Lukas, Prantl, Prof. Dr. med., MD, PhD, 20.03.1968, male


Lukas, Prantl, Prof. Dr. med., MD, PhD, 20.03.1968, male
Prof. Dr. Lukas Prantl
- Lukas, Prantl, Prof. Dr. med., MD, PhD, 20.03.1968, male
- University Hospital Regensburg, D-93042 Regensburg, Center of Plastic-, Hand- and
Reconstructive Surgery, Applied Stem Cell Research Center, Phone number: +49 (0) 941
944 6947, Fax: +49 (0) 941 944 6948
Email: [email protected]
- Position: Professor (W2 permanent), Director of the Department
- School of Medicine (10/1988 – 05/1994), University of Innsbruck (Austria), state
examination (11/94 University of Bologna, Italy; 12/97 Bavaria, Germany)
Scientific Degrees
- Thesis (Promotion): Medicine, University of Innsbruck, Prof. Dr. med. G. Bauer
- Habilitation: Surgery (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery), University of Regensburg,
2007, Prof. Dr. med. M. Nerlich
Professional Training and Experience after Termination of Studies
1994 - 2000, Postdoctoral fellow at the Dept. of Surgery, Technical University of Munich,
Germany; Chair: Prof. Dr. J. R. Siewert)
2000 – 2002 Resident at the Department of Plastic-, Hand- and Reconstructive Surgery,
Murnau Trauma Center, Germany; Chair: Prof. Dr. V. Bühren
2002 -2005 Consultant at the Clinic for Plastic-, Hand- and Reconstructive Surgery at Caritas
Hospital St. Josef, Regensburg; Chair: Prof. h.c. Dr. M. Eisenmann-Klein
2005 – 2012 Head of the Section of Plastic-, Hand- and Reconstructive Surgery, University of
Regensburg, Germany
2009 Visiting Professor of Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Research at the Department of
Molecular Pathology, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, Houston; Chair:
Prof. R. B. Arlinghaus, PhD
Since 2010 Professor (W2) for Plastic-, Hand- and Reconstructive Surgery, Head of the
Applied Stem Cell Research Center, University Hospital Regensburg
Since 2012 Director of the Center of Plastic and Aesthetic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery
at the University of Regensburg and Caritas Hospital St. Josef in Regensburg, Germany
Specialisation in General Surgery (2000), Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery – European Board
(2004), Hand Surgery (2008)
Since 2006 Inspector for International Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (SFR)
Since 2008 Certificate as Inspector for Clinical Studies
Since 2009 Certificate in Animal Management and Welfare (University of Texas, Hosuton)
Since 2010 Head of the Applied Stem Cell Research Center, University of Regensburg,
Member of the Adult Stem Cell Research Network
Since 2010 Deputy Delegate of the International Committee for Quality Assurance, Medical
Technologies & Devices in Plastic Surgery
Since 2010 Member of the Steering committee of the Study Group “Autologous Fat
Since 2010 Member of the scientific committee of the German society of Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery
Since 2011 Member of the Editorial Board of Journal Clinical Hemorheology and
Microcirculation, Journal of Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, Plastische Chirurgie
Since 2011 Member of the Editorial Advisory Board GMS – Journal Plastic, Reconstructive
and Aesthetic Surgery
Since 2011 National Delegate of the European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and
Aesthetic Surgery (ESPRAS)
Since 2012 President of the Germany Society of Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation
1996 Fellowship of the Italian Society of Surgery
2007 Futura award for scientific and clinical efforts (Ministerio della Salute, Italy)
2008 Award for best presentation German Society of Clinical Microcirculation and Hemo-
2010 Award for best presentation European Society of Clinical Hemorheoloogy and Microcirculation
2011 RESCU Award
2008 University of Lipski (primo loco), University of Duisburg-Essen (secundo loco)
2010 University of Regensburg (primo loco)
2011 University of Graz (W3) (secundo loco)
German Society of Surgeons (DGCH)
German Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery (DGPRÄC)
German Society of Hand Surgery (DGH)
Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH)
International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)
International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS)
International Committee for Quality Assurance, Medical Technologies & Devices in
Plastic Surgery (IQUAM)
German Society for Clinical Microcirculation and Hemorheology (DGKMH)
Diplomate of Ebopras (EBOPRAS)
Association of Emergency Physicians of Italy (AGSN)
Breast cancer association (Mamazone)
Humanitarian medical organization (Interplast)
Adult Stem Cell Research Network (ASCR)
The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)
American College of Surgeons (FACS)
Scientific review for journals: Cell, European Journal of Pain,Journal of Diabetes Research
and Clinical Practice, Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Journal of Aesthetic
Plastic Surgery, World Journal of Surgical Oncology, Tissue Engineering, Journal of
Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, Plastische Chirurgie, Annals of Plastic Surgery, Clinical Oral
Investigation, PLOS one, Journal Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Cell Tissue
Research, Cell Transplantation, Cytotherapy
Scientific grant reviews: BMBF, DGPRÄC, ESCHM
Patents: “Weichgewebe-Implantat mit antibakterieller Wirkung” (DE 10 2007 039871.0)
Current funding: AO Research Fund Grant S-10-3G; DFG (PR 1450/1-1 under review),
Ministerium für Innovation, Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
(333-005-1010-0036), Industry