262 Floristik, Geographie, Systematik etc. respectively to wild plants


262 Floristik, Geographie, Systematik etc. respectively to wild plants
Floristik, Geographie, Systematik etc.
respectively to wild plants and cultivated trees and shrubs which
flower respectively in spring and in summer and autumn, to the
autumnal states of trees and shrubs, and to cultivated herbs and
potted shrubs. Families and genera are segregated into their units
in succeeding keys. Used in connection with the standard floras
and cyclopedias of cultivated plants, a helpful aid to the study of
the species included in it.
Darling, C. A., S p r i n g f l o w e r s . P u b l i s h e d b y t h e a u t h o r .
(Columbia Univ., New York City. VIII. 106 pp. 75 cts.)
A pocket manual of keys for field identifications, based on the
corresponding part of the author's "Handbook of the wild and cul­
tivated flowering plants", intended for use in the eastern U n i t e d
S t a t e s and with the more usual species.
Drodow, V., K s y s t e m a t i k e r o d a Bolboschoenus Palla {Scirpus L. exparte) i e g o r a s p r o s t r a n e n i j u v S i b i r i . [ Z u r
S y s t e m a t i k d e r G a t t u n g Bolboschoenus u n d i h r e V e r ­
b r e i t u n g i n S i b i r i e n ] . (Travaux Mus. Bot. Acad. imp. sc.
St. Pétersbourg. XI. 1913. p. 86—96. Russisch.)
I. Bolboschoenus Palla.
1. B. maritimus (L.) Palla.
var. typicus Asch, et Graebn. 1902 (*).
var. digynus Godr. 1844 (*).
var. nova Desoulavii (folium inferius involúcrale' rectum
ramuli inflorescentiae monostachyi; styli bifidi; nux compressa)j
var. relaxum Krylow.
2. B. compactus (Hoffm.) Drobow.
1. forma nova maior (culmi 70—100 cm longi, spiculi subsessiles, umbella sublaxa);
2. f. nova typicus (culmi usque äd 70 cm longi, umbella
compacta 3—7 spiculos) (*)j;
3. f. nova humilisi*) culmi 10—20 cm longi, umbella monoraro 2—3 stachya; spiculae 1 cm longae, 0,6 cm latae);
4. var. nova tenuistachyus (culmus gracilis, folia tenuia,
spiculae oblongo-lineares, 1—2 cm longae, 1,5—2 mm
Die mit * versehenen Formen sind abgebildet. Die Verbreitung
der Formen in S i b i r i e n wird genau angeführt.
Matouschek (Wien).
Free, E. E., T h e t o p o g r a p h i c f e a t u r e s of t h e d e s e r t b a ­
s i n s of t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s w i t h r e f e r e n c e to t h e p o s s i ­
b l e o c c u r r e n c e of p o t a s h . (Bull. U. S. Dept. Agrie. №. 54.
May 8, 1914.)
In this bulletin are named specifically 200 in closed desert
basins of which 126 are of importance in regard to the supplies of
potash and this number is practically reduced by the process of
elimination. Finally, the basins are tabulated in which all known
conditions are favorable to the accumulation of potash salts, given
in order of area. The two largest basins are found to be L a h o n t a n
45,730 square miles and D e a t h V a l l e y 23,560 squale miles and
the smallest C l a y t o n of 550 square miles.

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