3. Some Literature on Same-Sex Law Issues around Partnership


3. Some Literature on Same-Sex Law Issues around Partnership
3. Some Literature on Same-Sex Law Issues around Partnership
and Parenting (in other languages than Dutch)
assembled by Kees Waaldijk (www.emmeijers.nl/waaldijk)
(summer 2001)
See also:
1. Some Literature on Same-Sex Law Issues around Partnership and Parenting (materials
in Dutch)
2. Some Literature on Same-Sex Law Issues in General (materials in Dutch)
3. Some Literature on Same-Sex Law Issues around Partnership and Parenting (in other
languages than Dutch)
4. Some Literature on Same-Sex Law Issues in General (in other languages than Dutch)
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F.W. Bosch, Bundesverfassungsgericht und nichteheliche Lebensgemeinschaft, in: 38 Zeitschrift
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