Opportunities and challenges


Opportunities and challenges
ta n k c e u n e ws
Nr. 1 September 2006
a n d c h a l le n g e s
by Henk Hofman
01 Editorial
01 Henk Hofman (e)
02 Henk Hofman (d)
03 Internal issues
03 Fredi Hugelshofer (e)
05 Fredi Hugelshofer (d)
c o n t e n t s
07 Chemical division
07 Silo-Tank
08 Hinterberger
09 IAT Kemi
10 Food division
10 Dekker
11 Albert Keijzer
12 Laabs
13 Planners’ page
13 Transfood
14 Lehnkering
15 Meetings
15 Madrid
16 Hamburg (e)
17 Hamburg (d)
18 Sponsors & colophon
18 Burg Industries
19 Marpobel Antwerp
19 Colophon
Let me start this first edition
of TankceuNews with a bright
and optimistic look to the future. Both the current economic situation and the prospects for 2007 are very good.
The result of this is a considerable increase in the
number of loads available on
the market.
Generally speaking, in the
past our sector has taken advantage of growing turnover,
but has failed to translate this
into higher freight rates, even
though under normal circumstances one would expect rates to increase.
Unfortunately it has often
been the opposite! Through a
strong desire to raise turnover and attract more customers, plus the way in
which the latter, using tenders, have reinforced this attitude, freight rates have
steadily decreased. The fact
that costs have not kept pace
with this development has
led to a sharp deterioration
in profitability. Not surpris-
ingly, the results published
by national and international
road transport companies
reflect this trend: over the
last couple of years many
companies have experienced
negative profitability.
As a consequence there
has been less investment
and many haulage companies have reduced the size of
their fleets.
Considering that at present
demand is greater than supply, it is essential that we do
not blindly accept all of the
conditions that our customers
have, in the meantime, started
to look upon as normal. Also
we should not limit ourselves
to fighting fires in order to satisfy our customers, but instead try to manage our tools,
namely our road tankers and
tank containers, as effectively
and economically as possible.
Obviously this must be done
without adversely impacting
on quality.
Not a simple task, but if
2006 is not to be the turning
point, then when will things
change? For those of us who
recognise this, a period of
many opportunities and challenges has come.
As far as cooperation
within Tankceu is concerned,
a lot of work has still to be
done! There are many daily
problems in processing cargos and satisfying customers,
and it seems as if our cooperation is suffering as a result.
Often there is no capacity
available and no time to continue to foster the cooperation
that we all agreed upon.
Here lies a task for both
planners and the board. Good
cooperation is one of the elements that will lead to more
economic utilisation of our
resources and consequently
to better results for all of us.
und Herausforderungen
e d i t o r i a l
vo n H e n k H o f m a n
Es ist mir ein Vergnügen, die
erste Ausgabe von TankceuNews mit einem klaren und
optimistischen Blick in die
Zukunft beginnen zu können.
Sowohl die heutige wirtschaftliche Lage, als auch die
Aussicht auf das Jahr 2007
sind sehr gut, was in einem
erheblichen Anstieg der verfügbaren Ladungen auf dem
Markt begründet liegt. Normalerweise hat unsere Branche in der Vergangenheit das
wachsende Volumen problemlos bewältigt, hat aber
dabei vergessen höhere
Frachtpreise umzusetzen,
obwohl man diese notwendig
gebraucht hätte. Leider ist oft
das Gegenteil eingetreten.
Ein starker Wunsch den Umsatz zu erhöhen und neue
Kunden zu gewinnen und die
Art und Weise wie die letzten
Ausschreibungen ausgesehen haben, haben diese Entwicklung verstärkt und eine
ständige Frachtsatzermäßigung zur Folge gehabt.
Die Tatsache, dass sich unsere Kosten leider nicht im
Gleichschritt in dieselbe Richtung entwickelt haben, hat zu
einer verschlechterten Er-
tragssituation geführt. Es ist
daher auch nicht erstaunlich,
daß die, in der nationalen und
internationalen Presse publizierten Ergebnisse, einen klaren Trend aufzeigen, d.h. in
vielen Unternehmen einen
negativen Ertrag über die
letzten Jahre. Daraus resultierend hat es weniger Investitionen gegeben und viele
Transportunternehmen haben ihre Flotte verkleinert.
In Anbetracht der Situation,
dass der heutige Bedarf an
Laderaum größer ist als das
Angebot, ist es unumgänglich,
dass wir die Bedingungen
unserer Kunden, die unser
mittlerweile als normal betrachten, nicht mehr blind
akzeptieren. Weiterhin sollten
wir uns nicht nur darauf beschränken Aufträge zu erledigen um unsere Kunden zufrieden zustellen, sondern dabei
versuchen unsere Möglichkeiten möglichst effektiv und
wirtschaftlich auszunutzen.
Selbstverständlich muss dies
gemacht werden, ohne dabei
auf Qualität zu verzichten.
Das ist alles keine einfache
Aufgabe, aber wenn die mo-
mentane Marktsituation keine Wende herbeiführt, wann
soll sich dann je etwas ändern? Für diejenigen unter
uns, die dies erkennen ist
eine Periode von großen
Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen angebrochen.
Was die Zusammenarbeit
innerhalb Tankceu betrifft,
muss noch einiges verbessert werden!! Es gibt viele
tägliche Probleme wie Ladungen an den Mann zu bringen und unsere Kunden zufrieden zustellen und es
sieht so aus, als ob unsere
Zusammenarbeit darunter
zu leiten hat. Oft sind keine
Kapazitäten vorhanden und
keine Zeit um die Zusammenarbeit zu pflegen, so wie
wir es uns alle eigentlich
vorgenommen haben.
Hier stellt sich uns eine
große Aufgabe, sowohl für die
Disponenten, wie auch für
den Vorstand. Eine gute Zusammenarbeit ist eine der
Grundvoraussetzungen, die
zu einer wirtschaftlich besseren Nutzung unserer Möglichkeiten und schlussendlich zu besseren Ergebnissen
für uns alle führt.
zurück zum Inhalt
i n t e r n a l
i s s u e s
b y Fre d i H u g e l s h o fe r
From time to time it is worthwhile carefully reviewing the
values and objectives of established ideas and institutions. First of all we have to
ask the question: what does
«established» actually mean?
«Established» often has a flavour of the old-fashioned. And
today nothing, absolutely nothing, especially in business,
can be out-of-date.
How does Tankceu measure up in this respect?
Over the last couple of
months we have spent a lot of
time discussing whether or
not to admit new companies
to Tankceu, and if so, what
kind. We also know from our
conversations with others,
that many companies, from
the smallest to the very
biggest, are anything but
happy with their results and
profits. It used to be that people felt that food transports
were no longer profitable, but
that (thank goodness) at least
the chemical division was still
blessed with good freight
rates. Nowadays though, the
good times in the chemical
division are also clearly over.
What are the reasons for
this? On the one hand the
«nasty» East European countries are given the blame,
others, on the other hand, feel
that the bad, modern habit of
putting work out to tender has
also resulted in the loss of
those professional ethics that
did remain and contributed
to shaping the new, meagre
rates landscape.
What about the satisfaction
of our member companies?
When was the last time we put
any serious thought into strategies and opportunities for
improving our profitability? Or
don’t we have enough time for
that in the hurly burly of
everyday working life?
In my opinion the possibilities for cooperation, either
with or without internal exchanges of cargo have by no
means been exhausted yet,
and so far our initiatives have
been good.
What other options do we
have? Perhaps we should be
more willing to say no to
transports that are not costeffective, particularly as there
is a greater demand than
supply, especially in food
transports within Europe.
Our small organisation,
Transfood, has had to refuse
dozens of transport orders,
not having been able, either
within or outside of Tankceu,
to find the necessary transport capacity.
In a conversation with
Mr. Konrad Strauss, owner
of TABY, I was asked why
Tankceu, with its favourable
position on the European
transport market, had not
succeeded achieving more
stable (or possibly better)
freight rates in Europe. I have
heard the same basic question from Dr. Hansjörg Bertschi. I was recently invited to
a business event and sat at
the same table as him and
therefore heard his views
about the European chemical
transport market. Although
he is unquestionably operating on a qualitatively high
level for high-end customers,
he too is dissatisfied with European freight rates, and
therefore also unhappy with
the profitability situation.
Even he, whose company is
in a relatively good position,
wonders how things will develop in the future.
Where should we go from
here? What can we do? In my
humble opinion we should,
b a c k to co n te n t s
i n t e r n a l
i s s u e s
as well as continuing with
the never-ending quest to
improve our «exchanges of
cargo», pay much more
attention to improving our
One option would be for all
of us to reject rates that are
not cost-effective, and attach
much more importance to
our profit margins on individual jobs than to overall
turnover, which, incidentally,
bigger companies increasingly do in view of the economic recovery.
Perhaps we should follow
the example of the airlines
and increasingly switch to
more flexible day- or seasonal rates, and when we are
offered a low-rate load, turn
it down and reply with a price
for which we would be willing to carry out the transport
in question.
Someone has to take the
plunge and make sure that
everyone else is aware of it.
Ideally we should all act together... ... in the spirit of
Clearly it is of fundamental
importance that each company has a precise and in-
depth knowledge of its own
costs and freight rate calculations. Everyone within each
company must be fully aware
of the rate per kilometre required in order to cover costs
or make a profit.
This basic knowledge is
available: our planners, who
all have to be familiar with the
calculations and costs, received a model for these at the
meeting in Frauenfeld. This
could act as the basis for
raising awareness amongst
all the personnel in a company instead of welcoming
the growth of turnover or the
increased number of operational vehicles.
Companies who believe
they will only find a cure in
using Eastern European drivers or opening branch offices there, are looking for solutions that are too simplistic.
Moreover, making use of
the economically sound instrument of freight rate calculation plus exchanging experience in the field would
make Tankceu membership
even more profitable and
would present our organisation in a new, attractive light.
b a c k to co n te n t s
i n t e r n e s
vo n Fre d i H u g e l s h o fe r
Von Zeit zu zeit, lohnt es sich
über den Sinn und Zweck
etablierter Dinge, oder konkreter, etablierter Institutionen grundsätzlich nachzudenken. Zuerst kurz die
Frage, was ist eigentlich
etabliert? Etabliert hat oft den
Nachgeschmack, auch veraltet sein zu können. Und veraltet darf in der heutigen Zeit,
speziell im Business, nichts,
aber auch gar nichts sein.
Wie steht es diesbezüglich
mit der Tankceu?
Wir haben in den letzten
Monaten viel Zeit damit zugebracht, zu überlegen ob wir
neue, und wenn ja, welche Art
von Firmen in die Tankceu
aufnehmen sollten.
Wir haben bei vielen Gesprächen auch mitbekommen, dass viele Unternehmen, vom kleinen bis zum
grössten mit ihren Geschäftsergebnissen, sprich dem Unternehmensgewinn alles andere als glücklich sind. Man
sprach davon, dass Food seit
längerer Zeit kein Geld mehr
bringen würde und Gott sei
Dank wenigstens die Chemieabteilung noch gute Preise aufweise.
Inzwischen sind offensichtlich auch in der Chemiesparte die guten Zeiten vorbei.
Warum ist dies eigentlich
so? Einmal redet man sehr
oft von den «bösen» Ostländern als dem Auslöser, andererseits hat die moderne
Unsitte der Tenders, mit der
damit verloren gegangen
Rest der Berufsethik sicher
die neue, kargere Landschaft
Wie steht es denn heute
mit der Zufriedenheit in unseren Betrieben? Haben wir uns
kürzlich ernsthaft Gedanken
über die Strategie und die
Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung unserer Ertragssituation gemacht? Oder fehlt dazu
die Zeit im hektischen Alltag?
Einmal sind Möglichkeiten
zur Zusammenarbeit meines
Erachtens mit oder ohne interne Frachtbörse noch lange
nicht ausgeschöpft, die Ansätze dazu waren jedoch gut.
Wo könnte es sonst noch
liegen? Vielleicht in der
Bereitschaft, einmal für einen nicht kostendeckenden
Transportauftrag nein sagen
zu können? Dies umso eher,
als von einer ausgeschöpf-
ten Transportkapazität besonders im Foodbereich Europa gesprochen wird, und
wir mit unserer kleinen
Transfood Dutzende von Aufträgen ablehnen müssen,
weil wir weder in der Tankceu, noch ausserhalb die
notwendigen Transportkapazitäten finden können.
Bei einem Gespräch mit
Herrn Konrad Strauss, Inhaber der TABY wurde ich von
ihm gefragt, warum die
Tankceu mit ihrer guten Position in der europäischen
Transportszene nicht fertig
bringe, eine Stabilisierung
oder allenfalls eine Verbesserung der Transportpreise
in Europa zu erreichen. Den
gleichen Grundton hörte
ich von Herrn Dr. Hansjörg
Ich sass bei einer Einladung mit ihm zusammen am
gleichen Tisch und hatte die
Gelegenheit seine Meinung
über den Europäischen Chemietransportmarkt zu hören.
Obwohl unbestritten auf
einem qualitativen Toplevel
mit entsprechenden Kunden
operierend, ist auch er mit
den Europäischen Transport-
zurück zum Inhalt
i n t e r n e s
preisen, und damit auch mit
der Ertragssituation nicht
Selbst er fragt sich – aus
guter Position – wie es hier
wohl weitergehen soll.
Also, wie soll es nach meiner unerheblichen Meinung
nun weitergehen, was können wir tun?
Ich meine, wir sollten ausser dem nicht enden wollenden Thema Frachtbörse dem
Problemkreis Verbesserung
der Ertragslage viel mehr
Beachtung schenken.
Eine Möglichkeit wäre z.B.
eindeutig unterpreisliche Angebote abzulehnen, sprich
mehr Gewicht auf die Ertragslage als auf den Umsatz
zu legen, was übrigens immer
mehr grosse und grösste Unternehmen im Zeichen des
Aufschwunges ebenfalls tun.
Vielleicht müssen wir wie
die Fluggesellschaften vermehrt zu flexibleren Tagesoder Saisonpreisen übergehen, oder wenn uns eine
Billigfracht angeboten wird,
ablehnen und einen Preis
nennen, zu dem wir es transportieren würden.
Jemand müsste ganz demonstrativ damit anfangen,
am besten alle gleichzeitig,
im Sinne des TankceuGedankens!
Eine der Grundvoraussetzungen dazu ist allerdings,
die genaue Kenntnis der eigenen Kosten, bzw. der Tarifkalkulation.
Jeder muss von seinem Betrieb genau wissen, welchen
Kilometerertrag er braucht,
um kostendeckend oder gewinnbringend arbeiten zu
Die Grundlagen wären vorhanden, die Planners, die alle
zwingend diese Kalkulation
und die Kosten kennen müssen, haben ein Muster dazu
anlässlich des Meetings in
Frauenfeld erhalten. Dies
könnte eine Grundlage dazu
sein, der gesamte Kader eines Unternehmens zu sensibilisieren anstatt das Umsatzwachstum und die gestiegene
Anzahl der eingesetzten
Fahrzeuge zu bejubeln.
Wer das Heil nur im Einsatz von Osteuropäischen
Fahrern oder Filialen sucht,
macht sich die ganze Problemlösung gar zu einfach.
Mit einem kompetenten,
betriebswirtschaftlichen Element in Verbindung mit dem
damit verbundenen Erfahrungsaustausch unter den
Mitgliedern, würde sich ausserdem die Mitgliedschaft in
der Tankceu noch besser
auszahlen und in einem
neuen, attraktiveren Licht
zurück zum Inhalt
c h e m i c a l
d i v i s i o n
rubber-lined tank container
rubber-lined tank container
from above
S i lo - Ta n k
b y Fr i e d r i c h E i s e n ke c k
As already reported to the
Tankceu members, since
01.07.2006 Silo-Tank Transporte GmbH has been part of
Van den Bosch Transporten
BV (www.vandenbosch.com).
As before, the company will
be managed by Friedrich Eisenkeck and continue to go by
the name of Silo-Tank.
Excellent co-operation and
the opportunity to fall back on
resources that were not available to us before are two
extremely positive features of
the change in ownership. In
our view this change will also
help to strengthen Tankceu as
a whole in the market place.
Another change that the
company is currently undergoing is the conversion from
using mineral fuels to bio
diesel. We have taken the decision to do this because it is
possible to reduce fuel costs
in Austria by 0,10•/litre.
Furthermore the fleet has
been increased by eight LAG
jumbo tank trailers (15 000–
12 000–15 000 l). These trai-
lers will be used especially to
carry iso-cyanide for our customer Borsodchem.
The additional purchase of 4
rubber-lined tank containers
to be used for the transport of
hypochloride and hydrochloric acids will further increase
our range of services.
On a personal level we are
pleased to inform you that
Mrs. Buchendorfer is expecting a baby in September;
Katrin Helmberger will replace Mrs. Buchendorfer in
the planning department
([email protected])
jumbo tank trailer
b a c k to co n te n t s
c h e m i c a l
d i v i s i o n
H i n te r b e rg e r
b y H e r b e r t H i n te r b e rg e r j r.
1) SQAS-Assessment
In May 2006 we successfully
concluded our latest SQASAssessment; the audit included activities such as transport of liquids, dry bulk and
packaged goods, tank cleaning and storage of packed
2) Training for safe and
economic driving
In the near future we will instigate a continuous training
system aimed at our drivers
and which will include items
such as safe and economic
driving, loading, unloading,
etc.. With this aim in mind
Messrs Klaus Muhr and
Thorsten Schultheiß, who are
in charge of our technical divi-
sion, took part in PROFI TRAINING at the Mercedes-Benz
plant in Wörth am Rhein in
June of this year. Mr. Schultheiß also participated in a
drivers’ training course with
our Tankceu partner, Laabs,
in Hildesheim, from whom we
have received great support.
Many thanks again to Dieter
Kahns and Jürgen Lenz!!
Through these training
courses we will not only meet
the requirements of our customers, but hope at the same
time to avoid accidents, and
save on fuel and repair costs.
Because of large differences
in price, we purchased 5 additional MAN trucks even
though 80 % of our fleet is
Mercedes. All of our trucks
are equipped according to
the highest safety standards;
they are provided with front
and side distance control or
driver airbags.
In addition we have purchased six 20" containerchassis from Burg/NL and
10 tank containers of 26 and
30 m3 from Welfit Oddy in
South Africa. We selected the
same series as Silo-Tank and
therefore managed to acquire
3) Investment
them at quite good prices. Our
During the last year we have first intermodal traffic from
invested principally in inter- Bavaria to the south of Spain is
modal equipment.
already running successfully.
b a c k to co n te n t s
c h e m i c a l
d i v i s i o n
I AT Po l s k a S p . z o . o .
b y H a n s A . Pe te rs e n
After having carried out comprehensive market analysis
in Poland we decided to set
up a branch office in Oswiecim, near Krakow. This location was chosen partly
because of our own prior expectations and partly as a result of the research mentioned above.
The following were all critical to our choice of location:
> the need to be close to the
existing Polish chemical
> to be able to extend eastwards with relative ease in
the long term
> to have access to welleducated, qualified Polish
The company began operations on September 1st, 2005
in rented premises and with
an administrative staff consisting of a managing direc-
tor, a salesperson and two
traffic managers. In addition
there we had a number of
trucks and road tankers.
After a quiet start, the company now comprises the same
administration, the same rented premises and a fleet of
vehicles of 15 trucks (in part
our own, the rest being subcontracted on a long-termbasis), as well as a corresponding number of road tankers
and refrigerated trailers.
Our main business is international traffic between Poland and Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France,
Italy, Austria, Hungary and
We have already experienced good cooperation with
other Tankceu members as
far as transports to and from
Poland are concerned, and
we would like this coopera-
tion to develop further. However, we have decided not to
offer trucking to other transport companies, as we want
to establish and maintain direct contact to and contracts
with customers.
After an initially quiet startup phase, one year later we
are pleased to report increasing business turnover, satisfactory results and a lot of
interest in the company.
Our biggest problem is
communication. Communication between Denmark and
Poland regarding planning,
transport and development
takes place in English and
sometimes in German without any problems. However,
we have not succeeded in fulfilling our wish that our group
of drivers would learn to
speak and understand English or German. In order to
partly overcome this problem, to which we can see no
immediate solution or improvement, we have chosen
to employ a trainee in Kolding, who speaks fluent Polish
and Russian.
In our opinion, the Polish
market is very interesting and
is developing rapidly. There
are still problems with the infrastructure, but here too we
have noticed continuous improvement. All things considered, present we feel that
the effort and cost involved in
setting up a Polish branch
have been worthwhile.
Telephone: +48 33 847 42 20
Fax: +48 33 847 42 26
Managing Director: Piotr Tyrlik
E-Mail: [email protected]
b a c k to co n te n t s
F l u v i a a n d D e k ke r
j o i n fo rce s
> M a a sta n k I n te r n a t i o n a l B V to co n t i n u e a s j o i n t ve n t u re
> N a m e s h o r te n e d to : M a a sta n k
> P l a n s fo r d o u b l i n g o f t h e ta n k sto ra g e ca p a c i t y
f o o d
d i v i s i o n
25 August 2006 – Fluvia
Holding BV (Rotterdam) and
Dekker Groep BV (Ouderkerk
aan de IJssel) have agreed to
jointly run Maastank International BV, operator of a tank
terminal for vegoils and oleochemicals in Rotterdam’s
Botlek harbour. This modern
tank storage company, which
as of today will be known
as simply Maastank, is now
owned by Fluvia and Dekker
for 55 % and 45 % respectively.
This is a unique collaboration between two companies
that both have many years
of specific experience in the
transport and storage of vegetable-based oils and fats as
well as oleochemicals. Fluvia’s knowledge and experience are based on bulk
transport of these products in
raw, half-refined and refined
form in specialised tanker
ships on the waterways of
north-western Europe. Since
2005 Fluvia has been 40 %
owner of MaasSilo (active in
vegoil tank storage among
other things), and since the
beginning of 2006 it has been
the sole owner of Maastank
International BV.
Dekker’s specialty originates in the transport of particularly high-quality special
vegoils and oleochemicals
shipped in refined form and
as end product via tanker
trucks throughout all of Europe. Dekker operates its own
specialised tank storage
company in Ouderkerk aan
de IJssel.
In the coming years the
shareholders plan to double
the capacity of Maastank
(from 37 tanks holding 31 000
cbm to 90 tanks holding 65 000
cbm). The infrastructure will
also be adapted for storage
and transshipment and for
handling high-quality special
vegoils and oleochemicals.
The current pier capacity and
depth will soon be expanded to
enable loading and unloading
of not only coastal tankers but
also the sea tankers commonly employed for vegoils and
Through the combination of
their strengths and market
positions Fluvia and Dekker
intend to make Maastank the
number one specialised tanker terminal for high-quality
specialised vegoils and oleochemicals in the Rotterdam
harbour. The magnitude and
professionalism of the Maastank organisation and the capacity of the installation ensure the quality and flexibility
that clients desire both today
and for the future.
contact Maastank:
Peter van Oeveren
tel.: +31 10 490 44 19
mob.: +31 6 270 71 741
websites: www.fluvia.eu
e-mails: [email protected]
Aerial view Maastank
source: Fotografie Van Leeuwen, Zuidland
[email protected]
b a c k to co n te n t s
N ew s f ro m
Albert Keijzer
f o o d
d i v i s i o n
Albert Keijzer is a multifunctional haulier with over 80
years of experience in transport, active in tanker and bulk
transportation of food products. The fleet consists of
more than 120 tractor units
and over 200 trailer units.
The company’s tanker
transport operation is predominantly focussed on cocoa related products, such as
cocoa butter, cocoa mass and
chocolate. Through the increasing demand and orders
of big customers this year the
fleet has been extended by 14
tank trailers. Two tank trailers have been fitted out as
jumbo tank trucks and twelve
trailers have been equipped
with pumps.
unload using a customer’s
electri-cal power, or independently using the PTO.
A number of the new
pump vehicles have been
equipped with Greensight reversing lights from Groeneveld. The system detects objects behind the trailer and
warns the driver if the vehicle
is moving close to objects or
people when reversing.
Euro 5
From mid-September Albert
Keijzer will put its first Euro 5
trucks into use; the DAF
XF105 with AdBlue dosage
was chosen for this purpose.
It is expected that these
trucks will be more fuel-efficient and thus make a posi1 Jumbo tank trailer, 3 com- tive contribution to protecting
partments, total capacity: the environment.
54 500 m3. All three unloading
pipes have been fitted to the Topiq on-board computer
4 Communication with the
rear of the tank.
driver is via Groeneveld’s
2 The pump vehicles of latest on-board computer.
Albert Keijzer are provided The driver has a touch screen
with a Gardner Denver sani- in the cab on which he retary RVS product pump, ceives and sends his trip dewhich can be electrically or tails. In addition, this system
hydraulically driven. With this allows him to make handsequipment it is possible to free calls.
b a c k to co n te n t s
b y D i e te r K a h n s
In 2005 and 2006 Tankceu
partner Laabs purchased a
total of 20 vehicles equipped
with pumps for carrying liquid sugar and chocolate.
We have also been able to win
a number of new customers.
The two pictures show the
two most recent deliveries
out of a total order of 6 semitrailers that have been built
for Laabs by Feldbinder. In
total Laabs owns over 100 vehicles that are operational
throughout Europe.
f o o d
d i v i s i o n
b a c k to co n te n t s
p l a n n e r s ’
p a g e
Tra n s fo o d g e t s c lo s e r
to i t s c u sto m e rs
Transfood has recently undergone a reorganisation of
personnel, one of the aims of
which was to improve its responsiveness to customers.
The new organisational structure has been designed to
help us to do greater justice
to the continuously increasing demands and needs of
our clientele.
For this reason, Martin
Fehr, who for 5 years has
been responsible for planning international tank movements, will in future oversee
the whole of the planning department. In this role he will
be responsible for ensuring
that customer needs are met,
for business development,
and for ensuring continuity of
customer care during the
absence of other staff. As a
trained logistician and certified road transport planner,
Mr. Fehr possesses the essential know-how and skills
required for this role.
From September, Michi
Kessler will take over the
planning of international vehicles. In order to gain a tho-
From left to right: Michi Kessler and Martin Fehr.
rough grounding in the fundamentals of this role, he will
accompany our truck drivers
throughout the whole of Europe during a hands-on training period. Having undergone professional training in
the food-grade sector, Mr.
Kessler is fully equipped with
all the necessary knowledge
for dealing with sensitive and
demanding products.
With Nina Stähli, who in future will be responsible for the
planning of domestic traffic,
we have three motivated con-
tacts at your disposal. We are
delighted with this new team
and wish them every success,
and hope that they will enjoy
the challenges ahead.
[email protected]
+41 52 725 01 02
[email protected]
+41 52 725 01 03
[email protected]
+41 52 725 01 05
b a c k to co n te n t s
L e h n ke r i n g – C h a n g e s
in the planning department
b y M a r i n u s va n d e n H e u ve l
p l a n n e r s ’
p a g e
On 29th August 2006, the com- Mr. Frank van de Laar
pany name of Van Ruiten’s tel.: +31 180 64 52 42
Transporten BV was legally [email protected]
changed to LEHNKERING
Chemical Land Transport & Administrative support planning
bulk liquid chemical transport
Services BV.
This year there have been Mr. Robin de Geest
some changes to the staff in tel.: +31 180 64 52 46
our planning department and [email protected]
so we are pleased to present All of our planners speak English and German and Marco
our new team of planners:
Meiling also speaks French.
Commercial planning bulk liquid
We are looking forward to
chemical transport
further developing our partMr. Kees Kindermans
nership with TANKCEU’s
tel.: +31 180 64 52 44
members with this new team.
mobile: +316 46 34 67 87
I would also like to inform
[email protected]
you that, since September
2006, LEHNKERING has a new
Mr. Marco Meiling
website www.lehnkering.com
tel.: +31 180 64 52 40
with new content and a new
[email protected]
corporate design. You can find
comprehensive information
Operational planning bulk liquid
about the company there, as
chemical transport
well as an overview of its proMr. Han van Berghem
duct portfolio.
tel.: +31 180 64 52 41
mobile: +31 6 15 06 40 23
[email protected]
Kees Kindermans
Marco Meiling
Han van Berghem
Frank van de Laar
Robin de Geest
b a c k to co n te n t s
Ta n kce u i n M a d r i d
fo r a n n u a l m e e t i n g
by Henk Hofman
1 Tankceu members at work.
2 Good vibrations between
food and chemical.
3 Our guide in Madrid.
m e e t i n g s
This year our annual general
meeting took place in Madrid
on 12th May. Madrid had been
recommended as a very beautiful city and the participants
of the meeting could not help
but agree!
The Madrid meeting was
an important one in many
ways, with lots of interesting
issues and developments.
The Board presented a new
electronic in-house magazine – TankceuNews – which
has been introduced with the
aim of improving internal
communication. It will be
sent to the members 4 times
a year, starting with publication of the first edition in September 2006.
To stimulate and increase
exchange of transports the
planners are to be given a
new tool, which will take the
form of an e-mail system.
In order to strengthen the
food division, the Board is
currently negotiating with
two candidate members,
namely Roth in Germany and
Rodella in Italy.
Marinus v.d. Heuvel presented the Lehnkering enterprise (ex Van Ruiten), and
Alphonse Laffont gave a presentation on the Samat Group
and its activities. Mr. Wauters
was asked by Mr.Cornelli,
who was not able to attend the
meeting, to give a presentation on BM Italia (ex Ciat
Rossi). In addition, each member provided interesting details about developments in
their own companies.
It would seem that nowadays our customers’ demands are generally very
high and that there is a lack of
capacity. Nevertheless it remains difficult to achieve
sound profit levels, among
other reasons because of in-
creased fuel and labour costs
and the influence of the East
European countries. Many
members expressed concerns about this trend.
The members were asked
to inform the Tankceu secretary about each tender invitation that they receive, so that
the possibility of producing
a joint response can be assessed. Members committed
themselves to doing this.
Finally the company Indox/Ros Roca gave an interesting presentation and
overview of the history of the
company and its range of
The day ended with a joint
dinner, generously provided
by Indox/Ros Roca, in the
well-known Cava Baja. The
next day the official programme was brought to a
close with the members taking part in a guided tour of the
main monuments of Madrid.
b a c k to co n te n t s
Ta n kce u p l a n n e rs’
m e e t i n g i n H a m b u rg
m e e t i n g s
b y Pe t ra J o n g e j a n
«Hummel, Hummel, Mors,
Mors» (a friendly greeting in
the Hamburg dialect). Hamburg – here we come!!!
On 21st October, the planners of Tankceu’s chemical division will once again meet up
to discuss their daily cooperation. This time the meeting
will take place in Hamburg,
one of the world’s biggest
ports, and one that is continually increasing its capacity.
With the help of Herbert
Hinterberger we have found a
typical hotel, directly overlooking the harbour area.
The main theme of the
meeting will be: «The top 10
subcontractors that Tankceu
planners work with, and
why.» The meeting starts at
9 am and will finish at 5 pm.
In the evening, there will
be a trip around the port, with
a commentary from a professional captain and harbour guide, followed by a
meal together on a «fishy»
theme, after which it will be
left up to the planners to
check out the lively night
scene in Hamburg.
The last item on the programme on Sunday morning
is a joint breakfast in the
«Fischauktionshalle» (Fish
Auction Hall), which is located near to the hotel.
As always we will be
pleased to receive input from
the member companies and
the planners who will be taking part so that we can draw
up a firm and practical agenda that will address your interests and expectations.
I look forward to seeing a
lot of «old» and «new» faces
in Hamburg.
b a c k to co n te n t s
d i s p o t r e f f e n
Ta n kce u D i s p o t re f fe n
i n H a m b u rg
vo n Pe t ra J o n g e j a n
«Hummel, Hummel, Mors,
Mors» ( plattdeutscher Gruß).
Hamburg – wir kommen!!!
Das Hauptthema der Sitzung ist: Die Top 10 Subunternehmer, mit denen die
Tankceu Disponenten am
meisten zusammenarbeiten
und aus welchen Gründen?
Der offizielle Teil der Sitzung
fängt um 09.00 Uhr an und
wird um 17.00 Uhr abgeschlossen sein.
Abends ist eine Hafenrundfahrt mit Erklärungen
durch einen sachkundigen
Schiffsführer und ein gemeinsames Abendessen mit
einem «fischigen» Thema geplant. Danach wollen wir es
den Disponenten überlassen,
sich in das «interessante»
Nachtleben von Hamburg zu
stürzen. Am Sonntagmorgen
werden wir zum Abschluss
gemeinsam in der Fischauktionshalle frühstücken, die in
der Nähe des Hotels liegt.
Wie immer hoffen wir auf
das benötigte Input von unseren Mitgliedern und den
teilnehmenden Disponenten
zu erhalten, sodass wir eine
konkrete und konstruktive
Tagesordnung zusammenstellen können, die ihre Erwartungen entspricht.
Ich freue mich darauf viele
«alte» und «neue» Gesichter
in Hamburg zu sehen.
zurück zum Inhalt
s p o n s o r s
a n d
c o l o p h o n
b a c k to co n te n t s
MARPOBEL NV is a cleaning station for tanker trucks, tank containers, rail tank cars and barges.
s p o n s o r s
a n d
c o l o p h o n
It is localized in the centre of the Port of Antwerp at Kay 261 – 271. Because of its strategic location
surrounded by chemical industry and storage companies, MARPOBEL NV is the ideal cleaning
MARPOBEL NV guaranties minimal waiting time by product selection and efficiency.
MARPOBEL NV is SQAS assessed, and provides therefore the ECD (European Cleaning Document).
MARPOBEL NV is an ISPS terminal. (24/24 guarded)
MARPOBEL NV is qualified to give a final control for Bayer and Ineos.
Vacuum test, hot air drying, stacking of empty containers are possible.
For prices and product range, please contact us :
Blauwe Weg 7 – Haven 261
B - 2030 Antwerpen
+32 / 3 543 59 32
Fax +32 / 3 543 59 00
[email protected]
Opening hours
Monday – Friday
06.00 h – 22.00 h
Editorial team
General Editor:
Henk Hofman, Tel.: +31 10 218 48 79, [email protected]
Editorial Secretary:
Petra Jongejan, Tel.: +31 10 418 05 22, [email protected]
With thanks to
Burg Industries
Marpobel NV Antwerp
Design and production
Stamm & Partner AG/Zürich (CH)
b a c k to co n te n t s