Ciri Keusahawanan Rasulullah - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Ciri Keusahawanan Rasulullah - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Guidelines on the Student’s MASTERS DISSERTATION Semester 1, 2010/11 1 The guidelines should be used with: Calender for Graduate Project: Faculty website Thesis manual: SPS website 2 General Contents for the DISSERTATION Introduction Literature Review Research Methodology Data Collection Analysis Conclusion & Recommendations 3 INTRODUCTION Introductions provide a detailed account of the focus, objectives, background material and structure of the dissertation. Think of your introduction as a map that shows the reader where they are going, what it will be like and what they are going to get from the journey. The Introduction chapter should include :- Background of the core issue to be studied from the technical aspect, current issue and history, must be supported by facts., Problem Statement Brief statement on the problems surrounding the research topic/scope that need to be studied. Aim, Objectives and Scope Importance of the Study Importance/Contribution to the core area of the study 4 LITERATURE REVIEW Must be relevant with the title/topic and concept of the research . Theories discussed must be current. However, classic theories that are suitable with the topic of the research could be discussed. Student should present 3 theories/models on the topic understudy. Should have 50 reference articles from the refereed journals. Students are not allowed to cite from any Bachelor’s Degree Project. Literature review would make sure that the topic is significant. It will be a synthesis of different research papers related to your topic. The main goal is to make sure the readers appreciate the topic because other researchers have already done their 5 knowledge seeking in the past. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Methods to be used in order to achieve the research objectives. It consists of: research design type of information/data to be used methods of data collection methods of data analysis Here you are expected to outline the ways you collected your empirical data (questionnaires, interview etc) and substantiate your argument for why you have approached your research topic in a particular way. 6 DATA ANALYSIS This is where you present the data that you have collected, and highlight the main issues that emerged from the research. You may well use graphs and diagrams in this section, but should not draw conclusions or give your interpretations here. The idea is to set out the findings in a clear way such that they could be used independent of your interpretation 7 This part provides the information related to the calculations made and the relationship of the thesis statement hypothesis to the numerical results. You should make sure that you used appropriate statistics methods for the results to be reliable. The methods used to analyse data must be appropriate with the purpose of the study . Quantitative or qualitative form. Quantitative analysis – Student must use at least bivariate analysis (2 variables) 8 DISCUSSION In many dissertations, students chose to discuss their findings and present their argument in a separate chapter. Here you combine your findings from the literature, from your empirical work (for example your company project or interviews), develop your analysis and present your main findings. 9 CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS This is the last part of the dissertation paper. It should contain the overall assumption of answers to the problem statement. Make sure that you support your final answer with the appropriate research results coming from the data analysis chapter. Relate with the aim and objectives of the study, and supported by the literature review. Show the fitness/agreeable of the findings with the research model/theory 10 Your conclusion is the place to summarise what you have said. If there is a conclusion which can be drawn from what you have said it needs to be stated clearly. You could also include an assessment of how firm or tenuous that conclusion is and perhaps an indication of what further details would be necessary to make it more firm. 11 BIBLIOGRAPHY You must give an alphabetical list of all the sources you have used, whether quoted from or not. The bibliography should include author, title, and place of publication, publisher and date. 12 APPENDICES These save the main dissertation being cluttered, but allows you to give full information that may be important to the reader. For example you might include things like an interview transcript, or a blank questionnair 13 For Office Use: Font 12 - regular Dissertation (Proposal) or (Write-up) MHD/MHR 1280 or 2180 Presentation Date: ____________ Time: ___________ Venue: Assessor 1: ___________________ Assessor 2: ___________________ Font 12 - regular Organizational Innovativeness Among Public Universities Font 12 - bold Prepared by Ahmad bin Mokhtar 100625-99-5127 Approved by (Supervisor) ............................................................ Font 12 - regular Dr. Rozeyta Omar Department of Human Resource Development FPPSM, UTM Sem I 2006/07 14 Abstract It is a compressed summary of the entire research paper. It should give your readers an outlook on what to expect in your research paper results. It can be in a form of a small essay. You can write the abstract in about 300 to 500 words total. Do not divulge all the critical information about your research paper. Reserve all of them in for the other chapters. 15 Contents page List the major sections and possibly subsections with page numbers. Preferably no more than one page. Drafting your contents page in your initial planning will help you to structure your draft. 16 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES Arrange schedule of appointment with his/her supervisor. Advisable to have 15 contact hours with the supervisor for each semester. Student who does not contact his/her supervisor until the middle of the semester will be asked to withdraw (TD) from the master project. Take the initiative to solve any problem/personal problem during the research period. Abide to the schedule with regard to the date of submission for the project report, presentation, etc. Discuss the progress of the project proposal/writing-up with his/her supervisor. Ask for the supervisor’s advise or consult with the department’s lecturers for assistance in the project progress. Observe the minimum requirements of the master project (write-up) which is 80 pages and maximum of 180 pages. 17 DO NOT PLAGIARISE! 18 PLAGIARISM Student found to plagiarise can be expelled from the program/university. Plagiarism includes: the act of taking an idea, write-up, data or invention of other people and claiming that the idea, write-up, data or invention is the product obtained or invented by him or herself, or any attempt to project or an action of projecting, in any way, that he or she is the real source or inventor of the idea, write-up, data or invention which actually was reproduced from other various sources. Source: Buku Peraturan Pelajar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Cetakan Pertama (2003), Bahagian Perkhidmatan dan Kemudahan Pelajar, m.s 9-10 19 Issues Student appointment time with supervisor Presentation Session Student should honour the date/time of appointment. Student should understand what need to be amended. Student should respect the evaluators’ comments. Student should complete the required amendments. 2% deduction for each day of late submission of proposal/full report 20 Q&A Thank you 21