nursing - English for Nursing and Healthcare
nursing - English for Nursing and Healthcare
■ LANGUAGE ENGLISH FOR... advanced Nursing activities Documentation NURSING Thinkstock Effektive Krankenpflege hängt nicht nur von erfahrenem Fachpersonal ab. Auch Arbeitsabläufe und Infrastruktur sind wichtig. VIRGINIA ALLUM gibt einen Überblick. Providing efficient care roviding efficient nursing care in hospitals and clinics depends on having highly trained staff. But the global shortage of nurses and local hospital-employment plans mean that many wards do not have enough staff. In such cases, efficiency in a hospital usually suffers. Other factors, such as ward design and workplace guidelines, also play a role. Many clinical staff members complain that they spend more time dealing with documents than looking after patients. A recent study for the British National Health Service (NHS) found that many nurses spend less than half of their shift providing direct patient care. They spend most of their time moving around the wards, looking for the equipment they need. Ward design can influence the distance that nurses cover during a shift and the contact time they have with their patients. Ward types include Nightingale wards, bay wards and the Norwegian sengetun or “bed courtyards”. P QUIZ: A caring career Choose the correct answer for each question. a) The British nurse who opened a training school in England, in 1860: 1. Virginia 2. Edith 3. Florence Henderson Cavell Nightingale b) By 2012, the average age of US nurses will be: 1. 55 2. 44 3. 33 c) Nurses who care for women that are giving birth: 1. matrons 2. midwives 3. caseworkers d) The Italian priest who first used the symbol of the red cross for “servants of the sick”: 1. St Camillus 2. St John 3. St Thomas de Lellis of God Aquinas e) Percentage of male nurses in Spain and Italy: 1. 10% 2. 14% 3. 20% Nightingale wards have a row of beds on both sides of the ward, making it easy for nurses to observe all patients. But the patients have little privacy and nurses often have to travel farther with the equipment. Bay wards (“multi-occupancy patient rooms”), typically have four to six beds. Their disadvantages are low visibility to nurses and overcrowding. The sengetun arrangement groups six to ten single rooms around a central workstation. Visibility to nurses is improved and patient care is easily organized for each nursing team. Nurses in Britain follow guidelines from the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) to make sure nursing activities are carried out safely and that proven procedures are used. Clear communication is also essential, particularly during the nursing handover, when nurses from one shift pass on changes in patient care to staff on the next shift. Nurses write the patient information in standardized documents. These list the nursing activities for each shift and are part of the patient record. Activities include taking patient observations, dressing wounds, and post-operative care. Since 2009, the Productive-Ward project has been introduced in many UK hospitals. Its aim is to make nursing more efficient, so that staff have more time for direct patient care. Hospitals that use the project have found that nurses are more able to manage the amount of work they have, and use fewer resources. The efficient organization of duties also improves staff morale and reduces workplace stress for staff nurses and others who provide nursing care. bay ward [(beI wO:d] bed courtyard [(bed )kO:tjA:d] (courtyard design [di(zaIn] dress: ~ a wound [dres] guideline [(gaIdlaIn] handover [(hand)EUvE] National Health Service (NHS) [)nÄS&nEl (helT )s§:vIs] Nightingale ward [(naItINgeI&l wO:d] nursing care [(n§:sIN keE] patient record [)peIS&nt (rekO:d] post-operative care [)pEUst )QpErEtiv (keE] privacy [(prIvEsi] procedure [prEU(si:dZE] shift [SIft] shortage [(SO:tIdZ] visibility [)vIzE(bIlEti] ward [wO:d] Station mit Mehrbettzimmern Flügel mit Patientenzimmern, die um ein zentrales Schwesternzimmer gruppiert sind Hof) Gestaltung eine Wunde versorgen Richtlinie Übergabe staatlicher britischer Gesundheitsdienst Krankenstation mit langen Bettenreihen Krankenpflege Krankenakte postoperative Behandlung, Nachsorge Privatsphäre Ablauf Schicht Mangel Sichtbarkeit Station VIRGINIA ALLUM is a staff nurse at a private hospi- tal in England and leads a Productive-Ward project. She is co-author of Cambridge English for Nursing (see page 83). Contact: [email protected] Answers on page 87 82 Business Spotlight 1/2011 clinical/care pathway [)klInIk&l/)keE (pA:TweI] fluid(-)balance (chart) [(flu:Id )bÄlEns (tSA:t)] observation chart [)QbzE(veIS&n tSA:t] operation checklist [QpE)reIS&n (tSek lIst] pain-assessment tools [(peIn E)sesmEnt tu:lz] patient record [)peIS&nt (rekO:d] referral form [ri(f§:rEl fO:m] (klinischer) Behandlungspfad (Festlegung der Behandlung) Flüssigkeitsbilanz Krankenblatt, Patientenkurve Operations-Checkliste Instrumente zur Schmerzerfassung Krankenakte Überweisungsformular Nursing staff clinical nurse specialist [)klInIk&l )n§:s (speS&lIst] frontline clinical staff [)frVntlaIn )klInIk&l (stA:f] health-care assistant [(helT keEr E)sIstEnt] health visitor [(helT )vIzItE] licensed practical nurse (LPN) [)laIs&nst )prÄktIk&l (n§:s] N. Am. midwife [(mIdwaIf] modern matron [)mQd&n (meItrEn] UK registered nurse (RN) [)redZIstEd (n§:s] N. Am. staff nurse [(stA:f n§:s] state-enrolled nurse [)steIt In)rEUld (n§:s] UK Krankenpfleger(in) mit Spezialisierung Klinikpersonal mit Patientenkontakt Krankenpflegehelfer(in) Krankenpfleger(in), der/die in der Gesundheitsfürsorge tätig ist etwa: Hilfskrankenpfleger(in) Hebamme etwa: Oberschwester, Pflegedienstleiterin examinierte(r) Krankenpfleger(in) Stationsschwester; ausgebildete(r) Krankenpfleger(in) staatlich registrierte(r) Krankenpfleger(in) For more information BOOKS ■ Cambridge English for Nursing (with audio CDs), V. Allum, P. McGarr, CUP/Klett ISBN 978-3-12-534283-5, €19.95.* ■ Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Elaine Marieb, Academic Internet, ISBN 978-0-8053-7327-1, €44.99. * Available from WEBSITES ■ Medterms ■ NICE ■ Virginia Allum’s blog — EMP English for Nursing and Health: plus Find exercises on this topic in Business Spotlight plus www Job vocabulary at admit a patient [Ed)mIt E (peIS&nt] check a patient’s ID bracelet [)tSek E )peIS&nts )aI (di: )breIslEt] discharge a patient [dIs)tSA:dZ E (peIS&nt] do a medication round [)du: E )medI(keIS&n raUnd] document patient care [)dQkjumEnt )peIS&nt (keE] empty a catheter [)empti E (kÄTItE] give a handover [)gIv E (hÄnd)EUvE] give an injection [)gIv En In(dZekS&n] insert a catheter [In)s§:t E (kÄTItE] record fluid intake [ri)kO:d (flu:Id )InteIk] record urine output [ri)kO:d (jUErIn )aUtpUt] take a patient’s blood pressure [)teIk E )peIS&nts (blVd )preSE] take a patient’s observations [)teIk E )peIS&nts QbzE(veIS&nz] take a swab [)teIk E (swQb] take vital signs [)teIk (vaIt&l saInz] test a patient’s blood-sugar level [)test E )peIS&nts (blVd )SugE )lev&l] einen Patienten / eine Patientin aufnehmen ein Patientenidentifikationsarmband überprüfen einen Patienten / eine Patientin entlassen Medikamente verabreichen die Patientenversorgung dokumentieren einen Katheter entleeren eine Übergabe durchführen eine Spritze geben einen Katheter legen die Flüssigkeitsaufnahme protokollieren die Harnmenge protokollieren den Blutdruck eines Patienten / einer Patientin messen Eintragungen im Krankenblatt machen einen Abstrich machen Vitalparameter erfassen den Blutzuckerspiegel eines Patienten / einer Patientin kontrollieren Specialty areas and equipment bladder scanner [(blÄdE )skÄnE] diabetes care [)dAIE(bi:ti:z keE] glucometer [(glu:kEU)mi:tE] post-operative care [)pEUst (QpErEtIv keE] pre-admission clinic [)pri: Ed(mIS&n (klInIk] pre-operative care [)pri: )QpErEtIv (keE] Blasenscanner Diabetes-Management, Diabetes-Versorgung Blutzuckermessgerät postoperative Behandlung, Nachsorge prästationäre Sprechstunde präoperative Behandlung, Vorbehandlung Wound management apply a compression bandage [E)plaI E kEm(preS&n )bÄndIdZ] apply a non-stick dressing [E)plaI E )nQn stIk (dresIN] change a dressing [)tSeIndZ E (dresIN] sterilize a wound [)sterElaIz E (wu:nd] swab a wound [)swQb E (wu:nd] to come einen Kompressionsverband anlegen einen antiadhäsiven Wundverband anlegen einen Verband wechseln eine Wunde desinfizieren eine Wunde abtupfen Answers for page 87 Solutions: English for… nursing (page 82): a–3 b–2 c–2 (midwife = Hebamme) d–1 e–3 84 Business Spotlight 4/2005