Sideritis syriaca L. subsp. syriaca


Sideritis syriaca L. subsp. syriaca
“Virtual Botanical Museum of Crete” – MEDITERRANEAN AGRONOMIC INSTITUTE OF CHANIA (MAICh), 2008
Operational Programme “Information Society”, Measure 2.4
Family Labiatae (Lamiaceae)
Sideritis syriaca L. subsp. syriaca
Geographical distribution: Crete
Endemism: endemic of Crete
Habitat: calcareous open rocky slopes (alt. 800-2000 m)
Short description: Grey or white-lanate perennial 10-50 cm. Lower leaves
oblong to narrowly obovate, entire, crenulate. Middle and upper leaves
linear-lanceolate or oblong, entire. 5-20 whorls, each bearing 6-10
flowers. Middle bracts usually shorter or equalling flowers, suborbicular.
Corolla yellow, 9-15 mm.
Flowering period: May-June
Common names (in Crete, Greece): malotira
Uses: aromatic and medicinal plant, bee plant
Conservation status (for threatened species):
Protection status (for threatened species):
Code(s) of specimens in the Herbarium of MAICh: 6038, 5280, 326
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“Virtual Botanical Museum of Crete” – MEDITERRANEAN AGRONOMIC INSTITUTE OF CHANIA (MAICh), 2008
Operational Programme “Information Society”, Measure 2.4
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Publications de l'Universite de Provence

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