CURRICULUM VITAE Can Büyükbay İcadiye Caddesi No:90/6, Kuzguncuk Mah. 34674, Üsküdar/İstanbul Mobil: +90 532 054 36 82, Tel : +90 216 333 32 14 E-mail :[email protected], [email protected] Personal Information Date of Birth 4. August 1983 Nationality Turkey Place of Birth Istanbul Marital Status Married Education 7/2015-10/2015 Visiting Researcher, Jean Monnet Lehrstuhl, Prof. Wessels, University of Cologne 2010-2013 Ph.D., Political Science, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zurich; Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Josette Baer Hill, Prof. Dr. Frank Schimmelfennig PhD Thesis: “Euroscepticism in Turkey: The Discursive Construction of Europe and European Integration” (magna cum laude) 2007-2009 M.A, Political Science (Major), Department of Political Science, University of Berne Ecology (Minor), (Die Interfakultäre Koordinationsstelle für Allgemeine Ökologie) 2002-2007 B.A, Political Science and Public Administration, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 2005-2006 Political Science and International Relations, University of Cologne (Erasmus Student) 1994-2002 Istanbul Erkek Lisesi (German International School Istanbul) Work Experience Practical or Academic 9/2015-1/2016 Lecturer, Different Courses at TAU (Int. Relations, Public Adm, Pol. Science) Academic 1/2015- Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Social Democracy Practical 2/2015-6/2015 Course Instructor: Political Science, Technical Language, TAU Academic 2/2015- Coordinator for Bachelor; Deputy Head, Dep. Of Political Science, TAU Academic 2/2015- Assistant Professor, Turkish-German University(TAU), Dep. of Political Science Academic 2/2014-6/2014 Co-Lecturer, University of Zurich, Department of History Academic Seminar Course: : „Neo-Osmanismus? Die historische, ideologische und politische Orientierung der heutigen Türkei“ 1/2014 Assistant Director of the documentary film, “Tanzende Revolte am Boshphorus” Practical 8/2013-1/2014 Lecturer, University of Zurich, Department of Political Science Academic Undergraduate Course: “The Changing Dynamics of Turkey-EU Relations: New Opportunities and Challenges” 11/2013-06/2014 Invigilator, invigilation of Exams on behalf of ISQI GmbH in Switzerland Practical 1/2013- 6/2013 Advisor, Turkish Embassy Bern, Switzerland Practical Press department, German/French/English/Turkish translation, contact and meetings with Swiss correspondents regarding their questions about Turkish politics, judiciary system and news, translation of news in Swiss newspapers for the Embassy. 9/2012- Founder of Consultcan Swiss-Turkish Expert Networks Practical Consultcan is responsible for establishing high-quality social and professional networks between Turkey and Switzerland and making this network available to interested organisations and individuals. 6/2012-9/2012 Traffic Circulation Counter -Urban Mobility Research Practical 6/2008-4/2011 Translator, Turkish Embassy Bern, Switzerland Practical Translator and Advisor, translating and commenting news in Swiss newspapers (NZZ, Tagesanzeiger, Basler Zeitung, Berner Zeitung, Le Temps) regarding Turkish politics, economy and culture. 9/2010-12/2010 University of Zurich, Institute of Philosophy Academic Teaching Assistant: Course: “Introduction to Political Philosophy”; by PD Dr. Josette Baer Hill ([email protected]) 8/2010-10/2010 University of Berne/World Trade Institute (WTO), Academic Research Assistant : “Rethinking the Millennium Development Goals: Stakeholders’ Perceptions and Strategic Choices” 1/2009-9/2009 University of Berne/ Interfakultäre Koordinationsstelle für Allgemeine Ökologie (IKAÖ) Academic Research Assistant: „Fremd, schön, bedrohlich? Der Expertendiskurs zu invasiven Arten in der Schweiz.“ 4/2005-12/2011 1/2007-12/2011 Editor of the journal “Izinsiz Gösteri” Izinsiz Gösteri is a Turkish based European Journal of Theory and Literature based on the idea of launching and sustaining scholarly journal, where articles of academics, writers and poets have been published. (e.g., Prof. Dr. Norman Cherry, Prof.Dr. Gerry Coulter) ( Yoga Teacher, YOYO Balance your life Zurich, Fittness Connection Uster, Om Yoga Istanbul Media Relations (Newspaper Articles, Commentaries and Interviews) 01/07/2015 15/05/2015 17/05/2015 01/02/2015 02/03/2015 01/02/2013 17/01/2015 11/06/2013 07/06/2013 09/06/2013 14/06/2013 12/06/2013 16/06/2013 Europe and Islam, Progressive Thought Institute, Online Interviewed by Dr. Lisa Watanabe for her article on Turkey-Switzerland Relations, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich 2015 Elections in Turkey: Decision about the Future of the Country, Shargh Daily Interviewed by Mr. David Klein: ‘Yoga and Politics’, Changing Turkey Article: Podemos in Spain, Gezi in Turkey, Yurt Gazetesi Article: Limited Autonomy of Turkish Civil Society in Turkey, Avrupa Gazete Article: Turkish Politics: Quo Vadis?, Mardom - e – emrooz (Iranian reformist newspaper) Commentaries on recent protests in Turkey, Discussion at “SRF Club” ( Interview with Tagesanzeiger “Wenn Erdogan seine Rhetorik nicht ändert, eskaliert es” Interview with Swissinfo, „Türkei in Bewegung, Alle meine Freunde vom Gymnasium…“ Radio Interview with SRF1, SRF2 “Echo der Zeit” Basler Zeitung,Tagesanzeiger/Newsnet, „Eingriffe der Regierung werden als Farce betrachtet“ Major Contribution to an Article in Tagesanzeiger: „Ein Krieg, in dem nur eine Seiten Waffen hat“ Academic Practical 13/06/2013 11/06/2013 Contribution,Türkei Proteste, Uprising: Turks in Switzerland divided over protests, The Muslim Times. Publications 2015 6/2015 4/2015 4/2015 12/2014 8/2014 6/2014 5/2014 2/2013 11/2012 12/2012 10/2012 7/2012 4/2012 8/2011 6/2011 10/2010 1/2010 2/2011 1/2009 1/2008 Euroscepticism in Turkey: Power and Beyond, Peter Lang Verlag, Forthcoming. Public Euroscepticism Intensifying in Turkey, June 2015, Journal Global Policy and Governance, Vol.4, No.1. Euroscepticism in Turkish Politics, Dissertation Reviews, Online. ‘Practical Wisdom and EU Integration’, In Can Europe Make It? Opendemocracy, Online. İş Kazaları İstatistiklerinde Türkiye ve Diğer Ülkeler (Work Accidents in Turkey and in other countries), Journal of Social Democracy, 2014, Issue: 47. Ortadoğu’daki Çatışmaların Temeli: Evrensel Değerlere Karşı Rasyonel ve İrrasyonel Çıkarlar, Journal of Social Democracy, 2014, Issue: 43. Origins of the Conflicts in the Middle East: Rational and Irrational Interests versus Universal Values, Reflections Turkey, August 2014, Issue: 9, 12-18. European Elections and Social Democracy, Reflections Turkey, May 2014, Issue: 8, 55-58. AKP Döneminde Türkiye: “Gesellschaft” Yanılsaması, “Gemeinschaft” Gerçeği, (Turkey under the AKP Rule: Illusion of “Gesellschaft”, Truth of “Gemeinschaft”), Journal of Social Democracy, 2013, Issue: 25/26. Türkiye`nin Suriye Krizindeki Tutumu Üzerine Avrupa`dan Algilamalar, Sosyal Demokrat Dergi, Journal of Social Democracy, November 2012, Issue: 23. The European Perception of Turkey in the Syria Crisis, Reflections Turkey, December, Issue: 5, 21-26. AKP’s Tactical Moves and the Need for the EU To Be Aware, Reflections Turkey, October, Issue: 4, 18- 22. Limited Autonomy of the Civil Society and the Misuse of the EU Accession Process, Vol. I, Issue 5, 6 July 2012, Centre for Policy Analysis and Research on Turkey, London, ResearchTurkey. The Misuse of the EU Accession Process and Civil Society, Reflections Turkey, April 2012, Issue: 1, 22-23. Patterns of Party-Based Euroscepticism in Turkey. International Review of Turkish Studies. Vol.1/2, Summer 2011, 78-114. Gründe und Ausformungen des Euroskeptizismus bei der Republikanischen Volkspartei (CHP) und bei der Nationalistischen Bewegungspartei (MHP), European Journal of Turkish Studies, 2011. Causes and Types of Euroscepticism by the Republican People’s Party (CHP) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) of Turkey, Changing Turkey [online]. Euroskeptizismus in der Türkei: Die Republikanische Volkspartei (CHP) und die Nationalistische Bewegungs partei (MHP) im Vergleich. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller: 2010. Siyaset Söylemlerinde Kullanilan Satranc Metaforlari Üzerine.(The Chess Metaphor in Political Discourse). İzinsiz Gösteri Internet Journal. No: 233. January-February 2011. Manu Chao and Criticism of Economic Globalization. İzinsiz Gösteri Internet Journal. No: 191. Dezember- Januar 2009. Die Zusammenwirkung des Wahl- und Parteiensystems in der Türkei. İzinsiz Gösteri Internet Journal. No: 167. Februar-März 2008. Scholarships 2012-2013 University of Zurich Conferences 29/4/2015 Schwache Reaktionsmechanismen der EU: Abkehr von der Demokratie. Joint Symposium of Turkish-German University and University of Cologne, İstanbul. 28-29/4/2015 2/5/2012 5/4/2012 22/3/2014 21/6/2013 18/11/2011 13/05/2011 9/5/2011 5/5/2011 3/2/2011 31/3/2004 Head of the symposium committee of the joint symposium of Turkish – German University and University of Cologne, which was held under the name “New Political Challenges for Germany, Turkey and the EU – II” in Istanbul, supported by DAAD and BMF. Bringing Gramsci back in: Euroscepticism in Turkish Civil Society. Second Workshop on Europeanization Research and Turkey: Different Facades, Multiple Contributions. Süleyman Demirel University. Gradaute School of Social Sociences. Isparta. Euroscepticism in Turkey and Bosnia, 62nd Political Studies Association Annual International Conference. In Defence of Politics, Europe Hotel Belfast. Comparing Euroscepticism in Turkey and Bosnia, a Europe of Diversities, Nineteenth International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies. Boston. Understanding Euroscepticism in Turkey" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies 44th Annual Convention, New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans, LA. Second- Generation Europeanisation Research and Beyond: Power, Resistance and Identity in TurkishDomestic Politics, Centre for European Studies, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Patterns of Party-based Euroscepticism in Turkey, Paper presented at the Koc University Jean Monnet Chair 2nd Graduate Workshop. Europeanization: EU and Beyond. Istanbul. Eine typologische Untersuchung des parteibasierten Euroskeptizismus in der Türkei. Poster/Paper presented in Networking Day für Qualitativ Sozialforschende. Department of Sociology. University of Zurich. Elite-Level Euroscepticism in Turkish Civil Society, paper presented at the Center for Comparative and International Studies, University of Zurich/ ETH Zurich, Zurich. Comparing Party-based Euroscepticism in Turkey, Paper presented at the conference entitled “Faraway, So Close? Reaching beyond the Pro/Contra Controversy on Turkey’s EU accession”. Organized by Freie Universität Berlin and Sabanci University, Berlin. Political Psychology, Political Science Students Conference, Middle East Technical University, Ankara. Language Skills Turkish Mother tongue German Advanced (Deutsches Sprachdiplom; DSH Diplom) Englisch Advanced (TOEFL) French Intermediate: (TCF B2) Spanish Beginner Computer Skills Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook) SPSS, Strata, (Software Tools for Qualitative and Quantitative Research) Atlas.Ti Latex Memberships 2015 Chief Editor, Reflections Turkey, 2015 Progressive Thought Institute (Deputy Head) 2015 Social Democracy Foundation (Board Member) 2012 International Political Science Association (IPSA) 2011 Collaborative Research Network (CRN) on Euroscepticism, supported by the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) 2011 Swiss Political Science Association 2009 International Yoga Federation 2000 Founder and Co-Head of Istanbul Lisesi Students Association Interests Chess (licenced): Founder of İstanbul Lisesi International Chess Festival. Qualification for university finals organised by Idee Suisse des Echecs in December 2007 Yoga Sivananda Yoga Teacher, International Yoga Federation Teacher, Private Yoga Teacher ( Tango Argentine