KOMUNA petran.pmd - Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit
KOMUNA petran.pmd - Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit
1 PLANI I ZHVILLIMIT TE TURIZMIT KOMUNA PETRAN Përgatitur në projektin “Punët me Komunitetin III” Qershor 2009 Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Me asistencën e FSHZH Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 2 K y plan zhvillimi i turizmit per komunen Petran u hartua ne kuader te projektit “Punet me Komunitetin III”, financuar nga Banka per Zhvillim e Keshillit te Europes (CEB) dhe zbatuar nga Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit. Strategjia eshte pergatitur nga Qendra per Kerkim dhe Zhvillim, agjensia e kontraktuar per pergatitjen e ketij Plani Zhvillimi te Turizmit nga Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit. Botimi i ketij plani behet me financimin nga granti i Norway Trust Fund. 3 Tabela e Përmbajtjes I. PARATHENIE............................................................................................. 5 II. KARAKTERISTIKA TE PERGJITHSHEM TE KOMUNES SE PETRANIT ........ 7 III. HARTA DHE BURIMET TURISTIKE TE KOMUNES PETRAN 13 IV. ANALIZA SWOT ...................................................................................... 16 V. REKOMANDIME ...................................................................................... 19 VI. PLANI I VEPRIMIT TE TURIZMIT ............................................................. 20 Hapi 1; Zhvillimi i Profilit te Tregut te Turizmit .................................... 21 Hapi 2; Lista e Pasurive dhe Potencialeve Turistike. ........................... 21 Hapi 3; Lista e Problematikave per Turizmin ..................................... 25 Hapi 4; Zhvillimi i Turizmit nepermjet qellimeve dhe objektivave te percaktuara ......................................................... 29 Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Hapi 5; Zhvillimi i Objektivave te Turizmit, Implementimi i Planit Veprues .......................................................... 30 Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 4 5 I. PARA THENIE ARATHENIE Plani Veprimit te Turizmit eshte nje rezultat i drejtperdrejte i Planit Strategjik te Komunes se Petranit. Qellimi primar i ketij plani eshte “Zhvillimi i Turizmit” ne baze te politikes se vazhdueshme te turizmit “Per ta khtyer Petranin ne nje zone turisitike nepermjet zhvillimit dhe promovimit te burimeve natyrore dhe traditave historike”. Grupi i Eksperteve te Qendres per Kerkim dhe Zhvillim asistoi ne zhvillimin e ketij plani per Komunen dhe sugjeroi qe komuna te shfrytezoje Planin e Veprimit per Turizmin ne menyre qe te permiresoje kerkesat e caktuara per te arritur Planin e tij Strategjik “ Per Zhvillimin e Turizmit”. Procesi i Planit Veprimit te Turizmit eshte plan i orientuar drejt veprimit. Ky plan eshte fokusuar ne identifikimin e pasurive turistike kryesore te komunes dhe ne gjetjen e menyres, per permiresimin e tyre. Pervec dokumenteve per politiken e zhvillimit te turizmit ne komune jane marre ne konsiderate dhe dokumenta te tjera strategjike ne lidhje me zhvillimin e Permetit dhe Gjirokastres. Komuna e konsideron faktor te rendesishem: (i) (ii) permiresimin e rrugeve qe lidhin komunen e me qytetin e Permetit, si dhe bashkepunimin me kete qytet per arritjen e qellimit per te promovuar Komunen Petran ne nivel rajonal, kombetar dhe nderkombetar. Plani i Veprimit te Turizmit ne Petran u pergatit ne bashkepunim me Keshillin e Komunes dhe kontributit te vecante te Kryetarit te komunes Petran. Grupi i Punes ne draftin e zhvillimit turisitik te planit te veprimit ka perfshire perfaqasues te: 1) Biznesit privat direkt ne sherbim te turisteve, 2) OJQ qe jane perfshire ne zhvillimin ose organizimin e aktiviteteve turistike, 3) zyrtare te pushtetit lokal pergjegjes per sigurimin e infrastruktures perkatese, e cila eshte e domosdoshme per plotesimin e nevojave te turisteve gjate vizitave ne kete zone. Ky Plan Veprimi per Turizmin mund te percaktohet si “nje dokument i shkruar ne interes te zones, i cili do te ndihmoje ne zhvillimin direkt te turizmit si dhe promovimin e tij ne nje periudhe afatshkurter dhe afatgjate. Ky plan eshte zhvilluar dhe mbeshtetur formalisht nga grupe individesh dhe agjenci qe perfaqesojne nje pjese te gjere te industrise se turizmit ne zone. Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Ndersa ka ngritur shqetesimet per zhvillimin e turizmit, stafi i QKZH-se ka perdorur ekspertizen e diponueshme te zones. Kjo ekspertize ka ndihmuar ne venien e fokusit tek objektivat kryesore, te cilat menjehere sapo te permbushen do te cojne ne nje permiresim te industrise se turizmit ne zone. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 6 Plani jep drejtimin per bizneset, pushtetin lokal dhe organizatat e tjera te interesuara te analizojne tregun e turizmit, potencialet e turizmit, si dhe problematiken e tij me qellim qe nepermjet objektivave te vendosura te kapercehen pengesat dhe te sigurohen asetet. Meqenese turizmi eshte nje industri ne zhvillim, plani do te monitorohet dhe vleresohet periodikisht ne menyre qe te behen rregullimet e nevojshme. 7 II. KARAK TERISTIKA TE PERGJITHSHME KARAKTERISTIKA TE K OMUNES PETRAN KOMUNES Komuna e Petranit u krijua ne Gusht te vitit 1992 me riorganizimin e pushtetit lokal. Komuna perfshin nje territor te gjere prej 18423 ha dhe gjendet ne rrethin e Permetit, Qarku i Gjirokastres. Komuna e Petranit eshte kufizuar me keto njesi te qeverisjes vendore: (Foto e hartes se komunes) Veri- Komuna e Çarçoves; Jug – Komuna e Piskoves; Lindje – Komuna Frasher dhe Perendim – Vargmalet e Nemerçkes dhe Dhembelit. Petrani eshte nje vend i mrekullueshem ku kodrat dhe luginat gershetohen me njera-tjetren, ndersa lumi Vjosa siguron nje pamje piktoreske te lugines. Pjesa kryesore e fshatrave te Petranit shtrihen pergjate lugines se Vjoses, ndersa 6 fshatra te tjere ndodhen ne kodrat dhe malet ne nje lartesi prej 600-900 m mbi nivelin e detit. Komuna e Petranit ka nje popullsi prej 3067 banoresh, te cilet jetojne ne 15 fshatrat e komunes. Fshatrat e Komunes Petran jane: Kaludh, Petran, Gjinkar, Badlonje, Leshnice, Leuse, Bodar, Qilarishte, Tremishte, Novosele, Skutaraq, Lipivan, Benje, Ogdunan, Delvine, Trepozisht. Shtepite jane perqendruar me shume ne lagje te vogla poshte kodrave rreth lugines se Vjoses dhe lidhen midis tyre me ane te rrugeve qe kryqezohen. Shtepite jane ndertime te reja me nje ose dy kate. Komuna Petran ka nje pozicion gjeografik qe lejon zhvillimin e ekoturizmit dhe turizmin kulturor, megjithate nuk ka tregues te nje zhvillimi te tille ne zone. Nisur nga fakti qe Komuna Petran eshte afer me me qytetin e Permetit, ajo mund te perfitoje nga sherbimet qe ofrohen ne qytet. Ndermjet turisteve qe mund te vizitojne komunen, kategoria e turisteve qe vizitojne komunen per perdorimin e banjave termale perben numrin me te madh te turisteve qe mund te vijne çdo vit ne periudhen e veres. Sipas te dhenave vjetore rreth 20 000 vizitore vijne ne banja termale te fshatit Benje (Komuna Petran) dhe rreth 700 turiste vizitojne monumentet kulturore te komunes. Nuk ka te dhena reale per te ardhurat qe mund te gjenerohen nga keta turiste. Megjithate jane 3 hotele dhe restorante ne fshatin Benje, Iliar dhe Badlonje me nje kapacitet mesatar prej 20 dhomash dhe 35 shtreterish. Perveç kesaj jo Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Potenciali Turistik Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 8 te gjithe turistet qe vizitojne komunen e Petranit akomodohen ne keto hotele pasi shumica e tyre akomodohen ne hotelet e qytetit te Permetit, ose ne shtepite e te afermeve apo shokeve te tyre. Familjet ne zonen e Permetit perfshire ketu edhe komunen e Petranit jane shume te njohura per traditat e tyre ne gatim, si dhe per industrine e prodhimit ushqimor. Per kete arsye, ka mundesi te mira per zhvillimin e turizmit familjar ne fshat. Per me teper, nisur nga fakti qe nuk ka shume hotele ne komunen e Petranit akomodimi i turisteve nga banoret ne shtepite e tyre do te çoje ne rritjen e numrit te turisteve qe do vizitojne zonen. Shume familje ne komune e Petranit mund te perdorin shtepite e tyre (hanet) per turistet, mund te permiresojne standartet e tyre te jeteses, si dhe mund te trajnohen ne lidhje me ate se si mund t’u sherbejne me mire turisteve. Kapitali Shoqeror Nisur nga dendesia e popullsise fshatrat kryesore te komunes jane: Kaludh, Petran, Badlonje, te ndjekuar nga Bodar, Qilarisht, Skutaraq. Vlen te permendet fakti qe ne komune nuk ka patur migrim te popullsise, kjo si pasoje e pozites gjeografike te vete komunes, e cila shtrihet ne hyrje te qytetit te Permetit. Numri i familjeve gjate viteve 1990-2007 ka patur nje pakesim prej 12% (nga 920 familje ne 1990 numri i tyre ariti ne 820 ne fund te 2007-tes). Nderkohe, brenda komunes verehet nje levizje e brendshme e popullsise drejt fshatrave te Benjes, Tremisht dhe Trepozisht. Mosha mesatare e popullsise eshte relativisht e re (36% e popullsise eshte nen 18 vjeç) tregues ky qe ka mbetur i njejte gjate 10 viteve te fundit. Pothuajse te gjitha fshatrat lidhen me komunen me ane te rrugeve qe jane te kalueshme gjate gjithe vitit. Keto rruge nuk jane ne kushte te mira. Ato nuk jane te asfaltuara, dhe siperfaqja e tyre ka gropa te shumta. Duket qarte qe rruget nuk mirembahen. Arsimi Komuna ka aktualisht rreth 15 shkolla ne te gjitha fshatrat, nga keto 13 jane shkolla fillore, 2 shkolla 9-vjeçare dhe nje shkolle te mesme te pergjithshme. Nisur nga distanca e afert me qytetin e Permetit, nuk ka shkolle te mesme ne komunen e Petranit, keshtu nxenesit perdorin transportin publik per te shkuar ne shkolle. Ne komune numerohen 15 kopshte publike dhe nuk asnje kopesht privat. Ne te dy nivelet, si ne shkollen fillore dhe ne ate 9-vjeçare, numri i nxenesve eshte zvogeluar. Totali i nxenesve qe ndjekin shkollen ne komunen Petran eshte 214, nga te cilet 25 nxenes ndjekin shkollen 9-vjeçare. Nje problem shqetesues eshte numri i ulet i nxenesve te cilet 9 ndjekin shkollen fillore dhe ate 9-vjeçare, dhe po aq shqetesues eshte dhe numri i nxenesve qe ndjekin shkollen e mesme. Por me gjithe tentativat e bera per te permiresuar infrastrukturen arsimore, mbeten akoma probleme te natyrave te ndryshme per t’u zgjidhur . Zbavitja dhe koha e lire. Sporti dhe jeta kulturore ne komunen Petran eshte shume e varfer dhe pothuajse nuk eksizton fare. Komuna Petran nuk ka qender kulturore dhe sportive. Nuk ka terrene sportive, ose fusha futbolli, tavolina tenisi, palestra etj. Nuk ka librari ose qender interneti. Banoret nuk jane te perfshire ne aktivitetet e jetes sociale dhe kulturore te komunes Petran. Sherbimet Shendetesore Komuna e Petranit ka 12 qendra shendetesore, me 12 infermiere dhe 2 klinika ku punojne me kohe te plote vetem dy doktore. Gjithashtu, nuk ka farmaci dhe klinike dentare. Perveç fshatrave Tremishte, Ogdunan, Delvine, sherbimet mjekesore jane te siguruara ne te gjitha fshatrat e tjera. Per komunen eshte e domosdoshme te kete me shume farmaci dhe nje maternitet. Sherbimet Sociale Numerohen rreth 54 familje ne komunen Petran te cilat perfitojne nga skema e ndihmes sociale, si dhe 20 individe te verber te cilet perfitojne nga skema e invaliditetit dhe sherbimi shendetesor per njerezit e paafte. Familjet te cilat perfitojne nga skema e ndihmes sociale banojne ne fshatin Leuse, pasi ky fshat nuk ka siperfaqe te punueshme te tokes bujqesore. Cilesia e jetes varet nga niveli i infrastruktures dhe cilesia e sherbimeve te ofruara nga komuna. Ne komunen e Petranit gjenden 3 restorante, ne pjesen e siperme, qe kane ambiente te perdorshme si hotele me nje kapacitet prej 20 dhomash dhe 35 shtreterish. Bare te vogla dhe kafene jane funksionale ne te gjitha fshatrat e komunes. Furnizimi me uje, telefonia celulare dhe mjetet e shtypit jane te garantuara. Megjithate nuk ka aktivitete te vecanta te organizuara per te terhequr turistet apo vende argetimi per femijet. Cilesia e jetes varet nga niveli infrastruktures dhe cilesia e sherbimit ne komune. Ka mungese te zhvillimit te infrastruktures rrugore qe mund te sjelle turistet ne komune nga rruga kryesore. Eshte e rendesishme te permendet qe komuna e Petranit ka mungese ne zhvillim e infrastruktures dhe sistemin e trajtimit te ujrave dhe mbetjeve urbane. Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Sherbimet turistike Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 10 ZHVILLIMI EKONOMIK I KOMUNES PETRAN Burimet e te ardhurave per familjet e fermereve gjenerohen me se shumti nga aktiviteti i tyre privat ne ferme. Punesimi ne sektorin privat dhe publik eshte shume i ulet. Eshte mese e dukshme qe pjesa me e madhe e njerezve eshte e punesuar ne sektorin e ndertimit dhe sherbimit, por keto sektore nuk ofrojne vende pune permanente. Per pasoje, forca e lire e punes eshte e angazhuar ne bujqesi, rritjen e kafsheve, frutikulture dhe biznese te vogla. Rreth 50% e forces se punes ne kete zone operon ne sektorin bujqesor, 20% ne tregetimin e bagetise se imet, 5% jane perfshire ne tregeti dhe sherbime, dhe rreth 25% e tyre jetojne ne emigracion, kryesisht ne Greqi dhe Itali. Fuqia punetore e Komunes Petran eshte rreth 1200 individe. Ne zone jane disa ferma te vogla bujqesore si dhe kope me bageti te imta. Perveç fshatit Leuse, te gjithe familjet e tjera zoterojne rreth 0.1-0.4 ha toke per çdo person ne familje, te shperndare ne 5-8 ngastra toke per çdo ferme. Çdo familje zoteron rreth 1-2 lope. Bujqesia Komuna Petran ka nje siperfaqe prej 1377 ha toke bujqesore (nga e cila 837 ha eshte toke e kultivuar). Gjate viteve 1990-2007 eshte vene re nje rritje e konsiderueshme e nivelit te foragjereve dhe nje pakesim i vazhdueshem i dritherave. Vlen te theksohet fakti se siperfaqet e vreshtarise kane patur nje rritje ne me shume se 10 ha gjate periudhes 2002-2007. Kjo tregon se fermeret kane filluar te investojne ne zhvillimin e bujqesise dhe tendenca e tyre fokusohet ne zhvillimin e vreshtarise ne perdorimin e saj per lende te pare, ose si produkt i gatshem. Sistemi i furnizimit me uje mbulon nje siperfaqe te kufizuar toke, rreth 8% te tokes bujqesore te komunes dhe 13% te tokave te kultivuara. Siç shihet dhe nga te dhenat e mesiperme, niveli i furnizimit me uje mbetet nje nga shqetesimet me kryesore qe duhet permiresuar ne zonat bujqesore. Perpunimi i rrushit realizohet nga vete fermeret. Rritja e numrit te vreshtave dhe perpunimit te rrushit, ka rritur ndjeshem problemin e magazinimit dhe te tregtimit te produktit. Gjate viteve te fundit, fermeret jane perqendruar ne kultivimin e rrushit, perimeve dhe frutave. Aty gjenden aktualisht 71.5 ha vreshta, nga te cilat 28.5 ha jane te reja. Kjo komune ka nje tradite ne industrine e perpunimit te ushqimit, me se shumti ne perpunimin e rrushit dhe frutave per prodhimin e veres, rakise, si edhe te lengjeve te ndryshme te frutave. Kjo tradite dhe interesi per te investuar ne bujqesi perbejne mundesi te shkelqyera per zhvillimin e agroturizmit bujqesor. 11 Blegtoria Komuna eshte e njohur per rritjen e bagetise se imet, aktualisht numerohen 3728 krere dhi, 9718 dele, 956 lope, 218 koshere blete, por megjithate ne disa fshatra, sidomos ne zonen e Baldonjes eshte vene re nje ulje e numrit te bagetive te imta. Renia ka qene e madhe neper fshatrat me nje sasi te madhe bagetish, ndersa ne fshatrat me nje sasi me te vogel renia ka qene me e vogel. Ne saje te statistikave te fundit, prodhohen 13600 kv qumesht ne vit, nga ku 10000 kv perpunohet ne 5 baxhot e shperndara ne territorin e komunes, ndersa sasia tjeter konsumohet nga familjet, ose shitet nga vete ato ne treg. Emigrimi Nga zonat Badlonjes dhe Leshices kane emigruar rreth 870 njerez dhe keto dy fshatrat jane me te prekura nga emigrimi. Pothuajse 115 familje jane larguar nga komuna, ndersa pjesa tjeter rreth 300 persona ose 25% e forces punetore konsiderohen si emigrante sezonale ne Greqi. Te ardhurat e tyre jane nje burim i rendesishem ne jeten e komunitetit dhe per investimet e fermereve. Infrastruktura Uji- Komuna Petran ka burime te mjaftueshme te ujit te pijshem si per zonat malore ashtu dhe ato fushore dhe nuk ka mungese te furnizimit me uje, perveç rasteve kur ka punime ne rrjet. Megjithate eshte gjithmone e nevojshme qe sistemi i furinizimit me uje te pijshem te mirembahet. Rruget – Rruget ekzistuese ne zonat malore kane nevoje per pastrim dhe mirembajtje. Jane rreth 11 km rruge te mirembajtura dhe qe nuk kane ngarkese, por mbeten dhe 7 km rruge qe kane nevoje te rregullohen, kryesisht ne fshatrat Badlonje, Benje dhe fshatrat e Petranit. Rrjeti telefonik – Ka akses vetem per telefon celular. Planifikimi Urban– Eshte e nevojshme te behen shume studime dhe projekte ne lugine sepse çeshtjet e prones dhe levizjes demografike kane krijuar probleme ne krijimin e hartes planifikuese per fshatrat. Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Ndriçimi - Ndriçimi i rrugeve eshte perfunduar ne 5 fshatra (Petran, Kaludh, Gjinkar, Skutaraq, Leshice) dhe eshte planifikuar te behet ne 4 fshatra te tjera, si ne Kaludh, Benje, Ogdunan dhe Leshice. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 12 Tregetia dhe Sherbimi Ne komunen Petran rritja e iniciatives private eshte shume e kufizuar. Jane rreth 11 njesi tregtimi dhe 7 njesi sherbimi te cilat operojne ne komune.. Sherbimet perfshijne: marangoz, sherbime mekanike, etj. ndersa njesite tregetare tregtojne atrikuj te pergjithshem. Afersisht 5% e njerezve jane punesuar ne keto njesi. Turizmi Siç eshte permendur edhe me lart, komuna e Petranit ka potenciale te medha turistike, por ka mungese te infrastruktures per te terhequr turistet ne zone. Ka 3 hotele/restorante, si dhe disa bar-kafe qe sherbejne ne fshatrat e komunes. Grupi i dyte me i madh i turisteve qe vizitojne zonen, perveç turisteve kalimtare, eshte ai i personave qe vijne per qellime kurative, per perdorimin e banjave termale. Jane rreth 20 000 vizitore qe mund te shpenzojne 15 dite ne periudhen e veres, nga muaji qershori ne muajin tetor, dhe mund te gjenerojne te ardhura nga 30 000 deri ne 45 000 euro. Numri i vizitoreve do te rritej shume, nese do te ekzistonte nje rruge e mire e cila do te lehtesonte vajtjen tek banjat termale. Kjo eshte pershtypja edhe e turisteve qe vizitojne zonen, te cilet ankohen per kushtet e rruges. Nje tjeter grup i interesuar turistesh eshte ai qe viziton zonen per arsye gjuetie te kafsheve te egra (lepur, dhelper, ujk, zogj etj). Jane rreth 1800 gjuetare qe vizitojne zonen gjate sezonit te gjuetise dhe qe shpenzojne 2-3 dite ne zone dhe gjenerojne rreth 30 000 euro te ardhura. Grupi i trete i vizitoreve perbehet nga grupe te vogla turistesh te cilet vizitojne komunen e Petranit ne dite te veçanta per te festuar ceremonite fetare dhe per te vizituar monumentet kulturore te Petranit. Megjithate, per shkak te rruges se keqe per te vajtur tek monumentet kulturore dhe kishat e mirenjohura te komunes se Petranit, jane vetem 700 njerez qe vizitojne monumentet. Investimet ne infrastructure, te cilat do te lehtesonin vajtjen e njerezve ne destinacionet turistike, jane shume te domosdoshme ne zone dhe do te rrisin ne menyre te ndjeshme numrin e turisteve. Petrani ka potenciale te ndryshme turistike dhe avantazhe qe mund te perdoren me mire dhe te gjenerojne me shume te ardhura per zonen dhe komunen nese do kishte infrastrukturen e duhur. 13 Bredhi i Petranit Bredhi i Petranit gjendet ne luginen e siperme te Vjoses, Petran-Çarçove, dhe ka nje siperfaqe prej 1 ha. E veçanta eshte se bredhat jane rritur dhe zhvilluar ne nje zone jashte Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit III. HAR TA DHE BURIMET TURISTIKE HART TE K OMUNES PETRAN KOMUNES Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 14 arealit te perhapjes se bredhave. Ne lartesine 300-350 m mbi nivelin e detit, bredhi shoqerohet me shkurre te llojit mare dhe shkoze. Bredhi ka vlera te veçanta biologjike, mosha mbi 45 vjet, nga i cili mund te perfitohen bime te rendesishme si sherebela, dellinja dhe lis rralle, po ashtu bredhi i Petranit njihet si nje bime e rendesishme per zhvillimin e zones. Zona e Shqerise ndodhet ne zonen jug-lindore te qytetit te Permetit, rreth 10-12 km larg dhe kjo zone me faunen dhe floren, karakterizohet nga vendburime te hershme te para 2 mije vjeteve. Burimet e ujrave termale, kanionet dhe shpellat tipike te kesaj zone formojne nje sistem ekologjik me vlera mjedisore. Ujrat Termale te Benjes Keto njihen me emrin banjat termale te Benjes dhe ndodhen 14 km larg qytetit te Permetit. Ne komunen Petran, gjenden 6 burime ne rreze te shkembinjve masive, ne te dy anet e lumit Lengarice. Rruga per te shkuar ne keto monumente natyrore eshte nepermjet itenerarit automobilisitik Permet-Petran-Benje. Ujerat me baze sulfurore kane efekte shume te larta kuruese nga te cilat 4 burime perdoren per semundje kronike te reumatizmes, nje tjeter per semundjet e stomakut, dhe i fundit per semundjen e lekures. Ujrat termale te Benjes kane nje temperature prej 26-32ºC. Keto burime u shfytezuan nga shteti ne vitet 1964-1975 dhe aktualisht ato jane te demtuara sepse shfrytezohen ne menyre te pa-organizuar nga banore te qytetit te Permetit ne vere. Kanionet “Ura e Dashit” Ky kanion ndodhet 200 m larg burimeve termale ne te dyja anet e lumit Lengarice, lartesia 30 m, gjeresia 2 m, e duke zbritur perreth vargu i kanioneve vjen duke u zmadhuar deri ne lartesi 150 m, e gjeresi 10-12 m, duke u bere nga me tipiket e vendit. Kanionet kane terhequr vemendjen e vizitoreve dhe shkencetareve te huaj dhe vendas. Kisha e Shen Merise ne Leuse Ndodhet buze fshatit Leuse, eshte ndertuar ne shekullin e 18-te nga greket dhe eshte nje objekt qe bie menjehere ne sy kur shkohet ne Leuse. Pjesa e perparme e kishes eshte si manastir, vete kisha eshte si tempull, dhe rrethohet nga 3 perrenj te medhenj qe dalin nga malet dhe derdhen ne lumin Vjosa. Perpara kishes gjenden disa monumente te vjetra varresh te viteve 1800-1900. 15 Eshte folur shpesh se piktori ishte ne moshe te re kur filloi te pikturonte kishen, dhe nje plak me bastun kur e mbaroi ate. Kisha kishte 2 “motra”, Kisha e Benjes dhe ajo e Kosines. Me date 8 Shtator organizohet nje feste e madhe, Festa e Shen Merise, ku me qindra turiste vizitojne vendin. Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Pjesa e jashtme e kishes eshte e pikturuar me shume afreske te ndryshem. Jane 2 dhoma ne kishe, te cilat ishin ndare ne tre pjese, qe perdoreshin nga grate, burrat, dhe ne fund nga nuset e reja. Qoshja e dhomes se grave qe nga koha e luftes greko-romake dhe sot vazhdon te perdoret per pagezimin e besimtareve. Kisha eshte rikonstruktuar ne vitin 2000. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 16 IV T IV.. ANALIZA SWO SWOT Pikat e forta x x x x x x x Vende turistike terheqese Njerez bujar Interes nga pushteti lokal per te mbeshtetur zhvillimin e turizmit ne zone Mundesi per te perdorur banjat termale per qellime shendetesore/ kurative Ekzistenca e monumenteve te ndryshme kulturore ne komune Mundesi per te zhvilluar produktet e agroturizmit bujqesor Cilesi e larte e produkteve tradicionale lokale dhe produkteve te disponueshme ne tregje dhe ne dyqane produkte te prodhuar tradicionalisht si raki, vere, mjalte dhe reçel Avantazhet x x x x x x Akses i lehte per ne banjat termale si pasoje e distances se shkurter nga qyteti i Permetit dhe rruga nacionale Tradite e mire ne prodhimin e produkteve bujqesore dhe gatimin ne zone Bujaria dhe mikepritja e njerezve qe presin turistet ne shtepite e tyre/hanet Vende per pushim (parqe, pyje, zona malore) Restorante te nje cilesie te mire dhe me çmime te ulet Disponueshmeri e mini-marketeve dhe furrave te bukes Pikat e dobeta x x x Mungese e infrastruktures ne rrugen qe lidh qytetin e Permetit me destinacionet turistike (banjat termale, kisha e mirenjohur dhe monumentet kulturore) Mungese e strukturave te akomodimit ne restorante dhe hotele Niveli i ulet i sherbimeve turistike te ofruara ne komune Kercenimet x x x x x Kushte me te mira te rruges per te bere te mundur vajtjen ne krahina te tjera atraktive te Shqiperise Lehtesira per t’u akomoduar ne qytet Lehtesira per t’u akomoduar ne banja te tjera termale ne vend Mungese fondesh per te mbeshtetur zhvillimin e turizmit dhe zhvillimin e projekteve Mungese e materialeve promocionale dhe te marketingut te cilat promovojne vlerat atraktive, turistike dhe kulturore te zonave te komunes 17 LIDHJA ME STRATEGJINE KOMBETARE TE TURIZMIT Ne muajin Dhjetor 2005, Ministria e Turizmit, Kultures, Rinise dhe Sporteve, mbeshtetur nga PNUD, aprovoi Strategjine e Re Kombetare te Turizmit, e ashtuquajtur “Strategjia dhe Plani i Veprimit per Zhvillimin e Sektorit te Turizmit Shqiptar”. Strategjia e rishikuar u aprovua ne vitin 2008. Elementet kyç te strategjise jane: · Promovimi i natyres, trashegimise kulturore, turizmit kulturor, dhe zhvillimi i ekoturizmit · Sigurimi i nje menaxhimi te qendrueshem ne drejtim te krijimit te nje impakti pozitiv te trashegimise kulturore dhe natyrore Nje numer i pikave kyçe dhe avantazheve per sektoret e perfshire jane listuar me poshte: a. b. c. Ruajtja me e mire e biodiversitetit dhe trashegimise kulturore Turizmi dhe ekoturizmi çojne ne hapjen e vendeve te reja te punes dhe rritjes se te ardhurave per komunitetin lokal Residentet lokale do te kene perfitime nga produktet lokale Duke krahasuar objektivat e zhvillimit te turizmit per komunen e Petranit me elementet e Strategjise Kombetare te Turizmit, duket qarte se keto objektiva reflektojne dhe mbeshtesin strategjine kombetare. Ministria ne kuadrin e realizimit te objektivave te saj strategjike jep mbeshtjetjen institucionale ne implementimin e Planit te Veprimit te Turizmit ne Petran dhe kjo gjithashtu ndihmon dhe vete Ministrine si institucion. LIDHJA ME PLANIN E ZHVILLIMIT LOKAL Shumica e projekteve te listuara ne planin e zhvillimit, jane te pershtatshme per krijimin e infrastruktures baze per zhvillimin e turizmit ne kete zone. Avantazhi kryesor eshte se komuna Petran ka aktualisht burime te ujit te pijshem, keshtu qe nevojitet vetem mirembajtja e sistemit te ujit. Sidoqofte furnizimi me uje, eshte nje faktor lehtesues per turistet qe do te vizitojne zonen e si rrjedhim e vendos Petranin ne nje situate te favorshme ne lidhje me furnizimin me uje. Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Komuna e Petranit ka hartuar tashme planin lokal te zhvillimit, duke identifikuar fushat kryesore per zhvillimin social dhe ekonomik te saj si dhe ka paraqitur propozime konkrete per zhvillimin ne te ardhmen e afert. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 18 Projekte te tjera qe lidhen me permiresimin e kushteve te rruges qe lidhin fshatrat me qendren e komunes mbeten kritike, kjo per faktin se permiresimi i kushteve te rruges çon ne perfitimin e sherbimeve qe ofron komuna dhe sherbime te tjera publike, si arsimi, shendetesia, etj. 19 V. REK OMANDIME REKOMANDIME 1. Lobim ne nivel lokal, rajonal dhe kombetar per permiresimin dhe mirembajtjen e rrugeve kombetare qe kalojne ne zone. 2. Sigurimi i nje cilesie te larte te rrugeve per ne destinacionet turistike ne zone. 3. Kooperim dhe bashkepunim me agjensite turistike shqiptare dhe operatoret turistik per promovimin e aseteve turistike dhe perfshirjen e tyre ne paketa promocionale te ketyre operatoreve. 4. Inkurajimi i sektorit privat te turizmit me qellim rritjen e kualifikimit per stafin drejtues dhe ate ne sherbim direkt te vizitoreve, si dhe stimulimin e shtepive per turistet/hanet ne fshatrat e komunes. 5. Dizenjimi i materialeve promocionale per komunen e Petranit si harta e komunes, harta e qytetit te Permetit si dhe nje guide per krahinen e Gjirokastres. 6. Krijimi i nje faqe interneti per zonen ne te cilin do te listohen vlerat turistike, aktivitetet turistike dhe sherbimet. 7. Promovimi i zhvillimit te agroturizmit ne zone. Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Rekomandimet kryesore per mbeshtetjen e turizmit ne komunen e Petranit si nje nga prioritet kryesore qe gjeneron te ardhurat ne zone jane si me poshte: Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 20 VI. PLANI I VEPRIMIT PER ZHVILLIMIN E TURIZMIT QKZH ka bazuar punen e saj ne hartimin e Planit te veprimit per zhvillimin e turizmit ne komunen Petran, ne perkufizimin e Turizmit si “Eksperienca e njerezve qe udhetojne larg shtepise se tyre per çlodhje, lodhje, pushim, ose biznes”. Fjala “turist” per pasoje perfshin te gjithe tipet e udhetareve si pushuesit tipik, shoket, te afermit, personat qe vijne per te bere biznes, persona qe vijne ne zone per te perfituar nga sherbimet qe ofrohen ne zone, si dhe persona qe marrin pjese per konferenca ose takime dhe udhetare qe kalojne per te shkuar ne destinacione te tjera. Jane 5 komponente kyç qe konsiderohen te nevojshem per analizimin e potencialeve te turizmit dhe ndermarrjen e veprimeve per zhvillim: Pasurite turistike, eventet dhe aktivitetet - perfshijne veçorite e natyres dhe ato te bera nga dora e njeriut ne komune, qe jane ne interes te turisteve dhe perbejne arsyen kryesore te ardhjes se tyre. Marketingu turistik dhe promovimi: perfaqeson menyren sesi individet dhe grupet e komunes Petran planifikojne te reklamojne zonen tek turistet potenciale. Infrastruktura e TTurizmit: urizmit: perfshin nevojat baze dhe lehtesirat e nevojshme si dhe te disponueshme per turistet ne udhetimin e tyre si: rruget, zone parkimi, sinjalistika, uji dhe lehtesira gjate organizimit te eventeve ose aktiviteteve te ndryshme. Mikepritja TTuristike: uristike: ka te beje me menyren sesi u sherbehet klienteve, trajtimi dhe mikepritja nga stafi ne kontakt te drejtperdrejt me turistin, gjate udhetimit ne zonen e Petranit. Sherbimi per individet: perfshin te gjitha sherbimet qe plotesojne nevojat e turisteve ne komune si: hotele/motele/resorte, fusha kampingu, restorante, dyqane, operatore turistik, sherbime turistike etj. 21 Hapi 1: Zhvillimi i profilit te turizmit Para se te zhvillohen dhe te promovohen pasurite dhe vlerat e zones, sherbimet dhe infrastruktura qe kerkohet per te ofruar nje turizem te suksesshem, eshte e rendesishme te percaktohet se çfare perfaqeson Petrani, cilat jane prioritetet e turizmit per secilin segment te tregut. Si rrjedhoje, hapi i pare i Planit te Veprimit te Zhvillimit te Turizmit eshte grumbullimi i nje sasie te madhe informacioni per segmentet e tregut. Kjo u realizua ne saje te nje pyetsori me grupe te ndryshme njerezish, te cilet dhane pergjigje pyetjeve perkatese per te gjithe segmentet e tregut. Grupi i njerezve te perfshire ne pyetsor perfaqeson segmente te ndryshme qe vizitojne Petranin dhe ne baze te rendesise u be renditja per secilin segment. Rezultatet: Grupi i punes percaktoi segmentimin kryesor te tregut per komunen Petran Bazuar ne analizen e pyetsorit, grupi i punes renditi 5 segmentet kryesore te tregut si me te rendesishme per industrine e turizmit ne zonen e Petranit: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pasagjeret tranzit (te cilet udhetojne per ne zona te tjera ne jug te Shqiperise) Pushuesit frekuentues te llixhave ne Petran dhe klimes Pjesemarresit ne takime me grupe te vogla Personat me makina personale qe kalojne transit Gjuetaret Keto segmente tregu ne rajon konsiderohen si me realet dhe me te lehta per t’u zhvilluar ne periudhe afat shkurter. Per kete grupi i punes mendon qe ne ate se çfare ofron Petrani, Shqiperia ka shume pune per te bere, perpara se te terheqe tregjet e rendesishme nderkombetare. Pese potencialet e mundshme si komponente te zones per perdorimin e aseteve te tyre ne industrine e turizmit. Secili komponent eshte listuar sipas rendesise qe paraqet. Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Hapi 2: Lista e Pasurive Turistike: Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 22 Asetet me te vleresuara lidhen me akomodimin e turisteve dhe sherbejne si prioritet baze i ketij tregu. Rezultati : Vetem tre vlerat me te rendesishme jane paraqitur me poshte: Vlerat - PPasurite asurite TTuristike uristike – Evenimentet dhe Aktivitetet 1) Qendra Termale e Benjes 2) Pasurite Turistike (Guri i Famshem, Kishat) 3) Natyre dhe klime e mrekullueshme, dhe sezoni turistik – Qershor - Shtator Pasurite - Marketingu dhe PPromovimi romovimi TTuristik: uristik: 1) Qeverisje e mire lokale 2) Koordinimi me Bashkine e Permetit Vlerat – Infrastruktura TTuristike uristike 1) 24 ore energji elektrike 2) Uje te pijshem 24 ore ne dite 3) Sherbimi i mire i telefonise 4) Distance e afert me qytetin e Permetit Vlerat – Mikepritja 1) Banoret mikprites 2) Akomodimi (Hotelet e Permetit, Hotel Nemerçka, Hani i Colit) 3) Banore te kulturuar Vlerat –T urizmi - sherbimi per individet –Turizmi 1) Cilesi e larte e ushqimeve dhe produkteve te ndryshme lokale 1) Restorante te mira dhe me çmim te ulet 2) Marketingu per produktet tradiconale si vere/raki, reçel 23 Profili i Tregut te Turizmit Vlerat TTuristike, uristike, Eventet dhe Aktivitetet Nr 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Vlerat Kishat e Benjes, Leuses Llixhat e Benjes Kanionet e Lengarices Ura e Kadiut Shpella e Pellumbave Lugina e Lengarices Mali i Nemerçkes Uji i ftohte i Megallarit Bredhi i Petranit Guri i Petranit Pyjet e Lupekes Uji i ftohte i Sopotit (15 qershor - 15 shtator) Natyre dhe klime e bukur, sezoni turistik Qershor - Shtator Ngjitje ne mal Gjueti Nr Vlerat 1. Qeverisje e mire lokale 2. Bashkepunim i mire me Bashkine e Permetit dhe Qarkun e Gjirokastres 3. Televizioni lokal dhe gazetat 4. Eksperienca e shperndare nga vizitoret Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Marketingu, PPromovimi romovimi i Vlerave TTuristike uristike Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 24 Vlerat TTuristike, uristike, Infrastruktura Nr 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vlerat Energji elektrike pa nderpreje Uje i pijshem pa nderprerje Sherbim i mire komunikimi dhe telefonie Sherbim mjekesor Sherbim postar Vlerat TTuristike, uristike, Mikepritja dhe prodhimet lokale Nr 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Vlerat Gliko te ndryshme Raki-vere Punime artizanale - qilima, punime leshi Punime dore - qendisma Tradita e mikpritjes Llokume me bajame Mjalti i zones Shtepi te pastra Banore te qyteteruar Vlerat TTuristike, uristike, Sherbimet per individet Nr 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Vlerat Cilesi e larte e ushqimeve dhe e produkteve lokale qe gjenden ne pazar dhe ne dyqane Restorante te mira dhe me çmim te ulet Marketingu i veres tradicionale dhe rakise Mini-markete te disponueshme Tregu i gjese se gjalle Vende per relaksim (parqe, pyje, zona ne male) 25 Hapi 3: Problematika ne lidhje me zhvillimin e turizmit Rezultatet: Me poshte jane paraqitur vetem tre problemet/shqetesimet kryesore per çdo perberes te listes Problematika – Vlerat TTuristike, uristike, FFestat estat dhe Aktivitetet 1) 2) 3) Nuk ka legjislacion kombetar apo rajonal per inkurajimin e zhvillimit te turizmit Mungese te aktiviteteve/eventeve qe te terheqin vemendjen grupeve te ndryshme te turisteve Mungese ne ruajtjen e vlerave kulturore/artistike te zones Problematika – Marketingu dhe PPromovimi romovimi i turizmit 1) 2) 3) Mungese e nje faqe interneti per zonen Promovim i kufizuar per zonen ne nivel rajonal, kombetar dhe nderkombetar, Mungese e nje guide lokale per pershkrimin e vlerave te zones Problematika – Infrastruktura e TTurizmit urizmit 1) 2) 3) Aksesi ne rrugen nacionale Rruget rurale (lokale) nuk jane ne gjendjen e duhur teknike per te siguruar arritjen ne destinacionet turistike ekzistuese Ndertimi i fshatrave turistike/shtepive per turiste ne zonen e banjave termale te Benjes 1) 2) Banoret potencial per t’u perfshire ne sektorin e turizmit nuk kane njohuri te gjuheve te huaja apo dhe ne lidhje me ofrimin me cilesi te sherbimeve Stafi drejtues nuk eshte i kualifikuar Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Problematika – Mikepritja: Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 26 Problematika – Sherbimi per Individet: 1) 2) 3) 4) Mungese informacioni ne lidhje me potencialet dhe asetet turistike qe gjenden ne teritorin e komunes Petran (Petran, Benja, Leusa) Mungese informacioni per promovimin e shitjeve te punimeve tradicionale, ushqimeve dhe pijeve lokale Mungese dyqanesh qe promovojne dhe shesin produktet lokale (punime dore, ushqime, pije etj). Mungese te kredive me kushte lehtesuese te cilat do te inkurajonin sektorin privat per te forcuar atraksionet turistike ne zone Problematika Vlerat turistike, eventet dhe aktivitetet Nr Vlerat Nuk ka nje kuader ligjor kombetar, rajonal apo lokal per te inkurajuar zhvillimin e turizmit 1. 2. Mungese te aktiviteteve dhe eventeve qe ngjallin interes kombetar dhe rajonal Nuk ka infrastrukture per sportet dimerore: • teleferik per ski/chalet (shtepi te vogla prej druri) • fusha patinazhi • rruge per alpinistet • pajisje me qera 3. Problematika Vlerat turistike, eventet dhe aktivitetet Nr 1. 2. Vlerat Mungese e nje faqe interneti per zonen Promovim i limituar per krahinen ne nivel rajonal, kombetar dhe nderkombetar 3. 4. Mungese e guidave lokale/ fletepalosje/ broshura per te promovuar te gjithe atraksionet turistike te zones Mungese e bashkepunimit promocional me subjektet e turizmit shqiptar dhe agjencite turistike 27 5. 6. 7. qp gj Mungese e sinjalistikes per vendet turistike Mungese DVD per te promovuar vlerat e turizmit Mungese e kalendarit mbi eventet dhe aktivitetet turistike (kulturore, fetare, historike, sportive etj.) 8. Mungesa e promocionit ne gazetat kombetare si dhe TV lokale 9. Nuk ka programe shkollore per shkembim eksperience 10. Mungese e guidave turistike Problematikat Infrastruktura TTuristike uristike Nr 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Vlerat Rruga nacionale eshte teper e ngushte Nevojitet lidhja e zones turistike me rruge me te mira, veçanerisht lidhja e fshatit me komunen ose me kishen e Leuses Eshte e nevojshme ndertimi i vilave turistike, ose apartamenteve, veçanerisht per turistet/pushuesit qe do vizitojne ujrat termale te Benjes Sinjalistika rrugore orientuese per ne vendet turistike jane kufizuara Rruget rurale (lokale) nuk jane ne kushte te favorshme per arritur destinacionet turistike ekzistuese dhe potenciale i te te te Aksesi dhe fuqia e internetit ne zone eshte nje pike e dobet Ndertimi dhe mirembajtja e rrugeve malore Problematika Nr 1. Vlerat Ka nevoje t’u ofrohet trajnim banoreve qe do te ofrojne shtepite e tyte turisteve 2. Nevojitet te krijohet nje draft i hartes dhe i guides te cilat do te ofrojne informacion per shtepite, restorantet, vendet terheqese te komunes si dhe mundesite qe ekzistojne per te shkuar atje 3. Personat e perfshire aktualisht ne sektorin e turizmit ne komune nuk kane njohuri te gjuheve te huaja Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Mikepritja dhe prodhimet lokale Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 28 4. 5. g Stafi drejtues i hoteleve nuk eshte i kualifikuar Mungojne shoqeruesit e trajnuar te guidave turistike 6. Mungesa e nje shkolle profesionale hoteleri- turizem ne rajon Problematika Turizmi, Sherbimet per Individet 1) Mungese informacioni ne lidhje me potencialet dhe asetet turistike qe gjenden ne teritorin e komunes Petran (Petran, Benja, Leusa) Mungese informacioni per promovimin e shitjeve te punimeve tradicionale, ushqimeve dhe pijeve lokale Mungese dyqanesh qe promovojne dhe shesin produktet lokale (punime dore, ushqime, pije etj). Mungese te kredive me kushte lehtesuese te cilat do te inkurajonin sektorin privat per te forcuar atraksionet turistike ne zone 2) 3) 4) Nr 1. 2. Vlerat Mungese informacioni ne lidhje me potencialet dhe asetet turistike qe gjenden ne teritorin e komunes Petran (Petran, Benja, Leusa) Mungese informacioni per promovimin e shitjeve te punimeve tradicionale, ushqimeve dhe pijeve lokale 3. Mungese dyqanesh qe promovojne dhe shesin produktet lokale (punime dore, ushqime, pije etj). 4. Mungese te kredive me kushte lehtesuese te cilat do te inkurajonin sektorin privat per te forcuar atraksionet turistike ne zone Mungese e nje sistemi qendror ngrohje Mungesa e nje hoteli te madh ku mund te akomodohen grupet te medha pjesemarresish ne mbledhje te ndryshme 5. 6. 29 Hapi 4: Qellimi dhe objektivat e turizmit: Qellimet dhe objektivat jane zhvilluar ne menyre qe te kalohen shqetesimet dhe te rriten vlerat turistike. Paraqitja e qellimeve eshte bere thjesht duke vendosur fjalen “Te permiresohet… “ ne fillim te pese komponenteve kryesore te permendura me siper. Per rrjedhoje pese qellimet te zhvillimit te sektorit te turizmit ne zonen e Petranit jane: Permiresimi i vlerave, eventeve dhe aktiviteteve turistike ne zone Permiresimi i marketingut dhe promocionit per turizmin ne zone Permiresimi i infrastruktures se turizmit Permiresimi i informimit dhe ndertimi i kapaciteteve ne fushen e turizmit Permiresimi i nivelit te sherbimeve per individet Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Udhetim ne krahina te tjera ne jug te Shqiperise Kurimi i semundjeve ne basenet e ujrave termale 2 2. Bizneset personale Vizita ne Petran per arsye shendetesor e/ Cfare bejne ata ketu? 1 Renditja 1. Autobus Tranzit per Pasagjeret (qe udhetojne ne zona te tjera ne jug te Shqiperise) “(p)”pershk rimi i potencialev e) Tipet e turisteve bazuar ne “Qellimin e Udhetimit te pare (Pas çdo tipi te turisteve “(e)” pershkrimi i ekzistuesve Gjate vitit MarsNentor Akomidimi dhe sherbimet Burime te rralla me ujra termale jane te disponueshe m ne zone Ne cilen periudhe te vitit ata vijne ketu? Sherbimi fast-food Vende pushimi publike b) A jane ata te disponueshem (po/jo)? a)Cfare sherbimesh kerkojne ata? Perdorim i sistemit rrugor kombetar dhe lokal qe kalon ne kete zone Perse e bejne ketu? autobus, furgon, makine personale Autobus tranzit Me cfare vijane ata ketu? a) Ȕ1 b) 50,000 c) Ȕ50,000 a) Ȕ15/dite b) 20,000 c) Ȕ30,00045,000 15 dite a) Ȕ per person/dite b) # njerez/vit c) te ardhurat totale/vit Sa para shpenzojn e? 1 Ore Sa eshte kohez gjatja e qendr imit te tyre? Nga zonat perreth Jugu i Shqiperise Nga jane ata? a) Te gjithe grup moshat b) 50% burra 50% gra c) Te gjitha nivelet e edukimit d) Nga niveli mesatar ne nivele te larte te ardhurash a) 45-75 vjec b) 40% burra 60% gra c) te gjitha nivelet e Cilet jane ata? a) Mosha, b) gjinia, c) Edukimi, d) Shuma e te ardhurave Numrat jane stabel, meqenese 5-7 autobuza kalojne çdo dite per ne jug te Shqiperise Permiresimi i mundesise per perdorimi ne rruges Promovimi produkteve te ndryshme in ne bashkepun im me Cfare tendencash paraqesin ? Sherbimi transit urban, ekzistues Cfare eshte bere per ti terhequr ata ketu? Hapi 5: Zhvillimi i Objektivave te Turizmit, Implementimi i Planit te Veprimit, Progami, 1 Vit. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 30 Udhetimi per/nga bregdeti i jugut te Shqiperise ose nga Greqia Gjuetia e kafsheve te egra (lepur, dhelper, ujq, zogj, etj.) 4 5 4. Kalimi tranzit me makina personale 5. Pushimetgjuetia Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Pjesemarrje ne seminare dhe takime 3 3. Organizimi i takimeve me grupe te vogla mjekesore Zona ka nje shumellojshm eri zogjsh dhe kafshesh Perdorimi sistemit rrugor lLokal dhe kombetar qe kalon permes zones Te organizuara nga agjencite lokale Zona e lejuar (rezervimi) per gjueti (ne pyll po) Personel dhe guide lokale (persona) ( po) per gjueti, Mjete (jo) Akomodimi (po/jo) Mbledhje dhoma (po), ushqimi/restorant i (po/jo) Dhuratat (jo), Produktet lokale(po) Ndihma visuale& dhe Suporti Informatik ( po) Restorante (po/jo), Shenja rrugore (po/jo), pika karburanti (po) Disa ore Makina personale Makina fuoristrade Gjate gjithe vitit, por kryesisht ne vere ShtatorShkurt 2 dite 1-2 days Makina personale Gjate vitit a) Ȕ8 b) 1800 c) Ȕ28,800 a) Ȕ4 b) 10,000 c) Ȕ40,000 a) Ȕ12 - Ȕ25 b) 700 c) Ȕ 16,800 Ȕ 35,000 Numrat po rriten meqenese shume individe perdorin makina personale Aktualisht asgje Shoqata e Gjuetareve , Departamn eti i Sherbimit Pyjor a) Te gjitha, moshat b) 50% burra 50% gra c) Shkolle e mesme & Universitet d) Nivel mesatar dhe i larte te ardhurash a) 32-55 b) 100% burra c) Shkolle e mesme & Universitet d) nivel i larte te ardhurash Shqiperi, Greqi, Kosove, Maqedoni Korce Rrethe& Tirane Numrat jane stabel, por gjuetaret nevojitet nje rregullore Kerkohet, akomodim me i mire ushqim me i mire dhe infratrukture me e mire Rritja e kapacitete ve per te perballuar grupe te medha vizitoresh a) 25-50 grup m osha b) 80% burra 20% gra c) Diplome universitare d) te ardhura mesatare (Tirane, Pogradec, Korce, Erseke) pushtetin lokal edukimit d) te ardhura mesatare 31 Tregjet e implikuara: 1. Miqte dhe te afermit 2. Turistet 3. Udhetaret ne zone (qofte me furgona, autobus apo makina private) 4. Tregetaret 5. Adhuruesit e natyres 6. Pacientet e semure dhe vizitoret ne llixha 7. Fansat sportive dhe lojtaret 8. Pjesemarresit ne takime 9. Gjuetaret Arsyeja: Permiresimi i rruges nacionale ne kete zone do te rrise numrin e turisteve qe vine ne zone Problematika: Rruga nacionale eshte teper e ngushte Objektivi: Lobimi ne nivel lokal, rajonal dhe kombetar per permiresimin dhe mirembajtjen e rrugeve nacionale qe pershkojne kete zone. Qellimi: Permiresimi i infrastruktures se turizmit Sipas renditjes: 1 Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 32 Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit 3. Vazhdimi i lobimit dhe ndjekja deri ne momentin qe shqetesimet per rrugen nacionale te adresohen aty ku duhet. Sigurimi i mirembajtjes se rruges, menjehere pas permiresimit te infrastruktures se saj. 2. Kontakte dhe takime me personat e lartpermendur duke iu paraqitur kerkesen per zgjerimin dhe permiresimin e rruges nacionale Hapat qe do ndermerren 1. Identifikimi i biznesmeneve lokale, parlamentareve dhe zyrtareve shteterore qe kane interesa te perbashketa per zhvillimin e turizmit ne zone, zhvillimin e pergjithshem te zones, si dhe persona pergjegjes per ndertimin/mirembajtjen e rrugeve (Ministria e Turizmit, Kultures, Rinise dhe Sporteve; Ministria e Trannsporteve; Ministria e Ekonomise; Keshilli i Qarkut Gjirokaster, Bashkia Permet etj.) Qeverisja lokale Investitoret, Komuniteti biznesit Nga Kush i Kur 1 vit Rezultatet Perfshirja e planit per permiresimin dhe mirembajtjen e rruges kombetare qe kalon ne zone ne Planin Kombetar te ndertimit dhe mirembajtjes se rrugeve 33 Tregjet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. e implikuara: Miqte dhe te afermit Turistet Udhetaret ne zone (qofte me furgona, autobus apo makina private) Tregetaret Adhuruesit e natyres Pacientet e semure dhe vizitoret ne llixha Fansat sportive dhe lojtaret Pjesemarresit ne takime Gjuetaret Arsyeja: Megjithese ka vende te shumta turistike ne zone, aktualisht eshte shume e veshtire te shkosh, si pasoje e rrugeve qe jane ne gjendje teknike te degraduar:: rruge te pashtruara me asfalt, te pa mirembajtura dhe ne gjithe siperfaqen e tyre jane te gropezuara. Problematikat: Rruget rurale (lokale) nuk kane aktualisht kushte te favorshme per te krijuar mundesi aksesi per ne destinacionet turistike ekzistuese apo potenciale. Objektivi: Permiresimi i infrastruktures lokale qe lidh me vendet turistike ne zone Qellimi: Permiresimi i infrastruktures se turizmit Sipas renditjes: 2 Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 34 Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit 8. Monitorimi i implementimit te projektit nga komuniteti i medias dhe Turistet 7. Implemetimi i projektit/projekteve ne baze te prioriteteve. 6. Kerkohen propozime per kontrata; behet rishikimi dhe perzgjedhja e kontraktoreve. 5. Bazuar ne fondet e disponueshme, perzgjidhet rruga qe mund te permiresohet: afatshkurter, afat mesem – afat gjate. 4. Negocimi me agjencite qeveritare, institucionet, dhe donatoret per fonde. Hapat qe do ndermerren Kush Kur 1. Nje grup pune me pjesemarres drejtues dhe punonjes te E iniciuar nga 1 vit bashkise /sektori i puneve publike. komuna ne bashkepunim me 2. Nisur nga vendodhja e 10 pikave kryesore turistike behet Bashkine e percaktimi i kushteve te aksesit per çdo rruge. Permetit dhe donatoret e 3. Zhvillimi dhe skicimi i projekteve te ndertimit (duke perfshire mundshem kostot qe nevojiten per t’i bere keto rruge ne standartin e duhur. Permiresimi i aksesit per ne destinacionet turistike dhe rritja e numrit te turisteve qe vizitojne zonen. Zhvillimi i projektit per ndertimin e rrugeve i cili do te aprovohet nga autoritetet lokale. Rezultatet Terheqja e donatoreve/ nxitja e interesit te qeverise per te investuar ne rruget lokale ne drejtim te destinacioneve turistike. 35 Hapat qe do ndermerren 1. Te identifikohen agjensite turistike/ operatoret turistike qe jane te interesuar te bashkepunojne ne promovimin dhe shitjen e vlerave turistike te zones. Aksesimi ne industrine e turimit shqiptar Kush Qeverisja lokale Komuniteti i biznesit Donatoret potencial OJQ dhe operatoret turistike Kur 1 vit Tregjet e implikura: 1. Miqte dhe te afermit 2. Turistet 3. Udhetaret ne zone (qofte me furgona, autobus apo makina private) 4. Tregetaret 5. Adhuruesit e natyres 6. Pacientet e semure dhe vizitoret ne llixha 7. Fansat sportive dhe lojtaret 8. Pjesemarresit ne takime 9. Gjuetaret Rezultatet Promovimi i vlerave turistike te komunes se Petranit tek agjencite turistike qe operojne ne rajonin e Gjirokastres, si dhe agjensive turistike ne Tirane qe organizoj- Arsyeja: Bashkepunimi me agjencite turistike ekzistuese dhe operatoret eshte nje rruge e pershtatshme per te terhequr ne menyre te shpejte turistet ne zone. Problematikat e Nxjerra: Mungese e bashkepunimit promocional me turizmin shqiptar/agjencite turistike. Objektivi: Bashkepunimi me agjensite turistike shqiptare dhe operatoret turistike me qellim promovimin e vlerave turistike te zonave dhe perfshirja e tyre ne paketat promovuese. Qellimi: Permiresimi i Marketingut dhe Promocionit per Turizmim Sipas renditjes: 3 Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 36 Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit 5. Monitorimi, analizimi, dhe vleresimi i proçesit: rishikimi dhe permiresimi aty ku shihet e nevojshme. 4. Venien ne zbatim te “Planit te Takimit te Partnereve, duke mbledhur se bashku biznesin privat te zones, OJF dhe agjencite turistike per te diskutuar krijimin e nje partneriteti. 3. Bazuar ne Studimet e bera behet perzgjedhja e agjencive/operatoreve te pershtatshem te cilet garantojne kontakt direkt dhe percaktojne rruget e bashkepunimit. (psh udhetim ne Tirane, organizimi i nje takimi familjarizimi per partneret potenciale te zones) duke parqitur materialet promocionale te zones (shiko Objektivin 1). 2. Te percaktohet se çfare po promovojne ose çfare eksursionesh po organizojne aktualisht agjensite turistike/ operatoret turistike ne zone. Te behet mbledhja e materialeve promocionale ekzistuese (shikimi i tyre me Ministrine e Turizmit, Kultures, Rinise dhe Sporteve Organizatat kombetare te Turizmit dhe SNV). nepermjet kontaktit me ane te e-mailit ([email protected]) ne paketa turistike per turistet lokal dhe te huaj. 37 Perberja e tregut: 1. Miqte dhe te afermit 2. Turistet 3. Udhetaret ne zone (qofte me furgona, autobus apo makina private) 4. Tregetaret 5. Adhuruesit e natyres 6. Pacientet e semure dhe vizitoret ne llixha 7. Fansat sportive dhe lojtaret 8. Pjesemarresit ne takime 9. Gjuetaret Arsyeja: Per te patur nje rritje ne drejtim te turizmit, eshte e domosdoshme te ofrojme nje sherbim profesional dhe te perfundojme nje pakete turistike mikepritese. Problematikat e Nxjerra: Stafi drejtues nuk eshte i kualifikuar. Stafi ne kontakt te drejtperdrejte me turistin (psh: kamarieret, recepsionistet e hoteleve, furnizuesit e pikave te karburanteve nuk jane trajnuar per t’u marre me turistet. Ka mungese te personave qe do bejne guiden ne zone Individet qe do t’u sherbejne turisteve nuk kane njohuri te gjuheve te huaja. Objektivi: Inkurajimi i turizmit privat ne Shqiperi, rritja e kualifikimit te stafit drejtues dhe stafit ne kontakt te drejtperdrejte me turistin si dhe inkurajimi i hapjes se shtepive te familjareve per turistet. Qellimi: Permiresimi i nivelit te mikepritjes ne turizem (Informimi dhe trajnimi ne Industrine e Turizmit Sipas renditjes 4 Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 38 Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit 5. Dergimi i moduleve te hartuara te trajnimit tek bizneset private qe merren me turizem per rishkimin e moduleve te trajnimit, percaktimin e punonjesve qe do marrin pjese ne trajnim dhe perzgjedhja e datave. 4. Takimi me grupet e interesuara per trajnim per organizimin e moduleve te trajnimit (psh. personat e linjes se pare qe jane ne kontakt direkt me turistin, drejtuesit/ supervizoret) dhe kostot e trajnimit. 3. Nese ka shprehje interesi te mjaftueshme, te kerkohet per ambjentet ku do te organizohet trajnimi (psh. Universiteti i Gjirokastres, Universiteti i Korçes). 2. Listimi dhe afrimi i bizneseve te zones per te percaktuar nevojat e trajnimit, numrin e punonjesve te perfshire, si dhe çfare interesi kane ata vete, apo punonjesit e tyre per te marre pjese ne programin e trajnimit. Perfshirja e zonave te reja, ku ekzistojne mundesite e punesimit. (psh personat qe do drejtojne guidat turistike). Hapat qe do ndermerren 1. Te formohet nje grup pune qe te beje identifikimin e nevojave per trajnim, vendet ku do te organizohet trajnimi, perfshire stafin ne kontakt me turistet, te cilet te kene nivele qofte te pakta te gjuheve te huaja. Nga kush Kur Komuniteti lokal, 6 muaj – 1 vit Qeverisja Lokale Operatoret e Biznesit Operatoret turistike OJQ Donatoret potencial Rezultatet Rritja e kapaciteteve njerezore te bizneseve qe operojne ne sektorin e turizmit per te evidentuar nevojat e tyre dhe per te permiresuar cilesine e sherbimit ndaj klientit dhe turisteve 39 10. Vazhdimi i monitorimit, analizimit, dhe vleresimit te proçesit te trajnimit per zonen e turizmit, rishikimi dhe permiresimi kur eshte i nevojshem. 9. Permiresimi i moduleve te trajnimit dhe berja e ketyre trajnimeve ne baze vjetore nese verehet nje interes i vazhdueshem. 8. Gjate nje periudhe nga 6 deri ne 12 muaj, nepermjet anketimeve pronaret e bizneseve mund te shikojne nese ka patur permiresim te kenaqesise se klientit, si dhe rritje te fitimit. 7. Anetaret e grupit te punes marrin pjese ne sesionet e trajnimit per te pare rezultatet dhe per tu shperndare pjesemarresve formen e vleresimit. Rezultati i jepet pronareve te bizneseve dhe trajnuesve. 6. Dergimi i infromacionit te trajnimit tek agjencite turistike dhe kerkimi nga ana tyre te perfundojne modulet e trajnimit dhe perzgjedhjen e vendeve / datave te trajnimit. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 40 Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit 3. Parashtrimi i mundesive per Komunen dhe anetaret e komunitetit per te pare faqen e internetit dhe per te bere verejtjet dhe komentet e tyre. 2. Ndertimi i nje harte per zonen turistike, eventeve, zonave qe duhet te promovohen ne faqen e internetit. Hapat per t’u ndermarre 1. Krijimi i nje grupi pune per zhvillimin e faqes se internetit (kerkimi i faqeve interneti te tjera turistike, te cilat mund te merren si shembull). Nga Kush OJQ, Komuna, Donatoret Kur 1 vit Rritja e numrit te turisteve lokal dhe te huaj qe vizitojne zonen Rezultatet Marketimi i vlerave turistike te komunes se Petranit ne nivel rajonal dhe kombetar, si dhe tek turistet e huaj. Objektivi: Ndertimi i faqes se internetit per zonen, ne te cilin te listohen vlerat turistike, eventet, aktivitetet dhe sherbimet. Problematikat e Nxjerra: Mungese e nje faqe interneti per zonen. Arsyeja Arsyeja: Mund te behet nje promocion elektronik i cili iu pershkruan vizitoreve vlerat turistike qe ofron zona e Petranit. Tregjet qe implikohen: 1. Miqte dhe te afermit; 2. Turistet; 3. Adhuruesit e natyres; 4. Sportistet profesioniste. Qellimi: Permiresimi i Marketingut dhe Promocionit per Turizmin Sipas renditjes (5) 41 6. Rishikimi/permiresimi i faqes se internetit ne baze te vleresimit. 5. Monitorimi dhe vleresimi i perdorimit te faqes se internetit dhe zones turistike per te pare suksesin/impaktin e faqes se internetit. 4. Venia ne perdorim e faqes se internetit, krijimi i adreses, kostot, identifikimi i personit qe do te beje ne menyre te vazhdueshme azhornimin e faqes se internetit me eventet, aktivitetet dhe vendet terheqese. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 42 43 June, 2009 Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit TOURISM DEVELOPMET PLAN OF PETRAN COMMUNE Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 44 T ourism Development Plan of Petran Commune was prepared by the Center for Research and Development, contracted by the Albanian Development Fund, in the framework of the project “Community Works III” financed by CEB. This publication was made possible by the Norway Trust Fund financing. 45 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 47 II. GENERAL PROFILE OF PETRAN COMMUNE ......................................... 49 III. MAP OF TOURISM ATTRACTIONS OF PETRAN COMMUNE ................. 56 IV. SWOT ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 58 V. RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................... 60 VI. THE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROCESS ..................................... 61 Step 1; Developing Tourism Market Profiles. ...................................... 62 Step 2; List Tourism Assets. ................................................................ 62 Step 3; List Tourism Concerns. ......................................................... 63 Step 4; Developing Tourism Goals and Objectives. ........................... 64 Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Step 5; Developing Tourism Objective Development plans Implementation Schedule; Year One........................................65 Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 46 47 I. INTRODUCTION This Tourism Development plan is a direct result of the Petran Commune’s Strategic Plan. One of the major goals coming out of this Plan was ‘Tourism Development’ based on the following Tourism Policy: “Turning Petran into a tourism area through the development and promotion of rural and natural resources and historic traditions”. The Team of experts of CRD assisted the Commune in the development of this Plan and suggested that the Commune utilizes the Tourism Development plan Process in order to develop the detailed actions required to achieve its Strategic Plan goal of ‘Tourism Development’. The Tourism Development plan process is action-oriented. It is focused on the identification of the main tourism resource assets of the commune and the means how to develop them. In addition the policy documents for the development of the Commune as well as other related strategic documents for the development of Permeti and Gjirokastra Region are taken into consideration. The Commune considers as main important issues that need immediate improvements the ermeti city two following ones: (i) improving the road connections with PPermeti city,, and (ii) working on their outreach goal to promote PPetran etran Commune in the regional, national and international level. While addressing the tourism development concerns, the CRD team was utilizing available Area expertise, that allowed for a quickly focus on objectives that, when achieved, will immediately result in a marked improvement in our tourism industry. The working group for the drafting of the Tourism Development Plan involved representatives of: 1) private sector businesses directly involved in tourism services, 2) NGOs that are involved in developing or organizing tourist attractions, events or activities that cater to tourists and, 3) local government officials responsible for ensuring that the proper infrastructure is in place to accommodate the tourist’s needs while visiting the Area. This Tourism Development plan can be defined as “a written document produced on behalf of our Area to help guide and direct tourism development and marketing both in the short and long-term. It is developed and formally supported by groups of individuals and agencies Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit The Petran tourism development plan was prepared in consultation with the Commune Council and the special contribution of the Mayor of Petran Commune. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 48 representing a broad cross-section of our Area’s tourism industry. The plan provides a framework for businesses, governments and relevant organizations to analyze tourism markets, tourism assets and tourism concerns in order to develop objectives that enhance assets and overcome concerns. Since tourism is an evolving industry, and services. The Plan will be monitored and evaluated on a regular basis to allow for necessary revisions”. 49 II. GENERAL PROFILE OF PETRAN COMMUNE The Commune of Petran was established according to the law on the reorganization of local units dated in August 1992. The Commune covers a vast territory of 18423 ha. It is located in the district of Permet, very close to the city, situated in Gjirokastra Regional Qark. The commune of Petran is confined with the following communes: North- Commune of Carcove; South – Commune of Piskove; East – Commune of Frasher; and West – Group of mountains of Nemercke and Dhembel. The territory of Petran is an amazing place where the hills and the valley are really integrated to each other, while the Vjosa river provides for a very pictoresc view of the valley. The greater part of the villages of Petran commune are situated along the Vjosa valley while six other villages are situated in the hills and mountains of highest between 600-900 m above see level. Petran commune has a population of 3067 inhabitants who leave in about 16 villages of the commune. The villages of Petran Commune are: Kaludh, Petran, Gjinkar, Baldonje, Leshnice, Leuse, Bodar, Qilarishte, Tremishte, Novosele, Skutaraq, Lipivan, Benje, Ogdunan, Delvine, Trepozisht. The settlements are concentrated mainly in small neighbourhoods down the hills and in the Vjosa valley and are linked with them through intersected roads. The houses are newly built and comprise one or two, floors. The commune of Petran has the geographical conditions that allow it to develop eco-tourism and cultural and rural tourism, however there is little evidence of such development in the zone. Given the fact that Petran commune is very next to the Permet city, it can benefit from the tourism services offered in the city. Among the tourists visiting the commune, the category of those visiting Petran commune for the purpose of use of thermal baths is the largest one coming every year on summer season. On yearly basis, about 20,000 visitors visit the thermal baths in Benja village, Petran commune, and about 700 visitors visit the cultural monuments of the commune. There are no real evidences of the revenues that can be generated from the tourists. However there are 3 hotel and restaurants, located in Benja, Iliare and Badlonja villages with an average capacity of about 20 rooms and 35 beds. Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit TOURISM PO TENTIALS POTENTIALS Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 50 In addition, not all tourists that visit Petran commune are accommodated in those three hotels, as most of them are accommodated in the Permet city hotels, as well as in the families of their relatives or friends. The families in the Permeti area, including Petran Commune are very well known for their tradition in culinary services, as well as for the agro food processing industry, therefore becoming an attractive destination for tourists. Therefore, there are good possibilities for the development of rural family tourism. In addition, due to the fact that there are not enough hotels in the Petran Commune, the hosting of the tourists from the Petran families in their houses would allow for the increase of the number of tourists coming and visiting the area. Several families in Petran Commune can open guest houses for the tourist, should they improve the basic living standards for a guest house, as well as be trained on how to better serve the tourists. SOCIAL CAPIT AL CAPITAL The major villages of the commune based on the density are Kaludh, Petran, Badlonje, followed by Bodar, Qilarisht, Skutaraq. Despite the fact that there has been no emigration in the commune, and this is notable due to the geographical position itself near the town hall of Permet, the number of families during 1990 – 2007 had a decreasing trend of more than 12% (from 920 households in 1990 to 820 households by the end of 2007.) Meanwhile, within the commune there can be noticed an internal movement of population towards the villages of Benje, Tremisht and Trepozisht. The population is relatively new (36% of the population is under 18 years old), and such trend has remained the same during the last ten years. Almost all villages are linked with the commune with the roads in any season of the year. These roads are not in good conditions. They are not asphalted, maintained and they may be considered as track way Education The commune has actually in function 15 schools in the all of the villages 13 of which are elementary and the two are 9- year schools. One general high school. Because of the close distance with the Permeti city, there is no high school in the Petran commune and the pupils go to school by public transportation. There are 15 public kindergarten and no private ones The number of pupils is reduced in both the elementary and the 9- year school. The total number of students attending the schools in the Petran commune is 214 pupils out of which 25 pupils are attending the 9-year school. An important problem consist on the low number of the pupils who are attending the elementary and 9-year school, and the same concern remains valid also for the number of pupils attending the high school. But even with the attempts to improve the educational infrastructure, there still remain several problems to be solved. 51 The entertainment and leisure time The sports and cultural life in the commune is very poor and almost inexistent. The commune of Petran has no cultural and sports centre. There are no sports terrains, or football fields, table tennis, gyms, etc. There is no library or internet centre. The inhabitants are not involved in the social and cultural activities in the Petran commune. Health Services Petran commune has 12 ambulatory clinics with 12 nurses and 2 clinics where 2 doctors are operating full time. There is one pharmacy and one dental centre too. Apart from the villages of Tremishte, Ogdunan, Delvine the ambulatory services are provided in all the other villages. It is necessary for this commune to have more drugstore and a maternity home. The social services Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit There are 54 families in Petran commune who benefit from the social aid scheme. The families that benefit from social aid scheme are mainly extended to the village of Leuse, because people there do not have even the agriculture land to work. In addition there are also 20 blind people who benefit from the health care services for the disabled people. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 52 Map of PPetran etran Commune Tourism services There are 3 restaurants serving also as hotels in Petran commune with a capacity of about 20 rooms and 35 beds. Small bar – café shops in all the villages of the commune are operational as well. Access to water, to mobile telephony, as well as to media through the local TV stations is guaranteed. However, there are no special activities organized to attract tourist, or special entertainments places for kids. The quality of life depends on the level of infrastructure and service quality in the commune There is lack of development of road infrastructure that would bring tourists down to the commune from the main road. It is important to mention that Petran commune is lacking the development of infrastructure, waste and water treatment systems. THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF PETRAN COMMUNE The revenues of the farming families of the commune are generated mainly from their private activity in the farm. The employment in the public and private sector is very low. 53 There is evidence that most people are employed in the sector of construction and services, but these sectors do not perform permanent jobs. Therefore the free workforce is engaged in the agriculture, animal-farming, fruits growing and small businesses. 50% of the work force in this area is operating in the agriculture sector, 20% deals with livestock, 5% is involved in the trade and services, and nearly 25% of them lives in emigration mainly to Greece and Italy. The working force of Petran Commune is about 1200 people. There are functioning some little agricultural and livestock farming in the valley villages. Except for Leuse village, all the other families own about 0.1-0.4 ha land for each person in the family, which is spread out in 5-8 pieces of land to every farm. Each family owns about 1-2 cows. 1. Agriculture There is a 1377 ha of agriculture land in commune (837 ha of which are cultivated) distributed to their main culture. The cultural fodder level has had a considerable growth during 1990-2007 and a continuously decrease of the grains. It is important to emphasize the development of the cultivated surfaces with grapes which had had an increasing rate of more than 10 ha during 2002-2007. It means that in this field the farmers have invested the most, and it shows for a tendency of the agriculture development towards vineyards for further processing or for simple trade production. The irrigation is covering limited surface of land, the only 8% of the total agricultural land and is 13% of the land cultivated. As the indicators show, the level of the land consolidation and irrigation are the most important elements to be improved in the agriculture field. During the recent years, the farmers were concentrated in the cultivation of the grape, vegetables and fruit trees. There are actually 71.5 ha vineyards, 28.5 ha of which are new, cultivated in the valley. This Commune has a tradition in food processing industry, mainly in processing the grape and fruits for the production of wine, rakia as well as of several fruits jam. Such tradition and the interest to invest in agriculture provides for great opportunities for development of rural agro tourism. 2. Livestock The commune is well known for its growing of farm animals, there are actually rising 3728 goats, 8718 sheep, 956 cows, and 218 bees beehives. However, cattle have decreased a lot in all the villages and this is mostly seen in Badlonje village. The decreasing has been huge in the villages with a huge amount of cattle while in the villages with a smaller amount, the movement of heads has been a little bit lower. Based on Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit The grape is mainly processed by the domestic farmers themselves. The vineyard growth rate and the grape processing is raising considerably the problem of the market storage and trade processing industry. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 54 the recent statistics, it is produced nearly 13600 kv of milk in a year and 10000 kv of it is processed in the 5 dairies placed in commune territories while the other quantity is consumed by the families or it is sold individually in the market. 3. Emigration Nearly 870 people are making a regular emigration from the area of Badlonja and Leshica. The most affected villages are those of Badlonje and Leshice. There are about 115 families which have already left the commune. The other part which consist of 300 persons or the 25% of the working force in the commune are considered as seasonally immigrants to Greece. Their incomes are not only an important source in the communities’ life but also for the investments the farmers plan to make. 4. Infrastructure Water - Petran Commune has enough sources of drinkable water for both mountain and valley area and there is no shortage of supply, except when there are workings in the network. However there is always need for the maintenance of the water supply system. Streets - The existing streets in the mountainous areas need cleaning and maintenance services. There are 11 km of the road ballasted and maintained perfectly but there are other 7 km that needs to be ballasted in Badlonje, Benje and Petran villages. Lights - The illumination of the street lights is done in 5 villages (Petran, Kaludh, Gjinkar, Skutaraq, Leshice) and is planed during 2007 – 2008 to be done in other 4 villages especially in Kaludh, Benje ,Ogdunan and Leshice. Telephone network – there is access to mobile telephony Urban Planning –There is need for several studies and projects in the valley because the problems of the ownerships and the demographic movement have created problems at the execution of the planning map in the villages. 5. Trade and Services The development of the private initiative is very limited in the Petran Commune. There are about 11 trade units and 7 service units operating in the Commune. The services include: Carpentry, mechanical services, etc. while the trade units are of a general nature. It is nearly 5% of the workers which are employed in these places. 55 6. Tourism As mentioned above, Petran commune has a lot of tourism potentials to be developed, but it is lacking the proper infrastructure to attract tourists in the area. There are 3 hotel/ restaurants serving in the area and several coffee bars serving in the villages of the commune. The second main group of tourists visiting the area apart from the transit visitors is the category of tourists who visit the area mainly for the curative purposes, using the thermal baths. There are about 20 000 visitors who can spend about 15 days in the summer period June to October, and generate revenues in a range between EUR 30000 – 45000. Should there exist the proper road access to the thermal baths, the number of visitors would increase a lot. This is also the impression of the tourists who visit the area every year and complain a lot about the road conditions. Another interesting group of tourists are those who visit the area for the purpose of hunting wild animals ((rabbits, fox, wolf, birds, etc.). There are about 1800 hunters visiting the area during the hunting season who spend about 2-3 days and about 30000 Eur. The third sustainable group of visitors are the small group of tourists who visit Petran on the occasion of specific days celebrating the church and religious events, and visiting cultural monuments of Petran. However, due to the difficult road access to the cultural monuments and to the famous churches of Petran commune, there are only about 700 people visiting the monuments. Investments in infrastructure that would facilitate the access to the tourist destination are very much needed in the area, and would increase tremendously the number of tourists. Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Petran has several tourism potentials and advantages that would be better used and become more economically profitable and generate more revenues for the area and the commune, should there be the proper infrastructure in place. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 56 III. SPECIAL TTOURISM OURISM A TTRA CTIONS ATTRA TTRACTIONS OF PETRAN COMMUNE 1. Petran FFir ir ir--Tree The Fir is located to the upper valley of Vjosa, Petran-Carcove and it ranges a surface off 1 He. In particular, the firs are sprouted and developed in areas outside the aoreal of the fir spread. The altitude of the Petran Fir is 300-350 m over the sea level, and is composed by mare and other types of bushes. The Fir has specific biological values, with an age of 45 years, and there you can benefit important plants like Cerebella, Juniper and rarely Oaks and Petran Fir-tree is known as a special plant for the developed area. The Shqeria Zone is located to the South-eastern place of the Permet City, about 10-12 km away, and this zone with Fauna and Flora, is featured by the early 2 thousand years resources. The thermal water sources, canyons and typically caverns in the area, form an ecological system with environmental values. 2. Benje Thermal W aters Waters They are known as Benje thermal baths and are placed 14 km away Permet City. In Petran Commune, appear six resources in the massive rocks rays from the both sides of the Lengarice River. The way to go in this nature monument is the automobilist itinerary PermetPetran-Benje . This specific water with sulphuric bases have enormous high curative effects, 4 of the sources are used for chronic disease of rheumatism, another one is especially used stomach disease and the last one for skin diseases. The Benje Thermal Waters contain a temperature of 26 till 32 gr. Celsius. These resources are exploited by the Albanian State in the years 1964-1975, and actually you can find them damaged or they can be used in a non-organized way by the habitants of Permeti in summer. 3. The Canyons ““Aries Aries Bridge” It is located 200 m far thermal resources in the both sides of the Lengarice River, altitude 30m, width 2 m and by climbing down the canyons lines, enlarge in an altitude of 150 m 57 and the width of 10-12 m , and they are becoming the most topically of the area. A lot of foreigners, native, visitors and scientist have paid attention to the canyons. 4. Saint Maria Curch of Leuse It is placed at the foot of Leuse village. The church has been built up in 18 century by the Greeks and has a commanding presence. The in front part of it is like a monastery. The church itself is like a temple, it is surrounded by 3 huge streams which came out of the mountains and they streams into Vjosa river. There are some older tombs in front of the church which dates to the years 1800 and 1900. Inside each of the tombs are entombed the bodies of the priests who served to the church centuries ago. Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit It is said that the painter was a young man when he started to paint the church and he was a real old man with a stick in his hand when he left the church. The church has 2 ‘sisters’, the church of Benja and the one of Kosina. On the 8th of September there is a great celebration of Saint Maria, and plenty of tourists come and visit the place. The outside part of the church is drawn with a lot of different frescos. There are 2 rooms in a church which were divided into three parts that were used by women, by men and the last one by the brides. There is an ambush at the edge of women room which served and still serves to baptize the people since the Greeks and Romans war. The church was reconstructed in 2000. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 58 IV T ANAL YSIS IV.. SWO SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths x x x x x x x Attractive tourism sites Generous people Interest of the local government to support the development of tourism in the area Possibility to use the thermal baths for medical/curative purposes Existence of several cultural monuments in the commune Opportunities to develop rural and agro-tourism products High quality of locally produced traditional food and products available at the Bazaar and in shops *traditionally produced wine and rakia, honey and jam Weaknesses x x x Lack of road infrastructure from the main road of Permeti to the tourist destination (thermal baths, famous churches and cultural monuments) Lack of restaurants and hotel accommodation structures The low level of tourism services offered in the commune x Advantages x x x x x x Easy access to the thermal baths due to the short distance from the Permet city and the national road. Good tradition of special agro-food processed products and of culinary in the area Generosity and hospitality of people who can get organized in guest houses Locations for relaxation (parks, forests, mountain areas) Low-priced good quality restaurants Availability of mini-markets and Bakeries Threats x x x x x Better road conditions to access other attractive regions of Albania Better accommodation facilities in the city Better accommodation facilities in the other thermal baths in the Country Lack of funds to support the tourism promotion and development projects Lack of promotion materials and marketing of the attractive areas of the commune do to the high touristic and cultural values 59 RELATIONSHIP TO NATIONAL TOURISM STRATEGY: In December of 2005, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports supported by the UNDP formally approved a new National Tourism Strategy titled; ‘Strategy and Development plan for the Development of the Albanian Tourism Sector Based on Cultural and Environmental Tourism’. A revised strategy was approved in 2008. Among the key elements of the strategy were: • • Promotion of the importance of the nature and culture heritage and culture tourism and ecotourism development as a base for new possible development Providing sustainable management of tourism’s impact on nature and culture heritage sites A number of key linkages and advantages for involved sectors are also listed; • • • Better conservation of biodiversity and cultural heritage sites New employment and income generation from cultural tourism and ecotourism in the local communities Local residents will perceive benefits from local products In comparing the Petran Tourism Objectives with the above-noted key National Tourism Strategy elements and linkages, it is very obvious that these Objectives reflect and directly support the National Strategy. It is therefore expected that the Ministry provides its institutional and direct support in the implementation of the Objectives of the Petran Tourism Development plan as it will help the Ministry realize its Strategy Goals. RELATIONSHIP TO THE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Many of the projects listed in the Petran Development Plan are very relevant to creating the basic infrastructure for the development of Tourism in the Area. One important advantage for Petran Commune is that drinkable water is already present and there is only need for maintenance of water systems. Water supply however, is among the most immediate facilities for the tourists visiting the place, therefore it situates Petran in good conditions as regards the water supply. Other Projects related to the improvement of road conditions which link the villages with the Centre of the Commune are still crucial, in order to benefit from the services provided by the Commune as well as other public services such as health and education. Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit The Petran commune has already drafted its local development Plan, identifying the main area of concern for the socio-economic development of the Commune and with the concrete projects planned to be developed in the near future. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 60 V. R ecommendations Recommendations The main recommendations to support the development of Tourism in Petran commune as one of the main priorities of income generation activities in the area are as follows: 1) Lobby at the local, regional, and national level for the improvement and maintenance of the national road, passing through the area. 2) Provide high quality local roads to tourist destination areas. 3) Cooperate and collaborate with Albanian tourist agencies and tour operators towards promoting the area’s tourism assets and including them in their tourism promotional packages. 4) Encourage the tourism private sector to upgrade the qualifications of managerial and front-line staff and stimulate the opening of the family guest houses in the villages of the commune. 5) Design of promotion materials for Petran commune, such as Commune map, Permeti city map, Gjirokastra region map and guide and post an area website that lists tourist attractions, events, activities and services. 6) Design a website for tourism promotion. 7) Promotion of agro-tourism development in the region. 61 VI. THE TTOURISM OURISM DEVEL OPMENT PLAN PROCESS DEVELOPMENT The CRD based its work on drafting the Tourism Development Plan for Petran commune on the definition of “TOURISM” as; “the practice of people travelling outside their home communities for rest, recreation, sightseeing, or business”. “TOURISTS” therefore include all kinds of travelers in addition to the typical vacationer; friends and relatives visiting from outside the Area, business travelers visiting the Area to conduct business, people visiting the Area to personally use its services (e.g. medical, legal, social, shops, services, etc.), out-ofArea people attending conferences or meetings in the Area and travelers passing through the Area to other destinations. There were Five key components that were considered as very useful when analyzing the tourism potentials and actions for development: Tourism attractions, events and activities - includes the Commune’s natural and manmade features that are of interest to tourists and constitute the reasons why they come. Tourism marketing and promotion involves how area individuals and groups organize to plan and ‘sell’ the Petran Area to potential tourists. Tourism infrastructure includes basic utilities and facilities required and available to tourists on their trip to, and while in Petran Area, such as roads, parking areas, signage, water, power and facilities used to host events or activities. Tourism hospitality - refers to how tourists are served, greeted and treated by frontline staff, managers/operators and citizens while they are visiting Petran Area. Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Tourism retail services include all the services that cater to tourist needs while in the Commune; hotel/motels/resorts, campgrounds, restaurants, shops, tour operators/guiding services, etc. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 62 STEP 1; DEVELOPING TOURISM MARKET PROFILES: It was important to determine what were Petran present and potential priority tourism market segments (based on ‘primary trip purpose’) before developing and promoting the necessary attractions, services and infrastructure required to cultivate a successful tourism industry. Thus, the initial step in the Tourism Development plan Development Process was to discover as much about these market segments as possible. This was done through a questionnaire that was filled by the representatives of different groups of people, answering a series of pertinent questions on all market segments that presently visit, or possibly could be enticed to visit the Petran Commune and then ranking each segment’s importance based on both present and potential significance. Results: The Working Group determined that there were eighteen different market segments presently visiting Petran Commune or possessing the potential to be enticed to visit. Based on its analysis of the questions answered the Working group ranked the ive Market Segments as the most important to the Petran Area’s tourism following Top FFive industry presented in order of importance: 1. Transit Bus Passengers (travelling through to other areas in southern Albania) 2. PPersonal ersonal businesses - Visiting PPetran etran for Health Improvement reasons 3. Small Group Meetings (during 15 June - 30 august about 200 people per day may visit Petran to go to the Benja thermal baths) 4. PPassing assing Through-P rivate V ehicles (tourists travelling through the Petran area on the Through-Private Vehicles way to Greece border) 5. Vacation - hunting It is important to note that the Committee selected five Albanian market segments as its target markets, located generally in the south-eastern part of the country in close proximity to the Permeti municipality and part of the Gjirokastra region. The Working group felt that based on what Petran had to offer and the fact that Albania has much work to do before attracting significant international markets, these regional market segments were considered the most realistic and the easiest to influence in the short to medium term. STEP 2; LIST TOURISM ASSETS: Using the five key component areas, lists were completed which note everything that is, or potentially could be, an asset to our Area’s tourism industry. Each of the five lists were individually ranked in order of importance. Those assets with the highest rank relate directly to accommodating the already-determined priority market segments. Results: Only the top three assets for each key component are presented. 63 Assets-Tourism Attractions, Events and Activities: 1). Thermal Spa of Benja, 2). Tourism attractions (the famous stone, the churches,) 3) Beautiful nature and Climate, tourism season – June-September Assets romotion: 1). Good LLocal ocal Government, 2) Assets--Tourism Marketing and PPromotion: Coordination with Permeti Municipality Assets Assets--Tourism Infrastructure: 1). Reliable 24 hour electricity, 2).drinkable water 24 hours a day, 3). Good telephone communication service; 4) very close connection with Permeti city due to the short distance Assets raining): 1). Hospitable Assets--Tourism Hospitality (Awareness and Industry TTraining): Residents – Permeti hotels as well as hotel Nemercka, Hani i Colit , 2). Cultured/Civilized Residents, etail Services: 1). High quality, locally-produced food and Assets Retail Assets--Tourism R products, 2). Low-priced, good value restaurants, 3). Marketing of traditional wine/raki, jam STEP 3; LIST TOURISM CONCERNS Results: Only the top three concerns for each component list are presented Concerns-Tourism Attractions, Events and Activities: 1). No national/regional legislation that encourages the development of tourism, 2). Absence of activities/events that draw national interest, 3). Lack of maintenance of Area’s cultural/historic assets Concerns-Tourism Infrastructure: 1). Access to the National Road, 2). Rural (local) roads are not currently in a favorable condition for accessing existing and potential tourist destinations, 3). Construction of touristic villages/ houses for tourists of Benja thermal Baths Concerns-Tourism Hospitality (Awareness and Industry Training): 1). Individuals providing frontline services to tourists do not have a knowledge of foreign languages, 2). Managerial staff are not qualified, Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Concerns-Tourism Marketing and Promotion: 1). Absence of Website for Area, 2). Limited promotion of the Area at the regional, national and international levels, 3). Absence of local guides for all assets (wine, food, raki, etc.), postcards, etc. Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 64 Concerns-Tourism Retail Services: 1). Lack of, or limited, tourist information, shops/restaurants in traditional villages (Petran, Benja, Leusa) promoting/selling traditional crafts, food and drink, 2). Absence of shops that promote and sell local products (crafts, food, drink, etc.) 3). Absence of long-term bank credit with low interest rates and high borrowing limits that would encourage the private sector to develop tourist attractions, events, activities and services STEP 4; DEVELOPING TOURISM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Goals and Objectives were developed in order to overcome concerns and enhance assets. Goal statements were developed by simply placing the words “To Improve…” in front of each ALS are: of the five Key Component Areas. Thus our five TOURISM GO GOALS • • • • • To improve tourism attractions, events and activities To improve tourism marketing and promotion To improve tourism infrastructure To improve tourism hospitality (awareness and industry training) To improve tourism retail services TOURISM OBJECTIVES – were identified by the choices of the respondents to the questionnaire out of a suggested list of 20 alternative objectives. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Lobby at the local, regional, and national level for the improvement and maintenance of the national road, passing through the area. Provide high quality local roads to tourist attractions. Cooperate and collaborate with Albanian tourist agencies and tour operators towards promoting the area’s tourism assets and including them in their tourism promotional packages. Encourage the tourism private sector to upgrade the qualifications of managerial and front-line staff. Design of promotion materials for Petran commune, such as Commune map, Permeti city map, Gjirokastra region map and guide and post an area website that lists tourist attractions, events, activities and services Promotion of agro-tourism development in the region Driving through to other areas in southern Albania Cure illnesses at thermal 1 2 1. Transit Bus Passengers (travelling through to other areas in southern Albania) 2. Personal businesses Visiting Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit WHAT DO THEY DO HERE? RANK TOURIST TYPES BASED ON “PRIMARY TRIP PURPOSE” (After each tourist type “(e)”depicts ‘existing’ “(p)”depicts ‘potential’) a) Ȕ15/day b) 20,000 c) Ȕ30,000 – 15 days bus, minivan, private MarchNovember Accommodations (n) and service (y) Rare thermal Water a) Ȕ1 b) 50,000 c) Ȕ50,000 1 hour Transit busses Year-round Fast food service (n), public restroom (n), Use the National and Local Road system that passes through the area HOW MUCH MONEY DO THEY SPEND? a) Ȕ per person/day b) # people/year c) total revenue/year HOW DO THEY COME HERE? WHAT TIME OF THE YEAR DO THEY COME HERE? a) WHAT SERVICES DO THEY LOOK FOR? b) ARE THEY AVAILABLE (y=yes n=no)? WHY DO THEY DO IT HERE? HOW LONG DO THEY STAY? Improvement of the Road access Promotion of different products a) 45-75 years old b) 40% Numbers are stable, as 5-7 buses pass through on daily schedules through southern Albania Existing transit bus service a) All ages b) 50% men 50% women c) All education levels d) Middle to high income levels Southern Albania Albania and Emigrants WHAT TRENDS ARE THEY PORTRAYING WHAT IS BEING DONE TO ATTRACT THEM HERE? WHO ARE THEY? a) Age, b) Gender, c) Education, d) Income Bracket WHERE ARE THEY FROM? Step 5; Developing Tourism Objective Development plans Implementation Schedule; Year One 65 Attend Seminars/ Meetings Traveling to/from the Albanian southwest coastal area or Greece 3 4 4. Passing ThroughPrivate Vehicles water basins 3.Small Group Meetings Petran for Health Improvement reasons/medical reasons a) Ȕ12 - Ȕ25 b) 700 c) Ȕ 16,800 Ȕ 35,000 a) Ȕ4 b) 10,000 c) Ȕ40,000 1-2 days A few hours Private vehicles Private vehicles year-round Year-round but primarily in the summer Restaurants (y/n), signs (y/n), gas stations (y) Use the National and Local Road system that passes through the area Ȕ45,000 Accommodations (y/n) Meeting Rooms (y), food/restaurants (y/n Souvenirs (n), Local Products (y), Visual Aid & IT Support (y) vehicles Organized by the local agencies sources available in the zone Raising the capacities to handle large group visitors a) 25-50 yrs old b) 80% men 20% women c) University Degrees d) middleincome a) All ages b) 50% men 50% women c) High school & University d) Middle to high income levels (Tirana, Pogradec, Korca, Erseka) Albania, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia Currently nothing in collaboration with local government men 60% women c) all education levels d) middleincome Numbers are Increasing as more individuals own private vehicles. Want better accommodations, better food, better infrastructure Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 66 5 Hunting wild animals (rabbits, fox, wolf, birds, etc.) Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit 5. Vacation hunting Area has a variety of animals and birds Legal area (reservations) for hunting (y), forest personnel and local hunting guides (persons) (y), supplies (n) SeptemberFebruary 4-wheel drive vehicles 2 days a) Ȕ8 b) 1800 c) Ȕ28,800 Korca Region & Tirana a) 32-55 b) 100% men c) High school & University d) high income Hunters Association Department of Forest Services Numbers are stable, but hunters want regulations “relaxed” 67 Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 68 ASSETS TOURISM ATTRACTIONS, EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Assets Churches of Benja, Leusa Thermal Baths of Benja Lengarica Canion Bridge of Katiut/Kadiut Shpella e pellumbave Lengarica Valley Nemercka Mountain Cold water of Megallarit Bredhi i Petranit Petran Rock Lupeka Forests Sopoti Cold water - Uji i ftohte i Sopotit (15 June -15 September) Beautiful nature and Climate, tourism season – June-September Mountain Hiking Hunting ASSETS TOURISM MARKETING AND PROMOTION No 1. 2. 3. 4. Assets Good Local Government Good cooperation with Permeti municipality and Gjirokastra Region Local television stations and newspapers Experience sharing by the visitors 69 ASSETS TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Assets Reliable 24 hour electricity, drinkable water 24 hours a day Good telephone communication service Medical services Postal services ASSETS TOURISM HOSPITALITY (AWARENESS AND INDUSTRY TRAINING) No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Assets Several type of jams for different fruits Production of grape rakia and wine Artisan productions such as carpets, wool clothes, etc. Other artisan productions - qendisma Generosity of the community hosting the visitors Llokume me Bajame Honey Very clean houses Cultured and Civilized Residents No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Assets High quality of locally produced traditional food and products available at the Bazaar and in shops Low-priced good value restaurants Marketing of traditional wine and raki Meat shops Fruit and vegetable shops Livestock market Availability of mini-markets Bakeries Locations for relaxation (parks, forests, mountain areas) Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit ASSETS TOURISM RETAIL SERVICES Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 70 CONCERNS TOURISM ATTRACTIONS, EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Assets There is no national, regional, or local legislation that encourages the development of tourism Absence of activities and events that draw national or regional interest. Lack of maintenance of the Area’s cultural and historic assets 3 Illegal cutting of trees and forests Damaging use of plants and animals without adhering to regulations and standards No winter sports infrastructure • • • • ski lifts/chalets skating rinks cross-country trails rental equipment CONCERNS TOURISM MARKETING AND PROMOTION No 1. 2. Assets Absence of a website for the Area Limited promotion of the Area at the regional, national, and international levels. 3. Absence of local guides/leaflets/brochures for all assets (wine, food, raki, etc), and postcards, etc. 4. Absence of promotional Albanian tourism/tour agencies 5. 6. 7. Lack of information signs at tourist sites Absence of a DVD to promote tourism assets Absence of an annual calendar listing Area tourism events (traditional, cultural, religious, historical, sports, etc.) Absence of promotion in national/regional newspapers and on national/regional television stations There are no school exchange programs Lack of Touristic guides 8. 9. 10. cooperation with 71 CONCERNS TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE No 1. 2. Assets The National Road is too narrow Need to link the touristic zones with good condition roads, and especially the link from a village to the commune, or to the respective church 3. Need to establish touristic villas or apartments, especially for those visiting the Benja thermal spa 4. Directional road signage to tourist sites and services is limited Rural (local) roads are currently not in a favorable condition for accessing existing and potential tourist destinations Access and strength of the Area internet is weak Constructing and maintenance of mountain roads 5. 6. 7. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Assets Need for training of those who provide their houses to the visitors for tourism purposes Need for drafting a map/guide on where to find the houses, restaurants, attractive parts of the commune and how to go there Individuals providing front-line services to tourists do not have a knowledge of foreign languages Managerial staff are not qualified There is an absence of trained tour guides. There are no professional schools for hotel management and tourism development in the region. Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit CONCERNS TOURISM HOSPITALITY (AWARENESS AND INDUSTRY TRAINING) Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 72 CONCERNS - TOURISM RETAIL SERVICES No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Assets Lack of, or limited, tourist information, shops, and restaurants in traditional villages (Leusa, Benja, Lengarica, etc.) for the promotion and selling of traditional crafts, food, and drink Absence of shops that promote and sell local products (crafts, food, drink, etc.) Lack of access to financial loans, with low interest rates and high limits that will encourage the private sector to develop tourist attractions, events, activities, and services Absence of a large hotel to accommodate large meeting groups Absence of central heating systems Absence of fast-food restaurants in strategic locations Absence of credit card payment systems in Area tourism services Lack of entertainment places Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit 1) Identify local stakeholders, parliamentarians, and government officials that are linked directly to the common interests of the development of tourism in the area, the general development of the area and responsible for the construction/maintenance of the roads (Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Sports; Ministry of Transportation; Ministry of Economic Development; Gjirokastra Regional Council; Permet municipality, etc). 2) Contact and meet with the stakeholders (listed above) and present a joint request to widen and improve the National Road. 3) Continue lobbying and follow-up until the National Road concerns are addressed. 4) Ensure the National Road is maintained, once upgraded. ACTION STEPS Local government Investors, Business community BY WHOM WHE N 1 year period Including the plan for the improvement and the maintenance of the national road passing through the area in the National Plan of Road construction and maintenance RESULTS OBJECTIVE: LOBBY AT THE LOCAL, REGIONAL, AND NATIONAL LEVEL FOR THE IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE NATIONAL ROAD, PASSING THROUGH THE AREA. CONCERN(S): The National Road is too narrow JUSTIFICA TION JUSTIFICATION TION:: Upgrading the Area’s National Road will encourage more tourism traffic. MARKETS IMPLICA TED: 1. Visiting Friends and Relatives, 2. Day-Trippers, 3. Campers, 4. Private Vehicles (Passing Through), 5. Bazaar IMPLICATED: Merchants, 6. Nature lovers, 7. Bus Tours (Passing Through), 8. Health Improvement, 9. Professional Sport Training, 10. Sports Fans & Players, 11. Bazaar Shoppers, 12. Medical Patients and Visitors, 13. Small/large group meetings, 14. Transit Bus Passengers (Passing Through), 15. Hunters GO AL GOAL AL:: To Improve Tourism Infrastructure RANK RANK:: 1 73 d l bl f d l h d b 4. Negotiate with appropriate government agencies, institutions and donors for funding. 3. Develop and design construction projects (including costs) required to bring these roads up to standard. 2. Based on where the top 10 priority tourist sites are located determine the condition of each access road. ACTION STEPS 1. Form a work group of members, municipal public works managers and employees. BY WHOM Initiated by the Commune in cooperation with the Permeti municipality and the potential donors WHEN 1 year period RESULTS Attract the donor/government interest to invest in the local roads towards tourism destination places Development of project for the construction of roads, that will be approved by the local authorities Improvement of the OBJECTIVE: PROVIDE HIGH QUALITY LOCAL ROADS TO TOURIST ATTRACTIONS. CONCERN(S) ADDRESSED: Rural local roads are currently not in a favorable condition for accessing existing and potential tourist destinations. JUSTIFICA TION JUSTIFICATION TION:: Although there are numerous tourism sites in the Area, it is currently very difficult to reach them because of poor roads (not paved, pot-holed, narrow, etc.) TED: 1. Visiting Friends and Relatives, 2. Day-Trippers, 3. Campers, 4. Private Vehicles (Passing Through), 5. Bazaar MARKETS IMPLICA IMPLICATED: Merchants, 6. Nature lovers, 7. Bus Tours (Passing Through), 8. Health Improvement, 9. Professional Sport Training, 11. Bazaar Shoppers, 12. Medical Patients and Visitors, 13. Small/large group meetings, 15. Hunters GO AL GOAL AL:: To Improve Tourism Infrastructure RANK RANK:: 2 Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 74 Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit 2. Monitor implementation of the project(s) by the media, community, and tourists. 1. Implement the project(s), according to priority. 6. Request proposals for the contract(s); review and select contractor(s). 5. Based on available funds, select what roads can be improved; short, medium, and long-term. access to tourist destination and increased number of tourists visiting the area. 75 2. To determine what tour agencies/tour operators are presently promoting or conducting tours in the Area, gather their existing promotional materials (check with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Sport, national tourist organizations, and SNV). ACTION STEPS 1. Identify tourist agencies/tour operators that may be interested in cooperating in the promotion and sale of the Area’s tourism assets. Access Albanian tourist industry contacts through email ([email protected]) for contacts. BY WHOM Local government Business community Potential donors NGOs and tourism operators WHEN 1 year period RESULTS Promotion of the attractive tourist areas of Petran commune to the tour agencies operating in the Gjirokastra region, and to those operating in Tirana that organize touristic packages for local and foreign tourists OBJECTIVE: COOPERATE AND COLLABORATE WITH ALBANIAN TOURIST AGENCIES AND TOUR OPERATORS TORWARD PROMOTING THE AREA’S TOURISM ASSETS AND INCLUDING THEM IN THEIR TOURISM PROMOTIONAL PACKAGES. CONCERN(S) ADDRESSED: Absence of promotional cooperation with Albanian tourism/tour agencies. TION JUSTIFICA JUSTIFICATION TION:: Cooperating with existing tour agencies and operators is an expedient way to quickly attract tourists to the area. TED: 2. Day-Trippers, 3. Campers, 4. Private Vehicles (Passing Through), 7. Bus Tours (Passing Through), 13. Small/large group MARKES IMPLICA IMPLICATED: meetings, 15. Hunters GO AL GOAL AL:: To Improve Tourism Marketing and Promotion RANK RANK:: 3 Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 76 Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit 5. Monitor, analyze, and evaluate process; revising and upgrading where necessary. 3. Based on research, select relevant tourist agencies/operators that warrant direct contact and determine ways of meeting them to develop partnerships (egg: trip to Tirana to meet, host a ‘familiarization tour’ of the Area 77 ACTION STEPS BY WHOM 1.Form a work group to identify training requirements and training Local community Local venues (including front-line staff knowing relevant foreign languages). government 2. List and approach area tourism businesses to determine training Commune, needs, number of employees involved and interest in having themselves Business and their employees participate in a training program. Include new operators Tourism areas where employment opportunities may exist (e.g. tour guides). operators 3. If there is sufficient interest, search for relevant training venues (eg: NGOs Gjirokastra University, Korca university. Meet with interested training Potential Donors groups and develop tentative training modules (eg: front-line staff, WHEN RESULTS 6 months Increased the human to 1 year capacities of the businesses operating in the tourism sector to better address their needs and to improve their quality of services to the client and to the tourists OBJECTIVE: ENCOURAGE THE TOURISM PRIVATE SECTOR TO UPGRADE THE QUALIFICATIONS OF MANAGERIAL AND FRONT-LINE STAFF ENCOURAGE THE OPENING OF THE FAMILY GUEST HOUSES. CONCERN(S) ADDRESSED: Managerial Staff are not qualified. Front-line staff (eg: waiters, hotel receptionists, petrol station attendants) are not trained to deal with tourists. There is an absence of trained area tour guides. Individuals providing front-line services to tourists do not have knowledge of foreign languages. JUSTIFICA TION TION:: To grow in the direction of tourism, it is necessary to provide professional service and a complete tourist JUSTIFICATION “hospitality” package. MARKET COMPOSITION COMPOSITION:: 1. Visiting Friends and Relatives, 2. Day-Trippers, 3. Campers, 4. Private Vehicles (Passing Through), 5. Bazaar Merchants, 6. Nature lovers, 7. Bus Tours (Passing Through), 8. Health Improvement, 9. Professional Sport Training, 10. Sports Fans & Players, 11. Bazaar Shoppers, 12. Medical Patients and Visitors, 13. Small/large group meetings, 14. Transit Bus Passengers (Passing Through), 15. Hunters GO AL GOAL AL:: To Improve Tourism Hospitality (Awareness and Industry Training) RANK RANK:: 4 Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 78 Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit 8. Continue to monitor, analyze, and evaluate area tourism hospitality training process, revising and upgrading when necessary. 7. Improve training modules accordingly and conduct on an annual basis if there is on-going and continued interest. 5. Provide information to training agencies and ask them to finalize training modules and select locations/dates. 6. Work group members attend training sessions to observe results and distribute participant evaluation survey. Results go to business owners and trainers. In 6 to 12 months, survey tourism business owners to see if they have noticed an improvement in customer satisfaction and profits. 4.Take tentative modules back to the private sector tourism businesses to review training modules, sign employees up for training, and select dates. managers/supervisors, etc.) and costs. 79 6. Revise/update the website based on evaluation. 5.Monitor and evaluate website use and Area tourists to determine the success/impact of the site. 4.Launch website (locating a host, creation of an address, costing, identification of a website manager-who will continuously update the website with events, activities, and new attractions). 3. Provide opportunities for Committee and community members to review the site, comment, and critique. 2. Do a mapping of the touristic areas, events, zones to be promoted in the website ACTION STEPS 1. Create a working group to develop the website (research other successful tourist websites to find good examples) BY WHOM NGOs, Commune, Donors WHEN 1 year RESULTS Marketing of the touristic values of Petran commune in the regional and national level, as well as to the foreign tourists Increased number of local and foreign tourists visiting the area OBJECTIVE: DESIGN AND POST AN AREA WEBSITE THAT LISTS TOURIST ATTRACTIONS, EVENTS, ACTIVITIES, AND SERVICES. CONCERN(S) ADDRESSED: Absence of an website for the area JUSTIFICA TION JUSTIFICATION TION:: There must be electronic promotion for visitors to access that portrays the tourist assets offered in the Erseka Area. MARKETS IMPLICA TED: 1. Visiting Friends and Relatives, 2. Day-Trippers, 3. Campers, 4. Private Vehicles (Passing Through), 6. Nature lovers, 7. IMPLICATED: Bus Tours (Passing Through), 9. Professional Sport Training, 11. Bazaar Shoppers, 13. Small/large group meetings GO AL GOAL AL:: To Improve Tourism Marketing and Promotion RANK RANK:: 5 Plani i Zhvillimit të Turizmit - Komuna Petran 80