecutionService
63 DerbyshireCountyCouncil
63 PricewaterhouseCoopers
67 EastSussex Fire & RescueService
67J.P. Morgan
67 MorganStanley
70Gloucestershire Fire & Rescue
70 Ministryof Defence Police &
70 North EastAmbulanceService
73 Ministryof Defence
73West MerciaConstabulary
75 Hertfordshire Partnership
NHS FoundationTrust
75 NationalAuditOffice
75 NationalGrid
79 ImperialCollege London
79WestYorkshire Police
82 Berneslai Homes
82 BuryCouncil
82 LondonBoroughofWalthamForest
82 Departmentof Health
85 Eversheds LLP
85 LiverpoolJohn MooresUniversity
90Your Homes Newcastle
95 Land Registry
95 Royal BankofScotlandGroup
97 BlackpoolCouncil
97 Departmentfor International
97 Knowsley HousingTrust
100 Nottinghamshire
The impetus behind the project comes from an
awareness that many still do not feel comfortable
disclosing their sexuality at work. The Employment
Equality Regulations of 2003 protect gay
workers from discrimination and harassment,
but Stonewall’s survey of LGB staff found that
nearly two in five employees hide their sexual
orientation from their boss and work colleagues.
It’s proven that openly gay, lesbian and bisexual
employees are markedly happier with their jobs
and more productive than those who stay in the
closet. They feel more supported by managers,
build better relationships with heterosexual
colleagues and feel more loyal to their employer.
The necessity of creating a workplace where
gay people can be open about their sexuality is
obvious. It yields considerable benefits for both
employers and employees alike.
The Stonewall Equality
Walk takes place on
Sunday 2 May, to raise
funds for Stonewall’s
Education for All
campaign. Stonewall’s
James Lawrence urges
you to sign up.
Although summer seems a
long time away, it’s not too
early to make a date to head to
Brighton for the May Bank
Holiday weekend. Stonewall’s
annual Brighton Equality Walk –
supported by American Express – on
Sunday 2 May is a fantastic way to
see the city at its best while raising
money to stamp out homophobic
bullying in schools.
L-word actress and screenwriter
Guinevere Turner, TV presenter
Kristian Digby, and director of FIT
Rikki Beadle-Blair, are all supporting
this fun-packed fundraiser. Walkers
at last year’s event raised over
£60,000 towards producing a DVD
of FIT – Stonewall’s anti-homophobic
bullying play – and sending a copy to
every secondary school in Britain.
Over 20,000 pupils saw FIT when it
was a touring play. Thousands more
will benefit from the DVD version
thanks to the contribution of the
walkers who took part last year. And
this year’s walk again focuses on
stamping out homophobic bullying
Pavilion featuring face painting,
music and entertainment. The 10k
walk then takes a winding route
along the seafront and through the
bustling streets of Brighton before
ending up at the finishing line with a
glass of bubbly for the adults. All
walkers get a goody bag, free event
T-shirt and medal to prove that
they’ve completed the challenge.
Stonewall’s Laura Doughty with (L-R) Brian Paddick, Stonewall
Trustee Liz Grant, Mayor of Brighton & Hove Councillor Garry
Peltzer Dunn and Kate Harris from American Express.
in schools as Stonewall expands its
pioneering EducationforAllprogramme.
With over 400 Stonewall supporters
from across Britain walking through
the streets of Brighton last year, the
2010 Brighton Equality Walk
promises to be another sell-out
success. The day begins with a giant
picnic in the gardens of the Royal
For more information on the
Brighton Equality Walk
contact the Equality Walk team
on 020 7593 2294
or [email protected]
or visit www.equalitywalk.org.uk
and register today for just £10.
Sue Sanders
February is LGBT
History Month in the
UK. Charlotte Dingle
speaks to founder
Sue Sanders.
LGBT History Month was started in
the UK by Sue Sanders, co-chair of the
Schools OUT campaign, which seeks
to promote LGBT awareness in
schools. She says: “I came up with the
idea of LGBT History Month because
of my awareness of how Black History
Month made a phenomenal difference
to challenging racism. I wondered if
LGBT History Month could do the
same with homophobia.”
Why did she decide to start it up when
she did? “Come 2003 and 2004,
new legislation was coming in,” she
responds. “We had the legislation that
said you could no longer discriminate
against LGBT people in the workplace,
we had got rid of Section 28, and they
were beginning to talk about the
Single Equality Bill.”
Clare Summerskill
LGBT History Month is marked by a
wide range of events, from poetry
readings and speeches to walking
tours and exhibitions, and from film
screenings and plays to good oldfashioned parties. It is observed,
among other places, in schools,
workplaces, libraries, galleries and
museums. Sue says: “We’re putting
out a special plea: if people are
holding an event, we want them to
put it up on the calendar of events for
LGBT History Month on our website.
Unfortunately, we constantly find
that events are happening which
people don’t put on the calendar.”
With its links to the Schools OUT
campaign, LGBT History Month has a
particular emphasis on work in
schools. Does she know how many
schools now choose to mark it? “No
idea at all,” Sue laments. “Again, this is
our problem: we have no way of
knowing unless people tell us. There
are more now than there were.
Schools have become braver.”
Rugby star Gareth Thomas, who
recently came out, has just been
appointed patron of LGBT History
Month. “This is particularly good in
view of the fact that, in the next two
years, LGBT History Month will be
focusing on sport in the run up to the
Olympics,” Sue enthuses. “This is our
sixth year, and we already have over
400 events on the calendar. That’s
pretty impressive, especially when
you consider that only about 50%
of events end up on the calendar.
LGBT History Month is growing
Libraries across West Sussex have
teamed up with top LGBT authors
and performers, such as Clare
Summerskill and Mark Rowlands,
to bring you evenings that will
make you giggle as well as
broaden your mind. There will
LGBT books to borrow. Events are
free, but remember to reserve
your place beforehand.
For more details visit
Visit the LGBT History Month
website at www.lgbthistorymonth.
org.uk to find out more about events
taking place in your area. For more
information about Schools OUT,
visit www.schools-out.org.uk
Please visit www.contact-theatre.org
East Sussex hosts several free
evenings dedicated to very personal
compositions from LGBT musicians,
writers and poets. Events include
A Glimpse of Stocking: East Sussex
LGBT History in Eastbourne library
on 15 February, or As You Like It:
Lesbian and Gay Poetry on 24
February in Lewes library.
For more details contact melanie.
[email protected] or
phone: 01273 336253
LGBT History Month is a chance to
celebrate the past achievements
of the LGBT community, inspiring
us in turn to fight for an even brighter
future. It’s also a great opportunity to
educate the wider population about
LGBT issues.
LGBT domestic
violence charity
Broken Rainbow is
hosting a fundraising
party to celebrate
LGBT History Month.
Head down to the Wall Bar near
Liverpool Street station on 20
February for a fun-packed
evening courtesy of Broken
Rainbow. Broken Rainbow
works tirelessly to combat
LGBT domestic violence, and
offer support to victims.
Rita Hirani, Consultant
CEO of the organisation, feels
optimistic about the event’s
success. “We plan to raise
£3,000 to help us produce
campaigns and increase
awareness about domestic
violence among LGBT
The Pink Singers Big Pink
Chill Concert: Saturday 16
January 2010, Royal College
of Music. 7pm. £11. Book at
Camden Adoption:
t: 0800 0281436 email:
[email protected]
DASL: London drug/alcohol
support. t: 020 8257 3068
e: [email protected]
Dykes On Bikes:Cycling.
t: 020 8771 3285 email:
[email protected]
ELOP: Youth, advice and
support groups. Walthamstow.
t: 020 8509 3898
GayGordons (The): LGBT
Scottish country dance club.
Unity Hall, 279 Upper St, London
N1 2TZ Thurs 7-9.10pm
OutWest LGBT: Advice
and support. e: secretary@
OutWest.org.uk. t: 020 8892
5061 www.OutWest.org.uk
UK Lesbian and Gay
Immigration Group:
t: 020 7922 7811
Lesbian Gay Christian
Movement: t: 020 7739 1249
e: [email protected]
Kenric: Events /members
grp for women. BM Kenric,
London, WC1 3XX.
t: 01159 663638
Lesbian Discussion Group
@ Gay’s The Word: 66
Marchmont Street. Every
Wednesday. t: 020 7278 7654
LGBT Choir: 07980 023578
LGB Youth Group @ Step
Out: LGB Group for under 26s.
Tue 5-7pm. Tower Hamlets.
Scott: 020 7739 3082
Metro50+: Social group for
older people. 2-4pm. Metro
Centre. Jackie: 020 8265 3311
One-Up: Youth group for
LGBTs aged 18 and under.
Mondays 4pm-7pm. Hendon,
NW London. t: 07504 226793
PACE Groups promoting
lesbian and gay health and
wellbeing. t: 020 7700 1323
Rainbow Parents:
com. t: 07506 012282
Regard: Disabled LGBT.
Regard, BM REGARD,
London WC1N 3XX.
e: [email protected]
South London Lesbian
Mums Group: East Dulwich
Community Centre, 46-64
Darrell Road, London SE22
9NL. Tricia Durr: 07876 762
245. e: [email protected]
Step Out Tower Hamlets:
Social & support group for
LGBTQ young people. 5-8pm
Tues. t: 07946 337160
Women’s Voice: Friendly
lesbian/bi group. £2/4 Tues
7:30-9pm. Kairos t: 020 7437
6063 www.kairosinsoho.org.uk
Allsorts Youth Project:
Drop-in for under 26s in
Brighton. 8.30pm, Tues.
t: 01273 721211
e: [email protected]
Brightwaves MCC: Church
inclusive of LGBTs. Sundays
6-7pm @ Clermont Church,
Cumberland Road,
(nr Preston Pk.), Brighton.
e: [email protected]
Freedom Youth: Bristol
based LGB support group for
ages 13 to 21. t: 01173 773677
GLAM: Gay & Lesbian Media
in Brighton. 44-46 Old Steine,
BN1. www.glam-brighton.co.uk
Lesbian Link Brighton:
t: 07594 578035 www.
Mind Out: LGBT Mental
Health Project. Allen Centre,
60 Sackville Gardens, Hove,
BN3 4GH t:01273 739 847
e: [email protected]
Sister Act: Lesbian group
in East Anglia. Book group,
weekly sports, mums and kids
group, 50+ group and new
members evenings. www.
email: [email protected]
Derbyshire Friend LGBT
Youth Forum ‘Love Knows
No Gender’: For young people
aged 12-25. Sat 1.30–5pm
Derby City Centre. 01332
207704 loveknowsnogender
Derbyshire Friend
Women’s Zone: For LB&T
women Tues 7–9.30pm at
Derbyshire Friend LGBT Support
Services, 2-3, Friary St, Derby.
DE1 1JF. t: 01332 207704
Rainbow Voices Choir: Tues
8-10pm.Central Birmingham.
07759 642410
Lesbian & Gay Foundation:
Sexual health, meetings etc.
Helpline: 0161 235 8000
LIKT: For young lesbian and
The money, she adds, will also
go towards helping them better
develop the skills of their staff.
“We want to train people so
that they can quickly recognise
cases of domestic violence
among LGBTs,and by intervening,
provide support and save lives.”
Expect an evening packed
with entertainment, as there will
be performances from cabaret
bi women in Mancs. t: 07813
981338 www.likt.org.uk
e: [email protected]
LYSIS: Lesbian Youth Support
& Info. t: 0161 274 4664
Manchester Lesbian
Community Project:
Drop In – 2nd & 4th Thurs
7-9pm; Discussion Group
– 3rd Wed 7-8.30pm; OWLs
(Older Wiser Lesbians) Every
Wed 1-4pm. 49-51 Sidney
Street, M1 7HB
t: 0161 273 7128
Mancs Parent’s Group:
Taurus Bar, 1 Canal St.
Nicky: 01565 733891
e: [email protected]
Stepping Stones: Support
group in Manchester. LGF
t: 0161 235 8000
True Vision: Homophobic
and transphobic harassment
advice. www.report-it.org.uk
Galop Forums: Local LGBT
forums. Sam 020 7704 2040.
Gay Police Association:
Action Line 07092 700 000
(24hrs) e: [email protected]
Galop: Help and advice for
victims of hatecrime. t: 020
7704 2040 www.galop.org.uk
West Midlands Police:
Reporting LGBT crime.
t: 0845 1135000
Dynamo Dykes:
Lesbian volleyball club.
Fit Women: Women’s
badminton group. Mondays
7-9pm. e: fitwomenfw@
queen Bird La Bird. DJs Ritu and
Dilz will bring you the best of
world music, pop and dance to
get down to on the huge
dancefloor. Explore the
luxurious venue’s three floors
to discover some surprises:
a champagne bar and a
mezzanine chill-out area.There
is even an area to showcase
agency materials so the event
doubles up as a perfect
networking opportunity.
9pm-2am. Saturday 20 February.
The Wall Bar, 45 Old Broad Street,
London, EC2N 1HU. For tickets
visit www.broken-rainbow.org.
Hackney Women’s Football
Club: t: 07941 561060
KB Fitness: London’s largest
gay owned/run Martial Arts
London Cruisers Basketball
Women’s Team: t: 07800
647 271 e: women@cruisers.
org.uk www.cruisers.org.uk
S.wimmin: Social events for
Surrey gay women.
e: [email protected]
Manchester Stingers
Football Team: Lesbian
football. 0161 273 7128
Slam-dunking Divas
Basketball Team:
Manchester t: Lou on 07949
Albert Kennedy Trust:
(London): 020 7831 6562
(Mancs): 0161 228 3308.
Housing advice for
under 21’s.
LGBT drug and alcohol
support group.
020 7437 3523
Brighton Lesbian and
Gay Switchboard:
01273 204050
Broken Rainbow:
LGBT domestic violence
helpline. Mon & Thu 2pm8pm, Wed 10am-1pm.
t: 08452 604460
Colchester Gay
The Outhouse, 19 East Hill,
Colchester. Helpline MonFri 7-10pm 01206 869 191
offi[email protected]
Derbyshire Confidential
LGB&T Switchboard:
Advice, information and
a listening ear.
Derbyshire Friend LGB&T
Support Services. Tuesdays,
Wednesdays & Thursdays
10am-1pm & 7.30-9.30pm
01332 349333
Lesbian & Gay
020 7837 7324
London Friend:
Counselling service.
020 7837 3337
Peer Support Project
0800 1697384 Tel info/
support on Sats, 1-3pm.
Quest LGB Catholics:
0808 8080234
Stonewall Housing
020 7359 5767
Campaign group for LGBT
rights. 08000 502020
Lesbian and Gay
020 7922 7811
Help with LGBT
employment issues.
0845 3550845/
0800 0967 968.
g3 speaks to Lieutenant Commander
Jac McWilliams, Second in Command
at the Royal Navy Defence Diving
School in Portsmouth.
What made you decide to join the Navy?
My father was in the navy during the Second World
War and he used tell me all about his adventures. I
think I always knew that I would join the armed
forces, probably the navy, and make Dad proud.
Did you join the navy straight from
After doing an undergraduate and postgraduate
degree I worked for a training foundation in
Glasgow. But it just didn’t fulfil me, so I then looked
at joining the navy.
What do you find hardest about being in
the navy?
The hardest part is being away from my loved ones
when I’m at sea. Six month deployments can be
really tiring both emotionally and physically. But at
the moment, the job I am doing is shore-based, so I
am at home every night.
a little bit better, but I have never specifically been
made to feel that being a woman is a disadvantage.
How about as a lesbian? Have you had any
problems in that respect?
Before the rules changed 10 years ago to allow gay
personnel to continue to serve in the armed forces,
Can you tell us a bit about your job and
what it involves?
I am responsible for the day-to-day administration
of the Defence Diving School, which trains navy and
army divers.
I love the traditions, the spirit and the
camaraderie. I am immensely proud to
be doing my bit for the country.
What sort of process did you have to go
through to join the navy?
You have some interviews at the careers office and
then attend what is called an Admiralty Interview
Board. If accepted, you go to Britannia Royal Naval
College to undergo your basic training. After that,
you go off to do your specialist, professional training
for your particular branch.
What kinds of exercises and operations
have you been on?
I’ve been involved in exercises both in the UK and
further afield including a live operation in the Baltic.
This was to locate and destroy a number of old
WWII mines. I was also the Boarding Officer on
HMS Grafton out in the Gulf in the late 90s. This
involved boarding different types of vessels, from
small fishing to large container ships.
What do you enjoy most about being in
the Navy?
I absolutely love being in the Royal Navy: it’s one of
the best things I’ve ever done. I love the traditions,
the spirit and the camaraderie. I am immensely
proud to be doing my bit for the country.
What is it like being a woman in a
traditionally male-dominated environment?
The physical side of things has been a bit harder, but
otherwise I have found it absolutely fine. Sometimes
you do feel like you have to stand with your head up
a bit higher or feel like you have got to do something
people used to say things. However, since then I
haven’t personally come up against anything. The
navy has a robust Harassment and Complaints
Procedure, which is well publicised and always used
if the need arises. So if anything does happen to me,
or anyone does come to me with a problem, I know
exactly which guidelines to refer to.
What advice would you give to any of our
readers who want to follow in your footsteps?
You need to be sure that it is the career for you.
Look into what the Royal Navy does, what impact it
has on the world today. Explore its role in both
conflicts and peacekeeping. Be ready for some
fantastic challenges, and to encounter some great
people and places.
“Some of
my fondest
memories are
from attending
Pride events
around the
country. ”
Laura Noble is a firefighter
working for London Fire
Brigade at Ealing Fire Station.
For more information visit
With house prices, rent, living costs and
unemployment skyrocketing, moving
back in with your parents is the perfect way
to ease the strain on your purse strings.
Lines in the sand
You may no longer be at the Kevin and Perry
“I hate you” stage with your parents, but they still
have the potential to drive you insane. Before you
even unpack set up some ground rules to avoid
arguments later on. Agree on how many chores
you will do and how your room is a private space
not open to mum’s snooping. Tell them you don’t
need a curfew but set up a system for letting them
know where you are if you’re out late. It can be
hard to adjust from living in an environment where
you had no one to answer to, to one where the
powers that be are monitoring your every movement.
The nag factor
There are several things you can do to reduce the
nagging, although unfortunately, there is no way
to eliminate it completely. Contributing to the rent
or weekly shop will get them off your back a bit
and give you a way to enforce your rights within
the house. Otherwise, simple gestures like cooking
everyone dinner or doing some cleaning will go a
long way to convincing them they have raised an
angel who is a pleasure to have as a lodger.
Your place or mine?
Even though you’re an adult and your parents are
fully aware you’re sexually active, they may not
be OK with it going on under their roof (especially
if it is waking them up at 3am). This could be
complicated further if you have just come out and
your parents are still coming to terms with it. By
all means introduce them to your girlfriend but
overhearing the two of you in the throes of passion
may be too much for the old souls to deal with.
Restrict the randy rendezvous to your partner’s
pad. If both of you live at home then you will just
have to indulge in some al fresco loving.
excuse for meddling. And if you have a party, then
clean up after it! Otherwise, chances are it won’t be
happening again.
Have hope
A good way to appease the landlords is helping out
with the allegedly terrifying and impossible task of
operating the house’s technology. Your ability to
correctly programme the Skybox, or use the DVD
and army of remotes will astound and please them.
But beware: taking on the role of tech support is a
big commitment. It could lead to large volumes of
calls at inconvenient times from confused old folks
demanding to know how to fix things.
Living with the ’rents is not the waster cop out it
once was. The Office for National Statistics found
that one in four women and one in six men under
35 live with their parents in Britain. Repeat the
following mantra to yourself daily: “Free laundry,
free food, free laundry…” Going home does not
mean you are no longer an adult. Stand your
ground, compromise when necessary and kiss a bit
of bum and it should be happy families all round.
If not, there are always squatters’ rights… Email us
for the number of a passable bedsit in Hackney.
Keep it clean
Maybe your last digs were somewhere between
a crack den and a slum, but chances are the
parents will not tolerate such behaviour.
Try to avoid hoarding dirty cups and
plates in your room, but if you must be
messy, confine your mess to your room
at all times. Just remember: parents may
use tidying up your room as a veiled
making a successful return to the nest
Looking for a fresh start for 2010? Then
move to Skyline for modernity and value
for money in an up-and-coming metropolis.
Built in 2008 by the prestigious Weedon
Architects, Skyline is an elegant development
along Bath Row, Birmingham.The project has
258 apartments in six blocks of varying heights
arranged around a main leisure courtyard.
There are spacious studios and one and two
bedroom apartments on offer, making it an
ideal move for singles, couples or friends.The
clean, clever layout optimises all available space
and large windows let you enjoy light all day,
and the city’s beautiful skyline at night.
The apartments overlook the Peace
Gardens: a tranquil green space perfect for
relaxation.You’re a five minute walk away
from the Mailbox and all its trendy bars, shops,
and restaurants overlooking the canal.
Lee Creamer, bartender and Skyline
resident, sings the development’s praises: “It’s a
short walk from the city centre, but because it
is slightly outside of the main areas, it’s actually
very quiet… which is ideal after working in a
noisy bar all week!”
Skyline is an ideal base from which to
explore all that Birmingham and the Midlands
has to offer. Birmingham is a great city, with a
strong multicultural mix and ever-increasing
job opportunities.And if you get sick of the
city, the M6 is easily accessible.Apartments
are priced between £99,950 and £149,500,
dependant on size.
For more information contact Barratt Homes
on www.barratthomes.co.uk/skyline
The Saxton community offers amazing
‘regenerated’ homes in the heart of Leeds.
This development is 50 years old, but it has
been revamped by the geniuses at Urban
Splash, who pride themselves on being a
regeneration company rather than soulless
developers.Their motto:“We turn old
buildings worth saving into new buildings
worth loving.”
The development is made up of studios
and one and two bedroom apartments.
Think white walls, expansive windows,
wooden floors, bursts of colour, and the latest
mod cons.There is a real sense of community
here too: residents have allotments with
vegetable and herb plots, and take part
in group recycling projects.There’s also an
impressive six and a half acres of green space
to relax or get active in!The development has
its own car park, where you can snap up a
space for £15,000.
Outside this green oasis in the East Bank
lies the lively city of Leeds, with its countless
shops, bars, and restaurants.Whether your
taste is bargain, boutique or the good old high
street, Leeds has it all. It’s even the birthplace
of the legendary Harry Ramsden’s fish and chips.
Apartment prices range from £100,000
to over £250,000, depending on the unit’s size.
For more information visit www.urbansplash.co.uk
With DJ and singer-songwriter Manda Rin
“To make it extra
special everyone
has to wear
purple undies…
no exceptions.”
Scenic canals, bustling
marketplaces, quaint cobbled
streets… and plenty of dykes.
Anna Marie Espsäter explores
Slowly rolling into Amsterdam Central
Station, I was pondering how hard it might
prove to avoid puns about Dutch dykes and
whether I’d actually have the chance to use
such clichés on any real ones.Well, I needn’t
have worried… Amsterdam is dyke heaven
in so many ways.
Having travelled the greener way by train
– there is now a new high-speed connection
via Brussels – I mostly opted to carry on in
an environmentally friendly fashion. Once
installed in my minimalist hotel, I hit the
streets on foot to enjoy the best of
Amsterdam’s picturesque canalscape and
quiet cobbled‘grachts’. I took in a whole host
of gloriously quirky shops, cafés and galleries
as I made my way towards the Homo
Monument, which commemorates gay men
and lesbians who died inWorldWar II.
My final destination was the Pink Point
nearby, an LGBT information kiosk with all
the info a visitor could ask for – as well as
Central Station
some very fetching fridge magnets.
Amsterdam might well qualify as the
most gay-friendly city on the planet, so all it
took was a quick stop at said kiosk and I was
positively bombarded with helpful advice
Homo M
and places to check out.
Fast forward a few hours and, all dolled
up, I headed for my first bar, it being Friday
night and all. Despite all its gay-friendliness,
women-only bars are a bit thin on the ground,
but there are three, all well-established.
First stop Saarein, the grande dame of the
women’s scene, with its roots firmly in the
70s. It’s a bit scruffy and worn around the
edges and, despite its three floors, it still feels
quite small.This is generally used as an early
drinking spot before heading elsewhere.
Alternatively, you could just settle in for the
night, as I did, having run into an acquaintance
I used to know in the UK. Play pool, grab a
bite or just chill out with the friendly crowd.
For once I felt rather young being under 40!
Saturday is market day in many parts of
Amsterdam and markets can be excellent
places for hangover cures – particularly all
that glorious, freshly squeezed fruit juice.
Westerstraat and the streets surrounding it,
known as Noordermarkt, are teeming with
stalls selling all-sorts – everything from food
to antiques and art and unusual items of
clothing and jewellery. I browsed and
london/1901 restaurant
prodded and poked, in between copious
amounts of orange juice, wondering how to
recover properly in time for the evening’s
lesbian extravaganza.
Once a month, it seems every dyke
in Holland descends on a place on the
outskirts of town, in what looks like (and
probably is) an industrial estate. It’s
somewhat tricky to get to without a car, but
my god, is it worth it! Garbo 4Women is the
women’s night in Amsterdam, by the looks
of things, and it was packed, taking over a
large building with restaurant, several bars on
two floors and a sizeable dance floor. It’s
inclusive, diverse, friendly and the women are
hot. Get there early to enjoy the happy hour
– for me, mostly a happy hour of ogling…
The only drawback is trying to get back into
town afterwards if you don’t have a car,
which puts some serious pressure on you to
pull – mind you, what a great incentive!
Amsterdam may be a lovely place for a
long stroll, but if you really want to do as the
Dutch do, grab a bike. It’s even possible to do
self-guided gay and lesbian tours of the city.
However, I found map-reading whilst cycling
a bit of a challenge, so I just opted to bike my
way around town. For the first time ever in a
place bigger than rural Sweden, where I
grew up, I should add.This might explain why
I cycled straight into some roadworks, flying
off and landing on my knees.
Ego somewhat bruised, but body parts
still intact, I headed for the next women’s bar,
all sweaty and rosy-cheeked. Both Sappho
andVive laVie attract a nice mix of women
and Sappho is women-only on Fridays.This,
however, was Sunday and a quieter vibe
prevailed… but Amsterdam feels pretty
happening any day of the week.
Heading back on the train, I realised to my
horror that I’d failed to mention any Dutch
dyke puns to any Dutch dykes.There was
only one thing for it – I’d have to go back.
useful info
tourist information
women’s bars
www. holland.com
Saarein Elandstraat 119
OpenTue - Sun 16.00 – 01.00
Thalys (Brussels -Amsterdam):
Sappho Vijzelstraat 103
OpenTue – Sun 16.00 – 01.00
(Fri/Sat until 03.00, Fri women-only)
Vive laVie Amstelstraat 7
Open daily 16.00 – 01.00 (Fri/Sat until 03.00)
Located in the stylishAndaz Hotel by LiverpoolStreet
station, classical pillars and an amazing stained glass
dome in the ceiling make the 1901 restaurant a truly
stunning place to dine.
My partner and I
enjoyed a glass of NV
Perrier Jouet Grand
Brut champagne (£11
per glass) and
salmon mousse and
crumpets while we
checked out the
As my starter, I enjoyed a beautifully presented
shellfish platter (£12), while my partner had the
butternut squash soup (£8).
I opted for the monkfish as a main, which was
presented as four steaks of braised cheeks in red
wine, with mashed potatoes and roasted red onions
(£19), all washed down with a glass of fruity Greco di
Tufo (£11 per glass). My partner decided on the
Jerusalem artichoke with pithivier, cèpes, glazed
root vegetables and red wine reduction (£17), and
a glass of 2006 Pinot Noir from New Zealand
(£12 per glass).
NL Hotel
Gay-friendly hotel not far from all the action.
gay & lesbian info
Garbo4Women Stavangerweg 900
First Saturday of the month.
MacBike Bicycle Rental
They do two historic gay cycling tours.
A complimentary chestnut confit mini dessert with
mandarin foam finished off our meal nicely. Finally,
stuffed full, we headed for the 1901 cocktail bar…
1901, 40 Liverpool Street,
London, EC2M 7QN
For more information visit
the butch girl’s guide
to emergency cosmetics
Forced to don slap for a
special occasion? It’s time to
heave a great big sigh, and cast
your eyes over g3’s beginner’s
guide to make-up.
The reluctant femme
Some of us just aren’t made for the whole
blusher-mascara-lipstick palaver. Some of us
are just soap and water girls. But what if you’re
pootling along just fine in your normal au naturel
way, and something… happens? Your sister’s
getting married and you have to be a bridesmaid.
You’ve been selected to appear on Big Brother.
Your twin brother’s in town. Whatever the reason,
read on for our simple step-by-step guide to
applying make-up…
Wash and moisturise
Start by determining your skin type. Is it oily,
combination, normal or dry? Once you’ve worked
it out, buy yourself the correct cleanser, toner
and moisturiser. Cleanse your face by applying
cleanser to a cotton pad and sweeping it over your
face, then do the same with the toner. Toner will
restore the pH level of your skin and pick up any
remaining dirt. Then take a light moisturiser and
massage it into your face, avoiding the eye area.
Foundation and concealer
It’s important for foundation to look natural so
try to use a colour that matches your skin tone.
The general rule of thumb is to try to match
your foundation with the colour of your neck. To
start applying, take a make-up sponge, wedge or
brush. Begin around your hairline, working your
way down. Keep applying all the way down to
your throat area and keep blending so you can’t
see where the make up ends. You don’t want to
seem like you’re wearing a mask! To hide spots
and blemishes, use a concealer and blend it in
with the foundation.
Smile, so that the line of your cheeks is
prominent. Then take a brush and apply a
small amount of blusher to them. Start in the
middle and move outwards toward your temple,
following your cheekbone. Blend the colour
in just below the cheekbone. The point is to have
a hint of colour, but not too much: you don’t want
to look like a clown! If your cheeks look too pink,
use the clear side of your wedge to keep
blending the colour till it fades out a bit. To
highlight your cheekbones, apply a light powder
to the highest part of your cheek. To highlight
your browbone, add the powder just below
the brow.
Wipe your eye pencil first to soften up the tip.
Gently pull down the rim of the eye and draw
along it. If you want that smokey-eyed look,
apply a soft kohl pencil over the entire lid, then
gently dab a little gloss over the top. Use loads
of black kohl on the inner rims of the eyes, then
finish it with lashings of mascara for some punky,
edgy eyes!
Lips always look fuller with rich colours. To begin,
line your lips with a sharpened lip pencil that
matches your lip colour. Draw around the natural
line of your lips, then rub your lips together so the
lip pencil colour spreads inside your lips. Follow it
up with lipstick or lip gloss. You could use a brush
to spread the colour evenly. If you want a really
groomed look, apply some lip gloss over your
lipstick for a lovely shine. Blot your freshly painted
lips lightly with a tissue to take off any extra
colour and give an even look.
Greetings cards, wooden
spoons and black noodles…
Theresa Heath takes
a flirtatious peek
at some of the
Valentine’s Day.
If this makes you feel exploited, or just sick
of the whole darn thing, try some of these
historical and international alternatives:
Valentine’s Day means many things to many
people. For some, it’s a chance to celebrate
feelings for a loved one. For others, it is a
day spent pretending not to watch the
letterbox, crying into a large gin, or declaring
very loudly that you don’t care about “all
that American-style commercialism”.
But no matter what your take on the
whole smoochy shebang, society’s
obsession with the day of lurve makes it
difficult to ignore.
With all this fuss you might think St
Valentine was some great romantic hero.
Not so. All we really know is that the
two saints originally venerated on this
day,Valentine of Rome andValentine of
Terni, both met grisly ends at the hands
of the Romans. Despite later, dubious
retellings of their stories, it was probably
the writer Geoffrey Chaucer who first
linkedValentine’s Day with the concept
of romantic love – although even this is
Some believe thatValentine’s Day
originated from the ancient fertility festival,
Lupercalia. In an effort to Christianise this
rather debauched holiday, the church
decided to celebrate StValentine at the
same time.This didn’t go down too well, as
Lupercalia was much more fun.According
to legend, young women would place their
names in a big urn, and were then selected
at random by the city’s bachelors.The
happy couple would be paired for a year
and, if they didn’t hate each other on sight,
they got married as well – like a
pagan version of putting your car keys in
the bowl. More obscurely,Vestal virgins
would make and burn oatcakes at this time,
as well as any unfortunate small dogs that
were around.
So how didValentine’s Day become
the commercial monster we know today?
Originally,Valentines were handwritten
notes passed between lovers.This became
so popular that in the 18th century, printers
began to produce the first commercial
Valentine’s cards. By the early 19th century,
factories were mass producing them,
encouraged by a reduction in postal costs.
It didn’t take long for America to catch
on, andValentine’s Day is now celebrated
all over the world, with an estimated one
billion cards being sent each year.
That’s a lot of love (i.e. money) going
around. But guess whose pockets are hit
hardest?Yup, we girls. Apparently we’re
suckers for anything with a pink heart on it,
buying an estimated 85% of allValentine’s
Day paraphernalia each year.
Dress up in animal skins and run around the city
slapping passers-by with strips of goatskin. When
stopped by police, explain that you are conducting an
ancient Lupercalian ceremony in honour of Faunus.
Feeling spurned? Celebrate Black Day! In South
Korea, those who didn’t receive anything go to a
Chinese restaurant on 14 April to eat black noodles and
mourn their single life.
Adopt ‘ye olde Norwich tradition’ – call yourself
Jack and leave sweets for the kiddies by the back doors
of their houses. Bear in mind that this was regarded
as quite frightening by children (we can’t think why),
maybe giving rise to the old adage that you should
never accept sweeties from strange men?
Exchange wooden love spoons, as done by
the Welsh.
Just ban the whole thing, as per the
government of Saudi Arabia, which has
outlawed the sale of red goods on this
day. Bear in mind this might not work,
as love-struck Saudis now exchange black
roses and gifts on 14 Feb, outwitting
those stuffy morality police and
spawning a whole new market in
black wrapping paper.
Our resident agony aunts
soothe your dating pains
Still not snared a chick for the 14th?
Check out g3’s top 10 dating sites…
g3x: Your favourite magazine provides a free online
service to meet like-minded ladies with excellent taste in
literature. Need we say more? Join now!
Gay Parship: A psychological compatibility
test helps them find your perfect match. Real
people looking for a real connection.
Pink Sofa: The world’s biggest online lesbian
network. Organise events, send messages and
connect with local women instantly to find fun,
friends or the woman of your dreams.
Gaydar Girls: Chat online and find your
soulmate by searching for names, hobbies or star signs.
Talk to women from across the globe or just around
the corner. www.gaydargirls.com
Planet Sappho: Named after the ancient
Bloom and
Brooke: It’s hard to trust that
something has the potential to go well if
all you’ve known is heartbreak, and it
gets harder every time. But if you
don’t take a deep breath and decide
the risk is worth it, you’re guaranteed
to sabotage the relationship before it’s
even had chance to get off the ground.
Your new lady friend is bound to start
picking up on your insecurities before
long, and begin wondering if you really
do want to be with her or not.The
best tip for relaxing I can offer is to treat
it just as you would treat getting to
know a new friend. Enjoy your shared
interests, enjoy her jokes, go out and
do things together… Hell, just keep
yourself so busy that you completely
forget to panic about the future.
A high-end introduction
service for busy professional
women. Provides discreet
support when you make a
connection and decide to
take things further. Worth
every penny.
Daria: It’s good that you’re realistic.
Save a load of time (not to mention
money): dump her, sit in a darkened
room crying and drinking gin for a bit,
then stay single for the rest of your life.
Love is just a gimmick pedalled
by greetings card companies.
Greek poetess. Find a fellow goddess via this
net-based lifesaver. Try the free trial; you have
nothing to lose. www.planetsappho.com
Velvet Club: A free
service with events listings,
news, and even daily
horoscopes as well as a
cornucopia of fine females to
choose from.
Rainbow Dating:
An online hub for lesbian
and bisexual women in the
north. Log on to access
blogs, find out the latest
news and meet some
fantastic women.
Pink Clover Club: Your friends know you best
so let them do your PR. Less fuss and a refreshing
approach to the meat market.
Pink Cupid: Everyone’s
favourite cherub flits her
way across the information
superhighway to bring you
advanced search features
that allow you to find women
in your region who like the
same things you do.
Dear Brooke and Daria,
I’ve met this lovely woman and she
really likes me too.We have loads in
common,she makes me laugh,and she’s
really cute to boot.The problem is,I’ve
never had much luck with relationships
in the past,and I can’t seem to let
myself relax and enjoy it properly.
I’m just convinced something is going
to go wrong all the time.
Yours,Paranoid of Peppermore
the exchange
g3’s new networking revolution that’s
taking over the lesbian nation
Joni Lewis
g3X.co.uk is completely free and allows you to network like you’re on Facebook,
meet new women and keeps you abreast of what’s happening on the scene.
Last month’s date on g3X.co.uk:
Charlotte picked Katie and chose to go on a date to
The Parlour restaurant at Canary Wharf.
The Parlour,The Park Pavillion, 40 Canada Square Park, London E14 5FW
We’ve quizzed this month’s
date on what you should
know, so you don’t have to…
Had a brilliant night with Charlotte - she was
gorgeous, interesting and great fun! I really liked her
five inch heels, but maybe next time I’ll wear flat shoes
and we can meet in the middle…
Katie was delightful company and we had lots to
talk about. She even managed not to step on me,
despite being 6ft tall to my 5ft 2!
Latest group discussion
how to join
1. visit www.g3x.co.uk
and fill in your name,
email and password.
2. Wait for an email
from us and click on
the link.
3. Or, join up with
Facebook Connect.
Hiya! I’m not two-timing, OK? Just looking
for friends, dates and maybe more… I want
to win a date…
Good luck with it, let me know how it
I’m going to miss this. :(
Age: 22
Profession: Journalist
Star Sign: Leo
Five words that describe you:
Outgoing, impulsive, optimistic,
energetic… and just a little bit crazy.
Do you move in, shag or play it
cool on your first date?
I never kiss and tell…
What issues/baggage do you
have? None at all! Total clean slate here.
Ideal date? Fresh Caipirinha cocktails
on Copacabana beach.
Worst dating experience?
With a male friend: he thought it was a
date. I had no idea!
What do you look for in a
woman? Someone who can party all
night, is always honest, has a sense of
adventure and can cook a good meal.
To leave a message for Joni,
sign up to g3x.co.uk and go to the
‘Win a date…’ group.
If you would like the chance to
meet your perfect woman and
for g3 to shout you a romantic
date then join the ‘win a date…’
group on g3x.co.uk
To book your Directory listing please call 020 7258 1777
By Philip Garcia
20 Jan - 18 Feb
19 Feb - 20 March
21 March - 19 April
20 April - 20 May
Plans you never expected to see the
light of day are now set underway.
You half suspected that your partner
or another loved one would try to
talk you out of a certain adventure,
but they will be behind you every
step of the way. An exuberant start
to the month is just a foretaste of the
excitement to come.
A senior colleague isn’t coming
across as being entirely fair and
impartial these days. If you aren’t
happy, take your grievances to a
higher authority. You feel like a
change but instinctively know the
time is not quite right to do anything
specific. If you can’t afford to move,
think about redecorating your abode
to make it feel brand new.
Someone is putting a lot of effort
into pleasing you and yet you know
this relationship just isn’t going to
be. You can’t help it if you don’t feel
the same for them; you know
friendship is as far as it’s going to go.
Sending out mixed messages will
only prolong their pain. Just tell it
how it is.
Joining a friend at an event that’s
more ‘their thing’ than yours would
be better than feeling lonely. If you
already have a partner and you aren’t
seeing a lot of each other these days,
do something about it. There’s plenty
going on socially over the month
ahead and you really don’t have to
feel unloved unless you want to.
21 May - 20 June
21 June - 22 July
23 July - 22 Aug
23 Aug - 22 Sept
The next few weeks are great for
taking a look down new avenues.
Getting involved in exciting activities
will feed your restless spirit. If
you’re single, joining a friend on
their adventures will broaden your
horizons. When trying something
new, you’re likely to discover a new
romance that transports you to
places out of this world.
Either you or a loved one has taken on
too many outside commitments. You
could get more from your
relationships if only you had the time.
This is why you should scale back on
your professional and community
interests. You will never get the love
and companionship you need if
relationships aren’t nurtured. You
need to sort your priorities out.
You’re going through a sensitive
phase and are more likely to sense
tension in others. This helps you
encourage people to deal with the
issues at the root of their problems. If
there’s a new face on the scene, you
could do a lot to make them feel
welcome. A close relationship gets a
boost from an unusual, sexy
It’s not easy to hand over a job to
someone who’s less capable than
you but they have to learn
somehow. Anyway, you need to
delegate in order to take the pressure
off yourself. You might feel as if
you’re running out of energy: think
about taking regular breaks. Over the
next few weeks a colleague will
become flirtatious.
23 Sept - 22 Oct
23 Oct - 21 Nov
22 Nov - 21 Dec
22 Dec - 19 Jan
Ask what you can do for someone who
is clearly struggling – it could be the
start of a beautiful friendship.
Be ready for a wonderful few weeks
ahead. You feel on top of the world, and
your happiness rubs off on others.This
is a great time for branching out and
doing things for the first time.
A new lover knows how to play your
body like a musical instrument. If you
share the same emotional and
spiritual wavelengths too, even
better. Quality moments shared with
your mate over the weeks ahead will
help bind you firmly to each other.
This makes your romantic future look
more secure. Life is looking good
now, and you deserve it.
It won’t bother you unduly when
plans at the start of the month start
falling apart. You will shrug your
shoulders and get on with whatever
needs doing anyway. Other people
aren’t as flexible, however, and they
may need help adjusting to the
changes being made. If you’ve been
looking for romance, you could
suddenly be spoilt for choice.
The sooner you admit that you
deserve to see some of your dreams
come true, the faster it will occur. Stop
telling yourself good things never
happen to you.Throw yourself into
new challenges and rest assured those
who matter are taking notice. Once
you start to pursue your goal there will
be plenty of help along the way.
Call 0905 072 3512 for your detailed Horoscope or 0906 117 7583 for one of Philip’s Psychics or Mediums.
Calls to 0905 cost 75p per min/ to 0906 cost £1.50 per min from a BT Landline/ Other networks may vary. All calls recorded for your security, 18+ only. All calls regulated by PhonePayPlus. SP: Astro Int, PO Box 322, WA15 8YL.
To book your Directory listing please call 020 7258 1777
e y
ha r s
from Kathy Mingo
One of the founders of the
Queerfairy website tells us
why it’s just what the online
LGBT community needed.
Queerfairy, called
after the
name of its
creators, was
born of desperation at the politics
taking place on other lesbian message boards. Queerfairy herself felt
that many lesbians were being marginalised by the supposedly‘fair’
chatrooms and boards, where cliques roam in packs, picking off the
weaker and less verbal members.The Queerfairy website is about
welcoming everyone in the community, and letting them have a
voice, an opinion and a feeling of belonging.
Queerfairy is home to everyone,and there are some very
interesting and often mad posts of all varieties.If you want to know
how to make a quiche with only a cardboard box and a satsuma,the
probability is that someone will have written a post on that subject.
With over 100 new members,Queerfairy is quickly starting to make
waves in the community.It’s a David and Goliath story:everyone likes
to back the underdog,and Queerfairy is quickly proving it can take on
the big guns. As well as offering chat and forum facilities,the site also
publishes interviews with a range of interesting figures,from famous
authors andTV personalities to prominent community activists.
It’s a refreshing and pioneering place to be.If chat is what is required
then the chatroom offers friendly people who encourage all to come
in and have a say,without the subtle type of bullying that goes on in
chatrooms on other websites.If you’re looking for love,there is a
Kathy Mingo is a past life regressionist, aura healer, psychic tarot
reader and Queerfairy blogger. She lives with her partner
and cats in Surrey, where she is attempting to write her first novel.
You can join in the Queerfairy fun at www.queerfairy.com
great lesbian
It is a well known fact that gay
musical taste influences the
mainstream, and that without us,
people like Right Said Fred and Sonia
may never have had the spectacular
careers that went on to define modern
music all over the world.
The defining characteristic of ‘Gay
Music’ is the intriguing thud that
accompanies nearly every gay version
of a song. This was invented by an
army big bass drum player called
Pinkie Whottlethorpe in the winter of
1918. Ms Whottlethorpe’s job was to
lead the army into battle on a cold
winter morning. The rest of the army
band couldn’t hear her over the
howling wind and rain, so she thudded
a booming beat across the battlefield
with all her gay might.
Unfortunately, Pinkie banged her last
beat when the other side came flying
over the hill singing an early version of
YMCA, and deafened them all to death.
board for meets,and if you’re just looking to get laid,that’s available too.
Probably.Just remember the saying:you can take a horse to water but
you can’t make it drink.Queerfairy chat and boards can lead you to
the love of your life,but it’s up to you to make it work.The main ethos
is personal responsibility,which,let’s face it,has been stripped from our
thinking for years.
On personal note,born to gypsy parents,Queerfairy herself is a
nomadic figure,who has travelled extensively in search of the elusive
holy grail of LBGT chatrooms,the non-moderated variety.OK,so
she’s actually from Kent and has two dogs and a George Foreman
Grill,but I am allowed to use my poetic license to embellish her
slightly… Anyway,back to the story.Although she couldn’t find that,
she has aimed for the next best thing:freedom of speech as far as
possible,without it descending into bullying.Healthy debate is entirely
acceptable:all she asks is that you act like an adult,and treat people
with respect.
We are not on the Serengeti Plain,so pack mentality is,frankly,
redundant here.Queerfairy members are involved in creating and
maintaining the website and do so for free,sharing their talents and
learning as they go.See it as a co-operative,where the hierarchy
system doesn’t apply.