Interaktive Webseiten Web based information systems 1 Interaktionsmechanismen im Web • Mittels Page Reload: • Links • HTML-Forms • Inhalt und Design vermischt • Ohne Page Reload: • JavaScript + AJAX • Inhalt aktualisiert Web based information systems 2 Vermischung von Inhalt und Design Menu Schaltflächen Tabelle Form <div id="module-menu">! <ul id="menu">! <li class="node"><a>Site</a>! <ul style="width: 124px;">! <li class="" style="width: 124px;">! <tr>! <a class="icon-16-cpanel" href="index.php">Kontrollzentrum</a>! <td width="100%" align="left">! </li>! <li style="width: 124px;" class="separator"><span></span></li>! Filter:! class="" style="width: 124px;">! <input<li type="text" onchange="document.adminForm.submit();“ ! <a class="icon-16-user" href="index.php?option=com_users&task=view">Benutzer</a>! class="text_area" value="" id="search" name="search"/>! </li>! !<button <li class="" onclick="this.form.submit();">Los</button>! style="width: 124px;">! <a class="icon-16-media" href="index.php?option=com_media">Medien</a>! !<button ! </li>! onclick="document.getElementById('search').value='';this.form.submit();">! ! <li style="width: 124px;" class="separator"><span></span></li>! ! class="" Zurücksetzen! <li style="width: 124px;">! !</button>! <a class="icon-16-config" href="index.php?option=com_config">Konfiguration</a>! </td>! </li>! <li style="width: 124px;" class="separator"><span></span></li>! <td nowrap="nowrap">! <li class="" style="width: 124px;">! <select <a onchange="submitform( );" ! class="icon-16-logout" href="index.php?option=com_login&task=logout">Abmelden</a>! size="1" class="inputbox" id="filter_state" name="filter_state">! </li>! </ul>! selected="selected" value="">- Status wählen -</option>! <option </li>! value="P">Freigegeben</option>! <option <li class="node"><a>Menüs</a>! <option value="U">Gesperrt</option>! <ul style="width: 134px;">! </select> ! ! !! ! !<li style="width: 134px;">! ! !.! </td>! !.! </tr>!! ! !.! Web based information systems 3 Interaktionsmechanismen im Web Mittels Page Reload Ohne Page Reload JavaScript • Skriptsprache • In Webseiten einbettbar • Erste Version 1995 • JavaScript != Java • Objektorientiert • Prototyp basiert • Teilweise funktional • Dynamisch typisiert Web based information systems 5 JS - Anwendungsgebiete • DOM-Scripting - Manipulation der Dokumentenstruktur - Eventbehandlung • Validierung von Formularen • Daten Senden bzw. Nachladen (AJAX) • HTML5 – Rich Internet Applications: - Zeichnen (Canvas) - 3D-Grafiken (WebGL) - Videos abspielen - Musik steueren JS-Einbetten • Einbettungsmöglichkeiten: - Inline: <html>! <head>! !<title>Test</title>! !<script type="text/javascript">alert("Hallo Welt!");</script>! </head>! <body>...! - Separate Datei: <html>! <head>! !<title>Test</title>! !<script src=“srcfile.js" type="text/javascript">! JS-Grundlagen • Syntax an C angelehnt (vgl. Java, PHP...) • Alles Objekt: Numbers, Strings, Date, Array, Function • Variablendeklaration: - var x = 'Hallo World';! - Deklaration mittels var beschränkt Geltungsbereich! • Funktiondeklaration: var greet = function(name) {! !! !alert('Hallo ' + name);! !!}! JS-Literals • Zeichenketten: - Single Ticks: 'Hello'! - Double Quotes: "World"! • Arrays: [ 1, 2, 3, 20, 21 ]! • Assoziative Arrays: { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' }! • Zahlen: 0.0, 1, 5! • Basis für JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) JS-Kontrollstrukturen • Gängige Kontrollstrukturen analog zu bekannten Sprachen: - Bedigungen mittels if/else - Switch - Schleifen mittels: • for(initialiserung; bedingung; schritt)! • while(bedingung)! • do { } while(bedingung)! - For in Schleife: • Iteriert über alle Property Namen eines Objektes • for(propertyName in object) { }! • Achtung: hasOwnProperty verwenden! JS und OO • Objektorientierung in JavaScript ist Prototyp basiert • Prototyp basiert: - Objektorientierung ohne Klassenkonzept. - Objekte werden durch Kopie von anderen Objekten (Prototypen) erzeugt. - Jedes Objekt kann Vorlage Prototyp eines neuen Objektes sein - Objekte können verändert werden: • Eigenschafen hinzufügen/entfernen • Methoden hinzufügen/entfernen - Objekt kann als Assoziatives Array betrachtet werden: • Einträge in diesem Array sind Methoden und Felder JS und OO • Konstruktor eines Objektes ist eine Funktion: function Vehicle(color) {! !var privateProperty = 'hidden';! !this.color = color;! }! • Erzeugung eines neuen Objektes mittels new: var greenVehicle = new Vehicle('green');! • Veränderung an allen Fahrzeugen mittels prototype Eigenschaft: Vehicle.prototype.speedlimit = 20;! • Zugriff auf Konstruktorfunktion: Vehicle.prototype.constructor! JS und Vererbung • Vererbung: - Vorhandenes Objekt als Prototyp einer Konstruktors - Konstruktor dieses Prototypen durch eigenen Konstruktor ersetzen function Car(brand) {! this.brand = brand;! }! Car.prototype = greenVehicle;! Car.prototype.constructor = Car;! var greenHonda = new Car('honda');! JS und Vererbung • Super Call: - Verwendung von call oder apply - Call bzw apply bindet anderes this Objekt! function Parent() { };! Parent.prototype.greet = function(name) {! alert('Hello ' + name);! } ! function Child() { };! Child.prototype = new Parent();! Child.prototype.greet = function() {!, 'World');! }! Child.prototype.constructor = Child;! new Child().greet();! AJAX • Asynchrone HTTP Datentransfers mittels JavaScript • Ermöglicht durch das XMLHttpRequest Objekt des Browsers • Siehe: • Beispiel: var xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();! xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() {! !if(xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) {! ! !alert(xmlhttp.responseText);! }! }!"GET","ajax_info.txt",true); ! xmlhttp.send();! Hypertext Transfer Protocol • HTTP is the communication protocol of the web • Application level request/response protocol based • Stateless • Operates by exchanging messages across a reliable transport or session-layer connection • Extensible semantics • MIME-like message payloads • Interface to client is independent of the types of resources provided • Server does not need to be aware of its client‘s purpose HTTP cont. • Request Message: - A request line: • Method • URI • Protocol version - MIME-like headers: • Request modifiers • Client-Information • Payload Metadata - Payload body (if any) Web based information systems • Response Message: – A status line: • Protocol Version • Status Code • Textual reason – MIME-like headers: • Response modifiers • Server-Information • Payload Metadata – Payload Body if any 17 HTTP-Methods • Specifies unified actions on resources: - Unified in terms of a common semantics • There exist 8 different methods that are specified in the request line: - GET: Requests a specific resource - PUT: Creates or modifies a specific resource - POST: Submits data to be processed - DELETE: Deletes a specific resource - HEAD: Same as GET, without payload - OPTIONS: Returns specified HTTP-Methods for a resource - TRACE: Echoes the request back to the client - CONNECT: Used to tunnel arbitrary TCP/IP connections Web based information systems 18 HTTP-Example • Get request: GET /hello.txt HTTP/1.1 ! !User-Agent: curl/7.16.3 libcurl/7.16.3 OpenSSL/0.9.7l zlib/1.2.3 ! !Host: Accept: */* • Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK ! !Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 12:28:53 GMT ! !Server: Apache ! !Last-Modified: Wed, 22 Jul ! !ETag: "34aa387-d-1568eb00" ! !Accept-Ranges: bytes ! !Content-Length: 14 ! !Vary: Accept-Encoding! !Content-Type: text/plain! !Hello World!! Web based information systems 19 Uniform Resource Identifiers - URIs • A URI is a compact sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource. • Uniformity: - Allows different types of URIs to be used in the same context - Uniform semantic interpretation of common syntactic conventions - Allows introduction of new types of resource identifieres without interfering with existing types • Resources can be anything from a webaddress, services to human beings • The URI itself only provides identification; access to the resource is neither guaranteed nor implied by the presence of a URI. Web based information systems 20 Uniform Resource Identifiers • The URI provides only identification • General syntax is: scheme:// /path?query#fragment - Scheme: URI type (e.g. http) - Authority: optional, (e.g. - Path: hierarchically structured (e.g. ) (teaching/ss10/is/lect4.htm) - Query: non hierarchical data for identification (matrnr=0815) - Fragment: references parts within resources (chapter4) Web based information systems 21 Uniform Resource Identifiers • Special URI-types: - Uniform Resource Locator - URL: Subtype of URIs for locating resources on the net - Uniform Resource Names – URN Web based information systems 22 Web-service Basics • Applying advantages of the WWW to federated systems • Main focus on automatic data processing • Web applications can facilitate web services through separation of data and layout • Two competing architectural styles: - SOAP (RPC-Style) - REST (REpresentational State Transfer) • Hybrid style as a combination of RPC-Style und REST-Style Web based information systems 23 RPC-Style Webservices • Development of RPC-Style web services with the characteristics of existing non web based distributed systems: - Ability for tunneling through firewalls - Inspired by existing systems like CORBA • Main Characteristics: - Focus on method calls - Single endpoint (URI) for multiple different services - XML-based (XML-RPC/SOAP) protocols on top of HTTP - HTTP-methods are reduced to POST und minimum number of status codes. - Requires specific clients (not viewable in browser) Web based information systems 24 SOAP-based Webservice • Data exchange is done through standardized XML-Protocol (formerly know as Simple Object Access Protocol) - Independent of underlying transaport media (HTTP, SMTP…) • Interface description through WSDL (WebService Description Language) - Describes method signatures and data formats - Used for code generation • UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) as naming service for service lookups - The big vendors have already locked down their UDDI services Web based information systems 25 SOAP Web Service Example • SOAP-Request Example:! POST /InStock HTTP/1.1! Host:! Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8! Content-Length: nnn! <?xml version="1.0"?>! <soap:Envelope! xmlns:soap=""! soap:encodingStyle="">! <soap:Body xmlns:m="">! <m:GetStockPrice>! <m:StockName>DAIMLER</m:StockName>! </m:GetStockPrice>! </soap:Body>! </soap:Envelope>! Web based information systems 26 SOAP Web Service Example • SOAP-Response example:! HTTP/1.1 200 OK! Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8! Content-Length: nnn! <?xml version="1.0"?>! <soap:Envelope! xmlns:soap=""! soap:encodingStyle="">! <soap:Body xmlns:m="">! <m:GetStockPriceResponse>! <m:Price>34.5</m:Price>! </m:GetStockPriceResponse>! </soap:Body>! </soap:Envelope>! Web based information systems 27 REST-Style Web Services • Main focus on resources (also named ROA = Resource Oriented Architecture) • Resources are addressable • Resources share a uniform interface • Interactions are stateless • Resources can have multiple media types: HTML, JSON, RSS, ATOM, XML, OpenSearch, CSV Web based information systems 28 REST Applied on the Web • HTTP as the application protocol • The uniform methods correspond to the methods of the HTTP-protocol • Every URL is a single resource • One resource can have multiple representations depending on the negotiated media types • Facilitates standardized hypermedia formats: HTML/XHTML, Atom, OpenSearch • HTTP Status codes for error handling • By this definition every webpage can be treated as a RESTful interface Web based information systems 29 REST examples • GET:! • POST: >> GET /user HTTP/1.1! >> Host:! >> POST /user HTTP/1.1! >> Host:! >> Accept: text/html! >> Content-Type: application/x-www-formurlencoded! >> ! << HTTP/1.1 200 OK! >> login=doe&first=John&last=Doe << Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8! << Content-Length: nnn! << HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED! << ...! << Location: /user/doe << <ul>! << <li><a href="/user/doe">J.Doe</a></li>! << ...! << </ul> • DELETE: • PUT: >> PUT /user/doe HTTP/1.1! >> Host:! >> Content-Type: application/x-www-formurlencoded! >> DELETE /user/doe HTTP/1.1! >> Host:! >>! << HTTP/1.1 204 No Content! << HTTP/1.1 301 Permanent Redirect! << Location: /user/smith! Web based information systems >> login=smith&first=John&last=Smith! 30 Well Known Webservices • Purely REST-based services: - Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) - OpenSocial API - MySpace API • Hybrid/REST-like services: - Yahoo APIs - Google AJAX Search API - Flickr - Twitter • SOAP services: - Microsoft Live Search - Google Search API (discontinued) - Flickr - PayPal - DIGG API - Delicious API Web based information systems 31 SOAP vs. REST SOAP REST Matured standards: WS-* Lightweight Relevant in Context of SOA Architectural principle Werkzeugunterstützung in den gängigsten Plattformen Easy to integrate Interface Description Language Usage of standard data formats Different naming services available Addressable and interlinked ressources XML-based , sometimes huge overhead Support of arbitrary data Web based information systems 32 References [1] HTTP 1.1 / Spec Draft.., Fielding et. Al [2] Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax RFC 3986, T. Berners-Lee et al. [3] HTML 4.0 Specification [4] REST - Representational State Transfer, Roy Thomas Fielding [5] Standard ECMA-262 Web based information systems 33