Ur`:q[]-m$[[-[nnHlnn `c /€: 4 - Department of Culture, Recreation
Ur`:q[]-m$[[-[nnHlnn `c /€: 4 - Department of Culture, Recreation
C-/ 4frt"rb ho/"-'L Louisiana Flistoric Resource Inventory Regoulro lD Number: Louislana Dlvieion of Hlstoric Preeervation ',ffiDEffJ]W-'J Office of Cultural Development Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism I Name of Property: /_ La,e / ,{r a/ se Address: bO Z- O a v\\ Loality{ E bitv parish: El communig E vicinity citylcorKunity/Vicini ty ot...z * / JO / /-Lt't roposraphrcauaa' "z fl Rural bo 4a-</ atuU Ur':q[]-m$[[-[nnHlnn owner '' ' '" T--bAZ Ofl{- Name: Z ovynerAddress: RaOenOum Attached \ /.1r" sir<liD 'c /€: 4 '*n"h'o ;Lw Quad tr ts "*aon Taxparcet:- El site n ,uu*rr6'uirding E oqect Level of Recognition: EI runl tr run individuat tr run districuetement Z(\ Previously Surveyed: Eyes When, Located Whero?: E ooe E lo..6ildn" 6rd Government Prsseruation HABSTHAER: El ra>"'-".@ Activity: El Section 106 E NR Grant E taxCreOit tr Local Ord. E Other eligibility: E Potential inoiuiou"(flpt\pntia district EI Inetisibte Conditiont (ryxfefbnt D Good EI Fair E Poor El Ruin Remark: lntogrityl,fihrfiered El Anered (Historic) E Aftered (Non-Historic) Threats: Ef Abandonment EtNegba El Afteration ElDevetopment fl Govemm"nt n"tio6n" 3::"*"j"",,€?ln _s6rvanl t'rwffi' *", '€*z quarter _ multiple dwelling instihitonal housilrg _ -hotel camD _commercerbade _bueinees -museum -firestatirn -govemnpntotrco -sPortsfafllty _profieesional _olgnnizational _financidinetituton -custornhouae -otttdoorranaati<n -fair -poctoffce _specialtyetorc _@EtmentstoF _rEtauranl _warchousg _hall-parlorl{one _dngle pen hall, 2 pile house _gableell _ehotgun _double-ehcilgun _ _camelback _pyramidalcotaga _double _Crcolehouss _contral-hall pen -centrd hoJae _QueenAnne bungalolv _bursquare _minimaltradiUoncffigs _QueenAnnecdage _ _halFparlor _saddlebeg central-hall, 2 pib cottsge [email protected] _blumandcottag€ -K-3 trHigh Style trEtements _Crcde/Frrrch Colonial _VborianGc{hic _GcthicRevival _Second Empire _QueenAnne _ sill on _CommercialSVle _EaatlakdStidr _ShingleStyle _Ronraneque _ttalienate _ltalianVilla -$10 -lo2o -2ol _Prairie _ExolicRevival _Federal _GreekRevhal *4 Hll*==:J=ru; _cental-hall l-house _dorbleaen l{oues BeauxArls ground,@rcrdeblock pier _Chlcego _lateGofrricReWal _Skyscnper _Missbn _ltalian Renaissanca _Renaiesance _ _TudorRe\rival _Franch _ _ _Craftsman _Moderno Renaissance _Ail Deco corilinuous stone continwus conqets block _concrdeslab _log _ (note notch) _hartn log post in ground _pooton _ _frenchtimberftame sill _loadbearing brick _estembrscofano _loadbearing stone _vedixlberd _ _boadandbatten _log (note dressing) _uood @apUoaOtr*eath€rb€rd !'droplnovelty _ f, sUing ueh horizontral board shingle _eryosed bousillags stucco brick (nc[e bod) _ _ stone (note dmesing) _concrcle block _ _ docorative concr€te blod( pour€d concrcto uall _pigmentedglcs _glass block _gembrd _pyamkld _hip _manead _dip@gable _doublepitchhip _cornplex _croos gable _gablaon hip _rurnd shingle _ built up _parapdgabb _steppedgable _wood _she shingle _metal _ceramiotenacdtatile load beadng corrcrc{e block _rcinbrced _other _unknown _ _ concre(e steel frame/curtain wall unknown consbudion _terra ccdta _asphdt _glazedUbMileDlod( _ sheed metal _enarnelled deel _asbeatos r€con$itut€d urood siding pernastore other(seenanatir/€) _unknown _dudnumVng _conical _flat _ _ _ skling _unknown _shed _dnr(seenarative _rugewrter ddgeofi+enter Henalg)derior _r€rnoved __jsbl€end€xterior _-lJoqgcenter _dher _3ableendinterior/f,ueh _dopetf,qnter _unknown _frrcddhrldod _sirul+trung _batbn .Z={qnbhung *dile+tne -fixedinglc -bsy _ori€l _Palhdian _caflignt slidina ,-bt"""tt",il -=_? _ulllmowll _d€f Jt1 ,-12 :irq ]ere _9/9 _12t12 _2t1 _3t1 _4t1 _611 _9|1 _12t1 9r6 _multi- -sldn€d -diamord _udmown _dh3r f,ush _fanligtrt _ scr€en€d F€deral _eldelightc _Fplacontont -_GrskR€\,ivd -glaed gE€d _unknown -baneom -QueenAnne _Sell€ry _ pottecherc_ ht€gretsd _ encloeod _poneodpru -SdW _fullwldth _wrap -int€gffid-enclosed _unknown _portco _podico _tullwidth _trap _unknown -bden _fiench -stoop _r,erandah -bahopftflblwirtth _loggid-!6ch€d _poripena _cnher _rcr€n€d _bdcony _padialwidth _pedpteral _dher _bgpia _attach€d _screened d*crlpdon lmpacl -I M_S _J-iA_S._ ,JMS _t M_l_ I *L{IL _ _ _ _ Phntratbn Agriculture (175G1 945) CrsoleArchftectum (1750 - 1 900) Uphnd South Culturc (1E20 -1945) New Orleens Sceport (1718 -1945) _Transpoftatlon Spbma (1812 -l&{5) _ s Historic Lumbar Industry (1880.1920) RieBoom (1880-1945) and Gag Industry _agriculturo (1 903.1 945) _relislon _architeciure _adence _arch€ology _art -aoddhiebry _transponefion _c(,lfin€foB _cornmunicaliono _communlty planning and dwoloprn€d _conc€rvailiotl _€conornacs _educetion _enginoed@ _enbdainmenUrcqedion _effinichedtage _ ereloretionAd0efitdrt _health/lnedirine _industry _invention _ landscape architeciure _law _literaturc _madttimehistory _military _perfomingafte _philocophy _pollti<dgorcmment - ^/ (,-' ,/,e/r" , 23..'' ,l - ctonge/mlec. rhsd t - rlngle crib bem I 2-doublccrlbbam || 3-tremverre+rlb bem 5-rmokehouao 6-rprlngtwellhowe #1 typa:_ datez e / c_ cgmmg|t: #2 type:_ datez e / c_ oarnment: #3 tyw:- '' o corn crit g-coop g-qua'rtelr Z- #4 dafr;e/i type:_ &e:e/ c_ oomnerrt: co/,nme'.tt: l0 -gnrcccnler 13 -ofice t6 - prlvey { - plgeonnler 14 - mechlne rhed tI - rbble t2 - kltchen 15 - gangc t8 - other { #s #6 tvoe: dn/rel,c/ c_ Go'nmo'rt:_ typo:_ dafor: e / c_ s(m,''l''rt. o
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