Operating instructions GAM v2-03_english


Operating instructions GAM v2-03_english
Operating instructions GAM
December 2007
GAM - GSM Alarm Modem
Connections and LED displays
The GAM is a GSM alarm modem which is easy to
install and to use. It is suitable for low-cost remote control in industrial and private facilities management, e.g.
in order to monitor heating and air conditioning and
cooling systems, lifts and escalators.
It is also possible to control machines and various types
of devices.
Using the GAM, it is possible to monitor two digital
inputs and switch a relay by means of a normal mobile
Up to 5 further telephone numbers can be stored in the
GAM by means of the Administrator. These numbers
receive an SMS message from the GAM if a fault occurs or if the inputs are activated.
The device can be configured and commissioned simply and without any software tools or programming
Apart from the GAM you only need an activated SIM
card from any network operator
(e.g.: T-Mobile D1, Vodafone D2, E-Plus, O2).
Types of device
This documentation contains the operating instructions
and technical information with regard to device types
GAM 1 and GAM 2.
GAM 2 contains an internal NiMH rechargeable battery
as an addition. This means that the GAM 2 is able to
send an SMS if the power supply fails or to report a
power supply failure.
Warning: The internal rechargeable battery of the GAM
2 is empty when it is delivered to the customer. Connect the GAM 2 to the power supply for charging for 24
hours when you first receive it.
Chapters and notes which only apply to the GAM 2 are
identified accordingly.
Use for the intended purpose
The use for which the device is intended is remote
inquiry of the inputs and generation of SMS messages
following activation of the inputs. It is also possible to
switch the GAM relay contact on and off by remote
control via the GSM network. Any other uses than those
just described are not permissible and are not for the
intended purpose.
Do not use the GAM for safety-relevant control
Bauser GmbH & Co KG
D-72186 Empfingen
Fig. 1
As can be seen in Fig. 1 the GAM has 4 pairs of screwtype terminals:
1, 2
3, 4
5, 6
7, 8
Power supply connection
Opto-decoupled digital input 1
Opto-decoupled digital input 2
Relay contact
The GSM antenna is inserted in the antenna socket
(MMCX/m connector).
LED Display
If the device is connected to the mains power supply,
the LED “Power” lights up. As soon as the module is
logged into the GSM network, the LED ”GSM” will wink
every 2 seconds.
The LEDs “DI1” and “DI2” signal the state of the digital
The LED “DO” lights up if the relay is activated.
Meaning of the LED ”Err“:
Booting or error
Blinks 1 second on / 1
No AN yet (see page 3
second off
2 x short on
No SIM card inserted,
device not locked into
GSM or PIN of the SIM
card deactivated.
3 x short on
Wrong PIN
GAM ready
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Operating instructions GAM
December 2007
GAM - GSM Alarm Modem
Before opening the front cover ensure that all wires
have zero-potential! Pay attention on safety instructions!
Initial Use
These operating instructions contain important
information on the initial use and handling of the
Please read them carefully before using the GAM!
If damage arises which is caused by not complying
with the operating instructions, no claim shall be
accepted under the warranty!
We do not accept liability for any consequential
damages which may result.
We will not accept any liability if damage is caused to
property or injury to persons because of inappropriate
handling or disregarding the safety instructions. No
claim under the warranty whatsoever shall be accepted
in such cases.
Open the front cover with a screwdriver. Then lay the
SIM card into the SIM card holder of the GAM (see Fig.
Push the cover of the SIM card holder slightly and open
it up. Push the SIM card into the cover, hinge it shut
and slide to lock. Please comply with the orientation of
the SIM card, especially the position of the angled corner.
Close the front cover of the GAM, noting the installation
The GAM is fitted with highly integrated modules.
These electronic components are very sensitive to
discharges of static electricity because of their technology.
Please ensure that you are earthed when inserting the
SIM card if possible. Avoid touching the pins of components on the printed circuit board.
While the GAM is operating, depending on the application, GSM text messages (SMS) can be sent
automatically, as a consequence of which you may
incur charges – depending on your GSM network
Antenna connection
Inserting the SIM card
You need an enabled SIM card from a GSM network
operator to use the GAM. The PIN must be set to
"1234". Use a normal mobile phone in order to set the
PIN. Please see the operating instructions of your mobile phone on how to change the PIN.
Before you insert the SIM card to the GAM, please
check whether you can send and receive SMS with a
normal mobile phone.
If you have any problems to send or receive SMS,
please contact your provider for this issue.
If you have inserted a SIM card with a different PIN
than "1234", the GAM will use a "wrong" PIN each
time it switches on, which means that your PIN will
be blocked after three attempts.
If this happens, you must assign a new PIN to your
SIM card using the Super-PIN (PUK). Please read
the relevant section of your mobile phone operating
instructions for setting the PIN or for resetting a
blocked PIN with the PUK.
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Fig. 2
Insert the GSM antenna in the MMCX antenna socket.
Position the antenna at a location where you have a
good GSM connection.
Tip: You can check the quality of the connection with a
normal mobile phone. The phone SIM card must be
from the same network provider.
After initiation the system with the start-up SMS you
can also check the signal strength with the command
“?SIG;” (see page 7).
Power supply
Connect the device to the power supply. The LED
“GSM” lights up permanently afterwards. The GAM will
now automatically try to log into the GSM network. As
soon as the GAM is logged into the GSM, the LED
“GSM” winks around every 2 seconds.
The LED “Err” blinks every second.
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Bauser GmbH & Co KG
D-72186 Empfingen
Operating instructions GAM
December 2007
GAM - GSM Alarm Modem
Please note the difference between the letter "O" and
the number "0".
Configuring the GAM
Meaning of the different text styles:
Explanatory text.
Bold italics
Text to be used to the GAM
in a SMS.
Response of GAM, received
by SMS.
Important information.
Please note
All commands to the GAM must be ended with a
semicolon ( ; )!
Configuration SMS
On delivery the GAM is configured by the configuration
SMS after connecting up the power supply. The GAM
stores the SMS call number automatically and sends
future events to this number.
The entire GAM is therefore configured for simple
applications with a single SMS during which it
makes a note of the call number. You do not need
any additional software, computer or programming
Sent the following SMS to the GAM: AN;
The LED “Err” stops blinking and turns off permanently.
The GAM responds with the current status:
GAM 1 DI1:0 DI2:0 DO:0 (GAM 2 DI1:...)
You can now operate the GAM by SMS from the
"known" mobile phone.
The AN; command can only be executed again after
Resetting to factory default (see page 4 and 5).
None of the commands are "case sensitive", i.e. all
commands can be sent in upper or lower case.
Tip: We recommend that you store the call number of
the GAM in the telephone book of your mobile phone.
Receiving Alarm SMS
Connect digital input DI1 (DI2) to a 24V power supply
for at least one second.
Please follow the connection diagram, Fig. 1 on Page 1!
Following this, GAM sends an Alarm SMS to your mobile phone.
Receipt: GAM 1 DI1:1 Alarm Input 1 (GAM2 DI1:...)
Please note that it takes around 6 seconds to send an
Time delay between triggering of the event and receipt
of the SMS is due to the GSM network.
Status inquiries
Send the following SMS to the GAM: ST;
The GSM alarm module responds with the current
status: GAM 1 DI1:0 DI2:0 DO:0 (GAM 2 DI1:...)
Power Lost Message
The Power Lost message is only sent with the GAM 2!
Disconnect the GAM 2 from the power supply. The
GAM 2 has a rechargeable battery which powers the
device if the external power supply fails (e.g. in case of
a power cut). As soon as the GAM 2 recognises such a
condition it begins to send a Power Lost message.
You will receive the following message to your mobile
phone1: GAM 2 Power Lost
The GAM 2 switches off after sending the SMS.
Power On Message
Please note: The “incognito” function on your telephone must be switched off, so that the GAM can
identify the correct number.
After this, reconnect it to the power supply. You will
receive the following message to your mobile phone1:
GAM 1 Power On DI1:0 DI2:0 DO:0
(GAM 2 Power...)
Setting the output
Resetting to factory default
Send the following SMS in order to set the DO digital
output: DO:1;
The DO output is switched on and the LED “DO” lights
Disconnect the GAM from the power supply. Press the
RESET button, keep it pressed down and reconnect the
power supply. Keep the RESET button pressed down
for at least 18 seconds.
When the reset is triggered the LED “Err” lights up for
around 6 seconds.
Send the following SMS in order to reset the DO digital
output: DO:0;
The DO output is reset and the LED “DO” goes off.
The Power On/Lost Message will be sent to each phone number
listed in the device (AN,TN1..TN5 compare page 6)
Bauser GmbH & Co KG
D-72186 Empfingen
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Operating instructions GAM
December 2007
GAM - GSM Alarm Modem
The GAM returns to the basic settings. The LED “Err”
starts blinking once per second.
The GAM can be newly configured by sending the configuration SMS.
Pressing the RESET button during operation does not
trigger a reset to factory default!
DITDn:xxxx; Digital In
Time delay of the digital input until
Time Delay an Alarm SMS is sent.
Extended configurations
All commands are described in detail, along with examples, in the SMS Command Table.
None of the commands are "case sensitive", i.e. all
commands can be sent in upper or lower case. All
commands are given in upper case in the examples.
Each command must be ended with the semicolon ( ; ).
Basic settings
Example: AN;
Response: GAM 1 DI1:0 DI2:0 DO:0
(GAM 2 DI1:...)
(n = 1|2)
(xxxx =
1...3600 s)
The GAM can be configured very flexibly via SMS for
more complex tasks, e.g. configuration of several
authorised users for sending and receiving messages,
changing standard texts, setting password protection
and a whole series of further parameters.
DITBn:xxxxx; Digital In
xxxx = 1
Example: DITD1:10;
Alarm SMS is sent if the digital input
is activated for 10 seconds
Time delay of the digital input until a xxxxx = 120
new alarm SMS is sent. The number
of alarm SMS can be limited with this
command, for example if the input is
(n = 1|2)
(xxxxx =
5...65535s) Example: DITB1:3600;
Alarm SMS are sent a maximum of
every 3,600 seconds.
DITXTn:<text Digital In
(n = 1|2)
<text> =
max. 32
Several commands can also be sent in one SMS.
Please note that not more than 160 characters can be
sent in one SMS and that no spaces are allowed between the semicolon and the (following) parameter.
Extended example:
Setting the alarm text of the digital
<text> =
Alarm Input n
Example: DITXT1:Open front gate;
From now on the GAM will respond
GAM 1 DI1:1 Open front gate
(GAM 2 DI1:...)
when digital input 1 is switched on.
Digital In1 Switch in order to deactivate auto- x = 1
SMS enable matic transmission of an SMS when
there is an input on Digital In 1.
(x = 0|1)
This means that the pure inquiry
function can be used.
Effect: Sets the device name to "myGAM“; the heartbeat to 60 min and the Power On Text to "activated".
The GAM will issue the message "myGAM activated
DI1:x DI2:x DO:x“ when it is powered on and will send a
status message every 60 minutes. (see chapter SMSCommands)
DIS1:0; Switches automatic SMS
transmission off when DI1 is activated.
DIS1:1; Switches automatic SMS
transmission on when DI1 is activated.
Command Table
Administra- Configuration command after
tor Number switching on for the first time.
The GAM stores the telephone
number which is calling once as an
Administrator number and sends
back the current status.
Other participants can only be
established using this telephone
number.The same applies to
changing of the basic settings.
It is only possible to delete this
number with the RESET; command
(page 6) or by operating the RESET
button (compare page 4) after
switching on the GAM.
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Basic settings
Digital In2 Switch in order to deactivate auto- x = 1
SMS enable matic transmission of an SMS when
there is an input on Digital In 2.
(x = 0|1)
This means that the pure inquiry
function can be used.
DIS2:0; Switches automatic SMS
transmission off when DI2 is activated.
DIS2:1; Switches automatic SMS
transmission on for when DI2 is
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Digital Out
Sets relay output.
(x = 0|1)
DO:1; Closes the relay contact.
The LED “DO” goes on.
DO:0; Opens the relay contact The
LED “DO” goes off.
Bauser GmbH & Co KG
D-72186 Empfingen
Operating instructions GAM
December 2007
GAM - GSM Alarm Modem
Basic settings
Digital Out
Defines the standard polarity of the
digital output. (relay contact)
Digital Out
Text DO:1
Alternative text in order to switch the <text> = ON
output to 1. ( relay closed )
(x = 0|1)
0 = output relay contact is open after
switching on the GAM (LED “DO”
The relay contact is closed, for
example, by command DO:1; (LED
“DO” on).
If a time was set with the DOT
command, the relay contact is
opened again after this time.
<text> =
max. 16
The effect of the command is
equivalent to DO:1;
Here you can define a command
Configuration example:
DOTXT1:Open gate;
Application example:
*upper or lower case can both be
used. Do not forget the ( ; )!
1 = Output relay contact is closed
after switching on the GAM (LED
“DO” on).
The relay contact is opened, for
example by command DO:0; (LED
“DO” off).
If a time was set with the DOT
command, the relay contact is
closed again after this time.
DOT:xxxxx; Digital Out
Effect: DO output of the GSM alarm
module is switched on. The relay is
Warning: Make sure that you do
not use any text which has
already been allocated. For
example, "AN;" is already allocated to an SMS command.
Setting possibility for automatic reset xxxxx = 0
of the output after xxxxx seconds
(Monoflop functionality).
(xxxxx =
0...65535 s) If xxxxx = 0 the output remains
permanently set and is only reset
after the device has been switched
on again or with the DO:0; command.
DOT:10; If the output is switched
with DO:1; (at DOP:0) it is automatically reset after 10 seconds.
Device Text Setting of device name.
This command is useful if you use
<text> =
several GAM devices and want to
max. 16
differentiate between them.
Example: DVTXT:myGAM;
sets device to “myGAM”.
Free Call
If one of the inputs is activated
during the output is switched on, an
alert is sent via SMS. This sending
of the SMS can enlarge the DOT
time (to up to 6 seconds).
Heart Beat
(xxxxx =
min [ =
7days] )
Automatic cyclic transmission of a
Status SMS.
The Heartbeat is switched off at
xxxxx = 0.
Basic settings
xxxxx = 0
HB:60; The GAM sends a Status
SMS to all the numbers entered in
the telephone list (AN, TN1, ... TN5)
every 60 minutes.
Digital Out
Text DO:0
Alternative text in order to switch the <text> = OFF
output to 0. ( relay open )
<text> =
max. 16
The effect of the command is
equivalent to DO:0;
Here you can define a command
<text> =
(GAM 2)
The GAM offers the opportunity to x = 0
trigger an action through calling up
the inserted SIM alone. Because the
(x = 0|1|2|3) GAM does not pick up and no actual
connection is established, this
procedure does not cost you
Please make sure that the answering machine is deactivated in the
SIM inserted in the GSM alarm
module, or do not let it ring long
enough until it is answered, as
otherwise your network operator will
charge you for the call.
Please note, that the telephone
which is calling up has to communicate its call number.
Afer recognizing a Free Call the
GAM will hang up the phone immediately. You will only hear one
ringtone if Free Call is successful.
0 = Freecall switched off
1 = Freecall activates the output.
This behaves depending on how
DOP and DOT are set.
For example, if DOT = 2sec., the
output returns to its original state
2 seconds after activation. If
DOP = 1, the output is negated.
Configuration example:
DOTXT0:close gate;
2 = Freecall toggles the output.
If it is 0, it is switched to 1 and
vice versa.
If DOT was configured, the output returns to its original state
after this time. If DOP = 1, the
output is negated.
Application example:
*upper or lower case can both be
used. Do not forget the ( ; )!
Effect: DO output of the GSM alarm
module is switched off. The relay is
3 = equivalent to ST; . A status SMS
is requested.
Warning: Make sure that you do
not use any text which has
already been allocated. For
example, "AN;" is already allocated to an SMS command.
Warning: The telephone which is
calling must be able to receive the
Status SMS.
Landline numbers can also be used
in conjunction with Freecall. These
must be entered into the telephone
book by means of TN1..TN5. You
Bauser GmbH & Co KG
D-72186 Empfingen
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Operating instructions GAM
December 2007
GAM - GSM Alarm Modem
Basic settings
can discover the correct number by
calling a device which can show the
incoming call number from the
desired landline telephone.
Normally <Dialling code> <Telephone number>
It can happen with some telephone
systems that a leading "0" is displayed. Please leave this out.
Activation and deactivation of
password protection.
(x = 0|1)
Warning: Make sure that you
know the password which has
been set when you activate
password protection. Further
commands can only be given if
the password is entered! The
password must stand at the start
of every further SMS, followed by
a semicolon.
If you have forgotten the password, the only solution is to reset
with the RESET button! (page 4)
PIN Change Changing the SIM card PIN number. x = 1234
(xxxx =
Warning: After resetting the GAM
0000...9999) to factory default by operating the
4 digits
RESET button or by means of the
RESET; command, the GAM
expects a SIM card with the PIN
number "1234".
If a different PIN than "1234" is
set, the GAM will use a "wrong"
PIN each time it is switched on,
which means that your PIN will be
blocked after three attempts!
Power Fail
This parameter is only
(x = 0|1)
available with
GAM 2.
Power Fail
This parame- <text> =
ter is only
max. 32
available with characters
GAM 2.
Example: Set DO if PWE=1 and
Example: POE:0;
Deactivation of Power On SMS
Activation of Power On SMS
Power On
Setting of Power On Text.
This text is sent when the GAM is
switched on, if the Power on SMS
(POE) is activated.
Changing the password.
<text> = 4
Warning: Make sure that you do
not forget the password which
has been set!
If PWE=1, commands can only be
given if the password is entered!
If you have forgotten the password, the only solution is to reset
with the RESET button! (page 4)
Extended example:
Effect: Sets the current PIN (including that of the SIM) to 1234
(=Default), loads the default data
and registers the transmitting
(mobile) telephone as Administrator
<text> =
Power On
Example: POTXT:activated;
Resets the GAM to factory default.
(same effect as operating the
RESET button, see page 4, and
compare the right-hand column of
this Table)
Example: RESET;
Warning: Resetting with RESET
(Button or SMS) does not reset
the PIN of the SIM!
Example: PFTXT:deactivated;
(x = 0|1)
Setting of Power Fail Text.
<text> =
This text is sent when the GAM 2 is Power Lost
switched off, if the Power Fail SMS
(PFE) is activated.
Activation or deactivation of Power
Inquires the status of GAM.
Example: ST;
Response: GAM 1 DI1:0 DI2:0 DO:0
(GAM 2 DI1:…)
Deactivation of Power Fail SMS
Activation of Power Fail SMS
Power On
<text> =
max. 32
Activation or deactivation of Power
Fail SMS.
Activation of password protection
Deactivation of password protection
Example: PIN:9876;
Sets the PIN number to 9876
Basic settings
rameter PWE!
Example, landline number:
Example, mobile phone number:
Number n
Sets a telephone number in the
telephone number list.
(n = 1...5)
It is possible to establish 5 additional
telephone numbers.
In parallel to the Administrator
number these telephone numbers
receive a status message from the
GAM when an input DI1 or DI2 is
activated, or can inquire the status
by means of ST; . In addition, it is
possible to set the DO output and
use the preconfigured FCM.
However, the configuration cannot
be changed (read only function).
(compare Rights page 7)
Example, mobile phone number:
Example: PW:Dcba;
Password is converted to DCBA.
upper or lower case can both be
A mobile number must start + and
the country code and may have a
maximum 16 digits.
The password can consist of any
combination of characters and digits.
For details how to use it see Pa-
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Bauser GmbH & Co KG
D-72186 Empfingen
Operating instructions GAM
December 2007
GAM - GSM Alarm Modem
Basic settings
Deleting a telephone number from
the telephone list.
(n = 1...5)
Example: TNC1;
Deletes telephone number 1 from
the telephone number list.
Remark: The saving of the parameters of the GAM
takes about 5 seconds. Do not cut power lines during
that time!
Inquiry commands
As the GAM can be configured in a very individual way,
there is a possibility of inquiring with regard to settings.
Send one of the following commands and the GAM
responds with an SMS with the content stated below in
the "Response" column.
It is not possible to inquire the PW and PIN settings for
reasons of security.
Inquires for all telephone AN:...;TN1:...;TN2:...;
numbers. The GAM
responds with the
complete contents of the
"telephone book".
Possible solution
LED “Power”
remains dark
No supply voltage
Connect to power supply
blinks cyclically
2x from the
No SIM card
No contact with SIM card
PIN of SIM card deactivated
Insert SIM card
Clean surface of SIM card
Activate PIN of SIM card
with a mobile phone
blinks cyclically
3x from the
PIN not "1234“
Reset GAM to factory
default (see page 4) and set
the PIN of the SIM card to
"1234" with a mobile phone.
LED” GSM” on
No GSM network available
no antenna connected
Change antenna position
Connect antenna
LED “Err” blinks1 No configuration SMS has yet
every second
been sent. (factory default)
Send configuration SMS
See page 3 Configuration
GAM does not
react to a
Check number
SET button, reset configuration. (see page 4)
Please see page 3 (Configuration).
Wrong number
AN already registered
No ( ; ) given
The following items are included in the delivery :
The GAM responds with DOTXT0:...;DOTXT1:...;
all settings which affect
the digital outputs.
Possible cause
Scope of delivery
The GAM responds with DITD1:...;DITD2:...;
all settings which affect DITB1:...;DITB2:...;
the digital inputs.
Response SMS
Troubleshooting 1
GSM Alarm Modem GAM 1 or GAM 2
Operating instructions
Accessories :
The GSM alarm module Signal:…;
responds with the
signals strength. The
first number indicates a
value between 0..31. (31
= max. signal strength)
Returns all usual
configuration values to POE:...;POTXT:...;PWE:...;
the GSM alarm module.
GSM/GPRS antenna (MMCX/m Connector)
o Magnetic mount antenna or
o Stickable patch antenna
Power pack, 230VAC / 24VDC
The PFE and PFTXT parameters only exist for GAM 2.
The Administrator (AN) on the GAM can operate all
settings and make all inquiries.
Non-Administrators (TN1 – TN5) can only use the
commands ST; , DO:x; and the commands given under
DOTXT0 / DOTXT1, as well as the Free Call Mode
(FCM) which is currently set.
Bauser GmbH & Co KG
D-72186 Empfingen
Following connection of the supply voltage, GSM Alarm Modem needs
approximately 30-40 seconds in order to start the GSM module. Following this, the LED “Err” is lit up for about 5 seconds, turns off and
than on for another 20-30 seconds. Now the error check takes place.
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Operating instructions GAM
December 2007
GAM - GSM Alarm Modem
Safety Instructions
Operating Conditions
When handling products which come into contact with
electrical voltage, the currently valid VDE stipulations
must be observed, especially VDE 0100, VDE
0550/0551, VDE 0700, VDE 0711 and VDE 0860.
Before opening the device, always disconnect the
device from the main power supply and ensure that
all connected wires have zero-potential.
Tools may only be used on devices, components or
assemblies if it has been ensured that the devices are
disconnected from the supply voltage and that electrical
charges, which are stored in the components contained
in the device, have been discharged beforehand.
Cables or leads which carry voltage, to which the device, the component or the assembly is connected,
must always be investigated for insulation faults or
breaks. If a fault is found in the supply line, the device
must be taken out of commission immediately until the
defective line has been replaced.
When using components or assemblies, users must
always be reminded to adhere strictly to the characteristic data for electric magnitudes stated in the relevant
If it is not clear to a non-commercial end-user from
an existing description, which electrical characteristic data apply to a component or a module, how
external wiring is to be undertaken and which external components or additional devices may be
connected and which connection values these external components may have, always contact a
technical expert for information.
Where devices have an operating voltage >35 Volt,
final assembly may only be undertaken by an expert
and it must comply with VDE-stipulations !
When installing the device, ensure that the connection cables have an adequate cable cross-section.
If condensate forms, it is necessary to wait for an
acclimatisation period of up to 2 hours.
Liquids, chemicals etc. must be kept away from the
The device is intended for use in dry, clean rooms.
Protect the device from moisture, sprayed water and
the effects of heat.
Do not expose the device to strong vibrations.
Do not use the device in an environment where
there is an impermissible level of electromagnetic
Do not operate the device in an environment in
which combustible gases, vapours or dust are present or could be present.
The device may only be repaired by an expert.
If the device has to be repaired, only original spares
may be used. Use of any other than the original
spares can lead to serious injury to persons or damage to property.
GAM 2: At the end of life time, the battery has to be
disposed separately according directive 2006/66/EG
(WEEE). For replacement please open the disconnected device from the bottom side. Put a screwdriver into the four lateral recesses between side
plate and bottom plate to unlock the snap-in hooks.
Disconnect the battery and remove it. The device
will be destroyed thereby.
Before commissioning a device, a general check should
be made as to whether this device is fundamentally
suitable for the application for which it is to be used !
If there are any doubts, it is essential to contact trained
engineers or technical experts on the devices used !
Please note that operating errors and connection faults
lie outside our sphere of influence.
Understandably, we cannot accept any liability whatsoever for damage/injuries arising as a consequence.
Devices which are operated using a voltage > 35 Volt,
may only be connected by a trained engineer.
Update: http://www.bauser-control.de
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© Bauser GmbH 2007
Subject to alterations
Bauser GmbH & Co KG
D-72186 Empfingen
Operating instructions GAM
December 2007
GAM - GSM Alarm Modem
Technical Data
Power supply Ue
Power consumption Ps *
Digital inputs
Signal voltage „0“ for inputs
Signal voltage „1“ for inputs
Max. contact load (cos φ = 1)
Max. contact load
EMC acc. EN 61000-6-2 and
EN 61000-6-3
Ambient temperature
Storage temperature
Wave band
Power Class
Conductor cross sections
rigid mm2
flexibel with sleeve mm2
Humidity, 40 °C
10 ... 30
10V: ripple < 1%
30V: ripple < 10%
2x digital inputs
2 wire connection,
galvanically isolated
-2 ... 2
8 ... 30
-30 to +75 -20 to +50
-40 to +85 -20 to +50
GSM 850/900: 4 (2W) /
GSM 1800/1900: 1 (1W)
+/Pozidriv size1
min. 1,5
max. 4
min. 1
max. 2,5
0 to 95
* During power up the device and during sending a SMS message, the currency
can reach a short term peak of up to 1 A.
Bauser GmbH & Co KG
D-72186 Empfingen
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© Bauser GmbH 2007
Subject to alterations
Update: http://www.bauser-control.de

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