Soya as an indispensable Part of Human Diet, Prof. Dr
Soya as an indispensable Part of Human Diet, Prof. Dr
„Prevention of cardiovascular diseases by nutrition starts in childhood! SOJA SYMPOSIUM 05.09.2012 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm Dept. Of Clinical Nutrition / Outpatient Clinic for Obesity, and Lipidmetabolism Medical University of Vienna/ Austria University Childrens Hospital ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm A newborn Coronary artery ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm Coronary artery of a 40 year old man with FH who died on a MJ ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm Ramus interventricularis anterior of a 4,5 years old patient with homoz. FH K.Widhalm et al, Journal Pediatrics 2010 ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm Vegetable Nutrition and their Potential health benefits • Plant foods, or eating regime, have several properties that can contribute to a healthy lifestyle : • contain less fat (specifically saturated fat) and have a better ratio of FS • generally have a higher fiber content. This can reduce the energy density in the diet . • Ingredients such as soy bean protein, nuts, beta-glucan of oats / barley can reduce blood cholesterol . • contain polyphenols that can act as antioxidants. They can reduce oxidative damage to lipids, proteins and cells; isoflavones, flavonols and flavones inhibit inflammation. • are typical sources of minerals that are essential nutrients and cofactors besides the many enzymes. • are rich sources of vitamins C, E and carotenes, which are among other valuable antioxidant nutrients. • contain biologically active substances such as stanols and sterols, which reduce blood cholesterol . ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm plant-based diets and cardiovascular disease Frank B Hu. AJCN (suppl) 78:544-51 (2003) ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm Fruits- & Vegetables and LDL-Cholesterol mmol/L LDL Cholesterin 3,4 3,35 3,3 3,25 3,2 3,15 3,1 Männer 3,05 Frauen 3 2,95 0-1,9 2-2,9 3-3,9 4-15,2 Portionen Obst/ Gemüse pro Tag LDL-cholesterol is lowered by fruit and Vegetables consumption! (P < 0,0001) [Am J Clin Nutr 2004; 79:213-7] ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Targher al NEJM 2010;363:1341-50 ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm Nutrients contens/distribution of Soya beans 5% 3% Wasser 8% Protein Fett 22% 38% 6% Verfügbare Kohlenhydrate Ballaststoffe 18% Mineralstoffe Sonstige (Vitamine,Lecithin,sekundäre Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe) Souci, Fachmann, Kraut. Lebensmitteltabelle für die Praxis. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart. 3. Auflage. 2004 Abb. 1: Nutrients contens/ distribution of Soya beans ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm Fatty acids contents/distribution of Soya beans 15% Linolsäure (ω6- PFS) 23% 57% α- Linolensäure (ω3- PFS) Ölsäure (MFS) Gesättigte Fettsäuren 5% Souci, Fachmann, Kraut. Lebensmitteltabelle für die Praxis. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart. 3. Auflage. 2004 Abb. 4: Fatty acids contents/distribution of Soya beans ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm SOYA and Chol.- Decrease Abb. 11: Modification to the LDLcholesterol concentration after Sojaproteinintervenion Andersen, NEJM 2004 ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm Serum lipid concentrations to low fat diet Group of 8 FH + 8 PH patients with high levels, 3 months D. Weghuber, K. Widhalm BJN 99:281-286 (2008) ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm Serum lipid concentrations to soya protein FH und PH patients with high levels D. Weghuber, K. Widhalm BJN 99:281-286 (2008) ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm Conclusion: • A diet with plenty of vegetable matter has advantages over vegetable food forms a lower proportion. • Vegetable protein, especially soy protein shows, among other favorable effects (at the rate of breast cancer, bone density, etc.) in the majority of studies showed a cholesterol-lowering effect. • Epidemiological studies indicate a protective effect of early atherosclerosis there (FDA Health Claim) The mechanisms of metabolism are still poorly understood and remain to be studied intensively. ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN UND PRÄVENTION Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Widhalm