Carcass composition and meat quality of muscovy ducks in
Carcass composition and meat quality of muscovy ducks in
TuRr et al., Carcass composition and meat quality of muscovy RAUEN , H. W„ 1985 : A uswirkungen des Gens für Befiederungsreduktion und Nackthalsigkeit (Na-Gen) auf das produktive Adaptationsvermögen von Legehennen an hohe U mgebungstemperaturen. Diss . agr. TU Berlin r. 152. 257 SELMI , E„ 1983 : Wechselwirkungen zwischen Legereife und Legepersistenz beim Legehuhn unter E influß vo n Umwelttemperatur und Körpergewicht. Di ss. agr. TU Berlin. Ko rrespondenzadresse: Prof. Dr. P. Horst, Inst. f. Grund lagen der Nutzticrwisscn sc haflen, Lcnrzeallce 75, D - 141 95 Berlin Arch. Geflügelk. 1994, 58 (6), 257 - 261, ISSN 0003-9098. © Verlag Eugen Ulmer G mbH & Co„ Stuttgart Carcass composition and meat quality of muscovy ducks in response to clenbuterol administration 1 Zusammensetzung des Schlachtkörpers und Fleischqualität bei der Moschusente nach Verabreichung von Clenbuterol Rosa Maria Turi*, P. Sacch i**, 1. Romboli *** Manuskript eingegangen am 15. Oktober 1993 lntroduction Many substances have been investigated in order to find the means of improv ing animal productions . In recent yea rs, ß-adrenergic agonists have received particular attention as they have been proved effective in promoting growth rate and reducing fat deposition (HA RAHAN et al. , 1986). The efficiency of these substances varies considerably in relation to species, sex and age of the animals, to the ß-agonist employed, to the dose and the duration of the treatment. In fact, the mode of action of ß-adrenergic substances and the intensity of the effect are modulated by the different metabolic pathway involved. Birds seem to be less responsive to these additives even tho ug h in broiler chickens the ß-agonist clenbuterol has been reported to increase growth rate, improve feed efficiency and reduce carcass fat (DALRYMPLE et al„ 1984; HANRAHAM et al„ 1986; T AKAHAS HI et al„ 1993). The employed level of clenbuterol in chickens is comprised, in the majority of cases, between 0.125 and 5 ppm. evertheless, the type of res ponse is not always proportionally related to the dose. Because of the great variability of the effects in avian species and the lack o f information about the ß-agonists in birds other than chickens, we have carried o ut an investigation on the administration of clenbuterol to muscovy ducks. 1 The research was supported by a gram of ltalian ational Research Council (C.N. R.) * Diparcimenco di Patologia Animale, Universita T orino, Icalia ** Dipartimenco di Produ zioni Animali , Ep idemiologia ed Ecolog ia, Uni vers ira T orin o, ltalia *** Dipartimenco di Scienze Anatomiche, Fisiologlche e delle Produz ioni Animali, Universira Pisa, ltalia Archiv fü r Geflüge lk unde 6/ 1994 In a first trial, the effect of 0.2 ppm clenbuterol was studied in fem ales (ROMBOLI et al„ 1992). In the present paper, we report the results of a second trial, carried o ut in order to stud y the effect of higher levels of clenbuterol administration to male duck s o n grow th rate, carcass composition and meat quality. Table 1. Ing rediencs and chemical compos iti on of basal diet Inhaltsstoffe 1111d chemische Z11sammensetz1111g der Grundrationen lngredients : Maize Soyabean meal (50 % CP) Meat and hone meal (50 % CP) Luzerne meal Gluten meal (63% CP) Mixed vegeca l oi ls Calcium carbonate Sodiu m chloride Vit. and min . premix* % 60 20 8 5 4.5 1 0.700 0.300 0.500 Calcul ated compositi on Moisture (%) E nergy (Mj /kg) Crude protein (%) Ether extract (%) Crude fiber (%) Ash (%) Calcium (g/ kg) Available phosphorus (g/kg) L-Lys in (g/kg) D -L Methionine (g/kg) Cystine (g/kg) * 13.0 13.48 20.0 4.6 5.7 8.0 8.8 4.5 10.4 3.7 3.2 Premi x/kg: vit. A 13200 UI, vit. D3 3300 Ul, vit. E 20 mg, vit. PP 50 mg, vit. B2 5.5 mg, vit. ß1 2 0.0 18 mg, vit. K 2.5 mg, Co 0.5 mg, Fe 60 mg, Mn 60 mg, Cu 4 mg, Cholinc 1000 mg, Zn 40 rng, I 1 mg, 0 -L Mcthionine 1700 mg, D -pa nthotcnic acid 20 mg, Z inc Bacytracin 20 mg, Erhossichi ne 125 mg. 258 TuRt et al., Carcass composition and meat quality of muscovy Table 2. Measurements and anal ysis performed during the trial D ie 1Vährend des Versuches durchgeführten M essungen und A 11a!Jse11 1. A ni111als perfo r111ances initial and final live weight weight gain during the experimental period feed con version ratio 2. Sla11ghtering traits eviscerated weight (plucked, bleeded and excluding gut) carca ss weight (plucked, bleeded and excluding head, neck, fat, trachea, oesophagus, liver, heart, gizzard and gut) weight of: breast muscle heart liver gi zzard abdominal and peri visceral fat skin and subcutaneous fat head, neck and feet 3. M eat characteristics pH at 24 h breast muscle color (colorymetric measure of "L", "a" and " b" indexes) breast muscle composition: moisture, crude protein, fat and ash (AOAC methods) total collagen (ISO method) heat solubility of collagen (HrLL, 1966) Table 3. Body weight during the trial E11t1vick/1111g des Körperge1vichtes IVahrend des VersJ1ches Treatment da ys Age (d) 0 21 14 mean sd rnean sd mean sd 56 63 70 2337 2690 3120 3305 3487 2390 2789 3101 3449 3569 2330 2601 3093 3372 3600 77 84 35 .1 34.9 34.2 36.2 38.6 34.2 36 .0 42.1 38.4 41.1 35.1 41.4 33.5 37.9 45.1 1) Cro1vth rate The final live weight of ducks given clenbuterol is higher than that of control subjects, but no statistically significant difference has been detected (table 3). For what growth rate is concerned (table 4), the effect of clenbuterol is evident only in the group which received the ß-agonist when the animals were o lder, even though the total period of administration resulted shorter. The feed conversion ratios are decreased by the treatment, but not in a significant way. 2) Slaughtering traits At slaughtering time, the subjects which resulted the heaviest and the lightest from each pen, were discarded and 15 birds out of each group were randomly taken for the dissection and for the analysis. This practice reduced the internal variability in the groups; as a consequence, it was possible to put in evidence the statistically significant favourable effect of clenbuterol on the final live weight at the moment of the slaughtering (table5). The weight of carcasses in the experimenta l gro ups was nearly 150 g higher than in the control group. This increase can be attributed almost completely to the growth of breast muscles (table 6) which are, as it is weil known, the most appreciated cut of the carcass in avian species. An unexpected resu lt has been observed in gizzard, which appears less heavy in subjects receiving clenbuterol for 21 days. Fora plausible explanation, one should refer to the pharmacological ro le of the ß-agonist. The amount of abdomina l and perivisceral fat is decreased in treated birds, but the differences are statistically not significant. These resu lts are in agreement with the conclusions of the study of DALRYMPLE et al. (1983), who studied clenbuterol effects in broilers. On the contrary, in a previous Table 4. Weight gains (W.G. ) and feed conversion ratio (F.C.) from the 63th to 84th day of age C e1vichtsz11nah111e 1111d F11ttervmvert11ng bei den Moschusenten vom 63. bis zum 84. L ebmstag Materials and Mi!thods A total of 195 male Muscocy ducklings were randomly assigned to 3 g roups, each with 5 replications, and housed in 15 pens. A basal diet, whose composition is reported in table 1, was used. The experimental diets were supplemented with 2 ppm of clenbuterol and given to one group for 21 days (from 63th to 84th day of age) and to a second group fo r 14 da ys (from the 70th to the 84th day of age). At the 85th da y of age, 15 birds randomly collected from each pen were slaughtered and the carcasses dressed following the indications of WPSA (1984). All the measurements and analysis performed in this trial are summarized in table 2. The data collected were subjected to analysis of variance; the significance of differences among treatments was determined using Scheffe' s multiple range test. R esults and discussion The results of the trials are reporred in tables 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Treatment days W.G. F.C 0 21 14 mean sd mean sd mean sd 791A 7.2 749A 6.9 1006 8 50.8 5.9 0.93 30.1 0.52 36.1 0.71 Mcans with different supcrsc ript w ith in a ro w arc sig nificandy di ffe rent (P < 0.01) Table 5. Body wei ght and carcass yields at slaughtering Körperge/llichte 1111d L eistungen bei der 5 chlachtt111g der Moschusenten Treatment days 21 14 mean sd mean sd 3544A 33.4 2636 58.6 3655A 8 40.5 2708 36.8 3708 8 42.7 2751 34.6 2162A 17.9 2297 8 36.8 2316 8 31.7 0 mean Body wei ght g E viscera ted weight* g Carcass** g sd * plu ckcd, blecded and cxcl uding gu t pluc kcd , bl ceded and cxcl udi ng hcad, neck , fcct, trac hca, o esophagus, li vc r, hcart, gizza rd , gut Mcans with different superc rip t within a row are signi ficantl y different (P < 0.01) ** tl rchi v für G cOügclkundc 6/ 1994 TuRr et al., Carcass composition and meat quality of muscovy Tab le 6. Slaughte ring traits Z erlegebefunde der Schlachttierkörper Treatment days 0 mean Breast muscle g Heart g Liver g Gizzard g Abdominal and perivisceral fat g Head , neck and feet g Skin and subcutaneu s fat g Gut g 21 sd mean 14 sd mean sd 13.9 0.44 1.70 1.75 6.40 423A 10.9 23.3 0.74 69.7 2.78 2.99 52.9 7.03 535 8 15.8 23.7 0.77 69.1 2.21 77.2" 2.84 41.4 4.17 497 8 24.7 67.4 78.7"b 47.7 417.5 417.0 437 .1 307.2 7.23 13 .6 159 4.67 261.7 168 6.00 12.4 9.64 281.0 158 6.41 13.4 6.26 1\!lca ns wirh d ifferent su pc rscript within a row arc sig nifi cantly different (a, b: P < 0.05; A, ß , P < 0.01) trial (ROMBOLI et al., 1992), we found that fat pad was unexpectedly increased by clenbuterol administered to female ducks. The skin and subcutaneous fat weight as weil are decreased by the treatment. On the whole, the decrease in fat tissue of the carcass of muscovy ducks seems to be directl y associated with the length of the administration. In fact, birds fed the ß-agonist for 21 days showed a more marked reduction of the fat deposition. 259 In the case o f the ß-agonists treat ment, panel tests cannot be accomplished as the safety of these substances has not yet definitely proved. So, the determination of collagen content as weil as physical tests (e.g. shear force measurement) seem tobe, so far, the only way to evaluate their possible influence on the eating quality of meat. Our in vestiga tion showed a collagen decrease following the clenbuterol treatment, so confirming the stud y of DA wsoN et al. (1990) on three muscles of steers treated with cimaterol and that of BERGE et al. (1993) on other three muscles of vea l ca lves administered clenbuterol. On the other band, in spite of this collagen decrease, it has been reported a lower meat tenderness meas ured as mechanical resistence in treated animals (D AWSON et al. , 1990; FIEMS et al., 1990) and o ur stud y puts in evidence a reduction in the proportion of heat soluble collagen, which is regarded as an important factor of meat tenderness. The reduction of collagen solubility observed in o ur study is statistically significant in muscles of the birds receiving a 21 da y trea tmen t. The apparent contraddictio n between total collagen decrease accompanied by a decrease of its solubility following the ß-agonists administration has been attributed to a less intense postmortem proteolysi s with consequent reduced m yofibrillar breakage or, in alternative, to a g reater degradation of nearl y formed collagen in comparison with the more mature collagen whose numero us cross-links are definitel y less heat soluble (D AwSON et al. , 1990). lt must be no ted, howeve r, that a great part o f the studies on these aspects of ß-agonist action have been carried out 3) Breast 11111scle col!lposition Data reported in table 8 show a marked effect of clenbuterol administration on protein, fat and collagen content, while moisture and ash resulted unaffected by the treatment. Protein increase is independent of the duration of the administration. On the contrary, only a 21 day treatment can significantly reduce fat content. These resu lts are not consistent with those of our previous investigation (ROMBOLI et al. 1992), in which no statistically significant difference was found. lt should be noted, nevertheless, that the two trials are not completely comparable because they were different both in <lose of the substance administered and in sex of the animals. ln ducks, clenbuterol seems to give a better responsiveness in males than in females as regards protein and fat composition of breast muscle, while in chickens (DALRYMPLE et al. 1984) only females give significant responses. lt has been suggested that ß-agonist inhibit the rate of protein degradation , but are not able to increase the protein synthesis in muscle (MoRGAN et al., 1989; MuRAMATSU et al„ 1991). In this mode of action, an interference of species and sex can be supposed. As far as collagen content is concerned, a significant decrease is induced by clenbuterol , irrespective of the length of its administration. Collagen, the main protein of connective tissue, is rega rded as one of the many factors which determine meat tenderness. Some studies have demonstrated a significant correlation between total amount of collagen and sensory evaluation of meat quality (SMITH et al., 170), while other investigations have denied such a correlation (CROSS et al., 1973; CRousE et al., 1985). Archi\· fü r Geflügelkunde 6f1994 Table 7. Breast muscle ph and color Enllvickltmg des pi-! IVertes und der Farbe bei der Bmst11111sk ulatur Treatment days pH Color : L * a** b*** * 21 0 14 mean sd mean sd 1nean sd 5.7 37.2A 22.5 4.7 0.12 0.50 0.30 0.18 5.7 38.8A8 22.2 5.0 0.17 1.00 0.32 0.28 5.7 39.9 8 22.5 5.3 0.16 0.46 0.39 0.28 lightness ** rcd ncss indcx **"' ycllowness indcx Mcans wi th different supc rscript wit hin a row arc signi ficantl y d ifferent ( P < 0.01) Table 8. Breast muscle compos ition (% fresh matter basis) Zusamnm1setz1111g der B nist11111skel11 (%iges Anteil über das frisches Fleisch) Treatment da ys Moisture Crude protein Fat Ash Collagen Collagen solubility % 0 21 14 mean sd mean sd mean sd 76. 14 20.20A 0.94 8 1.16 2.52 8 8.07 b 0.62 0.44 0.26 0.10 0.22 0.90 75 .67 21.12 8 0.66A 1.22 1.73A 6.78" 0.58 0.61 0.16 0.09 0.30 0.69 75 .83 20.84 8 0.80All 1.21 1.60A 7.35a b 0.42 0.51 0.16 0.10 0.26 0.41 Means with diffe rent su pcrsc rip1 w ithin a row arc significantly different (A, ß : p < 0.05) "· b' p < 0.01; 260 · TuR1 et al., Carcass composition and meat quality of muscov y on bovine meat; in fact, in avian species, meat tenderness is not a critical character. For meat pH, no difference between control and treated ani mals has been detected. Of the colour parameters, only " L" value shows a significant va ri at ion, while the "a" and "b" values (red and yellow indexes) seem unaffected. Since " L" values are significantly increased only by the shorter treatment (14 days) , it is difficult to suggests a correct explanation about the exact role of clenbuterol in this aspect. T o sum up, it is possible ro assert that a <lose of 2 mg/ kg of clenbuterol is sufficient ro give some positive responses in male mu scovy ducks. For some parameters the response is independent of the leng th of the treatment. For the weight gain, the age is an important determinant. In fact, when the ß-agonist is administered ro older birds, ir gives a better response irrespective of the duration of the administration period. The most imporrant positive effects of clenbuterol in muscovy ducks are: a) the reduction of abdominal and perivisceral fat pad and b) the increase of breast muscle weight. This increase is mainly due ro an higher amount of protein in breast, since water and fat percentages are un affected o r even diminished. So, also in muscovy ducks, clenbuterol appears an efficient reparritioning agent. The total collagen amount is decreased by the treatment, however also decreases collagen solubility, which is a better marker of the final tenderness of meat. ln conclusion, the use of clenbuterol in male muscovy ducks offers undeniable advantages in order to improve man y aspects o f animals performances and carcass and meat quality. Obviously, further investigations are necessary to clarify the rossicological role of this subsrance and /or its metabolites. Slllll!ll ary The effect of the ß-agonist clenbuterol has been studied in male muscov y ducks evaluating their growing performances as weil as characteristics of the carcass and quality of breast muscles. The <lose of clenbuterol added ro the basal diet was of 2 ppm and the treatment had a different length : one of the two experimental groups received clenbuterol for 21 days (fro m the 64th ro the 84th day of age) for the second group the treatment had the duration of 14 da ys (from the 70th to the 84th da y of age). All the subjects was slaughtered at the age of 84 da ys and carcass dissected following the indication of WPSA. Clenbuterol did not affect the feed convertion ratio, but the mean final weight and the weig ht gain were higher in the subjects treated for 14 days. The breast muscle weight was increased by clenbuterol irrespectively of the duration of the treatment, while the g izzard weig ht was decreased. The analysis of breast muscle put in evidence a significant increase of protei.n amount and a decrease of lipidic content. Total collage n was reduced, but in the same time clenbuterol reduced soluble collagen, which is a parameter that better mar ks meat tenderness . This confirms the observations of orher Authors who assert that meat treated with ß-agonists is less tender. pH at 24 h from slaughtering was not influenced by clenbuterol nor was meat colour; only the "L" value, which expresses lu minosity, resulted hig her in meat of subjects treated with clenbuterol for 14 days. Z11sat11mensetz11ng des Schlachtkörpers 11nd Fleischq11alität bei der Mosch11sente nach Verabreich11ng von Clenb11terol R. M. Turi, P. Sacchi, I. Romboli Z11satlltllenjass1mg Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Wirkung einer ClenbuterolVerabreichung auf Gewichtszunahme, Zusammensetzung der Schlachtkörper und qualitiative Merkmale des Fleisches bei den Moschusenten zu untersuchen. 2 mg pro kg Futtermischung wurden zwei verschiedenen Gruppen von männlichen Entenküken peroral verabreicht. Die Tiere der ersten Gruppe wurden vom 63. bis zum 84. Lebenstag (das heißt für 21 Tage) mit Clenbuterol behandelt. Für die Tiere der zweiten Gruppe, dagegen dauerte diese Verabreichung nur 14 Tage (von 70 . bis zum 84. Lebenstag). Die Enten wurden geschlachtet, als sie 85 Tage alt waren, und ihre Schlachtkörper wurden anhand der Angaben der WPSA zerlegt. Die Behandlung mit dem ß-Agonisten übte keinen besonderen Einfluß, weder auf die WachstumGeschwindigkeit noch auf die Futterverwertung aus. Nach einer kürzeren (14 Tage) Verabreichung von Clenbuterol wurden im allgemeinen höhere Körpergewichte gemessen . Bei allen behandelten Tieren zeigte die Brustmuskulatur eine signifikante Gewichtszunahme, unabhängig von der Dauer der Behandlung , während das Gewicht des Muskelmagens deutlich abnahm. Für die Brustmuskeln ließen sich eine deutliche Erhöhung ihres Proteingehaltes und eine Verminderung des Fettgehaltes ermitteln. Auf Grund der Behandlung nahm der Kollagengehalt der Muskeln deutlich ab, aber zugleich wurde auch eine Verminderung seiner Löslichkeit beobachtet. D as stimmt mit den Ergebnissen anderer Verfasser überein, wonach sich das Fleisch der mit Clenbuterol behandelten Tiere als ziemlich zäh erweist. Die 24 Stunden nach der Schlachtung der Moschusenten durchgeführten Messungen des pH-Wertes und der Farbe von Brustmuskeln ließen keine besondere Veränderungen erkennen. Nur die Messung der Farbhelligkeit des Fleisches ergab höhere Werte bei den Tieren, die 14 T age lang mit Clenbuterol behandelt worden waren. Stich11Jorte Moschusente, Fütterung, Additiva, Leistung, Fleischqualität. L iterat11re AOAC, 1985: Official Methods of analysis (14. th Ed.) Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Washington, D.C. BERGE, P., ]. CuLIOLI, A. QuALI, M. F. PARAT, 1993: Performance, muscle composition and meat texture in veal calves administered a beta-agonist (Clenbuterol). Meat Sei., 33, 191 - 206. British Standards Institution, 1979: Methods of test for Meat and Meat products. Part 11. BS4401. CROSS H. R. , Z. L. CARPENTER, G. C. SMITH, 1973 : Effects of intramuscolar collagen and elastin upon bov ine muscle tenderness. J. Food Sei., 38, 998- 1001. CRousE, ]. D., H. R. CROSS, S. C. SE!DEMAN, 1985: Effects of sex condition, genotype, diet and carcass electrical Archiv für Geflügel kunde 6/ 1994 KALETA et al. : Möglichkeiten zur Schätzung des Alters von Hühnerkük en stimulation o n the collagen content and palatability of two bovine mu scles. J. Anim. Sei. , 60, 1228- 1234. D ALRYMPLE R. H., P. K. BAK ER , P. E. GrNGHER, D. L. lNGLE, J. M. PENSACK, C. A. RrcKs, 1984: A ripartitioning agen t to improve performance and carcass composition of broilers . Po ultry Sei ., 63, 2376- 2383. DAWSON J. M ., P. J. BuTTERY, M . GrLL, D. E. BEEVER, 1990: Muscle composition of steers treated with the Beta-agonist Cimaterol. Meat Sei., 28, 289 - 297. FrnMs L. 0 ., B. BuTS, C. V. BouCQUE, D. I. D EMEYER, B. G . CoTTYN, 1990: E ffect of a beta-agonist on meat quality an d myofibrillar protein fragmentation in bulls. Meat Sei. , 27, 29 - 39. H AN RAHAN J . P. (Ed .), 1987: Beta-ago nists and their effects on animal g rowth and carcass qu ality. Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, London . Hr LL F., 1966: The solubility o f intramuscular collagen in meat animals of various sizes. J. Food Sei ., 31, 161 - 166. MoRGAN J. B., S. J. J ONES, C. R. CALKINS, 1989: Muscle protein turnover and tenderness in broiler chickens fed cimaterol. J. Anim. Sei., 67, 2646- 2654. MuRAMATSU T., M. KAKITA, Y. AOYAGI, ]. ÜKUMURA, 1991: Research no te: Beta-Adrenergic Agonist effects o n li ver and breast muscle protein synthesis in female chick s. Poultry Sei. , 70, 1630- 1632. Arch. Geflügelk. 1994, 58 (6), 261- 267, ISS I 261 RoMBOLI I., R. M. TuRr, P. SACCHI, C. SARRA, 1992 : Prove preliminari sull'impiego di un beta-agonista nell'alimentazione dell 'anatra muschiata. Proceeding National Congress " Parliamo de carni avicole e cunicole", pag. 243. SMITH G. C., Z. L. CARPENTER, 1970 : Lamb carcass qu ality. 3. Chemical, ph ysical and histological meas urements. J. Anim . Sei., 31, 697- 702. TAKAHASHI K., Y. AKIBA, M. HORIGUCHI, 1993: Effects of a beta-adrenergic agoni st (Clenbuterol) on perfo rmance, carcass composition, hepatic microsomial mixed function oxidase and antibody production in female broilers treated with o r without corticosteron. Br. Poultry Sei., 34, 167- 175. \,'\IPSA, 1984: Methods of dissection of broiler carcass and description of parts. (JENSEN J. F. ed .) Perga mon Press, Cambridge, U.K. Anschrift des Au to ren : Rosa Maria Turi , Facoalta d ie Mcdicina Vcrerina ria , Via Nizza 52 1 101 26 Torino, Jtalia 0003-9098. © Verlag Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co., Stuttgart Möglichkeiten zur Schätzung des Alters von Hühnerküken innerhalb der ersten Lebenswoche Attempts to estimate the age of chicks within the first week of life E. F. Kaleta , B. Sch ildger, F. Ende rs, S. He rzberge r und M. Roschinsky Manuskript eingegangen am 10. ovember 1993 Einleitung Hühnerküken schlüpfen mit einem zur Gesamtgröße der Tiere relativ großen Dottersack. Der Dotter dient den Küken innerhalb der ersten Lebenstage als alleinige ahrungsquelle; ein zusätzliches Füttern und Tränken der Tiere ist in dieser Zeit nicht erforderlich . Deshalb besagt die „ Verordnung zum Schutz von Tieren bei der Beförderung in B ehältnissen" vom 20. Dezember 1988 (BGB!. Teil I Nr. 60, S. 2431) im §4 (Pflichten des Absenders), A bsatz 5: „Einragsküken, die innerhalb von 72 Stunden nach dem Schlupf den E mpfänger erreichen, ... brauchen während der Beförderung nicht gefüttert und getränkt zu werden. "In diesem A us dem In sti tut für Geflügelkrankheiten der Univeristät Gießen A rchiv für Geflü gelkunde 6/1994 Justus-Liebig- Sinne formuliert es auch die EG-Richtlinie 91 /628 E WG sowie nachfolgenden Richlinien zum Schutz von Tieren beim Transpo rt. Auch die „Dritte Verordnung zur A.ndermtg der Verordn11ng z11m Sch11tz gegen die Geflügelpest und die Newcastle-Krankheit" (En twurf derzeit) definiert in § 1, Punkt 8 „Eintagsküken als Geflügel in einem A lter vo n weniger als 72 Stunden, das noch nicht gefüttert wurde". In der auffindbaren und zugä ng lichen älteren (DRUMMOND 1916/17; LATIMER, 1924) und neueren Fachliteratur finden sich wo hl morpho logische Angaben zur groben Schätzung des A lters junger Küken (LucAs und STETTENHEIM, 1972; LOEFFLER, 1978 ; KRÖNER, 1983; ScHLOTYSSEK, 1987). Es fehlen jedoch ge nauere morph o logische Angaben , die eine A ussage darü ber ermög lichen , ob ein Hühnerküken älter oder jünger als 72 Stunden ist. Die A ufnahme des 72-Stundenwertes in die EG-Richtlinien und beiden oben