Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid Cancer Wolfram H. Knapp Department of Nuclear Medicine Nennung für Ihren Vortrag Datum Thyroid Cancer Topics • • • • • • • Epidemiology, Pathology Risk stratification Primary therapy Follow-up care Detection of recurrence Treatment options of relapse / metastases Detection of TC recurrence with PET Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Thyroid Cancer – Incidence • In central Europe about 5 per year / 100.000 inhabitants • In some regions > 10 (e. g. Sicily about 14) • In USA about 8 ______ • World-wide increasing incidence (about factor 2 in last 25 years) • Increase is mainly related to PTC and low T classifications Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Thyroid Cancer – Evolution of Risk Groups • Prevalence of occult microcarcinomas (autopsy) 6-36 % • Prevalence fairly constant in age groups of 20-80 years Conclusion: increase in incidence partly due to ameliorated and intensified diagnostic procedures. Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Thyroid Cancer – Etiology • Sporadic genesis in wide majority • Genetic disposition may occur in 2-6 % • Verified etiologic factor: ionising radiation during growth Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Thyroid Cancer – Pathology Differentiated TC - papillary - follicular 50-80 % 20-40 % Medullary TC 4-10 % Anaplastic TC 2 Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin % 10-y survival 85-90 % 60-70 % 50-70 % 0-9 % Thyroid Cancer – Diagnosis Nodule Inspection, Palpation Sonography Scintigraphy normal or intensified iodine metabolism → benign decreased or failing iodine metabolism → FNAC Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Thyroid Cancer Topics • • • • • • • Epidemiology, Pathology Risk stratification Primary therapy Follow-up care Detection of recurrence Treatment options of relapse / metastases Detection of TC recurrence with PET Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin TNM Classification Systems 2002 (6 th Edition), Modification of 2003 I. T-Staging pT1a pT1b pT2 pT3a pT3b pT4a pT4b (m) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Tumour ≤ 1 cm, restricted to thyroid Tumour > 1 - ≤ 2 cm, restricted to thyroid Tumour > 2 - ≤ 4 cm, restricted to thyroid Tumour > 4 cm, restricted to thyroid Invasion into m. sternocleidomastoideus and/or perithyroid fat tissue Invasion into subcutaneous soft tissue, larynx, trachea, oesophagus, n. laryngeus recurrens Invasion in pre-vertebral fascia, mediastinal vessels or a. carotis Multifocal tumor TNM Classification Systems 2002 (6 th Edition), Modification of 2003 II. N- and M-Staging pN0 pN1a pN1b No regional lymph node metastasis Regional LN metastases in level IV Regional LK metastases in other compartments pM0 pM1 No distant metastases Distant metastases Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Thyroid Cancer – Risk Classification Very low risk Low risk High risk pT1a cN0 M0 pT1b pN0/cN0 M0 pT1m pN0/cN0 M0 pT2 pN0/cN0 M0 any pT3, any pT4 any pN1/cN1 any M1 (European Thyroid Association) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Thyroid Cancer - Individual Risk Stratification Tumor: Physician: Patient: Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Previous radiation, genetic disposition, distance to thyroid capsula, histologic variants, molecular genetics (?) Thyroid remnant, interdisciplinary therapy concept Individual need for safety Thyroid Cancer Topics • • • • • • • Epidemiology, Pathology Risk stratification Primary therapy Follow-up care Detection of recurrence Treatment options of relapse / metastases Detection of TC recurrence with PET Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Primary Therapy – Rationale Thyroidectomy (and loco-regional lymph node dissection) decreases risk of recurrence Ablative radioiodine therapy of thyroid remnant further decreases risk of recurrence Both therapies result in negative hTg and lack of RI uptake → relevant for follow-up care Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Primary Therapy – Surgery Single phase (total) thyroidectomy if cytologic (fine-needle aspiration) diagnosis prior to operation or diagnosis by intra-operative section Dual phase thyroidectomy if first operation related to benign disease and malignancy incidentally detected by histologic work-up of resected specimen. Re-operation within 1 week (morbidity risk!). Not mandatory if unifocal tumour ≤ 1 cm Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Primary Therapy – Surgical Strategies I. Intrathyroid DTC (without transcapsular invasion): Total thyroidectomy, lymphadenectomy not mandatory if lack of suspicion/detection of metastases Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Primary Therapy – Surgical Strategies II. DTC with transcapsular invasion: Radical compartment resection: enbloc-resection of thyroid, surrounding fat tissue, central lymph nodes, and short straight cervical muscles Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Central and bilateral lymph node dissection, pT4 pN1 (4/73) cM0 Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin DTC – Postoperative Treatment • No hormone substitution for endogenous TSH stimulation (> 30 mU/l) • Substitution may be required after extended resections and / or respiratory impairment (e.g. glottis edema) → ablative RI therapy adjourned • TSH stimulation with rhTSH allows RI therapy to be performed immediately post operation • No iodine-containing contrast media prior to RITh Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin DTC – Ablation of Thyroid Remnant with 131I Aims • to eradicate residual carcinoma cells (crossfire effect) • to detect initial metastases if present • to facilitate follow-up care and detection of relapse (hTg, 131I scintigraphy) • to reduce long-term morbidity and mortality Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Long-term efficiency of ablative RI therapy (Sawke et al) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Selectivity of irradiation in ablative RI therapy Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Selectivity of irradiation in ablative RI therapy Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin DTC – RI Therapy for Ablation Indications: • Standard procedure in „High-risk“ and „Lowrisk” groups • Not indicated in “Very-low-risk” group in case of large thyroid remnants (e.g. hemithyroidectomy) • Individual decisions to be taken in “Very-lowrisk” group after total thyroidectomy Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Ablative 131I Therapy – Preparation (1) a) Endogenous TSH stimulation (> 30 mU/l) by hormone withdrawal for 3-4 weeks (depending of size of remnant) b) Exogenous stimulation by 2 x 0.9 mg rhTSH (Thyrogen®) (2) Avoidance of iodine exposition; in case of b) hormone substitution should be discontinued for a few days in order to minimize free iodine in serum (not implemented in guide-lines) (3) Pre-therapeutic RI scintigraphy not mandatory. May help to detect initial metastases, large remnants etc. Because of potential “stunning”, low activity and short interval before therapy recommended. Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin TSH Stimulation – Preferences in Ablative RIT Advantages rhTSH Advantages hypothyreosis - Option for reduction of total and post-operative morbidity - More effective therapy of metastases by longer 131I accumulation (availability of 131I in blood) - Reduction of systemic radiation exposure (kidney function!) - Time window of TSH ↑ sufficient for repeat therapy in case of metastases ↓ Preference in „High risk“ ↓ Preference in „Low risk“ and/or multimorbidity Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Abbreviated Therapy Protocol with rhTSH A: Hormone withdrawal Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin B: with rhTSH Ablative 131I Therapy – Procedure • • • • • • Fasting 4 h before and 1 h after RI administration Single dose activity 1-5 (2-4) GBq Peroral hydration Observation of national regulations for radiation protection Measurement of residual whole-body activity at least daily Whole body scintigraphy with residual activity (e.g. < 250 MBq) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Ablative 131I Therapy – Side Effects • Neck compression symptoms in case of larger remnants Treatment: Ice, antiphlogistics • Sialadenitis Treatment: Stimulation with lemon etc. • Gastritis Treatment: Antiemetics Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Ablative 131I Therapy Contraindications • Gravidity • Lactation and post-lactation period within 6-8 weeks Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Thyroid Cancer Topics • • • • • • • Epidemiology, Pathology Risk stratification Primary therapy Follow-up care Detection of recurrence Treatment options of relapse / metastases Detection of TC recurrence with PET Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Evaluation of Ablative 131I Therapy • Diagnostic 131I whole-body scintigraphy • hTg serum measurement under exogenous or endogenous TSH stimulation 3-6 months post ablation Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Criteria for Verification of Complete Ablation • No 131I accumulation in neck, no pathological locations of 131I activity • hTg < 0.3 ng/ml – 1 ng/ml, depending on sensitivity of test Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin DTC – Follow-up Care • L-T4 substitution (TSH suppression depending on risk group) • Evaluation of hormone levels • Cervical sonography • Determination of hTg • 131I WBS, depending on risk group Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Follow-up Care in “Low Risk” DTC 131I WBS) Ablation Completed(neg. (neg.131 Ablation Completed I WBS) ↓ hTg neg. no hTg ab hTg recovery 80-120 % ↓ laboratory under L-T4 + + sonography: intervals 6-12 mo Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin ↓ hTg pos. or hTg ab pos or hTg recovery impaired ↓ after-care like in “high-risk” including 131I WBS Follow-up Care in “High-Risk” DTC Ablation Completed (neg. 131Î WBS) ↓ ↓ hTg pos. hTg neg. ↓ 131I ↓ ↓ laboratory under L-T4 WBS pos. (2-4 GBq) ↓ WBS neg. + sonography: ↓ intervals 6-12 mo further see left column treatment (hTg neg.) + rhTSH → hTg, 131I WBS at 1,3,5 ..... years (or endogenous) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin ↓ Thyroid Cancer Topics • • • • • • • Epidemiology, Pathology Risk stratification Primary therapy Follow-up care Detection of recurrence Treatment options of relapse / metastases Detection of TC recurrence with PET Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Performance of Routine Tests for Exclusion of Relapse in DTC I. hTg • • • • Under L-T4 simple and cheap, but limited sensitivity (~ 80%) Under stimulated TSH high sensitivity (> 90%) General limitations: hTg antibodies (prevalence in DTC patients ~ 20%; carcinoma cells without secretion of immuno-reactive Tg (FTC > PTC) No differentiation between small remnant, local recurrence or metastases Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Performance of Routine Tests for Exclusion of Relapse in DTC II. Cervical Sonography • Most sensitive imaging method for loco-regional relapse (M Torlontano et al 2004) • Dependent on expertise. Therefore, sensitivity for detection of cervical metastases without results of other test ~ 70% (F Pacini et al 2003) • Limited differentiation between inflammatory and metastatic lymphadenopathy • Regular follow-up needed to achieve adequate accuracy • Doppler flow imaging may increase accuracy Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Performance of Routine Tests for Exclusion of Relapse in DTC III. 131I Whole Body Scintigraphy • • • • High sensitivity in detection of initial metastases Less sensitive in delayed relapse Very high specificity, if artifacts are avoided Planar anterior and posterior views sufficient to exclude 131I foci • If planar imaging positive, SPECT or SPECT/CT helpful to avoid artifacts and to define location Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Ablat. RJTh 16.09.03 (3700 MBq I-131) Kontrolle am 28.01.04 nach 7400 MBq am 19.09.03 PH 200679 Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin SPECT/CT in DTC Follow-up Care with I-131 Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Dia SPECT/CT FTC SPECT/CT 1 year post primary treatment: 131I accumulation in vertebral metastasis Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Supplementary Tests in DTC hTg + / → 131I WBS - [18F]FDG PET Localisation of lesions causative for positive hTg is achieved in 85 % (Feine et al 1996) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin PTC Increase in hTg 3 years post primary therapy. No 131I accumulation. FDG-PET/CT: 2 pulmonary metastases Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin FDG-PET in DTC - Procedure • Fasting > 5 h • Control of serum glucose • TSH stimulation may increase sensitivity (exogenous > endogenous?) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin PTC pT2 N0 M0 rpTx N1b M1 pul After 44.7 GBq I-131-NaI cumulative dose FDG PET Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin FTC pT2a N0 M0 (m 59) TSH 0.04 mU/l, hTg 4.7 ng/ml Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin TSH > 150 mU/l, hTg 30.0 ng/ml Supplementary Tests in DTC Emission Imaging + / 131I Treatment not (alone) Indicated → Contrast enhanced high-resolution CT (alternative: MRT) Planar chest X-ray not indicated in DTC Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Supplementary Tests in DTC FTC with hTg pos. or 131I WBS pos. → Bone scintigraphy with 99m Tc-MDP or 18F-fluoride (PET) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Thyroid Cancer Topics • • • • • • Epidemiology, Pathology Risk stratification Primary therapy Follow-up care Detection of recurrence Treatment options of relapse / metastases • Detection of TC recurrence with PET Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin DTC Relapse – Treatment Options I. hTg + / no localisation by imaging methods → RI therapy (5-12 GBq) may reduce hTg, indication is matter of debate, no outcome data of prospective studies Alternative: wait and see Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin DTC Relapse – Treatment Options II. Uni- or multifocal disease with high 131I uptake and limited tumor load → Preferentially RI treatment (7-12 MBq) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin DTC Relapse – Treatment Options III. Multifocal disease with high tumour load and without surgical option → Repeat RI therapies have to be envisaged, stem cell separation (at < 20-50 GBq) may allow to escalate therapy beyond limitation by bone marrow toxicity (not implemented in guidelines) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin DTC Relapse – Treatment Options IV. Localised metastases / no adequate 131I accumulation → Surgery, debulking, eventually supplementary RI treatment Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin FTC, Thyreoidectomy 11.09.03, hTg neg. 10.10.03 RITh: Ablation of Remnant and Metastases Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin 13.02.04 RITh: Post subtotal Vertebrectomy L2 KC141139 DTC Relapse – Treatment Options V. Bone metastases / no 131I accumulation → Surgery External radiotherapy Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin DTC Relapse – Treatment Options VI. Multifocal or disseminated metastases (e.g. lung) without 131I accumulation, progressive disease • Redifferentiation • Somatostatin analogue radiopeptide therapy • Multikinase inhibitors Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin FTC pT3 N0 M1 pul, oss 14.8.2002 18.2.2004 13-cis-RA FDG-PET: Pulmonary metastasis Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin I-131 WBS: Induction of RI accumulation DTC – Prognosis PTC, FTC, locally confined regionally confined distant metastases locally confined regionally confined distant metastases Poorly differentiated TC Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin : : : : : : 100 % 97 % 81 % 98 % 87 % 45 % : 25-35 % 10 y survival DTC – Adjuvant Therapy TSH stimulates cellular growth when TSH-R is present (in most DTC) → Rationale for TSH-suppressive L-T4 medication Improvement of outcome verified in “high risk” patients Not evidenced in “low risk” Therefore: Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin TSH < 0.1 mU/l in “high risk” TSH near lower normal threshold in “low risk” Potential Long-Term Side Effects by RI Treatment of DTC Metastases Xerostomia, Caries, Sicca-Syndrome Bone marrow depression Lung fibrosis (only in extended lung metastases and repeat RI therapies) Secondary malignomas (> 22 GBq 131I, long delay) Hypo-, azoospermia (> 15 GBq 131I) Oligo-, amenorrhoia Caution: Contraception for 6-12 months post RI therapy Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Thyroid Cancer Topics • • • • • • • Epidemiology, Pathology Risk stratification Primary therapy Follow-up care Detection of recurrence Treatment options of relapse / metastases Detection of TC recurrence with PET Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Detection of TC Recurrence with PET Radiopharmaceuticals (F-18)FDG (I-124)Sodium iodide (F-18)FluoroDOPA (Ga-68)DOTA-X Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Glucose utilization Iodine metabolism Biogen amino synthesis Somatostatin receptor expression PET Radiopharmaceuticals – Mechanisms and Differentiation Types Glucose utilization Tumors with low(er) degree of differentiation Iodine metabolism Differentiated TC and metastases with at least partly preserved differentiation Biogen amino synthesis and SST-R expression MTC with neuroendocrine differentiation Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Diagnosis of DTC Recurrence Rise in Tg level → I-131-whole body scintigraphy If negative: poorly differentiated phenotype of recurrence / metastases → Proceed with diagnostic imaging (cervical sonography being routing in follow-up care) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin PET in Iodine-Negative DTC Recurrence Increased glucose utilization in poorly differentiated tumors Therefore: anticorrelation of I-131 and FDG uptake (U Feine et al 1996, M Dietlein et al 1997, W Wang et al 1999) Nevertheless: ca. 1/3 of I-131 positive findings are also FDG positive! (W Wang et al 2000) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin DTC Recurrence – Relevance of PET Loco-regional or distant recurrence? Extension? Presumptive benefit: early surgical intervention? Local radiation? Prognosis? Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin DTC Recurrence – PET Methodology Standard preparation and imaging technique Visual interpretation, PET and CT correlation Quantification with SUV and “metabolic volume” (only) relevant for follow-up and correlative interpretation (prognosis) Under suppressed TSH or after rhTSH? (T Petrich et al 2002, BB Chin et al 2004) To consider: added diagnostic value, practicability, costs Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin TSH Suppression and rhTSH TSH 0.04 mU/l, hTg 4.7 ng/ml Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin TSH > 150 mU/l, hTg 30.0 ng/ml DTC Recurrence Detection with PET – Results (1) Total metabolic volume most powerful predictor for survival (W Wang et al 2000) (2) Highest accuracy of all imaging modalities, e. g.: Sens./Specif. 87% / 80% (A Quon et al 2007); with n=30 sensitivity PET 82%, ultrasound 52%, CT/MR 63% (E. Banti et al 2008) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin DTC Recurrence Detection with PET – Indications (1) Occult recurrence at Tg > 10 ng/ml (DS Copper et al 2006: US management guidelines)??? (2) In case of positive I-131 finding, if further metastases suspected Discussion: in case of (1) therapy / diagnostics with I-131 (JD Pineda et al 1995, M Schlumberger et al 1979, IR McDougall et al 2001) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin PTC: pT3 pN1a M0 (04/06) Tg < 0.3 under TSH-suppression Tg 4.3 at TSH > 30 mU/l I-131-wb scintigraphy neg. FDG-PET Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin DTC Recurrence – 124I-PET (1) Detection of I-131-negative lesions (H Abdel-Nabi et al 2008: n = 3/8 pts) (2) Accurate localization of tumors detected with I-131 whole body scintigraphy, in particular neck/mediastinum prior to re-operation (3) pre-therapeutic dosimetry (YE Erdi 1999) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Sensitivität I-124 PET Freudenberg et al. (Essen) Eur Radiol 2003 Dec;13 Suppl 4:L19-23 RVL LDR WBS 8d p.i. 6 GBq I-131 Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin MIP 24h p.i. 100 MBq I-124 PET/CT Discussion of Added Value by I-124PET (1) Alternative: if I-131 negative → FDG-PET; if negative → I-131-therapy / diagnostics, Tg follow-up (2) Alternative: SPECT/CT subsequent to I-131 whole body scintigraphy Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin SPECT/CT - Iod-131 in Dental Prosthesis Patientin mit SD-Karzinom und 3700 MBq Iod-131 zur Restablation: Nach Entfernung der porösen Zahnprothese in der Zahnklinik: Planare Szintigraphie mit Iod-131 5 d p. o. Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Discussion of Added Value by I-124-PET (1) Alternative: if I-131 negative → FDG-PET; if negative → I-131-therapy / diagnostics, Tg follow-up (2) Alternative: SPECT/CT subsequent to I-131 whole body scintigraphy (3) Benefit compared with standard dosage questionable (tumor heterogeneity, microdosimetry problematic, unfavorable physical properties of I-124 complicate quantification; comparative data on efficacy and costs of I-124-PET and I-131 SPECT are not available) Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin MTC Recurrence – Imaging Diagnostic imaging required if calcitonin level positive or rising post total thyroidectomy Cervical ultrasound obligatory part of followup care Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin MTC Recurrence – Role of PET Clinical relevance: Cure by early surgical intervention possible? Loco-regional or distant recurrence? Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin MTC Recurrence Detection with PET Methods / Radiopharmaceuticals (1) (F-18)FDG (2) (F-18)FluoroDOPA (3) (Ga-68)DOTA-X Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin FDG-PET in MTC Recurrence Literature partly controversial; predominantly higher accuracy than with other imaging modalities SC Ong et al 2007: E Banti et al 2008: TJ Musholt et al 1999: P Szakaly et al 2002 P Szakaly et al 2002 S. Högerle et al 2001: Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin n = 28: sensit: 78 % at calc > 100 ng/ml n = 26: sensit: 73 %, > CT/MRI,US, treatment change in 1/3 prospective n = 10, FDG+ bei 9 pt, 39 lesions, thereof 4 fp und 10 fn MRI + in 4 pt in 11 lesions, 1 fp und 20 fn n = 40: FDG+ in 38 pt in 270 lesions CT+ in 141 lesions MRI+ in 116 lesions n = 52: FDG+ in 49 pt, CT+ in 35 pt, MRI+ in 32 pt, MIBG+ in 3 pt n = 11: FDG+ in 66 % and 44 % (local and lymph nodes) CT/MRI+ 100 % and 69 % FDOPA-PET in MTC-Recurrence No sufficient study data S Högerle 2001: n = 11: FDOPA+ 66% and 88% FDG+ 66% and 44% B Benthien-Baumann 2007: n = 15: FDOPA+ 47% FDG+ 47% Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin (Ga-68)DOTA-X-PET in MTC Recurrence Heterogeneous study data, as different ligands with different SST-R subtype affinity are used Advantages: - High flexibility (no cyclotron product) - Probably highest accuracy to be achieved (SST-R + also in case of non intensified glucose utilization) - Almost no physiological accumulation - In case of accumulation in metastases, option of PRRT by analogy Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin BP 050945 08/05 PET-Schichten, CT, PET/CT: 68Ga-DOTATOC MTC pT2a N0 M0 Stadium II (ED 1992) jetzt Calcitonin 415 pg/ml (<100) → Ln – Metastase prätracheal Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin MTC: Ga-68-DOTATATE Progression 01/08: Calc.: 1140; CEA: 3 Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin Remission 01/09: Calc.: 1580; CEA: 7 06/09: post 7 GBq Lu-177-DOTATATE MTC: Ga-68-DOTATATE 2 x 7 GBq Lu-177-DOTATATE 05/08: Calc.: 80 080 Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin 06/09: Calc.: 171 500 Thank you for your attention Wish you Wonderful Stay in Budapest Klinik fü für Nuklearmedizin