PD Dr.-Ing. Torsten Markus Microstructure and Properties of
PD Dr.-Ing. Torsten Markus Microstructure and Properties of
PD Dr.-Ing. Torsten Markus Microstructure and Properties of Materials, IEK-2 Contact Phone: 02461 614470 Email: [email protected] Education Diploma 1998 Dr.-Ing. Maschinenbau, RWTH Aachen University RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich Habilitation Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering 2010 1998 – 2001 Professional Career/Work Experience Post Doc Head of Division Functions Awards Institute for Energy and Climate Research, IEK-2, Forschungszentrum Jülich Materials Chemistry, IEK-2, Forschungszentrum Jülich Member of the Executive Committee of the High Temperature Materials Division of the ECS (Electrochemical Society Chairman of the SGTE (Scientific Group Thermodata Europe) Borchers Plakette of RWTH Aachen University (Dr.-Ing.) Günther-Leibfried-Preis, Forschungszentrum Jülich (Communication) 2001 – 2006 since 2006 since 2009 since 2011 2002 2002 Scientific Focal Points • • • • • • • High Temperature Thermochemistry Mixed Ion Conducting Membranes and porous Membranes for CO 2 capture High Intensity Discharge Light Sources Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Intermetallics Li-Ion Batteries Computer Based Materials Modelling and Design, Calphad Method and First Principles Selected Publications • X. Li; T. Kerstiens, T. Markus, Oxygen permeability and phase stability of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ perovskite at intermediate temperatures, Journal of Membrane 438, 83–89 (2013) • L. Narasimhan, D. Kath, K. Hilpert, T. Markus, Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometric Studies of the B2 phase in the Al-Co system, Int. J. Mat. Res. 102, 1232-1241 (2011) • Stefan Engels, Torsten Markus, Michael Modigell, Lorenz Singheiser, Oxygen permeation and stability investigations on MIEC membrane materials under operating conditions for power plant processes, Journal of Membrane Science 370, 58–69 (2011) • D. Schlehuber, E. Wessel, L. Singheiser, T. Markus, Long-term operation of a La 0.58 Sr 0.4 Co 0.2 Fe 0.8 O 3 − -membrane for oxygen separation, Journal of Membrane Science 351, 16–20 (2010) • • • • A. Möbius, D. Henriques, T. Markus, Sintering behaviour of La 1−x Sr x Co 0.2 Fe 0.8 O 3−δ (0.3 ≤ x ≤ 0.8) mixed conducting materials, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 29, 2831–2839 (2009) J. Wackerl, T. Koppitz, D.H. Peck, S.K. Woo, T. Markus, Correlation of thermal properties and electrical conductivity of La 0.7 Sr 0.3 Cu 0.2 Fe 0.8 O 3- material for solid oxide fuel cells, J Appl Electrochem 39, 1243– 1249 (2009) R. Hugh Davies, Alan T. Dinsdale, T. Markus, Stuart A. Mucklejohn, and Georges Zissis, Requirements for Thermochemical Data in the Lighting Community, Z. Naturforsch. 63a, 423 – 434 (2008) M. Stanislowski, J. Froitzheim, L. Niewolak, W.J. Quadakkers, K. Hilpert, T. Markus, L. Singheiser, Reduction of chromium vaporization from SOFC interconnectors by highly effective coatings, Journal of Power Sources 164, 578-589 (2007)