H - Strommarkttreffen
H - Strommarkttreffen
Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Electricity and Gas Market Design to Supply the German Transport Sector with Hydrogen Martin Robinius, Leander Kotzur, Sebastian Schiebahn, Thomas Grube, Detlef Stolten [email protected] Strommarkttreffen zum Thema „Marktdesign“, 13. Mai in Berlin Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering (IEK-3) Table of Contents Introduction: • Status greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions • Timeline for energy research • Status fuel cell vehicles • The Year 2050 – Energy Concept 2.0 –: • Installed capacity RES • Surplus power analysis • Potential hydrogen demand • Dedicated hydrogen pipeline grid • Pre-tax cost analysis The Markets and Share- and Stakeholder Mass Market Introduction of Hydrogen: Conclusion Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 2 Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 3 Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 4 Timeline for Energy Research and Deployment to Meet the 2050 Goals • 2050: 80% reduction goal fully achieved • 2040: start of market penetration • 2030: research finalized for 1st generation technology Development period: until 2040 Research period: until 2030 16 years left for research => TRL 4 and higher (> validated in the lab) This is not to say research at lower TRL levels is not useful, it will just not contribute to the 2050 goal TRL: Technology Readiness Level; cf. h2020-wp1415-annex-g-trl_en.pdf; issued by EU Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 5 Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 6 Select Improvements Hydrogen can Deliver on Worldwide: Reduction of CO 2eq emissions: mitigation of sea level rise, future storm intensity, floods, droughts etc. Impact on all countries; high vulnerability of lower income countries Middle income countries*, particularly upper middle income countries: PM10, PM2.5, NOx, SO2, etc., particularly in sprawling urban centers; change of attitude with upper and middle class city dwellers & expatriates (e.g. China), change of policies (e.g. China) Yet there are still massive emissions issues in High income countries: NOx (and hence O3), PM10, PM2.5 in urban centers Low income countries: Hardly accessible with new expensive technology, particularly if massive infrastructure is needed Example: more people own cell phones worldwide than have access to toilets** The world is very diverse and bears stunning discrepancies This study focuses on Germany as a starting point & is going to be extended to further countries * World Bank classification; comparison of classifications cf. IMF working paper WP/11/31; Lynge Nielssen 2011 ** http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=44452&Cr=sanitation&Cr1=#.UU_G_BySV3- Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 7 The Year 2050 Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 8 Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 9 Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 10 Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 11 Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 12 Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 13 Principle of a Renewable Energy Scenario with Hydrogen Hydrogen as an Enabler for Renewable Energy 214 GW (onshore, offshore & PV peak simultaneously Curtailment regime 28 GW Electrolysis Electrolysis regime 40-80 GW Grid Load Fill power gaps w/ NG via CC & GT 19.3 20.3 21.3 22.3 23.3 24.3 Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 25.3 26.3 27.3 Power regime 28.3 29.3 30.3 31.3 1.4 2.4 3.4 4.4 * based on Robinius, M. (2016): Strom- und Gasmarktdesign zur Versorgung des deutschen Straßenverkehrs mit Wasserstoff. PhD thesis 14 Cost Comparison of Power to Gas Options – Pre-tax Hydrogen for Transportation with a Dedicated Hydrogen Infrastructure is Economically Reasonable 24 Cost of hydrogen, ct€/kWh 20 16 12 Hydrogen for Transportation 22 (0,7 kg/100km) 17,5 1,9 3,3 16* (1,0 kg/100km) 3,4 8 4 Hydrogen or Methane to be Fed into Gas Grid 8.0 8,9 2.5 15,9 10,8 1,3 8,4 0,4 0,7 0,9 1,5 3,0 10,5 0 Wind power H2 at pump Gasoline (5,9 ct/kWh) (appreciable cost) (70 ct/l) Elektrolysis CAPEX via depreciation of investment plus interest 10 a for electrolysers and other production devices 40 a for transmission grid 20 a for distribution grid and refueling stations Interest rate 8.0 % p.a. • OPEX Interest cost Depreciation cost Energy cost H2 appreciable cost Gasoline/NG, pre tax Natural gas (2,5 ct/kWh) Wind power Wind power (5,9 ct/kWh) (5,9 ct/kWh) Electrolysis Electrolysis Other Assumptions: Grid feed-in Methanation 2.9 million tH2/a from renewable power via electrolysis Electrolysis: η = 70 %LHV, 28 GW; investment cost 500 €/kW Methanation: η = 80 %LHV Appreciable cost @ half the specific fuel consumption [1] Energy Concept 2.0 Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 15 The Markets and Share- and Stakeholder Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 16 Electricity Market Description of the current state: Overall Trade EPEX Clearing 583 TWh OTC 6.435 TWh EPEX 6.435 TWh Intraday 22 TWh Without Clearing 681 TWh Derivatives market Day-Ahead 681 TWh Spotmarket Analysis of alternative market designs: Capacity markets & congestion management Choice of suitable market designs: Integrated energy market design: If required: electrolysis units can reduce their promised load and safe achievement certificates Zonal or nodal pricing: Local price signals, in comparison to the actual copper plate model “Grid expansion is required for the preservation of a single price zone” [1] [1] Ein Strommarkt für die Energiewende (Weißbuch). Ergebnispapier des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie Juli 2015, S. 19. [2] Wend, A., Modellierung des deutschen Strommarktes unter Verwendung der Residuallast, in Institut für Brennstoffzellen. 2014, RWTH Aachen. [3] Robinius, M. (2016): Strom- und Gasmarktdesign zur Versorgung des deutschen Straßenverkehrs mit Wasserstoff. PhD thesis Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 17 Gas Market Description of the current state : Worldwide analysis of hydrogen market: Hydrogen production from 45 to 65 million tons per year 48% from natural gas steam reforming 4% from alkaline electrolysis No market for the hydrogen supply of Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCV) • German natural gas market as reference market Analysis of alternative market designs: Contract-Path-Model Bathtub-Model Control-Area-Model Choice of suitable market designs: Contract-Path-Model: Effective during pipeline development due to specific source-sink relations Entry-Exit-Model: Comparable to natural gas market, reasonable for highly meshed grids [1] Robinius, M. (2016): Strom- und Gasmarktdesign zur Versorgung des deutschen Straßenverkehrs mit Wasserstoff. PhD thesis Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 18 Industry co-operations can accelerate the development of an hydrogen infrastructure [1] Robinius, M. (2016): Strom- und Gasmarktdesign zur Versorgung des deutschen Straßenverkehrs mit Wasserstoff. PhD thesis Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 19 Mass Market Introduction of Hydrogen No Barrier, just a Challenge Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 20 Estimated Worldwide Fuel Cell Car Population Build-up Energy Concept 1.0 Based on Toyota’s Hybrid Cars / Assuming Fourfold Build-up-power for FCV Cars 28 Million cars 24 2018 2030 Toyota HEV: cumulative car sales 4,0 FCV: Vehicle stock, H2 demand 3,0 20 16 2,0 12 8 1,0 4 0 1996 2034 2000 2004 2008 Year (Toyota HEV) 2012 0,0 2016 Assumptions (based on Toyota HEV data [1]) the same market penetration four-fold sales (four OEMs: Daimler/Ford, Honda/GM, Hyundai, Toyota) Vehicle lifetime of 10 years considered FCV with fleet average (cars, light trucks and busses) according to GermanHy: 1.17 kg (100 km)-1 fuel use 15,170 km a-1 annual mileage Passenger cars (GermanHy): 1.0 kg (100 km)-1 fuel use 14,900 km a-1 annual mileage, mix of gasoline and diesel cars H2 demand, million t/a 2014 32 Year (FCV) 2022 2026 [1] Hirose (2014): Toyota’s Effort toward Sustainable Mobility 2015 FCV and Beyond. In Proceedings: 20th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2014, Gwangju, Korea. Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 21 Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 22 FCV Market Introduction in Germany 2.0 H2-cost evolution for full-fledged transmission grid, with demand-driven installation of electrolysers, storage capacities, distribution grid and fueling stations; Pre-tax H2 demand 2050: 2.9 million t of H2 Growth of refueling stations proportional to H2 demand 40 22 (at 0.7 kg/100km) 20 16 (at 1.0 kg/100km) 4 3 break-even pre-tax 30 2 allowable pretax cost range 1 10 Economical investment 0 2010 2020 Cost brake-down at 100 % 5 linear growth of refueling stations 50 Vehicle stock, million Total cost, ct/kWh extrapolation total H2 cost - slow 2030 Year Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 2040 2050 O&M H2 demand, million t/a 60 based on H2Mobility total H2 cost - fast Capital charge Capital Feedstock Gasoline (reference) 17.5 (total) 1.9 3.3 3.4 8.9 8.0 0 2060 23 FCV Market Introduction in Germany 2.0 H2-cost evolution for full-fledged transmission grid, with demand-driven installation of electrolysers, storage capacities, distribution grid and fueling stations; Pre-tax H2 demand break-even incl. tax 44 40 32 2050: 2.9 million t of H2 total cost range incl. tax 4 3 30 22 (at 0.7 kg/100km) 20 Cost brake-down at 100 % 5 50 Vehicle stock, million Total cost, ct/kWh extrapolation total H2 cost - slow 16 (at 1.0 kg/100km) 2 allowable pretax cost range 1 10 O&M H2 demand, million t/a 60 based on H2Mobility total H2 cost - fast Capital charge Capital Feedstock Gasoline (reference) 17.5 (total) 1.9 3.3 3.4 8.9 0 2010 2020 2030 Year Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 2040 2050 8.0 0 2060 24 Conclusion Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 25 Thank You for Your Attention Prof. Dr. Detlef Stolten Institutsleiter IEK-3 Dr. Bernd Emonts Wiss. Koordinator & Stellvertreter Dr. Martin Robinius Abteilungsleiter VSA Dr. Thomas Grube Gruppenleiter Mobilität [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dr. Sebastian Schiebahn Power-to-Gas Dr. Alexander Otto CCU und Industrie Vanessa Tietze Wasserstoffinfrastruktur Dr. Dr. Li Zhao Post-Combustion Capture [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Institute of Electrochemical Process Engineering 26