etenrmime Autho_r`s Frosmt of VFe\M Gr Purpose
etenrmime Autho_r`s Frosmt of VFe\M Gr Purpose
' Name English Language Arts etenrmime Autho_r's Frosmt of VFe\M Gr Purpose Reading: lnformational Tex.t D!RE0T!0[IS: Read ihe passage. Then. answer the quesirons on the next page. Spectrum Test Prep Grade 7,- English Language Arts 4a tJI It t=l Name I Daie i ,l English Language Ans ! I Deterrylsne Authorus Fcamt of Vuew GH" rurpose *"--* . L Read carefully io ideniiry language ihai shows which side of an issue a wriier is on. A wriier's word choice can provide clues io his or her purpose. Phrases like On ihe other hand and /Veye,t'heiess signal when an author moves from one side of ihe argumeni io another side. X. Whielr staternents fnonl thre passage express the author's opinion abou^rt deslgner ologs? Ghoose i-iii:+:===+-==F=E ine ihnee best answers. @ 1"/ ^-^^^ ur t'^-eeding ca- correct gen:iic p.orlems ihai afiect cerlain breeds.' -))-r, . there's no guarantee that cross-breeding will o ":produce exacily ihe dog you . want." @ Sometimes an author will include arguments oR more than one side of a question. When this happens, Iook for ways ihe auihor proves the oiher side is wrong. "lf you wani an intelligeni, friendly dog with a ihick, wavry, non-allergenic coai, why not have a breeder creaie a Labradoodle jusi for you?" ,'G\ ,. Fr-.:.i.-€ o" The author [neludes angumenis for and against designer dogs. In youn opinion, does that make ttre aurthon's opinlon nnore or less enedible? Give rgasons for youn answer. "Puppies can inherit ihe besi t-ai-s or ootr parents." @ "t-lowever, they may also inherii their wors'i traiis. " /-\ " (F) 2. .. ihe best place io find a great canine companion wiih'hybrid vigor isn'i at a breeder's, bui ai irour local animal shelter." . Gon-npflete the ohart hy filling Angurment fon D'esigner Doqs l l l I im ttne blan[<s" Why Author T[rinks Do You Argnee This Angurmlent bn Disagnee [s Wnong with Author? - I Hybrids are healihier. You can gei the dog you want. 'ross-breeding can correct genetic defects. English Language Arts ?9 Spectrum Tesi Prep Grade 7