Italian - Language Book Centre


Italian - Language Book Centre
This is an intensive
3-level, topic-based,
multimedia course
for older secondary
beginners (Years 10, 11,
12) and adult beginners.
The combined
consists of 12 units (4
of which are revision units) and uses clear and
well-structured layout, together with authentic
texts and photographs, and numerous games
and activities to introduce students gradually but
effectively to the language. The revision chapters
include invaluable tips on the best way to learn
vocabulary and practise writing and oral skills.
The instructions are in Italian, for a version with
English instructions see That’s Allegro.
Textbook/Workbook 1
Teacher’s Manual 1
net 40.95
Audio CD 1
net 50.95
Textbook/Workbook 2
Teacher’s Manual 2
net 40.95
Audio CD 2
net 50.95
Textbook/Workbook 3
Teacher’s Manual 3
net 40.95
Audio CD 3
net 50.95
A single-volume method suitable for Year 10–12
students, especially those who have been using
Tutti Insieme! Level 2. It is a comprehensive course
that can be taught over a two-year period.
It aims to maximise the use of Italian in the
classroom, with most of the text in the Student
Book and Workbook in Italian.
Student Book
Teacher’s Book
net 140.00
net 195.00
Avanti! (Guarnuccio)
Six cartoon characters present this beginners’
course for junior high school students.
Workbooks 1 & 2
ea 25.95
Basic Italian (seventh edition)
Study Kit (Book & Cassette)
hb 129.95
Buongiorno Italia!
This very popular text
is designed to meet
the needs of both
independent learners
and those studying in
a class. Divided into 20
short units, the book
contains dialogues, language notes, information
about Italian society, vocabulary and practice
activities. There is also a full reference section,
including answers, grammar notes and a
CD Pack (3)
CD Language Pack (Book & CDs)
See also DVD section.
Caffè Italia
This 3-level Italian
course has been created
by a group of Italian
language experts and
is based on the most
recent findings in the
area of second language
acquisition. It focuses
on the attainment of
oral and written communicative ability without
neglecting the structure of the language itself.
The student books, which include all exercises,
each offer learning material for around 80
hours of class work and 40 hours of individual
work, with good grammatical support, plenty
of pictures, frequent segments featuring the
language and culture of today, crosswords,
quizzes, puzzles and even book and film reviews.
The Supplementary Booklets each contain an
index of phrases used in the textbook, additional
explanations of key grammatical terms and an
alphabetised glossary. Entirely in Italian, this
excellent course is best suited to the upper years
of high school and to adult learners of Italian.
Textbooks with Complementary
Booklets 1, 2, 3
ea 61.95
Teacher’s Books 1, 2, 3
ea net 37.95
Audio CDs (2) 1, 2, 3
ea net 61.95
Ciao! 7th Edition
This new edition published at the end of
2009 continues to emphasise practical,
communicative use of Italian, while teaching the
four language skills and providing an enhanced
introduction to Italian life and culture. With
thematically based chapters that focus on the
vibrant life of modern Italy and the country’s
rich cultural heritage, Ciao! provides the proven
approach—known for its outstanding, easy-tofollow grammar presentation—and superior
resources that students need to communicate
in Italian with confidence and understanding.
The book features a strong focus on spoken
proficiency and cultural awareness; all woven
into a dynamic presentation that makes it easy
and fun to learn Italian. Suitable for senior or
tertiary levels. See Da Capo for next level up.
Text & Audio CD
hb 124.95
Student Activities Manual
Ciao Amici!
A lively 2-part course designed for the Australian
school curriculum. Using comic-strip dialogues,
language tips, key vocabulary and a wide range
of listening and speaking activities, it provides
an excellent introduction to Italian for lower
secondary students. Also includes a workbook
with a variety of text types and activities, as well
as an interactive CD-ROM with voice-recognition
exercises and much more.
Student Book with CD-ROM 1, 2
ea 57.95
Workbook 1, 2
ea 27.95
Stud.Book/Workbook & CD-ROM
Pack 1, 2
ea 83.95
Audio CDs (Text/Workbook) 1, 2
ea net 98.95
Teacher’s Resource Book &
CD-ROM 1, 2
ea net 114.95
Ciao Ragazzi! Corso d’Italiano A2/B1
This new course
published in Italy is
aimed at students of A2/
B1 level of the Common
European Framework,
and as such, is ideal
for Australian senior
secondary courses.
The main objective of
the course is confident
communication/interaction through stimulating
and authentic topics and activities. Each of
the 10 units is dedicated to a region of Italy.
History and society are introduced through
photographs, articles, illustrations, recipes and
more. The accompanying 70-page workbook
(Libro di Casa) is for homework or further
study. It corresponds directly to the textbook
and contains plenty of exercises, reading
comprehension and activities.
Manuale (Textbook)
Libro di Casa (Workbook)
Ci Siamo
A full-colour beginner’s course suitable for
middle to upper secondary levels or as a
continuation of Avanti!.
Teacher’s Manual
net 94.95
Student Cassette Pack A (2)
net 59.95
Student Cassette Pack B (2)
net 59.95
Student Cassette Pack A & B (4)
net 94.95
Class Cassettes (4)
net 160.00
Contatti 2nd Edition
The second level of this popular course has now
also come out revised and features stimulating
dialogues, interviews and recipes that are certain
to motivate students in their learning of Italian. A
series of lively exercises will also enable them to
Language Book Centre Ph (02) 9267 1397 or 1800 802 432 (outside Sydney) Fax (02) 9264 8993
consolidate their language skills. There are also
cultural components to help students familiarise
themselves with the art, life and customs of
contemporary Italy.
Book 1
Activity Book 1
Audio CD Set & Transcript 1
Audio CD Pack 1 (Book, Answer Booklet,
2 Audio CDs)
Book 2
Activity Book 2
Audio CD Set & Transcript 2
Audio CD Pack 2
Da Capo 7th Edition
This new edition in 2009 is the stimulating
follow-up course for Ciao! (see above). It reviews
and expands all aspects of Italian grammar
while providing an authentic and accurate
tool to communicate with Italian people and
understand their culture. As did the previous
editions, this revised edition gives new emphasis
to a well-rounded approach to intermediate
Italian, focusing on balanced acquisition of the
four language skills within an enhanced and
updated cultural framework.
Text and Audio CDs
Student Activities Manual
The Ecco! series treats
student motivation,
engagement and
enjoyment as vital for
successful learning.
Teachers will also
value the imaginative
approaches, cultural
authenticity, updated
educational principles, logical sequencing, and
ease of use and practical support of this series.
It is devised for the first 4 years of secondary
school. Ecco! Uno is intended for 3 semesters’ to
2 years’ work. Ecco! Due is more advanced and
is intended for 2 years’ work. With lots of up-todate, purpose-shot photographs, and cleverly
written cartoon stories, Ecco! Uno provides a
fun-filled, clearly sequenced and comprehensive
introduction to Italian language and culture for
junior secondary students.
Ecco! Due is intended for middle secondary
students and sustains their interest, while
building their language skills and cultural
awareness through lively, age-appropriate topics,
and rich cultural themes.
Ecco! Uno
Workbook & Student CD-ROM
Complete Student Pack
Teacher’s Resource & Assessment Kit
Teacher Audio CDs (3)
Ecco! Due
Workbook & Student CD-ROM
Complete Student Pack
Teacher’s Resource &
Assessment Kit
Teacher Audio CDs (4)
net 220.00
net 220.00
net 220.00
net 220.00
This is an innovative Italian course in three levels
spanning years 7 to 12. A special feature of this
course is that they tell a story. Esplora! 1 follows
the adventures of Chiara and Marco searching
all over Italy for Federico, an illusive boy who
Chiara has a crush on. Esplora! 2 is a thriller
involving Laura Bianco, the Australian student
on work experience in Florence who must solve
the mystery of a missing pre-Roman statue.
With these cartoon stories high school seniors
will be able to explore Italy and Italian in a very
entertaining fashion indeed: students practise
grammar through mobile phone games, upload
video clips and vocabulary lists to their iPods,
watch the drama unfold on the accompanying
DVD, visit the interactive website for extra audio
material, clip art, links, a blog, and in level 2,
Facebook! But there is also still plenty of the
old-style pen and paper work to be done, and
the teacher’s resource CD-ROMs will assist the
more traditional teachers to become tech-savvy
Student Book 1
Workbook with DVD 1
Teacher Resource CD-ROM 1
net 49.95
Teacher Audio CDs 1
net 199.95
Student Book 2
Workbook with DVD 2
Teacher Resource CD-ROM 2
net 49.95
Teacher Audio CDs 2
net 199.95
Esplora! Senior
The third level in this
series is specifically
written for senior
secondary students.
The content, including
themes and topics
have been developed
to assist Year 11 and 12
students to be prepared and confident in the
lead up to their final exams. The series is again
complemented by a rich website with links,
activities, a blog and other resources.
Student Book & Grammar Booklet
Workbook with DVD
Teacher Audio CDs
net 180.00
Blackline Masters & CD
net 199.95
10% DISCOUNT off listed prices for teachers, schools and institutions
(except items marked ‘net’)
Espresso 2nd Edition
The ever-popular
Espresso series is now
updated to be in line
with the Common
European Framework
of Reference for
Languages. The
books incorporate
more current articles,
references and
colourful illustrations. Some material has been
removed to streamline the books towards levels
A1, A2 and B1 respectively. The audio CDs are
the same as before and still compatible with the
new books.
Level 1
Student Book/Workbook
Student Book/Workbook with Audio CD 115.80
Audio CD
net 43.95
Teacher’s Book
Supplementary Exercises (with answers) 38.35
Attività e giochi per la classe 1 e 2
net 55.00
(Photocopiable supplementary games and
Level 2
Student Book/Workbook
Student Book/Workbook with Audio CD 119.50
Audio CD
net 47.95
Teacher’s Book
Supplementary Exercises (with answers) 41.95
Attività e giochi per la classe 1 e 2
net 55.00
(Photocopiable supplementary games and
Level 3
Student Book/Workbook
Student Book/Workbook with Audio CD 119.50
Audio CD
net 47.95
Teacher’s Book
Supplementary Exercises (with answers) 41.95
Espresso Grammatica
(Summary of grammar for all three levels)
See also Italian Espresso.
A comprehensive 3-level course designed
specifically for the Australian multilevel
Workbook + Electronic Workbook
Teacher’s Electronic Resource CD-ROM
net 180.00
Audio CDs (4)
net 200.00
Teacher’s Resource Kit
net 200.00
Audio CDs (6)
net 200.00
Teacher’s Resource Kit
Audio CDs
out of print
net 200.00
net 230.00
In Giro Per l’Italia
This is a streamlined
version of the popular
Prego text series and is
suitable for less intensive
curricula. It is still a
complete program for
beginning-level Italian
for adults and provides
lls of listening, speaking,
instruction in the four skills
reading and writing. Sleek photos and drawings
illustrate the English instructions throughout,
adding humour and cultural knowledge. A
comprehensive vocabulary list and a reference
grammar section appear at the back.
Textbook & Online Registration Card hb 127.95
Textbook & Listening Comprehension
Audio CD
net 117.95
Workbook/Laboratory Manual
Audio CD
Interactive CD-ROM
In Italiano
A course in language and culture for adolescent
and adult beginners.
Text (Single-volume edition)
Text 1
Text 2
Cassettes (4)
net 103.95
English Grammar Handbook
Answer Key
Italian Espresso
This is the edition of Espresso adapted for English
speakers. Designed in 2 levels, Level 1 text (A1A2) has 14 units - four of which are adapted from
the Espresso level 2 course - but is conceived to
meet the needs and syllabus of English speaking
institutions with testing, culture sections and
added materials. Level 2 follows up from there
and contains another 14 units.
Level 1
Student Book
Student Book & Audio CD Pack
Teacher’s Guide CD-ROM
Audio CD
net 41.25
Level 2
Student Book
Student Book & Audio CD Pack
Teacher’s Guide CD-ROM
Audio CD
net 37.95
Italian for the English-Speaking
With a mammoth 36 chapters, this intensive
course for adult beginners provides a grammarbased approach to the Italian language. It offers
a variety of exercises that test all the skill areas,
as well as giving students a taste of Italian life
and culture. All explanations are in English and
a glossary is provided at the back. Teachers will
also appreciate the review chapters that help
students consolidate their skills at each stage of
their learning.
!The Italian Project
This is the English
version of Nuovo Progetto
Italiano 1 in a split
edition (Student Book
& Workbook in one
volume). All instructions
and grammar notes
and Grammar Appendix
are in English. An English Glossary contains the
translation of all the words and expressions. Each
volume comes with a CD-ROM which is PC and
Mac compatible.
The Italian Project 1A & CD-ROM
The Italian Project 1B & CD-ROM
Italianissimo 1 (New Edition)
This is a fully integrated language course that will
give the adult beginner a comprehensive and
lively introduction to the language and people of
Italy. Covering areas such as introductions, basic
socialising and making requests, Italianissimo 1
is based on authentic location recordings - and
also features grammar explanations that follow
a unique twin-track approach to meet different
learner needs. Suitable for adult learners and
upper secondary beginner courses.
CD Pack 1 (4)
Language Pack with CDs 1
For DVDs see DVDs section.
This is a chunky
new textbook for
intermediate to
advanced adults (levels
B1 to C1). Informative
and glossy magazinestyle articles are
followed by grammar
exercises and puzzles,
with solutions at the end of the book. Sections
focus on geography, society, language, the
arts and recent news stories, along with a
reference grammar segment and a series of tests.
Provides an exciting and thorough immersion
of contemporary Italian culture and language.
Two audio CDs contain the listening tasks.
Instructions are in Italian.
Student Book only
Student Book & Audio CD
Audio CDs (2)
net 42.35
Teacher’s Guide
Nuovo Progetto Italiano:
Corso di Lingua e Civiltà Italiana
This lively and highly communicative course
will have adolescent and adult beginners
speaking Italian in no time. The text includes
real-life dialogues, clear grammar explanations,
cultural excerpts and oral activities, while the
accompanying workbook offers ample written
exercises. Teachers will also have their work
prepared for them with the assessment tests that
come after each chapter. The second and third
level of this course will see students tackling
more challenging texts drawn from advertising,
music, literature and history. Text is all in Italian.
See English version The Italian Project.
Level 1 (Years 9 and 10)
Student Book & CD-ROM
Glossary & Grammar for English students 31.65
Teacher’s Book (with key)
Audio CD
net 33.00
Level 2 (Year 11)
Student Book
Teacher’s Book (with key)
Audio CD
net 38.50
Level 3 (Year 12)
Student Book & Audio CDs (2)
Teacher’s Book (with key)
Parole e Immagini
A highly communicative elementary course that
provides dialogues, grammar and a wealth of
oral drills. Students will be chatting volubly in
Italian in no time at all.
Piazza Navona
This excellent culture and language course
is aimed at adolescent and adult beginner
students, leading to the language competence
levels A1 and A2 of the Common European
Framework, which equates loosely to end of Year
12 or an intermediate level. It can be used as a
self-study resource (answer key included) or for
classroom study and will last for a total of 100 –
120 hours of teaching time. Italian text only.
Student Book Level A1/A2 with Audio CD 78.95
A beginner-level
course suitable for
short-term classes or
as supplementary fun
activities for longer
courses for high
school juniors. Varied
and colourful topics
are explored on the
teacher’s CD-ROM, while students use the
workbooks to practise speaking, reading and
writing through interactive tasks. Part 1 covers
topics of students’ personal life and environment,
while part 2 brings in larger cultural aspects.
Language Book Centre Ph (02) 9267 1397 or 1800 802 432 (outside Sydney) Fax (02) 9264 8993
There is an emphasis on Italian-Australian
interaction. The Teacher Resource Book and
CD-ROM contain instructions and suggestions
on teaching, activities and crafts, blackline
masters, answer keys, quizzes, video clips, songs
and photographs. Classes can mix and match
chapters from the different parts, leave some out,
or follow a more traditional linear approach.
Workbook 1
Teacher Resource Book & CD-ROM 1 net 145.00
Workbook 2
Teacher Resource Book & CD-ROM 2 net 145.00
Pronti, Via!
This 3-stage course for secondary students aims
to give learners of varying levels a thorough
grounding in the Italian language. Handy for
the multilevel classroom, it offers authentic
dialogues and an awareness of Italian culture in
both Australia and Italy.
Student Book 1
Workbook 1A
Workbook 1B
Teacher’s Resource Book 1
net 67.50
Audio CDs 1 (3)
net 225.50
Student Book 2
Workbook 2
Blackline Masters 2
net 156.50
Audio CDs 2 (4)
net 225.50
Student Book 3
Workbook 3
Audio CDs 3
net 225.50
Teacher Resource Book 3
(Teacher Notes & Blackline Masters) net 225.50
Pronti Via! Rapidamente
An intensive and highly
structured course
that will enable senior
or adult students to
fast track through
beginners’ level Italian.
Using a communicative
approach, but without
skimping on grammar or
vocabulary acquisition,
this text will have students conversing in
everyday and travel situations in no time. With
ample exercises, web references and visual
stimulus, students will also gain insight into
Italian life and culture. An appendix at the back
includes a grammar guide, verb tables, false
friends, a glossary and a map of Italy.
CDs (2)
net 55.95
Sempre Avanti! (Guarnuccio)
Follows on from Avanti!, or suitable as a
beginners’ course for older students and adults.
Workbooks 1 & 2
ea 29.95
That’s Allegro 1 Textbook/Workbook
This is Allegro with English instructions. The book
matches the original page for page, so both
versions can be used in the same classroom.
12 lively units based on contemporary Italian
culture and society give the adult beginner
a strong foundation in grammar. Authentic
written and oral texts and interactive activities
encourage communication and extend
vocabulary in natural settings. The method uses
games and communicative tasks to focus on the
spoken language.
BBC Italian Grammar
An exciting and colourful course that features
photo stories, grammar, exercises and songs.
Written specifically for Australian students, it
offers a fresh approach to language learning.
Ideal for lower to middle secondary levels.
Student Books 1 & 2
ea 47.95
Workbooks 1 & 2
ea 23.95
Teacher’s Manuals 1 & 2
ea net 72.95
CDs 1 & 2
ea net 160.00
This Italian course
for junior secondary
students was
specifically written for
an Australian context.
It is a comprehensive
and communicative
course, reflecting
modern methodology.
The textbooks are clearly structured and contain
lots of colour photos, illustrations and maps.
The activities are linked to the four areas of the
State Curricula: listening, reading, speaking and
Coursebook 1 + 2
ea 49.95
Activity Book 1 + 2
ea 27.95
Books & CD-ROM Pack 1 + 2
ea 86.95
Activity Book & CD-ROM Pack 1 + 2
ea 37.95
Audio CDs (4) 1+ 2
ea net 190.00
Teacher’s Book with Blackline
Masters 1 + 2
ea net 190.00
Volare 3/4 Coursebook
Activity Book
Books & CD-ROM Pack
Activity Book & CD-ROM Pack
Audio CDs (5)
net 220.00
net 160.00
Teacher’s Book
Azione Grammatica 3rd Edition
This successful grammar for advanced learners
has been fully updated to include contemporary
language, summary and revision points together
with a brand new user-friendly design.
Barron’s Italian Grammar
Basic Italian Grammar
This text includes 34 lessons that give students
a highly practical approach to Italian grammar.
(except items marked ‘net’)
A comprehensive, easy-to-follow and jargon-free
reference guide for learners of Italian. Perfect as
a supplementary resource to BBC’s Buongiorno
Italia or Italianissimo.
!Chambers Italian Grammar
Tutti Insieme!
10% DISCOUNT off listed prices for teachers, schools and institutions
Complete with rules, exercises (both oral and
written), pronunciation and vocabulary, it makes
an excellent resource for the learner or for
someone who wants a thorough review.
Designed for learners
at any level, this
compact reference
grammar includes
everything from
articles to verbs.
Essential rules are
explained in clear
English and points
are illustrated with
exemplary sentences
in everyday Italian with English translations.
Includes a glossary of grammatical terms from
the book to make instructions comprehensible.
Collins Easy Learning
Italian Grammar
Compact and pocket-sized, this language guide
covers nouns, articles, adjectives, pronouns,
verbs, questions, prepositions and more. With
clear, spacious layout, and printed in two colours
for easy checking, it includes a comprehensive
guide to linguistic terms, handy language tips,
verb tables and a verb index.
!Complete Italian Grammar
(Practice Makes Perfect)
This practical guide
and workbook
covers all essential
grammar aspects,
from pronouns,
adjectives and
genders to complex
tenses. The
instructions are in
easy English, with
example sentences
clarifying all grammar points. Practical, highfrequency vocabulary extends range. Exercises
in various formats cater to all learning styles. An
answer key appears at the back.
Complete Italian Grammar Review
This is a complete overview of Italian
grammatical terms and parts of speech. It
presents a thorough review of Italian verbs
in all tenses and all aspects of verb usage. All
other parts of speech are also reviewed, as are
idiomatic expressions, numbers, telling time
and dates, and a summary of basic conversation
and writing techniques. Added features are:
Culture Capsules in Italian throughout the book,
describing interesting aspects of Italian culture
(with bilingual glossary); exercises with answers
at the end of each chapter; word lists and verb
charts at the back of the book.
Conoscere l’Italiano (Basi Grammaticali)
This is an excellent beginner’s grammar divided
into 60 units and followed by 5 appendices.
Italian text only.
Key to Exercises
Conoscere l’Italiano
(Livello Intermedio-Avanzato)
This intermediate to advanced grammar text
is divided into 24 grammar-topic chapters and
offers 8 appendices. Italian text only.
Key to Exercises
Da Zero a Cento
Test di (Auto) Valutazione sulla Lingua Italiana.
This is a test book for class or self-study based on
the 6 levels (A1-C2) of the European Framework.
The answer key is included in the book. Italian
text only.
passages. Can be
used in a class-set
as it is not essential
to write in the
book itself. The
Teacher’s Guide
contains teacher’s
notes for teaching
the grammar
points, answers
to the student’s
book, photocopy masters for further games
and activities (including maps of Italy). The CD
contains the texts of the listening exercises and
is also sold separately.
Student Book
Teacher’s Guide & Audio CD
Grammatica Avanzata della Lingua
Italiana con Esercizi
An advanced grammar with exercises for level
B1 to C1 of the European Framework. Activities
include the usual grammar tasks as well as
games and crossword puzzles. Instructions are
in Italian. Answer key is provided at the back for
Italian Grammar (Schaum’s Outline) 35.00
English Grammar
for Students of Italian
An excellent practice grammar with many
exercises and key.
A study guide for Italian students.
Italian Grammar Drills
Essential Italian Grammar
All the grammar really needed for speech and
comprehension, clearly presented with many
shortcuts and time savers, for self-study or class
use, for beginners or as a refresher. Ideal for
people with limited learning time.
Essential Italian:
Grammar Handbook A1-B2
This small reference grammar published by
Guerra in English for Italian as a foreign language,
covers beginner to intermediate level – A1-B2 in
the European Framework. Diagnostic tests are
included, as well as glossary, examples, spelling
and phonic sections.
Essential Italian Grammar in Practice
This is a reference and practice book for students
at elementary to intermediate level. The format
is easy to follow – the format of the grammar
is provided formally with examples, and then
exercises follow. Recommended for upper
secondary and adult learners.
A grammar reference and exercise book for
students 11 to 15 years old. The book offers
first contact and introduction to the language
through colour and carefully-designed,
contextual exercises - many in small reading
More than 200
drills demonstrate
how the Italian
grammar system
works. These
cover nouns,
articles, pronouns,
adverbs, verb
tenses, and verbal
and idiomatic
divided into 19 independent units. Explanations
are in English with plenty of example sentences
to clarify the points. Answer key at the back
makes this suitable for beginner-intermediate
students studying alone. Also ideal for
supplementing main textbooks in the classroom.
Italian Grammar in Practice:
Exercises, Tests, Games
Italian Grammar Made Easy
Book & CD-ROM
This book is designed for adult learners who
have a basic knowledge of the language, but
do not know much about the grammar. It helps
students recognise and understand the patterns
that make up the framework of the language,
without getting bogged down in technical
descriptions. It gives clear explanations of each
structure, when to use it and how to form it, with
ample exercises along the way.
Italian Pronouns and Prepositions
(Practice Makes Perfect)
This book helps students to learn the difference
between different types of pronouns and
prepositions and when to use them, understand
correct usage with help from practical examples,
and build language skills with over 100 exercises
with a full answer key.
!Italian Sentence Builder
(Practice Makes Perfect)
This title aimed
at intermediate
learners guides
them through the
various types of
structures in Italian
and illustrates how
those structures
combine to make
sentences. This
process of writing
better sentences
moves gradually
and with careful explanation, from the least
complex to the most complex. It also features
numerous realistic examples, many varied and
extensive exercises and an answer key.
Modern Italian Grammar
A practical guide with a strong emphasis on
contemporary usage. This is an ideal grammar
for students at all levels, from elementary to
Nuova Grammatica Comunicativa
A thorough coverage of Italian grammar with a
wealth of exercises. Instructions in English.
A lively and highly accessible text that enables
English-speaking students to practise their
grammar skills at all levels. It provides clear
explanations and a variety of exercises that not
only reinforce language skills, but also give an
insight into Italian life and culture. Coverage of
Italian slang and idiomatic phrases means that
the text is up-to-date and reflective of current
usage. It also includes progress tests and an
answer key, making it perfect for the classroom
or self-study.
Oxford Italian Grammar and Verbs
First time learners don’t have to be overwhelmed
by Italian grammar. Whether they are having
trouble with pronouns, subjunctives or
superlatives, this text will clarify terms and give
clear explanations. It also contains a section on
regular and irregular verbs.
Preposizioni Italiane
Students at senior or tertiary level who want
to practise their use of Italian prepositions will
Language Book Centre Ph (02) 9267 1397 or 1800 802 432 (outside Sydney) Fax (02) 9264 8993
find this text indispensable. Complete with
clear explanations, stimulating activities and an
answer key, it is ideal for study at home.
I Pronomi Italiani
Students at senior or tertiary level who want
to practice their use of Italian pronouns will
find this text indispensable. Complete with
clear explanations, stimulating activities and an
answer key, it is ideal for study at home. Guide to
usage with examples.
A Reference Grammar of Modern Italian
2nd Edition
An up-to-date reference
tool for advanced Italian
students who want a fully
comprehensive grammar
with explanations and
A Practical Guide to
Italian Grammar
Text & CD-ROM
Chambers Italian Verbs
Complete Italian Verb Book
A thorough guide for intermediate students
who wish to review and practise their grammar
skills. Rules are presented in easy-to-follow
charts and tables, and all grammatical terms are
explained in a handy glossary. Each chapter is
followed by relevant exercises, using quotations
from Italian literature and newspapers to show
contemporary usage. A key at the back makes it
perfect for the classroom or self-study.
This pocket-sized
paperback with its
2-colour design for easy
searching is an ideal
revision tool. The book
opens with detailed
explanations of verb
categories, tenses and
constructions, followed
d verbs.
verb A further
f her
by over 200 fully conjugated
2,400 verbs refer to these tables. A second index
contains 1,500 English verbs corresponding to
their Italian equivalents in the tables.
This comprehensive book of Italian verbs
contains over 1800 verbs presented in 156 clear
and easy to follow tables.
501 Italian Verbs with CD-ROM
Contains numerous exercises with answer key.
A Student’s Guide to Italian Grammar
Italian Verb Tenses
(Practice Makes Perfect)
This is a complete guide for classroom use and
individual study. It will suit senior secondary
students in all states, and beginner to
intermediate students at tertiary level. Grammar
is presented in an accessible and fun way by
focusing on its use in daily communication.
Activities are included throughout, and are
designed for pair or group interaction, as well as
for independent learning and revision.
Rather than just providing verb conjugation
drills, this book helps students achieve fluency by
showing how these fundamental building blocks
of language are actually used in the context of
everyday speech and writing. It features detailed
explanations of when and why to use different
verb tenses, everyday examples covering a wide
range of topics, over 100 engaging exercises and
comprehensive verb conjugation tables
Italian Verbs and Essentials of Grammar
2nd Edition
Barron’s Italian Verbs
A complete guide for intermediate and
advanced students.
The Big Green Book of Italian Verbs
This is an excellent guide for beginning and
students of Italian.
It contains 555 fully
conjugated verbs,
explanations of verb
forms and tenses,
an index of highly
irregular verbs,
common expressions
and idioms, and a
includ verb
b ttests and
index of 2,700 verbs. Also includes
Italian Verb Workbook
This is a user-friendly supplementary language
work text for students enrolled in high school
and college-level Italian courses, as well as for
those who know some Italian but want to work
independently to improve their knowledge of
Italian verbs. The book is filled with exercises
designed to improve students’ fluency in
speaking, writing and comprehending Italian.
Verb Wheel Italian Irregular Verbs
This excellent reference and activity/workbook
provides exercises in context for the practice
of verbs. Solutions are given at the back of the
book. Although in Italian, the presentation is
clear and simple to follow.
!I Verbi Italiani per tutti
A full-colour verb reference
and activity book with
introduction in English and
Italian and a multilingual
glossary. Level A1- C2.
Webster’s New World
575+ Italian Verbs
575 fully conjugated Italian verbs and over
1,500 additional verbs, cross-referenced to full
conjugations. Also contains numerous usage
examples and idiomatic expressions.
Chambers Italian Vocabulary
This is a paperback in
the new Chambers
series of pocket-sized
reference books. It serves
well as revision and for
homework and essay
writing preparation.
Thousands of words and
phrases are thematically
anging from the human
grouped, with subjects ranging
body to topical issues. Easily-confused words,
false friends and common errors are pointed out.
Italian Vocabulary
Barron’s easy reference guide.
Italian Vocabulary
(Practice Makes Perfect)
This guide and workbook is suitable for
advanced beginners to intermediate level
learners, either for independent study or as part
of classroom work. Over 100 exercises in context
reinforce the clear descriptions of correct usage.
Answers are provided at the back.
Italian Vocabulary
(Schaum’s Outline Series)
Italian Vocabulary Cards
Mastering Italian Vocabulary
A thematic approach.
Parola per Parola
Shows 60 irregular Italian verbs. This monolingual
verb wheel has all six conjugations for five
10% DISCOUNT off listed prices for teachers, schools and institutions
I Verbi Italiani: Grammatica,
Esercizi e Giochi
The latest edition of the popular comprehensive
guide to conjugated verbs. Includes clearly set
out tables and an index. Now with CD-ROM for
further practice.
Italian Verb Drills
verb tenses: presente, passato remoto, passato
prossimo, futuro and condizionale. Irregular
conjugations are indicated by a bold font.
(except items marked ‘net’)
Advanced Italian Vocabulary. This practical
resource provides full support for those following
topic-based syllabuses and its invaluable bank of
relevant vocabulary makes it great as a means of
workplace. Complete with tips, illustrations and
Le Parole Italiane: Esercizi e Giochi per
Imparare il Lessico
Add spark to your everyday casual conversation
by learning how to use Italian slang and
expressions appropriately. This easy-to-use
guide features over 2,500 current terms and
expressions; an A-Z thematic arrangement in 34
English themes and 158 subcategories; literal
meanings, sample sentences and entertaining
exercises; helpful illustrations of 12 typical Italian
gestures; and an Italian-English dictionary that
cross-references all 2,500 terms.
Using authentic texts, this exercise book offers
varied activities to reinforce and further Italian
vocabulary. The exercises include crosswords,
fill-in-the-blanks and word finds. It is designed
for pre-intermediate to advanced students and
the Answers are included in the back. Text is all
in Italian.
Your First 100 Words in Italian
2001 Italian and English Idioms
Over 2000 Italian idiomatic words and
expressions accompanied by a sample sentence
and the English translation.
comprehensive list of
saucy Italian words and
expressions, with origins
and regional usage
All those naughty expressions and phrases that
spice up schoolbook Italian are contained in this
compact volume. A must-have for extracurricular
language practice.
Per Modo di Dire
Dizionario dei modi di dire italiani.
A collection of almost 1,000 typical Italian
idiomatic expressions and idioms. Amusing
illustrations complete and enrich the
explanations of these most up-to-date and
common expressions. Suitable for intermediate
and senior levels.
Street Italian:
The Best of Italian Slang
Ammazza che libro! A highly entertaining look at
colloquial Italian used in the home, school and
A highly
selection of
Italian idioms and
colloquialisms that
include sample
sentences and
translations. Entries
can be looked up in
English or Italian. An
indispensable resource
for students, teachers and translators.
Book and CD with listening activities at advanced
C1-C2 level.
Student Book & Audio CD
Teacher’s Guide Medio/Avanzato
net 47.50
Ci Vuole Orecchio! 1
This new title includes a wide and various range
of audio tracks, all based on real-life language,
that can be used by students to test their oral
comprehension skills. The series is planned in
3 volumes. In each volume students will find
audio tracks referring to different genres as well
as a wide range of stimulating activities devoted
to language comprehension and analysis, with
a strong focus on spoken language. Level 1
covers levels A1 - A2 of the European Common
Framework for foreign languages.
Book & Audio CD
This book and Audio CD is subtitled Corso di
Pronuncia con Attività e Giochi. Photocopy
masters are provided for the teacher to use in
class with the CD. Exercises with solutions enable
students to work independently at home or in
the laboratory.
Book & Audio CD
net 74.95
Uffa: Espressioni Idiomatiche e
Molto di Piu
Primo Ascolto
listening activities
A1-A2 level. This series
consists of 40 texts, 10
of which are authentic,
followed by activities
for the student.
Teacher’s book includes
answer key and transcripts.
Student Book & Audio CD
Teacher’s Guide
Ascolto Avanzato
Giocare con la Fonetica
Students can quickly build familiarity and
develop a feel for how to use Italian idiomatic
expressions by reading dialogues that explore
issues foremost among young people –
relationships with parents, friendship, school
exams, choosing a career and more. The text also
contains comprehension and grammar exercises
as well as notes to clarify how certain verbs are
used in idiomatic forms. For intermediate to
advanced level students.
Answer key
Dictionary of Italian
Slang and Colloquial
Merda: The Real
Italian You Were
Never Taught at School
Students at lower
secondary level can
reinforce elementary
vocabulary with this
entertaining book of
easy activities. Ideal for
the classroom or selfstudy. Includes answer
Barron’s Italian Idioms
Streetwise Italian
contains the solutions and transcripts.
Student Book & Audio CD
Teacher’s Guide Medio/Avanzato
net 47.50
Parlo Italiano
If, in Italy, you are
planning on meeting
people, working,
looking for a place to
live, going shopping,
to the post office,
to the doctor, or the
cinema, this is the
book that will teach
you how to express yourself.
urself. With words and
phrases taken straight out of daily life, the
purpose of Parlo Italiano is to teach you how
to live and communicate in Italy. It includes 10
units with self-correcting exercises, grammar
tables, a comprehensive dictionary and more. It
is designed for beginner learners of Italian and
offers an excellent introduction to the language,
country and lifestyle of the Italians. Text is in
Book & Audio CD
Pronto! Chi Ascolta?
net 47.50
Ascolto Medio
24 texts with a variety of activities for listening
comprehension - B1 & B2 level. Teacher’s Book
The aim of this title is to improve listening skills.
There are 8 thematic units which develop the
skills prior to moving into the dialogues and
activities which target the skills learned. Text
offers the answer key and transcripts. Suitable for
late-beginner level.
CDs (2)
net 57.95
Language Book Centre Ph (02) 9267 1397 or 1800 802 432 (outside Sydney) Fax (02) 9264 8993
Pronunciare l’Italiano
This method is aimed at adolescent and adult
students of intermediate or advanced level
(B1/B2) who intend to improve their Italian
pronunciation. It contains an introductory
chapter, followed by 40 chapters (one for each
sound and phonological opposite of the Italian
language). The accompanying CDs can be used
in the classroom, in the language laboratory,
or for self-study. The CD-ROM allows students
to listen to dialogues and record their own
voices in order to check the articulation of
single sounds, intonation, accent, rhythm and
use of pauses. The various fun activities (such as
riddles, tongue-twisters and lip reading, as well
as various written exercises) effectively show the
correlation between written and spoken Italian.
Audio CDs (5)
La Prova Orale
This is a full-colour
topic-based resource,
designed to develop
students’ oral skills at
the intermediate and
lower senior levels.
Each of the 35 topics
features a full colour
contemporary photo
followed by vocabulary, questions and group
activities. A glossary at the back of the book
provides additional vocabulary for each unit.
Level 1 Text
Level 2 Text
Letture in Gioco: Attività e Giochi per
Leggere in Italiano
identify cognates and
learn idiomatic phrases.
Using authentic texts
and offering a wealth
of comprehension and
grammar activities, it
makes an excellent
resource for exam
preparation or personal
study. Includes answer
key and useful web sites.
ìssimo: Quaderno di Scrittura
(Livello Avanzato)
A writing activity book for advanced students at
senior, university and higher education levels.
Italiano a Modello 1
…dalla letteratura alla scrittura. Writing tasks are
given in the context of literature extracts from
well-known works of Italian authors classified by
themes such as “Il proprio mondo”, “I luoghi”,”La
donna” etc. Biography of authors, answer key and
full biography given at back of the book. Suitable
for intermediate to advanced language students.
Text in Italian.
L’Italiano con i Fumetti
Contemporary Italian life and culture are
explored through this series of 13 authentic
interviews. Each interview is followed by a
variety of controlled and open-ended language
activities including listening and comprehension,
grammar, vocabulary and oral practice.
Transcripts and key are included. Suitable for
upper intermediate and lower senior levels.
Book & Audio CD
This text uses comic
strips as a stimulating
and motivational
language learning
tool. The language
of comics, as used
throughout the text,
is versatile, rich in
everyday expressions
and a wonderful
vehicle for introducing the Italian language
and way of life. In spite of this text’s laid-back
approach, students will find themselves
introduced to an impressive amount of
vocabulary, rigorous grammatical tests and a
range of topics that prospective travellers to Italy
will find useful – weather, food, the transport
system, local television, literature and more. For
intermediate to advanced language students.
Letture in Corso
Viva Voce
This text of activities
and games introduces
innovative, lively and
original ideas for
reading in Italian. The
units are progressive
from Elementary to
Advanced level and
are organised around
ifferent discourse types a text that belongs to different
articles, regulations, letters, emails, messages etc.
Reading techniques and strategies are suggested
for the learner. A teacher’s section and answer
key are included.
Qua e là per l’Italia
Qua e là per l’Italia presents an overlook over
Italy’s twenty regions and their particular
features, traditions, geography and culture. Each
chapter contains articles taken from newspapers,
magazines, web-sites and audio interviews
focused on Italian regions and aims to involve
the reader in an in-depth understanding of Italy’s
real culture. This book is suitable for intermediate
and advanced students. Includes Audio CD.
Instructions are in Italian.
Sapore d’Italia
Scriviamo! 1
Bar Italia
Basically a language reinforcement text and
workbook, this collection of thematic reading
texts in 22 graded units is based on Italian life,
society and attitudes. A concise table of contents
will assist in selecting appropriate levels of
difficulty. Includes a key. Text is all in Italian.
Better Reading Italian
This book of short readings is ideal for
intermediate students who wish to improve
their reading skills. It teaches them to skim-read,
10% DISCOUNT off listed prices for teachers, schools and institutions
(except items marked ‘net’)
This guided writing book is thematically
organised to help upper intermediate/lower
senior students fine-tune their writing skills.
Exploring themes such as friendship, family,
travel and the environment, students will
progress from simple fill-the-gap exercises to
more open writing tasks.
Si Scrive Cosí
These two supplementary texts are designed
to promote reading proficiency in the Italian
language and are suitable for the classroom
or for self-study. Book 1- ideal for secondary
students Years 10-12 - contains 50 authentic
reading passages covering a wide variety of
topics and organized into five broad thematic
areas. Book 2 contains 40 authentic texts,
grouped in five main themes with a wide variety
of text types. Answers are provided with all
exercises. Not photocopiable.
Livello 1: Elementare e Intermedio
Livello 2: Avanzato e Accademico
This is a collection of authentic texts on various
aspects of Italian life and culture taken from
press and literature. The activities focus on
reading comprehension, as well as on the
development of speaking and writing skills. It
has been designed for adolescents and adult
students of upper intermediate levels.
A Writing Workbook
for Beginning Italian
Students. A simple
and clearly set out
activity book that
will help elementary
students revise basic
grammatical structures
and vocabulary.
Volumes 1 & 2
ea 67.95
Attività di Ascolto
L’Italiano? Sì Grazie
Practical activities and games for upper-primary
and lower-secondary.
Volumes 1-3
ea 36.95
This stimulating, photocopiable resource,
designed for vocabulary building, contains 60
worksheets organised around 40 themes, each
with suggested texts and activities relevant to
students’ interests and lifestyles. Answer key
provided. Suitable for intermediate levels.
Books 1 & 2
ea 72.95
Easy Italian Crossword Puzzles
Italian Through Film
This supplementary text for elementary to
intermediate courses in Italian is structured
around stimulating discussions of ten
contemporary Italian films, among them
Cinema Paradiso, La Vita è Bella, Mediterraneo,
and Il Postino. With a chapter devoted to each
movie, the book effectively fosters a deeper
understanding of both Italian language and
culture, and it is adaptable for any level of
language instruction.
Faccia a Faccia
La Lingua in Gioco
Attività Lessicali
Pair work and oral activities for elementary and
intermediate students to photocopy for small
group activities.
Attività Ludiche per l’Insegnamento dell’Italiano.
A book of fun learning photocopiable games
and teacher’s notes. The activities are graded
from A1 through the European framework and
are suitable for secondary and adult classes.
Per Giocare con la Grammatica
net 57.50
Although designated for children 5-11, this book
of photocopiable activities has wide appeal for
learners in junior to middle secondary school.
L’Italiano con Giochi e Attività
Learning grammar and vocabulary is fun and
easy with these brightly illustrated, topicbased activity books. In each unit, a grammar
point (using relative vocabulary) is introduced,
together with a series of exercises to practise
new structures. Suitable for junior and
intermediate levels.
Books 1–3
ea 19.95
L’Italiano con le
Parole Crociate
This is a popular
collection of topic-based
crossword puzzles
available in an A4
photocopiable format.
Volume 1 is suitable
for primary and junior
secondary levels. Volume
2 is suitable for intermediate levels.
This is a valuable
teacher’s resource,
based on the idea that
language learning
should be fun and
can easily be turned
into a game. It offers
many photocopiable
exercises which the
teacher can use – cloze
passages, crosswords, ideas for role playing,
problem-solving exercises and many more.
These photocopy masters offer 22 grammar
games designed to stimulate correct
grammatical usage at beginner or upper
intermediate level.
Italiano Attivo
ea net 29.95
Self-inking stamps saying Bene and Ottimo.
A collection of 30 photocopiable, topic-based
worksheets designed to develop students’
listening and speaking skills. Answer key and a
60-minute audio CD are provided. Suitable for
upper-intermediate and lower-senior levels.
Books 1 & 2
ea net 91.95
Giochi Senza Frontiere
LOTE Stamps
Parole Crociate
A series of small crossword puzzles and activities
in three levels.
Italia Politica e Fisica
Laminated 40cm x 30cm
Italia Regioni e Province
Political and physical map. Full-colour and lightly
Italian-English & E-I
Italian Dictionary & Grammar
Pocket I-E & E-I
Easy Learning I-E & E-I
Compact I-E & E-I
Gem I-E & E-I
hb 59.95
fl 21.95
fl 12.95
Hazon Grande Dizionario I-E & E-I 2010
Hardcover with CD-ROM
hb 210.00
hb 250.00
Dizionario Medio I-E & E-I
Hardcover with CD-ROM
Dizionario I-E & E-I (Garzantini)
Dizionario Piccolo I-E & E-I
hb 39.95
Grande Dizionario di Business
I-E & E-I (2006 ed)
hb 150.00
Dizionario Piccolo Business I-E & E-I
hb 39.95
Tante Idee
net 41.25
A collection of 40 photocopiable teaching
activities for adults and young people. The book
is aimed at beginner/pre-intermediate level
(European Union indicator A1-B1). It develops
grammar competence and communication
in Italian through fun activities that are also
progressively graded. The activities include pairwork, group-work, whole class activities, role-plays
and games that stimulate curiosity and interest.
Language Stickers Italian
ea net 4.50
Sets of full-colour reward stickers in packs of 72
stickers. - Splendido and Brava.
Language Stickers Italian Mixed Pack
(New Designs)
net 6.35
Each pack contains 80 stickers with appealing,
brightly-coloured cartoon designs. Includes the
slogans Eccezionale, Ben Fatto, Bene! and Ottimo
(20 each).
Standard I-E & E-I
Pocket I-E & E-I
Universal I-E & E-I
hb 43.95
fl 29.95
fl 16.95
Italian Student Dictionary
Ideal for complete
beginners features 3,500
essential words with
grammatical information,
easy-to-use pronunciation
guide and an example
sentence. The helpful
appendices include useful
information such as maps,
numbers, weights and
measures, and common mistakes
takes to avoid.
Italian Student Dictionary
for Your iPod
MP3 CD and 8-page booklet. This allows you
to access a bilingual dictionary anywhere. For
each of the 4,000 entries, you hear Italian and
English pronunciation and have the chance to
Language Book Centre Ph (02) 9267 1397 or 1800 802 432 (outside Sydney) Fax (02) 9264 8993
master 800 basic words grouped by 30 common
themes. You can even create your own play list.
Dizionario Italiano (I Piccoli)
Pocket-size dictionary with 728 pages and 55,000
address?’ to more advanced discussion of
exchange rates, product guarantees and
marketing budgets.
Dizionario Sinonimi e Contrari
Beginner’s I-E & E-I Dictionary
Paravia Italian Dictionary
hb 135.00
Paravia Concise Italian Dictionaryhb 85.00
Pocket Italian Dictionary
Colour Italian Dictionary Plus
fl 34.95
Beginner’s Italian
Paperback I-E & E-I
Study Italian
Mini Study Italian
Italian Mini Dictionary
!Ragazzini Dizionario I-E & E-I 2010
This comprehensive dictionary provides clear
and detailed entries for commonly used as well
as specialised Italian vocabulary. It also features
tables and thematically-oriented illustrations.
Hardcover & CD-ROM
Ragazzini/Biagi Concise I-E & E-I
Hardcover with CD-ROM
Soft cover
Soft cover with CD-ROM
!Grande Dizionario Italiano 2010
This is one of the most up-to-date and
comprehensive monolingual dictionaries
available. Featuring 250,000 words, 28,000
synonyms and antonyms, 2,500 neologisms and
55,000 etymologies, this dictionary is sure to
impress the fussiest student or translator. There
is also an extensive section with illustrated tables
providing specialised vocabulary for different
thematic areas.
hb 195.00
Dictionary with CD-ROM
hb 235.00
Piccolo Dizionario Sinonimi
e Contrari
hb 39.95
Pocketsize dictionary with 480 pages and over
18,000 headwords.
Lo Zingarelli 2010
(Vocabolario della Lingua Italiano)
With 160,000 entries, 1,500 phrasal verbs and
9,000 synonyms and antonyms, this compact
dictionary is an excellent reference for advanced
students. it has the latest in scientific, economic,
legal and foreign terms currently in use.
These four DVDs
accompany the
language course
Buongiorno Italia and
can also be used on their
DVD Pack (4 DVDs plus
Course Book)
net 438.90
Full Pack (4 DVDs, 3 CDs, Activity Book (CD
reproducible PDF, Teacher’s Notes,
Course Book)
net 548.90
Italianissimo 1 (BBC)
These two DVDs accompany the language
course Italianissimo 1 and can also be used on
their own.
DVD Pack (2 DVDs plus Course Book) net 438.90
Full Pack (2 DVDs, 3 CDs, Activity Book (CD
reproducible PDF), Teacher’s Notes,
and Course Book)
net 548.90
Il Nuovo Zingarelli
Minore 2009
This handy softcover edition
has 1504 pages, 65,000
entries, over 6000 synonyms
and antonyms, illustrated
tables and more.
pb 90.00
Dictionary with CD-ROM
L’Italiano con la Pubblicità
Sinonimi e Contrari:
Dizionario Fraseologico 2009
1024 pages, 34,000 entries, 270,000 synonyms,
90,000 antonyms and more.
Dictionary with CD-ROM
This text is not so much a course as an exercise
book to reinforce language skills in a business
context. Designed for upper-intermediate
students or professionals, it covers the language
skills relevant to areas such as marketing,
invoicing, payments, bank transactions,
investments and much more. Includes a glossary
of terms and an answer key. Text is all in Italian.
Medium-sized hardcover
edition containing 130,000
entries and meanings.
hb 90.00
Dictionary with CD-ROM
hb 100.00
Buongiorno Italia!
This old favourite is available in an up-to-date
edition, featuring over 140,000 entries, 71,500
etymologies and 118 tables. Includes special
features, such as abbreviations, acronyms, literary
references, authors, foreign words, and much
Italiano per Economisti
Dizionario Medio di
Dizionario Italiano
This medium-sized dictionary contains 45,000
headwords with 340,000 synonyms and 52,000
antonyms, as well as examples, grammatical
information, and the contexts and specialist
fields in which certain terms may be used.
Medio (hardcover)
hb 90.00
Garzantini (softcover)
pb 65.00
Talk Business Italian
Mac/Win CD-ROM
Aimed at people who already know the basics,
it gives the specialised language you need for
doing business abroad. Must-know language
ranges from basics like ‘what is your website
10% DISCOUNT off listed prices for teachers, schools and institutions
(except items marked ‘net’)
Learn Italian by studying the advertisements
on Italian TV! This straightforward and
comprehensive textbook contains plenty
of varied and interesting activities, a guide
for the teacher and a video containing the
advertisements on which activities in the book
are based. These advertisements, organised
according to themes, modes of communication
and type of message, provide colourful insights
on the state of Italian advertisements today.
Elementare Book & DVD
net 50.95
Intermedio Book & DVD
net 50.95
Avanzato Book & DVD
net 50.95
Italy Inside Out DVDs
net 198.00
Explore Italy from the Alps to Sicily through the
eyes of two journalists as they take you through
a tour of Venice, Milan, Rome and the lesserknown regions of Puglia and Southeast Sicily.
Contains both English and Italian dialogue. (2
videos or DVDs – 60 minutes and 90 minutes).
Pilot Guides DVDs
ea 15.95
Travel entertainment
at its best from
the internationally
successful television
travel series franchise
Pilot Guides. This
series has a global
audience of over 30
million viewers in over
50 countries and has
won more than 20
international awards.
Talk Italian
This beginner’s or refresher course in Italian is a
lively, fast track series covering all the practical
essentials of everyday Italian, ideal for those who
want a kick-start or a quick refresher course.
Filmed in the fascinating old city of Bologna, and
the seaside resort of Viareggio and its nearby
mountains and lakes, Talk Italian uses a mix of
location shooting, presenters and graphics,
prompting viewers to have a go at simple
language and make the most of their travels and
Pack (DVD: 6 x 15 minute episodes, course book,
net 198.00
2 audio CD’s)
Talk Business Italian
Mac/Win CD-ROM
them talking! Aimed
at people who are
beginning to get to
grips with the language
or preparing for school
exams, it teaches more
than 200 phrases for a
wide range of topics
including travelling,
computers, sport,
hobbies and school.
Knowledge testing quizzes, pronunciation
practice and a printable phrasebook makes this
an ideal supplement for any class.
Art and History of …
These very informative and amply illustrated
books make a wonderful addition to any
classroom or library.
Buon Appetito!
Talk More Italian
Mac/Win CD-ROM
The next step up
from Talk Now!. This
CD-ROM provides the
opportunity to increase
basic knowledge
and prepares the
learner to move on
to the intermediatelevel World Talk.
Thorough 70 minutes
of broadcast quality
video material and interactive techniques such
as quizzes and speech recording students will
learn phrases and dialogues covering topics such
as greetings, at the restaurant, business and on
the phone.
The idea for this
book comes from
the fact that the
Italian language is
particularly rich in
culinary references that
appear in proverbs,
expressions, songs, art,
cinema and literature.
It presents in brief the
culinary characteristics of every Italian region,
as well as dishes to prepare, but it is not merely
a cookbook. Each recipe is accompanied by
a number of vocabulary, comprehension and
grammatical exercises to help students improve
their linguistic knowledge and widen their
vocabulary. A fun and tantalising resource for
intermediate students.
Talk the Talk Italian
Mac/Win CD-ROM
ea 49.95
This CD-ROM for those under 18 will teach words
and phrases that really matter to teenagers. From
“I’ll send you a text message later” to “we won
the game on penalties”, Talk the Talk really gets
Takes the reader through
the mindscapes of
the country’s psyche,
explaining customs,
traditions, social and
business etiquette in a
lively and informative style.
Culture Smart Italy
A useful resource for students, travellers and
businesspeople alike, Culture Smart Italy offers
illuminating insights into Italian culture and
society. It gives useful historical and cultural
background as well as essential information on
attitudes, beliefs and behaviour. An excellent
aid for avoiding culture shock, embarrassment
and social gaffes, and for dealing with the
practicalities of life in Italy.
Encyclopedia of Contemporary
Italian Culture
What is the National Alliance? Who wrote
Italy’s national anthem? This is an impressive
compendium of Italian culture, ranging from
cultural and artistic achievements to social and
political events. The dictionary-style presentation
makes it easy to use and each entry is furnished
with references for further reading. Indispensable
for any library, it is also a valuable resource for
students who are studying Italian language and
Il Grande Libro delle Regioni d’Italia 32.00
With hundreds of colour photographs, this
indispensable reference book provides students
or teachers with a thorough review of the
regions of Italy. It contains information on the
origins of each region’s name, its population,
work prospects, cultural attractions and social
problems. Text is all in Italian.
I Come Italia
Civiltà Punto It
Talk Now! Italian
Mac/Win CD-ROM
This vocabulary builder CD-ROM for complete
beginners is ideal for schoolchildren and
students. There are nine topics: first words, food,
colours, phrases, parts of the body, numbers,
time, shopping and countries. The games and
quizzes included on the disc ensure that users
have fun whilst using the product, without
realising that they’re learning. After completing
this learners can move onto Talk More.
CultureShock! Italy
This culture and civilisation activity reader is
for secondary students of Italian as a foreign
language. It contains 22 graded thematic units
from A1 to B2. Themes include geography,
eating and drinking, cinema, art, work and social
problems, mass media, leisure.
Guida dell’Insegnante/ Teacher’s Book
Cooking the Italian Way
Serves up tantalising recipes for risotto, chicken
cacciatore, biscuit tortoni, and more. Included
are new vegetarian recipes, complete menu
suggestions, and an expanded cultural section
highlighting the Italian people and their country,
holidays, festivals – and, of course, their food.
Hardcover edition
Softcover edition
This is an Italian
culture course for
Level A2/B1 of the
Common European
Framework of
Reference. It aims to
discover the main
aspects of Italian
culture whilst teaching
and consolidating
the students’
knowledge of the Italian language. The topics,
in fact, have been carefully chosen so as to
ensure a graded approach to the language. The
Teacher’s Guide begins with a practical table of
contents containing structures, functions and
grammar introduced in each file. Furthermore,
supplementary photocopiable worksheets offer
revision and self-evaluation tasks with a points
Language Book Centre Ph (02) 9267 1397 or 1800 802 432 (outside Sydney) Fax (02) 9264 8993
system to allow for easy correction. There are
also useful websites, ideas for reading, the tape
script of all recorded texts and an answer key to
all exercises in the student’s book.
Student’s Book & Audio CD
Teacher’s Guide
Italian Art:
Painting, Sculpture and Architecture from
the Origins to the Present Day
This compact but comprehensive and beautifully
presented book presents a wealth of Italian art
from medieval times to the present day. There is
a summary of each period followed by brief but
informative details about individual artists, with
stunning colour photographs of each artist’s
work. At over 600 pages, this attractive book is
both a must for the library and a delightful prize
or gift.
Italian Film Study Program
Here is a systematic
approach to learning
Italian through film,
an excellent way to
experience language
and culture in context.
Each book splits its
relevant film into
a series of 15 to 20
minute sequences.
Each part is followed
by a series of photocopiable comprehension
exercises, grammar activities, vocabulary builders
and cultural readings that focus on specific
language points. Answers and solutions appear
at the back. Suitable for intermediate level selfstudy and group study at high school or adult
level. The accompanying DVDs contain the
feature film. Books and DVDs are also available
The Barber of Seville, Tosca and La Traviata, each
chapter discusses character, plot themes and
culture. Vocabulary lists and written and oral
exercises will give students the confidence to
understand and discuss opera and even write
their own. Ideal for singers or opera buffs, this
course has an answer key, making it suitable for
self-study. Text is all in Italian.
L’Italiano è Servito!
A wonderful title about
Italian cooking and
the culture of food in
Italy. With a language
and vocabulary
component, this title
is also a text that
would offer a slightly
different aspect to the
class of adult language
learners. The level is
Italy: The Culture
Italy: The Land
Italy (Countries of the World)
hb 38.50
This highly informative text covers Italy’s
physical geography, resources, work, leisure,
development level, environment and future
outlook. It includes in-depth case studies, current
statistics, and specially commissioned up-to-date
photographs. Please note that this is not the
same as the Times Editions series of the same
Italy (Destination Detectives)
Italy (The European Union)
This book introduces
students to the
European Union,
including chapters on
Italy’s landscape, history,
government, economy
and culture, as well as its
place in the European
hot aph recipes,
ipe ideas
Union. Includes colour photographs,
for individual and group projects, further reading
suggestions and a glossary. Suitable for middlesecondary students.
Designed to complement upper-intermediate
language courses, this text teaches Italian in the
context of opera. Covering six operas, including
Italy (Nations of the World)
This text takes you through the natural and
man-made geographical features of the Italian
landscape through clear text and attractive
photographs. Suitable for all secondary levels.
Italy: The People
From city life to high fashion, this clear and upto-date text describes how Italians live today.
Full-colour photographs are included. Suitable
for all secondary levels.
Learning Italian in Italy
This book is a comprehensive guide to all
aspects of learning Italian in an Italian language
school or university. It contains practical, detailed
information on choosing the right course in the
right area of Italy, arranging accommodation,
enrolling, and the practicalities of living in Italy.
hb 39.95
hb 42.95
Perfect for lower to middle-secondary students,
this fully-illustrated cultural text takes students
through the many facets of Italian history and
culture. From the Roman Empire to Federico
Fellini, it covers all of the important events and
people that have graced Italy’s past and present.
The text includes a timeline and a useful glossary.
10% DISCOUNT off listed prices for teachers, schools and institutions
hb 37.50
Be Destination Detectives – find out about Italy!
This book helps to discover what it is like to
live in Italy. It contains lots of facts, figures and
photos that describe what the countryside looks
like, what people do for fun, what Italian cities
are like and what Italian people eat.
Cinema Paradiso
Io non ho Paura
La meglio gioventù
Pane e tulipani
L’Ultimo bacio
!Cristo si è fermato a Eboli
Caterina va in città
L’Italiano con l’Opera: Lingua, Cultura e
Carnevale and Leonardo da Vinci are two of the
many cultural phenomena described in this fully
illustrated text. Suitable for all secondary levels.
Ciao, Professore!
L’Italiano al Cinema
Through the study of 12 Italian films – starting
with Il Gattopardo and ending with L’Ultimo
Bacio - the history, culture, customs and
language of the Italian people are presented for
the student. Contains language exercises with
answer key. Text is in Italian.
!Italy (A World of Recipes)
This revised and
updated edition
contains some
information on the
history and culture
of Italy, but more
importantly a range of
Italian recipes: starters,
main courses, and
desserts. A handy guide
helps identify recipes
that are healthy, tasty, or easy to make. Kitchen
safety tips and detailed information about
authentic ingredients help prepare dishes that
taste as good as they look.
(except items marked ‘net’)
Percorso Guidato
These guides provide
valuable cultural
information as well as
language comprehension
practice. Nine chapters
take you through a
guided tour of each city,
with useful language notes, exercises and recipes
along the way. Includes an answer key. Perfect
for the senior classroom or independent study.
Guida di Roma
Guida di Venezia
Guida di Firenze
Piccola Storia d’Italia
This excellent cultural reader covers
approximately three millennia of Italian history
and is suitable for upper secondary and
university levels. Text is in Italian.
!Qua e là per l’Italia
Quaderni di Cinema Italiano
per Stranieri
ea 23.95
A series of workbooks about famous Italian
films for cinema, culture and language study.
Intermediate – advanced level.
Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
Pane e Tulipani
La Vita è Bella
Io Non Ho Paura
Il Gattopardo
Le Notti di Cabiria
La Strada
I Cento Passi
!Manuale d’Amore
!L’Ultimo Bacio
!Una Giornata Particolare
!Notte Prima degli Esami
!Le Fate Ignoranti
Sicily: An Illustrated History
This book is a unique guide based on the
premise that the best way to learn a language
is to start reading it immediately. The stories,
which progress in difficulty, are arranged in
three sections – stories about an American girl
who moves to Italy with her family; a colourful
history of Italy; and readings from contemporary
Italian literature. This progressive format makes
it easy to build comprehension quickly, and it
contains helpful word glossaries and exercises
to challenge comprehension and build reading
Text only
!Text & CD-ROM with MP3s
This text offers an exciting and original approach
to improving reading skills at senior and tertiary
level. Using contemporary Italian writers such as
Antonio Tabucchi and Dacia Maraini, it provides
varied and entertaining exercises that enable
students to hone their language skills, as well as
provide stimulus for discussion and creativity.
Text is all in Italian and includes an answer key.
Jean e Roscoe Vanno a Perugia
This reader is intended for intermediate students.
The short dialogues are entertaining and will
help with the usage of the language in everyday
communication. They are followed by ample
exercises in reading, writing, analysing and
Answer Key
Short selections with language activities,
glossary and biographical notes make this
an easy introduction to contemporary Italian
literature. Excellent reading for senior or
advanced students.
Dialoghi Simpatici
Easy Italian Reader
Giocare con la Letteratura
This concise history
relates how Sicily rose
to become the first
independent, civilised
nation of greater
Italy, and home to
many of the world’s
most distinguished
scientists, and artists.
Bottega dell’ Italiano Antologia
(included with Purgatorio text).
Inferno + Study Guide + CD-ROM
Purgatorio + Study Guide + CD-ROM
Paradiso + Study Guide
A reader for beginning Italian students.
Diario della Studentessa Jean
This reader for advanced beginners contains
23 easily readable, brief stories ranging from
memories of childhood and events of daily life to
dialogues about Italian class.
Workbook Key
!Mi Diverto Con Gianluigi!
A first reader for
beginning students
practising reading
Short, fun chapters
are based on
the mischievous
adventures of little
Gianluigi. Simple
exercises follow,
together with
vocabulary lists. These
amusing stories give a realistic glance into daily
life in Italy.
Answer Key
La Divina Commedia (Dante Alighieri)
This is the version with the classic comments by
Natalino Sapegno, now also with accompanying
Study Guides and a CD-ROM for Inferno and
a combined CD-ROM for Purgatorio/Paradiso
Non Soltanto un Baule
The immigrants’ stories, told through the
voices of descendants or friends, richly express
the emotion, pride and heartbreak of their
emigration to Australia, the US, Argentina and
Canada. Includes exercises for comprehension,
discussion, research and writing; footnoted
vocabulary with explanations in Italian; a table of
passato remoto verbs in three conjugations; and
cultural notes in English. For advanced students
at HSC or university level.
La Pagina Breve:
Racconti Italiani del Novecento
This is an excellent study book of Italian short
stories in the 20th century, complete with study
notes and English vocabulary. Includes stories
from Alberto Moravia, Dino Buzzati, Gianni Rodari
and many others.
CIDEB Classici
These classic
stories have been
simplified for
learners of Italian and
beautifully illustrated.
Comprehension and
grammar exercises
and games are
included at the end of
each book.
L’Eneide (Virgilio)
L’Odissea (Omero)
L’Iliade (Omero)
I Promessi Sposi (Manzoni)
Easy Reader Series
ea 34.95
Popular Italian stories have been carefully
edited to create these simplified classics, while
maintaining the flavour and quality of the
original texts.
Gli Imbianchini non Hanno Ricordi (Fo)
Ti Ho Sposato per Allegria (Ginzburg)
Volevo i Pantaloni (Cardella)
Don Camillo (Guareschi)
La Ragazza di Bube (Cassola)
ELI Readers
Reader with Audio CD
ea 29.95
Fully illustrated, contemporary stories for
students to develop their reading skills from
elementary to intermediate level.
L’Amore di Francesca
Alla Ricerca dell’Amico Scomparso
Un Mondo Lontano
Il Diario di Val
Il Souvenir Egizio
Destinazione Karminia
This collection of ten stories captures the
struggles that millions of Italians experienced
in their search for a better life outside Italy.
Imparare Leggendo
(Book & Audio CD Kits)
These readers are challenging and captivating,
Language Book Centre Ph (02) 9267 1397 or 1800 802 432 (outside Sydney) Fax (02) 9264 8993
with illustrations to
enhance the text,
activities and answer
key. Each book is
accompanied by an
audio CD. The readers
are also available
Livello Uno A2
La Collana
Longobarda (Crime)
Giallo al Grand Hotel du Lac (Crime)
Livello Due B1
Amore e Cinema (Romance)
Casa sulla Scogliera (Mistery)
Delitto in Piazza del Campo (Crime)
Libertà (Mistery)
Mistero di Veronica (Romance)
Scoprire l’Italia con una Caccia al Tesoro
Il Segreto del Vecchio Olmo (Crime)
Storia d’Amore (Romance)
Tango (Crime)
Veleno a Colazione (Crime)
Il Viaggio di Laurent (Adventure)
Livello Tre B2
La Fuga di Bach (Crime)
Mistero all’Abbazia (Adventure)
Rose Rosse per il Commissario (Crime)
Sandokan e le Tigri di Mompracem
Viaggio a Venezia (Romance)
Livello Quattro C1
Manichini (Fantasy)
I Promessi Sposi (Historic Novel)
Italiano Facile Kit
Dolce Vita Mosaico Italiano:
Racconti per Stranieri
ea 45.00
These excellent readers graded in five levels are
each accompanied by an Audio CD. They cover
many genres (crime, romance, historic, adventure
etc). The stories are original and easy to read, and
each reader includes notes, illustrations, cultural
information, comprehension tests, exercises and
Answer keys.
Level A1 (500 words)
Dov’è Yukio?
Signor Rigoni
Radio Lina
Pasta per Due
Level A1/A2 (1,000 words)
Amore in Paradiso
La Commissaria
Maschere a Venezia
La Partita
Level A2 (1,500 words)
Mafia Amore & Polizia
Modelle Pistole e Mozzarelle
Nuovi Casi per la Commissaria
L’Ultimo Caravaggio
Level B1 (2,000 words)
Linea A
Piccole Storie d’Amore
Level B1/B2 (2,500 words)
Un’altra Vita
The Divine Comedy (Selected Cantos) 25.95
Eleven Short Stories/ Undici Novelle
ea 21.95
A stimulating series with
stories that span many genres
such as crime, romance,
politics, etc. Also includes
comprehension exercises and
Due Storie (Level 1)
Una Spiaggia Rischiosa (Level 1)
Primavera a Roma (Level 1)
Rapito! (Level 1)
Il Mondo di Giulietta (Level 2)
Giallo a Cortina (Level 2)
La Straniera (Level 2)
Margherita e gli Altri (Level 2/3)
Ferie Pericolose (Level 3)
Il Mistero del Quadro di Porta Portese (Level 3)
Due Estati a Siena (Level 3)
Premio Letterario (Level 4)
Hacker per Caso (Level 4)
Il Piacere della Lettura
An anthology of excerpts from fiction, poetry,
history and philosophy from 14th to 20th
centuries. Writers include such greats as Dante,
Boccaccio and Pirandello along with over 50
others. Stanley Appelbaum’s English translations
appear on pages facing the original, enabling
paragraph-by-paragraph comparisons. The
introductory chapter gives information about
the authors. An intermediate-level grasp of the
language is assumed.
Introduction to Italian Poetry
Italian Stories: Novelle Italiane
Penguin Parallel Texts
Italian Short Stories 1
Italian Short Stories 2
Short Stories in Italian:
New Penguin Parallel Texts
Sicilian Stories / Novelle Siciliane:
A Dual Language Book
ea 21.95
These graded readers
for intermediate
students feature
modern short stories
with attractive
Vocabulary notes are
provided in Italian
on the side of each
page, and there are
numerous activities that have been designed
to check and consolidate the comprehension
of the text, improve reading ability and enrich
the student’s vocabulary. A full answer key is
provided, making the books suitable for selfstudy or classroom use.
L’Ottimismo è il Profumo della Vita
Stelle Perle e Mistero
Altri Racconti da “Navi in Bottiglia”
Giampi e l’Assassino a Teatro
Il Ritrovamento della Cupola
Le Strane Notti di Bologna
Il Valzer dei Tempi
Zia Lili é Scomparsa
Due Fantastici Racconti
Il Proiettore del Tempo
Racconti da “Navi in Bottiglia”
10% DISCOUNT off listed prices for teachers, schools and institutions
First Italian Reader:
A Dual-Language Book
(except items marked ‘net’)
Giovanni Verga achieved renown in the
Italian ‘verismo’ (realist) school of writing. This
outstanding selection of 12 short stories attests
to his storytelling skills. The book features the
excellent English translation on the page facing
the original Italian text, as well as an informative
introduction and notes.
Terza Generazione
Artemis Fowl
Let students read about Josie Alibrandi’s search
for her father in the Italian language edition of
Melina Marchetta’s Looking for Alibrandi.
ea 26.95
The Eoin Colfer children’s fantasy series in Italian.
Artemis Fowl
Artemis Fowl: L’Incidente Artico
Artemis Fowl: Il Codice Eternity
Artemis Fowl: L’Inganno di Opal
Il Piccolo Principe (Saint-Exupéry)
The all time classic for young and old in Italian.
Ci Chiamavano Banditi:
una storie vera
The events of the Italian partisan war as told by
a participant, Guido Petter. Special edition for
adolescent readers.
Harry Potter
Students will enjoy reading the immensely
popular Harry Potter series in Italian.
Harry Potter e la Pietra Filosofica
hb 49.95
Harry Potter e la Camera dei Segreti
hb 49.95
Harry Potter e il Prigioniero di Azkaban hb 55.00
Harry Potter e il Calice di Fuoco
hb 69.95
Harry Potter e l’Ordine dell Fenice
hb 69.95
Harry Potter e il Principe Mezzosangue hb 65.00
Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte
hb 69.95
(Stephenie Meyer)
The hugely popular
series of paranormal
romance, in Italian.
1. Twilight
2. New Moon
3. Eclipse
4. Breaking Dawn
ea hb 60.00
The Hobbit
Lo Hobbit
hb 22.95
hb 22.95
hb 22.95
pb 35.00
Canta che ti Passa
Il Mondo in Briciole
Melina Marchetta’s first novel Terza Generazione
was extremely popular in secondary school
Italian classrooms and the author’s latest
book deals with similar issues and is similarly
accessible and appealing to teenager readers.
Francesca Spinelli, the main character, is having
a hard time in year 11, plus lots of problems on
the home front. She certainly needs saving, if not
exactly in the manner her old friends thought!
Intermediate to advanced students will have
fun building their lexicon and reviewing their
grammar while listening to 13 of popular singer
Laura Pausini’s best songs. Each tune is followed
by a series of photocopiable comprehension,
grammar and vocabulary exercises that
encourage discussion of the cultural context of
language. Answers appear at the back, making
it suitable for both classrooms and self-study.
Includes a compilation audio CD of the songs.
Text & Audio CD
Parlar Cantando
The Lord of the
(J R R Tolkien)
1. La Compagnia dell’Anello
2. Le Due Torri
3. Il Ritorno del Re
E Ritorno da Te (The Best of Laura Pausini)
Learn Italian through
contemporary songs
with this vibrant
and stimulating text.
Using well-known
songwriters like Lucio
Battisti, Edoardo
Bennato and Paola
Turci, students can
practise grammar and
comprehension skills, and be introduced to the
socio-political aspects of the songs discussed.
Ideal as a complement to any classroom text
or on its own, it comes with an audio CD that
includes all 15 songs. Text is all in Italian.
Book & Audio CD
This new kit of 27
songs for children
has been especially
designed for the
classroom. Includes
full teacher’s notes on
the use of song, then
specific notes for
each song, along with
the words and music
for each.
Book & CD Kit
Welcome to Mussomeli
Children’s Songs from an Italian Country Town.
This delightful collection of children’s songs and
games from a small town in Sicily introduces
students to the culture and traditions in a fun,
hands-on way. The book contains a wealth of
information including photocopiable scores,
pronunciation guide, game instructions,
anecdotes and cultural background for each
song, recipes and photos. The companion CD
includes pronunciation for each song spoken
slowly, as well as the full-length performance of
each song.
Book & CD
10% discount
off listed prices for teachers, schools and institutions
(except for items marked ‘net’)
Language Book Centre Ph (02) 9267 1397 or 1800 802 432 (outside Sydney) Fax (02) 9264 8993
Order form
Language Book Centre
1st Floor, 131 York Street
[email protected]
Delivery charges within Australia
No. of Items
Total Delivery Cost
Charges apply to each additional delivery address
Titles temporarily out of stock will be backordered and supplied as soon as possible. If we are unable to
supply any books with your first shipment, books sent in later shipments will be sent freight-free.
Language Book Centre Ph (02) 9267 1397 or 1800 802 432 (outside Sydney) Fax (02) 9264 8993