4th Regional SeminaR on Hot Stamping tecHnology pRogRam
4th Regional SeminaR on Hot Stamping tecHnology pRogRam
4 th R e g i o n a l S e m i n a r o n H ot S ta m p i n g T e c h n o l o g y - 1 s t GM P H S S u p p l i e r s F o r u m - P R OG R AM D e t r o i t , 2 2 n d M a r c h 2 01 3 Pr ov i d i n g I n s i g h t – S h a r i n g E x p e r i e n c e – G a i n i n g Ac c e ss There is no doubt about hot stamping technology having developed towards the strongest driver in contemporary lightweight car body design. Although it’s still quite new for most of the typical players in sheet metal forming technology and body-in-white design it should be realized that it did not just appear out of a sudden. It took almost 40 years from the first invention to make press hardening of heat treatable steel what it is today: A global technology! Apparently there seems to be almost no other option left to fulfill requirements on weight reduction and passenger safety. While during the last decade, global hot stamping game was played only by a comparably small team of highly specialized key-players, it actually becomes a main-stream dragging in more and more players into the game. However, to compete with the already well established one’s in technology means far more than combining a press and a furnace and just do it. It is about taking right decisions on investments in infrastructure and finally not to S EMINA R F EE AN D R EGI S T R ATION Seminar Fee: 490.00 US Dollar Binding registration has to be done via fax formular on www.hotforming-academy.com. Invoicing will be done by our partner TOP Business AG. The seminar fee includes the participation in the lectures as well as printed proceedings and catering during the day. forget at the same time to invest in people. The seminar, therefore, aims at providing insight into technological complexity, sharing experience and gaining access to knowledge and expertise on related process and materials technology. See you in Detroit! Kurt Steinhoff O R GANI Z E D BY GRUNDIG AKADEMIE GROUP TOP BUSINESS AG Klingenhofstrasse 58 90411 Nuremberg Germany Christian Kovacs fon +49 911 95117 - 231 fax +49 911 95117 - 309 [email protected] www.hotforming-academy.com VEN U E T h e 4 t h R e g i o n a l S e m i n a r o n H o t S t a m p i n g Te c h n o l o g y w i l l b e o r g a n i z e d i n D e t r o i t , M i c h i g a n , U SA , 2 01 3 . It takes place at the Courtyard by Marriott Detroit Downtown. Courtyard Detroit Downtown 333 East Jefferson Ave Detroit, Michigan 48226 USA fon: +1 313 - 222 7700 fax: +1 313 - 222 6509 web:www.marriott.com MA R C H 2 2 n d OCTO MA RBCEH R 2 22 8 nt dh 09:00 Welcome and Opening 13:00 Business Lunch KEYNOTE 1 09:15 All about Press Hardening! – An Overview on Technology and Markets Kurt Steinhoff (University of Kassel, Germany) KEYNOTE 2 14:00 Future for Press Hardening Steel at General Motors Luke Reini, Paul Belanger (General Motors Company, Detroit, USA) Session 1 Session 3 “The Big Investments”: Equipment and Machinery “Bringing it to the Point!”: Parts & Properties 09:45 PHS Production Concepts – Presses, Automation and Integration Thomas Finkler (ThyssenKrupp System Engineering GmbH, Wadern-Lockweiler, Germany), Richard Trahey (ThyssenKrupp System Engineering Inc., Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA) 10:10 Furnace Technology in Industrial Hot Stamping – From Heat Treatment to Energy Efficiency Fritz Ebner (Ebner Industrieofenbau GmbH, Leonding, Austria) 10:35 Heat Helps! – Laser Applications for Trimming and Joining of UHSS Parts Michael Fritz (Trumpf Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany) 11:00 Refreshment Break Session 2 “Things are Moving”: Materials & Coatings 14:30 PHS Process and Product Technologies for Global Supply Ignacio Martin (Gestamp BIW, Sant Esteve Sesrovires, Spain) 14:55 Designing Complexity! – Tools and Dies Ralf Hund (Braun CarTec GmbH, Schwalbach, Germany) 15:20 Strategies for Press Hardening of Parts with Tailored Properties Agim Ademaj, Dennis Fuss (University of Kassel, Germany) 15:45 Refreshment Break 16:05 Key to Quality Control! – Nondestructive Testing of UHSS Parts Bernd Wolter (Fraunhofer Institute IZFP, Saarbruecken, Germany) 16:30 Modelling & Simulation of Hot Stamping Processes Michael Kerausch (AutoForm Engineering, Pfaffenhofen, Germany) 11:40 Zn-Coated Boron Steel – Direct Hot Forming for Automotive Applications Wico Verloop (Tata Steel Europe, Ijmuiden, The Netherlands) 16:55 Closing Remarks: “Do not Forget to Invest in People!” 12:05 Don‘t Let the Heat have you Beat! – Tool Steels for Press Hardening Isaac Valls (Rovalma S.A., Terassa (Barcelona), Spain) 17:30 Networking Reception 12:35 Zinc Coatings between Indirect and Direct Hot Stamping – A Magnitude of Experience Josef Faderl (voestalpine Stahl GmbH, Linz, Austria) T R AINING G R U N D IG A K A D EMIE G R O U P The GRUNDIG AKADEMIE GROUP is one of the internationally most renowned institutions in postgraduate training. The qualification on “Press Hardening” is internationally accredited and focused on the needs of each individual company. The specified seminars are aimed at combining practical experience, fundamentals and innovative technologies on the shop floor level. Intensive Training in Press Hardening Intensive Training in Press Hardening Module A Heat Treatment and Hot Forming of Steel Module B Virtual Process Design for Hot Stamping of Ultra-High-Strength Steel P R O D U CT OVE RVIE W Process Technology Materials Selection Modelling & Simulation Hot Sheet Metal Forming Technology – Materials, Parts and Processes Systems Engineering Q UA L I F I CAT I O N O N P R E S S H A R D E N I N G T E C H N O L O G Y Public Seminars Intensive Trainings Executive Training Regional Seminar Series Module A Heat Treatment and Hot Forming of Steel Onsite Trainings Customized Trainings International Seminar EuroBlech Module B Virtual Process Design for Hot Stamping of Ultra-High-Strength Steel w w w. h o t f o r m i n g - a c a d e my. c o m Executive Training On Hot Stamping Technology Carbody Design PHS Audit Trainings Luleå, Sweden from June 9th to 12th, 2013 K IN D LY S U PPO RTE D BY ANNO U NCEMENT CHS2 Conference 2013 Please note that the 4th International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel will take place at “Kulturens Hus“ in Luleå, Sweden, from June 9th to 12th, 2013. General Motors Company www.gm.com Swedish-German Centre of Excellence on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel – CHS2 www.chs2.eu O R GANI Z E D BY GRUNDIG AKADEMIE GROUP TOP BUSINESS AG | Klingenhofstrasse 58 | 90411 Nuremberg | GERMANY www.hotforming-academy.com w w w. g r u n d i g - a k a d e m i e. d e