CV - Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt


CV - Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Curriculum vitae
Michaela Clarissa Theurl
Institute of Social Ecology, Vienna (SEC),
Alpen-Adria Universitaet
A-1070 Vienna, Schottenfeldgasse 29
Phone: +43-1-522 4000-340
Email: [email protected]
Researcher at the Institute of Social Ecology, Alpen-Adria
Universitaet Klagenfurt-Wien-Graz, Vienna and the Institute
of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Vienna, lecturer at the
Division of Organic Farming (IFÖL), University of Natural
Resources and Life Sciences
Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)
A-1010 Vienna, Doblhoffgasse 7/10
Phone +43 (0)1 9076313-23
Fax +43 (0)1 9076313-20
Email: [email protected]
Work Experience
Since 2013
Researcher at the Institute of Social Ecology (SEC)
Since 2010
Project employee at the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)
Freelancer assistant to the head of communication and agriculture at the
Austrian Organic Farmer’s Association (Bio Austria)
Freelancer at the Austrian Organic Farmer’s Association (Bio Austria)
division of vegetable production
University Qualification & Education
Graduation: Magistra rer.nat (Master of Sciene) in “Human Ecology and Plant
physiology” at the University of Vienna
2006 – 2007
Waste Manager, certificate at the Institute for Technology and Sustainable
Product Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business
2005 – 2006
Studies of Sustainable Agricultural Systems, University of Natural Resources
and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
Studies of Biology, Università degli Studi Roma Tre
2001 – 2002
Projects – selection
CO2OK – Klimaschutzprojekt, CO2OK: CO2-Optimierte GroßKüchen in Hessen, supported by
Hessian Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
ClimBHealth - Climate and health co-benefits from changes in urban mobility and diet: an
integrated assessment for Austria. ACRP Austrian Climate Research Program 6th program
FP7 Project “DESIRE - DESIRE - DEvelopment of a System of Indicators for a Resource efficient
Europe”. Collaborative Project in the FP7
M.C. Theurl ● curriculum vitae – 1
Footprinting of organic and conventional food stuffs in Austria- Zurück zum Ursprung. Project
commissioned by Werner Lampert Beratungsges.m.b.H./Hofer KG and the Austrian ministry
Winterernte: Saisonaler, Energie-extensiver und innovativer Gemüseanbau. Ökologische
Bewertung von Nischenprodukten mittels LCA funded by BMLFUW, support by
Lebensmittelcluster NÖ.
Sustainable Living and Working in a Cohousing Project funded by the Oesterreichische
McKyoto - Biocultural diversity, climate relevance and health impacts of young people´s eating
habits. Sparkling Science Project funded by the BMWF.
Green Food Service. Transdisciplinary project in collaboration with FiBL Germany, Bio mit
Gesicht and a tegut…banket, a food service company funded by the Hessen ModellProjekte
Klima E3.
UAC – Urban Agriculture Casablanca funded by the Technical University Berlin and incorporated
in a project on sustainable future megacities commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of
Education and Research. Project coordination.
Further Activities
for: Journal of Cleaner Production; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment;
Energies; Sustainability; Energies
of the Austrian Footprint network “netzwerk footprinting” since 2011.
Klingbacher E., Markut T, Bertsch C., Theurl M., Pirker H., Vogl C., Kaiblinger K., Zehetgruber R.
(2014) McKioto – Klimarelevanz jugendlicher Esskultur. GW-Unterricht 135 (3), 5-18.
Theurl, M.C., Haberl, H., Erb, K.-H. and Lindenthal, T., (2014) Contrasted greenhouse gas emissions
from local v ersus long-range tomato production. Agronomy of Sustainable Development. 34:593602. doi: 10.1007/s13593-013-0171-8
Theurl, M.C. (2008) CO2-Bilanz der Tomatenproduktion: Analyse acht verschiedener
Produktionssysteme in Österreich, Spanien und Italien. Social Ecology Working Paper 110. IFF
(Hrsg.), Wien. 2008
Conferences & Proceedings
Theurl, M.C., Surböck, A., Kranzler, A. (2015) Energieeffiziente Bodenbearbeitung im biologischen
Ackerbau. Pflug oder Grubber. 13. Wissenschaftstagung, Ökologischer Landbau, Eberswalde,
17.-20. März 2015.
Surböck, A.; Theurl M.C., Kranzler A. (2015) ERA-NET CORE Organic II: Reduzierte
Bodenbearbeitung und Gründünger für nachhaltige Anbausysteme im biologischen Landbau
(Projekt TILMAN-ORG) Fachtagung für biologische Landwirtschaft 2014, 11 – 14 ISBN: 978-3902849-12-0. Proceedings.
Theurl, M.C, Fetzel, T., Ricarte, T. (2014) Presentation at the 2nd NachwuchswissenschafterInnen
Tagung der Universität Klagenfurt, 29 September 2014, Klagenfurt. Poster.
Theurl, M.C., Hörtenhuber, S., Markut, T., Lindenthal, T., Wirz, A. (2014) The LCA approach in
transdisciplinary food service projects. 9th International Conference LCA of Food San Francisco,
USA 8-10 October 2014. Poster and Proceeding.
M.C. Theurl ● curriculum vitae – 2
Hörtenhuber S.J, Piringer G., Theurl M., Lindenthal,T., Zollitsch W. (2014) Accounting for greenhouse
gas emissions from direct and indirect land use change effects: the case of Brazilian soybeans
and Austrian barley. Conference proceedings. LCA Food 2014. Presentation – Proceeding.
Online first.
Theurl, M.C., Wirz, A., Lindenthal, T., Hörtenhuber, S., Markut, T. (2013) Sustainable diets: climate
effects of meals in food service. 4th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences
(ICOAS). Eger, Hungary. Presentation.
Hörtenhuber, S.J., Theurl, M.C., Lindenthal, T. Zollitsch, W. (2012) Land Use Change – GHG
Emissions from Food and Feedstuffs In: Corson, M.S., van der Werf, H.M.G. (Eds.), Proceedings
of the 8th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector (LCA Food
2012), 1-4 October 2012, Saint Malo, France., INRA, Rennes, France. Presentation.
Theurl, M.C.; Markut, T.; Hörtenhuber, S. und Lindenthal, T. (2011) Product-Carbon-Footprint von
Wissenschaftstagung, Ökologischer Landbau, Gießen, 16.-18. März 2011. Presentation.
Lindenthal, T., Markut, T., Hörtenhuber, S., Theurl, M., Rudolph, G. (2010) Greenhouse Gas
Emissions of Organic and Conventional Foodstuffs in Austria. VII. International conference on life
cycle assessment in the agri-food sector (LCA Food), 22.-24. September 2010, Bari Italy.
Proceeding Vol (1), pp 319 – 324. Presentation.
Scientific reports
Betz, A.-M., Lengauer, D., Palme, W., Stopper, E., Theurl, M.C. (2015) Winterernte: Saisonaler,
Energie-extensiver und innovativer Gemüseanbau im Rahmen der LE-Maßnahme
„Kooperationsvorhaben M124a“ - Anbau von Wintergemüsevielfalt
Eisenmenger, N., Theurl, M., Gierlinger, S., Giljum, S., Burrell, L., Giesecke, K., Lutter, S., Deetmann,
S., Klein, R., (2013) D4.2 final report on indicator framework. DESIRE Development of a System
of Indicators for a Resoruce Efficient Europe Report. FP7 Projekt.
Theurl, M.C. and Lindenthal, T. (2012) Urban Agriculture: small-scale sustainable farming and the
impacts on climate in the case of Casablanca. Final report. TU-Berlin.
Hörtenhuber, S., Lindenthal, T., Petrasek, R., Theurl, M. (2012) Klimaschutz in der biologischen
Landwirtschaft. Klimarelevante Prozesse in der Landwirtschaft, Auswirkungen des Klimawandels
auf die landwirtschaftliche Produktionsweise sowie Beiträge des Biolandbaus zum Klimaschutz.
Bionet. (in German).
Lindenthal, T., Rudolph, G., Theurl, M., Hörtenhuber, S., Kraus, G (2011) Biologische BodenBewirtschaftung als Schlüssel zum Klimaschutz in der Landwirtschaft. Studie im Auftrag von Bio
Popular scientific contributions
Theurl, M.C., Haberl, H., Winiwarter, V. (2012) ist der Biolandbau nachhaltig? Demeter Michaeli Seiten
2012. Österreichischer Demeter Bund.
Lindenthal, T., Theurl, M.C. (2010) Klimaschutz im Biogemüsebau - Beispiel Tomate. BionetBroschüre: Biogemüsefibel 2010
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