Wie Krebs in Wochen geheilt werden kann – schnell, billig und ohne


Wie Krebs in Wochen geheilt werden kann – schnell, billig und ohne
Invitation to Congress
SEPTEMBER, 20TH-24TH, 2016
Spend 5 unforgettable days with the
greatest specialists on integrative
therapies and health, together in the
biggest event ever realized in this area.
Get ready to transform your knowledge and your professional
Wie Krebs in Wochen geheilt
werden kann – schnell, billig
und ohne Nebenwirkungen
12. März 2016 Dr. Leonard Coldwell im Gespräch mit Michael
Friedrich Vogt. Die Instinktbasierte Medizin (Instinct Based
Medicine System IBMS) ist ein extrem erfolgreiches Konzept und
hat schon 35.000 Krebspatienten geholfen, die Ursache ihrer
Erkrankungen zu erkennen und zu beseitigen. „Dr. C“ motiviert
die Menschen, ihr Leben in die eigene Hand zu nehmen, sowohl
im gesundheitlichen Bereich als auch bezüglich ihrer Rechte,
die den Menschen immer mehr beschnitten werden. Denn: Die
Diagnose Krebs ist für viele gleichbedeutend mit einem
Todesurteil. Doch gibt es wirklich keine Alternativen? Dr.
Leonard Coldwell, Arzt und Krebsexperte für natürliche
Krebstherapien, heilte im Laufe seiner erfolgreichen Karriere
unzählige Krebspatienten mit einer Erfolgsrate von 92 Prozent!
“Ich werde diesen Kampf nicht beginnen, aber ich werde ihn
beenden!” (Leonard Coldwell)
Unser Organismus kann sich von fast allen Leiden selbst
heilen, wenn wir ihm nur das geben, was er auch benötigt – und
das ist keine giftige Chemie! Laut Coldwell kann jede
Krebserkrankung innerhalb von zwei bis 16 Wochen geheilt
werden. Doch die schulmedizinische Realität sieht anders aus.
In den letzten Jahrzehnten wurde die Diagnose Krebs immer
häufiger gestellt. Die Schulmedizin verspricht seit
Jahrzehnten einen baldigen Durchbruch, wenn es um die
Bekämpfung von Krebs geht. Ständig werden neue,
vielversprechende Forschungsergebnisse, Medikamente und
Therapien vorgestellt. Doch ein Fortschritt ist unverändert
nicht erkennbar. Derzeit sind die einzigen Waffen, die im
Kampf gegen Krebs aufgebracht werden, entweder das
Herausschneiden des Tumors, die Bestrahlung oder die
Chemotherapie – und in vielen Fällen alles zusammen. Die
Schulmedizin versucht, den Krebs zu töten, doch dabei wird
meist auch alles andere getötet.
Mit einer „Erfolgs“-Quote von katastrophalen zwei bis vier
Prozent gilt die Chemotherapie als eine „Königsdisziplin“ der
Schulmedizin. Es ist unbegreiflich, warum diese „Giftkur ohne
Nutzen“ weiterhin als vielversprechende Standardtherapie
gepriesen und angewandt wird.
Ein Ausdruck der Hilflosigkeit der Schulmediziner? Eine
nationale Krebsgesellschaft gibt es auch in den USA – dort ist
es die Cancer Society. In deren Statuten steht geschrieben,
daß sich bei einer Entdeckung eines Heilmittels gegen Krebs
sich die Institution auflöst, da sie überflüssig werden würde.
Doch es geht um viele Milliarden Dollar. Das Interesse an
einem Heilmittel hält sich also in Grenzen bei denjenigen
Institutionen, von welchen man eigentlich denkt, sie würden
ihren Fokus auf die Forschung und die Bekämpfung von
Krebsleiden richten. Statt dessen denkt man ausschließlich
Eine Chemotherapie kostet zwischen 10.000 und 20.000 Euro. Die
Pharmaindustrie macht mit Zytostatika einen jährlichen Umsatz
von geschätzten 3 Milliarden Euro. Krebs ist ein wichtiger
Wirtschaftsfaktor. Krebs ist wahrlich ein Mordsgeschäft.
E-Mail: [email protected]
Dr. Leonard Coldwell, Streß – die Hauptursache
Krankheiten … und die einzige Antwort darauf
Dr. Leonard Coldwell, Instinkbasierte Medizin. Wie Sie Ihre
Krankheit … und Ihren Arzt überleben.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell/Jürgen Kettner, Korallen Kalzium – Das
Gold von Okinawa
Weitere Sendungen mit Dr. Leonard Coldwell:
Aktivierung der Selbstheilungskräfte
World’s Top Doctor! How to
Heal Cancer, Cure Disease and
More! (Dr. Leonard Coldwell)
Website: www.theedgeam.com
Guest: Dr. Leonard Coldwell, author of “The Only Answer To…”
series of books; which includes, The Only Answer To: Cancer,
Success, Stress, Tyranny.
Website: www.drleonardcoldwell.com
Dr. Leonard Coldwell is a naturopathic medical doctor and
motivational speaker who gives hope and dignity to millions of
cancer victims worldwide, and is the Medical Mafia’s worst
nightmare. He is known as the “most successful alternative
doctor in the world,” says cancer is easy to cure with natural
medicine and over 400 natural cures like juicing, baking soda
and other inexpensive and effective cures. He says a third of
cancers go away all by themselves with no treatment at all.
Dr. Coldwell was trained in Natural Medicine in Germany, and
holds several medical degrees including a Ph.D in Psychology.
He believes the main trigger to cancer is stress, lack of
energy or will to live. He wrote his first book at age 14,
Mama Please Don’t Die, for which he was offered what in
today’s money would equate to several millions to just not
publish that book. Dr. Coldwell went on to publish not only
that book but 19 more, all huge best sellers.
The doctor exposes the Cancer industry as has never been done
before and claims cancer comes and goes usually without people
even knowing. But with “early detection” the cancer sleuths
rush people on to the operating table, sometimes by the very
next day of their “diagnosis” — pumping in toxic poisons like
mustard gas and burning the body with radiation (which CAUSES
cancer), and thereby succeed in killing a third of “cancer
patients” in the FIRST MONTH and causing permanent damage to
the bodies of the rest. The cancer “doctors” remove vital
organs including the lymph glands (which is the immune
system); they cut out the intestines, ensuring death by
starvation. A tiny tumor that took years to develop and is
hurting nothing will be treated like an atom bomb about to go
off. In the last six weeks of the victim’s life, the industry
will rake in most of their profits, and while the
patient/victim is semi-comatose the doctors will often do
multiple surgeries and thereby gain the practice they need to
become specialists.
Dr. Coldwell is featured on iHealth and is a sought-after
speaker worldwide. His seminars are packed, and his books have
sold in the millions because his message resonates with
multitudes of hurting and victimized people. The brave
Naturopathic Doctor presents the naked truth of one of the
biggest industries in existence, the health industry in such a
way that anybody who hears his message will never look at
cancer or the healthcare system the same way again.
Get Dr Leonard Coldwell’s historical secrets of healing every
illness and condition naturally right now!
Dr. Coldwell’s Answers Now website: www.worldhealthnation.com
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOWCLS7OutA&sns=fb
Important message from Dr.
Leonard Coldwell – Cancer
Risk Quiz
Dear Friends,
I am recommending that all of my friends take just one minute
for this quiz to find out your personal risk for cancer.
Do it for yourself but also for everyone who loves you and
that you love.
It’s very easy to reduce your risk for cancer
the first step is finding out your own personal risk. Click on
“Start Quiz” below – one minute of your time can literally
save your life!
The Only Answer to Cancer –
Now Published and Available
Nun in der 10ten Sprache mein Mega Best seller in Rumanscher
Sprache ( 57 Millionen buecher verkauft ) Die einzige Antwort
auf Krebs
GcMAF und die 14 toten Ärzte
Kulturstudio SPEZIAL
Nachdem die Behandlungserfolge mit dem Mittel GcMAF weltweit
für Aufsehen gesorgt haben, wurde es auch schon verboten und
unterdrückt. Der Höhepunkt gipfelte nun mit dem angeblichen
Selbstmord von Dr. Jeff Bradstreet und den mysteriösen Toden
und Verschwinden einiger seiner Forschungs- und Ärztekollegen.
Dr. Bradstreet forschte im Bereich Autismus im Zusammenhang
mit Impfstoffen und konnte mit GcMAF bei 15% der behandelten
Autisten einen komplette Heilung herbeiführen, wobei die
restlichen 85% massive Verbesserungen erfahren konnten.
GcMAF ist ein körpereigenes Protein welches Vitamin D bindet
und transportiert, die Ergebnisse der Behandlung von Autismus,
Krebs, CE, Multipler Sklerose, Parkinson, Alzheimer, Nieren &
Leber Erkrankungen, HIV, bakteriellen & viralen Infektionen
sowie vieler weiterer Erkrankungen mit GcMAF sind
bahnbrechend. Ist das der Grund warum es massiv bekämpft wird
und sogar Forscher und Ärzte ihr Leben lassen mussten?
Dr. Leonard Coldwell erklärt in diesem Kulturstudio Spezial
was GcMAF ist und die weitere Umständen zu den aktuellen
Speaker at the worlds largest
health event in the Dominican
Mega Star Dr. Leonard Coldwell “The Voice for Cancer Patients”
is to be the Keynote Speaker at the worlds largest health
event in the Dominican Republic. The 1 World Conference on
Peace and Light will be held Agust 23-25, 2015 in Bavaro,
Punta Cana – Dominican Republic.
To Learn More Please Click Here
Dr. Leonard Coldwell ( Dr C )
will be the Keynote Speaker
in Brazil at the largest
Anti-Cancer Event ever held
in South America!
Event to take place in Brazil September 13-19, 2015
Dr. C (Dr. Leonard Coldwell)
Has Done It Again!
The MOST SUCCESSFUL Radio Show for Cancer Cures EVER broadcast
in Europe!
Millions of people listened live and over 10,000 views on the
within just 32 Hours!
To Watch Please Click Here!
Dr. Leonard Coldwell: Every
Cancer Can Be Cured in a Few
Alkaline-acid balance of the physical body
The health and condition of the human body depend upon organic
and physical-chemical balances for the essential functions of
its natural regulatory mechanisms.
When you come across these functions, they are measurable as a
modification that could give us a “signal” that we have
actually entered a state of a disease, it can be viewed moving
toward level of acidity.
The success of any therapy is considerably greater if the body
aids to free acid, which involves transforming routines as
well as taking foods that offer us the necessary alkalinity of
the body.
The balance of acids and also bases in the physical body is
incredibly vital for our health. There is no body nor specific
cell that cannot be damaged or entirely destroyed by raised
levels of acidity.
However, lifestyle and poor diet can enhance the level of
acidity. In this situation, way too much acid builds up in
some locations, as evidenced by excruciating layers of
connective tissue that contain accumulated salts.
This already is a sign of chronic damage and the cause of
numerous health problems Based on a study, a large alkalinity
in the blood stops the formation as well as advancement of the
existing CRA. Research studies show that cancer cannot live in
alkaline environments as much as in acidic ones, so, the blood
pH ought to be greater.
As we know, a pH of 7.0 marks neutral. Our bodies are actually
slightly alkaline with a pH of 7.4. The meal ratio for healthy
and balanced people, to prevent the acidic state, must be 75%
“alkaline meals” and 25% “acid” throughout the day.
Consequently, it is vital to become aware of the groceries we
by and to transform our diet regimen to help our body restore
acid-alkaline balance.
What can trigger acidification –
level of acidity?
Reducing cooked foods
Consuming excessive meat
Consuming sufficient amounts of liquids
Environmental pollution/poisons
Acid rain that suppresses the minerals in the lower
layers of soil
Alcohol, smoking
Taking drugs, especially salicylates, which are an
essential component of all analgesics and even tablet
Inadequate exercise, stress
External aspects that result in demineralization of the
body such as high temperatures and excessive sweating
One of the most important inner
factors that lead the organism
right into level of acidity:
Diabetic issues mellitus.
Incorrect diet program, ingesting quickly with a bunch
of ingested air.
Abdominal discomfort, puffing up, gas.
The typical and regional absence of oxygen.
Persistent renal problems.
Infection – high temperature.
Unbalanced cardio vascular system.
Impaired alkaline-acid equilibrium
can cause:
Migraines, headaches.
Problems of the locomotors system
weakening of bones, rheumatism.
Gout arthritis (risk).
Disorders of the digestion system – gastritis, digestive
swelling, pains, disturbed digestive tract.
Chronic fatigue, sleepiness, absence of energy.
Low threshold of discomfort– discomfort intolerance.
Depression, extreme uneasiness.
Heart disease and also blood circulation system, reduced
stress, cardiac arrhythmia’s.
Decays, periodontitis.
Renal discrepancy.
Reduction in endurance as well as muscular tissue
If the level of acidity of your body is developed, what can
you do for yourself?
Quickly, help yourself to reduce the effects of acidity. The
body responds to the overproduction of acid; women are
especially sensitive during menstruation.
Sweets take in calcium via decay, so people who consume a
bunch of sweets usually have a calcium deficiency. Overload of
acid reduces the effects of the physical body with minerals,
such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and also
Vital calcium is saved in bones and teeth, the biggest
reserves of minerals. We should condemn excess acids and
compensate for absent alkaline to protect these reserves.
The digestive system is a complicated mechanism in which a
series of chemical reactions take turns where acids play a
vital role. Acid can mainly be discovered in the body due to
food; however, the liver, pancreas, and stomach create
particular acids as well.
Gastric and intestinal tract materials should have a balanced
pH for good digestion, removal of toxic, unnecessary elements
and to avoid gas from fermentation.
The remedy is simple: you should reduce the use of acidic
foods and supplement that for alkaline, which is good for the
digestive system. A great way to incorporate this is to
consume ionized, alkaline water daily.
A crucial, laboratory evaluation of your groceries will be a
significant step to boosting your pH equilibrium and overall
health. If we remove everything that disturbs our enzymatic
balance from meals, increase our water intake, take part in
exercise, discover how to “take a breath” (meditation) or
regularly choose a massage or sauna cleansing, we will have
done a whole lot to help our physical body get fit.
With this method, we will certainly keep the high energy,
there will certainly be fewer health problems, we’ll be fresh,
and stress will certainly be unfamiliar to us.
Author: Ivan Andreevski