Background Check - Criminal Background Check Holes
Background Check - Criminal Background Check Holes
Are there holesin vour criminalbackgrount check? B y L a u r aJ . B r o w n "Criminal backgroundchecks, You've seenads proclaiming just $9.95!"or "Instantonlineresults:$16.95." Theseadstypically promote criminal recordsdatabasesearches,which are fast,easy and affordable.Unfortunately,there are holes in your criminal backgroundcheckif you dependon a databasesearchaloneto screenchurchemployeesand volunteerswho work with children. To make sureyour searchresultsare reliablethey shouldbe verifiedby other information,suchasSocialSecuritynumbervalihistoryandcriminalrecordschecksin counties dation,an address wherean applicanthaslived. PA,hasoptednot to AllianceChurchin Somerset, Somerset checks on volunteerswho conductinstantcriminalbackground work with children.Instead,it asksthe PennsylvaniaStatePolice to searchcriminal recordsstatewideand reviewstatechild abuse "lt's the sameprocessthe state'spublic investigationrecords. "It schoolsuse,"saysScottReam,executivepastor. costsabout $20a volunteerbut it's worth it. The biggestand mostimportant benefitis the safetyof the children." What's wrong with database searches? providea fast,efficientway to gathercriminal hisDatabases tory information. However,the quality of a databasehinges on who managesit and how oftenrecordsareupdated.Thebestdataoriginatefrom governmentsourcesthat updatetheir basesearches filesfrequentlyand allow ongoingaccessto the information, "Most criminalhistorydatabases containincompleteinformation - even those that proclaim themselvesto be national or comprehensive,"says Mike McCarty, founder of Safe firm basedin DanHiring Solutions,a background-screening "There'sno databasethat'scompleteenough,"he says. ville,IN. "Eventhe FBI nationaldatabaseisn't."As a result,McCartysays searchinga criminal history databasealone may provide a falsesenseof security. "hits" or accidental All record searchescan produce false canpull up incorrectrecordsfor Name-based searches omissions, peoplewith commonnames.They'realsoeasyto defeatby someonewho givesfalseidenti$ringinformation. Eliminate false hits Privatevendors,such as SafeHiring Solutionsand ADP typicallyuse a combinationof Screening& SelectionServices, 44 ChunchExecurivr name,birth date and SocialSecurityinformationto eliminate "hits" as possible.\Atrile not perfect,they can as many false "Mary Smith"of reducethe chancethat you accusean innocent wrongdoing. searchas part ofyour background Ifyou includea database process, askyourvendorthe followingquestions: screening . How many recordsarein the database? . How many statesdoesit include? . \Altrichstatesdoesit exclude? . How frequentlyis it updated? There'san arrayof searchoptionswhenit comesto checking a person'scriminalhistory,includingcounty,state,federaland sex offenderrecords.Shouldyou checkall of them?If not,which ones will be mosthelpful to you? Verlfy arrest information Backgroundscreeningfirms recommendthat you check county court recordsto verif,i arrest information found in a search.Countycourtrecordsc0ntainthe mostaccurate database and completeinformation.They'll also tell you if the person pleadedguiltyto a charge,wasacquittedat trial, or ifthe charge wasdismissed. 'While inforAII searcheshave strengthsand weaknesses. mation gleanedfrom county court recordsmay be the best, a searchwon't revealcrimescommittedin adjoining single-county countiesor pastplacesan applicanthaslived. County court records:Countiestlpically maintain the most accurate,detailed,and up-to-datecriminal records.You'll find information on felony and misdemeanorarrestsdating back as far as the county maintains records.The recordsare public and they can be searchedquickly at little or no cost to the researcher.In most cases these records are not available online.If the applicanthaslived in countiesfar away,you'll probin person. ablyneedto hire someoneto conductthe research questions and clarify answer employees also can Court details.If your applicantwas arrestedlast week,the information might not appearin a nationaldatabasebut it will be in the county court record.The drawbackis that one personcan commit crimes in many countiesover the courseof a lifetime.You may need to searchrecordsin severalcountiesto providean accuratepicture of pastbehavior. 200B Frenunnv Statewidecriminal records: Somestatesmaintain criminal history databasescontainingfelony and misdemeanorinformation. Thesedatabasesarerepositoriesfor informationcollectedat the countylevel.Dependingon how oftenthe databaseis updated, a statewidecriminalhistorysearchmay not includean arrestfrom last week,but it will include information from multiple counties. Therefore,it would be more comprehensivethan a single-county search,althoughnot necessarilyascurrent. Federalcourt records:Federalcrimes,suchasbank robbery or embezzlement,won't show up in a county or state records search.Federalcourtrecordsmighthelpyou discoverweaponsor drug crimesthat won't appearin other criminal searches. Records are availableonline,but you must registerto accessthe database, which chargesa few centseachtime you view a record.For more informationvisitpacer.psc.uscourts. gov. Sex offender registry search: Checkingyour state'sonline sexoffenderregistryis a quickway to determineif more extensive backgroundchecksare warranted.However,it doesn'tprovide a completecriminal history since the resultsare limited to sexrelatedconvictionsin a singlestate.For example,the sexoffender registrywouldn't reveala theft or burglaryconviction. In addition,not all statesreleasesexoffenderinformationor requirethesametypesofoffendersto register. Therefore, resultsof this searchshouldcomplementcriminalhistorychecksperformed in the applicant'spreviouscountiesor statesof residence. SocialSecuritynumber verification: If you perform a Social Frenunny 200B Securitynumberverificationon your applicantyou may discover that your applicanthastried to "erase"a criminalrecordby modifying identifuing information or using another person'sSSN.A searchwill list additionalnames,addresses, or birthdatesassociated with the Social Securitynumber your applicant provided. Expandinga criminal history databasesearchto include those variantsmight yield additionalcriminal records. Addresshistory: Determiningwhere an applicanthas lived helpsyou determinewhich counties'criminalrecordsyou should check.Expertsrecommendthat you searchrecordsin all counties wherean applicanthaslived during the past l0 years. One of the bestwaysto preventholesin your criminal backgroundchecksis to choosea reputablescreening serviceprovider. The bestfirms provideaccurateand up-to-dateinformation,plus they help you complywith stateand federallawsthat governthe useof backgroundscreeningreportsduring the hiring process. Laura J. Brown is a writer and communications specialist with Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company, Fort Wayne,IN. [] Chunch Execurive 4'