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Updated October 2013 Delivering Pure TM PRODUCT CATALOG CPAP | RESPIRATORY | SUCTION | NEBULIZER | VENTILATOR Excellence... For over 25 years, AG Industries has domestically manufactured, inventoried, and shipped a quality line of respiratory replacement supplies for the home health care provider. As a vertically integrated manufacturer, we take pride in offering quality, effective supplies to the healthcare industry while constantly evolving our products to meet the demands of a changing market place. While we manufacture and supply a great variety of products, we specialize in CPAP, Oxygen Therapy, Aspirator & Nebulizer accessories and replacement parts. Our well stocked and centrally located facility holds the key to meeting and exceeding our clients’ aftermarket respiratory needs. This detailed and user- friendly product guide features the most diverse product line in existence for the health care professional to service their patients. The AG Industries team is constantly striving to refine our existing products and prepare for future challenges through the integration of research and development within the manufacturing process. By leveraging skills, expertise, and experience, our dedicated employees respond quickly to the needs of the industry and form effective relationships with our valued partners. In addition to our advanced experience in the homecare sector, AG Industries’ knowledge of filtration devices and their related systems gives us the skills to remain a leader in the healthcare sector. We will design, manufacture, and validate components of your existing device or provide cutting edge, innovative, full filtration systems. To assure the success of your new system, we offer resources to master regulatory issues on a global scale, implement cost efficient manufacturing, and provide critical deliveries worldwide. Please contact our friendly and knowledgeable Customer Service or Sales Team for more information on any of our products or services! innovation, service & value TM Policy Terms and Conditions FREIGHT AND SHIPPING • Same day shipping on orders placed before 1pm CST • FEDEX, UPS or USPS is available for parcel shipping services • If you prefer a different carrier, please let your sales representative or customer service representative know at the time of the order • All Freight Charges are prepaid and add. PAYMENT OPTIONS • NET 30 DAYS PAYMENT TERMS - Optional for qualified companies. • COD - Optional for non-qualified companies. • CREDIT CARD - AG Industries accepts Visa and Master Card. RETURNED GOODS If products must be returned, please contact customer service to obtain a return authorization code. A 20% restocking fee may be imposed. This fee will be waived for returns resulting from an AG Industries error. Errors must be reported within 3 days of receipt. NON RETURNABLE MERCHANDISE AG Industries cannot accept returns on the following: • Custom ordered products • Products invoiced more than six months from the date of requested return • Products not in their original, unopened packaging To place your order or for product questions, please contact customer service: 800-875-3138 (toll free) or 636-349-4466 CPAP CPAP PRODUCTS CPAP CONTENT NEW PRODUCTS Sopora & Miran Mask Nonny Pediatric Mask Tube Cleaning Hanger Rem Zzzs Boomerang Gel Pad 2 3 21 28 34 FILTERS Respironics4-7 Resmed8-10 Puritan Bennett 11-13 Fisher & Paykel 14 DeVilbiss15 BREAS16 Viasys17 Invacare18 AEIO Med 19 Evo/Global Medical 19 ProBasics20 3B Products 20 TUBING22-24 SUPPLY KITS25 ACCESSORIES26-31 HUMIDIFER CHAMBERS Fisher & Paykel 32 Resmed32 DeVilbiss32 ProBasics33 Respironics33 MASKS AG Industries 35, 48 Respironics36-40 Puritan Bennett 41 Fisher & Paykel 42-44 DeVilbiss45 Sleepnet 46, 48 Nasal-Aire47 CHINSTRAPS49-50 HEADGEAR 51-56 2012 HCPCS Reimbursement Table Product Decription Replacement Page HCPCS CODES Code CPAP A 0 TubingwithIntegrated eating per months Pg.2 A 0 0 FullFaceMask per months Pg. , A 0 FullFaceCushion- eplacement per month Pg. ,2 , per month Pg.2,2 - 0, A 0 2 asalCushion- eplacement A 0 A 0 asalInterface,MaskorCannula per months Pg.2, A 0 eadgear per months Pg. - A 0 Chinstrap per months Pg. - A 0 Tubing per months Pg.22-2 A 0 Filter, isposable A 0 Filter, on-disposable A 0 ExhalationPort- eplacement ContactPayor Pg.2 Water Chamber - Replacement 1 per 6 months Pg. 31-32 umidifier,Cool ContactPayor Pg. umidifier, eated ContactPayor Pg. 2 1 per 6 months Pg. 67 umidifierforPAP, eated ContactPayor Pg. asalCannula ContactPayor Pg. 0 - 0 A7046 E0 E0 2 Pillowfor asalInterface- eplacement 2pairper month - 2per month per months , , 0- Pg.2 - Pg. -20 Pg. -20 Ventilator A7046 E0 Water Chamber for PAP - Replacement 2 Respiratory A A OxygenTubing,PerFoot ContactPayor Pg. 0 E0 Oximiter, on-Invasive ContactPayor Pg. 0 , E ContactPayor Pg. 2 E ContactPayor Pg. 2 heeledCartforOygenCylinder ack StandforOygenCylinder 0 Suction A 0 TrachelCatheter,Closed ContactPayor Pg. 2 A 2 TrachelCatheter, otClosed ContactPayor Pg. 2 A 000 Cannister, isposable ContactPayor Pg. 2 A 002 TubingforSuctionPump ContactPayor Pg. 22- 2 E0 00 Poratble espiratorySuctionPump,Electric ContactPayor Pg. A MoistureExchanger, isposable ContactPayor Pg. 2 A 2 TracheostomyMask ContactPayor Pg. 2 A 00 SetwithSmallVolume ebulizer, isposable ContactPayor 0 A 00 SetwithSmallVolume ebulizer, isposable ContactPayor 0 A 0 CompressorFilter, isposable 2per months Pg. 2 - A 0 CompressorFilter, on-disposable per months Pg. 2 - A 0 AerosolMaskwith ebulizer per months Pg. ebulizerwithCompressor ContactPayor Nebulizer E0 0 0 Pg. 2 uetofrequentupdatesin CPCScodes&policy,thisinformationisforreferenceonly. hileallinformationistothebestofourknowledge,wecannotguaranteepaymentbyyourprovider. 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) |1 Miran Full Face &Sopora Nasal Mask TM NEW PRODUCT TM D SuperiorSealataPracticalPrice E A. Headgear buckle with quick snap design •Quickandeasytofastenandunfastenonmask •Optionalheadgearbucklecanbeusedwith balljointorVelcro B.MaskFrame&SiliconeCushion •Uniquedesignforstabilityandsuperiorcomfort •Easytoattachandremovemaskforcleaning •Ergonomicaldesignvirtuallyeliminatesleakage B G C.SamplingPort •Allowsformeasuringpressure,ETC02 C D. Headgear •Soft,comfortablematerial •Easytowear,adjustandclean A Sopora Mask PatentPending TM F D Forehead Pads in 3 Sizes for Custom Fitting E Extra comfort cushion B See Page 35 For Part Numbers & More Information! Cushions are Easy to Attach & Remove E.ForeheadPads •Madeofmedicalgradesilicone-odorless,soft andcomfortable •Includesthreepadsizesforeasyfitting F.AGFlexTube™ •Eliminatestorquebetweentubeandmask •Usesstandard22mmconnection C A Miran Mask PatentPending TM F 2| G. Flexible Bridge •CIMTechnologyallowsforcontrolledflexibility, creatingsuperiorsealandincreasingcompliance Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. ! g n i c u NEW PRODUCT d o r Int NONNY PediatricMask TM SuperiorSealataPracticalPrice A. Five Point Headgear •Additionalsupportpointhelps stabilizeheadgear •Softandcomfortable •Breathableagainsttheskin •Easytowear,adjustandclean A B B.ForeheadPad •Easyfitting,onesizepad •One-piecedesignstabilizes maskontheface C.SiliconeFacialCushion •Uniquelydesignedforstable, superiorcomfort • SandPetitesizesavailable •Easytoattachandremovefromframe •Comfortable&hypoallergenic C D .Bucklew quicksnapdesign •Quickandeasytofasten unfastenmask •Optionalbucklecanbeusedwithball jointorVelcro E.AGFlexTM Tube •Standard22mmconnection •Flexibilityimprovescompliance Extra comfort cushion 1.800.875.3138 Cushions are Easy to Attach & Remove 636.349.4466 E See Page 48 For Part Numbers & More Information! 636.349.7069 (fax) |3 Filtersfor espironics PR System One AG1063096MED AG1063096-6 AG1063096:R* Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 1 3/4 x *Retail Package 2/Pk. 6/Pk. 12/Pk. A 0 ,A 0 AG1063091 AG1063091-2 AG1063091:R* 1/Pk. 2/Pk. 6/Pk. AG1029330M AG1029330 AG1029330M:R* 1/Pk. 2/Pk. 6/Pk. AG5964M AG5964 AG5964:R* 1/Pk. 2/Pk. 6/Pk. eusableFoam CPAPFilter 1 3/4 x *Retail Package CPAP FILTERS M-Series (w/C-Flex/Non C-Flex) REMStar Lite/Auto AG1029331M AG1029331 AG1029331M:R* Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 1 3/4 x *Retail Package 2/Pk. 6/Pk. 2/Pk. eusableFoam CPAPFilter 1 11/16” x 15/16” *Retail Package REMStar Legacy Series Lite/Pro/Plus/Auto AG5945 AG5945-6 AG5945:R* Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 3 ”x1 ” *Retail Package 4| 2/Pk. 6/Pk. 12/Pk. eusableFoam CPAPFilter 3 ”x1 ” *Retail Package Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. Filtersfor espironics A 0 ,A 0 REMStar LX/Plus LX/Solo/Solo LX/Solo Plus/Solo Plus LX/Aria LX/Virtuso LX P622017MED P622017 P622018M P622018 1/Pk. 2/Pk. P622019MED P622019 2/Pk. 6/Pk. F622220M F622220 1/Pk. 2/Pk. P01MED P01 2/Pk. 6/Pk. Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 3 ” x 2 13/16” eusableFoam CPAPFilter 3 ”x2 ” Duet LX, Synchrony, Synchrony ST, Harmony Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 4 13/16” x 3 1/4” eusableFoam CPAPFilter 4 3/4” x 2 ” Sleep Easy III Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 7 13/16” x 5” NOTE: BULK PACK SIZES Pleasecontactyourcustomerservicerepresentativefor informationaboutadditionalcpapfilterpacksizesand bulk options. 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) |5 CPAP FILTERS 2/Pk. 6/Pk. Filtersfor espironics A 0 ,A 0 Aria, Virtuso, Duet, Quartet P311MED P311 Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 3 ” x 2 1/2” 2/Pk. 6/Pk. F247MED F247 1/Pk. 2/Pk. 2/Pk. 5/Pk. F357MED F357 1/Pk. 5/Pk. eusableFoam CPAPFilter 3 1/2” x 2 5/16” CPAP FILTERS Healthdyne Quest, Auto Quest P357MED P357 Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 4 ” x 4 1/2” eusableFoam CPAPFilter 4 ” x 4 5/16” Related CPAP Products CP7041 SwivelConnector 6| TC-6-BLUE Blue Hose Wrap SP-SOPN-M Sopora Nasal MaskMedium CP616-325 asalPillows Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. Filtersfor espironics A 0 ,A 0 REMStar, REMStar Choice/Choice LS F144-PMED F144-P Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 4 3/4” x 5 ” F144MED 1/Pk. 2/Pk. 5/Pk. F157M F157 1/Pk. 5/Pk. eusableFoam CPAPFilter 5 1/16” x 6 ” Tranquility, Tranquility 7100, Tranquilty Plus P157MED P157 Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 4 ”x1 ” eusableFoam CPAPFilter 5” x 2 1/4” x 2 ” Related CPAP Products AG1963 Connector withCap 1.800.875.3138 AGGELPAD-PK Boomerang Gel PadTM 636.349.4466 AG635871165 CitrusMask CleanerSpray 636.349.7069 (fax) HCG72 StandardGrey Tubing |7 CPAP FILTERS 2/Pk. 6/Pk. Filtersfor esMed A 0 ,A 0 S9 Series AG36851 AG36854 AG36851:R* Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 2 3/16” x 1 7/16” *Retail Package 2/Pk. 3/Pk. 12/Pk. AG36856 AG36859 2/Pk. 3/Pk. AF33920MED AF33920 2/Pk. 3/Pk. AF30910MED AF30910 2/Pk. 3/Pk. ypoallergenic CPAPFilter 2 3/16” x 1 7/16” CPAP FILTERS S8 Series, Vantage, Elite, Escape, Compact, Tango AF33916MED AF33916 AF33916MED:R* Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 1 5/16” x 1 ” *Retail Package 2/Pk. 3/Pk. 12/Pk. ypoallergenic CPAPFilter 1 5/16” x 1 ” S7 Series, VPAP III/ST, Auto Respond, AutoSet Spirit AF30907MED AF30907 AF30907MED:R* Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 1 ”x1 ” *Retail Package 8| 2/Pk. 3/Pk. 12/Pk. ypoallergenic CPAPFilter 1 ”x1 ” Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. Filtersfor esMed A 0 ,A 0 S6 Series, S6 Sulivan AF21935MED AF21935 2/Pk. 3/Pk. AG17937MED AG17937 2/Pk. 3/Pk. AF26912MED AF26912 2/Pk. 3/Pk. Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 5 3/4” x 3/4” AF21946 ypoallergenic CPAPFilter 5 3/4” x 3/4” 1/Pk. Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 4 1/4” x 3 1/4” CPAP FILTERS Auto Set T Adapt VPAP SV Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 1 14/16” x 1 1/16” 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) AF26927MED AF26927 ypoallergenic CPAPFilter 1 14/16” x 1 1/16” 2/Pk. 3/Pk. |9 Filtersfor esMed A 0 S5/S3 Series, VPAP, VPAP II/ST AF908MED AF908 CPAP FILTERS Foam&Poly CPAPFilterSet 6 5/16” x 11/16” 2 Sets/Pk. 3 Sets/Pk. 10 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. FiltersforPuritanBennett Sandman Intro/Info/Auto/Duo ST 1/Pk. 2/Pk. AG41395004 AG41395004MED Ea. 2/Pk. Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 1 ”x1 ” ,A 0 AG41484006MED 1/Pk. AG41484006 2/Pk. eusableFoam CPAPFilter 1 ”x1 ” GoodKnight 420/425 Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 1 3/4” x 13/16” AG41395002 Ea. AG41395002MED 1/Pk. eusableFoam CPAPFilter 1 3/4 x GoodKnight 314/318 & Cloud 9 P126924MED P126924 Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 6 ”x1 ” 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 2/Pk. 5/Pk. 636.349.7069 (fax) P290609MED P290609 eusableFoam CPAPFilter 5 5/16” x 1” 1/Pk. 2/Pk. | 11 CPAP FILTERS AG41484007-1 AG41484007 A 0 FiltersforPuritanBennett A 0 ,A 0 GoodKnight 418 A/G/P/S P4135602 2/Pk. Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 5 ” x 3/4” P413560 P413560MED Ea. 2/Pk. P645029MED P645029 1/Pk. 5/Pk. eusableFoam CPAPFilter 5 3/16” x 3/4” CPAP FILTERS GoodKnight 418 P645030MED P645030 Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 1 ”x1 2/Pk. 5/Pk. ” eusableFoam CPAPFilter 2 ”x1 ” Knightstar 320 P645019 eusableFoam CPAPFilter 4 1/4” x 2 ” 12 | Ea. Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. FiltersforPuritanBennett A 0 ,A 0 Knightstar 330 AG101922 AG101922MED eusableFoam CPAPFilter 3 3/4” x 1” Ea. 2/Pk. P645023 eusableFoam CPAPFilter 6 1/4” x 4 1/4” CPAP FILTERS Knightstar 335 Ea. Complimentary Private Labeling •I C U E OU OGO,A ESS, EBSITE,ETC. •C EATE OU O PA T UMBE S • O MI IMUMS Contactcustomerserviceformoreinformation 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 13 FiltersforFisher&Paykel A 0 ,A 0 ICON Series AG503 AG503MED 1/Pk. 2/Pk. AG240 2/Pk. Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 2 ” x 3/4” CPAP FILTERS SleepStyle HC230/HC600 Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 2 x SleepStyle HC200/HC220/HC221 AG222MED AG222 Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 5” x 3/4” 14 | 2/Pk. 4/Pk. Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. Filtersfor eVilbiss A 0 ,A 0 IntelliPap Standard/Auto/Adjust F603MED F603 Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 1 11/16” x 1 3/16” 2/Pk. 4/Pk. 1/Pk. 4/Pk. P80202MED P80202 1/Pk. 4/Pk. eusableFoam CPAPFilter 1 ” x 1 3/16” 8000RD, 8001RD, 8054B, 8003D, 9000D, 9001D, 9054D, 9055D & Horizon LT P80603MED P80603 Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 4 1/4” x 1 5/16” 2/Pk. 4/Pk. eusableFoam CPAPFilter 3 15/16” x 1 3/16” NOTE: ADDITIONAL PACK SIZES Pleasecontactyourcustomerservicerepresentativefor informationaboutadditionalcpapfilterpacksizesand bulk options. 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 15 CPAP FILTERS F602MED F602 FiltersforB EAS A 0 ,A 0 iSleep 20 AG004153MED AG004153 2/Pk. 5/Pk. AG004154MED 1/Pk. AG003564 AG003564MED 1/Pk. 2/Pk. AG003563 AG003563MED 1/Pk. 2/Pk. Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 2 1/4 x eusableFoam CPAPFilter 2 x CPAP FILTERS Vivo 30/40/50 Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 3 1/4 x eusableFoam CPAPFilter 3 1/4 x Related CPAP Products AG1011730 Contour CPAP Pillow 16 | AGCPM100 CPAPMeter AG302000 eluxe Chinstrap AGCE1000 Moisturizer Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. FiltersforViasys A 0 ,A 0 Orion & Pegasus AG774688MED AG774688 Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 2 1/4” x 1 3/4” AG774689 2/Pk. 6/Pk. eusableFoam CPAPFilter 2 3/4” x 1 3/4” Ea. CPAP FILTERS Related CPAP Products S1-FS em zzsFullFace Mask iners 1.800.875.3138 DS143C isposable Tubing72” 636.349.4466 AG11000 esMedStyle Chinstrap 636.349.7069 (fax) AG51285 SwivelConnector | 17 FiltersforInvacare A 0 ,A 0 Polaris LT AG1082428MED AG1082428 2/Pk. 3/Pk. AG1124211MED AG1124211 1/Pk. 3/Pk. AG1005300MED AG1005300 1/Pk. 2/Pk. Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 4 15/16” x 1 15/16” AG1670MED AG1670 eusableFoam CPAPFilter 4 ” x 2” 1/Pk. 3/Pk. CPAP FILTERS Polaris EX eusableFoam CPAPFilter 2 1/16” x 1” Polaris TR eusableFoam CPAPFilter 2” x 1 ” 18 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. FiltersforAEIOMed&Evo A 0 ,A 0 AEIO Med Everest Aura/II/III AG1005300MED AG1005300 eusableFoam CPAPFilter 2” x 1 ” 1/Pk. 2/Pk. AG21117MED AG21117 eusableFoam CPAPFilter 2 3/16” x 1 1/16” 2/Pk. 6/Pk. Evo/Global Medical Comfort PAP 803/804 AG803M Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 1 3/16” x 1 7/16” 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 CPAP FILTERS Evo/Global Medical RemRest Tier I/II/III 2/Pk. 636.349.7069 (fax) AG804M eusableFoam CPAPFilter 1 ” x 1 3/16” 1/Pk. | 19 FiltersforProBasics& BProducts A 0 ,A 0 ProBasics ZZZPap & PureSom AG7511M AG7511 2/Pk. 10/Pk. AG3B01 AG3BMED 1/Pk. 2/Pk. Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 1 3/16” x 1 7/16” AG7510M AG7510 eusableFoam CPAPFilter 1 ” x 1 3/16” 1/Pk. 10/Pk. CPAP FILTERS 3B Products Resmart Ultagen™ CPAPFilter 3 1/4” x 1 ” 20 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. Introducing AG INDUSTRIES CPAP Tube Cleaning & Hanging System Thisretailpackagedcleaningsystem convenientlycleansalmostanylengthCPAP tubewithoutahassleormess.Aftercleaning, patientscaneasilyhangthesystemoutofthe waywiththehookorsuctionattachments Easy tube cleaning in three steps! SOLD AS: FEATURES: Each Part # AG-CLN-HA • ookattachmentforhanginganywhere Suctionattachmentsforsecuringtoany smooth surface •Cleans,Soaks& rieswithnomess •Easyclean-up&Convenientstorage ™ 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 NEW PRODUCT Filltubewithacleaningsolution,attach theendcaps&agitatetoC EA . 2 angthetubetoSOA . emovetheendcaps,emptythecleaning solution&invertthetubeto ,while hangingfromyourchosensurface. Pleasecontactcustomerserviceoryour salesrepresentativeformoreinformation on this product. 636.349.7069 (fax) | 21 CPAPTubing A 0 Standard Tubing HCG18 HCG24 HCG36 HCG48 HCG72 HCG78 HCG84 HCG96 HCG120 HCG144C HCG143C:R* StandardTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs 24” StandardTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs StandardTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs StandardTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs StandardTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs StandardTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs StandardTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs StandardTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs 0 StandardTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs 2 StandardTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs StandardTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs etailPackage Standard Tubing HC140C HC150C HC141C HC143C HC144C HC145C HC146C HC147C StandardTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs 24” StandardTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs StandardTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs StandardTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs StandardTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs StandardTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs 0 StandardTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs 2 StandardTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs S9 Style Flex-Lite Tubing Flex- iteTubing mm, ilac-22mmCuffs CPAP TUBING AG36810 22 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. CPAPTubing A 0 Steam Sterilizable Hospital Grade Tubing CPG140C CPG150C CPG142C CPG143C CPG144C CPG145C CPG146C CPG147C SteamSterilizableTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs 24” SteamSterilizableTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs SteamSterilizableTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs SteamSterilizableTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs SteamSterilizableTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs SteamSterilizableTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs 0 SteamSterilizableTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs 2 SteamSterilizableTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs Steam Sterilizable Hospital Grade Tubing CP140C CP150C CP141C CP142C CP143C CP144C CP145C CP146C CP147C Ultagen™ Ergonomic Tubing 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 UltagenErgonomicTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs 24” UltagenErgonomicTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs UltagenErgonomicTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs UltagenErgonomicTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs UltagenErgonomicTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs UltagenErgonomicTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs UltagenErgonomicTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs 0 UltagenErgonomicTubing,Grey-22mmCuffs 636.349.7069 (fax) | 23 CPAP TUBING AGU18 AGU24 AGU36 AGU48 AGU72 AGU84 AGU96 AGU120 SteamSterilizableTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs 24” SteamSterilizableTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs SteamSterilizableTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs SteamSterilizableTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs SteamSterilizableTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs SteamSterilizableTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs SteamSterilizableTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs 0 SteamSterilizableTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs 2 SteamSterilizableTubing,Cream-22mmCuffs CPAPTubing A 0 ,A 0 Disposable Tubing DS140C DS150C DS141C DS142C DS143C DS144C DS146C DS147C 24” 0 2 isposableTubing,Clear-22mmIntegralMoldedCuffs isposableTubing,Clear-22mmIntegralMoldedCuffs isposableTubing,Clear-22mmIntegralMoldedCuffs isposableTubing,Clear-22mmIntegralMoldedCuffs isposableTubing,Clear-22mmIntegralMoldedCuffs isposableTubing,Clear-22mmIntegralMoldedCuffs isposableTubing,Clear-22mmIntegralMoldedCuffs isposableTubing,Clear-22mmIntegralMoldedCuffs Heated Tubing AGHC200 AGSYS1H15 AG900ICON208 ROC2300 HBT300 POWERPAL-1 eatedTubing 00Series,Grey-Cuffed eatedTubing 0Series SystemOne,Grey-Cuffed eatedTubingThermosmartF&PIcon,Grey-Cuffed Plastiflex ainoutControlSystem,Includes ybernite eated ose&PowerSupply eplacement ybernite eated oseforPlastiflex ainoutControlSystem, hite-22mmCuffs eplacementPowerSupplyforPlastiflex ainoutControlSystem Internal Pressure Line Tubing InternalPressure ineTubing,Grey- 22mm Cuffs InternalPressure ineTubing,Grey- 22mm Cuffs CPAP TUBING AG26127 AG26130 24 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. CPAP SUPPLY KITS e-Supply its Respironics PR1-KIT1 P SystemOne Month Supply itIncludes CG 2, AG 0 0 ME , AG 0 0 M-SERIES-KIT1 M-Series Month Supply itIncludes HCG72, AG 02 M, AG 02 0M PR1-KIT3 P SystemOne Month Supply itIncludes HCG72, AG 0 0 - , AG 0 0 M-SERIES-KIT3 M-Series Month Supply itIncludes HCG72, AG 02 , AG 02 0M S9-KIT1 S TMSeries Month Supply itIncludes AG 0, AG S8-KIT1 S TMSeries Month Supply itIncludes CG 2, AF ME S9-KIT3 S TMSeries Month Supply itIncludes AG 0, AG 0- S8-KIT3 S TMSeries Month Supply itIncludes HCG72, -AF INTELLIPAP-KIT1 INTELLIPAP-KIT3 ResMed DeVilbiss IntelliPap Month Supply itIncludes HCG72,F 0 ME , F 02ME 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) IntelliPap Month Supply itIncludes HCG72, -F 0 ME , F 02ME | 25 CPAP Accessories CPAP Nasal Pillows CP616-324 CP616-356 1 Pair 1 Pair CPAP ACCESSORIES asalPillowsfor BreezeSleepgear,M Clear asal ilatorsfor BreezeSleepgear,M White CP616-325 CP616-357 1 Pair 1 Pair asalPillowsfor BreezeSleepgear, Green asal ilatorsfor BreezeSleepgear, ellow Related CPAP Products AG63587 CitrusMask Cleansing Wipes 26 | AGGELPAD-PK Boomerang Gel PadTM CP7041 SwivelConnector SP-FMS AGFullFace Mask Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. CPAP Accessories CPAP Cleaners AG-CLN-WA* AG-CLN-WI * Ea. Ea. Retail Packaged MaskCleaning ipes MonthSupply 2 ipes *Retail Package Ea. Reatil Packaged CPAPTubeCleaning and Replacenemt Pads *Retail Package AG-CLN-HA* AG635871165 SP-CPS-CTN Ea. 12/Case AGCE1000 AG63587 SP-CPW-CTN Ea. 12/Case AG008 AG-CLN-WAREP* Retail Packaged TubeCleaning& angingSystem *Retail Package Ea. Cann-Ease asalMoisturizingCream CitrusII MaskCleaner oz.Spray CitrusII MaskCleaner ipes Ea. Ea. espiclean oz.Spray Related CPAP Products SP-CHS ubyStyle Chinstrap 1.800.875.3138 TC-6-BLACK Black Hose Wrap 636.349.4466 AG302465 MeshChild Headgear 636.349.7069 (fax) SH72 Tubing educer | 27 CPAP ACCESSORIES Reatil Packaged TubeCleaning and Starter itwith eek PadSupply *Retail Package CPAP ACCESSORIES Introducing RemZzzs™ Mask Liners 6 DAY SUPPLY KIT INCLUDES: 6 Facial Liners & 1 Forehead Liner FULL FACE MASKS COMPATIBLE S1-FS: SmallFullFace AGIndustriesFullFace. esmed Quattro Fx,UltraMirage. espironics ComfortGel,ComfortFull2.Evo Comfort-Fit,Apex S2-FM: Med.FullFace AGIndustriesFullFace. esmed Quattro Fx M ,UltraMirage. espironics ComfortGel,ComfortFull2.Evo Comfort-Fit,Apex S3-Fl: argeFullFace AGIndustriesFullFace. esmed Quattro,UltraMirage. espironics ComfortGel,ComfortFull .Evo Comfort-Fit,Apex S4-FS: SmallFullFace Fisher&Paykel , 2,Forma. ans udolph 00V2 S5-FM: Med.FullFace Fisher&Paykel , 2,Forma. ans udolph 00V2 S6-FL: argeFullFace Fisher&Paykel , 2,Forma. ans udolph 00V2 NASAL MASKS COMPATIBLE Is Your CPAP Therapy Leaving You Tired? AchieveSuccess ith em zzs™CPAPMask iners. RemZzzs™ BENEFITS: •Greatlyreducesoreliminatesnoisyand annoyingairleaks. •Preventsskinirritationsanduglypressuremarks. • elpabsorbfacialmoistureandoils. •Assistswithcomfortablyholdingyourmaskinplace. •Allowsfortheuseofbedtimefacialproducts. •Promotesacomfortable,fullnightofsleep... foryouandyourpartner HCPCS# A2070 S7-NS: Small asal AGIndustriesSoporaTM. espironics ComfortGel,ComfortClassic, ComfortSelect,ComfortFusion,Profile ite S8-NM: Med. asal AGIndustriesSoporaTM. espironics ComfortGel,ComfortClassic, ComfortSelect,ComfortFusion,Profile ite S9-NL: arge asal AGIndustriesSoporaTM. espironics ComfortGel,ComfortClassic, ComfortSelect,Profile ite S10-NS: Small asal esmed Activa,Activa t,MirageMicro. Fisher&Paykel 0 S M, 0 Petite, estPetite S11-NM: Med. asal esmed Activa,Activa t,MirageMicro,UltraMirage Standard.Fisher&Paykel 0 M , 0 Standard, estOne-Size S12-NL: arge asal esmed Activa,Activa t,MirageMicro,UltraMirage arge,Fisher&Paykel est-Plus 30 DAY SUPPLY KIT INCLUDES: 30 Facial Liners & 2 Forehead Liners FULL FACE MASKS COMPATIBLE KITS K1-FS: SmallFullFace AGIndustriesFullFace. esmed Quattro Fx,UltraMirage. espironics ComfortGel,ComfortFull2.Evo Comfort-Fit,Apex K2-FM: Med.FullFace AGIndustriesFullFace. esmed Quattro Fx M ,UltraMirage. espironics ComfortGel,ComfortFull2.Evo Comfort-Fit,Apex K3-FL: argeFullFace AGIndustriesFullFace. esmed Quattro,UltraMirage. espironics ComfortGel,ComfortFull .Evo Comfort-Fit,Apex K4-FS: SmallFullFace Fisher&Paykel , 2,Forma. ans udolph 00V2 K5-FM: Med.FullFace Fisher&Paykel , 2,Forma. ans udolph 00V2 K6-FL: argeFullFace Fisher&Paykel , 2,Forma. ans udolph 00V2 NASAL MASKS COMPATIBLE KITS Pleasecontactcustomerserviceor yoursalesrepformoreinformation on this product. 28 | ™ K7-NS: Small asal AGIndustriesSoporaTM. espironics ComfortGel,ComfortClassic, ComfortSelect,ComfortFusion,Profile ite K8-NM: Med. asal AGIndustriesSoporaTM. espironics ComfortGel,ComfortClassic, ComfortSelect,ComfortFusion,Profile ite K9-NL: arge asal AGIndustriesSoporaTM. espironics ComfortGel,ComfortClassic, ComfortSelect,Profile ite K10-NS: Small asal esmed Activa,Activa t,MirageMicro. Fisher&Paykel 0 S M, 0 Petite, estPetite K11-NM: Med. asal esmed Activa,Activa t,MirageMicro,UltraMirage Standard. Fisher&Paykel 0 M , 0 Standard, estOne-Size K12-NL: arge asal esmed Activa,Activa t,MirageMicro,UltraMirage arge, Fisher&Paykel est-Plus Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. CPAP Accessories A 2 0 RemZzzs Mask Liners S M em zzsFullFaceMask iners, aySupply AGIndustries, esMed, espironics,Evo&Probasics S M em zzsFullFaceMask iners, 0 aySupply AGIndustries, esMed, espironics,Evo&ProBasics S4-FS S5-FM S6-FL M S4-FS S5-FM S6-FL M S7-NS S8-NM S9-NL S M S7-NS S8-NM S9-NL S M S em zzsFullFaceMask iners, aySupply Fisher&Paykel& ans udolph em zzs asalMask iners, aySupply AGIndustries& espironics S10-NS S11-NM S12-NL S M em zzs asalMask iners, aySupply esMed&FisherPaykel 1.800.875.3138 K1-FS K2-FM K3-FL 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) S em zzsFullFaceMask iners, 0 aySupply Fisher&Paykel& ans udolph em zzs asalMask iners, 0 aySupply AGIndustries& espironics S10-NS S11-NM S12-NL S M em zzs asalMask iners, 0 aySupply esMed&FisherPaykel | 29 CPAP ACCESSORIES S1-FS S2-FM S3-FL CPAP Accessories CPAP Tubing Connectors CPAP ACCESSORIES AG1963 hisperSwivelConnector 22mmO. .x22mmI. . AG1642 AG1409 SH72 AGHC150 CP7041 AG1960 CP11517 AG1422 AG51285 CP616369 Enrichment Connector withoutCap 22mmO. .x22mmI. . Tubing educer Fits & I. . Tubing SwivelConnector 22mmO. .x22mmI. . SwivelConnector 22mmO. .x22mmI. . x mmI. . SwivelConnector mmO. .x22mmO. . x mmI. . 30 | CP332113 Enrichment Connector withCap 22M-22Fwith mmStem on-swivelConnector 22mmO. .x22mmO. . on-swivelConnector 22mmO. .x22mmI. . Straight Connector 22mmO. .x22mmI. . MultiAdapter 22mmO. .x mmI. . egree on-swivel MouthPieceConnector 22mmO. .x22mmI. . Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. CPAP Accessories CPAP Accessories AGGELPAD-PS Petite/S AGGELPAD-ML M AGGELPAD-PK Pack AG7178 AG1011730 TC-6-BLACK AG15-101R-1-920 TC-6-BLUE AGCPM100 MANOMETE - IT CPAP ACCESSORIES Bacteria ViralFilter CPCS-A 0 Boomerang Gel PadTM HCPCS - A7032 ContourCPAPPillow MaxContourPillow CPAPMeter 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 Hose Wrap Black Hose Wrap Blue ialTypeManometer withTubingandAdaptor, ialreads0- 0cm 2O CPCS-E 636.349.7069 (fax) | 31 umidifiers& aterChambers A 0 ,E0 Fisher & Paykel Chambers HC365S HC385S HC325D HC300 HC355 AGICON200 Replacement Water Chamber C 0 & C 0 Series &Sleepstyle CPAP HUMIDIFIERS Replacement Water Chamber C 00& C 0Series Replacement aterChamber, Cleanable& eusable SleepStyle200Series Replacement Water Chamber C200Series Replacement aterChamber, Cleanable& eusable SleepStyle 0Series Replacement aterChamber, Cleanable& eusable ICO Series Resmed S9TM Chamber AG36802 Replacement isposable aterChamber S SeriesMachines TM DeVilbiss Chamber AG52090DV Replacement Water Chamber Intellipap 32 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. umidifers& aterChambers A 0 ,E0 2 ProBasics Chamber AG7601 Replacement Water Chamber Puresom, zz-PAP& ComfortPAPMachines Respironics Chambers AG1003757 AG1063785 AG1003758 AG1035162 AG1048988L AG1056209 Replacement Water Chamber EMStarM-Series -2&OlderStyles Replacement Water Chamber SleepEasy CPAP HUMIDIFIERS Replacement Water Chamber EMStarM-Series& - ewerStyles Replacement Water Chamber P SystemOne Replacement Water Chamber EMStarBiPAP& 2 Replacement eated umidifier P SystemOne AG1063785 Replacement Water Chamber P SystemOne 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 33 Introducing AG INDUSTRIES Boomerang Gel Pad TO USE: • ashtheBoomerangGelPad™before eachuseasdirected. •PlacetheBoomerangGelPad™onbridge ofthenoseasshown. •Fityourmaskasusualoverthegelpad. • eplacementrecommendedevery 0days. RECOMMENDED CLEANING: • ashinwarmwaterusingmildsoaporwith alcohol-basedhandsanitizer. • insewithwarmwaterandallowtoair-dry. • eepoutofdirectsunlight. SOLD AS: NEW PRODUCT Boomerang Petite Small Part AGGELPAD-PS GEL PAD™ Medium arge Part AGGELPAD-ML Returning Compliance to Every Patient™ Packwithbothsizes Part AGGELPAD-PK HCPCS # A7032 ™ 34 | Pleasecontactcustomerserviceoryour salesrepresentativeformoreinformation on this product. Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. AGIndustriesMasks A 0 0,A 0 ,A 0 Sopora™ Nasal Mask SP-SOPN-S SP-SOPN-M SP-SOPN-L SP-SOPN-M-LRC SP-FT SP-HG SP-RPF SP-RNS-S SP-RNS-M SP-RNS-L Sopora™ asalMaskwith eadgear,S Sopora™ asalMaskwith eadgear,M Sopora™ asalMaskwith eadgear, Sopora™ asalMaskwith eadgear,andM& Replacement Cushions eplacementFlexTube Replacement Headgear eplacementForeheadPads eplacementSeal,Small eplacementSeal,Medium eplacementSeal, arge Miran™ Industries Full Face Mask SP-FMS SP-FMM SP-FML SP-FMM-LRC SP-FT SP-HG SP-RPF SP-RMS-S SP-RMS-M SP-RMS-L Miran™FullFaceMaskwith eadgear,S Miran™ FullFaceMaskwith eadgear,M Miran™ FullFaceMaskwith eadgear, Miran™ FullFaceMaskwith eadgear,andM& Replacement Cushions eplacementFlexTube Replacement Headgear eplacementForeheadPads eplacementSeal,Small eplacementSeal,Medium eplacementSeal, arge CPAP MASKS 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 35 espironicsMasks A 0 0,A 0 OptiLife Nasal Mask EasyLife Nasal Mask AG1036802 Opti ife asalMaskwith eadgearIncludes PillowCushions,Petite,S,M, CradleCushions,S,M Opti ife asalMaskwith eadgearIncludes PillowCushions,Petite,S,M, CradleCushions,M, , arrow AG1050000 AG1050001 AG1050002 AG1050003 AG1050004 Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy AG1047916 AG1047917 AG1067584 AG1047918 Full Full Full Full ife ife ife ife ife asalMaskwith asalMaskwith asalMaskwith asalMaskwith asalMaskwith eadgear,Petite eadgear,S eadgear,M eadgear,M ide eadgear, ifeFullFaceMaskwith ifeFullFaceMaskwith ifeFullFaceMaskwith ifeFullFaceMaskwith eadgear,S eadgear,M eadgear,M eadgear, ide CPAP MASKS FullLife Mask AG1036801 36 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. espironicsMasks A 0 0,A 0 ComfortGel Blue Mask AG1070040 AG1070039 AG1070038 AG1070037 ComfortGelBlue ComfortGelBlue ComfortGelBlue ComfortGelBlue asalMaskwith asalMaskwith asalMaskwith asalMaskwith eadgear,Petite eadgear,S eadgear,M eadgear, ComfortGel Blue Full Face Mask TrueBlue Nasal Mask AG1081800 AG1081801 AG1081802 ComfortGel Blue FullFaceMaskwith eadgear,S ComfortGel Blue FullFaceMaskwith eadgear,M ComfortGel Blue FullFaceMaskwith eadgear, AG1071800 AG1071801 AG1071803 AG1071804 AG1071805 TrueBlue TrueBlue TrueBlue TrueBlue TrueBlue asalMaskwith asalMaskwith asalMaskwith asalMaskwith asalMaskwith eadgear,Petite eadgear,S eadgear,M eadgear,M ide eadgear, CPAP MASKS 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 37 espironicsMasks A 0 0,A 0 ComfortFull 2 Mask AG1004880 AG1004872 AG1004950 ComfortFusion Nasal Mask AG1040768 AG1040769 AG1040770 ComfortSelect Nasal Mask ComfortFusion asalMaskFitPackwith eadgear,S M ComfortFusion asalMaskwith eadgear,S ComfortFusion asalMaskwith eadgear,M ComfortSelect asalMaskwith eadgear,S ComfortSelect asalMaskwith eadgear,S ide ComfortSelect asalMaskwith eadgear,M CPAP MASKS AG1007930 AG1007931 AG1007919 ComfortFull2FullFaceMaskwith eadgear,S ComfortFull2FullFaceMaskwith eadgear,M ComfortFull2FullFaceMaskwith eadgear, 38 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. espironicsMasks A 0 0,A 0 ComfortClassic Nasal Mask AG1007963 AG1007964 AG1007965 AG1007966 ComfortClassic ComfortClassic ComfortClassic ComfortClassic AG1090202 AG1090203 AG1090204 AmaraFullFaceMaskwith eadgear,S AmaraFullFaceMaskwith eadgear,M AmaraFullFaceMaskwith eadgear, asalMaskwith eadgear,S asalMaskwith eadgear,M asalMask,M asalMask,S Amara Full Face Mask Wisp Nasal Mask AG1094050 AG1094051 isp asalMaskwithFabricFrame,with eadgear isp asalMaskwithClearFrame,with eadgear CPAP MASKS N OTE: REPLACEMENT PARTS Pleaseseecatalogpages - orcontactcustomer serviceforadditionalchinstrapsandreplacement headgear. 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 39 espironicsMasks A 0 0,A 0 ProfileLite Mask GoLife for Men Mask AG1004086 AG1004087 AG1004088 AG1004089 AG1004110 AG1004111 AG1004112 Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile AG1073114 Go ifeforMen asalMaskwith eadgearIncludes S,M, Cushions AG1082577 Go ifefor omen asalMaskwith eadgearIncludes Petite,S,MCushions iteFullFaceMaskwith iteFullFaceMaskwith iteFullFaceMaskwith iteFullFaceMaskwith iteFullFaceMaskwith iteFullFaceMaskwith iteFullFaceMaskwith eadgear,Petite eadgear,S eadgear,S M eadgear,M eadgear,M ide eadgear, eadgear, arrow CPAP MASKS GoLife for Women Mask 40 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. PuritanBennettMasks A 0 Breeze SleepGear Interface CP101400 CP101400S CP101400M CP101400L CP101400XL BreezeSleepGear BreezeSleepGear BreezeSleepGear BreezeSleepGear BreezeSleepGear asalInterfaceIncludes M& Pillows asalInterfaceIncludes SPillows asalInterfaceIncludes MPillows asalInterfaceIncludes Pillows asalInterfaceIncludes Pillows NOTE: BREEZE SLEEPGEAR INTERFACE Please see page 26 of the catalog or contact customer serviceforinformationaboutBreezeSleepgear replacementnasalpillows. CPAP MASKS 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 41 Fisher&PaykelMasks A 0 0,A 0 Forma Mask AGHC470 AGHC471A AGHC473 FormaFullFaceMask itwith eadgear,S FormaFullFaceMask itwith eadgear,M FormaFullFaceMask itwith eadgear, Opus 360 Nasal Pillows Mask AGHC482A Opus 0 asalMask itwith eadgearIncludes S,M, Pillows AGHC405A FlexiFit 0 asalMask itwith eadgear,S CPAP MASKS FlexiFIt 405 Nasal Mask 42 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. Fisher&PaykelMasks A 0 0,A 0 FlexiFit 406 Nasal Mask FlexiFit 407 Nasal Mask FlexiFit 432 Mask AGHC406 FlexiFit 0 asalMask itwith eadgear,Petite AGHC407A FlexiFit 0 asalMask itwith eadgear,Univeral AGHC432AS AGHC432AM AGHC432AL AGHC432XL FlexiFit FlexiFit FlexiFit FlexiFit 2FullFaceMaskwith 2FullFaceMaskwith 2FullFaceMaskwith 2FullFaceMaskwith eadgear,S eadgear,M eadgear, eadgear, CPAP MASKS 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 43 Fisher&PaykelMasks A 0 Zest Nasal Mask AG400439 AG400440 AG400441 est asalMaskwith eadgear,Petite est asalMask,Universal est asalMask, Oracle HC452 Oral Mask OracleCompleteInterfaceOralMask AGHC401 AGHC402 Aclaim2 asalMaskwith eadgear Aclaim2 asalMask CPAP MASKS Aclaim 2 Nasal Mask AGHC452A 44 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. eVilbissMasks A 0 Hybrid Universal Interface Mask AGHYB500 ybridInterfaceMaskIncludes asalPillows and eadgear,Universal Bravo Nasal Pillow System Aloha Nasal Mask AGBVR600 BravoComplete asalSystemIncludes Pillows and Headgear AG0100 Aloha asalPillowSystemIncludes AllPillowSizes CPAP MASKS 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 45 SleepnetMasks A 0 0,A 0 Phantom Mask AG50415 PhantomVented asalMaskwith 2-Point eadgear,OneSize AG50575 AG50647 AG50655 IQBlue on-Vented asalMaskwith StableFit eadgear,OneSize IQBlueVented asalMaskwith -Point eadgear,OneSize IQBlueVented asalMaskwithStableFit eadgear,OneSize AG50835 AG50836 AG50837 AG50920 AG50921 AG50922 MojoVentedFullFaceMaskwith eadgear,S MojoVentedFullFaceMaskwith eadgear,M MojoVentedFullFaceMaskwith eadgear, Mojo on-VentedFullFaceMaskwith eadgear,S Mojo on-VentedFullFaceMaskwith eadgear,M Mojo on-VentedFullFaceMaskwith eadgear, IQ Blue Mask CPAP MASKS Mojo Mask 46 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. asal-AireMask A 0 Nasal-Aire II Mask AGK2A asal-AireII,AllSize itIncludes S,S,M,M Plus, , Complimentary Private Labeling •I C U E OU OGO,A ESS, EBSITE,ETC. •C EATE OU O PA T UMBE S • O MI IMUMS Contactcustomerserviceformoreinformation CPAP MASKS 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 47 AGIndustries&SleepnetPed.Masks A 0 AG Nonny™ Mask AG-PEDKIT-S AG-PEDKIT-L onny™Pediatric asalMask itSmallwithS eadgear andM&S eplacementCushions,S onny™Pediatric asalMask itwith eadgearand Adult S& eplacementCushions, Sleepnet MiniMe Mask AG60213 AG60214 AG60215 AG60253 AG60254 AG60255 MiniMeVented asalMaskwithS eadgear,OneSize MiniMeVented asalMaskwithM eadgear,OneSize MiniMeVented asalMaskwith eadgear,OneSize MiniMe on-Vented asalMaskwithS eadgear,OneSize MiniMe on-Vented asalMaskwithM eadgear,OneSize MiniMe on-Vented asalMaskwith eadgear,OneSize AG60217 AG60218 AG60257 AG60258 MiniMe2Vented asalMaskwithS eadgear,S M MiniMe2Vented asalMaskwithS eadgear,M MiniMe2 on-Vented asalMaskwithS eadgear,S M MiniMe2 on-Vented asalMaskwithS eadgear,M CPAP MASKS Sleepnet MiniMe2 Mask 48 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. CPAP CHINSTRAPS AGIndustriesChinstraps A 0 AG Industries Chinstraps AG302425 SP-CHSD-XL AG302425:R* eluxChinstrapwithSupportStraps, hite,Universal eluxChinstrapwithSupportStraps, hite, eluxChinstrapwithSupportStraps, hite,Universal *Retail Package AC302175 AC302175B Premium egularChinstrap, hite,Universal Premium egularChinstrap,Black,Universal AG302000S AG302000M AG302000L PremiumChinstrap,Maroon,S PremiumChinstrap,Maroon,M PremiumChinstrap,Maroon, AG1012911 PremiumIIIChinstrap,Black,Adjustable AlsoSoldasSP-C P eluxeChinstrapIIIOverEar,Black,Adjustable AG302000 AG302000XLADJ eluxeChinstrapIIIOverEar,Black,Adjustable SP-CHADJ SP-CHADJ-XL SP-CHADJ:R* 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 TopazStyleChinstrap,Tan,Adjustable TopazStyleChinstrap,Tan,Adjustable TopazStyleChinstrap,Tan,Adjustable 636.349.7069 (fax) etailPackage | 49 CPAP CHINSTRAPS AGIndustriesChinstraps A 0 AG Industries Chinstraps AG3407 aloStyleChinstrap,Black,Adjustable SP-CHS SP-CHM SP-CHL* ubyStyleChinstrap, ed,S ubyStyleChinstrap, ed,M ubyStyleChinstrap, ed, AC133318 A AMStyle eluxChinstrap,Black,Adjustable AlsoSoldasSP-C PB SP-CHRES esMedStyleChinstrap,Adjustable AG11000 esMedStyleChinstrap,Black,Universal SP-CHRC oyalCrownStyleChinstrap,Adjustable AlsoAvailablein etailPackaging 50 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. AGIndustries eadgear A 0 AG Industries Headgear eplacesMiranTM&SoporaTM eadgear,Black, Universal CPAP HEADGEAR SP-HG AG-PEDKIT-HGS onny™Pediatric asalMask eplacement eadgear,S AG-PEDKIT-HGL onny™Pediatric asalMask eplacement eadgear, AC302328 AC302328B 1.800.875.3138 eplaces espironicsSimpleStrap eadgear, Blue,Universal eplaces espironicsSimpleStrap eadgear, Black,Universal AG302465 eplaces espironicsMeshCap eadgear, Blue,Child AC302266 eplaces espironicsMeshCap eadgear, hite,Child 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 51 AGIndustries eadgear A 0 CPAP HEADGEAR AG Industries Headgear AG101433 eplacesComfortFusion eadgear,Universal AG1002064 eplaces espironicsMesh eadgear,Blue,M AC1002800 eplaces espironics eluxe -Point eadgear, Black,Universal AC302142 AC302215 eplaces espironics eluxeCap eadgear, hite,M eplaces espironics eluxeCap eadgear, hite, Related CPAP Products SP-SOPN-M Sopora Nasal MaskMedium 52 | TC-6-BLUE Blue Hose Wrap AG63587 CitrusMask Cleansing Wipes AGCE1000 Moisturizer Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. AGIndustries eadgear A 0 AG Industries Headgear eplacesPuritanBennettA AM eadgear, Universal AGHC429 eplacesFisher&PaykelFlexiFit 0 eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded,Black,Universal AGHC302 eplacesFisher&PaykelAclaim eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded,Universal AGHC314 CPAP HEADGEAR AC133341 eplacesFisher&Paykel est asal eadgear, Universal Related CPAP Products AG7178 Bacteria Viral Filter 1.800.875.3138 AG1963 Connector withCap 636.349.4466 SH72 Tubing educer 636.349.7069 (fax) HCG72 StandardGrey Tubing | 53 AGIndustries eadgear A 0 CPAP HEADGEAR AG Industries Headgear 54 | AG16117 eplaces esMedUltraQuatro&MirageMicro eadgear,Black,Universal AG60114 eplaces esMedMirageActivia eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded,Black,Universal AG60674 eplaces esMedUltraMirageFullFace eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded,Black,Universal Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. CPAP HEADGEAR Additional Headgear A 0 Respironics Style Aftermarket Headgear AC302466 AC302467 AC302467B AG1002065 AG1040138 AG1033678 AG1019206 AG1018755 AC1002764 AC302442 eluxeCap eadgear,Black,M eluxeCap eadgear,Black, eluxeCap eadgear,Blue, eluxeCoolMeshCap eadgear,Blue, ComfortGelFull eadgear Premium Headgear ComfortCurve eadgear,Universal eluxe eadgear,S Simplicity eadgear,Universal MeshCap eadgear,Blue, ResMed Style Aftermarket Headgear AG16118 AG16119 AG60526 AG60595 AG60918 AG61349 esMedMirage asal&FullFace eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded,S esMedMirage asal&FullFace eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded, esMedSwift eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded,Universal esMedSwift ightfor er eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded,Universal esMedMirageVista eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded,Universal esMedStandard eadgear,Universal Fisher & Paykel Style Aftermarket Headgear AGHC300 AGHC301 AGHC307 AGHC309 AGHC310 AGHC315 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 Oracle 2 eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded FlexFit 0 eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded FlexFitPetite eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded FullFaceMask eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded Opus eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded Forma eadgear, oQuickClipsIncluded 636.349.7069 (fax) | 55 Additional Headgear A 0 Puritan Bennett Style Aftermarket Headgear CPAP HEADGEAR AC133319 AC133316 AG101975 Wisp Style Aftermarket Headgear AG1094078 AG1094082 Sleepnet Style Aftermarket Headgear AG55045 AG55241 AG55242 AG55243 AG55038 AG55047 AG55048 AG55044 AG55046 56 | A AM oseStrap UniversalSnugFit eadgear Breeze eadgear aloStraps, pair isp asalMask eadgear, isp asalMask eadgear,Universal SleepnetMojo eadgear SleepnetMiniMe eadgear,S SleepnetMiniMe eadgear,M SleepnetMiniMe eadgear, Phantom 2 Point Headgear SleepnetMiniMe2 eadgear,Blue, SleepnetMiniMe2 eadgear,Blue,S SleepnetIQBlueStable-Fit eadgear SleepnetIQBlue -Strap eadgear Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. VENTILATOR VENTILATOR PRODUCTS VENTILATOR CONTENT BIPAP FILTERS Respironics 57-58 VENTILATOR FILTERS Respironics Puritan Bennett Viasys 59-60 61-63 64-66 VENTILATOR ACCESSORIES 67 BIPAP FILTERS Filters for Respironics BiPAP BiPAP Avaps AG5945 AG5964M OEM# 1005945 2/Pk. OEM# 1005964 UltrafineFilter BiPAP ST/Avaps C Series AG1063096 AG1063091 OEM# 1063096 OEM# 1063091 UltrafineFilter BiPAP Focus Foam Pollen Filter Foam Pollen Filter P622019 AG7178 OEM# 622219 6/Pk. OEM# 342077 UltrafineFilter Ventilatory Expiratory Filter F622220 Foam Pollen Filter OEM# 622220 2/Pk. BiPAP Vision P582101 AG7178 OEM# 582101 6/Pk. OEM# 342077 Pollen Filter Ventilatory Expiratory Filter BF600 Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 1/8” Stepped Barb OEM# C06441 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 57 BIPAP FILTERS Filters for Respironics BiPAP BiPAP M Series Plus/ST/Pro 2 AG1029331 AG1029330 OEM# 1029331 6/Pk. OEM# 1029330 2/Pk. UltrafineFilter BiPAP Plus/Pro/Auto/ST/Pro 2 AG5945 AG5964 OEM# 1005945 2/Pk. OEM# 1005964 2/Pk. UltrafineFilter BiPAP Pro Legacy P622019 UltrafineFilter OEM# 622019 6/Pk. BiPAP S/ST/ST30 Foam Pollen Filter Foam Pollen Filter F622220 Foam Pollen Filter OEM# 622220 2/Pk. P01 UltrafineFilter OEM# 302064 6/Pk. 58 | Contact your sales representative for additional product details. Filters for Respironics Esprit AG500132 AG26142 OEM# 500-1000-32 OEM# 261-1001-42 Blower Filter VENTILATOR FILTERS Fan Filter AFP100 Disposable Pall Inspiratory Bacteria Filter OEM# 1001311 Triology 100 AG7178 AG1029330 OEM# 342077 OEM# 1033652 2/Pk. Ventilatory Expiratory Filter Foam Pollen Filter Notes 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 59 Filters for Respironics PLV Continuum IB & II F195 VENTILATOR FILTERS Foam Filter OEM# 35220 2/Pk. BF600 Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 1/8” Stepped Barb AG7178 Ventilatory Expiratory Filter OEM# 342077 AG4010793 Disposable Expiratory Bacteria Filter OEM# 1002240 OEM# C06441 AG74602 AG60525 OEM# 1003847 OEM# 1002970 Reusable Inspiratory Bacteria Filter Reusable Expiratory Bacteria Filter AFP100 Disposable Pall Inspiratory Bacteria Filter OEM# 1001311 Complimentary Private Labeling •I C U E OU OGO,A ESS, EBSITE,ETC. •C EATE OU O PA T UMBE S • O MI IMUMS Contact customer service for more information 60 | Contact your sales representative for additional product details. Filters for Puritan Bennett LP10 Portable PVF100 OEM - 0 AFP100 Disposable Pall Inspiratory Bacteria Filter OEM -00 VENTILATOR FILTERS Flat Pack Filter -000 P6106 Electrostatic Inlet Filter OEM -002 5/Pk. Achieva Portable -000 PVF100 Flat Pack Filter OEM - 0 AG7178 Ventilatory Expiratory Filter OEM# 3824600 AFP100 Disposable Pall Inspiratory Bacteria Filter OEM -00 540 -000 AG10023825 AG7178 OEM# 1028771 6/Pk. OEM# 3824600 Fine Particle Combi Filter Ventilatory Expiratory Filter AFP100 Disposable Pall Inspiratory Bacteria Filter OEM -00 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 -00 636.349.7069 (fax) | 61 Filters for Puritan Bennett 7200 AG74602 AG4006308 OEM# 4-074602-00 OEM# 4-006308-00 AG74600 AG4010793 VENTILATOR FILTERS Reusable Inspiratory Bacteria Filter Reusable Inspiratory Bacteria Filter 22mm Conical Inlet/Outlet Reusable Expiratory Bacteria Filter Disposable Expiratory Bacteria Filter OEM# 4-4010793-00 OEM# 4-074600-00 AFP100 Disposable Pall Inspiratory Bacteria Filter AG18055 Filter Element OEM# 4-018055-00 OEM# 4-074603-00 AG20282 aterTrap Filter Element OEM# 4-020278-00 62 | Contact your sales representative for additional product details. Filters for Puritan Bennett 700 AG74603 AG61262 Intake Filter OEM G-0 VENTILATOR FILTERS Disposable Inspiratory Bacteria Filter 2 2-00 OEM# 4-074603-80 12/Case AG74602 Reusable Inspiratory Bacteria Filter OEM# 4-074602-00 AG4010793 AG61263 Air Filter OEM G-0 2 -00 AG4006308 Disposable Expiratory Bacteria Filter Reusable Expiratory Bacteria Filter OEM G-0 0 2 -00 OEM# 4-060525-00 AG74603 AG74602 OEM# 4-074603-80 12/Case OEM# 4-074602-00 AG76887 AG70305 840 Disposable Inspiratory Bacteria Filter Disposable Expiratory Bacteria Filter Reusable Inspiratory Bacteria Filter Reusable Expiratory Bacteria Filter OEM# 4-076887-00 12/Case AG74374 Compressor Inlet Filter OEM# 4-07437-00 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 63 Filters for Viasys Avea AG33951 AG33928 OEM# 33951 OEM# 33928 AG33929 AG71670 VENTILATOR FILTERS Air Inlet Filter (Also O2 Filter) Compressor Outlet Filter Compressor Inlet Filter Fan Filter OEM# 71670 OEM# 33929 AG4010793 AG4006308 OEM G-0 0 2 -00 OEM# 4-060525-00 AG74603 AG74602 OEM# 4-074603-00 12/Case OEM# 4-074602-00 Disposable Expiratory Bacteria Filter Disposable Inspiratory Bacteria Filter Reusable Expiratory Bacteria Filter Reusable Inspiratory Bacteria Filter Notes 64 | Contact your sales representative for additional product details. Filters for Viasys Vela AG34058 AG33801 OEM# 33801 VENTILATOR FILTERS Air Fan Filter (Units After Serial umberAET 000 Air Fan Filter OEM# 34058 AG20819 Rear Inlet Filter (Units Before Serial umberAET 000 Bear Cub 750 AG06804 Filter for High Pressure Fitting OEM# 06804 BF600 Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 1/8” Stepped Barb OEM# 51000-01122 Bear 1000 AFP100 Disposable Pall Inspiratory Bacteria Filter AG8655 Ambient Air Filter OEM# 3380150000-1054 OEM# 09534 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 65 Filters for Viasys VIP Gold & Sterling AFP100 VENTILATOR FILTERS Disposable Pall Inspiratory Bacteria Filter OEM# 09534 T-Bird Legacy AFP100 Disposable Pall Inspiratory Bacteria Filter AG20819 Rear Inlet Filter OEM# 09534 SensorMedics 3100B AG767163 Inlet Filter Cartridge Element OEM# 033951 66 | Contact your sales representative for additional product details. Ventilator Accessories Ventilator Accessories AG48492 AG48491 OEM# 4-048492-00 5/Pk. OEM# 4-048491-00 25/Pk. AG74647 AG74613 eusableTubing Clamp Reusable Collector Vial Disposable Drain Bag Single Patient Use Drain Cap OEM# 4-074613-00 OEM# 4-074647-00 Silicone Filter Connector OEM# 4-011720-00 eated umidifier Chamber BiPAPAvaps ST,BiPAP Avaps C Series) OEM# 1056209 AG70311 Expiratory Filter Seal (Puritan Bennett 840) OEM# 4-070311-00 AG1063785 Replacement aterChamber (BiPAP Avaps C Series) OEM# 1063785 AG48493 rainBagTubing OEM# 4-048493-00 10/Pk. AG1035162 Replacement aterChamber (BiPAP Avaps & REMStar BiPAP) OEM# 1035162 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 67 VENTILATOR ACCESSORIES AG1056209 BE100 NOTES otes 68 | Contact your sales representative for additional product details. RESPIRATORY RESPIRATORY PRODUCTS RESPIRATORY CONTENT NEW PRODUCT Finger Tip Oximeters 10 1 OXYGEN FILTERS Invacare DeVilbiss Respironics Puritan Bennett Airsep Sequal Drive Medical Chad Nidek John Bunn Medline Inogen One 69-73 74-80 81-85 86-87 88-92 93 94 95 96-97 98 99 100 OXYGEN REPAIR KITS 102 OXYGEN ACCESSORIES 103-106 OXYGEN TUBING 107 CANNULAS & MASKS 108-109 OXIMETERS 110 OXYGEN ACCESSORIES 111-112 O GEN FILTERS Filters for Invacare Platinum 10 BF950 BF500 OEM# 1131349 OEM# PO750XL30 BF910 AG2000799 OEM# 1108078 OEM# 2000799 F1107 AG2000800 Universal Compressor Filter, Adjustable Dial (All Invacare Units) Compressor Filter (Platinum Units) Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# 1107412 Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” umidifierConnector with 9” Tubing umidifierConnector without Tubing OEM#2000503 AG910SP Smart Pack Includes: BF910, BF500, 2 - F1107 AG910SP1 Smart Pack Includes: BF910, 2 - F1107 Complimentary Private Labeling •I C U E OU OGO,A ESS, EBSITE,ETC. •C EATE OU O PA T UMBE S • O MI IMUMS Contact customer service for more information 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 69 GEN FILTERS O Filters for Invacare Platinum 5 BF950 BF500 OEM# 1131249 OEM# P0750X030 BF910 AG2000799 OEM# 1108078 OEM# 2000799 F1107 AG2000800 Universal Compressor Filter, Adjustable Dial (All Invacare Units) Compressor Filter (Platinum Units) Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# 1107412 Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” umidifierConnector with 9” Tubing umidifierConnector without Tubing OEM# 2000503 AG950SP Smart Pack Includes: BF950, BF500, 2 - F1107 70 | AG950SP1 Smart Pack Includes: BF950, 2 - F1107 Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filters for Invacare Mobilaire IRC501 301 301L BF950 BF500 OEM# 1131249 OEM# P0750X030 BF900 BF200C F11 BF808 CF300 AG950SP3 Universal Compressor Filter, Adjustable Dial (All Invacare Units) Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” Compressor Filter on-PlatinumUnits Bacteria Filter with Stepped Barb 1/4” x 3/8” Foam Cabinet Filter Economy Compressor FilterwithGradedPore Density Media Compressor Filter 3” Capsule NOTE GRA E Smart Pack Includes: BF950, BF500, 2 - F11 ENSIT FILTERS Filters hold contaminants throughout entire cross section forimprovedefficiencyandlongerlife Gradeddepth technologyallowsdusttoloadfromtheinsideout 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 71 GEN FILTERS O Filters for Invacare Perfecto2 IRC5P IRC5PO2 BF950 Universal Compressor Filter, Adjustable Dial (All Invacare Units) AG1260SP Smart Pack Includes: BF950, F1108 OEM# 1131249 BF910 Compressor Filter (Platinum Units) OEM# 1108078 AG1153688 Compressor ebuild it Perfecto2 OriginalOEM it OEM#1153688 F1108 Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# 1143492 AG1124028 Compressor ebuild it I C P (OriginalOEM it OEM#1124028 BF500 AG1154510 Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” Compressor ebuild it I C P02 OriginalOEM it OEM# P0750X030 OEM#1154510 AG1250SP Smart Pack Includes: BF950, BF500, F1108 72 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filters for Invacare Solo Solo 2 AG1156863 Air Intake Filter OEM#1156863 PO2 AG1157693 Compressor Filter OEM# 1157693 P02- IT Smart Pack Includes: AG ,AG AG1157692 GrossParticleFilter OEM# 1157692 omeFill II F200489 Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# 2000489 AG1105177 Supply Line Assembly Straight Tubing (Machines Manufactured Before 4/06) 1/4” OEM# 1145487 AG1145488 AG1145487 OEM# 1145488 OEM# 1105177 Fittings for Supply Line Assembly Straight Tube (Machines Manufactured After 4/06) 1/8” Supply Line Assembly Coiled Tubing (Machines Manufactured After 4/06) 1/8” AG1145489 Fittings for Supply Line Assembly Straight Tube (Machines Manufactured Before 4/06) 1/4” OEM# 1145489 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 73 GEN FILTERS O Filters for DeVilbiss 515 A S A A S A Series BF600 LL205 Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 1/8” Stepped Barb Extended Life Compressor Filter OEM# 515DZ-605 OEM# PV5LD-651 F505 AG515 Foam Cabinet Filter 643 Thomas 515ADZ Compressor ebuild it OriginalOEM it OEM# 515DZ-604 OEM# 515DZ-643 LL515 AG515643 Smart Pack Includes: LL205, F505 -GastGSE Compressor ebuild it OriginalOEM it OEM# 515ADZ-643 LL506 Smart Pack Includes: LL205, F505, BF600 Related O2 Products AG86060 SureSeal asher 74 | MCT-015-CTN Three-channel Safety Tubing AG492A Oxygen Outlet Sprout M FS-004 Cylinder Stand Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filters for DeVilbiss 515 S S Series LL205 Extended Life Compressor Filter (Machines Manufactured After 11/03) LL515 Smart Pack Includes: LL205, F505 OEM# 515DZ-605 LL201 LL505 OEM# MC44D-605 Smart Pack Includes: LL201, F505 (Machines Manufactured Before 11/03) F505 AG505 Extended Life Compressor Filter (Machines Manufactured Before 11/03) 643 Compressor ebuild it Thomas Q2 Serial umbersfrom 2 S & D30461DZ OriginalOEM it Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# 515DZ-604 OEM# 505DZ-643 BF600 Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 1/8” Stepped Barb OEM# PV5LD-651 Related O2 Products AG66082 Large Metal Oxygen rench 1.800.875.3138 AGM201 Easy Medical “E” Seal 636.349.4466 MSB-BP Back Pack Cylinder Bag 636.349.7069 (fax) AGS16007 asalCannula | 75 GEN FILTERS O Filters for DeVilbiss 525 S 5 Liter Compact LL400 F605 OEM# MC44D-605 OEM# 303DZ-605 BF600 LL525 Extended Life Filter Foam Cabinet Filter Smart Pack Includes: LL400, BF600, F606 Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 1/8” Stepped Barb OEM# 303DZ-605 OEM# PV5LD-651 AG525 643 CF107 Compressor ebuild it DeVilbiss 525DS 5 Liter Compact OriginalOEM it Compressor Filter with Brass Elbow OEM# 525D-622 OEM# 525D-643 Related O2 Products S 75 Xmas Tree Swivel Connector 76 | AGS1005 TenderGrips Cannula Fixation M B-002CTN umidifierBottle AG407154 Oxygen Liter Meter Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filters for DeVilbiss 505 S CS C Series LL205 BF600 Extended Life Compressor Filter (Machines Manufactured After 11/03) Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 1/8” Stepped Barb OEM# PV5LD-651 OEM# 515DZ-605 LL515 LL201 Smart Pack Includes: LL205, F505 Extended Life Compressor Filter (Machines Manufactured Before 11/03) F505 Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# 505DZ-604 Related O2 Products MCT-015-CTN Three-channel Safety Tubing 1.800.875.3138 2800-TMR Cannula Ear Cushion 636.349.4466 M E-106S Cylinder ack 636.349.7069 (fax) AG1220 Swivel Tubing Connector | 77 GEN FILTERS O Filters for DeVilbiss 303 S CS C Series LL201 LL303 F605 LL304 Extended Life Compressor Filter Smart Pack Includes: LL201, F605 Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# 303DZ-605 Smart Pack Includes: LL201, F605, BF600 BF600 CF105 .E.P.A.InlineFilter with Brass Fitting Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 1/8” Stepped Barb OEM# 303DZ-639 OEM# PV5LD-651 Create o r n it •OFFE E O A P O UCTS • O MI IMUMS •COMP IME TA P IVATE ABE I G Contact your sales representative foradditionalinformationandideas. 78 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filters for DeVilbiss iFill Series LL205 Extended Life Compressor Filter LL700 Smart Pack Includes: LL205, 2 - F705 OEM# 515DZ-605 F705 Foam Cabinet Filter LL705 OEM# 535D-605 Smart Pack Includes: LL205, 2 - F705, BF600 BF600 AG515 OEM# PV5LD-651 OEM# 515DZ-643 Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 1/8” Stepped Barb 643 Thomas 515ADZ Compressor ebuild it OriginalOEM it CF105 .E.P.A.InlineFilter with Brass Fitting OEM# 303DZ-639 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 79 GEN FILTERS O Filters for DeVilbiss MC44 Series LL201 Extended Life Compressor Filter F07 Foam Cabinet Filter (300 Series) LL44 Smart Pack Includes: LL201, F07 LL45 Smart Pack Includes: LL201, F07, BF600 OEM# 444-514 BF600 Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 1/8” Stepped Barb CF105 .E.P.A.InlineFilter with Brass Fitting OEM# 303DZ-639 OEM# PV5LD-651 Notes 80 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filtersfor espironics Millennium M10 CF100 Universal Compressor Filter F601 Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# H601 OEM# H620 CF800 Universal Compressor Filter with Silencer CF200 InlineFilterMuffler OEM# H622 OEM# 1X1017796 F168C Foam Pre-Filter OEM# H618 BF600 Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 1/8” Stepped Barb AG7796 Compressor Filter Silencer (M10 Must Have a Silencer Attached to the Filter) AG1040395 Long Life Filter OEM# H621 F691 C OEM# H619 AG1018249 AG110 Compressor ebuild it OriginalOEM it OEM# M1018249 1.800.875.3138 AG111 Smart Pack Includes: HCF100, F168C, F C,AG Foam Cabinet Filter with Tabs 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) Smart Pack Includes: HCF100, F168C, AG | 81 GEN FILTERS O Filtersfor espironics Millennium M600 M605 CF100 Universal Compressor Filter OEM# H620 F168C Foam Pre-Filter NOTE AG7796 Compressor Filter Silencer OEM# 7796 M600 & M605 Must have a silencer attached to thefilter. CF700 Universal Compressor Filter with Stabilizer CF705 OEM# H618 Universal Compressor Filter with Stabilizer & Pre-Filter BF600 AG 653 Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 1/8” Stepped Barb Felt Filter OEM# H653 OEM# H621 CF200 InlineFilterMuffler AG102 OEM# H622 Smart Pack Includes: HCF100, F168C, F C F601 AG103 F691 C AG 610 Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# H601 Foam Cabinet Filter with Tabs OEM# H619 Smart Pack Includes: HCF100, F168C, F601 Compressor ebuild it M600/M605 OriginalOEM it OEM# H610 82 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filtersfor espironics EverFlo AG1038831 Universal Compressor Filter OEM# 1038831 AG1039642 umidifierElbow Connector with 10” Tubing OEM# 1039642 F105 AG2000801 Foam Filter OEM# 1055625 umidifierElbow Connector without Tubing BF600 AG1055624 Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 1/8” Stepped Barb Cabinet Filter with Filter Holder OEM# 1055624 OEM# 520 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 83 GEN FILTERS O Filtersfor espironics EverGo F900150 Fan Inlet Filter OEM# 900-150 ltraFill AG1065696 AG1065F AG1095248 AG1039642 UltraFill Tubing with Connectors SimplyGo Inlet Filter OEM# 1095248 Tubing Connector without Tubing umidifierElbow Connector with 10” Tubing OEM# 1039642 AG2000801 umidifierElbow Connector without Tubing 84 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filtersfor espironics ealthdyne Alliance B 5000 CF100 Universal Compressor Filter F168- C Foam Cabinet Filter (Alliance Units) OEM# 492190 OEM# 100-0078-00 F168C BF100 Foam Pre-Filter OEM# H618 Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 3/16” Stepped Barb OEM# H621 F110- C Foam Cabinet Filter (BX5000 Units) OEM# 100-0078-10 Notes 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 85 GEN FILTERS O Filters for Puritan Bennett 492A 590 590A Series CF100 Universal Compressor Filter AFE931 Poly-Felt Pre-Filter OEM# H620 F09 Foam Pre-Filter OEM# 492672 AG492A umidifierElbow Connector without Tubing OEM# 492A BF100 Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 3/16” Stepped Barb AG49267 Oxygen Outlet Sprout OEM# 49267 OEM# 492141 AF930 BF810 OEM# 493930 Universal Compressor FilterwithGradedPore Size, Long Life Econo AF931 AP707 Felt Pre-Filter with Hole Felt Pre-Filter OEM# 493931 Square Pre-Filter Housing OEM# 43707 AFE930 Poly-Felt Pre-Filter with Hole 86 | A 932 Square Pre-Filter ousing itIncludes AP707, 2 - AF930, 2 - AF931 Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filters for Puritan Bennett 492 Series CF100 Universal Compressor Filter AFE1014 Poly-Felt Pre-Filter OEM# H620 F10 Foam Pre-Filter AG492A umidifierElbow Connector without Tubing OEM# 492A BF100 Bacteria Filter with 1/4” Straight Barb & 3/16” Stepped Barb AG49267 Oxygen Outlet Sprout OEM# 49267 OEM# 492141 AF101R BF810 Felt Pre-Filter Universal Compressor FilterwithGradedPore Size, Long Life Econo AFE101R Poly-Felt Pre-Filter AF1014 P100 Felt Pre-Filter Pre-Filter ousing it Includes: H100, 2-AF 0 OEM# 492139 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 100 Pre-Filter Housing 636.349.7069 (fax) | 87 GEN FILTERS O Filters for Airsep Ne Life Elite F143R Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# FI002-1 BF500 AGS100 Smart Pack Includes: F ,AF 2 AGC1206 Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” Compressor ebuild it 2619 & 2639 Series OriginalOEM it OEM# FI001-1 OEM# CO012-6 AF16112 Felt Pre-Filter with 5/8” Hole OEM# MI161-2 AGC1208 Compressor ebuild it 2669 Series OriginalOEM it OEM# CO012-8 AGM0431 MufflerAssembly with Felt Filter OEM# MU043-1 AGC1211 Compressor ebuild it with Straight Cup 2660 Series OriginalOEM it OEM# CO012-11 88 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filters for Airsep uietLife 5/3 F143R Foam Cabinet Filter AGS100 OEM# FI002-1 Smart Pack Includes: F ,AF 2 BF500 AGM0431 Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” MufflerAssembly with Felt Filter OEM: MU043-1 OEM# FI001-1 AF16112 Felt Pre-Filter with 5/8” Hole OEM# MI161-2 AGC1208 Compressor ebuild it 2669 Series OriginalOEM it OEM# CO012-8 Complimentary Private Labeling •I C U E OU OGO,A ESS, EBSITE,ETC. •C EATE OU O PA T UMBE S • O MI IMUMS Contact customer service for more information 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 89 GEN FILTERS O Filters for Airsep Intensity AGC1211 F143R Compressor ebuild it with Straight Cup 2660 Series OriginalOEM it Foam Cabinet Filter OEM: FI002-1 OEM# CO012-11 BF500 AGM0432 Bacteria Filter Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” MufflerAssembly with Felt Filter OEM# MU043-1 OEM: FI001-1 AF16112 Felt Pre-Filter with 5/8” Hole OEM# MI161-2 Related O2 Products 2800-TMR Cannula Ear Cushion 90 | MVB-001 Vented Cylinder Bag AG407154 Oxygen Liter Meter AG66082 Large Metal Oxygen rench Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filters for Airsep VisionAire V F065512 F06551 OEM#TU255-1 OEM#F06651 F1441 F1445 OEM# FI114-1 OEM# FI144-5 umidifierElbow Connector with 16” Tubing Freestyle umidifierElbow Connector without Tubing Screen for GrossParticleFilter GrossParticle Foam Filter AF1432 Compressor Inlet Felt Filter OEM# FI143-2 Related O2 Products AG122150B SureSeal asher 1.800.875.3138 AGS1005 TenderGrips Cannula Fixation 636.349.4466 MVB-001 Vented Cylinder Bag 636.349.7069 (fax) S 75 Xmas Tree Swivel Connector | 91 GEN FILTERS O Fitlers for Airsep Lifestyle F1090 BF500 Foam Cabinet Filter Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” OEM# FI109-1 OEM# FII001-1 F1101 Felt Filter OEM# FI110-1 Create o r n it •OFFE E O A P O UCTS • O MI IMUMS •COMP IME TA P IVATE ABE I G Contact your sales representative foradditionalinformationandideas. 92 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filters for Sequal Eclipse AG8069 Compressor Intake Filter OEM# 8069 BF3700 Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” OEM# 6986 F55001 Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# 7028-SEQ Integra 7 & 10 Liter nit LL201 Extended Life Compressor Filter F2185 Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# SP2185-SEQ OEM# 2809 LL202 Extended Life Compressor Filter High Flow for 10 Liter Units S 160 Smart Pack Includes: LL202, F2185, BF500 BF500 Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 93 GEN FILTERS O Filters for Drive Medical Oxus Reliability AG00404 AG00405 OEM S-00 0 OEM S-00 0 Patient Filter NOTE O Input Filter S RELIABILIT FILTERS Please contact your customer service representative for moreinformationonThe riveMedical-Oxus eliability oxygenconcentratorfilters. Related O2 Products AG2005 Tubing Connector 94 | AGS16007 asalCannula AGCLR052 Clear Ear-Buddies AG66071 Oxygen Hand heel Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filters for Chad Total 02 Omni-2 Omni-5 CF100 BF200C Universal Compressor Filter Bacteria Filter with Stepped Barb 1/4” x 3/8” OEM P-2 OEM P-202 C 101 F168C Total O2 Quick-Connect Straight Supply Tubing Foam Pre-Filter OEM P-2 2 OEM# CL-101TO AG211 C 501 Foam Cabinet Filter Total O2 Quick-Connect Coiled Supply Tubing OEM P-2 OEM# CL-501TO Related O2 Products AG492A Oxygen Outlet Sprout 1.800.875.3138 M E-106S Cylinder ack 636.349.4466 AG122150B SureSeal asher 636.349.7069 (fax) AGM207 Cylinder Tag | 95 GEN FILTERS O Filtersfor idek Nuvo 8 LL201 Extended Life Compressor Filter F04V Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# 9250-1025 OEM# 9250-1180 BF500 Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” OEM# 7631-1053 AGC1211 Compressor ebuild it with Straight Cup 2660 Series OriginalOEM it OEM# 7366-3670 Nuvo Lite LL209 F10V OEM# 8400-1180 OEM# 8400-1025 BF500 N VO- IT Compressor Filter Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” Foam Cabinet Filter Smart Pack Includes: ll209, BF500, F10V OEM# 7631-1053 96 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filtersfor idek Mar 4/5/5 Plus BF812 Compressor Cartridge Filter OEM# 7631-1059 BF500 Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” OEM# 7631-1053 BF812 Compressor Cartridge Filter with Housing N 210 Smart Pack Includes: BF812, F04 OEM# 7631-1063 F04 Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# OF11004 Complimentary Private Labeling •I C U E OU OGO,A ESS, EBSITE,ETC. •C EATE OU O PA T UMBE S • O MI IMUMS Contact customer service for more information 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 97 GEN FILTERS O Filters for John Bunn Premier AG1600 F1610 Intake Compressor Filter Pack earFoamCabinetFilter OEM# JB0160-CF OEM# JB0160-IF F1605 Side Foam Cabinet Filter OEM# JB0160-CFS Optium AG0180 F1805 OEM# JB0180-CIF OEM# JB0180-CF Foam Cabinet Filter Compressor Filter BF500 Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” OEM# JB0180-BF Related O2 Products M E-106S Cylinder ack 98 | M B-002CTN umidifierBottle M FS-004 Cylinder Stand MSB-BP Back Pack Cylinder Bag Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. O GEN FILTERS Filters for Medline Enduro 02 AF700 F701 OEM AGIIntake OEM AGICabinet Inlet Felt Filter Foam Cabinet Filter AGML250 BF700 Smart Pack Includes: AF700, F701, BF700 Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/8” x 1/8” OEM AGIBacteria Related O2 Products AGCLR052 Clear Ear-Buddies 1.800.875.3138 AG66071 Hand Held rench 636.349.4466 MCT-07-CTN Three-channel Safety Tubing 636.349.7069 (fax) MC-04-CTN asalCannula | 99 GEN FILTERS O Filters for Inogen One Inogen One BF500 Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” AGIN210 Smart Pack Includes: BF500, F5508 OEM P 0 F5508 Foam Cabinet Filter OEM P 00 Inogen One G2 BF500 Bacteria Filter with Straight Barb 1/4” x 1/4” AGRP200 GrossParticleFilter OEM P200 OEM P 0 Notes 100 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. imeter CT ingertip P l e PRO AG INDUSTRIES NE Introducing Intended for noninvasive spot-check measurement of oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin.Suitableforpediatricsand adultsinhomecareandclincalsettings. FEAT RES •Two Color LCD Display •Adjustable Brightness •Six Display Modes •2 AAA Alkaline Batteries • ear arranty SOL AS C etailPackage Part MPO-C21R CPCS ™ 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 E0445 Please contact customer service or your sales representative for more information onthisproduct. 636.349.7069 (fax) | 101 AGIndustries epair its Aftermar et Repair its AG2618 2 Compressor ebuild itIncludes 2-PistonCups,2- eadGaskets, 2-SleeveO- ings, -MetalFlappers, 2-PlasticFlapper estraints, 2-MetalGasket ings, -TubeO- ings AG2619 GEN REPAIR ITS 2 Compressor ebuild itIncludes 2-PistonCups,2- eadGaskets, 2-SleeveO- ings, -MetalFlappers, 2-PlasticFlapper estraints, - etainingScrews, -TubeO- ings AG2650 O 2 0Compressor ebuild itIncludes 2-PistonCups,2- eadGaskets, 2-SleeveO- ings, -MetalFlappers, 2-PlasticFlapper estraints AGM1015 Gast 2 Compressor ebuild itIncludes: 2-PistonCups,2- eadGaskets, 2-SleeveO- ings, -MetalFlappers, 2-PlasticFlapper estraints, -TubeO- ings AG1038 EverFlo Compressor ebuild itIncludes: 2-PistonCups,2-O- ings, -Flappers NOTE IN IVI AL REPLACEMENT PARTS Please contact customer service for more information about the many individual replacement partsforcompressorkitsweoffer. 102 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. Oxygen Accessories AG Industries Accessories AG66080 AG66071 AG66080C AGM100 2400-TMR AG751A Oxygen Cylinder rench,Green Oxygen Cylinder renchwithChain, Green Oxygen Cylinder rench,Black Oxygen and heel, Black PlasticEcono asher, hite Plastic oke asher with ip,Green 25 Pk. AG2540 Plastic oke asher, ellow GEN ACCESSORIES Oxygen Cylinder renchwithChain, Black O 2401-TMR 25 Pk. AG66082 AG86060 AG66079 AG122150B “H” Tank Metal Oxygen rench, arge Metal Oxygen rench,Small Brass & Viton SureSeal asher, Green Brass & Viton SureSeal asher, Black 0 Pk. 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 103 Oxygen Accessories AG Industries Accessories AG492A umidifierElbow Connetor without Tubing AGM200 Medical “E” Seal AGM207 Cylinder Tag, Small 00 Pk. 3000-TMR arge oSmoking Placard 00 Pk. AGM201 Easy Medical “E” Seal AG70272 Self Sealing aterTrap GEN ACCESSORIES 25/Case S 72 AG407154 AG49267 AG4071543 AG2000473 AG40715415 5-in-1 Tubing educer O Oxygen Outlet Sprout Oxygen Outlet Sprout (Invacare) 104 | Oxygen Flowmeter 1 - 8 LPM Oxygen Flowmeter 1/8 - 2 1/2 LPM Oxygen Flowmeter 2 - 15 LPM Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. Oxygen Accessories AG Industries Accessories 2800-TMR Cannula Ear Cushion 2 Pk. AGCLR052 Ear-Buddies Tubing Clip, Clear 1 Pair AGS1005 TenderGrips Cannula Fixation System (Salter Labs) 1 Pair M B-002CTN umidifier isposable Bottle 6PSI 50/Case AGBL 052 Ear-Buddies Tubing Clip, Black 1 Pair AG 052 Ear-Buddies Tubing Clip, hite 1 Pair Oz.Tube AGP 052 Ear-Buddies Tubing Clip, 3-Color Multi Pack GEN ACCESSORIES Cann-Ease asalMoisturizingCream O AGCE1000 3 Pairs 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 105 Oxygen Accessories Connectors AG 628 S 749 AG1039642 S 362 S 74 AG2000799 S 75 AG2000800 Oxygen Outlet Sprout - 3 Piece espironics umidifierElbow Connector with 10” Tubing GEN ACCESSORIES Xmas Tree Tubing Connector, on-Swivel Xmas Tree Tubing Connector, Swivel O AG1220S T- Tubing Connector umidifierConnector with 9” Tubing umidifierConnector without Tubing 51462 Tubing Connector, Swivel (Salter Labs) Barbed Tubing Connector AG1220 AG2005 Tubing Connector, Swivel 106 | -TubingConnector Economy Tubing Connector Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. Oxygen Supply Tubing (A4616) Oxygen Supply Tubing MCT-07-CTN MCT-07G-CTN 50/Case 50/Case MCT-015-CTN MCT-015G-CTN 50/Case 50/Case MCT-025-CTN MCT-025G-CTN 25/Case 25/Case AG3040 AG3040G 20/Case 20/Case MCT-050-CTN MCT-050G-CTN 20/Case 20/Case Three-channel Safety Oxygen Supply Tubing 7’, Clear Three-channel Safety Oxygen Supply Tubing ,Green Three-channel Safety Oxygen Supply Tubing ,Green Three-channel Safety Oxygen Supply Tubing 15’, Clear Three-channel Safety Oxygen Supply Tubing2 ,Green Three-channel Safety Oxygen Supply Tubing 25’, Clear Three-channel Safety Oxygen Supply Tubing 40’, Clear Three-channel Safety Oxygen Supply Tubing 0 ,Green Three-channel Safety Oxygen Supply Tubing 50’, Clear Three-channel Safety Oxygen Supply Tubing 0 ,Green O GEN T BING NOTE GREEN O GEN T BING Developed to help oxygen patients and those around them avoid accidents when using long sections of tubing - This tubingisenhancespatientsafetywithgreatertubevisibility. 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 107 CANN LAS Cannulas & Masks (A4615) Cannulas & Mas s MC F-04-CTN Adult High Flow asalCannula with 4’ Tubing 25/Case M LC-005CTN Dual Lumen asalCannula with 5’ Tubing (Hudson #1850) 25/Case MC F-07-CTN Adult High Flow asalCannula with 7’ Tubing 25/Case M LC-007CTN Dual Lumen asalCannula with 7’ Tubing (Hudson #1851) 25/Case AGS1600 F MOM-07-A 25/Case 50/Case MC-04-CTN MOM- F-07-NB Adult High Flow asalCannula with 7’ Tubing (Salter Labs) Adult asalCannula with 4’ Tubing 50/Case Medium Concentration Oxygen Mask with 7’ Tubing High Concentration Partial on-rebreather Oxygen Mask with 7’ Tubing 50/Case MC-07-CTN Adult asalCannula with 7’ Tubing 50/Case AGS8110 Adult Elongated O2 Mask with 7’ Tubing (Salter Labs) 50/Case 108 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. CANN LAS asalCannulas(A4615) Nasal Cannulas AGS16007 Adult asalCannula with 7’ Tubing (Salter Labs) 50/Case MSLC-007CTN Softech Over-Ear asalCannula with 7’ Tubing (Hudson #1103) OEM CI 50/Case AGS16004 MSLC-007SCTN 50/Case OEM CI 50/Case Adult asalCannula with 4’ Tubing (Salter Labs) Softech asalCannula with 7’ Tubing (Hudson #1820) 20 AGS16167 MSLC-025SCTN 50/Case OEM CI 25/Case M SC-005CTN MSLC-050SCTN 25/Case OEM CI 25/Case MPC-07-CTN AG1100 50/Case OEM# 1100 50/Case Adult Micro asalCannula with 7’ Tubing (Salter Labs) emand asal Cannula # 4805 with 5’ Tubing (Salter Labs) Pediatric asalCannula with 7’ Tubing 1.800.875.3138 0 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) Softech asalCannula with 25’ Tubing (Hudson #1823) 2 Softech asalCannula with 50’ Tubing (Hudson #1831) Adult asalCannula without Tubing | 109 Fingertip Pulse Oximeters (E0445) Pulse Oximeters MPO-C21R O IMETERS etailPackagePulseOximeterFeatures •TwoColor C isplay AdjustableBrightness • isplaysSp02,P ,SpO2 aveform plethorline PulseBar •2AAAAlkalineBatteries NOTE P LSE O IMETERS For noninvasive spot-check measurement of oxygen saturationofarterialhemoglobin.Suitableforpediatricsand adultsinhomecareandclinicalsettings.Oneyearwarranty. Create o r n it •OFFE E O A P O UCTS • O MI IMUMS •COMP IME TA P IVATE ABE I G Contact your sales representative foradditionalinformationandideas. 110 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. Cylinder Accessories Cylinder Bags MSB-M6 SPF- F-ML4 MSB-M9 SPF- F-ML6 B/M6 Cylinder Shoulder Bag C/M9 Cylinder Shoulder Bag SPF- F-M9 D Cylinder Shoulder Bag Bag for Invacare HomeFill ML9 MVB-001 M B-B-C MVB-002V M B- MSB-BP M B-E Vented, Horizontal Bag Holds: M4, M6, M6A & C Cylinders Vented, Vertical Bag Holds: M4, M6, M6A & C Cylinders Back Pack Holds: A/M4, B/M6, M6A & C Cylinders 1.800.875.3138 Bag for Invacare HomeFill ML6 636.349.4466 C LIN ER ACCESSORIES MSB-M Bag for Invacare HomeFill ML4 636.349.7069 (fax) heelchairBag for B/M6 Cylinders heelchairBag for D Cylinders heelchairBag for E Cylinders | 111 Oxygen Accessories Cylinder Accessories M E-106S M FS-004 M E-112S M E-001 ackfor D/E Cylinders HCPCS - E1355 C LIN ER ACCESSORIES ackfor 2 D/E Cylinders HCPCS - E1355 Individual M60/M/H Cylinder Stand HCPCS - E1355 Individual D/E Cylinder Cart 4/Case HCPCS - E1354 MM6-112S ackfor 2 M6 Cylinders HCPCS - E1355 E uipment Covers SP-PB-BE Bed Covers 72” x 52” hite 200 112 | oll SP-PB-MATT-B Mattress Covers 90” x 40” x 10” Blue 00 oll Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. Notes EQUIPMENT ACCESSORIES 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 113 NOTES Notes 114 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. Notes NOTES 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 115 NOTES Notes 116 | Contact AGI for details on custom kits, private labeling & additional pack sizes. SUCTION SUCTION PRODUCTS SUCTION CONTENT SUCTION FILTERS Bacteria Filters 117 NEW PRODUCT AG Industries Suction Unit 118 SUCTION KITS Replacement Filter Kits Full Suction Kits 119 120 SUCTION ACCESSORIES Canisters Tubing Tubing Connectors Catheters 121 122 122 123 TRACHEOSTOMY ACCESSORIES AG Industries Portex HME 124 124 S CTION FILTERS AG Industries Filters Bacteria Filters BF405 Suction Bacteria Filter 1/4” to 1/2” Barb to Barb BFE: 99.999+% VFE: 99.999+% BF201 Suction Bacteria Filter High Flow 3/8” to 1/2” Barb to Barb BFE: 99.999+% VFE: 99.999+% BF401 BF200S BFE: 99.999+% VFE: 99.999+% BFE: 99.999+% VFE: 99.999+% Suction Bacteria Filter 1/8” Screw Mount 1/4” to 3/8” Barb Suction Bacteria Filter 1/4” to 3/8” Barb to Barb BF400 Suction Bacteria Filter 1/8” Screw Mount 1/4” to 3/8” Barb BFE: 99.999+% VFE: 99.999+% 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 117 CT Introducing NE PRO AG INDUSTRIES Portable tion nit FEAT RES •Integratedsecurecanisterholder •Ergonomic,easy-to-carryhandle •Easy-to-readpressuregauge •Accessibleandsecurepowerconnection SPECIFICATIONS •Electrical ating AC 00-2 0V, 0 0 z, C 2V •PowerConsumption 0 •MaximumPressure 00mm g adjustable •MaximumFlow ate 2 PM • et eight . g • imensions 2mmx20 mmx 2mm •Sounds evel dB •2 ear arranty excludesbattery SOL AS: ACCESSORIES Each Part MS A-P CPCS E0 00 • 00cc.Canister •TubingandFilter •Chargerand emoteControl ™ 118 | Pleasecontactcustomerserviceoryour salesrepresentativeformoreinformation onthisproduct. Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. AGIndustries its Replacement Filter its AG5604 AG201SET AG400SET AG502690 AG401SET AG502012 AG402SET AG503293 eVilbiss eplacement Filter itIncludes BF20 ,AG 0, AG 0 -02 Schuco eplacement Filter itIncludes BF 00,AG InvacareI C eplacement Filter itIncludes BF 00, 0E, Connecting ose PrecisionMedical PowerVac eplacement Filter itIncludes BF200S, 2 & Connecting oses PrecisionMedical EasyVac eplacement Filter itIncludes BF200S,PM , 2 & Connecting oses PrecisionMedical EasyGo eplacement Filter itIncludes BF 00,PM , Connecting ose AG405SET Schuco eplacement Filter itIncludes BF 0 ,AG 0E, 2- Connecting oses 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 119 S CTION ITS Schuco eplacement Filter itIncludes BF 0 ,AG eplacement Filter itIncludes BF20 , & Connecting oses AGIndustries its Full Suction its AG5603 AGT5606 FullSuction itIncludes S 0B,AG 2 , AG 02SETFilterSet S CTION ITS FullSuction itIncludes S 0B,AG 2 , AG 0 FilterSet 120 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. Suction Accessories Suction Canisters A 000 S1160B 00cc.Canister, FloatValveShutoff isposable hiteTop 2 Case AG434410 200cc. ydrophobic Canister,FilterShutoff isposable edTop, AG784410 00cc. ydrophobic Canister,FilterShutoff isposable edTop 0 Case AG435410 2000cc. ydrophobic Canister,FilterShutoff isposable edTop 2 Case 2 Case AG484410 200cc. i-FlowCanister, FloatValveShutoff isposable GreenTop AG3695 00cc. ydrophobic Canister,FilterShutoff isposable OrangeTop 2 Case 2 Case S CTION ACCESSORIES AG494410 2000cc. i-FlowCanister, FloatValveShutoff isposable GreenTop 2 Case 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 121 Suction Accessories Suction Tubing AG615725 BlueTipSuction Tubing 2 AG615730 Silicone Suction Tubing AG615473 BlueTipSuction Tubing Connectors AG7305 -023 S CTION ACCESSORIES ElbowConnector eVilbiss 610E ElbowConnector PM1616 ElbowConnector PrecisionMedical Complimentary Private Labeling •I C U E OU OGO,A ESS, EBSITE,ETC. •C EATE OU O PA T UMBE S • O MI IMUMS Contactcustomerserviceformoreinformation 122 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. SuctionCatheters A Suction Catheters 0 ,A 32001 egularTip, on-Vent ankauerCatheter 32002 egularTip,Vent ankauerCatheter 32013 BulbousTip,Vent ankauerCatheter 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) 32016 egularTip, on-Vent ankauerCatheter with BlueTipTubing 32026 egularTip,Vent ankauerCatheter with BlueTipTubing 320136 BulbousTip,Vent ankauerCatheter with BlueTipTubing 320146 BulbousTip, on-Vent ankauerCatheter with BlueTipTubing | 123 S CTION ACCESSORIES 32014 BulbousTip, on-Vent ankauerCatheter 2 TracheostomyAccessories AG Industries Trach. Accessories AG61075 AG64550 AG002002 AG8600 AdultTracheostomy Mask et ebulizer withAirEntrainment rainageBag CorrugatedTubing, SegmentedEvery 00Ft Portex ME oll AG580011 ThermoVent 00 ME OEM 00 Applications MoistureOutput Flow esistance Media eadSpace Connectors eatandpassivehumidificationforusebetween patientandcircuit 2 mg 20 at Cfor 000mltidalvolume 2. cm 20at 0i ml CorrugatedPaper . ml mmI. .x22mmO. .onpatientend, mmO. .oncircuitend AG570016 ThermoVentT ME OEM 00 TRAC . ACCESSORIES Applications MoistureOutput Flow esistance Media Connectors 124 | eatandpassivehumidificationforusebetween patientandcircuit 2 mg 20 at Cfor 000mltidalvolume 2.0cm 20at 0i ml CorrugatedPaper mmI. .raisedfenestrationonpatientend Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. NEBULIZER NEBULIZER PRODUCTS NEBULIZER CONTENT NEW PRODUCT AG Industries Mini Nebulizer 125 NEBULIZER FILTERS AG Industries DeVilbiss Invacare Respironics Pari Salter Labs Precision Medical Schuco Evo/Global Medical Medline John Bunn Omron 126 127-128 129-130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 NEBULIZER ACCESSORIES 140 NE PRO CT Introducing AG INDUSTRIES ini Compre or eb li er This compact nebulizer is designed to efficientlydeliverprescribedmedicationto bronchial lung passages, for the successful treatment of asthma, allergies and other respiratorydisorders. ithpropercareand use,itwillprovidewithmanyyearsof reliabletreatment.Itcreatesastreamofair thattravelsthroughatubetothenebulizer andconvertstheprescribedmedication intoanaerosolmistforeasyinhalation. ACCESSORIES INCL E • ebulizer •AirTube •MouthPiece •Filters- pk SOL AS Each Part AG-MNEB CPCS E0 0 LATEX FREE ™ 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 Pleasecontactcustomerserviceoryour salesrepresentativeformoreinformation onthisproduct. 636.349.7069 (fax) | 125 FiltersforAGIndustries A 0 AG Mini Nebuli er AGNEBFIL NEB LI ER FILTERS InletFilter Pk. Complimentary Private Labeling •I C U E OU OGO,A ESS, EBSITE,ETC. •C EATE OU O PA T UMBE S • O MI IMUMS Contactcustomerserviceformoreinformation 126 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. Filtersfor eVilbiss A 0 PulmoNeb ,A 0 AG3655 OEM PulmoNeb LT NEB LI ER FILTERS InletFilter - 0 AG3655LT-601 InletFilter OEM Pulmo Mate/Aide T- 0 AF561 InletFilter OEM Pulmo Aide Compact 0 - 02 AG3655 InletFilter OEM Traveler Portable - 0 AG605691 InletFilter OEM 1.800.875.3138 0 - 0 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 127 Filtersfor eVilbiss A 0 Aerosol AG6071 AG607 OEM OEM InletFeltFilter NEB LI ER FILTERS ,A 0 0 - 0 FanFoamFilter 0 - 0 AG6072 InletFoamFilter OEM 0 - 02 Notes 128 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. FiltersforInvacare A 0 Passport ,A 0 F153 OEM Envoy NEB LI ER FILTERS InletFilter 0 F153 InletFilter OEM Envoy r. 0 F153 InletFilter OEM 50 PSI 0 AG1810 AG1806 OEM OEM InletFeltFilter 0 2 AG1805 InletFoamFilter OEM 1.800.875.3138 0 636.349.4466 0 InletFoamFilter AG1800 ousing&Filter it Includes AG 0 OEM 636.349.7069 (fax) 0 0 | 129 FiltersforInvacare A 0 ,A 0 Stratos es top & Portable Plus AG1133551 NEB LI ER FILTERS InletFilter MachinesManufactured Before 2 0 OEM Stratos Pro Compact AG1133548 InletFilter MachinesManufactured After 2 0 OEM Select F153 InletFilter OEM 130 | 0 Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. Filtersfor espironics A 0 Innospire ,A 0 AG1102088 OEM Inspiration 626 NEB LI ER FILTERS InletFilter 020 AF167 InletFilter OEM 2 Inspiration Elite AF167 InletFilter OEM 2 MisterNeb AF167 InletFilter OEM 2 MiniElite AF1036898 InletFilter OEM 0 Option ome AG1133548 InletFilter OEM 0 0 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 131 FitlersforPari A 0 ProNeb ltra/ ltra II ,A 0 AG85FIL NEB LI ER FILTERS eplacementFilter OEM P Vios Adult F AG85FIL eplacementFilter OEM 0 Tre S E P 2 AG85FIL eplacementFilter OEM 0 E P 2 uraNeb 1000/2000/3000 AG41P AG41PF OEM OEM AirFilter F eplacementFilter PF NOTE AG85F - FILTER WITH TOOL UsetheAG FFiltertoolwiththefollowingmachines Pro ebUltra&UltraII,PariTrek,PariTrekS& ura eb OEM F00 2 132 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. FiltersforSalter abs A 0 ,A 0 Salter Aire Plus F153 OEM NEB LI ER FILTERS InletFilter 0 Complimentary Private Labeling •I C U E OU OGO,A ESS, EBSITE,ETC. •C EATE OU O PA T UMBE S • O MI IMUMS Contactcustomerserviceformoreinformation 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 133 FiltersforPrecisionMedical A 0 MiniMate AG503613 NEB LI ER FILTERS InletFilter OEM 0 Easy Air AG503237 FoamCabinetFilter ewEasyAir AG502471 AirInletFoamFilter, OEM 02 OEM 0 2 AG502391 AirInletFoamFilter,S OEM 02 134 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. FiltersforSchuco A 0 3000 ,A 0 F641251 OEM 5000 NEB LI ER FILTERS InletFilter 2 F153 InletFilter OEM S Timeter 414 -0 2 F01 FoamCabinetFilter OEM T 1.800.875.3138 0 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 135 FiltersforEvo GlobalMedical A 0 SportsNeb & Super SportsNeb F1005B NEB LI ER FILTERS InletFilter OEM F 00 B AeroMax F1005B InletFilter OEM F 00 B SportsNeb Express AF3055 InletFilter OEM 0 TransNeb Compact F AF3060 InletFilter OEM 0 0B TranSport Compact AF5055 InletFilter OEM 0 136 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. FiltersforMedline A 0 Aeromist & Aeromist LT AF166 NEB LI ER FILTERS InletFilter OEM CSFilter Aeromist Mini Plus F153 InletFilter Aeromist Mini AF365 InletFilter 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 137 Filtersfor ohnBunn A 0 Nebulite EV ,A 0 AF1036898 NEB LI ER FILTERS InletFilter OEM B0 LT2 & L 2-0 F153 InletFilter OEM BF0 B400A F06 FrontFoamCabinetFilter OEM BF0 138 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. FitlersforOmron A 0 ComAir Elite NE-C30 F164 NEB LI ER FILTERS InletFilter OEM C 0 ComAir Elite NE-C21 AGC21 InletFilter OEM C2 ComAir LT NE-C25 AG9930 InletFilter OEM C2 ComAir Elite NE-C28 AGC28 InletFilter OEM C2 1.800.875.3138 636.349.4466 636.349.7069 (fax) | 139 ebulizerAccessories AG Industries Mas s AG64093 AG64083 N AG64085 PediatricAerosolMask AG Industries its -CTN NEB LI ER ACCESSORIES isposable ebulizer it Includes Mouthpiece, T Connector, Flex ose, Tubing AdultAerosolMask ebulizer itIncludes ebulizer,AdultAerosol Mask,Tubing 0 Case N R-CTN e-usable ebulizer it Includes Mouthpiece, T Connector, Flex ose, Tubing AG64095 ebulizer itIncludes ebulizer,Pediatric AerosolMask,Tubing 0 Case AG61400 ebulizer itIncludes ebulizer,Mouthpiece, Tubing Connectors AG1639 ebulizerTeeConnector ( S N I. .connections 22mmO. .x mmI. . x22mm 140 | Contact AGI for details on custom its private labeling & additional pac si es. Manufacturer & Machine Index AG Industries BacteriaFilters BoomerangGelPad CPAPAccessories CPAPChinstraps& eadgear CPAPMasks CPAP Supply Kits CPAPTubing Cleaning& angingSystem EquipmentCovers ebulizerAccessories ebulizerFilters ebulizer its ebulizerMachine ebulizerMasks OxygenAccessories OxygenCannulas&Masks OxygenCylinderAccessories OxygenTubing Oxygen epair its PulseOximeters SuctionAccessories SuctionCanisters Suction its SuctionMachine SuctionTubing TracheostomyAccessories VentilatorAccessories , 2 2, , 25 22-2 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 - 0 0 , 0 - 2 0 02 0 , 0 22 2 , 20 22 2 AG New Products BoomerangGelPad Cleaning& angingSystem Mini ebulizer PortableSuctionMachine PulseOximeters Miran CPAP Mask onnyCPAPMask Sopora CPAP Mask 0 , 3,35 2,35 AEIO Med Everest 20 Airsep Freestyle Intensity ifestyle NewLife Quiet ife VisionAire 2 2 0 0 2 88 BREAS iSleep Vivo Evo/Global Medical Aeromax ComfortPAP RemRest Sports eb Trans eb TranSport Fisher & Paykel Aclaim2 FlexiFIt Forma HC Series Headgear umidifierChambers Opus 0 Oracle estMask ICO Series SleepStyle Precision Medical EasyAir MiniMate SuctionAccessory Suction it 20 20 ProBasics ComfortPap umidifierChamber PureSom Pap Hudson asalCannulas 0 - 0 Puritan Bennett 0 00 0 200 Achieva BreezeSleepGear Good night eadgear umidifierChambers ICO nightstar P 0 Sandman Inogen InogenOne G2 00 RemZzzs Mask iners Invacare 0 & 0 0PSI Envoy r I C I C 0 IRC5P & IRC5PO2 HomeFill Mobilaire Oxygen Accessory Passport Perfecto2 Platnuim 0 Platnuim 5 Polaris Select Solo Stratos PO2 22 32 55 2 2 , 2 , 2 2 2 72 73 0 2 72 70 0 73 0 John Bunn BA 00A T2 ebulite Optium Premier Chad TotalO2 Omni DeVilbiss 303 Series 505 Series Series 2 S 000 , 00 , 0 B, 00 000 , 00 , 0 , 0 Aerosol Aloha Bravo orizon umidifierChambers ybrid iFillSeries InteliPap MC Series PulmoAide&Mate Pulmo eb SuctionAccessory Suction it TravelerPortable Drive Medical Oxus eliability 78 77 , Medline Aeromist Enduro Nasal Aire asal-Aire 2 Nidek Mark uvo 2 Omoron ComAir ,2 , 2 0 2 2 22 Pari ura eb Pro eb TrekS Vios 2 Portex ME 2 2 2 2 2 ResMed AdaptVPAP AutoSet Auto Respond Compact Elite Escape Headgear S Series S Series S Series S Sullivan S7 Series S8 Series S Series Supply Kits Tango Vantage VPAP Respironics 2Series 0Series Amara Aria AutoQuest BiPAPAvaps BiPAP Focus BiPAP M Series BiPAP Plus & Pro BiPAP S BiPAPST BiPAP Vision B 000 ComfortClassic ComfortFull 2 ComfortFusion ComfortGel Blue ComfortSelect uet Easy ife Esprit EverFlo EverGo Full ife Go ife H2 Harmony Headgear ealthdyne umidifiers&Chambers Respironics [Cont.] Inspiration MSeries Millennium MiniElite Mister eb Opti ife Option ome OxygenAccessory P VContinuum P SystemOne Profile ite Quartet R-2 R-3 EMStar SimplyGo Solo Sleep Easy Synchrony Tranquility Triology TrueBlue UltraFill Virtuso isp 22 33 , , , 2 , 2 2 2, Salter Labs asalCannulas Oxygen Accessories OxygenMask SalterAire 2 -2 8 8 8 8 55 0 0 ,2 , , 2 0 0 ,2 , 0 33 33 , , , 5 5,33 5 7 37 0 0 , 0 0 Schuco 000 000 Suction it Timeter Sequal Eclipse Integra 8 8,25 ,2 25 8 8 , 0 Sleepnet IQBlue eadgear MiniMe MiniMe2 Mojo Phantom Viasys Avea Bear Orion Pegasus SensorMedics T-Bird Vela VIPGold , , 57 58 58 58 , 57 , 38 38 37 38 , , 02 0 33 5 55 , Yankauer 2 AEIO Med, Airsep, BREAS, Chad, Circadaince, DeVilbiss, Drive Medical, Evo/Global Medical, Fisher & Paykel, Inogen, Invacare, John Bunn, Medline, Nasal-Aire, Nidek, O2 Concepts, Omron, Pari, Pall, Portex, Precision Medical, ProBasics, Puritan Bennett, RemZzzs, ResMed, Respironics, Salter Labs, Schuco, Sequal, Sleepnet, Viasys, Yankauer and their associated brands and products havenoaffiliationwithAGIndustries. They are registered trademarks of their respective parent companies. , TM ScarletOakBlvd St. ouis,MO 22 [email protected] 00- - 0 ™ ™ ISO ISO13485:2003 9001:2008 FM81223 FM535483 ISO 13485:2003 FM81223 ™ ™ ISO 9001:2008 FM535483 ISO 13485:2003 ISO 9001:2008 FM81223 FM535483 p p f
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