Heiliger Geist und Weltseele


Heiliger Geist und Weltseele
Heiliger Geist und Weltseele
Das Problem der dritten Hypostase bei Origenes, Plotin und ihren
[The Holy Spririt and the World Soul. The Problem of the Third Hypostasis in Origen, Plotinus
and their Precursors.]
Published in German.
The book deals with the question of whether or not Origen's Trinity can be compared with
Plotinus' three hypostaseis. The work focusses on the problem of the third hypostasis. This
question is discussed in regard to the middle Platonic background (Alkinoos, Numenios,
Klemens) and the the main problems in the works of Origen and Plotinus. The result is:
Origen's doctrine of the Trinity and Plotinus' doctrine of the three hypostaseis proceeded
independent of each other.
Henning Ziebritzki Geboren 1961. Studium der Evangelischen Theologie, Philosophie und
Germanistik in Tübingen, München und Mainz. 1992 Promotion. Lektor und Geschäftsführer im
Mohr Siebeck Verlag.
1994. VII, 286 pages.
BHTh 84
ISBN 978-3-16-146087-6
cloth 69,00 €
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