Application Form


Application Form
Application for an Academic Excellence Scholarship
for international Master Students
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be able to apply for an academic excellence MA Student Scholarship:
If you fulfill the basic application criteria according to §8 of the BAföG law (Federal Training Assistance Act), you will not
be eligible for this scholarship according to the scholarship regulations. This is independent of whether you actually
receive funding from BAföG or not.
First Application:
Applicants must have completed a first academic degree programme (Bachelor or Diplom) according to the official
curriculum at a university. In non-technical studies with a grade of 2.5 or better and in technical studies with a grade of
2.2 or better. For students with foreign degrees, you must show the proof of the equivalent German grade
(Hochschulzugangsberechtigung- HZA from Uni-Assist). Alternatively, we require a completed first semester at the HAW
Hamburg according to the official curriculum with an average grade “very good” or “good”.
Extension of funding:
In order to make an application for an extension of your scholarship, you must have completed of all the courses of the
subsequent semester according to the curriculum of your course of study. Each course must be graded with “very good”
or “good”. Students of engineering sciences need at least an average grade of “good”.
I hereby request (please tick the appropriate)
□ a first-time funding
□ a first extension. I received my first funding in the WS/SoSe
Personal Details
First name:
Place and date of birth:
Student ID No.:
Male □
Family status:
□ single
□ married
Female □
Number of children:
Course of study at the HAW Hamburg:
Commenced studies in the : WS / SoSe
currently in my
Semesters at the University
Current address:
Zip Code (PLZ): _______________________ City: __________________
Telephone number (Mobile): _____________________ ___________E-mail:
___semester in this course of study
The following questions (1-6) are only to be answered by nationals from the EU, Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein and
Have you been living in Germany for up to 5 years?
□ Yes
□ No
a) Does your spouse/husband/wife have the German nationality?
□ Yes
b) Is your spouse/husband/wife non-German but living in Germany with the permission
to work and move freely within the EU/Germany?
a) Are your parents German?
b) Are your parents foreign, but live in Germany and have the permission to freely work and move within or the
EU/Germany? Or did one parent work in Germany for at least 3 years within the last 6 years? □ Yes □No
Did you finish the main part of your schooling /Training here before your studies at
the HAW Hamburg?
□ No
a) Did you work in Germany before you started studying?
□ Yes
b) Are your studies connected to your previous work in Germany (specialty/field)
c) The termination of your previous working contract was not due to faulty behavior
on your part.
□ Yes
□ Yes
Financial Situation
Monthly earned income (after tax):
Money received from parents, relatives or spouse (monthly)
Financial support received from state funds or foundations
Foundations name_____________________________
Other income (monthly):
In case none of the above apply, then kindly state here how you are presently financing your studies.
Please kindly note that payments are only possible if you have provided the following information:
Bank Details /Tax Details
BLZ (Bank sort code):
Account No.:
Your Tax Identification No. / Steuer ID Nr.: _______________________________________
Name and full address of your Tax office (Finanzamt): ______________________________
I hereby declare that my particulars and financial situation as stated above are correct and complete and
that I will notify the International Office of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences of any changes.
I consent to my data being checked with the databases of other public and /or private funding
I am aware that it is my responsibility to ensure that my application documents are complete. The
International Office will not consider incomplete applications. Applications have to be received by the
International Office before the application deadline. I am also aware of the fact that I am not legally
entitled to claim this scholarship.
Application Documents required
Please complete the application form in full and cross of any points that do not apply
Please submit the following documents in all cases:
A. For a first-time application after a Bachelor or Diplom
Application Form (signed below)
Curriculum vitae (CV)
Copy of your Bachelor / Diplom degree certificate and proof of equivalent German grade (HZA/Uni-Assist)
Student enrollment verification for the current semester (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung from Helios)
A reference letter by a professor of your home university
Copy of your residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel) showing status § /
Nationals without residence permits (EU/Norway/Switzerland etc) must include copies of their passports
B. For an application after a completed first semester at the HAW Hamburg or for an extension of
Application form (signed below)
Curriculum vitae (CV), only to be attached for a first-time funding.
Transcript of records issued by your Examination Office***
Student enrollment verification for the current semester (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung from Helios)
A reference letter by a departmental professor of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
(only to be attached for a first-time funding)
Confirmation from the chairman of the examination committee
(last page of this form in German – Bescheinigung für Master Studierende)
Copy of your residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel) / Residence Status
Nationals without residence permits (EU/Norway/Switzerland etc) must include copies of their passports
***For an extension request please mark the latest course results on your transcript of records.
Please submit your application form together with the requested documents to:
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
International Office
Nancy Falke (Room 116)
Stiftstraße 69
20099 Hamburg
Comments made by the selection committee
□ A Scholarship for academic excellence is awarded from
The student will receive monthly a grant of
€ and in total
□ A Scholarship for academic excellence is rejected.
Bescheinigung für Master-Studierende
Die Leistungsstipendien der HAW Hamburg sind eine Auszeichnung für ausländische Studierende, die gute
Leistungen im Studium erbringen. Studierende in den Master-Studiengängen müssen nachweisen, dass sie
in der Regelstudienzeit studieren, um nach dem ersten Studiensemester in das Programm aufgenommen zu
werden bzw. um eine Verlängerung zu beantragen.
Ich bestätige, dass
geb. am
0 Erstantrag bei Immatrikulation
Der Notendurchschnitt in technischen Fächern beträgt
, jedoch nicht schlechter als 2,2.
Der Notendurchschnitt in nicht-technischen Fächern beträgt
gut 2,5.
, jedoch nicht schlechter als die Note
0 Erstantrag nach dem ersten Studiensemester
Alle für das erste Semester zu erbringenden Studienleistungen in der Regelstudienzeit erfolgreich mit
der Note „sehr gut“ oder „gut“ abgelegt hat. Es wurden keine Studienleistungen von anderen
Hochschulen/Departments angerechnet.
Der Notendurchschnitt für das erste Semester beträgt
. (nur Ingenieurstudiengänge)
0 1. Verlängerung / 0 2. Verlängerung
alle für das folgende Studiensemester zu erbringenden Studienleistungen in der Regelstudienzeit
erfolgreich mit den Noten „sehr gut“ oder „gut“ abgelegt hat. Es wurden keine Studienleistungen von
anderen Hochschulen/Departments angerechnet.
Der Notendurchschnitt für das weitere Studiensemester beträgt
. (nur Ingenieurstudiengänge)
Hamburg, den
(Unterschrift des Prüfungsausschussvorsitzenden)