InnoTrans Daily - Railway Gazette
InnoTrans Daily - Railway Gazette
InnoTrans 2014 FUTURE THE OF MOBILITY 4 201 R E B TEM P E S N, 26 BERLI published by: Sponsored by InnoTrans2014_Titelbanner_Daily_210x57_1.indd 5 13.08.2014 14:58:22 InnoTrans 2014 Daily Ticker Today 10:00, Palais am Funkturm Heute 10:00 Uhr, Palais am Funkturm Photo: ERA Dialog Forum ERA Director Marcel Verslype (left) and ANTT General Director Jorge Bastos. ERA-Vorsitzender Marcel Verslype (links) und ANTT-Generaldirektor Jorge Bastos. Euro-Brazilian co-operation accord Europäisch-brasilianische Zusammenarbeit A key step towards greater regulatory co-operation between the European and Brazilian railway sectors was taken on September 23, with the signing at InnoTrans of a Memorandum of Understanding between Jorge Luiz Macedo Bastos, General Director of Brazilian land transport agency ANTT and the Executive Director of the Europe- an Railway Agency Marcel Verslype. The signing of the MoU follows initial discussions at an EU-Brazil summit in February, when the two agencies committed to seeking closer co-operation, drawing up an action plan to develop mutual recognition on technical requirements, conformity assess Continued on page 2 XX Europa und Brasilien rücken im Bahnbereich näher zusammen: Eine entsprechende Absichtserklärung haben Jorge Luiz Macedo Bastos, Generaldirektor der brasilianischen Landverkehrsagentur ANTT, und der Vorsitzende der Europäischen Eisenbahnagentur (European Railway Agency, ERA), Marcel Verslype, jetzt auf der InnoTrans unterzeich- Service for rail vehicles – Driver for innovation and availability Service für Schienenfahrzeuge – Treiber für Innovationen und Verfügbarkeit With | Mit dabei Johannes Emmelheinz CEO, Siemens Mobility Services Johannes Emmelheinz CEO, Siemens Mobility Services net. Der Inhalt: Eine breitere Zusammenarbeit vor allem im Bereich der Regelwerke. Diese Absichtserklärung ist das Ergebnis der bereits im Februar auf einem Gipfeltreffen zwischen der EU und Brasilien geführten Gesprä Fortsetzung auf Seite 2 Register now to watch the proceedings online Messe Berlin | Messe Berlin InnoTrans App — your pocket guide InnoTrans App — der Katalog für die Hosentasche All the important exhibition information at a glance: the InnoTrans App is free of charge and helps you to easily prepare your exhibition visit. After a few clicks all relevant and individualised information about the trade fair is at your disposal. The app features functions including an interactive map, exhibitor list and an event planner. The app can be downloaded by this QR code to smartphones or tablets with the iOS and Android operating systems. Additionally, the app is available in mobile web format. XX Alle wichtigen Messeinfos auf einen Blick: Mit der kostenfreien InnoTrans App ist der Messebesuch schnell vorbereitet. Nach wenigen Klicks stehen relevante und individuelle Informationen zum Messegeschehen zur Verfügung. Neben dem interaktiven Hallenplan, der Ausstellerliste und Eventübersicht gibt es jetzt weitere neue Features im Menü. Die App lässt sich ganz einfach mit Hilfe dieses QRCodes auf Smartphones oder Tablet-PCs mit den Betriebssystemen iOS und Android aktivieren. Zusätzlich wird die App als mobile Webapp angeboten. Continued from page 1 Contents | Inhalt Three questions to Libor Lochman, Executive Director, CER������������������� 4 Drei Fragen an Libor Lochman, Exekutivdirektor, CER������������������� 4 Locos in six months��������11 Auslieferung nach sechs Monaten�������������������������11 Next Generation Train���� 5 Next Generation Train���� 5 What to see and do in Berlin�����������������������������13 Sehens- & Erlebenswertes in Berlin�����������������������������13 Exhibition plan���������������� 8 Geländeplan�������������������� 8 Impressions�����������������������14 Impressionen��������������������14 Selected diary������������������ 9 Kalender�������������������������� 9 Worth reading������������������15 Lesenswertes��������������������15 If you want to advertise in this publication call Sheena Rennie: + 44 7786 / 516 538 Riccardo di Stefano: +49 176 / 1237 1410 Imprint | Impressum InnoTrans Daily is published daily during InnoTrans 2014 by DVV Media Group GmbH Eurailpress / Railway Gazette International Nordkanalstr. 36, D-20097 Hamburg Tel: +49 (0) 40 / 2 37 14-02 Fax: +49 (0) 40 / 2 37 14-104 Editorial Team: Behrend Oldenburg (resp.), Nick Kingsley, Chris Jackson, Andrew Grantham, Karol Zemek, Andrew Hellawell, Murray Hughes, Christoph Müller, Laura Keller, Dagmar Rees Production Editor: Isabel Burton Translation: Reinhard Christeller Advertisements: Riccardo di Stefano (resp.) Distribution: Riccardo di Stefano Print: Oktoberdruck, Berlin Copyright: DVV Media Group GmbH D-1035c Bahn dryspin 183x30M_D-1035c Bahn dryspin 183x30M Fortsetzung von Seite 1 ments and standards in a number of specific areas. Brazil is currently investing heavily to revitalise and expand its rail network, and is planning to open up the rail market to competition. As part of this, Bastos confirmed that the intention is to adopt the European model of vertical separation between infrastructure management and train operations. He envisages the development of an interoperable network including several high speed lines as well as high-capacity mixed traffic freight and passenger routes. To this end, ANTT feels it is important to share information about European regulatory systems, capacity allocation processes and technical standards. ERA says that a bilateral exchange of experience in the fields of interoperability and safety will be at the top of the agenda, along with signalling and communications regulations, Technical Specifications for Interoperability and the European Rail Traffic Management System, which the agency feels ‘has become a standard of reference world-wide for railway safety and14:29 capacity optimisation’. 16.09.14 Seite 1 che. Dabei verpflichteten sich beide Seiten zu einer engeren Zusammenarbeit und erstellten einen Aktionsplan für die Entwicklung technischer Anforderungen, Konformitätsbewertungen und Normen. Brasilien investiert derzeit stark in die Wiederbelebung und Erweiterung seines Bahnnetzes und plant, den Bahnmarkt dem Wettbewerb zu öffnen. Bastos bestätigte die Absicht, dazu das europäische Modell der Trennung zwischen Infrastruktur und Zugverkehr zu übernehmen. Er denkt zudem über die Entwicklung eines interoperablen Netzes mit mehreren Hochgeschwindigkeitslinien sowie gemischten Hochleistungsstrecken für Güter- und Reisezüge nach. Aus Sicht der ERA steht der bilaterale Erfahrungsaustausch über Fragen der Interoperabilität und Sicherheit ganz oben auf der Agenda. Das europäische Eisenbahnverkehrsleitsystem ist nach Meinung der ERA-Experten „zu einer weltweiten Referenz für die Optimierung der Bahnsicherheit und Kapazitätsoptimierung geworden.“ Spindel-Technologie dryspin ... ® ... mit Steilgewinden für schnelle Positionierung, z. B. in Tür-Systemen igus auf der ® 2 InnoTrans, Halle 12, Stand 101 InnoTrans 2014 Daily | 26 September 2014 | No 4 .de/InnoTrans Tel. 02203 9649-800 Fax -222 Mo.-Fr. 7 bis 20h Sa. 8 bis 12 h Rolling stock | Rollmaterial Talgo designs a suburban train UIC approval for hybrid braking system Vorortzug von Talgo In a ceremony at InnoTrans, the UIC approval certificate for the EDS 300 hybrid braking system with an electronic control valve was handed over to German manufacturer KES by Frank Minde, Chairman of UIC’s SET 7 Committee. According to KES, the approval marks the starting point for a new chapter in braking technology for multiple units, passenger and freight cars. The 78 m long unit could be supplied for different gauges and power supplies. Die 78 Meter lange Einheit kann auf verschiedenen Spurweiten verkehren. Patentes Talgo has developed a train design for suburban and regional applications. Suitable for 1 435, 1 520 or 1 668 mm gauges, the train can be built to accept the four common European power supplies. Based on the Talgo concept of short, lightweight cars with independent wheels, the proposed train has a Bo’2’2’2’Bo wheel arrangement. Just 78 m long, the formation would be able to accommodate 190 seated and 320 standing passengers in the urban configuration. It has a nominal power rating of 2 000 kW and a maximum speed of 160 km/h. Tare weight is 131·5 tonnes. Photo: KES XX In feierlichem Rahmen wurde während der InnoTrans die UIC-Zulassungsurkunde für das nach Angaben der deutschen Herstellerfirma KES weltweit einzigartige hybride Bremssystem EDS 300 mit einem elektronischen Steuerventil übergeben. Ausgehändigt wurde die Urkunde durch Frank Minde, Vorsitzender des Fachbereiches des UIC SET 7 Komitees. Die Zulassung kennzeichnet laut KES den Startpunkt für ein neues Kapitel in der Bremstechnik für Triebzüge, Personen- und Güterwagen. Photo: Murray Hughes UIC-Zulassung für hybrides Bremssystem XX Patentes Talgo hat einen Zug für den Einsatz im Vorort- und Regionalverkehr entwickelt. Der für Spurweiten von 1.435, 1.520 oder 1.668 Millimetern ausgelegte Zug kann für den Betrieb unter den vier üblichen europäischen Stromsystemen konfiguriert werden. Auf der Grundlage des Talgo-Konzepts mit kurzen und leichten Wagen mit unabhängigen Rädern hat der Zug die Achsfolge Bo'2'2'2'Bo'. Bei einer Länge von nur 78 Metern kann er in der Nahverkehrs-Konfiguration 190 sitzende und 320 stehende Fahrgäste aufnehmen. Das Taragewicht beträgt 131,5 Tonnen, die Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 160 km/h wird mit einer Nennleistung von 2.000 kW erreicht. Hall 4.2, Stand 306 | Halle 4.2, Stand 306 We are on Track! Electronic control for rail vehicles Programmierbarer Audiosignalgeber für die Wandmontage • Wiedergabe von Sprache und Melodien • Parametrierbar per Software • Lautstärke 70 ± 5 dBC (in 1,5 m Entfernung) • 6 Steuereingänge DC 24 V • Versorgungsspannung DC 24 V • Schutzart IP 65 im Frontbereich Lütze Transportation GmbH D-71384 Weinstadt • Telefon: +49 71 51 60 53 - 0 [email protected] • Hall 6.2 Booth 202 T R A N S P O R TAT I O N InnoTrans 2014 Daily | 26 September 2014 | No 4 3 Interview | Interview Three questions to... Drei Fragen an... How important do you feel that InnoTrans 2014 is for the European rail sector? What is CER looking to discover from the exhibition? InnoTrans in Berlin is traditionally a unique platform to see and get to know the latest trends and developments in the worldwide railway sector. Furthermore the exhibition offers an excellent opportunity to meet railway experts and engineers from a vast network and discuss challenges, opportunities and the outlook for the future. The fair also has a political dimension, since the solutions presented are expected to bring railways closer to the expectations of customers and policy makers. CER is therefore looking forward to discovering the innovations that can be regarded as the next step in building a modern, efficient, safe and interoperable European railway system. The show is bigger than ever this year. Do you see this as a sign of confidence in the rail market following the global economic downturn? Land transport in general and rail transport in particular have excellent mid-term growth prospects. The passenger segment has performed quite well and, even though rail freight within Europe still faces considerable challenges, we expect opportunities resulting from increasing Europe-Asia trade. Also the most recent export data suggests a return to a positive growth path after a brief slowdown in 2013. What do you see as the biggest challenges and opportunities for Europe’s railways over the next two or three years? 4 InnoTrans 2014 Daily | 26 September 2014 | No 4 Libor Lochman Executive Director CER Exekutivdirektor CER The ambition is to make rail the backbone of a sustainable transport system. The White Paper targets of shifting 50% of freight over 300 km to rail and of tripling the length of high speed lines by 2050 represent a tremendous opportunity for the sector. To fulfil this potential, rail will need to provide efficient and competitive door-to-door solutions and reinforce its attractiveness by building on both technological developments and efficiency gains. Ensuring appropriate and predictable investments in rail infrastructure and establishing a fair level playing field across modes will however remain essential prerequisites for enabling rail to meet these challenges. Wie wichtig ist Ihrer Meinung nach die InnoTrans 2014 für den europäischen Bahnsektor? Was möchte die CER von der Messe mitnehmen? Die InnoTrans in Berlin ist eine einzigartige Plattform, um die neuesten Tendenzen und Entwicklungen auf dem weltweiten Eisenbahnsektor zu sehen und kennenzulernen. Außerdem bietet die Ausstellung eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit, Eisenbahnfachleute und -ingenieure aus einem weiten Netz zu treffen und Herausforderungen und Chancen zu diskutieren sowie einen Blick auf die Zukunft zu werfen. Die Messe hat auch eine politische Dimension, denn es wird erwartet, dass die vorgestellten Lösungen die Eisenbahnen näher an die Erwartungen der Kunden und der Entscheidungsträger bringen. Die CER freut sich, die Innovationen zu entdecken, die als nächster Schritt zum Bau eines modernen, effizienten, sicheren und interoperablen europäischen Bahnsystems gelten. Photo: Timon Heinrici Die diesjährige Messe ist größer denn je. Sehen Sie das als ein Zeichen des Vertrauens in den Bahnmarkt nach dem weltweiten wirtschaftlichen Abschwung? Der Landverkehr im Allgemeinen und der Bahnverkehr im Besonderen haben mittelfristig ausgezeichnete Wachstumsaussichten. Der Bereich Personenverkehr hat sehr gute Leistungen erbracht und wenn auch der Bahngüterverkehr in Europa immer noch vor beträchtlichen Herausforderungen steht, so hoffen wir auf Chancen aus dem wachsenden Handel mit Asien. Die neuesten Exportdaten lassen auch vermuten, dass wir nach einer kurzen Verlangsamung in 2013 wieder auf einen positiven Wachstumspfad zurückkehren. Was sehen Sie als die größten Herausforderungen und Chancen für die europäischen Bahnen in den nächsten zwei oder drei Jahren? Wir haben zum Ziel, die Eisenbahn zum Rückgrat eines nachhaltigen Verkehrssystems zu machen. Die Ziele des Weißbuchs, 50 Prozent der Güter über 300 km auf die Bahn zu verlegen und die Länge der Hochgeschwindigkeitslinien bis 2050 zu verdreifachen, bedeuten eine gewaltige Gelegenheit für die Branche. Um dieses Potenzial zu erreichen, muss die Bahn effiziente und wettbewerbsfähige Tür-zu-Tür-Lösungen bereitstellen und ihre Attraktivität verbessern – aufbauend sowohl auf technischen Entwicklungen als auch auf Effizienzgewinnen. Die Sicherstellung angemessener und voraussehbarer Investitionen in die Bahninfrastruktur und die Schaffung gerechter Ausgangsbedingungen zwischen den Verkehrsarten werden jedoch eine grundlegende Voraussetzung dafür sein, dass die Bahn diese Herausforderungen erfüllen kann. Among the innovations being showcased by Germany’s DLR air and space research agency are its Next Generation Feeder Train, also known as NGT Link, and an inductive drive. DLR is pursuing the idea of fast, environmentally-friendly and comfortable rolling stock with its Next Generation Train project. The researchers have now enhanced the concept by developing a concept for a fast feeder train. The NGT Link concept foresees a multiple-unit trainset with a hybrid traction drive for partly electrified lines. NGT Link is a seven-car double-deck trainset with a length of 120 m. The interior layout is designed for fast boarding and alighting allowing for short stops at stations. DLR is also developing a novel approach for power, using single-wheel drives with asynchronous motors mounted close to the wheels. DLR believes that this arrangement could ensure that the wheels always work at the right speed, even in curves, eliminating wear and above all the squealing noise in curves and when braking. ‘We are pursuing the principle of avoiding noise at its source’, stresses NGT project manager Dr Joachim Winter. A further advantage of the single-wheel drive is that the wheelsets need no axles, thus offering more space for passengers and a continuous internal gangway without steps. In co-operation with Stuttgart University, DLR has investigated if a modern high speed train can operate without an overhead power supply. The study showed that a catenary-free railway operation is technically possible. Electro-magnetic induction would provide for contact-free energy transmission. A primary coil would be mounted in the track bed, with a secondary coil on the train. The researchers hope that this could make railway infrastructure less prone to adverse weather conditions and easier and cheaper to maintain. XX Das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) stellt auf der diesjährigen Photo: Rolf Schulten Research | Forschung Safe, light, fast and catenary-free Sicher, leicht, schnell und ohne Oberleitung InnoTrans den Next Generation Train für Zubringerverkehre (NGT Link) sowie einen induktiven Antrieb vor. Mit dem Next Generation Train verfolgt das DLR die Idee eines schnellen, umweltschonenden und komfortablen Zuges. Die Wissenschaftler haben das Konzept nun um einen schnellen Zubringerverkehr erweitert. Das Konzept für den NGT Link sieht dafür einen Triebwagenzug auch für teil-elektrifizierte Strecken mit einem hybriden Antrieb vor. Der NGT Link ist ein siebenteiliger doppelstöckiger Zug mit einer Länge von 120 Metern. Der Zug ist im Inneren so ausgelegt, dass die Fahrgäste bei kurzen Bahnhofsaufenthalten schnell ein- und aussteigen können. Ein neues Konzept verfolgen die Forscher auch beim Antrieb durch rad-nahe Asynchronmaschinen (Einzelradantriebe). Damit haben die Räder nach Angaben des DLR auch in Kurven immer die richtige Geschwindigkeit. Der Abrieb von Rädern und vor allem das Quietschen in Kurven und bei Bremsvorgängen werden unterbunden. „Mit dem NGT verfolgen wir das Prinzip, Schall bereits an der Quelle zu vermeiden“, betont NGT-Projektmanager Dr. Joachim Winter. Ein weiterer Vorteil des Einzelradantriebs: Die Waggons benötigen keine Radachsen, der Zug bietet mehr Raum für die Fahrgäste und ist auf beiden Ebenen stufenlos durchgängig. Gemeinsam mit der Universität Stuttgart hat das DLR untersucht, ob ein moderner Hochgeschwindigkeitszug ohne Oberleitung auskommen kann. Technisch, so das Ergebnis der Studie, wäre ein fahrdrahtloser Bahnverkehr machbar. Die Primärspule befindet sich dabei im Gleisbett, die Sekundärspule im Zug. Die Energieübertragung erfolgt berührungslos durch ein elektromagnetisches Feld. Bahnstrecken wären demnach weniger anfällig für Witterungseinflüsse und müssten seltener gewartet werden. Hall 4.2, Stand 703 | Halle 4.2, Stand 703 GE Transportation InnoTrans 2014 Daily | 26 September 2014 | No 4 5 Safety | Sicherheit A train protection system for France Vossloh und Alstom: Zugsicherung für Frankreich Photo: Christoph Müller Taking part in the contract signature (from left to right) were Olivier Barat (Sales, Western Europe, Vossloh), Jörn Bobzien (Head of Sales Europe, Vossloh), Christoph Gralla (Customer Director, Signalling, Alstom) and Rafael Meseguer (Head of Purchasing at Vossloh España). Nach der Vertragsunterzeichnung (von links): Olivier Barat (Vertrieb Westeuropa bei Vossloh), Jörn Bobzien (Leiter Vertrieb Europa bei Vossloh), Christoph Gralla (Leiter Leit- und Sicherungstechnik bei Alstom) und Rafael Meseguer (Einkauf bei Vossloh España). Castings on show Gussteile vorgeführt XX Die Gießereien der Dihag Holding Gruppe stellen auf der InnoTrans 2014 eine Reihe von Metallgussteilen vor. Der Schwerpunkt liegt in diesem Jahr auf Bremsklötzen. Euro-Rail beispielsweise zeigt Bremsklötze für Lokomotiven und Güterwagen, während das Eisenwerk Arnstadt sein Modell Samson für Lokomotiven präsentiert, das zur Verminderung des Funkenflugs und zur verlängerten Lebensdauer eine starke Phosphorlegierung aufweist. Die Tochter führt außerdem den Prototypen eines Bremsklotzes vor, der für verbesserte Zuverlässigkeit und zur Lärmminderung Grauguss mit einem Kompositwerkstoff verbindet. SHB informiert die Besucher über derzeitige Industrietrends wie die Verwendung von hochfestem Gussstahl im Rollmaterialsegment und die Herstellung von Gusskörpern für automatische Kupplungen. Dihag legt den Fokus auf die Präzision und Robustheit ihrer legierten Komponenten und präsentiert einen Rohguss für automatische Kupplungen vom Typ C-Akv sowie einen Drehgestellrahmen für London Underground. Photo: Dihag Holding The foundries comprising the Dihag Holding group are exhibiting a range of metal castings, with a focus on brake blocks. Euro-Rail is presenting brake blocks for locomotives and wagons, while Eisenwerk Arnstadt is exhibiting its Samson design for locomotives which uses a high-phosphorous alloy to reduce sparking and increase service life. The company is also presenting a prototype block combining grey cast iron with a composite material to offer better reliability and low noise. SHB will be informing visitors about current industry trends such as the use of high-strength cast steel in the rolling stock sector and the production of bodies for automatic couplings. Dihag will be highlighting the precision and strength of its alloy components, exhibiting a raw casting for a C-Akv automatic coupling and a bogie frame for London Underground. 6 InnoTrans 2014 Daily | 26 September 2014 | No 4 Hall 1.2, Stand 216 | Halle 1.2, Stand 216 The Dihag group companies manufacture a wide range of castings. Die Dihag-Gießereien produzieren diverse Metallgussteile. On the third day of the fair, Vossloh Locomotives and Alstom signed an agreement to equip Vossloh-built locomotives with Alstom train protection technology. This opens the French market for current locomotive types from Vossloh. The framework agreement covers the retrofitting of up to 50 locomotives, and four prototypes will be equipped as a first step: a DE 12, a DE 18, a Euro4000 and a EuroDual. A so-called tri-standard system will be installed on the locomotives. This is able to work with the national French KVB train protection system and ETCS Level 2, as well as the TBL1+ safety system used in Belgium. The locomotives can also be easily retrofitted with PZB for operation into Germany. Development and engineering of the new system has cost around €2·8m, and the total investment is expected to reach €11m including the implementation of the four prototype Vossloh locomotives. XX Gestern, am dritten Messetag, haben Vossloh Locomotives und Alstom ein Abkommen zur Ausrüstung von Vossloh-Lokomotiven mit Zugsicherungstechnik von Alstom unterzeichnet. Mit dem Vertrag öffnet sich für die aktuellen Vossloh-Lokomotiven der französische Markt. Zunächst kommen vier Prototypen in Fahrt: Je eine DE 12 und DE 18 sowie eine Euro4000 und eine EuroDual. Die Loks erhalten ein sogenanntes Tristandard-System sowohl für das nationale französische Sicherungssystem KVB als auch für ETCS Level 2. Zudem kann auch das belgische Sicherungssystem TBL1+ verarbeitet werden. Problemlos nachrüstbar ist auch PZB für Einsätze in Deutschland. Der derzeitige Vertrag sieht den Umbau von maximal 50 Lokomotiven vor. Die Entwicklungskosten einschließlich des gesamten Engineerings liegen bei 2,8 Millionen Euro. Zusammen mit der Implementierung in die vier Vossloh-Loks werden elf Millionen Euro investiert. On-board systems | Onboard-Systeme Something’s burning Multi-Sens erkennt, was brennt tem from vandalism while also ensuring it is maintenance-friendly. XX Mit Titanus Multi-Sens stellt die deutsche Wagner Group GmbH auf der InnoTrans 2014 ein neues Brandfrüherkennungsfrühsystem vor. Es erkennt die Brandmuster und analysiert, welcher Stoff brennt. So unterscheidet das System zum Beispiel zwischen einer brennenden Zigarette und brennendem Kunststoff. Das Gerät bietet eine hohe Sensibilität: Die Technologie erkennt bereits geringste Mengen an Rauchpartikeln und ist damit laut Herstellerangaben bis zu 2.000-mal sensibler als herkömmliche Punktmelder. Dadurch soll das System von Wagner einen wertvollen Zeitvorteil beim Ergreifen wirkungsvoller Brandbekämpfungsmaßnahmen einräumen. Zudem kann MultiSens unterscheiden und bewerten, ob beispielsweise nur ein Informationsalarm oder ein tatsächlicher Brandalarm ausgelöst werden muss. Für den Einsatz in Zügen eigne sich MultiSens daher besonders gut. Denn Fahrgäste, die auf der Toilette rauchen und dadurch einen Nothalt auslösen, verursa- Photo: Wagner Hannover-based Wagner Group is presenting Titanus Multi-Sens, its novel early fire detection system. It recognises fire patterns and analyses which material is burning. The system can distinguish between a burning cigarette and burning plastic, for example. The device is designed to be highly sensitive, capable of detecting the smallest quantities of smoke particles. According to the manufacturer, it is 2 000 times more sensitive than traditional point detectors. The Wagner system is intended to decisively reduce the time to take effective fire fighting measures. Furthermore, Multi-Sens can assess if there is a need to trigger an information alert or a full-scale fire alarm. Multi-Sens is particularly well suited for railway applications. Passengers smoking in the toilet and triggering an emergency stop can cause severe disruption to train operators. Conventional fire detection systems usually assume that such cases are a dangerous fire and may sometimes trigger the full onboard fire extinguishing system. Multi-Sens allows customers to bypass these costly false alarms with hidden inlet openings protecting the sys- chen den Bahnbetreibern jährlich Schäden in großer Höhe. Herkömmliche Branderkennungssysteme werten dies bereits als gefährlichen Brand und lösen mitunter die Löschanlagen im Zug aus. Mit dem Multi-Sens umgehe der Kunde diese kostspieligen Täuschungsalarme, denn durch die versteckten Ansaugöffnungen ist das System bestens vor Vandalismus geschützt und bleibt dennoch wartungsfreundlich. Hall 5.2, Stand 527 & Hall 2.2, Stand 207 Halle 5.2, Stand 527 & Halle 2.2, Stand 207 Entering the on-board energy supply market Photo: Knorr-Bremse Eintritt in den Markt der Energieversorgungssysteme Knorr-Bremse Chairman Dr Michael Buscher presents the new PowerTech brand. Knorr-Bremse-Vorstandsvorsitzender Dr. Michael Buscher stellt die neue Marke PowerTech vor. Knorr-Bremse is entering the energy supply systems market, thanks to the acquisition in January 2014 of Transtechnik and PCS Power Converter Solutions. More than 500 employees at the two medium-sized companies develop and manufacture various types of on-board auxiliary converters, preassembled modules and electrical equipment for local and main line rolling stock. More than 90 Knorr-Bremse locations around the globe will support these products, which are now being marketed under the PowerTech brand. According to Dr Michael Buscher, Chairman of the Executive Board at Knorr-Bremse AG, the acquisitions will allow for synergies in on-board systems for the benefit of customers while simplifying interfaces within the vehicles. PowerTech’s competences will also be harnessed to develop more energy-efficient systems. XX Knorr-Bremse tritt in den Markt der Energieversorgungssysteme ein. Mehr als 500 Mitarbeiter entwickeln und fertigen bei Transtechnik und PCS Power Converter Solutions für die neue Marke Knorr-Bremse PowerTech verschiedene Typen von Bordnetzumrichtern, Vormontagebaugruppen und elektrische Ausrüstungen für Nahverkehrsfahrzeuge und Vollbahnen. Knorr-Bremse kaufte die beiden mittelständischen Unternehmen bereits im Januar 2014. Die neuen Leistungen werden zukünftig weltweit durch über 90 Knorr-Bremse-Standorte unterstützt. Laut Dr. Michael Buscher, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Knorr-Bremse AG, will das Unternehmen mit dem Kauf Synergien bei Onboard-Systemen zum Vorteil der Kunden realisieren und Schnittstellen innerhalb der Schienenfahrzeuge vereinfachen. Die Kompetenz von PowerTech soll auch dazu genutzt werden, energieeffizientere Systeme für die Kunden zu entwickeln. Hall 17, Stand 212-214 | Halle 17, Stand 212-214 InnoTrans 2014 Daily | 26 September 2014 | No 4 7 InnoTrans 2014 · 23 – 26 September · Berlin Exhibition plan | Geländeplan sponsored by N Ser vic No ehof rd P 1 The odo r-H eus s Pl atz 4 B M2 US NM 5 3N P TAX I P N Ein orth E gan ntr g N anc ord e P Ma sur 2 nal lee ena BUS P TAX I llee 7 P BUS BUS 3 m da tstr aße M2 N N Ea Ein st En gan tra g O nce st au to b BUS M3 n TAX I ah Fu Lou nkturm nge Ma rs Ma hall-H rsh a all-H us aus ino M2 S M3 S P 18 Railway Technology 17 Interiors Railway Infrastructure inis trati on / Shuttle Lines · Shuttle Linien da We stk reu z M m m da se BUS M2 N n M3 N Ea Ein st En gan tra g O nce st ino M2 S M3 S H N Ein all 9 E gan ntr g H anc alle e 9 St a Shuttle Lines · Shuttle Linien 10 0 Cas M3 dt BUS M2 N 7.2014 ons ehalten Opening ceremony Eröffnungsveranstaltung InnoTrans Convention ah TAX I eue r Kan d/ICC tstr aße au to b City Transfer 9 e Eingang Ost – Freigelände N sse No Fu Lou nkturm nge Ma rsh Ma all-H rsh a all-H us aus P 10 Adm inis trati on / in Verw altu ng TAX I M2N Airport Tegel – Expo North Flughafen Tegel – Expo Nord M2S Airport Tegel – Expo South Flughafen Tegel – Expo Süd Airport Schönefeld – Expo North Flughafen Schönefeld – Expo Nord Airport Schönefeld – Expo South Flughafen Schönefeld – Expo Süd Hotel Transfer 11 P G Torate se da m m Av us Ha Ein ll 7 E gan ntr g H anc alle e 7 P M3N 1 LKW 2 We stk reu z P Fairground Shuttle · Geländeshuttle Olympischer Platz P+R G Torate Berl Business Lounge (Marshall-Haus) Press center Pressezentrum Restaurant „Oktoberfestzelt“ Meet’n’Eat Outdoor display Gleis- und Freigelände Special Gauge display 7 BUS Career & Education Hall Public Transport llee BUS P P Entrance – Outdoor BUS East display es M3S Eingang Süd – Halle 20 South Entrance – East Entrance sur Eingang TAX I en P Süd – Eingang Ost 3 PTI Hall Forum PTI-Hallenforum Speakers‘ Corner Tunnel Construction Ma a M3S Fast Shuttle Outdoor display – Hall 18 Freigelände – Halle 18 South Entrance – Hall 20 Eingang Süd – Halle 20 South Entrance – East Entrance Eingang Süd – Eingang Ost East Entrance – Outdoor display Eingang Ost – Freigelände es P M TAX I 11 5 Efficient and integrated mobility solutions 3 B 13A City Transfer 14 Cit En yCub Me tranc e Be M2 ssedame/Eingarlin SM ng m 3S As of/Stand: 09.07.2014 Subject to alterations Welcome in hall 4.2, booth 203 and on the open-air exhibition ground F1/20 Änderungen vorbehalten 55 Berlin · Germany 038-2190 M3S C Railway Infrastructure 6 BUS A F A F A F H P Interiors M M3N M2S M3N Railway Technology 4 Airport Tegel – Expo South BUS P2 Flughafen Tegel – Expo Süd Airport Schönefeld – Expo North Flughafen Schönefeld – Expo Nord Exh Bus ibito Airport Schönefeld – Expo South ine r Se ss C rvic ente e Flughafen Schönefeld – Expo Süd r Hotel Transfer A F As of/Stand: 09.07.2014 Subject to alterations Änderungen vorbehalten 5 M2S M2N 13A Fairground Shuttle · Geländeshuttle Ein rth E gan ntr g N anc ord e O 11 P The o·doMessedamm 22 · 14055 Berlin · Germany Ser Messe Berlin GmbH vic r-H No ehof rd Shuttle Olympischer Platz P+Reuss P·la Fax +49(0)30 / Fast Telefon +49(0)30 / 3038-0 3038-2190 P TA P BU tz Outdoor display – Hall 18 XI M2 S N M· [email protected] Freigelände – Halle 18 Airport Tegel – Expo3NNorthP M2N No Flughafen Tegel – Expo Nord P South Entrance – Hall 20 1 St a P ba hn stra ße 10 1 LKW 2 se es M d/IC C TAX I G Torate m m Av us Business Lounge Ha Ein ll 7 E (Marshall-Haus) gan ntr g H anc alle e (Preliminary hall layout · Vorläufige Hallenplanung) Press center Ent CityCu 7 ran Outdoor display City Lev ce be Be e Pressezentrum Gleis- und FreigeländeJaffé/sEtingangrlin BerlinCube l 3 TAX raß I e Berlin HallHallRestaurant P14 eB SpecialMGauge display „Oktoberfestzelt“ ess eS City H üd En Cub Hall all eA Opening ceremony Meet’n’Eat Me tranc e Be M2 ssedame/Eingarlin Eröffnungsveranstaltung SM ng m 3S InnoTrans Convention ember · P TAX I Public Transport ändeplan Verw altu ng 11 5 Tunnel Adm Career & Education Hall Sou Construction Ein th En gan tra g S nce üd Shuttle G Torate PTI Hall Forum Ber lin PTI-Hallenforum Speakers‘ Corner P M3 H N Ein all 9 E gan ntr g H anc alle e 9 10 0 Cas dt BUS M2 N Gate Tor 9 Me Neu sse Nor e K d/ICC BUS an m Exh Bus ibito ine r Se ss C rvic ent e er g) A P se Ser vice -Ge S b For peditio äude Süd wa rdin ns-Ce g C nte ent r er BUS es ale 6 M Wa nd P Selected diary | Kalender Friday 26 September | Freitag, 26. September SPEAKERS‘ CORNER 10:00 - 11:00 German Aerospace Center (DLR) Intelligent world: The roadshow – smart mobility in rail transport PTI Hall Forum, Hall 6.1 Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. Intelligente Welt: die Roadshow – Magazin rund um die intelligente Mobilität im Bahnverkehr PTI-Hallenforum, Halle 6.1 10:00 - 11:00 11:30 - 12:30 13:30 - 14:30 Leitner AG Urban Mobility Berlin: The project for a serious alternative in urban mass transit Leitner AG Urban Mobility Berlin: Das Projekt über eine ernstzunehmende Alternative im urbanen Massentransport Speakers’ Corner, Hall 14.2, East Entrance Speakers’ Corner, Halle 14.2, Eingang Ost Huawei Technologies Co Ltd Industry Insight: LTE oriented GSM-R Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Industrie-Einblicke in ein LTE-orientiertes GSM-R-System PTI Hall Forum, Hall 6.1 PTI-Hallenforum, Halle 6.1 WaveTrain Systems AS Railway Infrastructure, past, present and future – How to secure an innovative infrastructure with significantly reduced costs WaveTrain Systems AS Infrastruktur des Schienenverkehrs: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft – Wie man innovative Infrastrukturen mit erheblicher Kostenreduzierung sichert PTI Hall Forum, Hall 6.1 PTI-Hallenforum, Halle 6.1 15:00 - 16:00 Thermo King Innovative climate control solutions for global applications in urban and suburban rail systems Thermo King Innovative Lösungen für Klimaanlagen im städtischen sowie Vorort-Bahnverkehr PTI Hall Forum, Hall 6.1 PTI-Hallenforum, Halle 6.1 CAREER FORUM 10:00 - 10:45 11:15 - 12:00 13:00 - 13:45 THALES Deutschland Career opportunities at Thales Transportation Systems THALES Deutschland Karriere bei Thales Transportation Systems Career Pavilion – Forum, Career & Education Hall 7.1c, Stand 200 Career Pavilion – Forum, Career & Education Halle 7.1c, Stand 200 Trapeze Group Shaping the Future of Public Transport – Career opportunities at Trapeze Group Trapeze Group Gestalten Sie die Zukunft des öffentlichen Verkehrs – Karrieremöglichkeiten bei Trapeze Group Career Pavilion – Forum, Career & Education Hall 7.1c, Stand 200 Career Pavilion – Forum, Career & Education Hall 7.1c, Stand 200 German Railway Industry Association (VDB) Career opportunities in the German railway industry Verband der Bahnindustrie e.V. Mit Hochgeschwindigkeit zum Ziel – Karriere in der Bahnindustrie Career Pavilion – Forum, Career & Education Hall 7.1c, Stand 200 Career Pavilion – Forum, Career & Education Hall 7.1c, Stand 200 14:15 - 15:00 CIDEON Engineering GmbH & Co. KG Discover your opportunities and possibilities CIDEON Engineering GmbH & Co. KG Entdecken Sie Ihre Chancen und Möglichkeiten Career Pavilion – Forum, Career & Education Hall 7.1c, Stand 200 Career Pavilion – Forum, Career & Education Hall 7.1c, Stand 200 INNOTRANS CONVENTION / RAHMENPROGRAMM 10:00 - 12:00 Dialog Forum Service for rail vehicles – Driver for innovation and availability Palais am Funkturm, North Entrance Dialog Forum Service für Schienenfahrzeuge – Treiber für Innovationen und Verfügbarkeit Palais am Funkturm, Eingang Nord Order now and get more than 20 % off Railway Timetabling & Operations Analysis, Modelling, Simulation This is the updated, revised and extended edition of ‘Railway Timetable & Traffic’, published in 2008. technical data: ISBN 978-3-7771-0462-1, format 165 x 240 mm price: regular EUR 69,– (incl. VAT, excl. postage) special pric e EUR 54,– (until 31.10 .2014) contact: DVV Media Group GmbH • Eurailpress phone: +49/40/2 37 14-440 fax +49/40/2 37 14-450 e-mail [email protected] Find out more and order your copy on: 6254_anz_RailwayTimetabling_182x63_1.indd 1 12.08.2014 13:12:11 InnoTrans 2014 Daily | 26 September 2014 | No 4 9 Infrastructure | Infrastruktur Road-rail excavator Photo: Wacker Neuson Bagger für Straße und Schiene A road-rail version of the Model 8003 excavator is being shown by Wacker Neuson. The 10 tonne excavator is designed to be compact and more manoeuvrable than larger models, with lower purchase and operating costs. It can optionally be fitted with a triple boom. To meet Deutsche Bahn specifications the Model 8003 has been fitted with a safety package which includes a built-in height limiter for working under overhead lines. Height and slewing limitations can be individually activated and disabled using a key-operated system. There are two white marker lights in the travel direction, with a red marker light in the rear. The vehicle has three emergency off-switches, a signal horn and a fire extinguisher. In the event of a power supply failure, all necessary functions can be carried out via the emergency hydraulic system. The company is also showing its proven BH 55rw hand-held tamper. This offers 1 350 impacts/min with 55 J of single-stroke impact energy and low hand-arm vibrations of 4∙5 m/s², with a full hood spring mounting. The wide range of tamping tools includes a ramming shoe for compacting ballast at the edge of the rails, a spring strut to help the operator to guide the hammer, and a driveout punch for damaged sleeper screws. XX Eine Zweiwegeversion des Baggers von Modell 8003 ist von Wacker Neuson vorgestellt worden. Bei der Entwicklung des Zehn-TonnenBaggers wurde auf eine kompakte Bauweise und eine bessere Manövrierfähigkeit bei niedrigeren Beschaffungs- und Betriebskosten geachtet. Er kann optional mit einem zusätzlichen Verstellausleger ausgerüstet werden. Zur Erfüllung der Spezifikationen der Deutschen Bahn erhielt das Modell 8003 ein Sicherheitspaket mit einer eingebauten Vorrichtung zur Höhenbegrenzung für die Arbeit unter Fahrdraht. Die Höhen- und Ausdrehbegrenzungen können mit einem schlüsselbetätigten System ein- und abgeschaltet werden. In Fahrtrichtung gibt es zwei weiße und auf der hinteren Seite ein rotes Positionslicht. Das Fahrzeug besitzt drei Notausschalter, ein Signalhorn und einen Feuerlöscher. Bei Ausfall der Energieversorgung erlaubt das hydraulische Notsystem noch alle notwendigen Funktionen. Die breite Palette an Stopfwerkzeugen beinhaltet einen Rammschuh zur Verdichtung von Schotter an der Schienenkante, eine gefederte Stütze für eine erleichterte Führung des Hammers durch den Bediener und einen Schlagstempel zum Entfernen beschädigter Schwellenschrauben. Hall 5.2, Stand 503 | Halle 5.2, Stand 503 Outdoor display | Freigelände Visit us: CityCube Hall B, Stand 401 Technischer Service weltweit Besuchen Sie uns: Halle 26 / Stand 222 Innovations | Neuheiten Locomotives to be delivered in six months Photo: Rolf Schulten Lok-Auslieferung nach sechs Monaten Captrain CEO Henrik Würdemann joined Vossloh’s Hans Schabert and Thomas Schwichtenberg at the handover of the 100th G6 (from left). Henrik Würdemann (Captrain), Hans Schabert und Thomas Schwichtenberg (beide Vossloh) bei der Übergabe der 100. G6 an Captrain (von links). Handing over its 100th Type G6 shunting locomotive, Vossloh’s CEO Hans Schabert announced that the company expects to be able to deliver locomotives within six months from next year. To this end, he announced that Vossloh is building a new locomotive factory at Kiel-Suchsdorf, which will enable the company to fulfil profitably small orders for between two and four locomotives. The jubilee locomotive was supplied to the SNCF-Geodis subsidiary Captrain, which has ordered a total of six Vossloh shunting locomotives for various of its German facilities. Captrain’s Managing Director Henrik Würdemann particularly praised the G6 design for its robustness, performance and operational flexibility. Electrical measurement tools XX Bei der Übergabe der 100. G6-Rangierlokomotive von Vossloh kündigte Vorstandsvorsitzender Hans Schabert an, vom kommenden Jahr an Lokomotiven innerhalb von sechs Monaten ausliefern zu wollen. Deshalb baue Vossloh am Standort Kiel-Suchsdorf ein neues Lokomotivwerk. Auch kleinere Aufträge von zwei bis vier Lokomotiven könnten dann profitabel abgewickelt werden. Die G6-Jubiläumslok ging an die SNCF-Geodis-Tochter Captrain. Der Dienstleister für schienenbasierte Transportlösungen hat insgesamt sechs der Vossloh-Rangierlokomotiven für verschiedene Unternehmensstandorte in Deutschland geordert. Captrain-Geschäftsführer Henrik Würdemann lobte besonders Robustheit, Leistungsfähigkeit und Flexibilität im Betriebseinsatz. XX Der schweizerische Aussteller LEM informiert auf der InnoTrans über seine 42-jährige Erfahrung in der elektrischen Messtechnologie. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Größen-, Gewichts und Kostenreduktion seiner Ausrüstungen bei gleichzeitiger Wahrung der Leistungsfähigkeit. Eine Reihe von Produkten ist auf dem LEM-Stand ausgestellt wie zum Beispiel ein Notfall-Energiemessgerät des Typs EM4TII für den Einsatz in Gleichstromund Wechselstromfahrzeugen. Zudem werden Steuerungs- und Schutzausrüstungen für Unterwerke entlang der Strecken sowie verschiedene Wandler für die Strommessung von 0,1 bis 20.000 A und Spannungen von 10 bis 6.400 V gezeigt. Elektrische Messwerkzeuge Electrical measuring technology supplier LEM is highlighting its 42 years of experience in reducing the size, weight and cost of equipment, while maintaining performance requirements. A range of products is on show atw the LEM stand, including an EM4TII onboard energy meter for both DC and AC vehicles, control and protection equipment for lineside substations and a range of galvanically-isolated transducers for measuring currents from 0∙1 A to 20 000 A and voltages from 10 V to 6 400 V. Photo: Rolf Schulten Hall 11.1, Stand 310 | Halle 11.1, Stand 310 LEM is harnessing years of experience in the development of its product range. LEM zeigt sein Spektrum an Messgeräten. InnoTrans 2014 Daily | 26 September 2014 | No 4 11 Components | Komponenten Braking things worldwide Czech firm Dako-CZ is highlighting the worldwide usage of its products, with vehicles equipped with its braking systems now operating in Europe, Algeria, Malaysia, Indonesia and China. Stadler Minsk has incorporated a Dako-CZ hydraulic braking system into its prototype tram, which is on show on the outdoor tracks. Dako-CZ is also presenting brake modules supplied for metro cars in Kuala Lumpur, components for tank wagons and electromechanical braking systems for trams. Hall 1.2, Stand 205 | Halle 1.2, Stand 205 Photo: Rolf Schulten XX Die tschechische Gesellschaft Dako-CZ stellt den weltweiten Einsatz ihrer Produkte vor: Fahrzeuge, die mit ihren Bremssystemen ausgerüstet sind, verkehren heute in Europa, Algerien, Indonesien und China. Stadler Minsk hat ein hydraulisches Bremssystem in ihren Straßenbahn-Prototypen eingebaut, der auf dem Freigelände zu sehen ist. Dako-CZ präsentiert auch die Bremsmodule, die der Hersteller für die Metro-Wagen in Kuala Lumpur geliefert hat, sowie Komponenten für Tankwagen und elektromechanische Bremssysteme für Straßenbahnen. Bremsen weltweit Air-conditioning compressors Photo: Rolf Schulten Breite Palette an Klimakompressoren 12 InnoTrans 2014 Daily | 26 September 2014 | No 4 A wide range of scroll compressors for air-conditioning systems is being presented by Hitachi Appliances, including the R407C and R134a models. The compressors are in service in more than 24 countries, with applications including high speed rail, commuter, metro, tram and monorail rolling stock. They offer a compact size and light weight, with low noise and low vibration, and high efficiency thanks to the advanced inverter controls. XX Eine breite Angebotspalette an ScrollKompressoren für Klimatisierungssysteme wird von Hitachi Appliances auf der InnoTrans präsentiert. Dazu zählen auch die Modelle R407C und R134a. Die Kompressoren sind in mehr als 24 Ländern in Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen, Vorortsbahnen, U-Bahnen, Straßenbahnen und Monorails im Einsatz. Dank ihrer innovativen und effizienten Wechselrichtersteuerung sind sie kompakt gebaut und von niedrigem Gewicht. Die Kompressoren laufen sowohl geräusch- als auch vibrationsarm. Hall 3.1, Stand 508 | Halle 3.1, Stand 508 Free time in a free area One of the features of Berlin is the city’s ability to constantly adapt its public and private spaces. Perhaps the best example of recent times is the Tempelhofer Freiheit. When flights ceased at Tempelhof airport in October 2008, the 355 ha site was transformed into a huge centrally-located park and recreation zone. The 250 ha open area is even bigger than the Tiergarten in Berlin-Mitte. The site opened to the public in May 2010, since when it has been used as an immense playground by locals and visitors alike. Kite surfers sail between in-line skaters, kites fly in the sky and children and adults ride their bicycles. A community garden has been created, founded by the garden network Allmende-Kontor, and it boasts more than 900 hobby gardeners. Photo: visitBerlin/Philip Koschel What to see and do in Berlin | Sehenswertes & Erlebenswertes in Berlin Gardens and greenery at the Tempelhof park. Garten- und Grünflächen auf dem Tempelhofer Feld. Access to Tempelhofer Freiheit is free of charge. The area is open daily from sunrise to sunset; in September this is from 06:00 to 20:30. Freie Zeit auf freier Fläche XX Typisch für Berlin ist die Umnutzung von Gelände, das früher Industrie- oder Verkehrsfläche war. Das bekannteste Beispiel ist die Tempelhofer Freiheit. Mit der Stilllegung des Flughafens Tempelhof im Oktober 2008 konnte das 355 Hektar große Areal in eine riesige, zentral gelegene Parklandschaft umgewandelt werden. Die 250 Hektar große Grünfläche ist sogar größer als der Tiergarten in BerlinMitte. Seit Mai 2010 ist der Park für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Seither ist er für Berliner und Touristen eine riesige Sport- und Spielwiese: Kite-Surfer gleiten neben Inlineskatern, Drachen steigen in den Himmel und Besucher aufs Fahrrad. Hier ist ein Gemeinschaftsgarten entstanden, gegründet vom Gartennetzwerk Allmende-Kontor, an dem sich laut Website rund 900 Hobbygärtner beteiligen. Der Zugang zum Tempelhofer Feld ist kostenlos. Das Gelände ist täglich von Sonnenaufgang bis Sonnenuntergang geöffnet, im September von 6:00 bis 20:30 Uhr. Track Tec hat einen Vertrag über die Auslieferung von speziellen Schienenauszugsvorrichtungen mit Malaysia abgeschlossen. Sie kommen in den Gleisen auf langen Brücken der Stadtbahn in Kuala Lumpur sowie in Anschlussbereichen zwischen den lückenlos geschweißten und den klassischen Gleisen zum Einsatz. Auf der InnoTrans verlieh das polnische Unternehmen außerdem einen Preis für die beste Diplomarbeit im Bereich Bahn. Photo: Rolf Schulten Polish supplier Track Tec has concluded a contract with Malaysia for the supply of special expansion joints. These will be used on long bridges on the Kuala Lumpur urban rail network as well as for connections between continuously-welded and conventional rails. The company has also awarded a prize for the best diploma thesis in the field of railways, which was presented at InnoTrans. Vis i Halt us in Boo l 1. tH 2 104 excellence ... …in Technology and QualiTy. Delivering the highest levels of safety and availability for operators. This is the goal of Knorr-Bremse. | | Anzeige_Excellence_183x63_EN_090914.indd 1 10.09.14 09:39 InnoTrans 2014 Daily | 26 September 2014 | No 4 13 Photos: Karl-Arne Richter, Rolf Schulten, Messe Berlin Impressions | Impressionen Connecting Forces – Driving Innovation. Visit us: Hall 1.2, Booth 220 14 InnoTrans 2014 Daily | 26 September 2014 | No 4 Worth reading | Lesenswertes Europäische Bahnen 14/15 Europäische Bahnen 14/15 ISBN: 978-3-7771-0459-1 €128,- (plus postage) ISBN: 978-3-7771-0459-1 €128,- (zzgl. Versandkosten) Europe’s rail market is continuously changing. Europäische Bahnen provides an up-to-date overview of all licensed European railway undertakings, with all important facts and figures. The eighth edition of this German-language compendium has been completely revised and updated with detailed information for each company: addresses, management, associates, history, performance data, traffic and fleet. There is also a market analysis for Europe contributed by the Independent Rail Regulator’s Group, IRGRail. The book includes a condensed overview of each country, with a brief history of its railways, a route map, and a summary of the main players and authorities. The printed compendium is complemented by a CD-ROM containing the contents of the book as well as detailed rolling stock lists for the private and regional railway operators in PDF format; this also provides a full text search for terms, persons and types of traffic. This high-quality publication provides a wealth of data on the European market and a rapid yet up-to-date overview for all players in this important railway market. XX Der Bahnmarkt in Europa ist in ständigem Wandel. Die Marktübersicht Europäische Bahnen liefert Lesern den aktuellen Überblick. Ein erfahrenes und objektives Redaktionsteam hat alle lizenzierten Bahnunternehmen in Europa analysiert und alle wichtigen Daten und Fakten zusammengetragen. In der achten komplett überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage stehen alle Bahnen mit Detailinformationen zur Verfügung: Adressen, Management, Gesellschafter, Historie, Leistungsdaten, Verkehre und Flotte. Außerdem enthalten ist eine Marktanalyse für Europa, die die Independent Regulators‘ Group – Rail (IRGRail) beigesteuert hat. Die einzelnen Länder sind auch in komprimierter Schnellübersicht mit Bahnhistorie, Streckenkarte, Marktteilnehmern und Behörden aufgeführt. Zu dem gedruckten Nachschlagewerk gehört noch eine CD-ROM. Sie enthält die Inhalte des Buches sowie detaillierte Fahrzeuglisten der privaten bzw. kommunalen Bahngesellschaften als PDF und bietet eine Volltextsuche nach Begriffen, Personen und Verkehren. Diese Datenfülle mit ihrem hohen Qualitätsstandard ist einzigartig in Europa und liefert allen Akteuren im Bahnmarkt einen schnellen, umfassenden und aktuellen Überblick. World Rail Market Study A study commissioned by UNIFE – The European Rail Industry Conducted by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants The largest study of its kind Commissioned by THE EUROPEAN RAIL INDUSTRY THE EUROPEAN RAIL INDUSTRY C M Y K 100 0 100 20 C M Y K 70 0 100 10 C M Y K 50 0 100 5 C M Y K 0 0 0 60 WORLD MARKET STUDY Conducted by railMarket study forecast New! Commissioned by UNIFE – The European Rail Industry Conducted by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Worldwide Rail Market Study – status quo and outlook 2016 2014 to 2019 forecast 2012 to 2017 UNIFE WORLD RAIL MARKET STUDY 2012 unife World rail Market Study forecast 2014 to 2019 world Unife Logo A study commissioned by UNIFE, Providing competitive railway Rail systems the Association of the European Industry and conducted by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants UNIFE The European Rail Industry Avenue Louise 221 B-1050 Brussels te Special ra ans Tr o n In r fo ! exhibitors DVV Media Group Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 6 D-80807 München DVV Media Group GmbH DVV Media Group GmbH More information at Contact: DVV Media Group GmbH • Eurailpress Email: [email protected] Phone +49 40 237 14-440 • Fax +49 40 237 14-450 • 6150_anz_UNIFE_184x124.indd 1 DVV Media Group THE EUROPEAN RAIL INDUSTRY C M Y K THE EUROPEAN RAIL INDUSTRY 100 0 100 20 C M Y K 70 0 100 10 C M Y K 50 0 100 5 C M Y K 0 0 0 60 15 11.08.2014 16:53:51 InnoTrans 2014 Daily | 26 September 2014 | No 4 Unife Logo Hosted by Hosted by Hos ed by Hos ed by Hosted by Hosted by HosCo-hosted ed by by Hosted Hos ed by by Hosted Representation Representation 4 – 5 November 2014 Co-hosted 4 – 5 November 2014 ed State by Hos Rep aby on Free of esen Bavaria ed Co hos ed State by Hos Rep aby on of the Free of esen Bavaria edby 4 – 5 November 2014 ofCothehos 4 – 5 November 2014 Hosted Hosted by by Hosted o the heEuropean F ee S Rue a eUnion o to Bava aF eeBrussels Bavarian Representation, 77 Rue toWiertz, Brussels Brussels, Belgium o the heEuropean S a eUnion o Bava a Bavarian Representation, 77 Wiertz, Brussels, Belgium Hosted Hos ed by by Hos 4 – 5 an November 2014 HosUn ed – 5aan November 2014 oahe Eu Uned on Bavar Represen on 77gRue er z opean Brusse Brusse sNovember Be g4Bavar um os he Eu on Represen on 77 Rue W er z opean Brusse s by Brusse sNovember Be um W 4 – 5 2014 4 – 5 2014 Hosted Hosted by by Hosted by Bavarian Representation, 77 Rue Wiertz, Brussels Bavarian Representation, 77 Rue Wiertz, Brussels Hosted Hos ed by by Hos eds by by Co-hosted Co-hosted byby Representation Representation 4 – 5 November 2014 Hosted Hosted by by Co-hosted byBrusse Representation 4 – 5 November 2014 Hosted Hosted by Hosted Hosted by Hosted by Bavar an Represen a on 77 Rue W er z Brusse s 4 4 – – 5 5 November November 2014 2014 Bavar an Represen a on 77 Rue W er z 4 – 5 November 2014 Bavarian Representation, 77 Rue Wiertz,77 Brussels Bavarian Representation, Rue Wiertz, Brussels by Co Co hos hos eded by by Rep Rep esen esen ahos aon on of of the the Free Free State State of of Bavaria Bavaria Hosted Hosted by byHos Hosted Hos ed by by Co ed State by Rep esen on of Free of Bavaria edsaby Hosted Hosted by by Hosted Hosted by by Hosted by Hosted by Hosted by Hosted by 4Bavarian 4––5an 5November November 2014 2014 4 –a5 November 2014 Bavar Represen on 77 Rue W er zee Brusse sthe Bavar an 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2014 2014 4 – 5 November 4 – 5 November 2014 4 – 5 November 2014 2014 4 – 5 November November 2014 4 – 5 November 2014 2014 4 – 5 November 2014 4 – 5Bavarian 4November –Bavarian 5 November 2014 477–Bavarian 52014 4November 5Representation, November 2014 Bavar Representation, Represen a–an on 77 77 Rue RueWiertz, Wiertz, W z2014 Brussels Brusse sWiertz, Bavar Represen a77er on 77 Rue W er z Brussels Brusse s Bavarian Representation, Representation, 77 77 Rue Rue Wiertz, Brussels Brussels 77 Rue Bavarian 77 Rue Representation, Wiertz, Brussels 77 RueWiertz, Brussels Bavarian Representation, Bavarian Rue Representation, Wiertz, Brussels Rue Wiertz, Brussels 4November –Bavarian 5 November 4November –Represen 2014 4November –an 5 November 2014 2014 4 – 5Bavarian 4 –Representation, 5an 2014 45 –November 5 2014 2014 Representation, Bavarian Representation, Bavarian 77 Rue Representation, Wiertz, 77 Brussels Rue Wiertz, 77 Rue Brussels Brussels Bavarian Representation, Bavarian Representation, Bavarian 77 Rue Representation, Wiertz, 77 Brussels Rue Wiertz, Rue Wiertz, Brussels Bavarian Bavar an Representation, a on 77 77 Rue Rue Wiertz, W er zBrussels Brussels Brusse sWiertz, Represen a77 on 77 Rue W er z Brusse s Bavarian Representation, Bavarian 77 Rue Representation, Wiertz, Brussels 77 Rue Wiertz, Brussels Bavarian Representation, Bavarian 77Bavar Rue Representation, Wiertz, Brussels 77 Rue Wiertz, Brussels Register now for the Register now for the Register now for the Register now for the Register now for the Register now for the Register now for the Register now for the Register Register now now for for the the Register now for the Register now the Register now for the Register Register now now for for the the Register now for the Bavarian Representation, Rue Wiertz, Brussels Bavarian Representation, 77Representation, Rue 77 Wiertz, Brussels Bavarian Representation, Bavarian 77 Rue Wiertz, Brussels 77 Rue Wiertz, Brussels Bavarian Representation, Bavarian 77 Rue Representation, Wiertz, Brussels 77 Rue Wiertz, Brussels European Rail Summit European Rail Summit European Rail Summit European Rail Summit European European Rail Rail Summit Summit European Rail Summit European Rail Summit European Rail Summit European European Rail Rail Summit Summit European Rail Summit European European European European Rail Rail Summit Rail Summit Rail Summit Summit Rail Summit European European Rail Summit Register Register now now for for the the Register now for the Register Register now now for for the the Register Register now Register now for Register the for now the now for the for the Register now for the Register Register now Register Register now for Register now the for now for now the the for now for the the for the 4Register – 5 November 2014 Register Register now now for for the the 4 – 5 November 2014 Register now for the Register now for the Register now for the Register now now for Register the for2014 now thenow forforthe for the 4Register – 5 November 4 Register –2014 5 November Don’t miss this high-level the rail industry. Don’t miss thisevent high-level event for the rail industry. Hosted by Hos ed by Hosted by Hos ed by Hosted by Hos ed by Hosted by Hos ed by Hosted Hosted Hosted by Bavarian Representation, 77Representation, Rue Wiertz, Brussels Bavarian 77 Ruebyby Wiertz, Brussels Hos byby ed by Bava an Rep esenBava a on an 77Rep Rue esen W e az on B4Hosted usse sed 775Rue W e z B4Hos usse sNovember – November 2014 – 5 2014 Hosted Bavarian by Hosted byby Wiertz, Hosted by 4 – 5 November 4 –2014 577November 2014 Representation, Rue Wiertz,Hosted Brussels 44––55November November Bavarian Representation, 77Hosted Rue 4 2014 –2014 5 November by Brussels Hosted2014 by ed ed by ed sby Bava an Rep esen a on an 77 Rep Rue esen We a z Hos BHos usse s by W by 4Bavarian 4––55November November Bava on 77 Rue e z Hos B usse 4 2014 –2014 577November 2014 Bavarian Representation, Representation, 77 Rue RueWiertz, Wiertz,Brussels Brussels Bavarian Representation, 77 Rue Wiertz, Brussels Hosted European European European European Rail Rail Summit Rail Summit Rail Summit Summit European European Rail Rail Summit Summit European Rail Summit European European Rail Rail Summit live wavecast European Rail Summit European Rail Summit European Rail Rail Summit European Summit Don’t missDon’t this high-level for the rail industry. miss thisevent high-level event for the rail industry. Don’t miss this at high-level event for the rail industry. Don’t miss this high-level event for the rail industry. Register today* Register today at* Key topics:Key topics: Don’t miss this high-level event forthe the rail industry. Don’t miss this high-level event forthe therail railindustry. industry. Register today at* Register today at* Don’t Don’t miss miss this this high-level high-level event event for for the rail rail industry. industry. Key topics:Key topics: Don’t miss this high-level event for Bavarian Bava an Representation, Rep esen a on 77 77 Rue Rue Wiertz, W e z Brussels B usse s Bava an Rep esen a on 77 Rue W e z B usse s 4 – 5 November 2014 4 4 – – 5 5 November November 2014 2014 4 – 5 November 2014 Don’t miss this high-level event for the railindustry. industry. Don’t miss this high-level event for the railindustry. industry. Register today at* Don’t Don’t miss miss this high-level high-level event for for the the rail rail industry. Register today at* n A Vision for Key Rail intopics: Europe Don’t miss this high-level event for the rail n A Vision for Rail Key topics: 4 – 5 November 2014 4 –Register 5 November 2014 4 4 – – 5 5 November November 2014 2014 Bavarian Representation, 77 Rue Wiertz, Brussels 4 – 5 November 2014 Case Study Case Study Bavarian Bavarian Representation, Representation, 77 77 Rue Rue Wiertz, Wiertz, Brussels Brussels 4 for November 2014 Bavarian Representation, 77 Ruerail Wiertz, Brussels 4 November 2014 now the n A Vtopics: s onKey or Key Ra ntopics: Register now for the Don’t Don’t miss miss this this high-level high-level event event for for the the rail rail industry. industry. n AV sEurope on or Ra Register today at* Don’t miss this high-level event for the industry. Register today at* Register Register today today at** Key 4 – 5 November 2014 Register today* Bavarian Representation, 77 Rue Wiertz, Brussels Hosted in Brussels by Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail Bavarian Representation, 77 Rue Wiertz, Brussels Key Key topics: topics: Case S udy Hosted in Brussels by Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail topics: Case S udy Bava Bava an an Rep Rep esen esen a a on on 77 77 Rue Rue W W e e z z B B usse usse s s 4 November 2014 Don’t Don’t miss this miss high-level this Don’t high-level Don’t miss event this miss event for high-level this the for high-level rail the industry. event rail industry. event for the for rail the industry. rail industry. Bava an Rep esen a on 77 Rue W e z B usse s 4event November 2014 Register now for the Managing Change: Passenger Services inVision Bavaria Register now for the n Transport for the EU Register today at* Managing Change: Passenger Services inVision nKey Transport Priorit Don’t miss this high-level event for the rail industry. Register today at* Register Register today today at** n A forPriorities Rail inBavaria Europe Don’t Don’t miss miss this this high-level high-level event for for the the rail rail industry. industry. Register today* n A Don’t miss high-level high-level event for the rail industry. industry. Bavarian Representation, 77 Rue Wiertz, Brussels Key topics: Hosted nhigh-level Brusse smiss by Ra way Gazette and Eura press, the European Rail Key Key topics: topics: topics: Hosted n Brusse sthe by Ra way Gazette and Eura press, the European Rail miss Don’t this miss high-level Don’t this miss event this for high-level event the rail for industry. event the rail for the rail industry. Don’t miss this Don’t miss event this for high-level the rail industry. event for the rail industry. topics: Networking Cocktail Don’tDon’t Don’t miss this miss high-level this Don’t high-level Don’t event this miss event for high-level this for high-level rail the industry. event rail industry. event for the for rail the industry. rail industry. Networking Cocktail Manag ng Change Passenge Se v ces n Bava aKey n Transpor Pr or or afor heRail EU Manag ng Change Passenge Se v ces nes Bava n Transpor or n A VBayerischen sfor onRail orAin Ra Europe Don’t Don’t miss miss this this high-level high-level event event for for the the rail rail industry. industry. Register Register today today at at** Don’t miss this high-level event for the rail industry. n A Vn sfor onRail orPrin Ra Dr Johannes Niggl, CEO, Bayerischen Eisenbahngesellschaft Register now for the Don’t Don’t miss miss high-level this high-level event event for the for rail the industry. rail industry. Register today at* Dr Johannes Niggl, CEO, Register now for the nKey nAA Vision Vision for Rail inEisenbahngesellsch Europe Europe Summit will bring together leading figures from the European Parliament, n Vision for Rail in Presidency n Vision E Don’t miss this Don’t miss event this for high-level the rail industry. event for the rail industry. Don’t miss this high-level Don’t miss event this for high-level the rail industry. event for the rail industry. Summit will bring together leading figures from the European Parliament, n Vision for Rail Presidency Key topics: topics: Ne work ng Cock ahigh-level Hosted in Brussels by Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail Key topics: Ne work ng Cock a Hosted in Brussels by Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail Register Register today today at Register* at Register* today today at* at* Case Case Study Study Michael Hinterdobler, Head of Bavarian Representation to the EU Case Study Michael Hinterdobler, Head of Bavarian Representation to the EU 44 November November 2014 2014 Transport Priorities for the EU 4 November 2014 Register Register today today at at** Dthe Johannes NEuropean gg CEO Baye schen E senbahngese scha Key topics: Key topics: Key topics: Key topics: Register Register now now for for the the Register now for n Transport Priorit Register today at* Dthe Johannes NKey gg CEO Baye schen E senbahngese sc Register now for the Register now for n nAn A Vision V s on for or Rail Ra in n Europe Europe Summit w br ng together ead ng figures from the European Par ament, n A V s on Ra n Europe Pres dency nor A V s on or Ra n E Summit w br ng together ead ng figures from the Par ament, n A V s on or Ra Register* Pres dency Hosted n Brusse s by Ra way Gazette and Eura press, the European Rail Register today Register at Register* today at today* at* Register today at Register* today at* Hosted n Brusse s by Ra way Gazette and Eura press, the European Rail Key topics: topics: Hosted Hosted in in Brussels Brussels by by Railway Railway Gazette Gazette and and Eurailpress, Eurailpress, the the European European Rail Rail Register Register today today at Register* at Register* today today at* at* Key topics: Key topics: Key topics: Hosted in Brussels Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail in Brussels Railway Eurailpress, Case Case Study S udy MRegister chae H n e dob e Head o Bava an Rep esen a on o he EU Session III Case S udy in Brussels Railway Eurailpress, M chae H n e dob e Head o Bava an Rep esen a on o he EU Key topics: Key topics: Key topics: Key topics: 4 4 November November 2014 2014 Session III n Transpor Pr or es or he 4 November 2014 Key topics: Key topics: Key topics: Key topics: Register Register now now for for the the Managing Managing Change: Change: Passenger Passenger Services Services in in Bavaria Bavaria n Transpor Pr or n n Transport Transport Priorities Priorities for for the the EU EU Register now for the Managing Change: Passenger Services in Bavaria Commission and Council, along with senior railway representatives and Register today today at at** n Transport Priorities fo n Transport Priorities for the EU Commission and Council, along with senior railway representatives and Register today* Register today at* Europe’s Railways & the nKey nKey AA Vision Vision for for Rail Rail in inEurope Europe Transport Priori n Europe’s Railwa n ADirector Vision for Rail inEu Eu Summit will bring together leading figures from the European Parliament, Register today Register at* today at today* at* Register today at Register* today at* Presidency Summit will bring together leading figures from the European Parliament, topics: topics: Hosted Hos ed in nfor Brussels Brusse sed by by Railway Ra way Gazette Gaze e,and and Eurailpress, Eura press the he European European Rail Ra Presidency Key topics: Key topics: 5Register November 2014 Key topics: Hos n Brusse s by Ra way Gaze e and Eura press he European Ra Hosted n Brusse s Ra way Gazette and Eura press, the European Rail 5 November 2014 Sess on Networking Networking Cocktail Cocktail Clare Moriarty, General, Rail E Hosted n Brusse s way Gazette and Eura press, the European Rail Key topics: topics: topics: Key topics: Moriarty, Director General, Rail Executive, UK Departme Sess on nKey A Vision for Rail in Europe nces A Vision for Rail in nClare A Vision for Rail in Europe nKey A Vision for Rail in Europe Networking Cocktail Clare Moriarty, Direc Clare Moriarty, Director General, Rail Execut 4th November 2014 Managing Manag ng Change: Change Passenger Passenge Services Se v ces in n Bavaria Bava a ovember 2014 n n Transport Transpor Priorities Pr or es for or the he EU EU 4th November 2014 Manag ng Change Passenge Se v n Bava a 4th November 2014 Comm ss on and Counc , a ong w th sen or ra way representat ves and n Transpor Pr or es Transpor Pr or es or he EU Comm ss on and Counc a ong w th sen or ra way representat ves and Register now the n Europe s Ra ways & he n n A A Vision V s on for or Rail Ra in n Europe Europe n Transpor Pr or Dr Dr Johannes Johannes Niggl, Niggl, CEO, CEO, Bayerischen Bayerischen Eisenbahngesellschaft Eisenbahngesellschaft Impulse Speech Europe s Ra w Register Register now now for for the the n A V s on or Ra n E w br ng ead ng Par ament, Dr Johannes Niggl, CEO, Bayerischen Eisenbahngesellschaft Impulse Speech Register now for the Summit Summit will will bring bring together together leading leading figures figures from from the the European European Parliament, Parliament, Pres dency n n A A Vision Vision for for Rail Rail in in Europe nD A Vision n A for Vision Rail for in Europe Rail in Europe w br ng ead ng Par ament, Presidency Presidency Summit will bring together leading figures from the European Parliament, n A Vision for Rail in E Pres dency 5 November 2014 Presidency Summit will bring together leading figures from the European Parliament, n A Vision n A for Vision Rail for in Europe Rail n A in Vision Europe n A for Vision Rail for in Europe Rail in E 5 November 2014 Hosted Hosted in in Brussels Brussels by by Railway Railway Gazette Gazette and and Eurailpress, Eurailpress, the the European European Rail Rail Networking Ne work ng Cocktail Cock a Presidency C a e Mo a y D ec o Gene a Ra Summit will bring together leading figures from the European Parliament, Global Perspective C a e Mo a y ec o Gene a Ra Execu ve UK Depa me n A Vision for Rail in Europe n A Vision for Rail in Eu n A Vision for Rail in Europe n A Vision for Rail in Europe Hosted in Brussels by Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail Ne work ng Cock a Presidency C aInfrabel, ethe Mo aVice-Pre yExecu D ecE Global Perspect C aRail enLuc Mo aVice-President yor D ec o Gene aPriorities Ra 4th November 2014 ovember 2014 Register now for the Michael Michael Hinterdobler, Hinterdobler, Head Head oftofBavarian Bavarian Representation Representation tothe to the the EU EU 4th November 2014 4th November 2014 customers from around the world tofigures discuss the future of Europe’s railways. Michael Hinterdobler, Head of Bavarian Representation to the EU Lallemand, CEO Register now for the n n Transport Transport Priorities Priorities for for the EU EU customers from around the world to discuss the future of Europe’s railways. Hosted Hosted in Brussels in Brussels by Railway by Hosted Railway in Gazette Brussels in Gazette Brussels and by Eurailpress, Railway and by Eurailpress, Railway Gazette Gazette European and the Eurailpress, European and Rail Eurailpress, Rail the European the European Rail Lallemand, CEO Infrabel, EIM Dr DMaking Johannes Johannes Niggl, NEuropean gg CEO, CEO Bayerischen Baye schen Eisenbahngesellschaft E senbahngese scha Transport Luc Lallemand, CEO mpu se Speech Register Register now now for for the the Luc Lallemand, CEO Infrabel, Vice-Presiden D Johannes gg CEO Baye schen E senbahngese scha Commission and Council, along with senior railway representatives and mpu se Speech Register now for the Summit Summ twill w bring br ng together oge her leading ead ng figures from rom the he European European Parliament, Par amen n n A A Vision V on for Rail Ra in n Europe Europe namen A Vision Asnndency for Vision Rail for in Europe Rail in Europe Commission and Council, along with senior railway representatives and Presidency Pres n Europe’s Railways & the Don’t miss this high-level event for the rail industry. Summ w br ng oge her ead ng figures rom he Par n A V sRail on or Ra nPEU Ee Pres dency n Europe’s Railwa Welcome Summit w br ng together ead ng figures from the European Par ament, n A Vision AN for Vision Rail for in Europe Rail Ain Vision Europe nbest A for Vision for in Europe Rail in E profits from rail freight — best practice in North America nLuc Transport nnRail Transport Priorities Priorities for the Transport EU for nn the Transport Priorities EU Priorities for the fofo Hosted Hos ed in nnHosted Brussels Brusse sed by Railway Ra way Gazette Gaze e and and Eurailpress, Eura press the he European European Rail Ra Welcome Pres dency Summit w br ng together ead ng figures from the European Par ament, G oba Perspec ve Making profits from rail freight — practice in North Am Hos n Brusse s by Ra way Gaze e and Eura press he European Ra Pres dency Hosted Hosted in Brussels by Railway by Railway Gazette Gazette and Eurailpress, and Eurailpress, the European the European Rail G oba Perspec Hosted in Brussels Railway Gazette Eurailpress, the Rail Session Session III III Register now for the Michael M chae Hinterdobler, H e dob e Head Head of o Bavarian Bava an Representation Rep esen a on to o the he EU EU Hosted in Brussels Railway Gazette Eurailpress, the Rail Summit will bring together Session III Hosted in Brussels by Hosted Railway in Gazette Brussels and by Eurailpress, Railway Gazette the European and Eurailpress, Rail the European Hosted in Brussels by Hosted Railway in Gazette Brussels and by Eurailpress, Railway Gazette the European and Eurailpress, Rail the European Rail customers from around the wor d to d scuss the future of Europe s ra ways. M chae H n e dob e Head o Bava an Rep esen a on o he EU Luc La emand CEO n abe V ce n n Transport Transpor Priorities Pr or es for or the he EU EU customers from around the wor d to d scuss the future of Europe s ra ways. Hosted Hosted in Brussels in Brussels by Hosted Railway by Hosted Railway in Gazette Brussels in Gazette Brussels and by Eurailpress, Railway and by Eurailpress, Railway Gazette the Gazette European and the Eurailpress, European and Rail Eurailpress, Rail the European the European Rail Rail Luc La emand CEO n abe V ce P es den E M n Transpor Pr or es Luc La emand CEO Commission Commission and Council, Council, along along with with senior senior railway railway representatives representatives and and Luc La emand CEO n abe V ce P es den n Transport n Transport Priorities Priorities for the EU for the EU Comm ss on and Counc , a ong w th sen or ra way representat ves and Transport Transport Priorities Priorities for for the the EU EU Commission and Council, along with senior railway representatives and n n Europe’s Europe’s Railways Railways & & the the Comm ss on Counc ,and aand ong w th sen or ra representat ves Transport Priorities fT& nPriorities Europe sDirector Ra ways he Don’t miss this high-level event for the rail industry. Cramer, Chairman, Transport nCramer, Transport for n the Transport EU Priorities fE nMichael Transport Priorities for nneTransport the Transport Priorities for the E n Europe’s Railways & Chairman, &h Tourism Summit Summit will will bring bring together together leading leading figures from from the the European European Parliament, Parliament, n Europe sNo Ra wa We come Michael Cramer, Cha Commission Council, along with senior railway representatives Presidency Presidency Michael Cramer, Chairman, Transport &hofTou Mak ng pway ofi srepresentatives om aon eRail gh — bes pMichael ac ce nEU No Ame ca nRail Transport n Transport Priorities for the Transport EU for nbes the Transport Priorities EU Priorities for the fo Summit will bring together leading figures from the European Parliament, We come Commission and Council, along with senior railway and Presidency Mak ng pPresidency ofi sClare om anPriorities gh — p ac ce nPerspect Am Europe’s Railways &Committee, the 5 5 November November 2014 2014 Don’t miss this high-level event for the rail industry. n Liberalisation & Competition in Hosted Hosted in Brussels in Brussels Railway by Railway Gazette Gazette and Eurailpress, and Eurailpress, the European the European Europe’s Railwa 5 November 2014 Hosted Hos ed in n Brussels Brusse s by by Railway Ra way Gazette Gaze e Eurailpress, Eura press the he European European Rail Ra Don’t miss this high-level event for the rail industry. n Liberalisation & Clare Clare Moriarty, Moriarty, Director General, General, Rail Rail Executiv Execut Session Sess on III Joachim Herrmann, Bavarian State Minister offigures the Interior, Clare Clare Moriarty, Moriarty, Director Director General, General, Rail Rail Executive, Executive, UK UK Department Department of Tra Hos ed n Brusse s by Ra way Gaze e and Eura press he European Ra Clare Moriarty, Director Ge Summit will bring together Summit Summit Summit Summit t, t, t, t, Sess Joachim Herrmann, Bavarian State Minister of the Interior, Jim Squires, President, Norfolk Southern Hosted in Brussels by Hosted Railway in Gazette Brussels and by Eurailpress, Railway Gazette the European and Eurailpress, Rail the European Rail Hosted incustomers Brussels by Hosted Railway in Gazette Brussels and by Eurailpress, Railway Gazette the European and Eurailpress, Rail the European Rail Global Perspective Moriarty, Director General, Rail Executive, U 4th 4th November November 2014 2014 Presidency Presidency Presidency November November 2014 2014 Jim Squires, President, Norfolk Southern Global 4th November 2014 4th November 2014 Commission Comm ss on and and Council, Counc along a ong with w h senior sen or railway ra way representatives represen a ves and and n Transport Transport Priorities Priorities for the EU for the EU from around the world to discuss the future of Europe’s railways. Transport Transpor Priorities Pr or es for or the he EU EU Comm ss on and Counc a ong w h sen or ra way represen a ves and Networking Cocktail n n Europe’s Europe s Railways Ra ways & & the he Impulse Impulse Speech Speech Transpor Pr or es Networking Cocktail customers from around the world to discuss the future of Europe’s railways. M chae C ame Cha man T anspo Networking Cocktail n Transport Priorities for n the Transport EU Priorities f n Transport Priorities for n the Transport EU Priorities for the E n Europe s Ra ways Impulse Speech M chae ame Cha man Ta anspo &ove Tou sm ee Networking Cocktail Summ w br ng oge her ead ng rom he Par amen M chae C Ch Comm ss on and Counc ,gha ong w sen or ra way representat ves and Presidency Pres dency M chae C ame Cha man T anspo & Summ tswill w br ng oge her ead ng rom he Par amen Summit Summit Register today at* Comm ss on and Counc a ong w th sen or ra way representat ves and Pres dency Presidency Presidency Europe sD Ra ways &Comm he 5 5 November November 2014 2014 Summit Summit will bring bring together together leading leading figures figures from from the the European European Parliament, Parliament, Don tJoach m ss stwill h gheve event for the ra ndustry L sa on & Compe on n European (E Presidency Presidency leading figures from the European Parliament, Commission and Council, with railway Europe same Ra November 2014 European Parliament (invited) Summit bring together figures from the Parliament, Summit Summit Summit Summit t,Europe t,European t,ec t,ways. Don tJoach m ss th h eve event for the ra ndustry Global Global Perspective n L bera sa on & C C an a esenior e Mo Mo a yExecu yPerspective D ec ec o Gene Gene a Ra Ra Execu Execu vT Euro mth He mann Bava an S ang e M n s5 eto oth he nleading e Presidency Presidency Presidency Presidency C C aes a eJt, ePresidency Mo Mo a aC yt,yalong D D ec oes o Gene Gene abera Ra Ra Execu ve UK Depa men men oTou ow T& European Parliament (invite Global Perspective C a e Mo aDepa yParliament D ec o G Summit Summit Summit Summit t, t, t, t, m He mann Bava an S a,along e M nothe swith e ofuture he nmpu e onow Jof m Squ es P den No o krailways. Sou he n G oba Perspec ve C a2050, e Mo arail yPerspective D ec o Gene aUK Ra Execu ve 4th 4th November November 2014 2014 Presidency Presidency Presidency Presidency hNovember November 2014 2014 m Squ es P den No o k Sou he n G oba 4th November 2014 customers customers from around around the the world world to discuss discuss the future future of of Europe’s Europe’s railways. railways. 4th November 2014 Luc Luc Lallemand, Lallemand, CEO CEO Infrabel, Infrabel, Vice-President Vice-President customers from the world to discuss the future of Europe’s Building & Transport Luc Luc Lallemand, Lallemand, CEO CEO Infrabel, Infrabel, Vice-President Vice-President EIM EIM Global As part of European Union’s vision for transport between and 2050, rail customers from around the wor d d scuss the s ra ways. Luc Lallemand, CEO Infrab the Single European Transpor Ne work ng Cock a Building & Transport Luc Lallemand, CEO Infrabel, Vice-President EIM Global Perspec Impulse se Speech Speech Ne work ng Cock a As part of European Union’s vision for transport between now and customers from around the wor d to d scuss the future of Europe s ra Commission Commission and and Council, Council, along along with with senior senior railway railway representatives representatives and and the Single Europ Ne work Cock a mpu se Speech Ne work ng Cock a Commission and Council, senior railway representatives and n n Europe’s Europe’s Railways Railways & & the the world to discuss Europe’s Round table discussion Summit Summit t,La t,Europe’s n Europe’s Railways &U Welcome Welcome Register today at* Register today* Europe’s railways. Round table discussion Presidency Presidency Making Making profits profits from from rail rail freight freight — —from best best practice practice in in North North America America Summit Summ tat will w bring br ng together oge her ead figures figures from rom the he European European Parliament, Par amen Welcome Register today at* opean Pa amen Presidency Pres dency leading figures from the European Parliament, Commission and Council, along with senior railway Making profits freight — best practice in North America Commission Commission and Council, and Commission Council, along Commission with along senior Council, with and railway Council, along railway representatives with along senior with senior railway and railway representatives and representatives and and Eu opean Pa amen ed Summ tand w br oge ead figures rom he European Par amen Summit Summit Summit Summit t, t,ra t,emand Michael Hinterdobler, Head of Bavarian Representation toEU EU Global G oba Perspective Perspec ve Eu Michael Hinterdobler, Head of Bavarian Representation to the EU Pres dency Presidency Presidency Presidency Presidency n Railways & n the Europe’s & nrailways. Europe’s & nemand the Europe’s Railways & the Eu opean Pa amen nv Michael Hinterdobler, Head of Bavarian Representation to the G oba Perspec ve Key topics: Michael Hinterdobler, Head of Bavarian Representation to the n Liberalisation & Competition Key topics: customers cus from rom around around the he wor dng to o discuss dher scuss the he future urepresentatives ure of orepresentatives Europe’s Europe st,EU railways. ra ways Don’t miss this high-level event for the rail industry. nnv Liberalisation &in Luc La La emand CEO CEO nEu n abe abe VRailways Vce ce P Pes den cus omers rom around he wor dng othe ddiscuss scuss he ubetween ure o2050, Europe sRailways ways Bu d omers ng & T anspo Don’t miss this high-level event for the rail industry. Luc Luc La emand emand CEO CEO nrail nLuc abe abe V V ce ce P P es es den E E M M G oba Perspec ve As part of European Un on sworld vng ssenior on for transport between now and ra Luc La emand CEO nden ae he S ng eChairman, European Transpor Bu dCounc ng & T anspo Luc La CEO nden abe V ce P es den E M G oba Perspec As part of European Un on sworld vrailway srepresentatives on for transport now and 2050, ra Commission Comm ss on and and Council, along aleading ong with w h senior sen or ra way representatives represen a ves and and he S ng e Euro Commission Commission Council, and Council, along with along senior with senior railway railway and and Michael Michael Cramer, Cramer, Chairman, Transport Transport &es & Touris Tou European European Rail Rail Summit Summit European Rail Summit European RailSummit Summit European Rail Summit European European Rail Rail Summit Summit European Rail Summit European Rail Summit European European Rail Rail Summit European Rail Summit European Rail Summit European Rail Summit European European Rail Rail European Rail Summit European RailSummit Summit Comm on and Counc aon ong w hthe sen or ra way represen ves and n n Europe’s Europe sNo Railways Ra ways & & the he Michael Michael Cramer, Cramer, Chairman, Chairman, Transport & &Tourism Tourism Committee, Committee, nways. Europe’s Railways & the nd Europe’s Railways & the customers from around the wor d to d scuss the future of Europe sscuss ways. Round ab eof d on Michael Cramer, Chairman Commission Commission and and Council, Council, along along with with senior senior railway railway representatives representatives and and Europe sNo Ra ways & representatives and customers from around world to discuss the future of railways. We come Michael Cramer, Chairman, Transport & C ster today at www europeanra summ tth com* Commission and Council, and Commission Council, along Commission with along and senior Council, with and senior railway Council, along railway representatives with along representatives senior with senior railway and railway representatives and representatives and customers from around the wor d to d scuss the future of Europe sEurope’s ra Round ab e scuss on Making Mak ng profits p ofi sfrom om a freight epna gh — best bes practice pGlobal ac ce in nPerspective North America Ame ca Commission Council, along with senior railway representatives We come Europe’s Europe’s Railways Railways & & the the ster today at www europeanra summ tth com* nrail Europe’s Europe’s Railways Railways & nbera the Europe’s && nh the Europe’s Railways Railways && the & Don’t Don’t miss miss this this high-level high-level event event for the the rail rail industry. industry. Mak ng ofi s— om a eTransport gh — bes p ac ce nPerspective hTourism Ame ca n n Liberalisation Liberalisation & & Competition Competition in Commission Commission and Council, and Commission Council, along Commission with along and senior Council, with senior railway Council, along railway representatives with along representatives senior with senior railway and railway representatives and representatives and and M chae H nKeynote eplay dob ean Head ofor Bava an Rep esen athe o he EU Europe’s Railways & MNetworking chae H nReg eCommission dob eWelcome Head oHerrmann, Bava an Rep esen a on oand EU miss this high-level event for rail industry. n Liberalisation &in Com Area Joachim Joachim Herrmann, Bavarian Bavarian State State Minister Minister of of the the Interior, n Europe’s Railways nn the Railways & nra Europe’s Railways & nthe Europe’s Railways the M chae H nalong eplay dob e Head oInterior, Bava an Rep esen aEurope’s on o he EU Key top cs: The Future European Rail Freight & Logistics M chae H nReg eDon’t dob e Head oss Bava an Rep esen a othe he EU Joachim Herrmann, Bavarian State Minister of the Interior, Jim Squires, Squires, President, President, Norfolk Norfolk Southern Southern Area Keynote address Global Perspective n L sa on & Compe on n Key top cs: The Future of European Rail Freight & Logistics Jim Squires, President, Norfolk Southern Global address Don the m ss sDon h gheve event for the ra ndustry n L bera sa on & ton m ss sJim hEurope’s gheve event for the ra ndustry is expected to increasing role in moving freight and passenger traffic customers customers from from around around the the world world to to discuss discuss the future future of of railways. railways. n Liberalisation Competition in Networking Networking Cocktail Cocktail Global Perspective Global Perspective Global Perspective Global Perspective Networking Cocktail Cocktail customers from around the world to discuss the future of Europe’s railways. is expected to an increasing role in moving freight and passenger Case Study n Liberalisation Networking Cocktail Commission Commission and and Council, with along senior with senior railway railway representatives representatives and and M M chae chae C ame ame Cha Cha man man T The anspo anspo & & Tou Tou Case Study Networking Cocktail M M chae C Crailways. ame ame Cha Cha man man T T anspo anspo & &Tou Tou sm sm Comm Comm ee ee Case Study ntraffic Europe’s Railways & the nrailways. Europe’s Railways & the n Ae Vision for Rail in Europe M chae C ame Cha man As part of European Union’s vision for transport between now and 2050, rail Case Study Commission Comm ss on and and Council, Counc along a ong with w h senior sen or railway ra way representatives represen a ves and and representatives and customers from around the world to discuss the future of Europe’s railways. customers customers from around from customers around the world customers the from to world discuss around from to discuss the around the future world the the of future to world Europe’s discuss of to Europe’s discuss the railways. future the railways. of future Europe’s of Europe’s the Single European Transpor M chae C ame Cha man T anspo & Tou sm Commission Commission and Council, and Commission Council, along Commission with along and senior Council, with and senior railway Council, along railway representatives with along representatives senior with senior railway and railway representatives and representatives and n A Vision for Rail in Europe As part of European Union’s vision for transport between now and 2050, rail Comm ss on and Counc a ong w h sen or ra way represen a ves and the Single Europ n n Europe’s Europe s Railways Ra ways & & the European European Parliament Parliament (invited) (invited nchae Europe’s nand Europe’s Railways Railways & nC the Europe’s & n the Europe’s Railways Railways & the & Don Don t t m m ss ss th th s s h h ghgheve eve event event for for the the ra ra ndustry ndustry Liberalisation L bera sa on & & Competition Compe on in n European European Parliament Parliament (invited) (invited) Europe s Ra ways & European Don t m ss th s h gheve event for the ra ndustry n L bera sa on & Com European Parliament (invited) Area Joachim Joach m Herrmann, He mann Bavarian Bava an State S a e Minister M n s e of o the he Interior, n e o The Fu u o Eu opean Ra F e gh & Log s cs Global Perspective Global Perspective Joach m He mann Bava an S a e M n s e o he n e o Jim J m Squires, Squ es President, P es den Norfolk No o k Southern Sou he n Area Keyno e address Global G oba Perspective Perspec ve Register today at* The Fu u e o Eu opean Ra F e gh & Log s cs J m Squ es P es den No o k Sou he n G oba Perspec ve Keyno e address Register today at* Building Building & & Transport Transport Global Perspective Global Perspective Global Perspective Global Perspective Global Global Perspective Perspective As As part part of of European European Union’s Union’s vision vision for for transport transport between between now now and and 2050, 2050, rail rail customers customers from around from around the world the to world discuss to discuss the future the of future Europe’s of Europe’s railways. railways. the the Single Single European European Transport Transport Building & Transport s expected to p ay an ncreas ng ro e n mov ng fre ght and passenger traffic cus omers rom around the he wor d o d scuss he u ure o Europe s ra ways Global Perspective n L bera sa on & Compe on n Key topics: As part of European Union’s vision for transport between now and 2050, rail Ne Ne wo wo k k ng ng Cock Cock aNe aof Global Perspective Perspective Global Perspective Global Perspective Lütfi Elvan, Turkish Minister for Transport, Maritime & Priorities of the incumbent EU Presidency the Single European Ne Ne wo wok k ng ng Cock Cock a a cus omers rom he wor d o d scuss he u ure o Europe s ra ways s expected to p ay an ncreas ng ro e n mov ng fre ght and passenger traffic Case S udy n L bera sa on & wo k ng Cock a Key topics: Lütfi Elvan, Turkish Minister for Transport, Maritime & Priorities the incumbent EU Presidency customers customers from around from customers around the world customers the from to world discuss around from to discuss the around the future world the the of future to world Europe’s discuss of to Europe’s discuss the railways. future the railways. of future Europe’s of Europe’s railways. Case S udy Ne wo k ng Cock a customers customers from from around the world world to to discuss discuss the the future future of of Europe’s Europe’s railways. railways. Round Round table table discussion discussion Case S udy n A V s on o Ra n Eu ope Register Register today today at at** As part of European Un on s v s on for transport between now and 2050, ra Case S udy customers from around the world to discuss the future of Europe’s railways. Round table discussion customers customers from around from customers around the world customers the from to world discuss around from to discuss the around the future world the the of future to world Europe’s discuss of to Europe’s discuss the railways. future the railways. of future Europe’s of Europe’s railways. railways. he S ng e European Transpor n A V s on o Ra n Eu ope Register today at* As part of European Un on s v s on for transport between now and 2050, ra he S ng e Euro Eu Eu opean opean Pa Pa amen amen nv nv ed e Michael Michael Hinterdobler, Hinterdobler, Head Head of of Bavarian Bavarian Representation Representation to to the the EU EU Hosted in Brussels by Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail Michael Michael Hinterdobler, Hinterdobler, Head Head of of Bavarian Bavarian Representation Representation to to the the EU EU Eu Eu opean opean Pa Pa amen amen nv nv ed ed Eu opean Michael Hinterdobler, Head of Bavarian Representation to the EU Union’s vision rail Key Key topics: topics: Michael Hinterdobler, Head of Bavarian Representation to the EU Eu opean Pa nv ed Hosted in Brussels by Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail the Single ‘Managing Change: Passenger Serv Don’t miss this high-level event for the rail industry. n Liberalisation Liberalisation &anspo & Competition Competition in in Change: Passenger Services in Bavaria’ n The Future of European Rail Key topics: Union’s vision Global Perspective Global Perspective the Single Reg ster today at www europeanra tn‘Managing com* ‘Managing Change: Don’t Don’t miss miss this this high-level high-level event event for for the the rail rail industry. industry. Liberalisation & Com Change: Passenger Services n The Future of Ei Reg ster today at www europeanra t&‘Managing com* Don’t miss this high-level event for the rail industry. nsumm Transport Priorities for the EU Building Bu d ng & & Transport T anspo Global Perspective Global Perspective Global Perspective Global Perspective Area Global G oba Perspective Perspec ve ns Liberalisation Competition nn Liberalisation inamen & Comp Liberalisation & Competition n&Ma Liberalisation in & Competition As As part par of oohe European European Union’s Un on s vision v s on for or transport ranspor between be ween now now and and 2050, 2050 rail ra customers customers from around from around the world the to world discuss to discuss the future the of future Europe’s of Europe’s railways. railways. the he Single Ssrail ng eng European European Transport Transpor nsumm Transport Priorities for the EU Bu deGaze ng & Tto anspo across the Single Market, helping to reduce greenhouse emissions, Area G oba Perspec ve Key top cs: As par o European Un on s v s on or ranspor be ween now and 2050 ra Lü figas E van Tu kRound sh M n e o Tn anspo me & P o es ofrom ncumben EU P es dency Hosted in Brussels by Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail Summit will bring together he S ng e European across the Single Market, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Key top cs Lü fi E van Tu k sh M n e o T Ma me & P o es o he ncumben EU P es dency customers customers from around customers around the world customers the from to world discuss around from to discuss the around the future world the the of future to world Europe’s discuss of to Europe’s discuss the railways. future the railways. of future Europe’s of Europe’s railways. railways. customers cus omers from rom around he world wor d to o discuss d scuss the he future u ure of o Europe’s Europe s railways. ra ways Round Round table ab e discussion d scuss on Reg Reg ster ster today today at at www www europeanra europeanra summ summ t t com* com* is expected to play an increasing role in moving freight and passenger traffic cus omers rom around he wor d o d scuss he u ure o Europe s ra ways ab e d scuss on Don’t miss this high-level event for the rail industry. As part of the European Union’s vision for transport between now and 2050, rail is expected to play an Reg ster today at www europeanra summ t com* is expected play an increasing role in moving freight and passenger traffic Maurizio Lupi, Italian Minister for Infrastructure & Transport M M chae chae H H n n e e dob dob e Head Head o o Bava Bava an an Rep Rep esen esen a a on on o o he he EU EU Communication (invited) Area Area Hos ed n B usse s by Ra way e and Eu a p ess he European Ra M M chae chae H H n n e e dob dob e e Head Head o Bava Bava an an Rep Rep esen esen a a on on o o he he EU EU The The Future Future of of European European Rail Rail Freight Freight & Logistics Logistics Maurizio Lupi, Italian Minister for Infrastructure & Transport M chae H n e dob e Head o Bava an Rep esen a on o he EU Communication (invited) Area Keynote Keynote address address As part of European Un on s v s on for transport between now and 2050, ra Key Key top top cs: cs: n Liberalisation n Liberalisation & Competition & Competition in in M chae H n e dob e Head o Bava an Rep esen a on o he EU Hos ed n B usse s by Ra way Gaze e and Eu a p ess he European Ra he S e European Transpo Manag ng Change Passenger Serv The Future of European Rail Freight & Logistics n A Vision for Rail in Europe Don’t miss this high-level event for the rail industry. Keynote address nwill n Liberalisation L bera sa on & & Competition Compe on in n Manag ng Change Passenger Serv ces n Bavar a n The Fu ure o European Ra Key top cs: As part of European Un on s v s on for transport between now and 2050, ra he S ng e Euro Manag ng Change n A Vision for Don Don t t m m ss ss th th s s h h ghgheve eve event event for for the the ra ra ndustry ndustry n L bera sa on & Com Manag ng Change Passenger Serv ces n The Fu ure o E n Liberalisation n Liberalisation & Competition n & Competition Liberalisation n in Liberalisation in & Competition & Comp 5th November 2014 is is expected expected to to play play an an increasing increasing role role in in moving moving freight freight and and passenger passenger traffic traffic Don t m ss th s h gheve event for the ra ndustry n n Liberalisation Liberalisation & & Competition Competition in in ovember 2014 n T anspo P o es o he EU Area 5th November 2014 is expected to play an increasing role in moving freight and passenger traffic n Liberalisation & Competition n Liberalisation in & Com n Liberalisation & Competition n Liberalisation in & Competition Case Case Study Study n Liberalisation & Com 5th November 2014 n T anspo P o es o he EU across the S ng e Market, he p ng to reduce greenhouse gas em ss ons, Area Case Case Study Study Summit will bring together leading figures from the European Parliament, Case Study Hosted in Brussels by Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail Summit bring together n n A A Vision Vision for for Rail Rail in in Europe Europe Dr Johannes Niggl, CEO, Bayerischen across the S ng e Market, he p ng to reduce greenhouse gas em ss ons, Presidency As As part part of of European European Union’s Union’s vision vision for for transport transport between between now now and and 2050, 2050, rail rail Case Study Dr Johannes Niggl, CEO, Bayerischen Eisenbahngesellschaft the the Single Single European European Transport Transport Summit will bring together leading figures from the European Parliament, n A Vision for Rail in Europe Dr Johannes Niggl, part of European Union’s vision for transport between now and 2050, rail Presidency the European Freight & Logistics Dr Johannes Niggl, CEO, Bayerischen Eisen sPriorities p ay ncreas ng e nn mov ng fre Don’t miss this high-level event rail industry. part of the European Union’s vision for transport between now and 2050, rail is expected to play an As part As of part European of Union’s As part Union’s As vision of part for vision of transport European for Union’s Union’s vision between for vision now transport and for now 2050, and between rail 2050, between now rail and now 2050, and rail 2050, rail &(invited) Logist the Single European Transport the Single T the Single European Transport the Single European Transpo soAs ay ncreas ng ro e n mov ng fre ght Register today at* Mau zpart oEuropean Lup a an M sEuropean e o n as uc u eincreasing & Tat anspo Commun ca on nv ed Area Area The The Future Fu ufor e of othe European Eu opean Rail Ra Freight F eEu gh & & Logistics Log sS cs Register Register today today at** Mau znan oan Lup aincumbent an M sro ebetween oin nmoving as uc uamen ee &gh Ttransport anspo Commun ca on nv ed Area Keynote Keyno eAs address address is expected to play increasing role freight and passenger traffic n Liberalisation nMaritime Liberalisation & Competition & Competition inA inE The Fu u e o opean Ra e gh Log sSingle cs Register today at* n A V sEuropean on oFreight Ra nEuropean Eu ope Keyno e address is to play an role in moving freight and passenger traffic Key topics: n sN on oC n Liberalisation n Liberalisation & Competition n &Fng Competition Liberalisation n& in Liberalisation in & Competition & Key Key topics: Hosted inntransport Brussels Railway Gazette and the European Rail 5th November 2014 is sin expected expec ed to play p ay an increasing ncreas ng role ro eUnion’s in moving mov ng freight re and and passenger passenger traffic ra fic Dr Alexander Hedderich, CEO, DB Schenker Rail (invited) Lütfi Lütfi Elvan, Elvan, Turkish Turkish Minister Minister for for Transport, Maritime & & Priorities of of the incumbent incumbent EU EU Presidency Presidency n n Liberalisation L bera sa on & & Competition Compe on in nCom ovember 2014 leading figures from the European Parliament, Commission and Council, along with senior railway Key Hosted in Brussels by Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail 5th November 2014 sexpected expec ed ohe pEurailpress, ay an ncreas ng ro nght mov ng re gh and passenger ra Lütfi Elvan, Turkish Minister for Transport, Maritime & Dr Alexander Hedderich, CEO, DB Schenker Rail Priorities of the EU Presidency Case Case S udy udy n Lof bera sa on & Com n The Future European Rail 5th November 2014 As As of part of European Union’s Union’s vision for vision transport for transport between between now and now and rail 2050, rail facilitating European competitiveness and boosting economic growth. Case Case S S udy udy the Single the European Single Transport Transport Summ w bEuropean oge he ead ng figu es om he Eu opean Pa Register today at* Case S udy n The Future of n nEurailpress, Apassenger A V Vs2050, snow on on o o Ra Ra n n Eu Eu ope ope D Johannes N gg CEO Baye schen P es dency As As part par of othe European European Union’s Un on sp vision ved sfreight on for or transport ranspor between be ween now now and and 2050, 2050 rail ra Case S udy facilitating European competitiveness and boosting economic growth. D Johannes N gg CEO Baye schen E senbahngese scha the he Single S etopics: European European Transport Transpor Summ w bGazette ng oge ead ng figu es om he Eu opean Pa amen increasing role in moving and passenger traffic across Single Market, helping to reduce Area n A V sTransport, on oPriorities Ra nfic Eu ope As part As of part European of Union’s As part Union’s As vision of part European for vision of transport European for Union’s transport between Union’s vision between for vision now transport and for now 2050, transport and between rail 2050, between rail and now 2050, rail 2050, rail Session Ing D Johannes gg As par o European Un on sby vwww sgreenhouse on or ranspor be ween now and 2050 ra nKey Transport Priorities for the EU P es dency the Single the European Single European Transport the Single Transport the European Single European he ng etopics: European Fre gh & Log sS cs Hosted Hosted in Brussels Brussels by by Railway and and Eurailpress, the the European European Rail Rail D Johannes N gg CEO Baye schen E se Area Session IGazette across the Single Market, helping to reduce gas emissions, n Transport P part of Union’s vision for transport between 2050, As part As of part European of European Union’s As part Union’s As vision of part European for vision of transport European for Union’s transport between vision between for vision now transport and for now 2050, transport and between rail 2050, between now rail and now 2050, and rail 2050, rail Hosted in Brussels by Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail Fre gh &VTranspo Log sin topics: the the Single Single European European Transport Transport ‘Managing ‘Managing Change: Change: Passenger Passenger Services Services in the Single European Transport Single European the Single European Transport the Single European Transp Register today at* across the Single Market, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ‘Managing ‘Managing Change: Change: Passenger Passenger Services Services in in Bavaria’ Bavaria’ n n The The Future Future of of European European Rail Rail part of Union’s vision for transport between 2050, the Single European ‘Managing Change: Pass Change: Passenger Services in Bav n The Future of Europ Reg Reg ster ster today today at at www europeanra europeanra summ tthe tght com* com* sis expected to p ay an ncreas ng ro e n mov ng fre ght and traffic Reg ster today at www europeanra summ t‘Managing com* nsumm n Transport Transport Priorities Priorities for for the the EU EU Commission and Council, along with senior railway representatives and Area Area sRailway expected to p ay an ncreas ng ro e n mov ng fre and passenger traffic Key topics: n Transport for the EU n Europe’s Railways & Commission and Council, along with senior railway representatives and across across the the Single Single Market, Market, helping helping to to reduce reduce greenhouse greenhouse gas gas emissions, emissions, Area Area Area Area Area Key Key top top cs: cs: n Europe’s Railways & the Hos n B usse s by Ra way Gaze e and Eu a p ess he European Ra across the Single Market, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, D A exande Hedde ch CEO DB Schenke Ra nv ed Lütfi Lü finow Elvan, E van Turkish Tu kthe sh Minister M n srail e for o Transport, Tthe anspo Maritime Ma me & & Priorities P o es of o the he incumbent ncumben EU EU Presidency P es dency leading figures from the European Parliament, Commission and Council, along with senior railway Key top cs: Hos ed n B usse s by Ra way Gaze e and Eu a p ess he European Ra Lü fi E van Tu k sh M n s e o T anspo Ma me & D A exande Hedde ch CEO DB Schenke Ra nv ed P o es o he ncumben EU P es dency n Fu ure o Ra As part As of part European of European Union’s Union’s vision for vision transport for transport between between now and now 2050, and rail 2050, rail is expected expected to to play play an an increasing increasing role role in in moving moving freight freight and and passenger passenger traffic traffic fac tat ng European compet t veness and boost ng econom c growth. the Single the European Single European Transport Transport Register today at* n Fu ure o is expected to play an increasing role in moving freight and passenger traffic fac tat ng European compet t veness and boost ng econom c growth. Maurizio Maurizio Lupi, Lupi, Italian Italian Minister Minister for for Infrastructure Infrastructure & & Transport Transport Communication Communication (invited) (invited) increasing role in moving freight and passenger traffic across Single Market, helping to reduce is expected is expected to play to an play is increasing expected an is increasing expected role to play in role moving to an play increasing in moving an freight increasing freight and role in pa and role moving in pa moving freight freight and pa and pa As part As of part European of European Union’s As part Union’s As vision of part European for vision of transport European for Union’s transport between Union’s vision between for vision now transport and for now 2050, transport and between rail 2050, between now rail and now 2050, and rail 2050, rail n A Vision for Rail in Europe Sess on n T anspo P o es o he EU Jakub Karnowski, President, PKP SA (invited) the Single the European Single European Transport the Single Transport the European Single European Transp Maurizio Lupi, Italian Minister for Infrastructure & Transport Communication (invited) Hosted Hos ed in n Brussels B usse s by by Railway Ra way Gazette Gaze e and and Eurailpress, Eu a p ess the he European European Rail Ra The Future of European Rail Sess on across the S ng e Market, he p ng to reduce greenhouse gas em ss ons, n T anspo P n Vehicle Authorisation & the n n A A Vision Vision for for Rail Rail in in Europe Europe As As part par of o European European Union’s Un on s vision v s on for or transport ranspor between be ween now and 2050, 2050 rail ra Jakub Karnowski, President, PKP SA (invited) Hos ed n B usse s by Ra way Gaze e and Eu a p ess he European Ra Key topics: n The Future of E the he Single S ng e European European Transport Transpor Manag Manag ng ng Change Change Passenge Passenge Se Se v v ces ces n Summit will bring together leading figures from the European Parliament, S ng e he pgreenhouse ng em ss ons, n Aa Vision for Rail inB Manag Manag ng ng Change Change Passenge Passenge Se Se vLogistics v ces ces n nBava Bava aChange Vehicle Authoris n n The The Future Fu ure of o European European Ra As par o European Un on sfreight vp sgreenhouse on or ranspor be ween now and 2050 ra Presidency he S ng eRail European Manag ng Area Area Summit willto bring together figures from the European Parliament, Manag ng Change Passenge Se v ces nPas Bav 5th 5th November November 2014 2014 n The Fu ure o Europ Presidency Freight & Logistics November November 2014 2014 Single helping emissions, 5th November 2014 n n Tleading anspo anspo P oArea ora es es oNiggl, he heEU EU Comm ss on and Counc ong w hincreasing sen o a way ep esen ang ves and Area Area Freight & Logist 5th November 2014 Area Area Area across the Single Market, helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions, n T anspo P o es oNiggl, he EU nT Eu ope sP Ra ways & he Comm ss on and Counc athe ong w h sen oand a way ep esen apassenger ves and Summit Summit will will bring bring together together leading leading figures figures from from the the European European Parliament, Parliament, across across the he Single S ng e Market, Marke helping he pe ng to oaround reduce reduce gas gas emissions, em ss ons representatives and customers from the world to discuss the future of Europe’s railways. Area A Vision Rail in Europe Dr Dr Johannes Johannes Niggl, Niggl, CEO, CEO, Bayerischen Bayerischen Eisenb Eisen Presidency Presidency Area Area Area Area Dr Dr Johannes Johannes Niggl, CEO, CEO, Bayerischen Bayerischen Eisenbahngesellschaft Eisenbahngesellschaft is expected is expected to play to an play increasing an increasing role in role moving in moving freight freight and pa and pa no Eu ope sFreight Ra ways & he Summit will bring together leading figures from the European Parliament, across he S ng Marke he ng o reduce greenhouse gas em ss ons n A Vision for Rail in Europe Area Area Dr Johannes Niggl, CEO, A Vision Rail in Europe Presidency Freight & Logistics Dr Johannes CEO, Bayerischen Eisenbahng Global Perspective greenhouse gas emissions, facilitating European competitiveness and boosting economic Freight & Logistics sexpected expec ed o pae ay ncreas ng e n mov ng re gh fic is is expected to play to an play is increasing expected an is increasing expected role to play in role moving to an play increasing in moving an freight increasing role pa in and role moving pa in moving freight freight and pa and pa Global Perspective Session III splay expec ed o pincreasing ay ncreas ro e n mov ng re gh ra fic Session III Maurizio Mau zfor o Lupi, Lup Italian a an Minister M nfor saround e for oHosted Infrastructure n as uc umoving eb & &o Transport THosted anspo Communication Commun ca on (invited) nv ed Session is expected expected is expected to play to an play is increasing expected an is increasing expected role to play in role moving to an play increasing in an freight increasing freight and role in pa and role moving in pa moving freight freight and pa and pa customers from around the world to discuss future of Europe’s railways. n A Vision for Rail in Europe Session III is is expected to to play play an increasing role role in in moving freight freight and and passenger traffic traffic Jakub Ka nowsk P es den PKP SA nv ed Mau zan o Lup a an M n sro e nmoving as uc uamen e & T anspo Commun ca on nv ed The Fu ure on European Ra Welcome customers from the world to discuss the future of Europe’s railways. n Veh c& e Au hor sa on & he facilitating European competitiveness and boosting economic growth. n nPa A& A V Vsngrowth. son on oPriorities o Ra Ra nRail Eu Eu ope ope is to play an increasing role in moving freight and passenger traffic Jakub nowsk P es den PKP SA nv ed Hosted in Brussels by Railway Gazette Eurailpress, the European Rail The Fu ure osenb Welcome Summ w ng oge he ead ng figu es om he Eu opean Pa amen Welcome nn A V sIII on oLog Ra Veh cRail e Au hor facilitating European competitiveness and boosting economic growth. P es dency Hosted in in Brussels Brussels by by Railway Railway Gazette Gazette and and Eurailpress, Eurailpress, the the European European Rail Rail Dr Dr Alexander Alexander Hedderich, Hedderich, CEO, CEO, DB DB Schenker Schenker Rail Rail (invited) (invited) Area Summ w beconomic ng oge he ead ng figu es om he Eu opean amen 5th 5th November November 2014 2014 P es dency Fre gh Log sChallenge cs in Brussels by Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail hWelcome November November 2014 2014 Dr Alexander Hedderich, CEO, DB Schenker (invited) across the S ng Market, he palong ng to reduce greenhouse gas em ss ons, n n The The Future Future of of European European Rail 5th November 2014 facilitating facilitating European European competitiveness competitiveness and and boosting boosting economic growth. growth. Fre gh sEsn 5th November 2014 Area Area Area Area The Future of Europe across the S ng erailway Market, he p ng to reduce greenhouse gas em ss ons, nto Transport Priorities for the EU nKa The Future of nn The Rail Future of Europe n The Future of European nEuropean The Rail Future of European Rail facilitating European competitiveness and boosting economic growth. Summit Summ will w bring b ng together oge he leading ead ng figures figu es from om the he European Eu opean Parliament, Pa representatives and customers from around the world discuss the future of Europe’s railways. A V sexpected on o Ra nMarket, Eu ope D DFre Johannes Johannes N N gg gg CEO CEO Baye Baye schen schen E E sen P P es es dency dency Session Session IRailway Icus D D Johannes Johannes NIV N gg gg CEO CEO Baye Baye schen schen E E senbahngese senbahngese scha scha nArea n Transport Transport Priorities for for the the EU EU is expected is expected to to an increasing an role in role moving in moving freight freight and pa and pa Summ w band ng oge he ead ng figu es om he Eu opean Pa amen A Vision for Rail in Europe Freight & Logistics Area Area D Johannes N gg CEO A V sexpected on o Ra nSingle Eu ope P es dency Challenge of Interoperability Session Iplay across across the the Single Single Market, Market, helping helping to to reduce reduce greenhouse greenhouse gas gas emissions, emissions, Freight gh & Logistics Log s cs D Johannes N gg CEO Baye schen E senbahn n Transport Prioritie Commission and Council, along with senior railway representatives and Freight & Logist Area G oba Pe spec ve Hosted in Brussels by Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail of Int greenhouse gas emissions, facilitating European competitiveness and boosting economic growth. across the Single Market, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Fre gh & Log s cs across across the Single the Single Market, across helping across the Single helping to the reduce Market, to reduce greenhouse Market, helping greenhouse helping to gas reduce emissions, to gas reduce greenhouse emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, gas emissions, n Europe’s Railways & the Commission and Council, along with senior railway representatives and is expected is expected to play to an play is increasing expected an is increasing expected role play in role moving an play increasing in moving an freight increasing freight and role pa in and role moving pa in moving freight freight and pa and pa Session IV G oba Pe spec ve Sess on Sess on n Europe’s Ra Session Alexander Dobrindt, German Minister for Transport & Digital Sess on cus ome om a ound he wo d o d scuss he u u e o Eu ope s a ways Commission Commission and and Council, Council, along along with with senior senior railway representatives representatives and and Sess on is s expec ed to o play p ay an an increasing ncreas ng role ro e in n moving mov ng freight re gh and and passenger passenger traffic ra fic Alexander Dobrindt, German Minister for Transport & Digital We come ome s om a ound he wo d o d scuss he u u e o Eu ope s a ways n n Europe’s Europe’s Railways Railways & & the the Commission and Council, with senior railway representatives and We come n Transport Priorities for the EU But how is this to be achieved in practice? fac tat ng European compet t veness and boost ng econom c growth. s expec ed o p ay an ncreas ng ro e n mov ng re gh and passenger ra fic Hosted in Brussels by Gazette and Eurailpress, the European Rail n The Future n The of Future European of European Rail Rail We come n Europe’s Railways & the We come But how is this to be achieved in practice? fac tat ng European compet t veness and boost ng econom c growth. Hos Hos ed ed n n B B usse usse s s by by Ra Ra way way Gaze Gaze e e and and Eu Eu a a p p ess ess he he European European Ra Ra Dr D Alexander A exande Hedderich, Hedde ch CEO, CEO DB DB Schenker Schenke Rail Ra (invited) nv ed Hos ed n B usse s by Ra way Gaze e and Eu a p ess he European Ra n The Future n The of Future European of n European The Rail Future n The Rail of Future European of Europe Rai D A exande Hedde ch CEO DB Schenke Ra nv ed n Liberalisation & Competition in n n The The Future Fu ure of o European European Rail Ra facilitating competitiveness boosting economic n Vehicle Authorisation & the facilitating ac aSingle ng European European competitiveness compe veness and and boosting boos ng economic econom cEu growth. grow hep across across the Single Market, Market, helping helping to reduce to reduce greenhouse greenhouse gas emissions, gas emissions, n Liberalisation & Competition The Fu ure o&EU Europ n Priorities for the facilitating competitiveness economic n The Future of European nn Rail Future of Europe nemissions, The Future of European nPresidency The Rail Future of European Rai n Vehicle Authoris ac aand ng European compe veness and boos ng econom cemissions, grow h Joachim Herrmann, Bavarian State of the Interior, Building & Transport Jakub Jakub Karnowski, Karnowski, President, President, PKP PKP SA SA (invited) (invited) Joachim Herrmann, Bavarian State Minister of the Interior, Building & Transport t, Summit The The Future of of European European Rail Rail Session Sess on Ithe nFuture n T& T anspo anspo P Pin oLogistics es es o ogh he he EU Fre gh & Log sPriorities cs Presidency Joachim Herrmann, Bavarian State Minister of the Interior, Building & Transport across across the Single the Market, across helping across the Single helping to the reduce Market, reduce greenhouse Market, helping greenhouse to gas reduce emissions, to gas reduce greenhouse emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, gas emissions, n n Vehicle Vehicle Authorisation Authorisation & & the the Jakub Karnowski, President, PKP SA (invited) Cha enge o n eroperab Joachim Herrmann, Bavarian State Minister of the Interior, Building & Transport The Future of Europ Sess on across across the he Single S ng e Market, Marke helping he pe ng to o reduce greenhouse greenhouse gas emissions, em ss ons Summit Summit will will bring bring together together leading leading figures figures from from the the European European Parliament, Parliament, n T anspo PoEU oy Comm ss on and Counc apract ong w hTransport sen onon aEu way esen a ves and Fre Log se Hosted in Brussels by Railway Gazette and Eurailpress, the Rail n Vehicle Authorisation Presidency Cha enge across he S ng Marke he p ng oand reduce greenhouse gas em ss across across the Single the Single Market, across Market, helping across the Single helping to the reduce Single Market, to greenhouse Market, helping greenhouse to gas reduce emissions, to gas reduce greenhouse emissions, greenhouse gas gas emissions, Summit will bring together leading figures from the European Parliament, n Eu ope soImpulse Ra ways & he Comm ss on and Counc a ong w h sen oEU aEuropean way ep esen aIII ves and Sess V Presidency Freight Freight & Logistics Logistics n Eu ope sn R the Single Market, to emissions, Sess V A exande Dob nd Ge man n shelping eto o T anspo &helping D g a Freight & Logistics Freight & Logistics Freight & Logistics Freight & Freight & Logistics Commission Comm ss on and and Council, Counc along a ong with w h senior sen railway areduce way representatives ep esen a ves and the Single Market, helping to Global Perspective A exande Dob nd Ge man M neved snow e o T anspo & Dboosting gKarnowski, a A A Vision Vision for for Rail Rail in in Europe Europe Impulse Speech n ope ope sto s2050, Ra Ra ways ways & & he he ss on Counc aMinister ong w hreduce sen ohelping a ep esen agas ves nrailways. Transport for the how saround th sMarket, to be ach eved n pract ce? Pers Impulse Speech n The Future n The of Future European of European Rail Rail A Vision for Rail in Europe Summit t, n Eu ope sons Ra ways & he Speech But how sM th sSingle to be ach ce? Impulse Presidency from around the world to discuss the future of Europe’s railways. Global Global Perspective Perspective Infrastructure (invited) n The Future n The of Future European of n European The Rail Future nnLogistics The Rail of Future European of Europe Rai Global Perspective customers from around the world discuss the future of Europe’s n L be a sa on &on Compe on n Session Session III Infrastructure (invited) fac tat ng European compet tthe veness and boost ng econom cand growth. Session Session III III n Veh c& eLogistics Au hor sa on & he Impulse Speech across across the the Single Market, Market, helping helping to reduce to greenhouse greenhouse gas emissions, gas emissions, n L be a sa on & Compe on nLogistics Session III customers from from around the the world world to to discuss discuss the future future of of Europe’s Europe’s railways. railways. fac tat ng European compet tthe veness and boost ng econom camen growth. Session III n Veh ces eGlobal Au hor s Impulse Speech Joach He mann Bava an S ano e M nd sng e o he n e oway Bu d & T anspo As part of the European Union’s vision for transport between now and rail is expected to play an Welcome Welcome part of European Union’s vision for transport between and rail Jakub Jakub Ka nowsk President, P es den PKP PKP SA SA (invited) nv ed customers from around the world to discuss future of Europe’s railways. Joach m HeAscustomers mann Bava an Som aComm eSingle M n sEu e o he n e oMarket, Bu & T anspo t,n Summit Freight Freight & Logistics & the Single European Transport Welcome Welcome The The Future Fu ure of o European European Rail Ra facilitating facilitating European European competitiveness competitiveness and and boosting boosting economic economic growth. growth. facilitating facilitating European European competitiveness facilitating competitiveness facilitating European and European competitiveness and boosting competitiveness economic economic and growth. boosting and growth. boosting economic economic growth. growth. Presidency Joach m He mann Bava an S areduce e M n s2050, eto oand he nes egreenhouse oom Bu dss ng & T anspo Welcome across across theBut Single the Single Market, across Market, helping across the Single helping to reduce Single to greenhouse Market, helping greenhouse to gas reduce emissions, gas reduce greenhouse emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, gas emissions, n n Vehicle Veh cSpeech e Authorisation Au hor sa on & & the he As part of European Union’s vision for transport now and 2050, rail Jakub Ka nowsk P es den PKP SA nv ed Joach m He mann Bava an S athe ecustomers M sboosting ereduce o n eSumm ohelping Bu dbetween ng & Tng anspo Welcome the Single European Transport The ure o Europ facilitating European competitiveness boosting economic growth. n Vehicle Authorisation the Summ Summ w w bhe b ng ng oge oge he he ead ead ng ng figu figu es om he he Eu Eu opean opean Pa Pa amen Veh cFu e Au hor sa on P Pse es es dency dency Freight Freight & Logistics & Logistics Freight Freight & & Logistics n Vehicle Authoris w b ng oge he ead ng figu es om he Eu opean Pa amen Pthe dency Freight Fre gh & Logistics Log s cs across across the he Single S ng e Market, Marke helping he p ng to o reduce reduce greenhouse greenhouse gas gas emissions, em ons Freight & Logistics Freight & Logistics Freight & Logistics Freight & Logistics Key topics: Fre gh & Log s cs Challenge of Interoperability across he S ng e Marke he p ng o reduce gas em ss ons G oba Pe spec ve Commission and Council, along with senior railway representatives and A A Vision V s on for Rail Ra in n Europe ope mpu Speech Freight Freight & & Logistics Challenge of Int G oba Pe mpu se Speech nCouncil, Europe’s Railways & the Challenge Challenge of of Interoperability Interoperability Commission Commission and and Council, Council, along along with with senior senior railway railway representatives representatives and and A V s on o Ra n Eu ope t, Summit Freight & Logistics mpu se Speech mpu se Speech Presidency Challenge of Interop cus ome s om a ound he wo d o d scuss he u u e o Eu ope s a ways G G oba oba Pe Pe spec spec ve ve n n Europe’s Europe’s Railways Railways & & the Commission and along with senior railway representatives and Session Session IV IV facilitating facilitating European European competitiveness competitiveness and boosting and boosting economic economic growth. growth. n as uc u e nv ed Confirmed speakers G oba Pe spec ve cus ome s om a ound he wo d o d scuss he u u e o Eu ope s a ways n Europe’s Railways Sess Sess on on Session IV Alexander Alexander Dobrindt, Dobrindt, German German Minister Minister for for Transport Transport & & Digital Digital n as uc u e nv ed Confirmed spe Sess Sess on on But how is this to be achieved in practice? mpu se Speech Sess on Alexander Dobrindt, German Minister for Transport & Digital customers cus ome s from om around a ound the he world wo d to o discuss d scuss the he future u u e of o Europe’s Eu ope s railways. a ways facilitating facilitating European European competitiveness facilitating competitiveness facilitating European and European boosting competitiveness and boosting competitiveness economic economic and growth. boosting and growth. boosting economic economic growth. growth. Sess on But how is this to be achieved in practice? mpu se Speech As part of the European Union’s vision for transport between now and 2050, rail is expected to play an But But how how is is this this to to be be achieved achieved in in practice? practice? We We come come paJoão ofacilitating Eu opean Un on scompetitiveness vhow sa on orailway anspo be ween now and aEurope’s cus ome sDirector-General, om ais ound he wo d oTransport dand scuss he u2050 u eeconomic o Eu ope sBuilding agrowth. ways Freight Freight & Logistics & Logistics heeconomic S ng eVehicle Eu opean T anspo We We come come ac aEuropean ng compe veness boos ng econom cagrowth. grow hesen n Liberalisation & Competition inss Commission and Council, along with senior railway representatives and facilitating facilitating European competitiveness facilitating facilitating European and European competitiveness and boosting competitiveness economic economic and growth. boosting and growth. boosting economic economic growth. growth. But this to be achieved in practice? We come Aguiar Machado, MOVE (invited) As pa oac Eu opean Un on sboosting vDG son on othe anspo be ween now and 2050 a We come he Sand ng e Eu opean Te anspo ng compe veness boos ng econom caves grow h n Veh c&nope Au hor sa on & he n Liberalisatio Europe’s Railways & the João Aguiar Machado, Director-General, DG MOVE (invited) n n Liberalisation Liberalisation &Freight &Research, Competition Competition in in Freight & Logistics & Logistics Freight Freight & Logistics & Logistics ncs Veh cthe e Au hor The Technical Pillar, Shift2Rail facilitating European European competitiveness competitiveness and boosting boosting economic Area nThe nLiberalisation Vehicle Authorisation Authorisation nn & Vehicle the nn & Vehicle the Authorisation Authorisation &n the n nVehicle Vehicle Authorisation Authorisation &&Global & the n & Competition in facilitating European competitiveness and boosting growth. Technical Pillar, Research, and Shift2Rail Area Vehicle Authorisation Joachim Joachim Herrmann, Herrmann, Bavarian Bavarian State State Minister Minister of of the Interior, Interior, Building Building & & Transport Transport Key topics: Cha enge o n eroperab y Joachim Joachim Herrmann, Herrmann, Bavarian Bavarian State State Minister Minister of of the the Interior, Interior, Building Building & & Transport Commission and Council, along with senior representatives and Joachim Herrmann, Bavarian State Minister of the Interior, & Transport Freight Fre gh & Logistics Log s Joachim Herrmann, Bavarian State Minister of the Interior, Building &and Transport Cha enge o n isAs expected to play an increasing role in moving freight and passenger traffic nCounc Railways & the Challenge Cha enge of o Interoperability n eroperab y Comm Comm ss ss on and and Counc Counc a a ong ong w w h h sen sen o o a way way ep ep esen a a ves and and Fre gh & Log s cs is expected to play an increasing role in moving freight and passenger traffic Cha enge o erop n Eu Eu ope s s Ra Ra ways ways & he he Comm ss on a ong w h sen o way ep esen a ves and Session Sess on IV V Challenge of Interoperability facilitating facilitating European European competitiveness competitiveness and boosting and boosting economic economic growth. growth. Global Perspective Confirmed speakers n Eu ope s Ra way Sess on V Alexander A exande Dobrindt, Dob nd German Ge man Minister M n s e for o Transport T anspo & & Digital D g a increasing role in moving freight and passenger traffic across the Single Market, helping to reduce Challenge of Int Confirmed sp Global Global Perspective Perspective n Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further But how s th s to be ach eved n pract ce? A exande Dob nd Ge man M n s e o T anspo & D g a Impulse Impulse Speech Speech n Vehicle n Vehicle Authorisation Authorisation & the & the facilitating facilitating European European competitiveness facilitating competitiveness facilitating European and European boosting competitiveness and boosting competitiveness economic economic and growth. boosting and growth. boosting economic economic growth. growth. Perspectiv customers from around the world to discuss the future of Europe’s railways. n Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further Keynote address Impulse Impulse Speech Speech But how s th s to be ach eved n pract ce? But Bu how how is s this h s to o be be achieved ach eved in n practice? prac Keynote address Impulse Speech Impulse Speech n L be a sa on & Compe on n Keynote address Commission and Council, along with senior railway representatives and customers customers from from around around the the world world to to discuss discuss the the future future of of Europe’s Europe’s railways. railways. Bu how s h s o be ach n prac ce? João Agu aay Machado Devision ec oS Gene aÖBB, DG MOVE nv ed Keynote address Infrastructure Infrastructure (invited) (invited) nJim Vehicle Vehicle Authorisation Authorisation & Vehicle the nnn & Vehicle the Authorisation Authorisation & is this achieved in practice? nhe Lhor be athe sa n2050, Europe’s Railways & the customers from around the world to discuss the future of Europe’s railways. João Agu a Machado D ec Gene aand DG MOVE nv ed Infrastructure Impulse Impulse Speech Speech n n Lgrowth. Lbe be ang a sa sa on on &of &Resea Compe Compe on on nInteroperability n As European Union’s for transport between now rail is in practice? The Techn ca Pfor aMarket, ch and Sh 2Ra facilitating ac a European European competitiveness compe veness and boosting boos econom cBu grow hEuropean A ea nEuropean Vehicle nLand Vehicle Authorisation Authorisation & Vehicle the Vehicle the Authorisation Authorisation & the the Single Transport n n Vehicle Veh cnnand eSpeech Authorisation Au hor sa on & & the Global Perspective Impulse Speech n be a2050, sa on &Squires, Compe on n& As of European Union’s vision transport between now rail ac a ng European compe veness and boos ng econom cnthe grow h The Techn ca P a Resea ch and Sh As As part part of of European European Union’s Union’s vision for for transport transport now now and 2050, rail rail A ea the Single Veh c2Ra eSquires, Au sa on the the Single Single Transport Transport Joach Joach m m He He mann mann Bava Bava an an Se(invited) S apart aenBu e M M n n sbetween sachieved eeand e& oo he he noapart ne e oM o Bu Bu dway dng & & T T anspo Joach Joach mmHe mann mann Bava Bava an an S aadd ae en M M nat n sÖBB, seve o o he he nthis nCEO, e o omann dbetween d ng ng & Toeand Tnanspo anspo As part of European Union’s vision for transport between now 2050, rail Christian Kern, CEO, and Chairman, CER Single European Transport n n Vehicle Vehicle Authorisation Authorisation & & the the Joach m He Bava an e s2050, eng oeconomic he nanspo eand oBertling, dthe & T anspo Jim Squires, President, Norfolk Southe customers from around the world to discuss future Europe’s railways. Joach m He mann Bava an a e M sBu eof o he eS d ng & Tng anspo include: Squires, President, Norfolk Southern (invited) Christian Kern, Chairman, CER sHe expec ed o pbe an nc eas ng o n mov ng gh and passenge aand fic n Vehicle Authorisation Jim Preside include: Lutz COO & President Bombardier Transportation Jim President, Norfolk Southern sng expec ed o pachieved ay an nc eas ng o n mov ng evision gh passenge fic Challenge Challenge Interoperability Challenge Challenge of Interoperability of Interope Cha enge o nEuropean eroperab y(in Global Perspective Lutz Bertling, & President Bombardier Transportation Challenge Challenge of of Interoperability Interoperability increasing role in moving freight and passenger traffic the helping reduce Cha enge ong nEo GLiberalisation G oba oba Pe spec spec ve ve n W eg proposa sin n the Fourth Ra Package for further Challenge of Interope n u The Future of European Rail mpu mpu se se Speech nof Vehicle nof Vehicle Authorisation Authorisation & the & the G oba Pe spec customers from the world to discuss the future of Europe’s railways. W the eg sEurope at ve proposa sBu nonpractice? the Fourth Ra way for further eachieved ess mpu se se Speech Speech The Future of European Rail Keyno e add ess mpu se Speech Confirmed speakers mpu se Speech Confirmed Confirmed speakers speakers ee add ess cus cus ome ome sbetween sbe om om a ound ound he he wo wo d dopean o o dce? d scuss scuss he he u& u u eon ea o o Eu Eu ope ope sn sT a a ways ways But how But is how this to is this But to be how achieved is in this practice? is in be this practice? achieved to be achieved in practice? in Keyno ethe add ess Infrastructure nKeyno as uc uVision e (invited) nv ed n Vehicle nhe Vehicle Authorisation Authorisation & Vehicle the nPe & Vehicle the Authorisation Authorisation the across the Single Market, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, But how sSis th sincreasing to be ach eved n ce? Confirmed spe Confirmed speake But But how how is is this this to to be achieved in practice? practice? cus ome sbe anacross he wo d ong scuss he uT u eCOO o Eu ope a ways nbe as uc u e nv ed Impulse mpu se Speech Speech Liberalisation Competition in As pa o Eu opean Un on spractice? vom straffic on o ween now and 2050 ato across the Single Market, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, But how sfor th be ach eved n pract But how is this to be achieved in he S ng eCompetition Eu Tk& anspo Global Perspective mpu se Speech As pa Eu Un on she vSingle sbe o anspo be ween now and 2050 aeroperab nm n & & Competition in in As As part pa of o European Eu opean Union’s Un on sKeyno vision vtechnical show on oto transport anspo ween now now and and 2050, 2050 rail aound Challenge of Interoperability of Interoperability he S he S Sng edmpu ePackage Eu Eu opean opean anspo anspo João João Aguiar Aguiar Machado, Machado, Director-General, Director-General, DG DG MOVE MOVE (invited) (invited) A for Rail in n Liberalisation C pa osBut Eu opean Un on scustomers vfreight spract on oapractice? anspo ween now and 2050 a Ch saround an Ke nAs CEO ÖBB and Cha man CER Area Sfreight eShift2Rail opean To anspo João Aguiar Machado, Director-General, DG MOVE (invited) n n Vehicle Veh cesnLiberalisation eopean Authorisation hor sa on & & the he JNo Squ es P es No o Sou he from around the world to discuss the future of Europe’s railways. include: The The Technical Technical Pillar, Pillar, Research, and and Shift2Rail JResearch, m Squ es Png es den kAu Sou he n nv ed Area Area Ch an Ke n CEO ÖBB and Cha man CER Challenge Challenge of Interoperability of Interoperability Challenge Challenge of Interoperabili of Interope n Veh cmenge e Au hor sa onvE Area Jden Squ es P es de The Technical Pillar, Research, and Shift2Rail include: Lu zanspo Be ng COO &moving P es den Bomba dChallenge T anspo a on JEu m Squ es es den No oopean k anspo Sou he n&ineon Area greenhouse gas emissions, facilitating European competitiveness and boosting economic growth. Challenge Challenge of Interoperability of Interoperability Challenge Challenge of Interoperability of Interope But how But how this to is be this achieved to be achieved in practice? in Lu z Be ng COO & P es den Bomba d e T a Challenge Cha enge of o Interoperability n y nP Liberalisation & Competition is expected to play an increasing role in moving freight and passenger traffic Guillaume Pepy, President, SNCF is is expected expected to to play play an an increasing role role in in moving moving freight and and passenger passenger traffic Cha o n erop liberalisation and harmonisation contribute to greater efficiency? nfor The Fu u e o Eu opean Ra is expected to play an increasing role in and passenger traffic Guillaume Pepy, President, SNCF is expected to play an increasing role in moving freight and passenger traffic But how But is how this to is be this achieved But to be how achieved But is in how this practice? to is in be this practice? achieved to be achieved in practice? in practice? liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute to greater efficiency? Challenge Challenge of of Interoperability Interoperability n The Fu u e o Eu Ra Confirmed speakers Confirmed Confirmed speakers speakers Challenge of Interop But how But is how this to is be this achieved But to be how achieved But is in how this practice? to is in be this practice? achieved to be achieved in practice? in practice? n n Will Will the the legislative legislative proposals proposals in in the the Fourth Railway Railway Package Package for further further Freight & Logistics ac oss he S ng e Ma ke he p ng o educe g eenhouse gas em ss ons Confirmed sp Confirmed speak n Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further But Bu how how is s this h s to o be be achieved ach eved in n practice? prac ce? Priorities of the incumbent EU Presidency n Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further Keynote Keynote address address Freight & Logistics Priorities of the incumbent EU Presidency n Liberalisation & Competition in ac oss he S ng e Ma ke he p ng o educe g eenhouse gas em ss ons Keynote Keynote address address Round table discussion n Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further Bu how s h s o be ach eved n prac ce? Priorities of the incumbent EU Presidency Keynote address Priorities of the incumbent EU Presidency Keynote address Round table discussion nInteroperability n L Lbe be aInteroperability arail sa sa on on &Interoperability & Compe Compe on nEurope nonspe As part of European Union’s vision for transport now and rail Challenge Challenge of of But is this to achieved practice? the Single European Transport João João Aguiar Agu a Machado, Machado Director-General, D oMachado Gene aÖBB, DG DG MOVE MOVE (invited) nv ed A Vision for Rail in Europe nInteroperabili LTransport be aon sa & C As As part part of of European European Union’s Union’s vision vision for for transport transport between between now now and and 2050, 2050, rail rail But is this to achieved practice? ALiberalisation ea João Agu a D ec o Gene ain MOVE nv ed the the Single European European Transport The The Technical Techn ca Pillar, P a Research, Resea ch and and Shift2Rail Sh 2Ra Avision A ea ea As part ofDG European Union’s for transport between now and 2050, Challenge Challenge of Interoperability of Challenge Challenge of of Interope A the Single n Lutz Bertling The Techn ca P a Resea ch and Sh 2Ra Acs ea greenhouse gas emissions, European competitiveness and boosting economic growth. Christian Christian Kern, Kern, CEO, CEO, ÖBB, ÖBB, and and Chairman, Chairman, CER CER nfic Lutz Bertling facilitating European competitiveness and boosting economic growth. Jim Jim Squires, Squires, President, President, Norfolk Norfolk Southern Southern (invit (inv But how But is how this to is be this achieved to be achieved in practice? in practice? include: include: Jim Jim Squires, Squires, President, President, Norfolk Norfolk Southern Southern (invited) (invited) nSingle & Competition in Christian Kern, CEO, and Chairman, CER sbetween expec ed ogh pFourth ay an nc eas ng o e n mov ng e gh and passenge a fic facilitating European competitiveness and boosting economic growth. Jim Squires, President, No Gu aume Pepy P es den SNCF isof sess expected expec ed to o play p an an increasing nc eas role otMarket, e in n moving mov ng e and and passenger passenge traffic aand fic include: include: Lutz Lutz Bertling, Bertling, COO COO & & President President Bombardier Bombardier Transportation Transportation Squires, President, Norfolk (invited) bera sat on and techn ca harmon sat on contr bute to greater effic ency? As part of European vision for transport between and 2050, rail s2050, expec ed o pFourth ay an nc eas ng ofurther e n mov ng e gh and passenge a the Single European Transport Gu aume Pepy P es den SNCF ss expec ed ong pec ay an nc eas ng e n mov ng e gh passenge aween fic include: But how But is how this to is be this achieved But to be how achieved But is in how this practice? to is in be this practice? achieved to be achieved in practice? in practice? Lutz Bertling, COO & President Bombardier Transportation bera sat on and techn ca harmon sat on contr bute to greater effic ency? Challenge Cha enge of o Interoperability n eroperab yea nRail The Future ofSouthern European Rail n nThe The Future Future of of European European Rail Cha enge ong nng erop n n Will W the he legislative eg a ve proposals proposa sgreenhouse in nofreight the he Fourth Four h Railway Ra way Package Package ur her For efurther & Log semissions, n W the sEU at ve proposa shelping nbe the Package for nnow The Future of European The Future Pr or tay es of the ncumbent EU Pres dency n W he eg sfacilitating a ve proposa sgreenhouse nonUnion’s he Four h Ra way Package or ur her Keyno eeg e add add ess ess F eRail gh & Log semissions, cs PrKeyno or t Lupi, es of the ncumbent Pres dency Confirmed Confirmed speakers speakers Keyno e eadd add ess Round ab e dJgh on n W the sEU at ve proposa the Ra Package for further or es of the ncumbent EU dency Keyno eLupi, add ess across across the the Single Single Market, Market, helping helping to to reduce reduce greenhouse gas gas emissions, Pr or ton-rail es of the ncumbent Pres dency Confirmed speake across the Single Market, helping to reduce greenhouse gas Confirmed speakers Keyno eKern, add ess Round ab e dJim scuss on As part European Union’s vision for transport between now and 2050, rail But Bu how how is this h sItalian to o be be achieved ach eved in practice? prac ce? the Single European Transport across the Single to reduce emissions, across the Single Market, helping to reduce greenhouse Confirmed n Will legislative proposals in Railway As As pa pa o Eu Eu opean opean Un Un on on sow svCER vsPres son on ogas oArea anspo be ween now now and and 2050 2050 a a Bu how seg hlegislative o ach eved nRa prac ce? The of European Rail he he S S ng e eng Eu Eu opean opean T anspo The Future of European Rail Freight &nTkanspo Logistics n Will legislative proposals in Railway As pa Eu opean Un on sPackage vfor sbe on o anspo be ween now and 2050 aninclude: The of E he S eon Eu ope Session II n Lu zFuture Ber The Future of European Rail Freig The 4th Package — Interoperability and Authorisation Area Area Maurizio Lupi, Minister for Infrastructure &in Transport Christian Ch sKeyno an Ke n CEO, CEO ÖBB, ÖBB and and Chairman, Cha man CER CER Session II n Lu zEu Ber ac a ng Eu opean compe veness and boos ng econom cemissions, gan hway Maurizio Italian Minister for Infrastructure & Transport JSqu Jm m Squ Squ es es P P es es den No No oes oFuture kand Sou Sou he n nsp nv nF nRailway Vehicle Authorisation & the The 4th Railway Package — Interoperability Authorisa Area include: include: Jscuss m m Squ Squ es P P es es den No No okopean Sou he nng nv nv ed ed Maurizio Italian Minister for Infrastructure & Transport Ch sPr an Ke n CEO ÖBB and Cha man ac a ng Eu opean compe veness and boos ng econom cfor gin ow hway Maurizio Lupi, Italian Minister for Infrastructure & Transport to play an increasing role in moving freight and pa Jden m Squ P es den No n Vehicle Authorisation &he the include: Lutz Lu zanspo Bertling, Be ng COO COO & & President P es den Bombardier Bomba dgas eo Transportation TkSou anspo a on Jden m es P es den No o koanspo Sou he nhe nv ed n Will competition improve services for passengers and freight As part of European Union’s vision transport between now and 2050, rail the Single European Transport is is expected expected to to play play an an increasing increasing role role in in moving moving freight freight and and passenger passenger traffic traffic Lu z Be ng COO & P es den Bomba d e T a Guillaume Guillaume Pepy, Pepy, President, President, SNCF SNCF n Will on-rail competition improve services for passengers and freight liberalisation liberalisation and and technical technical harmonisation harmonisation contribute contribute to to greater greater efficiency? efficiency? is expected to play an increasing role in moving freight and passenger traffic Area Guillaume Pepy, President, SNCF n The Fu u e opean Ra ntable n The The Fu Fu u u e e o o Eu Eu opean opean Ra Ra liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute to greater efficiency? nof Will the legislative proposals n Will the in the Fourth proposals Railway in Package the Fourth for further Railway Package for further nis expected Will the legislative proposals neg Will the in legislative the Fourth proposals Railway Package the Fourth for further Railway for further liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute to greater efficiency? n The Fu u e o Eu Ra n The Fu u e include: Freight Freight & & Logistics Logistics liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute to greater efficiency? n n Will Will the legislative legislative proposals proposals in in the the Fourth Fourth Railway Railway Package Package for for further further Freight & Logistics Priorities Priorities of of the the incumbent incumbent EU EU Presidency Presidency is expected to play increasing role moving freight and pa across ac oss the he Single S ng e Market, Ma ke helping he p ng to o reduce educe greenhouse g eenhouse gas gas emissions, em ss ons Confirmed speak ac oss he S ng e Ma ke he p ng o educe g eenhouse gas em ss ons Freight & Logistics Priorities Priorities of the the incumbent incumbent EU EU Presidency Presidency Round Round table discussion discussion n Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further Freight & Lo Priorities of the incumbent EU Presidency ac oss he S ng e Ma ke he p ng o educe g eenhouse gas em ss ons ac oss he S ng e Ma ke he p ng o educe g eenhouse gas em ss ons Transport Priorities for the EU Presidency Priorities of the incumbent EU Presidency n W the s at ve proposa s n the Fourth Ra way Package for further Confirmed Confirmed speakers speakers Round table discussion The Future of European Ra Hosted by The European Ra Fre ght & Log st cs Area speake n W the sas at ve proposa sgrowth. n the Fourth Ra way Package for further The Future ofEur EM Hosted by Sess on The Future of European Ra Fre g The 4 hPackage way Package — n& e ab yElvan, and Au ho sa on A A ea ea Mau zPepy, ofacilitating Lup a an M n sTeg e nproposals as uc usTpsat ee & T anspo n Dr. Rüdiger Grube Sess on n nope Lutz Lutz Bertling Bertling Mau nnzisoWill Lupfacilitating a an M n soSpeech eLup oproposals naWill as uc uin eemoving & anspo nRa Veh cfor e ho sa on he include: include: include: include: The 4Future h Ra way Package — n& e ope yA and Au ho sa ea nincreasing Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package further nW Will the proposals the Fourth Railway for further Mau zon o Lup a an M n oan n as uc uPackage e & T anspo ninclude: Dr. Rüdiger n Lutz Bertling facilitating European European competitiveness competitiveness and and boosting boosting economic economic growth. Mau zbera an M n sin o n uc ugas eechn & anspo expected to play an role freight and ner Veh c& einclude: Au ho sa on he Key topics: n on-ra compet the mprove serv ces for passengers and fre ght facilitating European competitiveness boosting economic growth. European competitiveness and boosting economic growth. n Lutz Bertling include: sin soexpec expec ed ed opa oFourth p ay ay an nc nc eas eas ng ng osat o e e nMarcel n mov mov ng ng e e gh and and passenge passenge aof aand fic fic Challenge Interoperability Turkish Minister for Transp the nthe Will legislative the legislative proposals the nthe Will legislative the the Fourth in legislative the Fourth Railway proposals Railway in Package the in Package the Fourth further Railway for further Railway Package for further further Guillaume Gu aume Pepy President, P es den SNCF SNCF n W on-ra compet tPres on mprove serv ces for passengers and fre ght facilitating European competitiveness and boosting economic Turkish Minister for Transport, Maritime & Commun liberalisation sa on and and technical echn ca harmonisation harmon sa on contribute con rfor bu e to oand greater grea er efficiency? egh fic ency? n Lutz Bertling include: sin expec ed o p ay an nc eas ng o& e n mov ng e passenge aof fic Verslype, Executive Director, ERA n The Future European Rail Area of Interoperability Gu aume Pepy P es den SNCF Elvan, Turkish bera sa on and harmon sa on con bu e oAu grea egh fic ency? Elvan, Turkish Minister for Transport, M nof Will the legislative proposals n Will the legislative the Fourth proposals Railway in Package the Fourth for further Railway Package for further Will legislative proposals nachieved Will in legislative the Fourth proposals Railway Package the Fourth for further Railway Package for further include: Marcel Verslype, Executive Director, ERA ngrowth. The The Future Future of of European European Rail Rail Impulse bera sat on techn ca harmon contr bute effic ency? F Frof efor e gh gh & Log Log sof sElvan, cs cs nLogistics The Future ofGru Impulse Speech bera sat on techn ca harmon on contr bute effic ency? the Single Market, helping to reduce greenhouse emissions, n n W he eg sand a ve proposa sin n he Four Ra or ur her how is this to be in practice? F e gh &ab Log sAuthorisation cs Pr Pr or or tnlegislative tor es es of of the the ncumbent ncumbent EU EU Pres dency dency is expected to play an increasing role in moving freight and pa F eChallenge gh Log sn cs Pr Pracross oror t But tes es of the the ncumbent ncumbent EU EU Pres Pres dency dency Round Round table ab e discussion d scuss on n W eg sEU a ve proposa sfor nFourth he Four Ra Package or ur her include: include: But how is this to be achieved in practice? across across the the Single Single Market, Market, helping helping to to reduce reduce greenhouse greenhouse gas gas emissions, emissions, F e gh && L Pr or tco-operation es of the ncumbent EU Pres dency Transport Priorities for the EU Presidency Pr or es of the ncumbent Pres dency Confirmed Confirmed speakers speakers liberalisation technical harmonisation contribute to greater efficiency? Round ab efor dof scuss on across the Single Market, helping to reduce gas emissions, Hosted by n n Will Will the the legislative legislative proposals proposals in in the the Fourth Railway Package Package for further further n Freight The Future of European Rail The The Future of European European Rail Rail Freigh Confirmed speak liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute to greater The The Future Future of European European Rail Rail Freight & & Logistics include: include: include: Hosted by n Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway further The Future of Europ Session Session IIton-rail II The Future of European Rail Freight Dr Rüd ger Grube The The 4th 4th Railway Railway Package Package — — Interoperability Interoperability and and Authorisation n n Lu znnFuture Ber ng Maurizio Maurizio Lupi, Lupi, Italian Italian Minister Minister for for Infrastructure Infrastructure & & Transport Transport include: include: include: include: Session II Maurizio Maurizio Lupi, Lupi, Italian Italian Minister Minister for for Infrastructure Infrastructure & &Transport Transport across Single Market, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, nopean Will the proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further nMaurizio the proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further n n Vehicle Vehicle Authorisation Authorisation & &Cha the the The 4th Railway Package — Interoperability and n Dr Rüd ger Gru n Lu zEu Ber facilitating ashippers, ng European Eu competitiveness compe veness and and boosting boos ng economic econom ch growth. gRailway ow hway Maurizio Lupi, Italian Minister for Infrastructure & Transport Key topics: Lupi, Italian Minister for Infrastructure &the Transport n Vehicle Authorisation &Authorisation the ac a ng Eu opean compe veness and boos ng econom cinclude: gfor ow h n Vehicle Authorisation & the is greater a better way forward? ac an ng Eu opean compe veness and boos ng econom ch g ow hway n n Will Will on-rail competition competition improve improve services services for passengers passengers and and freight freight n Lu zDirector, Ber include: include: liberalisation and technical liberalisation harmonisation and technical contribute harmonisation to greate contribute to greate liberalisation and technical liberalisation harmonisation and technical contribute harmonisation to greate contribute to greate Cha enge oency? nboos e ope ab yLutz E van Tu kn sh M nThe e o TFreig nacross Will the n ac Will legislative the legislative proposals nlegislative Will proposals the nlegislative Will in legislative the the Fourth in legislative the proposals Fourth Railway proposals Railway in Package the Fourth in Package the for Fourth further Railway for further Railway Package Package for further for further ac a ng Eu opean compe and ng econom cBertling gThe ow h n Vehicle Auth shippers, or is greater co-operation a better way forward? Egreenhouse van Tu kefficiency? sh M sLutz eAlexander o T Ma & Commu Will on-rail competition improve services for passengers and freight n Lu z Ber ng include: Ma ce Ve sveness ype Execu ve D ec o ERA n The Future of European Rail enge on e ope ab yEuropean E van Tu kansp sh E van Tu kanspo sh M n sLutz e osme Tng anspo M Ma ce Ve s ype Execu ve D ec ERA n n The Fu Fu u uo eng e oCER o Eu opean opean Ra Ra mpu se Speech n Will on-rail competition improve services for passengers and freight liberalisation liberalisation and and technical technical harmonisation harmonisation contribute contribute to to greater greater efficiency? efficiency? Freight & Logistics n Bertling n Fu u e o Eu mpu se Speech the Single Market, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute to greater efficiency? n Will on-rail competition improve services for passengers and freight Bu how s h s o be ach eved n p ac ce? Freight Freight & & Logistics Logistics Bertling include: include: Bu how s h s o be ach eved n p ac ce? ac ac oss oss he he S S ng ng e e Ma Ma ke ke he he p p ng ng o o educe educe g g eenhouse eenhouse gas gas em em ss ss ons ons Freight & Logistics Libor Lochman, Executive Director, CER Dr Hedderich, CEO, DB Sch bera sat on and techn ca harmon sat on contr bute to greater effic Hosted Hosted by by Dr Alexander Hedderich, CEO, DB Schenker Rail (invited) ac oss he S ng e Ma ke he p ng o educe g eenhouse gas em ss ons n n Will W the he legislative eg s a ve proposals proposa s in n the he Fourth Four h Railway Ra way Package Package for or further ur her n The Future of European Rail The The Future Future of of European Ra Ra Fre Fre gh g Libor Lochman, Executive Running a profitable railway the Japanese experience Dr Alexander Hedde bera sat on and techn ca harmon sat on contr bute to greater effic ency? The The Future Future of of European European Ra Ra Fre Fre ght ght & & Log Log st st cs cs Hosted by Dr Alexander Hedderich, CEO, DB Schenke include: include: include: include: n W he eg s a ve proposa s n he Four h Ra way Package or ur her liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute to greate liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute to greate n Lutz Bertling n Lutz Bertling n Lutz Bertling n Lutz Bertling The Future of Europ Running a profitable railway the Japanese experience Session Sess on II Session I Freight & Logistics n n Dr. Dr. Rüdiger Rüdiger Grube Grube The Future of European Ra Fre ght & Session The 4th 4and hVerslype, Railway Ra way Package Package — — Interoperability n& ehe ope ab yElvan, and and Authorisation Au ho sa on Mau Mau zbe oand oachieved Lup Lup agreater a an an M n n sT sT eco-operat e o oas ntechnical nfacilitating as asu uc uc unthe usT econtribute eco-operat & T T anspo anspo facilitating European competitiveness and boosting economic growth. Sess on Session Iharmonisation nnsa Joachim Mau Mau zIliberalisation zo oLup Lup ahow aan M M n soe eLup ozbe oand n ncompetition as uc uc u uM ee & & anspo anspo nHerrmann Dr. Rüdiger Grube Single Market, helping to reduce greenhouse gas n n Veh Veh cre cgreate e e Au Au ho ho sa sa on on &emissions, he The 4greate h Ra way Package — n& ope ab yElvan, and Au ho sa on Session InzsSpeech liberalisation liberalisation and technical liberalisation technical harmonisation liberalisation harmonisation and and contribute technical harmonisation to greate harmonisation to contribute contribute to greate to greate Mau zbe o Lup aacross an M e& o ncontribute as uc ugreate eforward? & T anspo Mau aas an M n sepractice? o nca uc epractice? & anspo nn Joachim Herrma facilitating facilitating European European competitiveness competitiveness and and boosting boosting economic growth. growth. n Veh ce egh Au ho on he n Veh cng eGrube Au ho sa on &Maritime he n n Lutz Lutz Bertling Bertling sh ppers, or sWill on a better way n nan Will W on-rail on-ra compe on improve mprove services serv for or passengers passengers and freight gh Challenge Challenge of ofency? Interoperability Interoperability Elvan, Turkish Turkish Minister Minister for for Transport, Transport, Mar Ma liberalisation technical liberalisation and technical contribute harmonisation to greate contribute to and technical liberalisation harmonisation and contribute harmonisation to greate to facilitating European and boosting economic growth. Elvan, Elvan, Turkish Turkish Minister Minister for for Transport, Transport, Maritime Maritime & & Communicatio n Lutz Bertling n Dr. n Veh cng eGru Au sh ppers, or stechnical greater on acontribute better way forward? Confirmed speakers Marcel Marcel Verslype, Executive Executive Director, Director, ERA ERA n W on-ra compe on mprove serv ces or passengers and reefficiency? Challenge of Interoperability Turkish Ministe Elvan, Turkish Minister Transport, n Rüdiger Marcel Verslype, Executive Director, ERA Challenge of Interoperability Confirmed Impulse Impulse Speech include: include: n W on-ra compet tthe on mprove serv ces for and fre ght liberalisation bera sa on and and technical echn harmonisation harmon sa on con rservices bu eThe to ofreight greater grea er efficiency? eeconomic fic Freight & Logistics Challenge o European competitiveness and economic growth. Lu zexande Ber Impulse But But how is is this this to achieved in in practice? include: n Lutz Bertling nspeakers bera sa on echn ca harmon sa on con rboosting bu e o grea er fic ency? n W on-ra compet tthe on mprove serv ces fre ght FRüdiger FLutz eeBertling e gh gh & & Log Log sfor sDr. cs cs Lu zCommunication Ber But how is this to achieved F e gh &Schenke Log sSc c liberalisation technical contribute to greater efficiency? But how isin this to be achieved in practice? Lcompetitiveness bo Lochman ve D ec o CER A Hedde ch CEO DB Europe’s Railways & the Global Perspective n Will on-rail competition improve services freight nExecu Lutz Bertling n Lutz Bertling nBer Lutz Bertling n Lutz Bertling Hos Hos ed ed by D exande Hedde ch CEO DB Schenke Ra nv ed liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute to greater But how ispassengers this to be achieved in practice? L bo Lochman Execu ve D ec o CER Runn ng ato p ofi ab eWhat way he Japanese expe ence D A exande Hedde n on-rail competition improve services for passengers and freight Hos ed by D A exande Hedde ch CEO DB liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute to greate liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute to greate n Lutz Bertling nCha Bertling n Bertling n Lutz Bertling Runn ng aSpeech p ofi ab e a way he Japanese expe ence Sess on & Logistics n n Dr. Dr Rüdiger Rüd ger Grube Grube Sessnon ncontribute Vehicle Authorisation & the facilitating European competitiveness and boosting economic growth. Sess on n Joach m Herrmann n Dr Rüd Grube Will on-rail n Bu Will on-rail competition competition nbe Will improve on-rail nagreater Will improve services on-rail competition services competition for passengers improve for passengers improve services and freight for and passengers for passengers and freight and freight Sess on n n Vehicle Vehicle Authorisation Authorisation & & the the liberalisation liberalisation and technical and liberalisation technical harmonisation liberalisation harmonisation and technical and contribute technical contribute harmonisation to greate harmonisation to greate contribute greate to greate shippers, shippers, or or is is greater co-operation co-operation ato a better better way way forward? forward? Philippe Citroën, Director General, UNIFE n Joach m Herrm A Vision for Rail in ac ac aharmonisation ng ng Eu Eu opean opean compe compe veness veness and and boos boos ng ng econom econom cLochman, geVe g ow ow h h n Will the legislative proposals in Fourth Railway Package for further n n Lutz Lu zLutz Bertling n Vehicle Authorisat Masaki Ogata, Executive Vice Chairman, JR East (invited) n What is the best way to ensure efficient management of rail infrastructure shippers, or is greater co-operation aforward? better way forward? Philippe Citroën, Director General, UNIFE Cha Cha enge enge o oby nA nboos ecspeakers ope ope ab ab yoM yn E E van van Tu Tu kFreight kger sh sh M M n nJakub sPresident, sme e e o oger T T anspo anspo M Jakub Karnowski, PKP SA (oR ac acontribute ng Eu opean compe veness and ng econom ceAlexander gD ow h n Will the legislative proposals in Fourth Railway Package for further E E van van Tu Tu kLutz ksh sh M nJakub sLutz sLutz e oDr. o T Tanspo anspo Ma Ma & Commun Commun ca ca on Jakub Karnowski, President, PKP SA (invited) n Lu zme Ber ng n Dr Rüd Confirmed Marcel Ma ce Verslype, Ve sto ype Executive Execu ve Director, D ec ERA ERA Masaki Ogata, Executive Vice Chairman, JR East (invited) n is the best way ensure efficient management of rail infrastructure enge on n ope ab yM E van kSA sh M nMa sm Karnowski, E van Tu kLutz sh n sLutz en o T anspo Ma Karnowski, President, PKP (invited n n Will Will on-rail on-rail competition competition improve improve services services for for passengers passengers and and freight freight Dr Rüd ger Gru Ma ce ser ype Execu ve D ec ong ERA Cha enge o nRüdiger eTu ope ab yPr Confirmed speakers n Bertling Bertling Impulse mpu se Speech Speech n Vehicle Authorisation & the n Will on-rail competition improve services for passengers and freight n Bertling or is greater co-operation a better way Cha enge o facilitating European competitiveness and boosting economic growth. mpu se Speech But how how is sthis h sto o be achieved ach eved in nEurope practice? p ac ce? n Rüdiger Grube n Lutz Bertling ne Lutz Bertling shippers, or is greater co-operation a better way forward? Libor Libor Lochman, Lochman, Executive Executive Director, Director, CER CER Bu how s h s o be ach eved n p ac ce? Dr Dr Alexander Hedderich, Hedderich, CEO, CEO, DB DB Schenker Schenker Dr Dr Alexander Alexander Hedderich, Hedderich, CEO, CEO, DB DB Schenker Schenker Rail Rail (invited) (invited) n Dr. include: liberalisation bera sa on and and technical echn ca harmonisation harmon sa on con r bu e to o greater grea er efficiency? e fic ency? Libor Executive Director, CER Running Running a a profitable profitable railway railway the the Japanese Japanese experience experience Bu how s h s o be ach eved n p ac ce? Dr Alexander Hedderich, C nshippers, Will on-rail n Will on-rail competition competition improve improve services services for passengers for passengers and freight and freight Europe’s Railways & the Global Perspective Dr Alexander Hedderich, CEO, DB Schenker Rail n W on-ra compet t on mprove serv ces for passengers and fre ght n Lutz Bertling n Lutz Bertling n Bertling n Lutz Bertling bera sa on and echn ca harmon sa on con r bu e o grea e fic ency? include: Running a profitable railway the Japanese experience n Dr. Rüdiger n Dr. Rüdiger Grube Grube n Dr. Rüdiger n Dr. Rüdiger Grube Grube Session Session I I Bu how s h s o be ach eved n p ac ce? Session Session I I n W on-ra compet t on mprove serv ces for passengers and fre ght Session I n n Joachim Joachim Herrmann Herrmann n Will on-rail competition n Will improve on-rail services competition for passengers improve services and freight for passengers and freight n Will on-rail competition n Will improve on-rail services competition for passengers improve services and freight for passengers and freight Session I n Vehicle Authorisation & the n Joachim Herrmann n Will on-rail n Will on-rail competition competition n Will improve on-rail n Will improve services on-rail competition services competition for passengers improve for passengers improve services and services freight for and passengers freight for passengers and freight and freight n n Veh Veh c c e e Au Au ho ho sa sa on on & & he he shippers, sh ppers or or is s greater grea er co-operation co-opera on a a better be er way way forward? orward? n Michael Hinterdobler Ph ppe C oën D ec o Gene a UN FE Challenge of Interoperability n n Dr. Dr. Rüdiger Rüdiger Grube Grube Confirmed Confirmed speakers speakers A Vision for Rail in Europe n W he eg s a ve p oposa s n he Fou h Ra way Package o u he A Vision for Rail in Europe n Veh cng eGrube Au ho sa Masak Oga Execu ve V ce Cha man JR Eas nv ed n What s the best way to ensure effic ent management of ra nfrastructure sh ppers or s grea er co-opera on a be er way orward? A Vision for Rail in Europe n Michael Hinterd Ph ppe C oën D ec o Gene a UN FE n Dr. Rüdiger Jakub Ka nowsk P es den PKP SA Challenge Challenge of of Interoperability Interoperability Confirmed speakers na W he eg s a ve p oposa s n he Fou h Ra way Package o u he Jakub Ka nowsk P es den PKP SA nv ed A Vision for Rail in Europe Masak Oga a Execu ve V ce Cha man JR Eas nv ed n What s the best way to ensure effic ent management of ra nfrastructure A Vision for Rail in Europe Jakub Ka nowsk P Challenge of Inter n Joachim Herrmann Jakub Ka nowsk P es den PKP SA nv e n n W on-ra compe on mprove serv ces or re gh n n Lutz Lu z Bertling Ber ng Confirmed speakers n Vehicle Authorisation & the But how is this to be achieved in practice? n Joachim Herrma n Dr. Rüdiger n Dr. Rüdiger Grube Grube n W on-ra compe on mprove serv ces or re gh n Lu z Ber sh ppers, or s greater co-operat on a better way forward? Confirmed Dr Jochen Eickholt, CEO Siemens Rail Systems (invited) But But how how is is this this to to be be achieved achieved in in practice? practice? Challenge of Interoperability n Dr Rüd ger Grube n n Will Will on-rail on-rail competition competition improve improve services services for for passengers passengers and and freight freight sh ppers, or s greater co-operat on a better way forward? Libor L bo Lochman, Lochman Executive Execu ve Director, D ec o CER CER Dr Jochen Eickholt, CEO Siemens Rail Systems (invited) D D A A exande exande Hedde Hedde ch ch CEO CEO DB DB Schenke Schenke But how is this to be achieved in practice? n Dr. Rüdiger n Dr. Rüdiger Grube Grube n Dr. Rüdiger n Dr. Rüdiger Grube Grube D D A A exande exande Hedde Hedde ch ch CEO CEO DB DB Schenke Schenke Ra Ra nv nv ed ed n Dr Rüd ger Gru n Will on-rail competition improve services for passengers and freight nc ude: L bo Lochman Execu ve D ec o CER Running Runn ng a a profitable p ofi ab e railway a way the he Japanese Japanese experience expe ence Hans-Christian Wolter, Chairman of Co D A exande Hedde ch C liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute to greater efficiency? nthe on-rail nis Will on-rail competition competition improve improve services for passengers for passengers and freight and freight Hans-Christian Wolter, Chairman of Corridor 3 Board (invited) D A exande Hedde ch CEO DB Schenke Ra shippers, is co-operation nc ude: Runn ng a p ofi ab e a way he Japanese expe ence nof Dr. Rüdiger ninfrastructure Dr. Rüdiger Grube Grube nchae Dr. Rüdiger n Dr. Rüdiger Grube Grube Sess Sess on on Hans-Christian Wolte liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute to greater efficiency? Sess Sess on on for Hans-Christian Wolter, Chairman of Corridor But how is this to be achieved in practice? shippers, is co-operation Sess on n n Joachim Joach m Herrmann Herrmann shippers, shippers, or is greater or is greater shippers, co-operation shippers, co-operation or is a greater better or is a greater way co-operation better forward? way co-operation forward? a better a way better forward? way forward? Philippe Philippe Citroën, Citroën, Director Director General, General, UNIFE UNIFE nWill Will on-rail competition n Will improve on-rail services competition for passengers improve services and freight for passengers and freight n on Will on-rail competition n Will improve on-rail services competition for passengers improve services and freight for passengers and freight Sess on n n Will the legislative legislative proposals proposals in in the the Fourth Fourth Railway Railway Package Package for for further further Round table discussion Masaki Masaki Ogata, Ogata, Executive Executive Vice Vice Chairman, Chairman, JR JR East East (invited) (invited) n n What What is the the best best way way to to ensure ensure efficient efficient management management of of rail rail infrastructure infrastructure n Joach m Herrmann Philippe Citroën, Director General, UNIFE Jakub Jakub Karnowski, Karnowski, President, President, PKP PKP SA SA (invited) (invited n Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further Jakub Jakub Karnowski, Karnowski, President, President, PKP PKP SA SA (invited) (invited) Round table discussion Masaki Ogata, Executive Vice Chairman, JR East (invited) n What is the best way to ensure efficient management rail n M H n erdob er Jakub Karnowski, Presiden Challenge of Interoperability n n Dr. Dr Rüdiger Rüd ger Grube Grube Confirmed Confirmed speakers speakers Jakub Karnowski, President, PKP SA (invited) A V s on for Ra n Europe A V s Ra n Europe and greater transparency in railway finances? n M chae H n erd n Dr Rüd ger Grube Cha Cha enge enge o o n n e e ope ope ab ab y y Confirmed speakers n Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further A V sor on for Ra n Europe shippers, shippers, or or is is greater greater co-operation co-operation ato a– better better way way forward? forward? V s on for Ra n Europe n freight Lutz Bertling and greater transparency in railway finances? Cha enge o ed ndo e n nDr. Dr. Rüdiger Grube Grube nCEO Joach m n Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package further shippers, or is greater co-operation a better way forward? Confirmed Lutz Bertling But howfor isWill this to be achieved in practice? n Dr. Rüdiger Grube n do Joach m n Dr. Rüdiger nRüdiger Dr. Rüdiger Grube Grube include: include: Confirmed n What is the best way to ensure efficient management of rail infrastructure D Jochen E ckho CEO SsJoachim emens Ra Sys ems nv ed Bu Bu how how sbetter h h sEas sthe oforward? osa be be ach ach eved eved non poac ce? ce? Challenge of include: shippers, shippers, or is greater or greater co-operation co-operation aEurope better aInfrastructure way better way forward? n n Will W on-rail on-ra competition compe on improve mprove services serv ces for or passengers passengers and and re gh n What is the best way ensure efficient management of rail infrastructure D Jochen E ckho Ssnowsk emens Ra Sys ems nv n Joachim Bu how s77 hforward? snpPackage be ach eved noën pras ac ce? Alexander German Minister for Transport & Digital Infrastructure (invited) nHans Dr. Rüdiger n Dr. Rüdiger Grube Grube nfor Dr. Rüdiger nHerrmann Rüdiger Grube Grube Alexander Dobrindt, German Minister for Transport & Digital Infrastructure (invited) n W on-ra compe on mprove serv ces or passengers and re gh nWiertz, Joachim nn Herrmann Herrmann nKa Joachim Joachim Herrmann Herrmann Hans Ch snes an Wo espeakers Cha oed C be aA sa on and echn ca ha mon sa on con ea o gRailway ea e eway fic ency? n Joachim Herrm Ch an e Cha o Co 3Interoperability Boa dnv nv Alexander Dobrindt, German Minister for Transport & Digital Infrastructure (invited) shippers, greater shippers, co-operation or is a way co-operation forward? afinances? better way forward? shippers, or is greater shippers, co-operation or is a greater better way co-operation afurthe better way forward? sh ppers, or sis greater co-operat on a better forward? include: Alexander Dobrindt, German Minister for Transport & Digital (invited) Bavarian Representation, Rue Wiertz, Brussels. Belgium Hans Ch sman an Wo & Competition in Single European Transport Area be a sa on and echn ha mon on con bu e o g ea e eway fic ency? 4 4 – – 5greater 5 November 2014 2014 Hans Ch Wo e Cha man o Co But how is this to be achieved in practice? n n Michael Michael Hinterdobler Hinterdobler sh ppers, or sn greater co-operat better forward? include: Bavarian Representation, 77 Rue Brussels. Belgium shippers, shippers, or is greater or is greater shippers, co-operation shippers, co-operation is a better or is agreater greater way co-operation better forward? way co-operation forward? aEuropean better aac way better forward? way forward? A A Vision Vision for Rail Rail in Europe Europe Philippe Ph ppe Citroën, C Director D ec ora General, Gene au UNIFE UN FE 4 5 November 2014 AAVision Vision Rail Rail in in Europe Europe n Michael Hinterdobler n for n W the he legislative eg sor aLiberalisation ve proposals pfor oposa sab in nin the he Fourth Fou hNovember Railway Ra way Package Package for opassengers uway he Round ab d scuss on Masaki Masak Ogata, Oga aDobrindt, Executive Execu ve Vice V Chairman, Cha man JR JR East (invited) nv ed n n What Wha is sis the he best bes way way to o ensure ensure efficient ebu fic en management managemen of o rail ra infrastructure nLu ruc ure A Vision for Rail Ph ppe C oën D ec oure Gene aan UN FE Jakub Jakub Ka nowsk P P es es den den PKP PKP SA SA nv nv ed e3 A Vision for Rail in Europe n W he eg sOga a ve p oposa ssEuropean nin he Fou hn Ra way o u he Jakub Ka Ka nowsk nowsk PWo es es den den PKP PKP SA SA nv nv ed ed Round ece d scuss on n n Joachim Joachim Herrmann Herrmann Masak a Execu ve V ce Cha man JR Eas nv ed n Wha s4 he bes way o ensure e managemen o noJoachim ras ruc Jakub Ka nowsk P es de Confirmed Confirmed speakers speakers Jakub Ka nowsk den PKP SA ed Transport Priorities for the EU Presidency n Christian Kern n Joachim Herrmann and greater transparency ra way finances? Confirmed spea Dr Dr Jochen Eickholt, Eickholt, CEO Siemens Siemens Rail Systems Systems (invited) (invited) n W he eg su& a ve oposa sfic na he Fou h Ra way Package he shippers, sh ppers or or is greater grea er co-operation co-opera on a better er way way forward? orward? n Christian Kern n Will on-rail competition improve services for passengers and freight n zJakub Be ng and greater transparency Closing Panel Liberalisation Competition in the Single Area Dr Jochen Eickholt, CEO Siemens Rail Systems (invited) nP Joachim n Joachim Herrmann Herrmann n n Dr. Dr Rüdiger Rüd ger Grube Grube n W he suforward? aen ve p oposa sude: nPackage he Fou h Ra way Package oman uPm he sh ppers sca grea er co-opera on be er orward? n Will on-rail competition improve services for and freight n Lu zRail Be ng Panel n Michael Hinterdobler Liberalisation and Competition in the Single Railway Area Hans-Christian Hans-Christian Wolter, Wolter, Chairman Chairman ofm of Corridor Corridor n Dr Rüd ger Grube liberalisation liberalisation and technical technical harmonisation harmonisation contribute contribute to to greater greater efficiency? Hans-Christian Hans-Christian Wolter, Wolter, Chairman Chairman of of Corridor Corridor 3n 3Board Board (invited) (invited) nc nc ude: shippers, is greater co-operation better n seand effic ent ra nfrastructure Michael Hinterd Hans-Christian Wolter, Ch liberalisation and technical contribute to greater efficiency? ncontribute Herrmann n Joachim Herrmann nCEO Joachim Herrmann nn Joachim Herrmann Hans-Christian Wolter, Chairman of Corridor 3 Boa nc ude: shippers, shippers, or greater or is greater co-operation co-operation ato better a way better forward? way forward? shippers, or is greater co-operation better way forward? n sis effic ent ra nfrastructure n Joach Herrmann A exande Dob nd Ge man M nliberalisation sor e oharmonisation T anspo & D gra aefficiency? neg as uc uJochen e nv ed Round Round table table discussion discussion A exande Dob nd Ge man M nand son e otransparency Ts anspo & D gensure a nhave as uc e nv ed nClosing ng Joachim Herrmann Herrmann Joachim n Joachim Herrmann Herrmann n Joach Herrm n nfor n nDG astructure astructure astructure astructure A exande Dob nd Ge man M n sp e(invited) o T anspo & D g az n as uc uof eJoachim nv ed Round table discussion shippers, or is greater shippers, co-operation is a greater better way co-operation forward? a better way forward? shippers, or is greater shippers, co-operation or is a greater better way co-operation forward? a better way forward? nc ude: n What is the best way to ensure efficient management of rail infrastructure A exande Dob nd Ge man M nto s– e o T anspo D gbe aand n as uc e nv ed and technical harmonisation contribute to greater efficiency? Bavar an Represen a on 77 Rue W er Brusse s Be um Liberalisation & Competition in the Single European Transport Area 4 – 5 5 November November 2014 2014 n Vs Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further nn n Michael M chae Hinterdobler H n erdob er nc ude: n What is the best way to ensure efficient management of rail infrastructure and and greater greater transparency in in railway railway finances? finances? liberalisation and technical harmonisation to greater efficiency? Bavar an Represen a on Rue W er z Brusse s Be g um A A V V s s on for for Ra Ra n n Europe Europe n77 Dr. Rüdiger Grube 4 – 5 November 2014 n n Will Will the the legislative legislative proposals proposals in in the the Fourth Fourth Railway Railway Package for for further further AAlexander AAguiar V son on for Ra Ra n n Europe Europe n M chae H n erdob e n n Lutz Lutz Bertling Bertling and greater transparency in railway finances? A V s on for Ra n Europe n Dr. Rüdiger Grube n Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further A V s on for Ra n Europe n Lutz Bertling n n Joachim Joach m Herrmann Herrmann Confirmed Confirmed speakers speakers João Aguiar Machado, Director-General, DG MOVE Transport Priorities for the EU Presidency João Machado, Director-General, MOVE (invited) n n What What is is the the best best way way to ensure efficient efficient management management of of rail rail infrastructure infrastructure n Chr s an Kern n Joach m Herrmann n What impact will globalisation on Europe’s railways, and how can n Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further Confirmed spea Dr D Jochen Jochen Eickholt, E ckho CEO CEO Siemens S emens Rail Ra Systems Sys ems (invited) nv ed João Aguiar Machado, Director-General, DG MOVE (invited) n What the best way ensure efficient management rail infrastructure João Aguiar Machado, Director-General, DG MOVE (invited) n Chr s an Kern n W on a compe on mp ove se v ces o passenge s gh n Joachim Joachim Herrmann Herrmann C os ng Pane Alexander Alexander Dobrindt, Dobrindt, German German Minister Minister for for Transport Transport & & Digital Digital Infrastructure Infrastructure (invited) (invited) n What impact will globalisation have on Europe’s railways, and how can L be a sa on and Compe on n he S ng e Eu opean Ra way A ea include: D Jochen E ckho CEO S emens Ra Sys ems nv ed n Joachim n Joachim Herrmann Herrmann Alexander Dobrindt, Dobrindt, German German Minister Minister for for Transport Transport & & Digital Digital Infrastructure Infrastructure (invited) (invited) n Lutz Bertling n W on a compe on mp ove se v ces o passenge s and e gh n Joachim Herrmann n n astructure astructure C os ng Pane Alexander Dobrindt, German Minister for Transport & Digital Infrastructure (invited) n M chae H n erdob er L be a sa on and Compe on n he S ng Eu opean Ra way A ea Hans Hans Ch Ch s s an an Wo Wo e e Cha Cha man man o o Co Co do do 3 include: include: be be a a sa sa on on and and echn echn ca ca ha ha mon mon sa sa on on con con bu bu e e o o g g ea ea e e e e fic fic ency? ency? Alexander Dobrindt, German Minister for Transport & Digital Infrastructure (invited) Hans Hans Ch Ch soBrussels. so an an Wo Wo e e Cha Cha man man oMichael oKern Co Co dodo 3 3Boa Boa d d nv ed ed Bavarian Bavarian Representation, Representation, 77 77 Rue Rue Wiertz, Wiertz, Brussels. Brussels. Belgium n Lutz Bertling shippers, sh ppers or or is s greater grea er co-operation co-opera on a a better be er way way forward? orward? and greater transparency in railway finances? n M chae H n erd Hans Ch s an Wo e Ch include: be a sa on and echn ca ha mon sa on con bu e o g ea e e fic ency? n Joachim Herrmann nency? Herrmann nBelgium Joachim Herrmann n Joachim Herrmann Hans Ch s an Wo e Cha man o Co do 3 Bo Bavarian Representation, 77 Rue Wiertz, Belgium n Michael n Michael Hinterdobler Hinterdobler n n Michael Hinterdobler Hinterdobler sh ppers or s grea er co-opera on a be er way orward? nnn Will the nn n n astructure astructure astructure astructure and greater transparency in railway finances? Round Round table ab e discussion d scuss on Session IV Frédéric Cuvillier, French Secretary of State for Transport, n Michael Hinterdobler include: Session IV n n n astructure astructure astructure astructure Round ab e d scuss on n What s the best way to ensure effic ent management of ra nfrastructure Session IV Frédéric Cuvillier, French Secretary of State for Transport, be a sa on and echn ca ha mon sa on con bu e o g ea e e fic ency? n Michael Hinterd n n Christian Christian Kern Session IV legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further shippers, or is greater co-operation a better way forward? n What s the best way to ensure effic ent management of ra nfrastructure and and greater grea er transparency ransparency in n railway ra way finances? finances? be a sa on and echn ca ha mon sa on con bu e o g ea e e fic Priorities of the forthcoming EU Presidency n Christian Kern n D Rüd ge G ube n Will Will on-rail on-rail competition competition improve improve services services for for passengers passengers and and freight freight n n W W he he eg eg s s a a ve ve p p oposa oposa s s n n he he Fou Fou h h Ra Ra way way Package Package u u he he Closing Closing Panel Panel Liberalisation Liberalisation and and Competition Competition in in the the Single Single European European Railway Railway Area Area shippers, or is greater co-operation a better way forward? n n Lu Lu z z Be Be ng ng and grea er ransparency n ra way finances? Priorities of the forthcoming EU Presidency n Will on-rail competition improve services for passengers nhow D ge ube n W he eg suand a ve p oposa sinfrastructure nRüdiger he Fou hure Ra way Package o uMichael he Panel n n Michael Hinterdobler Hinterdobler Liberalisation and Competition in Single European Railway Area n Lu zHinterdobler Be ng n Michael Hinterdobler João Agu ashe Machado D ec o Gene a DG MOVE nv ed João Agu a Dob Machado D ec oAguiar Gene a DG MOVE nv ed nn n Wha sea bes o eanspo fic en managemen oer ra nRue ras n Wha w goDG oba sa on have on Europe ra ways and how can nDG Will the legislative proposals in the Fourth Railway Package for further nRüd Michael nG Michael Hinterdobler Hinterdobler João Agu a Machado D ec o aT DG MOVE nv ed n Libor Lochman n Wha s&Bavar he bes oethe e fic en managemen o ra n ras ruc ure João Agu a Machado D ec o Gene MOVE nv ed liberalisation and technical contribute to greate n nMichael Joachim Joach m Herrmann Herrmann A Aexande exande Dob Dob nd nd Ge Ge man man n n sin sa e e o oCER T T anspo & & D D ge(invited) gS aRepresen aimprove ns n as as uc uc u utechnical eand e nv nv ed ed n Wha mpac w gliberalisation oba sa on have on Europe sgh ra ways and can include: n Will on-rail competition services for passengers freight AJoão Aexande Dob nd nd Ge Ge man man M M n n sthe eharmonisation e o o T T anspo anspo & D D gM g a an n n as as uc uc u u& e nv nv ed ed n Libor Lochman n Lu z Michael Be ng n What What is is the best best way way to to ensure ensure efficient efficient management management of of rail rail infrastructure n Joach m Herrmann nand nmpac astructure astructure liberalisation liberalisation and and technical technical harmonisation harmonisation contribute contribute to greater greater efficiency? efficiency? Agreater exande Dob nd Ge man M n sGene oas anspo & D go az n as uc uto eGrube nv ed nc ude: ude: Michael n Michael Hinterdobler nnnc n Hinterdobler Hinterdoble A exande Dob nd Ge man M n sM e oS TS anspo D g aand nhave uc e nv ed n Will on-rail competition improve services for passengers and freight Bavar an an Represen Represen abe a on on 77 77 Rue Rue W W er zfreight Brusse Brusse sClosing snruc Be Be gand g um um n Lu z Be n n What is the best way to ensure efficient management of rail n Christian Kern liberalisation harmonisation contribute to greater efficiency? n n Dr. Dr. Rüdiger Grube greater transparency ra way finances? n Joachim Herrmann nc ude: Bavar an a on 77 W er z Brusse s Be g um nSess Michael ninfrastructure Michael Hinterdobler Hinterdobler Michael nH Michael Hinterdobler Hinterdobler n Christian Kern nexande nnCEO, n n astructure astructure astructure astructure n Dr. Rüdiger Grube n ra way Christian Kern, CEO, ÖBB, and Chairman, CER n Joachim Herrmann Christian Kern, ÖBB, and Chairman, CER technical harmonisation contribute to greate Sess on V F édé c Cuv e F ench Sec e a y o a e o T anspo n M chae n erdob er include: on V João João Aguiar Machado, Machado, Director-General, Director-General, DG DG MOVE MOVE (invited) Christian Kern, CEO, ÖBB, and Chairman, CER João Aguiar Aguiar Machado, Machado, Director-General, Director-General, DG MOVE MOVE (invited) (invited) Christian Kern, CEO, ÖBB, and Chairman, The Future of European Rail Freight & Logistics Sess on V F édé c Cuv e F ench Sec e a y o a e o T anspo n n What What impact impact will will globalisation globalisation have have on on Europe’s Europe’s railways, railways, and and how how can can railway n M chae H n erd n n Christian Chr s an Kern Kern João Aguiar Machado, Director-General, DG MOVE (invited) Sess on V n Lutz Bertling João Aguiar Machado, Director-General, DG MOVE (invited) sh ppe s o s g e co ope a on a be e way o wa d? n What impact will globalisation on Europe’s railways, and how can and transparency in railway finances? P es o he o hcom ng EU P es dency n Chr s an Kern n W W on on a a compe compe on on mp mp ove ove se se v v ces ces o o passenge passenge s s and and e e gh gh n n Lutz Lutz Bertling Bertling Closing C os ng Panel Pane Liberalisation L be a sa on and and Competition Compe on in n the he Single ng e European Eu opean Railway Ra way Area A ea n Dr. Rüdiger Grube sh ppe s s g ea e co ope a on a e way o wa d? P o es o he o hcom ng EU P es dency n W on a compe on mp ove se v ces o passenge s and e n Lutz Bertling C os ng Pane n n Michael M chae Hinterdobler H n erdob er L be a sa on and Compe on n he S ng Eu opean Ra way A ea Sea & Fisheries (invited) n Dr. Rüdiger and and greater greater transparency transparency in in railway railway finances? finances? nKern MHinterdobler chae H n erdob e Sea &or Fisheries (invited) and greater transparency in railway finances? Europe’s Railways & Global Perspective nency? Lutz Bertling European companies harness opportunities around the world? nSession n Hinterdobler Hinterdobler Session IV Frédéric Frédéric Cuvillier, Cuvillier, French French Secretary Secretary of of State State for for Transport, Transport, n LMichael bor Lochman nMichael nSession Michael Michael Hinterdobler Hinterdobler Session Session IV IV liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute to greate European companies harness opportunities the world? Session IV Hinterdoble Frédéric Cuvillier, French Secretary of State for Transport, n W on a compe on mp ove se vmanagemen ces oof passenge sto and eHinterdobler gh Michael n LnLochman bor Lochman IVand n nJoão What Wha is sCha the he best bes way way to o ensure ensure e fic en management managemen of o rail ra infrastructure n ras ure be be away aRail sa sa on on and and echn echn ca ca ha ha mon mon sa sa on on con con bu bu eforthcoming e oge o gG gHe ea ea e ehow ethe fic fic ency? ency? shippers, shippers, or or is is greater greater co-operation co-operation a abetter better way forward? forward? non-rail is the best way to ensure efficient management of rail infrastructure nruc Michael n Michael Hinterdobler nLochman Michael n n W on aforward? compe on mp ove se vand ces o passenge sure eKern gh Priorities Priorities of the the forthcoming EU EU Presidency Presidency ne Christian Kern nn Christian Kern n Christian Kern nIV Christian Kern n Wha sthe he bes way o ensure erailways, fic en o ra nway ras n Chr sPresidency an be anv sa on and echn ca ha mon sa on con bu eforward? oruc gLibor ea e e fic shippers, is greater co-operation a better way n n D D Rüd Rüd ge G ube ube nCh What impact will globalisation have on Europe’s and how can n Joach m mann n What is the best way ensure efficient management of rail infrastructure Priorities of forthcoming EU n Chr sHinterdobler an Kern n D Rüd ge G ube Ch sand an Ke n CEO ÖBB and Cha man CER n What impact will globalisation have on Europe’s railways, and how can n Joach m He mann ChChristian s n an Ke naMachado CEO ÖBB man CER liberalisation and technical harmonisation contribute greate João João Agu Agu a a Machado Machado Dshe D ec ec o oto Gene Gene a aefficient DG DG MOVE MOVE nv ed ed Ch sand an Ke n ÖBB and Cha CER João João Agu Agu aWhat Machado D D ec ec oimprove o Gene Gene a a DG DG MOVE MOVE nv ed ed Will competition services for passengers and freight sÖBB, an Ke n CEO ÖBB Cha man CER n n Libor Lochman n Christian The Future of European Freight & Logistics n n What Wha impact mpac will w globalisation g oba sa on have have on on Europe’s Europe saman railways, ra ways and and how how can can and greater transparency n ra way finances? João Agu Machado D ec DG MOVE nv ed n Lutz Bertling Agu Machado D ec o Gene aCEO DG MOVE ed n nnv Will Will on-rail on-rail competition competition improve improve services services for for passengers passengers and and freight freight Libor n Christian shippers, or is greater co-operation a better way forward? n Wha mpac w ged oba sa on have on Europe saround ra ways can and greater transparency ra way finances? Speech n n Lu Lu znH zBe Be ng ng Speech Will on-rail competition improve services for passengers and freight D Rüd ge GLu shippers, or is greater co-operation a better n n Christian Christian Kern Impulse zSpeech Be ng n naround Joachim Joachim Herrmann Herrmann Impulse Speech Sea & F she es nv ed n Rüd gee and and greater grea er transparency ransparency in railway ra way finances? finances? Christian Kern nS Will on-rail competition improve for passengers and freight Guillaume Pepy, President, SNCF no Christian nImpulse Christian Kern Kern Christian Kern, Kern, CEO, ÖBB, ÖBB, and and Chairman, CER CER n Joachim Herrmann Guillaume Pepy, President, SNCF n Michael Hinterdobler Christian Kern, CEO, CEO, ÖBB, Chairman, Chairman, CER CER Sea & F es nv and grea er ra finances? Europe’s Railways & the Perspective nRüdiger Lutz Bertling Guillaume Pepy, SNCF Christian Kern, CEO, ÖBB, and Chairman, CER European compan es harness opportun tGene es the wor d? Sess Sess on VDr. V Guillaume Pepy, President, SNCF n Michael Hinterdobler Frédéric édé cFisheries Cuvillier, Cuv French F ench Sec e aa yChairman, of oransparency State aEurope’s e for oon Transport, T anspo Christian Kern, CEO, ÖBB, Chairman, CER n n Michael M chae Hinterdobler nnnnnnn erdob er Sess on V V greater transparency in railway n Guillaume Pepy nImpulse Christian n Christian Kern Kern n Christian Christian Kern Kern European compan es harness opportun tservices es the wor d? Sess on Vube nanspo Dr. Rüdiger Grube F édé cSecretary Cuv e F ench e anof ynv on S aaround eway oove T M chae H nD erdob Sess on V greater transparency in railway sh sh ppe ppe she sChristian o& obest sand sand ganimprove g ea e eppe co co ope ope a aeefficient on on a a be be en ePresident, way way o oon wa wa d? d? nn What nWha impact What impact will globalisation will nea What globalisation nCEO, impact have What on impact will have Europe’s globalisation on will globalisation railways, have railways, and on have how and on can Europe’s how railways, can and how and can how can n Guillaume Pepy Rüdiger Grube, CEO, DB AG nKern, sF bes way o ensu ebest fic en managemen oorail an n as uc uEurope evea non n Rüdiger Grube Grube Priorities P o es of orailways, the he forthcoming o hcom ng EU Presidency P es dency negh Christian Kern Christian Kern nwa Christian Kern nDr. Christian Kern sh sglobalisation ooba sand gfor ea eGlobal co ope a a be ee way o wa d? n Wha mpac w g sa on have Europe sEurope’s ra ways and how can Rüdiger Grube, CEO, DB AG n Wha snensure he bes way o ensu eSec e fic en managemen o aon n as uc uSess e Sea Sea & Fisheries (invited) (invited) n Dr. Rüdiger Grube P oson es oEU he hcom ng EU P es dency n Joachim Herrmann n Libor Lochman n Wha mpac w g oba sa on have on s ra ways and how can Sea & Fisheries (invited) n Joachim He n Libor Lochman nKern Dr. Rüdiger Grube European European companies companies harness harness opportunities opportunities around around the the world? world? Will on-rail competition services passengers and freight n n Libor L bor Lochman Lochman n Chr s an Kern European companies harness opportunities around the world? n What impact will globalisation Europe’s railways, n n W W on on a a compe compe on on mp mp ove se se v ces ces o o passenge passenge s and and e gh L bor Lochman n Chr s an Kern n nWhat What is is the the best way way to to ensure efficient management management of rail infrastructure infrastructure sh ppe s o s g ea co ope a on a be e way o d? n What impact will globalisation Europe’s railways, mpu se Speech mpu se Speech n W on a compe mp ove se v ces o passenge s and e gh n n What What impact impact will globalisation have on on Europe’s Europe’s railways, railways, and and how how can can What is the way to ensure efficient management of rail infrastructure sh ppe s o s g e co ope a on a be e way o wa d? n n Christian Chr s an Kern and greater transparency in railway finances? mpu se Speech n n Joach Joach m m He He mann mann mpu se Speech n What n impact What impact will globalisation will globalisation have on have Europe’s on Europe’s railways, railways, and how and can how can n What impact will globalisation have on Europe’s railways, and how can n Chr s an Kern and greater transparency in railway finances? n Will on-rail competition improve services for passengers and freight Gu aume Pepy P es den SNCF n Christian n Christian Kern Kern Ch Ch s s an an Ke Ke n CEO CEO ÖBB ÖBB and and Cha Cha man man CER CER n Joach m He mann GuGuillaume aume Pepy P es den SNCF n M chae H n e dob e Ch Ch s s an an Ke Ke n n CEO CEO ÖBB ÖBB and and Cha Cha man man CER CER n n Christian Christian Kern Kern Gu aume Pepy P es den SNCF shippers, or is greater co-operation a better way forward? Ch s an Ke n CEO ÖBB and Cha man CER Gu aume Pepy P es den SNCF n M chae H n e dob e Ch s an Ke n CEO ÖBB and Cha man CER n What n impact What impact will globalisation will n What globalisation n impact have What on impact will have Europe’s globalisation on will Europe’s globalisation railways, have railways, and on have Europe’s how and on can Europe’s how railways, can railways, and how and can how can and and greater grea er transparency ransparency in n railway ra way finances? finances? Christian Kern shippers, shippers, or oris isUK greater greater co-operation co-operation abetter better way forward? forward? n Gu aume Pepy n better Christian nLochman Christian Kern Kern ninfrastructure nLochman Kern Kern nthe Dr. Rüdiger Grube Impulse Impulse Speech Speech Libor n Libor Lochman Libor nn Libor Lochman Impulse Impulse Speech Speech and grea er ransparency nes ra way finances? ‘The Technical Pillar, Research, and shippers, or is greater co-operation anhow way forward? n What n impact What impact will globalisation will nDirector What globalisation nDB impact have What on impact will have Europe’s globalisation on will Europe’s globalisation railways, have railways, and on have Europe’s how and on can Europe’s railways, railways, and and can how can n Gu aume Pepy Rüd ge ube CEO AG ‘The Technical Pillar, Research, and Shift2Rail’ n What is the best way to ensure efficient management of rail infrastructure Impulse Speech nn n D DChristian Rüd Rüd ge ge Gm G ube ube Impulse Speech ‘The Pilla Rüd ge G ube CEO DB AG Guillaume Guillaume Pepy, Pepy, President, SNCF SNCF ‘The Technical Pillar, Research, and Shift Sea Sea &G &anspa Fisheries F she es (invited) nv ed n DTechnical Rüd ge G ub European companies harness opportunities around world? n What is the best way to ensure efficient management of rail shippers, or is greater co-operation aaround better way forward? n Joach He mann Guillaume Pepy, Pepy, President, President, SNCF SNCF n L bor n nway Michael Michael Hinterdobler Hinterdobler Guillaume Pepy, President, SNCF Sea & F es nv ed European companies harness opportunities the world? Guillaume Pepy, President, SNCF n Joach m He n Michael Hinterdobler n L bor Lochman n Dr. Rüdiger Grube European European companies compan es harness harness oppor un around the he wor d? n n Guillaume Guillaume Pepy Pepy Christian Kern Clare General Rail Executive, Department European compan es harness oppor un es he wor d? Vehicle Authorisation & the Challenge of Interoperability n Wha mpac w g oba sa on have on Europe sas ra ways and how can n Guillaume Pepy Rüdiger Grube, Grube, CEO, CEO, DB AG AG ne Joachim Herrmann n Libor Lochman n Christian Kern n nWha Wha sLiberalisation sMoriarty, he he bes bes way way ogreater o ensu ensu ebetter e e eshe fic fic en en managemen managemen o oEuropean a aExecutive, nhave nco as uc uc u uEurope eahow Clare Moriarty, Director General Rail UK Department n Wha mpac w g oba sa on have Europe snand ra ways and how can Rüdiger Grube, CEO, DB AG nLochman Joachim Joachim Herrmann n Libor n n Libor Libor n Wha mpac w g oba sa on Europe srailways, ra ways n Wha sPresident, he bes way o ensu eo e fic en aworld? ncan as uc u e and gRüdiger ea e ency nglobalisation a way finances? n wa Libor nResearch Lochman Libor Lochman Joachim Herrman n Libor Lochman nn n impact What impact will globalisation will globalisation have Europe’s Europe’s railways, and can how can n Wha mpac w on saround ra ways and g ea eDB anspa ency nopportunities aSingle way finances? nnKern Michael Joachim Herrmann n n What What impact impact will will globalisation have have on on Europe’s Europe’s railways, railways, and and how how can n n Christian Chr snnaume an Kern Lochman n Libor Lochman n Libor Lochman Libor Lochman shippers, or is greater co-operation a way forward? n Kern Michael Hina & Competition in the Transport Area European companies companies harness European harness European opportunities companies opportunities companies around harness around harness the opportunities world? the opportunities world? around the world? the world? n European What nPepy impact What impact will globalisation will nand What globalisation n impact have What impact will have Europe’s globalisation on will Europe’s globalisation railways, have railways, and on have Europe’s how and on can Europe’s how can railways, and how and can can n What impact will globalisation on Europe’s railways, and can n Chr snar an sh sh ppe ppe srailway sthe obest sbes ssa gfinances? g ea ea egreater co ope ope aon a on on afic a be be ehow emanagemen way way owa d? mpu mpu se Speech Speech Libor nM Libor Lochman nLochman Libor nHerrmann Lochman Libor Lochman and and greater greater transparency transparency in in railway railway finances? finances? mpu se se Speech n Marcel Verslype The Techn ca PHinterdobler Research and sh ppe sthe ove se grailways, ea een co ope aocan on anof be enSpeech way o d? The Techn ca P ar and Sh 2Ra n Wha he way o eoaround ahow nLibor as uc u e mpu se Speech transparency in Speech nn Marcel Verslype The Techn ca P Gu Gu aume aume Pepy Pepy P P es es den den SNCF SNCF The Techn ca P ar Research and Sh compan es opportun temanagemen es wor n Wha sensu he bes way o ensu e‘The ewa fic en managemen oPresident a n as uc u e shippers, or is co-operation a better way forward? Gu Gu aume P P es es den den SNCF SNCF n n M M chae chae H H n nrail ed? eo dob dob enhow enLochman n Pepy What impact will globalisation have on Europe’s railways, and how can Gu aume Pepy P es den SNCF n Guillaume Pepy compan es opportun trailways, es wor d? Gu aume P es den SNCF n chae H n ese dob e n What impact will globalisation have on Europe’s and how can n aume astructure n n Guillaume Gu Pepy Pepy n Guillaume Pepy ‘The ‘The Technical Technical Pillar, Pillar, Research, Research, and and Shift2R Shift2 nd? Ch smpu an Ke ‘The Technical Technical Pillar, Pillar, Research, Research, and and Shift2Rail’ Shift2Rail’ n n What What is is the best way way to to ensure ensure efficient efficient management management of rail infrastructure infrastructure C a eTransport Mo a yPepy D ec oeTransport Gene ayon Ra Execu ve UK Depa men Vehicle Authorisation & the Challenge of Interoperability n Gu aume Pepy European companies harness opportunities around the world? Rüdiger Rüd ge Grube, G ube CEO, CEO DB DB AG AG naround Joachim Herrmann n L bor Lochman ‘The Technical Pillar, Res Ch smpu an Ke nse ‘The Technical Pillar, Research, and Shift2Rail’ European European companies companies harness harness opportunities opportunities around around the the world? world? n What is best way to ensure efficient management of rail infrastructure Lutz Bertling, COO & President Bomba C a Mo acompanies D ec o Gene a Ra Execu UK Depa men European European companies companies harness opportunities opportunities around around the world? the world? Lutz Bertling, COO & Transportation Rüd ge G ube CEO DB AG European companies harness opportunities around the world? n n Joach Joach m m He He mann mann L bor Lochman n n Libor L bor Lochman Lochman European companies harness opportunities around the world? and transparency in railway finances? ngreater astructure Lutz Bertling, COO & nPepy Libor nPepy Lochman Libor Lochman Lutz Bertling, COO & President Bombardier n Joach m He man n L bor Lochman nArea n Christian Christian Kern Kern Session II and greater transparency in railway finances? Session II European European companies companies harness European harness European opportunities opportunities companies around harness around harness the opportunities world? the opportunities world? around the world? the world? Clare Clare Moriarty, Moriarty, Director Director General General Rail Rail Executive, Executive, UK UK Department Department nnBombardier M chae H n e dob e of Joachim Herrmann n n Libor Libor Lochman Lochman n how Christian Kern Session II n n What Wha impact mpac will w globalisation g oba sa on have have on on Europe’s Europe s railways, ra ways and and how how can can Clare Moriarty, Director General Rail Executive, UK Department Session II n Libor Lochman n Lochman n Libor Lochman n Libor Lochman n M chae H Liberalisation & Competition in the Single European Transport n Guillaume n Guillaume n Guillaume n Guillaume Pepy Pepy of European European companies companies harness European harness European opportunities companies opportunities companies around harness around harness the opportunities world? the opportunities world? around around the world? the world? n Libor Lochman n Wha mpac w g oba sa on have on Europe s ra ways and can n Michael Hinterdobler and and g g ea ea e e anspa anspa ency ency n n a a way way finances? finances? n Libor Lochman n Marce Vers ype n n Michael Michael Hinterdobler Hinterdobler and g ea e anspa ency n a way finances? n Libor Lochman n Marce Vers n Michael n Wha mpac wwill oba sampac on have Eu ope sopportunities ways and how can Gu aume n Michael Hinterdobler ng Wha wopportunities gon oba sa on have on Eu saround ain and how can n astructure n n Marcel Marcel Verslype Verslype n Gu aume n Christian Kern The The Techn Techn ca ca P PResea a Resea ch ch and and Sh Sh 2nT The The Techn Techn ca P P aThe a Resea Resea ch ch and and Sh Sh 2Ra 2Ra n Marcel Verslype n n Wha Wha sopportunities saopportunities he he bes bes way way o og ensu ensu eathe eUK eanspa fic fic en en managemen o oworld? a nnd? nnnca as as uc uc u u eKe eGuillaume European compan es harness opportun tope es around the wor d? n Christian Ke The Techn ca PHinterdob aon Re nWhat What impact will globalisation globalisation have have on Europe’s railways, railways, and and how how can can Techn ca P ang and Sh 2Ra European European companies compan es harness harness oppor un es around the he world? wor d? n Wha sin he bes way omanagemen ensu eLutz fic en o a n uc u e Lu zas Be COO &ch Peanspo es den n Guillaume nPepy Guillaume Pepy Pepy n n Guillaume Pepy Pepy European companies companies harness opportunities opportunities around around world? the world? n Guillaume Pepy Lu znamanagemen Be ng COO & es den Bomba d eResea TBombardier a &Bomb European compan es opportun tworld? es around the wor d? n What impact will globalisation have on Europe’s railways, and how can compan harness oppor un es around he wor and ea e anspa ency nways way finances? astructure Lu zden Be ng COO & n Pepy n Guillaume Pepy Lu zP Be ng COO & P es Bomba dype eTr n n Ch seworld? saan an Ke n Sess on and ea eehave ency nLrailways, way finances? companies the nfinances? Guillaume Guillaume Pepy nLochman Guillaume n Guillaume Pepy Pepy Sess on European European companies companies harness European harness European companies opportunities companies around harness around harness the opportunities world? the opportunities world? around around the the world? Clare C a eTransport Moriarty, Mo aEuropean yCEO, Director D General Gene ayIIEurope’s Rail Ra Executive, Execu ve UK UK Department Depa men companies harness opportunities around the world? Lutz Lutz Bertling, Bertling, COO COO & & President Bombardier Bombardier oimpact T anspo n n Libor Ln bor Lochman Lutz Bertling, Bertling, COO COO & & President President Bombardier Transportation Transportation Ch sbo an nand companies opportunities the Sess on Coec aEuropean Mo aon D ec ong Gene aharness Ra Execu ve Depa men Sess on European companies harness around the and and greater greater transparency transparency railway railway finances? finances? Lutz Bertling, COO Pres nKe Guillaume Guillaume Pepy Pepy n Guillaume nH Guillaume Pepy Pepy Toe anspo n LnaPresident bor Lochman Lutz Bertling, COO & President Session Session IIgoba IIoba and greater transparency in railway n world? Michael Hinterdobler Session Session II IInEuropean nCh bo Lochman of of Transport Session nBombardier n M M chae H nGuillaume e e dob dob Session IIw n Lrailways, Lochman of Transport Luc Lallemand, Infrabel n What impact will globalisation on Europe’s and can ne MVers chae H nTrans e dob nn Libor Libor Lochman Lochman Luc Lallemand, CEO, Infrabel n What impact will globalisation have on Europe’s how can n Pepy Michael Hinterdobler n n Marcel Marce Verslype Vers ype n Marcel Verslype n how Libor Lochman nchae Ch s an Ke n n Marce ype n Marcel Verslype n Ch s an K n Christian Kern n n Wha Wha mpac mpac w g sa sa on on have have on on Eu Eu ope ope s s a a ways ways and and how how can can n Guillaume n Guillaume Pepy Pepy n n Guillaume Gu aume Pepy n Gu aume Pepy n Wha mpac w g oba sa on have on Eu ope s a ways and how can n n Christian Christian Kern Kern n Guillaume Pepy n Gu aume Pepy n Gu aume Pepy n Christian Kern n Guillaume Pepy European European companies compan es harness harness opportunities oppor un es around around the he world? wor d? n Guillaume n Guillaume Pepy Pepy n Guillaume n Guillaume Pepy Pepy n n Guillaume Guillaume Pepy Pepy n Christian Kern Eu opean compan es ha ness oppo un es a ound he wo d? nzfinances? Marcel n COO Marcel Verslype Verslype nBomba Marcel nnd Marcel Verslype Verslype Lu Lu zden zden Be Be ng ng COO COO & &P Pes esden den Bomba Bomba dTd eans ees T Lu Lu z Be Be ng ng COO & & P P es es Bomba d e e T T anspo anspo a a on on European compan es harness oppor un es around he wor d? The Future of European Rail Freight & Logistics Guillaume Pepy Eu opean compan es ha ness oppo un es a ound he wo d? and and g g ea ea e e anspa anspa ency ency n n a a way way finances? finances? Lu z Be ng COO & P Lu z Be ng COO & P es den Bomba d e Impulse Speech n Libor Lochman European European companies companies harness harness opportunities opportunities around around the the world? world? Sess Sess on on mpulse Speech and g ea e anspa ency n a way Sess Sess on on impact of o Transport T anspo Impulse Speech n Libor Lochm European companies harness opportunities around the world? Sess on Impulse Speech Sess on o T anspo Luc La emand CEO n abe n Wha mpac w g oba sa on have on Eu ope s a ways and how can n What will globalisation have on Europe’s railways, and how can n n L L bo bo Lochman Lochman Luc La emand CEO n abe n Wha mpac w g oba sa on have on Eu ope s a ways and how can Luc LucThe Lallemand, Lallemand, CEO, CEO, Infrabel Infrabel nRail n Marce Vers ype n What What impact impact will will globalisation have have on on Europe’s Europe’s railways, railways, and how how can n can bo Lochman Luc Lallemand, CEO, n aume Marcel nThe Marcel Verslype nglobalisation What impact will have on Europe’s and how n Marce Vers nglobalisation Christian Kern n n Marcel Verslype Verslype 4th Railway - nype Int nInfrabel What impact will globalisation have onLochman railways, and how can 4th Railway Package Interoperability and ncan n Ch Ch sL-Verslype an an Ke n nThe n Marcel Verslype 4th Railway n Marcel Verslype The 4th Railway Package -Verslype Interop n Guopportunities aume Pepy nThe Marcel Marcel Verslype Verslype naume Marcel n Marcel Verslype Verslype nPackage Ch an Ke European companies harness opportunities around the world? n Marcel n Gu Pepy n nMarcel Guillaume Gu Pepy Pepy Christian Kern nEurope’s nGuillaume Guillaume Pepy Pepy nand Marcel nLrailways, Marcel Verslype Verslype nLibor Marcel nnKe Marcel Verslype European companies harness around the world? Future of European Freight & Logistics Gu aume n n Pepy mpu se Speech nnsLochman bo Lochman Eu Euopean opean compan compan es es ha ha ness ness oppo oppo un un es es a aound ound he he wo wo d? d? mpu se Speech non Libor mpu se Speech nsLochman LPepy bo Lochm Eu opean es ha ness oppo es asampac ound he wo d? mpu se Speech Impulse Impulse Speech Speech nMarcel n Libor Lochman Impulse Impulse Speech Speech Impulse Speech n Libor Impulse Speech nsaMarcel Verslype n What impact will globalisation have on Europe’s railways, and how can Libor Lochman Luc Luc Lallemand, La emand CEO, CEO Infrabel ncompan abe n n Wha Wha mpac w w gun oba oba sa onhave have Eu Eu ope ope saround aopportunities ways ways and and how how can can n Verslype Luc La emand CEO nEuropean abe nThe Marcel n4th Verslype ng Wha woppo gon oba sa on onworld? Eu ope sGuillaume aMarcel ways and how can n n Marcel Marce Verslype Vers ype The 4th Ra way Package -way nP n mpac What impact will globalisation have on Europe’s railways, and how can 4th Ra way Package -Verslype nteroperab ty and nnInteroperability Guillaume Pepy n Marce Vers ype The 4th Railway Railway Package Package -and -Interope Interop The 4th Ra The The 4th 4th Railway Railway Package Package -Verslype Interoperability n Marce Vers ype The 4th Ra way Package -Vers nterop nThe Marcel n Marcel Verslype Verslype n-Verslype Marcel n Verslype Verslype nand Guillaume The 4th Railway Pac European companies harness opportunities the world? n n Marcel Marcel 4th Railway Package -Verslype Interoperab Eu opean compan es haonness un es ahave ound he wo d? n Marce ype n n Gu Gu aume aume Pepy Pepy European European companies companies harness harness opportunities opportunities around the the world? n Marcel Eu opean compan es ha ness oppo un es a ound he wo d? n Gu aume Pepy European companies harness around the world? companies harness around the world? Authorisation n opportunities Libor Lochman Authorisation mpu mpu seseSpeech Speech n nL L bo bo Lochman Lochman Authorisation mpu mpu seseSpeech Speech Authorisation mpu searound Speech n L bo Lochman mpu se Speech n Ma ce Ve s ype n Libor Lochman n nMarcel Marcel Verslype Verslype n Ma ce Ve s ype n Marcel Verslype n Guillaume Pepy n Gu aume Pepy n nGuillaume Guillaume Pepy Pepy The The 4th 4th Ra Ra way way Package Package -and -way nterope nterop The The 4th 4th Ra way way Package Package -Verslype -Vers nteroperab ty ty and nnteroperab Gu aume n Guillaume Pepy The 4th Ra PacP European companies harness opportunities around the world? n n Marcel Marce ype The 4th Ra way Package -Vers nnteroperab Guillaume Pepy Eu Eu opean opean compan compan es esha haness ness oppo oppo un un es es aness aound ound he he wo wo d? d? n Marce ype Eu opean compan es ha oppo un es aRa ound he wo d?Author Masaki Ogata, Executive Vice Chairman, JR East (invited) Masaki Ogata, Executive Vice Chairman, JR East (invited) companies harness opportunities around the world? sat on Authorisation Authorisation sat on Authorisation Authorisation Masaki Ogata, Executive Vice Chairman, JR East (invited) Masaki Ogata, Executive Vice Chairman, JREuropean East (invited) Author sat on Authorisation Author sat on Authorisation nVerslype, Marcel Verslype nVerslype, Marcel Vers Register now n nMa Ma ce ce Ve Ve sAuthor sype ype Register now nVerslype, Ma ce Ve s ype Marcel Executive Director, n Guillaume Pepy Marcel Executive Director, ERA Marcel Exe n n Gu Gu aume aume Pepy Pepy Marcel Verslype, Executive Director, ERA n Gu aume PepyER n on Guillaume Pepy Masaki Masaki Ogata, Ogata, Executive Vice Chairman, JR JR East East (invited) (invited) Masaki Masaki Ogata, Ogata, Executive Executive Vice Vice Chairman, Chairman, JR JR East (invited) (invited) Masak a Executive Execu veVice V ce Cha man JR Eas ed JR Masak Oga aRegister Execu ve V ce Cha man JR Eas nvChairman, edExecu Masaki Ogata, Executive Vice (invited) n Marcel Masaki Ogata, Executive Vice Chairman, JR East Author Author sat sat Author Author sat sat on on Masak Oga a ve V(invited) ce Cha JREast Eas nv Verslype ed Masak Oga aOga Execu ve VEast ce Cha man Eas nvChairman, ednv man nVerslype, nVerslype, Marcel Marcel Verslype Verslype Author on Author sat on Ma ce Ve sVerslype, ype n Marcel Register Register now now nec Marcel Verslype n Ma ce now Register now Register now Marcel Marcel Executive Director, Director, ERA Marcel Marcel Verslype, Verslype, Executive Executive Director, Director, ERA ERA Ma ce Ve sExecutive ype Execu ve D ec oVe Es Ma ce Ve sto ype Execu ve D oon ERA Marcel Executive Marcel Verslype, Executive Director, ERA Ma ce Ve sERA ype Ex Ma ce Ve sn ype Execu ve Dsat ec oVerslype ERA at the European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. For more details, *Attendance at the European Rail Summit will be limited invited delegates only. For more Masak Masak Oga a a Execu Execu ve ve V V ce ce Cha Cha man man JR JR Eas Eas nv nv ed ed Masak MasakOga OgaaReg a*Attendance Execu Execu ve ve VV ce ceCha Cha man man JR JR Eas Eas nv nv ed ed Libor Lochman, Executive Director, CE Libor Lochman, Executive Director, CER Masak Oga a Execu ve V ce Cha man JR Eas nv ed n Marcel Verslype Masak Oga aOga Execu ve V ce Cha man JR Eas nv ed Libor Lochman, Exec Libor Lochman, Executive Director, CER n n Ma Ma ce ce Ve Ve s s ype ype Register now n Ma ce Ve s ype Reg ster ster now now n Marcel Verslype Register now Reg ster now Ma Ma ce ce Ve Ve s s ype ype Execu Execu ve ve D D ec ec o o ERA ERA Ma Ma ce ce Ve Ve s s ype ype Execu Execu ve ve D D ec ec o o ERA ERA Ma ce Ve s ype Execu v Ma ce Ve s ype Execu ve D ec o ERA *Attendance *Attendance at at the the European European Rail Rail Summit Summit will will be be limited limited to to invited invited delegates delegates only. only. For For more more details, details, *Attendance at the European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. For more de *Attendance the European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. For more details, Libor Libor Lochman, Lochman, Executive Executive Director, Director, CER CER Libor Libor Lochman, Lochman, Executive Executive Director, Director, CER CER *Attendance European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. For mor RegisterLiberalisation nowLiberalisation and inCompetition the Single European Libor Lochman, Executive Liberalisation and Competition in theCompetition Single European Libor Lochman, Executive Director, CER L bo Lochman Execu ve D ec o C Register Register now now L bo Lochman Execu ve D ec o CER Liberalisation and in the Single European and Competition in the Single European L bo Lochman Exe Register now Register now L bo Lochman Execu ve D ec o CER Register now Register now Philippe Citroën, Director General, UNI Philippe Citroën, Director General, UNIFE Philippe Dire Philippe Citroën, Director General, UNIFE *Attendance *Attendance at at the the European European Rail Ra Summit Summ twill w be be limited m ted to to invited nv ted delegates de egates on y For For more more details, deta s Liberalisation Liberalisation and and Competition Competition inbe in the the Single Single European European Liberalisation and and Competition Competition in in the the Single Single European European *Attendance at the European Ra Summ tdelegates w be m ted to nv ted de yve For more de and to register your interest in participating or in watching the proceedings online, visit Liberalisation and Competition in the Single European Liberalisation and Competition in the Single European Lonly. LLochman bo bo Lochman Lochman Execu Execu ve D D ec oCitroën, ovisit CER CER Linvited Lbo bo Lochman Lochman Execu Execu ve ve D D ec ec oegates oUNIFE CER CER *Attendance *Attendance at the at European *Attendance the European *Attendance Rail at Summit the Rail at European Summit the will European be will Rail limited be Summit Rail limited to invited Summit will to invited be will limited be delegates limited to only. invited For only. invited more delegates For details, more delegates only. details, For only. more For details, more det and to register your interest in participating or in watching the proceedings online, Register now L bera sat on and Compet t on n the S ng e European Lon bo Lochman Execu veG L Liberalisation bera sat on and Compet t on n the S ng e European L bo Execu ve D ec oec CER Reg Reg ster ster now now L bera sat on and Compet t on n the S ng e European L bera sat on and Compet t on n the S ng e European Register now *Attendance at the European Rail Summit will be limited to delegates only. For more details, Reg ster now *Attendance at the European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. For more Philippe Philippe Citroën, Citroën, Director Director General, General, UNIFE UNIFE Philippe Philippe Citroën, Citroën, Director Director General, General, UNIFE *Attendance at the European Rail Summit will limited to invited delegates only. For more details, Philippe Citroën, Director Philippe Citroën, Director General, UNIFE *Attendance at the European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. For more details, Railway Area Railway Area Ph ppe C oën D ec o Gene a UN Ph ppe C oën D ec omore Gene amore UN FE Summit Summit be be delegates delegates For For Railway Area Railway Area and and to to register register your your interest interest in participating participating or or in in watching watching the the proceedings proceedings online, online, visit visit Ph ppe oënFE DC Ph ppe C oën D ec o Gene aCvisit UN and to register interest in participating or in watching the proceedings online, visit *Attendance *Attendance *Attendance at the *Attendance at European *Attendance the at European *Attendance the Rail at European the at Summit the Rail European at European Summit Rail the will European Rail be will Rail limited be Summit Rail limited to will invited Summit limited will to invited be limited delegates to will limited invited be delegates to limited invited to only. invited For to only. invited more delegates only. For details, more delegates only. only. more details, For details, only. more more For details, details, more ddet LRailway L bera bera sat sat on on and and Compet Compet tEuropean tin on on n n the the S Sed ng ng e eEuropean European LRailway Lbera bera*A sat sat on on and Compet Compet tat ton on n the the S SSummit ng ng eon e European European and to register your interest participating or in watching the proceedings online, visit Ln bera sat on and Compet twill on n the S ng e European *Attendance *Attendance at the the European European Rail Rail Summit Summit will will be be limited limited to to invited invited delegates delegates only. only. For For more details, details, Land bera sat on and Compet tat n the S ng eto European *Attendance *Attendance at the at European *Attendance the European *Attendance Rail at Summit the Rail at Summit the will European be will Rail limited be Summit Rail limited to invited Summit will to invited be delegates will limited be delegates limited to only. invited For to only. invited more delegates For details, delegates only. details, For only. more details, and to register your interest in participating or in watching the proceedings *Attendance the European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates For more de th Dr Jochen Eickholt, CEO Siemens Rai Dr Jochen Eickholt, CEO Siemens Rail Systems (invited) *Attendance *Attendance at at the the European European Rail Summit will will be be limited limited to invited invited delegates delegates only. only. For For more more details, details, th Dr Jochen Eickholt, Dr Jochen Eickholt, CEO Siemens Rail Syst *Attendance at the European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. For more details, Railway Area Area Railway Area Area Railway Area Railway Area Ph Ph ppe ppe C oën oën D ec ec oonline, o Gene Gene as aRail UN UN FE FE Ph Ph ppe ppe C C oën oën D ec ec o o Gene Gene aC ade UN UN FE FE endance ato he European Ra Summ w be m nv ed de ega es on y For more de aDy sonly. Ph ppe oën D mor ec oS Ph ppe C oën D ec oCEO Gene aC UN FE *Attendance at the European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. For more details, *A endance aRail he European Ra Summ w be m ed o nv ed de ega es on For more as sD Ra way Area Ra way Area *Attendance at the European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. For *Attendance *Attendance at the at European the European Rail Summit Rail Summit will be will limited be limited to invited to invited delegates delegates For only. more For details, more details, Ra way Area Ra way Area and and to register reg ster your your interest nterest in n participating part cin pat ng or or in n watching watch ng the the proceedings proceed ngs online, on ne v tSystems th th Dr Dr Jochen Jochen Eickholt, Eickholt, CEO Siemens Siemens Rail System Syste and to reg ster your nterest n part c pat ng or n watch ng proceed ngs on ne vEickholt, tSystems Dr Dr Jochen Jochen Eickholt, Eickholt, CEO CEO Siemens Siemens Rail Rail Systems (invited) (invited) and to and register to register your and interest your to and interest register in to participating register in your participating interest your or interest in watching or participating in in watching participating the proceedings or the in proceedings watching or in watching online, the online, proceedings visit the proceedings visit online, online, visit visit th *Attendance *Attendance at the at European *Attendance the European *Attendance Rail at Summit the Rail at European Summit the will European be will Rail limited be Summit Rail limited to invited Summit will to invited be delegates will limited be delegates limited to only. invited For to only. invited more delegates For details, more delegates only. details, For only. more For details, more dde Dr Jochen CEO Dr Jochen Eickholt, CEO Siemens Rail Ra Summ towill w m ted nv ted de egates on yvisit deta and to register your interest in participating or in watching the proceedings online, visit Frédéric Cuvillier, French Ministre Délégué in charge of Transport (invited) Frédéric Cuvillier, French Ministre Délégué in charge of Transport (invited) *Attendance at the European Ra Summ twatching w be m ted to nv ted de egates on y For more hin D Jochen E ckho CEO S emens Ra(im and to register your interest in participating or in watching the proceedings online, visit D Jochen E ckho CEO SFor emens Ra Sys ems nv ed Frédéric Cuvillier, French Ministre Délégué in charge of Transport (invited) *Attendance *A endance at a the he European European Rail Ra Summit Summ will w be be limited m ed to o invited nv ed delegates de ega es only. on yinvited For For more more details, de a sFor Frédéric Cuvillier, French Ministre Délégué in charge of Transport (invited) *Attendance *Attendance at at the the European European Rail Rail Summit Summit will be be limited limited to to invited delegates delegates only. only. For more more details, details, hor D Jochen E ckho D Jochen E ckho CEO S emens Ra Sys and to register your interest in participating or in watching the proceedings online, visit *A endance aEuropean he European Ra Summ w be m ed o nv ed de ega es on y more de avisit sRa *Attendance at the European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. For more details, Ra Ra way way Area Area Rail Summit will limited invited delegates only. Ra Ra way way Area Area and to register your interest in participating or in watching the proceedings online, visit *Attendance at the European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. For Ra way Area Ra way Area participating participating or watching or *Attendance at the Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. For more details, *Attendance at the European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. 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For more details, D D Jochen Jochen E E ckho ckho CEO CEO S S emens emens Ra Ra Sys Sys ed D D Jochen Jochen E E ckho ckho CEO CEO S S emens emens Ra Sys Sys ems ems nv nv ed ed and to and register to register your and interest your to and interest register in to participating register in your participating interest your or interest in in watching or participating in in watching participating the proceedings or the in proceedings watching or in watching online, the online, proceedings visit the proceedings visit online, online, visit h and and to to register register your your interest in participating participating or or in in watching watching the the proceedings proceedings online, online, visit visit *Attendance *Attendance at at the the European European Rail Rail Summit Summit will will be be limited limited to to invited invited delegates delegates only. only. For For more more details, details, D Jochen ERa ckho CEO D Jochen E ckho CEO S emens Sys ems *Attendance at the European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. For more details, and to register your interest in participating or in watching the proceedings online, visit *Attendance at the European Rail Summit will be limited to invited delegates only. 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