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med call
air ambulance
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med call GmbH
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65510 Idstein
Publication list:
M Tursch, A M Kvam, M Meyer, A Veldman, M Diefenbach
Stratification of Patients in Long-Distance, International, Fixed-Wing Aircraft
Air Medical Journal 32:3, May/June 2013, 164-169
M Tursch; A Veldman; M Meyer; A Kwam; M Diefenbach
Stratification of patients for transport in fixed wing aircraft
Airmed Brighton, United Kingdom, Posterbeitrag, 2011
M Tursch, I Michel-Behnke, A Veldman, M Diefenbach
Druckbedingte Schädigungen des Trommelfells beatmeter Patienten während eines Lufttransportes
DIVI Kongress Hamburg, Germany, Posterbeitrag, 2010
M Tursch, A Veldman, M Meyer, A Kwam, M Diefenbach
STEP Stufeneinteilung transportrelevanter Erkrankungsausprägung lufttransportierter Patienten
DIVI Kongress Hamburg, Germany, Posterbeitrag, 2010
M Tursch, M Diefenbach, A Veldman
STEP – A new system to stratificate patients illness in air ambulance
ITIC, Istanbul, 2010
M Tursch, I Michel Behnke, M Diefenbach, A Veldman
Pressure change related impact on the ear drum of ventilated patients during air transport
ITIC, Athens, 2009
A Veldman, D Fischer M Diefenbach
Bacterial colonization with multiresistant strains in patients undergoing
international aeromedical transport.
Airmed Barcelona 2005
A Veldman, M Diefenbach, D Fischer.
Long-distance air medical transport of a neonate suffering from a complete
AV canal combined with a hypoplastic left ventricle.
Air Medical Journal 24, 96 - 98, 2005
A Veldman, M Diefenbach, D Fischer, A Benton, R Bloch:
Long distance transport of ventilated patients: advantages and limitations
of aeromedical repatriation using scheduled airlines.
Air Medical Journal 23, 24 - 28, 2004
D Fischer, A Veldman, M Diefenbach, V Schäfer
Bacterial colonisation of patients undergoing international air transport - An epidemiologic study.
Intensive care Medicine 28, 162, 2002. European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Barcelona 2002
A Veldman, S Zippel, M Diefenbach, D Fischer
Long distance aeromedical transport of a neonate suffering from a complete AV canal combined with a
hypoplastic left heart.
International Society of Travel Medicine, Innsbruck 2001
A Veldman, D Fischer, J Brand, P Klug, M Diefenbach:
Proposal for a new scoring system for international aeromedical transport.
Journal of Travel Medicine 8, 154 – 158, 2001
D Fischer, A Veldman, W Schneider, G Jäger
International aeromedical transport of critical ill children with fixed wing aircraft.
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 1, 131, 2000. International Society of Pediartic Intensive Care Medicine,
Montreal 2000
D Fischer, A Veldman
IATS: A new scoring system for international aeromedical transport.
European Society of travel medicine Venedig 2000
W Schneider, A Veldman, PA Beyer, K Heller:
A breathless toddler.
Lancet 356, 480, 2000
P Klug, A Veldman:
Repatriation of ill and injured travelers with regular scheduled airlines
International Society of Travel Medicine, Montreal 1999
A Veldman, S Racky, P Klug, J Essig, C Escuriola Ettingshausen, D Fischer
International interhospital transport with the ambulance jet.
Intensive care Medicine24 Suppl. 1, 120, 1998. ESICM, Stockholm 1998
A Veldman, S Racky, P Klug, A Lange, M Diefenbach, J Brand:
Internationaler Interhospitaltransfer mit dem Ambulanzflugzeug.
Der Notarzt 14, 16 -18, 1998
P Klug, A Veldman, S Racky:
Internationaler Interhospitaltransfer mit dem Linienflugzeug.
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 123, 1025 - 1029, 1998