● SECNAVINST 5210.1 lD a OOCT1587 L ● Department of the Navy ● 9 4- STANDARD SUBJECT IDENTIFICATION CODES L L Naval Data Automation Command Washington, DC 20374-1662 . llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll[l — SECNAVINST521O.11D ~0 OCT 1987 . RECORD OF CHANGES I Correction or Change No. Date of Change Date Change Entered I By Whom Entered 1 )“ t ● I ✎ r 1 I L L , r I L- } — DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF OF THE WASHINGTON, THE NAVY SECRETARY D.C. 20350-1000 SECNAVINST 5210.1 ID NAVDAC 81 L- 2() OCT1987 SECNAV INSTRUCTION 5210.1 lD From: To: Secretary of the Navy All Ships and Stations Subj: DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY FILE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES AND STANDARD SUBJECT IDENTIFICATION CODES (SSIC) . Pur ose. To revise the Department of the Navy Standard Subject identification Codes ‘“ % an t e Department of the Navy File Maintenance Procedures. 2. Cancellation. SECNAVINST 5210.1 IC. 3. Policy. This instruction outlines the process for segregating and filing Navy and Marine Corps records and the single standard system of numbers and/or letter symbols used throu bout the Department of the Navy for categorizing and subject classifying Navy an $ Marine Corps information. SSICSare required on all Navy and Marine Corps letters, messages, directives, forms and reports. Only approved codes will be assi ned; however, expansion of the system for filing purposes ISauthorized following t% e file maintenance procedures. 4. Maintenance and Revision. The Naval Data Automation Command (Code 81) maintains the system and provides for changes. Submit recommendations for changes to NAVDAC (Code 81) following guidance in Section 5. 5. Forms. Cross-Reference, OF-21, NSN 7540-00-823-8128; Chargeout Record, OF-23, NSN 7540-00-823-8130; Shelf File Chargeout Record (Letter Size), OF-24, NSN 7540-00-823-8131 and Shelf File Chargeout Record (Legal Size), OF-25, NSN 7540-00823-8132 are available through the Federal supply system, GSA supply depots, or local GSA stores. F’. R.L As (Financial Distribution: SNDL Parts 1 and 2 SNDL, Annex A to Part 1 MARCORPS List CX Commander Naval Data Automation Command (Code 813) Washington Navy Yard Washington, DC 20374-1662 (425 copies) .- Stocked: CO, NAVPUBFORMCEN 5801 Tabor Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19120-5099 a (3,000 - si. st~nt copies) - Secretary Management) of the Navy (R (R SECNAVINST z O OCT1987 LOCATOR CROSS-REFERENCESHEET b Subj: DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY FILE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES AND STANDARD SUBJECT IDENTIFICATION CODES See: (ReClplent enter lntOrmatlOn as to where the publication maintained) ----- is 5210.1 lD SECNAVINST 5210.1 lD 20 OCT 1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS -. Section Filing 1 Procedures Section2 Construction Section3 List of SSICCodes ............................................................. 1 ofStandard Subject Identification Codes(SSIC) ...................... 3 ............................................................. 5 MAJOR SUBJECT GROUPS 1000 2000 - - 1999 2999 Military Personnel ....................................................... Includes subjects (Civilian personnel relating subjects series.) relatingto solely subjects both Telecommunications to the are included civilian administration in the and military 12000 of military series. personnel personnel. General are included 5 personnel in the 5000 .. .. ..... .. ..... ...... ... ... ............. ..... ....... 7 Includes subjects relating to general communication matters andto communication systems and equipment. 3000 - 3999 Operationsand Includes Readiness subjects relating .................................... ... ........ to such matters as operational plans, operational training and readiness, warfare techniques, research and development, geophysical and hydrographic 4000 - 4999 Logistics Includes fleet operational support. 10 operations, intelligence, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 subjects relating to the logistical support of the Navy and Marine Corps, including procurement, supply control, property redistribution and disposal, travel and transportation, maintenance, construction and conversion, production and mobilization planning, and foreign military assistance. 5000 - 5999 General Administration includes subjects the Department and Management relating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 to the administration, of the Navy, including general organization, personnel and managementof matters (concerning both civilian and military personnel), records management programs, security, external and internal relations, audiovisual management, law and legal matters, office services, office automation, 6000 - 6999 Medicine and Dentistry Includes subjects medicine, special and printing matters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...20 relating or and publication to medical preventive matters medicine, supplies. L- i such dentistry, as physical medical fitness, general equipment and SECNAVINST 5210 llD 200CT” 1987 7000 - 7999 Financial Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...21 Includes subjects relating to the financial administration of the Departmentof the Navy, including budgeting, disbursing, accounting, auditing, contract auditing, industrial and other special financing matters, and statistical reporting. 8000 - 8999 Ordnance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...23 Material Includes subjects relating to all types of ordnance material and weapons, including ammunition and explosives, guided missiles of all types, nuclear weapons, fire control and optics, combat vehicles, underwater ordnance materials, and miscellaneous ordnance equipment. ., 9000 - 9999 Ships Design and Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Includes subjects relating to such matters ships, and to ships material and equipment. 10000 - 10999 General Material as the design and characteristics of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...30 Includes subjects relating to general categories of materials not included in the specialized material groups. It includes audiovisual / graphic arts/ photographic/ television/video equipment and accessories, general machinery and tools, personnel (materials), and miscellaneous categories. 11000 - 11999 Facilities and Activities Ashore .. ... ... ................................. Includes subjects relating to ashore structures transportation facilities, heavy equipment, utilities subjects. 12000 - 12999 Civilian Personnel 31 and facilities, fleet facilities, and services, and other similar - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...32 Includes subjects relating solely to the administration of civilian personnel. (Military personnel subjects are included in the 1000 series. General personnel subjects relating to both civilian and military personnel are included in the 5000 series.) 13000 - 13999 Aeronautical and Astronautical Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Includes subjects relating to aeronautical and astronautical material, including aerologicd and instruments; special devices; armament; patis, accessories, equipment, weapons systems, types of aircraft; and astronautic vehicles. 16000 - 16999 Coast Guard Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...36 Includes subjects relating solely to administration and mission NOT TO BE USED 8Y NAVY OR MARINE CORPS ACTIVITIES. Guard. Section 4 Alphabetical Section 5Guidelines Guide to Standard for Requesting Subject Changes Identification Codes of the Coast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...67 -/ SECNAVINST z 5210.1 lD O OH 1987 SECTION 1 FILING PROCEDURES The size and complexity of the Navy demands standard methods 1. Background. for filing paperwork. Standardization frees personnel from learning new filing systems when moving from one activity to another. 2. Filing procedures. procedures. To maintain files effectively and economically follow these a. File Location and Control. central control should: Maintain a central control of activity files. Your (1) Assign personnel to coordinate all activity files (2) Authorize official files and assign responsibility for files plans (3) Locate the official files at an organizational level that ensures effective documentation, makes records accessible to major users, minimizes duplicate files and aids records disposal. (4)Determine records retention and disposal standards using SECNAVINST 5212.5C and apply to each file series and prepare local disposal instructions. (5) Perform periodic reviews of the files procedures. ~ b. File Material. Do not include unnecessary working papers, early drafts, extra copies, or information material as part of the file material. Include the following: (1) The incoming document (2) Copy of the outgoing correspondence (3) Any essential supporting documents. c. File Maintenance. File material loose in folders unless ou need fasteners to hold pages in a particular order. Use prong fasteners rathert Kan staples, clips or rubber bands to hold material. 3. Cross-referencing. When a document concerns more than one subject, name or case, file an extra copy under each subject and give the location of the basic document on each copy. If extra copies are not available, use a Cross Reference Sheet (OF-21). 4. Charging Out Files. Keep track of all documents removed from files. When a document or an entire file is removed, put a charge out slip in its place. If the document is transferred among several people update the charge out slip. Optional Forms 23, 24, and 25 can be used as chargeout slips. L- 5. Closing Files. Close eneral correspondence files at the end of each calendar year. Close budget an 3 accounting files at the end of each fiscal year. Some other files, most often case files, stay current until an action ends or event occurs. Hold SECNAVINST z () 5210.1 lD t)CT 19$7 closed files locally in an inactive status until destruction ortransferto Records Center using standards in SECNAVINST 5212.5C. a Federal 6. Additional Information. Additional filing procedures information is available in the General Services Administration (GSA) handbook, Files Operations, GPO 022-002-00088-1. e SECNAVINST 5210.1 lD 20 OCT 1987 SECTION 2 ‘- CONSTRUCTION OF STANDARD SUBJECT IDENTIFICATION CODES (SSIC) 1. SSICSRequired. An SSIC is a four- or five-digit number that stands for the subject of a document. SSICSare required on all Navy and Marine Corps letters, messages, directives, forms and reports. The use of SSICSprovides a tested method for filing documents consistently and retrieving them quickly. 2. SSICS. The Navy’s SSICsystem is broken down into 13 major subject groups. These major subject groups are then broken down into primary, secondary, and tertiary subdivisions. Primary subjects are designated by the last three digits of the code number. For example, here are three of the primary subdivisions under General Administration and Management, whose major subject group code is 5000. General categories use zeros 5000 General Administration and Management This is an example of a primary subject 5200 Management Programs and Techniques The last two digits designate secondary subjects 521Q Records Management The last digit reflects a tertiary subject 5211 Filing, Maintenance, Protection, Retrieval, and Privacy Act Systems Some subject groups are not subdivided below the primary breakdown. Some groups are divided into many secondary and tetiiary subjects depending on the complexity of the major subject. 3. Assigning the Ri ht SSIC to a Document. When you create a document, include the SSICthat most ci’osely describes the document’s subject. When assigning the code, consider the subject, the purpose or significance, and the manner in which similar documents are requested and the code used for similar documents. 4. Arranging Files by SSIC. When you close one year’s files and start new files, make up files for the SSICsthat are likely to occur most often,. Add new folders later on as documents with new SSICSarrive for filin . The SSICSlisted in section 3 provide all the divisions that most activities need to ! eep their files manageable. However, large activities may have to supplement this directive using the guidance on subdividing SSICS. Paragraph 5 below shows ways to subdivide SSICS. 5. Subdividing SSICS. When subdivisions of SSICSare necessary for local file purposes, you ma use the SSICwith an SNDL code, additional numbers or words, two SSICS,or com t inations of these. Some examples of each areas follows: SECNAVINST z () 5210.1 lD OCT 1987 SNDL CODES Code 5216/2402 (SSIC with SNDL code only) Designated File Correspondence/Commander Naval Surface Pacific Fleet 52 15/FA6/JAX (SSIC with SNDL code and geographical location) Directives/Naval Air Station LANT Jacksonville 6240/A5/BUMED (SSIC with SNDL code plus activity abbreviation) Hygiene and Sanitation/Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 1050/29 El/DD979 (SSIC with SNDL code plusship’s abbreviated hull designation and hull number) Leave and liberty/Destroyer LANT/USS Conolly ADDITIONAL NUMBERS, SUBJECTS OR WORDS, OR TWO SSICS SSICwith Numbers 5441 5441/~ 5441 1~ Status of Vessels Surface Units Submarine Units SSICwith Subjects Records Disposal Systems 5212 5212/Disposals 52 12flransfers Two SSICS *4230/10200 Foreign Contracting of Machinery and Tools, *10200/4230 M“~chinery and Tools, Foreign Contracting *indicates principal subject. .- — I SECNAVINST z 5210.1 lD O OCT 1987 MILITARY PERSONNEL 1000-1999 ‘%-- 1000-1099 1000 1221 GENERAL Classification Codes and Billet Descriptions General (Include Marine Corps SOP’s) 1001 Rank, Rate, or Rating Structure 1223 Reserve Policies and Programs 1010 Inspections 1230 1020 Uniforms 1231 Officer Retention/Career 1236 Enlisted 1040 Planning 1050 Leave and Liberty 1070 Personnel Records 1080 Personnel Accounting Testing and Interviewing 1300-1399 ASSIGNMENT AND DISTRIBUTION 1300 General Officer 1301 1100- 1199 RECRUITING 1306 1100 1110 1111 1320 1120 General Administration Manpower Plans and Policy 1330 1122 1123 1130 L- 1321 and Logistics 1326 1121 Officer Enlisted Personnel Requests Policy 1331 Officer Research 1336 Enlisted Program Analysis 1400-1499 Operations PROMOTION AND ADVANCEMENT 1131 Officer Recruiting 1400 1132 Officer Recall 1401 Selections 1133 Enlisted Recruiting 1402 Selection Boards Record of 1134 Enlisted Recall 1136 1137 General Proceedings Recruiter Training 1410 Recruiting Irregularities 1412 Requirements and Qualifications Officer Qualifications Advertising 1414 Enlisted Qualifications 1141 Material 1416 Officer Examinations 1142 Recruiting Aids 1418 1143 Systems 1420 1144 Operations 1421 Temporary Promotions 1426 Permanent Promotions Rank and Precedence 1140 1150 Control support Enlisted Examinations Promotions 1152 Sea Power Presentations 1427 1153 Program Development 1430 Advancements Audio/Visual 1440 Changes in Rank, Rate, or Rating 1450 Reductions in Rank, Rate, or Rating 1154 1155 1156 FleeVCommunity Liaison 1160 Reenlistments and Extensions 1170 Selective Service, Conscription, and 1200-1299 1200 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1220 in Rate or Rating . Educator Liaison 1500-1599 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 1500 General 1510 Deferment L- Enlisted Orders to Personnel CLASSIFICATION AND DESIGNATION Enlisted Training 1511 Nuclear Power Training (Sub) 1512 Nuclear Power Training (Surface) General 1513 Recruit Training Officer 1514 Rating Training Billet Classification Codes and 1520 Billet Descriptions 1521 Joint and Advanced Training Designator Codes 1522 Nuclear Power Training (Sub) Qualification 1523 Nuclear Power Training (Surface) 1524 Graduate Education Codes Sub-Specialty Codes 1530 Enlisted 1531 5 Officer Training and Education Officer Candidate Training and Education Naval Academy SECNAVINST ~ () A) 5210.110 OCT 1987 1532 Aviation Cadet (AvCad) 1750 1533 Reserve Officer Training CorpS (ROTC) 1751 Dependents’ 1534 Merchant 1752 Domestic Relations Family Support Programs Marine and Maritime Dependents’ Aid (Assistance) Allowances 1540 Functional Training 1754 1541 Fleet Training 1755 Dependents’ 1542 Flight Training 1760 Civil Readjustment 1543 Equipment aned Systems Training 1550 Instruction Courses and Training Materials and Veterans Affairs 1770 Diver Training 1544 Schooling 1771 Casualties and Survivors’ Benefits Casualties Survivors’ Benefits (See also 10170) 1772 1551 Training Films, Aids, and Special 1780 1552 Training Publications 1553 Instructional Systems Development 1800-1899 RETIREMENT 1800 General Computer Managed 1810 Educational Benefits Devices 1554 1560 Voluntary 1570 Inactive Duty Training 1811 1812 Active Duty for Training 1571 1580 Instruction Education Interservice Training 1600-1699 PERFORMANCE AND DISCIPLINE 1600 General 1601 1610 Reserve Nondisability 1830 Fleet Reserve 1850 Disability Retirement 1851 Off icer 1856 Enlisted 1900-1999 SEPARATION 1900 General Enlisted 1910 and Conduct 1620 Discipline 1916 1621 Officer 1920 1626 1926 Enlisted 1630 Shore Patrol and Military 1640 Confinement 1650 Decorations, Medals, and Awards 1700-1799 Police MORALE AND PERSONAL AFFAIRS General 1710 Recreation and Social Affairs 1720 Information 1730 Chaplains and Religious Affairs (General) Services 1731 Worship 1732 Other Rites, Ceremonies, Ordinances, Sacraments 1733 Sacred Music 1734 Counseling 1735 Christian Theology and History 1736 Other Religions and Comparative Religion Religious EducatiOn and ChapelRelated Organizations 1738 Special Programs/Pilot 1739 Program Requirements/Advance Ministries Planning 174o Enlisted 1820 Officer Performance 1616 1737 Retirement Officer Retirement Duties and Watches 1611 1700 Regular Nondisability Personal Affairs and Benefits 1741 Insurance 1742 Voting 1746 Messes and Clubs Enlisted Release From Active Duty, Reserve Officer Release From Active Duty, Reserve SECNAVINST 5210.1 ID OCT 1987 20 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 2000-2999 L- 2000-2099 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 2000 General SYSTEMS Circuit Mayflower 2070 2008 Clarinet Merlin 2071 AUTODIN l/AUTODIN II 2072 NATO/Allied Systems Special Systems/Networks Switched Systems-Networks 2011 Presidential Communications 2073 AUTOVON 2012 Tactical Nets 2074 AUTOSEVOCOM 2013 Mobile-Transportable 2075 Advanced Research Projects 2014 Contingency Communications 2015 Visuai Communications 2016 Defense Communications System Agency Network (ARPANET) Defense Communications Agency 2018 Theatre Nuclear Forces 2021 High Frequency Anti-Jam Program (HFAJ) Automated Systems, General Worldwide Military Command Shipboard 2026 Shore 2030 Movement Broadcast Systems, General Fleet 2083 Submarine 2086 Antisubmarine 2089 NATO 2032 Narrow Band 2040 2041 Miscellaneous Systems, General Navy Reserve Emergency Communica- 2092 Commercial Refile/Class “E” Messages 2093 Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS); 2094 Fleet Operational Amateur Radio Automated Strategic Systems Fleet Command Center/Task Force 2096 Ocean Surveillance Information Command Center (f CmFCC) Network (MEECN) 2042 Improved Emergency Message Sound Surveillance System/Surveillance Towed Array System (IEMATS) (SOSUS/SURTASS) JCS Alerting Net (JCSAN) 2098 Antisubmarine 2044 TACAMO 2099 Merchant 2045 Airborne National Command 2047 2050 Warfare (ASW) Ship Communications (MERCOMS) (ABNCP) Extra Low Frequency (ELF) 2100-2199 (SEAfARER, SHELf, SANGUINE) 2100 VERDIN Satellite Communications (SATCOM) TELECOMMUNICATIONS General 2110 Short-Haul Leased Circuits 2120 Long-Haul Leased Circuits Systems 2130 On-Base Circuits 2051 Ashore SATCOM Systems 2140 Leased EquipmenVTerminals Ashore 2052 Afloat SATCOM Systems 2150 Leased Equipment/Terminals Afloat 20s4 Satellite Navigation 2160 Landlines 2180 Telecommunications 2060 -. 2097 Automatic Teletype System post System (0s1s) 2043 2046 Telecommunications Control System (FOTACS) 2095 Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Warfare (ASW)(VP) 2091 AUTOSEVOCOM) Wideband Network tions (NREC) Secure Voice Systems (excluding 2031 Information 2081 2090 and Control System (WWMCCS) 2023 2077 2080 Communications System (TNFCS) 2020 Defense Special Security Communica- (MINET) (DCA) Quality Assurance Program 2019 2076 tions System (DSSCS) (DCS) HF Entry 2017 Systems (FTS) 2007 2010 A) Federal Telecommunications 2069 Systems Telephone Systems 2061 Defense Telephone System (DTS) 2063 Command Switch System (CSS) 2066 Navy Administrative (TSR) Telephone System (NATS) 7 Service Request SERVICES SECNAVINST z () 2200-2999 2200 2201 S21O 1 ID OCT 1987 COMMUNICATIONS (COMSEC) SECURITY 2320 2321 General Communication Policy and Doctrine Assistance to Foreign Governments 2206 COMSEC Equipment Installation and Configuration Control Alternate Stabilized Routing for Afloat Commands 2323 Worldwide (STROFAC) Mobile Routing Index (WWMRI) Physical Security of Cryptographic 2324 2211 Standards 2325 2212 Loss or Compromise 2340 ACP-117 Listings Communications Guard Shift Address Designators, Generai 2341 Plain Language Address Directory Anti-Jamming (AJ) 2342 AIGs/CADs/General Transmission Security 2221 Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) 2222 (PLAD) 2223 COMSEC Traffic Analysis 2343 Routing Indicators 2224 COMSEC Signal Analysis 2344 International 2225 Changing Call Sign and Frequency 2345 Voice Call Signs 2230 Cryptographic Security Policy, Doctrine, and Procedures 2400-2499 2232 Violations and Insecurities 2400 Management 2233 Cryptographic 2410 Allocation/Assignment Keying Material ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM 2420 Interference 2241 Tempest Policy and Criteria 2430 Propagation 2242 Tempest Surveys 2440 Usage 2243 Exceptions to National Emission Emission Security 2450-2459 Security Policy 2250 Project Management 2252 Modifications and Development to Cryptographic 2450 (General) ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPARABILITY Cryptographic Equipment, General 2251 Electromagnetic Comparability, General Equip- 2460-2469 ment 2253 .. Messages Call Signs 2231 2240 Routing 2322 Equipment and Materials 2220 Routing Doctrine, General (ALTROUTE) 2202 2210 Message Formats and Procedures 2319 Master Station Keyed Cryptographic 2460 FREQUENCY SOUNDERS Frequency Sounders, General Equipment 2254 Airborne Cryptographic 2255 Shipboard Cryptographic 2256 Shore Cryptographic 2257 Vehicular/Manpack 2280 Equipment Equipment 2500-2599 2500 S1 COMMUNICATIONS General 2501 S1Communications Planning and Equipment 2502 S1Communications Procedures COMSEC Material 2506 S1Communications Equipment Equipment Management Cryptographic System, General 2281 Policy, Plans and Procedures 2282 Distribution and Allowance Installation and Configuration Control S1Communications Systems Accounts and inventory Control 2510 2284 Automated 2511 Multi-User 2285 COMSEC Material 2s12 S1Off-Line Encrypted Communications 2513 S1Red Line Multiplexing 2283 Processing Suppoti System Issuing Systems Offices 2300-2399 2300 COMMUNICATIONS AND PROCEDURES METHODS 2515 CLASSIC WIZARD Communications 2516 Automatic Processing System for 2517 S1AUTOOIN Limited Privacy Service Systems 2310 Traffic Handling/Processing 2311 Traffic Analysis/Engineering Quality Control 2314 Communications Messages (ALpS) Evaluation 2316 Traffic Statistical Data 2318 Communications Investigations Systems (LEMONADE) General 2313 S1Communications Center Problems and 2520 S1High Frequency Direction Finding Communication Systems .. SECNAVINST ~ O S1HFDF Communications 2521 Reliability 2860-2869 Control 2860 Reports L- S1HFDF Communications 2522 5210.1 lD OCT 1987 MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONICS BOARD (MCEB) General Shifts 2530 2880-2899 S1Tactical Communications 2531 S1Air/Ground Communications 2532 S1Ship/Shore Communications 2533 S1 Mobile Communications-- 2534 S1Mobile Communications--Afloat 2535 S1Tactical Exchange Automated 2536 S1Tactical Intelligence 2880 Systems Systems Shore-based System (TEXAS) Communications System 2537 S1Operational Intelligence Communica- tions Systems 2700-2799 + AFLOAT COMMUNICATIONS 2700 General 2710 Circuitry and Networks 2720 Exercises 2730 Requirements 2740 Readiness 2750 Plans 2760 Operations 2770 Resources 2780 Quality Monitoring 2790 Afloat Communications 2791 Communications 2792 Primary Support Station 2793 Residual Station 2797 HICOM and Control Support Area Master Station (CAMS) 2800-2899 2800 COMMUNICATIONS PLANS, PROGRAMS, AND REQUIREMENTS General 2801 Subsystem Project Plan (SPP) 2802 Management 2803 Master Installation Engineering Plan (MEP) Information Plan (MIIP) 2804 Basic Electronics System Engineering 2805 Communications Plan (BESEP) Long and Mid-Range Planning 2830-2839 2830 COMMUNICATION CONSOLIDATION General --- 9 TELECOMMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS (Excluding Frequency) General SECNAVINST z O 5210.1 lD (ICT1987 OPERATIONS AND READINESS 3000-3999 3000-3079 Operations AND READINESS 3000 General (Including Marine Corps SOP’s) 3005 Civil Defense 3006 Natural Disaster Control 3010 3020 3040 Navy Command and Control Systems 3093 Standards and lnteroperability (NCCS) Plans (Including combined) 3100-3199 Joint Plans 3100 3103 Unified Command Planning Matters 302S 3030 3092 3110 Navy Plans Naval Air Reserve Operations Administrative Assignment of Operating Forces of the Navy Casualties and Casualty Reporting (See 3111 also 1770) Home Ports and Yards and Permanent Duty Stations Hull, Mechanical, and Electrical 3041 OPERATIONS General 3120 Casualties Operating Procedures, Tasks, and Employment 3042 Ordnance Casualties 3043 Electronics (Radar) Casualties 3121 Operation Plans and Orders Electronics (Sonar) Casualties 3122 Military-Medical-Dental 3044 3045 Electronics (Communications) 3046 Electronics (Other) Casualties Casualties Personnel Casualties (Shortages) 3047 3050 Naval Strategy 3051 Missions * 3123 Movement 3124 Fleet Air Operations Reports 3125 Marine Aviation 3126 Fleet Employment Schedules and Changes 3052 Functions 3127 Employment 3053 Warfare Tasks 3128 Visits of Ships 3054 Force Employment 3129 3055 Force Characteristics 3130 3056 Force Levels 3131 3057 Threat Assessment 3140 3058 Risk Assessment 3060 Guardship Assignment of the Naval Reserve Marine Amphibious Operations Search and Rescue Survival Geophysical and Hydrographic or Mapping, Charting and Geodesy (MC&G) Support, General Mobilization 3061 Mobilization Plans and Policies 3141 Observations/Measurements 3062 . Mobilization Operation Require- 3142 Data Collection ments 3143 Data Analysis Operations Security 3144 Oat? Prediction 3145 Information 3146 Data/Information 3147 Data/Information Quality Assurance 3148 Data/Information Archiving 3070 3080-3099 RELIABILITY AND MAINTAINABILITY (R&M) (See also 13070) 3080 3150 General 3081 Hardware, Fleet, Air 3082 Hardware, Fleet, Surface 3083 Hardware, Fleet, Subsurface Shore 3151 Products Dissemination Diving and Hyperbaric Systems Operations Diving and Hyperbaric Systems Safety Certification 3160 Astronomical and Chronometric Support, General 3084 Hardware, 3085 Operational 3161 Observations/Measurements 3086 Software, Surface 3162 Data Collection 3087 Software, Subsurface 3163 Data Analysis 3088 Software, Shore 3164 Data Prediction 3165 Information (C3) 3166 Data/lnformation Dissemination Worldwide 3167 Data/Information Quality Assurance 3168 Data!lnformation Archiving 3090 3091 ADP Computer Software Command, Control, and Communications Military Command and Control System (WVVMCCS) 10 Products (A (A SECNAVINST 5210.1 ID 20 OCT 1987 3170 + ELINT Technical Support 3254 Port Operations, General 3260 Signals Security (SIGSEC-)--General 3171 Anchorage and Berthing 3172 Boarding of Ships 3261 SIGSEC Fleet and Afloat Operations 3173 Ship’s Boats 3262 SIGSEC Land Based Operational 3263 SIGSEC Tactical Application Programs 3264 COMSEC Telephone Monitoring Surveillance Systems 3180 Replenishment 3190 Law Enforcement (Harbor Patrol) (e.g. HULTEC) 3200-3289 3200 3202 CRYPTOLOGY Cryptology--General Cryptologic Architecture and Total 3265 SIGSEC Equipment Resources 3266 SIGSEC Training Program (includes 3267 COMSEC Advice and Assistance Program Systems Integration 3203 COMSEC Training Visits) Cryptologic Support Group Operations (Concept, Policy) 3205 3206 3268 ADP Support to Cryptologic Systems 3270 COMSEC Briefings and Films Program High Frequency Direction Finding (HFDF) Operations Cryptology and Comma nd, Control, and Communications (C3) 3208 Marine Corps Cryptologic Policy and 3209 NAVRESSECGRU Cryptologic Policy and Operations 3271 NB HFDF Operations 3272 WB ACQ/HFDF Operations 3280 Advanced Cryptologic Systems Development (Cryptologic R&D) Operations 3210 3300 3212 Navy Compartmented 3301 Emergency Action (Include procedures, Naval Special Warfare Operations SIGINT Programs 3213 Allied Efforts 3215 SIGINT Equipment Resources 3302 3216 SIGINT Equipment Installation and 3305 General messages, drills, exercises) Configuration 3310 National SIGINT Operations Evasion and Escape Aerial 3311 Tactical Air 3221 Collection 3312 Antisubmarine 3222 Processing and Reporting 3313 Patrol 3223 Evaluation 3314 Helicopter 32241 Field Station Operations 3315 Reconnaissance 3225 SIGINT Systems Support (e.g., 3316 FLEXSCOP, IATS) 3226 SIGINT Direct Service 3227 Target Communications 3230 3320 Systems Fleet Cryptologic Support Airborne Electronic Countermeasures Air Defense 3330 Surface 3340 Amphibious 3350 Submarine Missions 3231 Surface Direct Support Operations 3351 Approach and Attack Procedures 3232 Surface Systems 3352 Tactical Weapons Employment 3233 Surface Carry-on Systems (e.g., SSQ-80, 3353 Search Procedures 3354 Tracking Procedures VANS) 3234 Submarine Support Operations 3355 Tactical Security 3235 Submarine Systems 3356 Acoustic Sensor Employment 3236 Airborne Direct Support Operations 3357 Electronics/Optic Sensor 3237 Air Systems 3358 Coordination 3238 Cryptologic Shore Suppoti Activities 3359 3239 Shore Systems 3360 3240 Electronic Warfare Special Operations Antisubmarine 3361 Surface ASW 3241 Technical Guidance Unit Operations 3362 Air ASW 3242 Signal Characteristics Identification 3363 Subsurface ASW 3364 Non-Acoustic 3370 Mine (sea and land) Support Systems 3250 ... WARFARE TECHNIQUES SIGINT Policy and Procedures (USSID) 3220 L 3300-3499 Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), General 3211 Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) Operations 3251 ELINT Collection Systems 3380 Harbor Defense 3252 ELINT Systems Processing and Reporting 3390 Guided Missile Installation Defense 3253 ELINT Systems Data Base 11 1- 3400 3401 3574 Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Small Arms Competitions and Awards Warfare (General) 3590 Nuclear 3591 Marksmanship Weapons 3402 Biological 3593 3403 Chemical 3600 Guided Missile (General) 3410 Psychological 3610 Electronic Warfare 3420 Camouflage 3611 Electronic Surveillance Measures (ESM) 3612 Electronic Countermeasures 3613 Electronic Counter Countermeasures 3421 Dimout and Blackout 3430 Electronic Warfare 3440 Disaster Control 3441 (ECM) (ECCM) Nuclear 3442 Biological 3700-3799 3443 Chemical 3700 General 3710 General Operating Instructions 3711 Naval Air Training and Operating Procedure Prisoners of War 3720 All Weather 3462 Defectors 3721 Navigational 3470 Cold Weather 3722 Traffic Control 3480 Combat and Action Reports 3730 Emergency Procedures 3490 Cover and Deception 3740 Pilot Qualifications 3750 Flight Safety and Accident Analysis 3450 Shipping Control 3460 Captured Personnel, Material, and 3500-3699 3500 ,- Standardization Documents 3461 FLIGHT AIR SPACE TRAINING AND READINESS 3752 (NATOPS) Flying Aids Summary Repofi of Aircraft Mishap Board Conclusions and Recommen- General dations 3501 Operational 3502 Training Plans and Requirements 3760 Flight Records and Reports 3503 Navy Status of Forces 3770 Civil Aviation 3504 Operational 3505 3510 Readiness and Capabilities Reporting 3800-3899 Seamanship Tactical Doctrine INTELLIGENCE 3800 General Intelligence Planning and Management 3511 Naval Warfare Publications 3810 3512 Allied Tactical Publications 3811 3514 Inter Type Tac D&E 3820 3515 Submarine Warfare 382~ Human 3516 Surface Warfare Tac D81E 3822 Photographic 3517 Air Warfare Tac D&E 3823 Electronic Tac D&E Estimates and Studies Intelligence Collection 3518 Exercise Data Collection 3824 Special 3519 Exercise Reconstruction 3825 Acoustic 3520 Electronics (Other than navigational 3830 aids) Intelligence Dissemination Radar 3831 Human 3522 Sonar 3832 Photographic 3523 Communications 3834 Special 3835 Acoustic 3521 3530 3531 3540 3541 A) 3550 A) 3551 3560 3561 3570 3571 Navigation 3840 Aids to Navigation 3841 Engineering Damage Control Training Ranges Training Range Instrumentation Combat Information Center Recognition and Visual Identification Ordnance and Gunnery Ordnance Handling and Disposal (See also 8027) 3572 3573 Operational Intelligence Indications and Warnings 3850 Counterintelligence 3860 Joint and Combined Intelligence 3870 Intelligence Training 3871 Ground 3872 Air 3873 Photographic 3874 Electronic 3875 Counterintelligence Bombing 3876 Interrogationflra Landina Pativ and Infantry 387? Sensor 12 nslation SECNAVINST ~ () 3878 Special 3879 Acoustic 3880 Intelligence Support Functions 3882 Scientific and Technical 3883 Research and Development 3884 Systems 3885 Programs 3886 3890 3891 Special Intelligence Production Acoustic 3900-3999 3900 RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST AND EVALUATION (RDT&E) RDT&E, General 3901 RDT&E, Plans 3902 RDT&E, Programs 3903 RDT&E, Projects 3904 RDT&E, Funding 3905 RDT&E, Reports 3906 RDT&E, Suppoti (Fleet Resources) 3907 RDT&E, Support (Other than fleet resources) 3910 Research and Development 3911 R&D Plans 3912 R&D Programs 3913 R&D Projects 3914 R&D Funding 3915 3960 3961 (R& D)--General R&D Reports Test and Evaluation (l& E)--General Test and Evaluation Master Plans (TEMPsnest and Evaluation Plans (TEPs) 3963 T&E Projects 3964 T&E Funding 3965 T&E RepOtis 3966 Science and Technology 3967 In Service Weapon Systems Evaluation 3968 Test and Evaluation (T&E) Ranges 3969 Test and Evaluation (T&E) Range Instrumentation 3970 Development Test and Evaluation (DT&E) General 3971 Contractors Test and Evaluation 3972 Technical Evaluation (TECH EVAL) (DT&E) 3980 Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E)- General 3981 Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (lOT&E) 3982 Follow-on Operational Test and Evaluation (FOT&E) 3983 3990 Operational Evaluation (OPEVAL) Projection Acceptance Test and Evaluation (PAT& E)-General 13 5210.11 D t)c’I 1987 SECNAVINST z () 5210.11 D OCT 1987 LOGISTICS 4000-4999 4200-4399 4000-4199 GENERAL 4000 General Gifts to Naval Establishment 4001 4002 4200 4201 Imprest Funds (Cashier Appointment 420S Contracting Authority and Equipping and Allowance Docu- 4206 Permanent ments (Marine Corps only) 4207 Emergency Delegations 4208 Contract Management Letters) Loans or Transfers to or by Naval Establishment 4010 4015 CONTRACTING General Scrap and Salvageable Responsibility Materials Delegations .K 4020 Petroleum 4021 Naval Petroleum Reserves 4210 4022 Strategic Petroleum Reserve 421S 4023 Synthetic Fuels and Fuel Quality 4024 Petroleum Requirements 4025 Petroleum Stocks lntra-Navy Acquisition Assignments Coordinated Acquisitions (Within Department 4220 Reviews Interdepartmental of Defense) Acquisitions (Government) 4026 Petroleum Management 4221 Federal Supply Schedule Contracts 4027 Petroleum Procurement 4222 Delivery orders to other government 422S Local or Decentralized Small Purchases Foreign Contracting 4028 4030 agencies Petroleum Consumption Packaging, General 4031 Cleaning 4226 4032 Preservation 4230 Packaging 4231 Buy American Act Packing 423S Contract Requests Markings, Labels, and Designations 4236 Specifications 4237 Funding 4033 4034 403s Advanced Base Program 4041 Functional Components 4230 Delivery Time or Place 404s NATO COMMON 4239 Justifications Infrastructure Program/NATO 4240 Logistics Contracting Officer Appointment Household Goods and Personal Propetiy 424S Personal Service 42S0 Formal Advertising Messes and Cafeteria 42SS Negotiation 4064 Laundry 4260 406S Commissary 4066 Exchanges 4266 Government 4067 Ships Stores Afloat 4270 Acquisition Forms 4069 Special Services 427S 4050 4060 4061 4080 4081 Mobilization 426S Stores 4280 Logistics Logistics Support Plans and Policies 4082 4100 Logistics Support Requirements Ordering Officer Appointment Contract Cost Principles Contract Pricing Principles Price Controls Contract Clauses Contracts, General 4281 Fixed-Price Contracts 4282 Cost-Type Contracts 4283 Labor Hour and Time and Material 4284 Other Contracts Conservation and Utilization of Material and Resources (Include basic materials)(General) 4285 4101 Energy Conservation 4290 Dissemination 410s Integrated 4296 Contra~ 4297 Contract Administrative 4110 Integrated 4120 Standardization Logistics Support Material Management 4121 Specifications 4122 Standards 4123 Qualified Products Lists Configuration 4140 USMC Life Cvcle Cost Model (LCCM) Records Subcontracts of Contract Information Statistics Lead Time (CALT) 4300 4130 Contracting 430s 4310 Management 431s 14 Responsibility of Offeror (General) Preaward Surveys Contract Clearance Bonds and Insurance SECNAVINST 5210.1 ID z 0 OCT 1987 4330 L Inspection and Maintenance 4454 Contract Administration 4335 Contractor Performance 4460 4336 Delivery and Shipment (See also 4470 Distribution 4480 Material Expenditure 4490 Material Requirements, 4610) 4337 4340 Default Government Government 4342 Contractor Acquired 4350 Advance 4491 Furnished Requisitions and Other Material Requests Labor and Manpower 4355 4360 Handling Planning Property 4341 Materials 4500-4599 Inspection and Acceptance Disputes/Strikes REDISTRIBUTION AND DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY 4361 Protests and Appeals 4500 General 4365 Contrador 4510 Special Restrictions on Disposal 4366 Extraordinary Actions 4520 Donations and Transfers Other Claims 4530 Sales 4367 4370 Claims Actions Contractual 4535 Contract Termination (See also 7575) 4375 Renegotiation and Statutory Profit Exchange or Sale of Nonexcess 4550 Inventories Personal Property Limitations 4380 Out-Leases and Easements 4540 Small Business 4381 Claimant Goals and Performance 4551 Contrador 4382 Minority Business Enterprise 4552 Termination 4385 Fraud and Irregularities 4555 Special Classes of Property 4386 Debarred, Ineligible, or Suspended 4560 4565 Contractors 4387 4570 EEO Program Non-awardable Inventory Inventory Special Bureau Instructions Foreign Areas Excess and Surplus Property Contraaors 4390 4600-4699 In-Lease Administration 4600 4400-4499 4400 SUPPLY/MATERIEL General Shop Stores Replacement 4406 Supply Afloat and Evaluation 4408 Transportation 4602 Transporting 4610 Program (R&E) 4410 4601 4603 4402 4403 Spare and Repair Parts Cataloging, Material Identif ication 4420 Repairable Material Supply Coordination Material Missions 4422 Material Cognizance Assignments 4423 Equipping/Provisioning 4424 Material Bills of Lading 4612 Shipment Orders 4613 Consignment Instructions 4614 Priority Indicators and Deadline 4615 Routing and 4616 Demurrage 4620 Sea Transpotiation 4621 Government-Owned 4622 Merchant Marine (Commercial 4623 Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force 4624 Scientific Support Ships Allowances 4431 ocean carriers) Obligation Validation (MOV) Receipt Material Ships Ships Shortages Inventory Control 4625 Sealift Readiness Program 4441 Allowances 4626 National Defense Reserve Fleet 4442 Supply Levels 4443 Financial Inventory Control 4440 4450 \- Material Transporting Mail Shipments (Cargo and freight) Delivery Dates Management 4421 4430 and Security Hazardous Material 4611 and Classification 4419 TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION General (NDRF)/Ready Reserve Fleet (RRF) 4627 Storage Maritime Prepositioning Ships (TAKX) 4451 Standards and Procedures 4452 Space Control 4628 4453 Operations 4630 15 Rapid Surge Force (TAKRX) Air Transportation SECNAVINST 5210.1 ID 4631 Government-Owned 4632 Commercial Air Carriers 4640 4641 Government-Owned Rail Carriers 4841 Equipment 4850 4853 Passenger Transportatiomlravel Regulations 4651 Quality Assurance/Control 4857 4670 Transportability 4858 4680 Containerization, 4701 4710 4860 General Production Analysis Military Urgencies System Terminal Operations 4700 Stockpiling Production Planning, Progressing, 4855 4660 4700-4799 Materials Expediting, and Scheduling (General) Motor Carriers 4643 Controlled and Uncontrolled Materials Allocation 4840 Land Transportation 4642 4650 4832 Aircraft Value Engineering Commercial 4861 Navy and Marine Corps Manufacturing 4862 Industrial and Industrial Reserve Facilities General 4870 Scheduling Machine Tools and Industrial Production Equipment Overhaul/Rework Availability, Restricted 4871 4712 Availability, Tender 4880 Expansion of Private industry Availability, Technical 4890 Commercial Commodity Acquisition 4720 Alterations and Improvements 4730 Inspections, Examinations, 4731 Equipment Oil Analysis 4732 Shipboard Weight Handling Equipment Reserve Production Equipment 4900-4999 Tests, and Surveys Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance FOREIGN MILITARY ASSISTANCE AND MUTUAL SECURITY PROGRAMS 4900 General 4905 Security Assistance Manpower 4733 Marine Corps Calibration Program 4910 Grant Aid 4734 Navy Calibration Program 4920 Foreign Military Sales 4940 Packing. Handling, Transportation, 4740 Salvage and Towing 4750 Upkeep Construction and Conversion 4950 4770 Reserve Fleets and Inactive Ships or 4951 4952 Aircraft 4780 Service Craft and Relics 4790 Maintenance and Material Maintenance 4960 Management Assistance Support Program (MASP) Naval Telecommunications Command 4792 Technical Assistance, Communications 4793 Technical Assistance (Other) and Electronic Equipment 4800-4899 CURRENT PRODUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL PREPAREDNESS PLANNING 4800 General 4810 Requirements 4811 Current Requirements 4812 Mobilization/Emergency 4813 Bills of Material 4814 Material 4830 4831 and Storage 4760 4791 -. Facilities MAINTENANCE, CONSTRUCTION, AND CONVERSION 4711 4713 R) Activities (CA) Program Requirements and Product Classification Priorities and Allocation Preference Ratings 16 Training Training Courses (Quotas, duration) Orders to Foreign Trainees Foreign Naval Expansion Programs t SECNAVINST 521011 O OCT 1987 a GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 5000-5999 5000-5199 GENERAL 5222 Office Techniques, Methods and Procedures 5000 General (include Marine Corps SOP’S) 5223 Management Studies, Analyses and Reviews 5030 Names and Symbols 5224 Management Improvement 5040 5230 Street, facility, and area names 5032 Automatic Data Processing and Information Systems Naval Command Inspection Program 5041 Programs, Procedures and Achievements Ship names 5031 Data Systems Development 5231 Inspector General Investigations/Inspections 5050 Meetings, Conferences, Conventions and Visits 5232 Evaluation and Review 5060 Honors and Ceremonies 5233 Installation Management 5061 Public Service Awards 5234 Software 5062 Christening ceremonies and procedures 5235 Data Elements and Codes Standards 5070 Libraries and Library Services 5236 Procurement of ADP Resources 5080 Civil Affairs, Military Government 5237 Reutilization 5090 Environmental 5238 Resources Accounting 5100 Safety and Occupational Health (see also 6200) Protection (General) (See also 6200) 5101 Accident Prevention 5102 Accident Investigation 5103 Occupational Safety and Health 5239 and Reporting Data Transmission and Protection 5240 Industrial Methods 5250 Management 5270 Office Information Industrial Radiological Safety and Controls 5104 and Sharing Sciences/Operations Research Systems Program Management, General 5271 Information Resources Policies 5272 Automated Office Systems 5112 Regulations 5280 Operations Analysis 5113 Liaison 5290 Audiovisual Management, Transportation 5291 5115 Losses and Claims 5292 Financial Management 5116 Complaints 5293 Facilities Management 5117 Equipment 5294 Personnel Resources 5118 Customs and Contraband 5295 Professional 5119 Postal Operations 5296 Equipment Management Productions, Products, and Services 5110 Mail and Postal Affairs 5111 5120 United States Savings Bonds 5297 5130 Courier Services (Navy component of the Armed 5298 5299 Forces Courier Service) 5200-5299 MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES 5200 General 5210 Records Management 5211 PROGRAMS AND Retrieval, and Privacy Act 5305 5310 Systems 5212 Records Disposal Systems (include transfer, retirement, storage, and destruction) Information (include formats) Systems (Including Automated) MANPOWEIVPERSONNEL (USE FOR OVERALL CIVILIAN AND MILITARY PERSONNEL MAITERS) General Incentive Awards (Military/Civilian) Manpower Requirements 5312 Utilization Forms Management 5214 Reports Management 5320 5215 Issuance Systems (include directives) 5321 5216 Correspondence 5314 (see also 7000) Training 5311 5213 General and Organization Precious Metals Recovery 5300-5399 5300 Filing, Maintenance, Administration Statistics Organizational Manning and Billets Organizational Allowance, Allocations and Ceilings Management 5217 Effective Writing (include drafting and review) 5330 Hours of Work/Daily 5218 Mail Management 5340 Contributions, 5219 Publications Management 5350 Human Goals (exclude postal affairs) Routine Solicitations, and Collections Measurement 5351 Leadership and Management Workload Management 5352 Overseas Diplomacy 5220 Workload/Performance 5221 Administrative 17 D 5ECNAVINST 2 (j 5210.1 ID OCT w 5353 Alcohol Abuse Control 5354 Equal Opportunity 5355 Drug Abuse Control 5357 Career Motivation 5360 5370 5371 5380 5381 5600 General Deaths and Funerals Preparation Standards of Conduct 5603 Production 5604 Procurement Relating to Procurement Services Banking Facilities and Credit Unions ORGANIZATION, STATUS FUNCTIONS, AND 5401 Organizational Delegation/Succession Depatiment 5605 Distribution 5606 Computer Output to Microform 5607 Camera Output to Microform 5608 Equipment 5700-5799 General 5402 5410 MICROGRAPHICS PUBLICATIONS, PRINTING, DUPLICATING, AND REPRODUCTION 5602 5400-5499 5400 5600-5699 Concepts and Principles of Authority of Defense and lnterservice 5420 Boards, Committees, 5430 Navy Department 5440 Operating Forces Councils, and Groups General 5710 International 5720 (Seat of Government) EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL RELATIONS 5700 5711 Relations Standardization Programs and Agreements External Public Affairs (including Freedom of Information) Speeches 5441 Status of Vessel 5721 5442 Status of Aircraft 5723 Guest Cruise Program Shore Establishment 5724 Fleet Home Town News 5450 5451 Aviation Shore Establishment 5725 Reserve Program 5452 Air Training Commands 5726 Community Relations 5727 Media Relations 5460 Department of Navy 5728 5500-S599 5500 SECURITY (See also 2200-2299) General (including security regulations of a general nature) 5510 Information Classified Material 5512 Identification Public Affairs Guidance 5730 Congressional and Legislative Liaison 5740 Executive Agencies, Relations with 5750 Historical Matters (For history of religions see 1735 and 1736) Security 5511 5751 Control (Credentials, tags, passes, and permits) Research 5752 Ships 5753 Archives 5513 DON Security Classification Guidance 5754 Artifacts and Paintings 5514 Censorship 5755 Museums 5756 Aircraft Command histories 5520 Personnel Security 5521 Name Check and Personnel Clearances 5757 5522 Inspections 5758 5527 Investigations 5760 5528 Security Education 5529 5530 (COM) Historical Places and Events Organizations, Associations, Societies, Individuals, and Commercial Enterprises 5770 Clearance Adjudications Physical Security American Forces Radio &Television 5771 Administration and Policy 5531 Industrial Security 5772 Programming 5532 Facilities 5773 Afloat AFRT Operations and Production Shore-based AFRT Operations 5540 Commerce and Travel 5774 5560 Traffic Control and Parking 5775 Engineering and Equipment 5570 Safeguarding 5776 Logistics and Supply Procedures 5580 Law Enforcement 5777 8udgets 5585 Military Working Dogs (Law enforcement 5778 Manpower Unclassified Matter and 5779 physical security functions) 5780 18 Reports Internal Public Affairs (AFRTS) SECNAVINST Z 5800-5899 LAWS AND LEGAL MATTERS 5800 General L 5801 Legal Assistance 5802 Fiduciary Affairs 5810 Military Justice 5811 Pretrial Matters 5812 Commanding Officer’s Nonjudicial Punishment 5813 Court-Martial Trials 5814 Court-Martial Reviews and Appeals 5815 Sentences 5817 Personnel of Courts 5819 Military Grievance Procedure 5820 Jurisdiction, Military and/or Civil 5821 5822 5830 Delivery of Personnel Civil Courts Courts of Inquiry and Investigations 5840 Taxes, Customs, and Duties 5850 Codifications and Citations 5860-5863 OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS 5860 Legislation and Congressional Action 5861 Legislative Proposals 5862 Legislative Enactments 5863 5870 Congressional Investigations Patents, Copyrights, Inventions, Trademarks 5880 Admiralty 5890 Claims (Other than contract claims) 5891 Litigation Case Files 5900-5999 OFFICE SERVICES 5900 General 5910 Space (Requirements/allocations) 5920 Maintenance 5930 Stenographic, Clerical, and Messenger 5940 Word Processing Systems 19 5210.1 lD O OCT1987 SECNAVINST 5210.1 lD 1987 z () oc~ MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY 6000-6999 6600-6699 DENTISTRY 6600 General 6000-6099 GENERAL 6000 General (include Marine Corps SOP’s) 6010 Administration 6100-6199 6100 6110 PHYSICAL FITNESS General Physical Standards 6610 Professional Service 6620 Treatment 6630 Prosthetic Dentistry 6640 Oral Surgery 6650 Operative Periodontia Dental Specialties 6120 Physical Examinations 6660 6150 Health and Medical Records 6670 6700-6899 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 6700 General 6200-6299 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 6200 General (see also 5100) 6210 6220 Quarantine Communicable Dentistry Diseases 6710 Drugs, Chemicals, and Biological 6720 Surgical Dressings Surgical and Diagnostic 6222 Venereal Disease 6730 6224 Tuberculosis 6740 Laboratory and Pharmacy Dental 6230 Prophylaxis 6750 6240 Hygiene and Sanitation 6760 X-Ray 6250 Insect, Pest, and Rodent Control 6770 Hospital 6260 Occupational 6270 Toxicology 6280 Environmental Health Quality and Pollution Control 6300-6399 GENERAL MEDICINE 6300 General 6310 Diseases and Injuries 6320 Treatment 6321 6322 6330 and Hospitalization Beds Supernumeraries Rehabilitation and Convalescence 6440-6599 SPECIAL FIELDS 6400 General 6401 Medical Specialties 6410 Aviation Medicine A) 6420 6421 Submarine and Diving Medicine Hyperbaric Treatment - Diving Accidents A) 6422 6430 Hyperbaric Treatment - Medical Disease Tropical Medicine 6440 Amphibious and Field Medicine 6450 Ambulatory 6480 Special Weapons, MedicaI pro~ems 6490 Vision 6500 Research 6510 Pathology 6520 Psychiatry 6530 Blood and Derivatives 6540 6550 Space Medicine Nursing 6560 Surface and Sealift Medicine 6570 Pharmacy Care Medicine Concernin9 20 6780 Field (Medical kits and assemblies) 6790 Occupational Therapy 6800 Orthopedic 6810 Optical 6820 Textbooks and Journals SECNAVINST 5210.1 ID 20 OCT 1987 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 7000-7999 L- GENERAL 7000-7099 7000 General 7010 140nappropriated 7312 7320 Funds 7321 Plant Property Accounting Minor Property in Use Stores Accounts 7020 Cross/Common Servicing (DOD) 7322 7030 Work for Other Agencies 7323 7040 Specific Appropriations/Funding 7330 Military Personnel 7042 Operations and Maintenance 7043 Procurement 7044 Research, Development, 7400-7499 PAY ADMINISTRATION AND PAYROLL AND IABOR ACCOUNTING 7400 Military Construction General Tax Withholding 7050 Host-Tenant Relationships (lntra-Navy) 7401 7051 Host Tenant Relationships (lnter- 7410 Civilian Labor Accounting 7420 Civilian Payroll Accounting 7421 7100-7199 BUDGETING 7100 General 7101 Appropriation 7102 Exhibits and Format 7110 7430 7431 Pay Authorizations and Controls Military Payroll Accounting Allowances and Accounts Structure and Language BudgetiEstimates Preparation 7500-7599 AUDITING 7500 General Regular Appropriations 7501 Reviews and Surveys Conducted by the GAO 7112 Industrial/Management 7502 Audits Conducted by the Defense Audit Service 7113 Stock Funds 7114 Supplemental 7111 7120 Funds and Deficiency Appropriations Budget Review 7510-7599 INTERNAL AUDITING 7510 General Audit Schedules 7121 Hearings 7511 7122 Mark-Ups and Reclamas 7520 Internal Audit Procedures and Audit Guide Apportionments/Allocations 7540 Internal Audit Reports 7132 Financial Plans and Operating Budgets 7541 Periodic 7133 Reprogramming 7542 Continuous and Project Management 7130 Programs Budget Execution 7131 7200-7299 DISBURSING 7200 General Custody, and Disposition of Funds 7543 Disbursing 7544 Commercial or Industrial-Type 7545 Systems Development 7546 Special Activities 7210 Procurement, 7220 Military Pay 7547 Multi-Location 7230 Civilian Pay 7548 Morale, Welfare and Recreation 7240 Public Vouchers 7549 Management 7250 Disbursing Records, Reports, and Returns 7251 Site-Audited Returns Receipts 7280 Regional Consolidation Procedures 7300 7560-7599 7560 7270 7300-7399 -- Industrial Accounting Reports and Returns Test and Evaluation ServicetAgency) L Accounting Reports and Returns 7331 7041 7045 Responsibilities Cost Classifications Property Accounting APPROPRIATION, FLJND, COST, AND PROPERTY ACCOUNTING General and Coordinated Consulting CONTRACT AUDITING General 7561 Contractors* Controls and Procedures 7562 Accounting Rulings, Precedents, and Decisions 7564 Audit Liaison 7565 Coordinated 7566 Audit Services for Other Than DOD Audit Program 7301 Appropriation 7570 Contract Audit Procedures 7302 Fund Accounting 7571 Cost-Type Contracts 7303 Allotments and Project Orders 7572 Fixed-Price Contracts 7573 Subcontracts 7310 Cost Accounting Accounting SECNAVINST 2() 5210.11 D OCT 1987 7574 Pricing Surveys 7575 Termination 7576 Escalation Claims 7577 7580 Claims Appeal and Review Briefs Contrad Audit Reports 7581 Preaward 7582 Advisory Accounting Reports 7583 Negotiated 7584 Contract Audit Closing Statements 7585 7590 Survey Final Overhead Repons General Accounting Office Reports Contract Audit Cost Principles 7591 Amortization 7592 Research and Development 7593 Retirement 7594 Premium Pay 7595 State and Local Taxes 7596 Rental Expenses and Depreciation Expenses and Profit-Sharing .8 Plans 7600-7699 INDUSTRIAL FUND FINANCING 7600 General 7610 Cash Allocations 7630 Financial Condition 7640 Income and Expense 7650 Accounting Handbook 7670 Working Capital Fund Regulations 7700-7799 PROGRESS AND STATISTICAL REPORTING 7700 General 7710 Policies 7720 Procedures 7800-7899 CONTRACT AND SPECIAL FINANCING 7800 General 7810 Contract Financing 7820 Special Financing 7900-7999 7900 EEO RESOURCES MANAGEMENT General 22 SECNAVINST z 5210.1 lD O OCT 1987 ORDNANCE MATERIAL 8000-8999 GENERAL ORDNANCE MATERIAL AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVES 8000-8199 . . 8090 Land Type and Marine Corps Ammunition 8091 Small Arms Ammunition 8000 Ordnance Material, General 8092 Land Mines 8010 Ammunition and Explosives 8093 Grenades Mortar 8011 Allowances 8095 8012 Distribution and Issue 8110 8013 Fleet Return Ammunition 8014 Maintenance and Rework/Renovation 8120 8015 Ammunition Stock Recording Systems 8121 Nuclear Weapons Storage 8122 Nuclear Weapons Maintenance 8123 Nuclear Weapons Readiness and 8020 Nuclear Ordnance/Special Weapons Safety Ammunition and Explosives Safety Nuclear Weapons (General) 8021 Packaging and Carioading 8022 Cargo Ship Loading 8023 Handling and Transportation 8124 Nuclear Weapons Logistics 8024 Stowage 8125 Nuclear Weapons Planning 8025 Casualties and Malfunctions 8126 Nuclear Weapons Security 8026 Disposition of Ammunition 8127 Nuclear Weapons Operations 8027 Explosive Ordnance Disposal (See 8128 Training 8140 also 3571) 8028 8030 Transportation Gun Ammunition Nuclear Weapons Radiological Controls Directed Energy Weapons 8141 High Energy Laser 8142 Charged Particle Beam 8031 20mm and 40mm 8143 High Power Microwave 8032 3 Inch and 76mm 8144 Free Electron Laser 8033 5 Inch and 127mm 8145 Pulsed Power 8034 6 Inch and Larger 8146 Anti-Stealth 8035 Saluting Gun Ammunition 8147 Electromagnetic 8148 Strategic Defense Initiative Lethality and Target 8036 Line Thowing Gun Ammunition 8037 Aircraft Gun Ammunition 8039 Guided Projectiles 8040 Launchers Hardness (SDILTH) 8150 Bombs Rockets 8041 Sudace 8200-8299 8042 Aircraft 8200 8043 Ground 8205 8050 (A 8210 Pyrotechnics 8051 Surface 8052 Igniters 8215 FIRE CONTROL AND OPTICS General Stable Elements Optics and Visual Equipment Night Vision Equipment, Sights, and Devices 8053 Subsurface 8220 8054 Ground 8221 Systems 8222 Radar 8223 Directors 8224 Computers and Rangekeepers 8225 fJattery Alignment 8060 8061 8070 Demolition Material Amphibious and Underwater Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare 8071 Material Nuclear Warfare Material 8072 Biological Warfare 8073 Chemical Warfare 8080 8081 8082 8083 8084 8085 Material 8226 Ballistics 8227 Gun Sights 8228 Material Gun Fire Control Conversion Devices 8230 Target Designation Systems Towed 8240 Directed Energy Weapons Fire Control Self-Propelled 8241 Systems Rocket 8242 Acquisition and Tracking Cannon 8243 Laser Beam Control Fire Control and Optics 8244 Particle Beam Control Artillery (General) 23 (A (A SECNAVINST 8245 8250 Microwave 8380 Control Airborne Guns, Launchers, and Racks Rocket Fire Control 8381 Guns Systems 8382 Bomb Racks Radar 8383 8263 Directors 8390 8264 Computers 8391 Launchers (A/S) Conversion Devices 8392 Depth Charge Release Tracks 8393 Rocket Launchers Systems 8394 Guided Missile Launchers Radar 8395 Torpedo Tubes 8273 Directors 8397 Other Launchers 8274 Computers 8275 Conversion Devices 8260 8261 8262 8265 8270 8271 8272 8276 Guided Missile Fire Control Gun and Missile Fire Control Rocket Racks and Launchers Missile Launchers and Projectors 8400-8499 COMBAT VEHICLES 8400 General Ballistics 8410 Landing Vehicles, Tracked (LVT) Systems 8411 Personnel and Cargo Carriers Radar 8412 AAA Weapons and Cargo Carriers Directors 8414 Howitzer Carriages 8274 Computers 8415 Recovery Vehicles 8275 Conversion Devices 8420 Tanks and Self-Propelled Ballistics 8421 Gun Tank (90 mm and smaller) 8422 Gun Tank (Larger than 99mm) 8270 Gun and Missile Fire Control 8271 8272 8273 8276 8280 Underwater 8281 8282 8290 Fire Control Surface Ship 8423 Flamethrower Submarine 8424 Recovery Vehicle Switchboards 8291 Gun Fire Control 8292 Missile Fire Control 8293 Underwater 8300-8399 8300 8310 8311 8312 8313 8320 Amphibious Vehicles 8450 Lightweight 8500-8599 Fire Control GUNS AND MOUNTS General 8510 Torpedoes General 8512 Aircraft Launched 3 Inch 8513 Submarine Launched 3“/50 Caliber 8514 Surface Launched 3-/70 8515 Air and Surface Launched 8516 Air, Surface, and Underwater Caliber 76mm/62 Caliber Launched 5 Inch 5“ 25 Caliber 8322 5-/38 Caliber 8535 5-/54 Caliber 8550 8631 8332 8333 Aircraft Laid 6-/47 Caliber Submarine Laid 8-55 85S4 Surface Laid 12-50 Caliber Caliber 8555 Caliber 8560 14-50 16-/45 and 16-/50 8360 8361 8362 8363 8365 Line-Throwing 8373 Antisubmarine Harbor Defense Equipment (include nets, booms, controlled mines, Caliber and associated acoustic systems) Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) 8570 Guns Underwater Countermeasures and Evasion Devices Machine Guns (Surface) 30 Caliber and 50 Caliber 8571 20mm 8580 40mm 8581 20mm Surface-to-Air 8590 Automatic 8370 Depth Bombs Mines 8553 8335 8350 Depth Charges 8551 6 Inch and Larger 8334 8340 (A Armored Vehicles UNDERWATER ORDNANCE 8500 8321 8323 Artillery Tanks 8440 8530 8330 A) 5210.1 Ii) Small Arms and Landing Force Equipment Special Rifle Team Equipment 24 Ordnance Locators Underwater Targets Underwater Underwater Mobile Targets Ranges 8591 Underwater 8592 Mobile Underwater Range Support Equipment Ranges i SECNAVINST z () L 8600-8699 AVIATION ORDNANCE 8600 General 8610 Rocket and Missile Propulsion Systems 8800-8899 8800 GUIDED MISSILE AND ROCKET WEAPONS General Technical Information 8805 and Modifications (Marine Corps only) 8810 Intercept-Aerial (AIM, CIM, LIM, MIM) Surface to Air (RIM) 8815 8820 Surface Attack (AGM, CGM, HGM, LGM, 8830 Underwater MGM, PGM, RGM, UGM, BGM) 8832 Attack (UUM, RUR) ASW Standoff Weapon 8840 Drones (AQM, MQM, BQM, MGM, and 8850 Training (ATM, MTM, and RTM) MQR) 8900-8999 8900 MISCELLANEOUS ORDNANCE MATERIAL General 8950 Deperming and Degaussing 8960 Armor 8980 Swimmer and Antiswimmer Ordnance and Weapon Systems 8981 Swimmer Ordnance and Weapon 8982 Anti-Swimmer Systems Ordnance and Weapon Systems -. 25 5210.1 ID OCT 1987 SECNAVINST z 0 5210.1 ID OCT1987 SHIPS DESIGN AND MATERIAL 9000-9999 GUIDANCE AND ADMINISTRATION REQUIREMENTS) 9000-9099 9160 (SHIP Special Structures 9162 Stacks and Macks 9164 Ballistic Plating Sonar Domes 9000 Genera I 9165 9010 Combat Capabilities 9167 9020 Strategies and Special Capabilities 9170 Masts, Kingposts, and Service Platforms 9030 Tactical and Strategic Operation Suppoti 9180 Foundations 9190 Special Purpose Systems (Hull) Capabilities Hull Structural Closures 9040 Ship System Management 9191 Ballast and Buoyancy Units 9050 Ship System Performance 9192 Compartment 9060 Subsystem Characteristics 9070 General Requirements 9200-9299 for Design and 9200 Construdion Testing PROPULSION PLANT General Automated Ship Control Systems 9071 Access 9202 9072 Shock 9210 9073 Noise and Vibration 9212 Nuclear Steam Generator 9074 Casting, Welding, Riveting, and Allied 9213 Reactors Processes Energy Generating System (Nuclear) 9214 Reactor Coolant System 9075 Threaded Fasteners Maintenance 9215 Reactor Coolant Service System 9076 Reliability and Maintenance 9216 Reactor Plant Auxiliary 9077 Safety 9217 Nuclear Power Control and Instru- 9078 Material 9079 Seaworthiness 9218 Radiation Shielding (Primary) 9080 Integrated Systems mentation 9219 Logistic Support Requirements Radiation Shielding (Secondary) Energy Generating System (Non-Nuclear) 9081 Maintenance 9220 9082 Suppoti and Test Equipment 9221 Propulsion Boilers 9083 supply support 9222 Gas Generators 9084 Transportation 9223 Main Propulsion Batteries 9085 Engineering Drawings 9224 9086 Technical Manuals and Other Data 9230 9087 Facilities 9231 Propulsion Steam Turbines 9088 Personnel and Training 9232 Propulsion Steam Engines 9089 Training Equipment 9233 Propulsion Internal Combustion Engines 9234 Propulsion Gas Turbines Propulsion, Electric 9090 and Handling Quality Assurance Requirements Main Propulsion Fuel Cells Propulsion Units 9091 Ship Inspections 9235 9092 Ship Tests 9236 Self-Contained 9093 Combat Systems Checkout 9237 Auxiliary Propulsion Devices Secondary Propulsion (Submarines) Propulsion Systems 9094 Ship Trials 9238 9096 Weight Control 9239 9097 Inclining Experiment and Trim Drive 9240 9098 Models and Mockups 9241 Propulsion Reduction Gears 9099 Photographs 9242 Propulsion Clutches and Couplings Emergency Propulsion (Submarines) Transmission and Propulsion Systems 9243 Propulsion Shafting 9100-9199 HULL STRUCTURE 9100 General 9244 Propulsion Shaft Bearings 9245 Propulsory 9110 Shell and Supporting Structure 9246 Propulsory, Shrouds, and Ducts 9120 Hull Structural Bulkheads 9247 Water Jet Propulsory 9130 Hull Decks 9250 Propulsion Support Systems 9140 Hull Platforms and Flats 9251 Combustion Air System 9150 Deck House Structure 9252 Propulsion Control Svstem 26 —r—-—–— -–, - - .. SECNAVINST 5210.1 ID 2()OCT 1987 + 9253 Main Steam Piping System 9254 Condensers and Air Ejectors Scuttles 9255 Feed and Condensate System 9440 9256 Circulating and Cooling Water System 9441 High Pressure Steam Drain System 9442 Underwater 9443 Visual and Audible Systems 9444 Telemetry 9445 Teletype and Facsimile Systems 9258 Uptakes (Inner Casing) 9259 9260 Propulsion Support Systems (Fuel and Lube Oil) . . Voice Tubes and Message Passing 9435 Exterior Communications Radio Systems Fuel Service Systems 9262 Main Propulsion Lube Oil System 9263 Shaft Lube Oil System (Submarines) 9450-9459 SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS, SURFACE 9450 Surveillance Systems (Surface) 9264 Lube Oil Fill, Transfer, and Purification 9451 9290 Special Purpose Systems (Propulsion Plant) 9291 Engineering Operational Surface Search Radar 9460-9469 Sequencing 9460 9300-9399 ELECTRIC PLANT 9300 General Motors and Associated Equipment Protective Devices Electric Cables 9305 Electrical Designating and Marking 9310 Electric Power Generation 9320 Power Distribution 9330 Lighting System 9340 Power Generation Gas Turbines 9370 Superconducting 9462 Mobile Surveillance Systems (includes 9463 Deployable Surveillance Systems (multiple Mode Sonar) 9464 Classification Sonar Systems 9470-9499 9470 Support Systems (Lube 9471 COUNTERMEASURES Countermeasures Active Electronic Countermeasures active and passive) Systems Superconducting Propulsion 9472 Passive Electronic Countermeasures 9473 Torpedo Countermeasures 9474 Other Decoys 9475 Degaussing (ECM) Special Purpose Systems (Electric Plant) 9400-9499 9400 Fixed Surveillance Systems (Includes (ECM) (Including combination 9360 9390 Surveillance Systems (Underwater) 9461 passive Sonar) 9303 9304 9371 SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS, UNDERWATER active Sonar) 9302 Oil and Diesel SuppoI@ COMMAND AND SURVEILLANCE (SHIPBOARD INSTALLATIONS) 9476 General Mine Countermeasure.$ (Minesweeping) 9402 Security Requirements 9480 Fire Control Systems (See also 8200) 9403 Personnel Safety 9490 Special Purpose Systems (Command and 9404 Radio Frequency Transmission Lines 9405 Antenna Requirements 9406 Grounding and Bonding 9407 Electromagnetic Interference 9408 System Test Requirements 9410 Command and Control Systems 9420 Navigation Electrical Navigation Meteorological (RADIAC) Systems 9500-9599 AUXILIARY SYSTEMS 9500 General 9502 Auxiliary Machinery Systems, Radio 9503 Pumps Systems, 9504 Instruments and Instrument 9505 General Piping Requirements 9506 Overflows, Aids (Lights) Electronic Navigation Electronic Navigation Periscopes Electrical Navigation 9427 Inetiial Navigation 9430 Electronic Equipment for Radiation, Detection, 9494 Aids 9426 9428 9492 indication and Computation Acoustical 9425 Electronic Test, Checkout, and Moni- Systems 9422 9424 9491 toring Equipment Non-Electrical and Non-Electronic 9423 Surveillance) Reduction 9421 Navigation -. Systems 9261 System L. Systems Navigation Boards Air Escapes, and Sounding Tubes Systems 9s07 Systems Machinery and Piping Designating Marking Control Monitoring 9508 Interior Communications Thermal insulation for Piping and Machinery 27 A) SECNAVINST 20 9509 5210.11 D Oc-f 19$7 9600-9699 OUTFIT AND FURNISHINGS 9600 General Thermal Insulation for Ventilation and Air Conditioning Ducts 9510 Environmental Control Heating System 9602 Hull Designating and Marking 9603 Draft Marks 9604 Locks, Keys, and Tags 9511 Compartment 9512 Ventilation 9513 Machinery Space Ventilation 9514 Air Conditioning System 9610 9515 Air Revitalization 9614 9516 Refrigeration 9517 Auxiliary 6oilers 9621 Non-Structural 9518 Waste Heat Recovery Systems 9622 Floor Plates and Gratings System 9605 System Systems (Submarines) 9620 System Rodent and Vermin Proofing Ship Fittings Rigging and Canvas Hull Compartmentation Bulkheads 9520 Sea Water Systems 9623 Ladders 9530 Fresh Water Systems 9624 Non-Structural 9540 Fuels and Lubricants, Handling and 9625 Air ports, Fixed Port lights, and Windows Storage 9542 9550 Closures 9630 Aviation and General Purpose Fuels 9631 Air, Gas, and Miscellaneous Fluid Preservatives and Coverings Painting Systems 9632 Zinc Coating 9551 Compressed Air Systems 9633 Cathodic Protection 9555 Fire Extinguishing Systems 9634 Deck Covering 9556 Hydraulic Fluid Systems 9635 Hull Insulation 9560 9562 9570 9571 9580 Ship Control Systems Rudders Material Handling Systems Replenishment-at-Sea 9636 Hull Damping 9637 Sheathing 9638 Refrigerated 9639 Radiation Shielding 9640 Mechanical Handling Systems Spaces Living Space 9581 Anchor Handling and Stowage Systems 9644 Sanitary Spaces and Fixtures 9582 Mooring and Towing Systems 96456 Community/.Worship 9583 Boat Handling and Stowage Systems 9650 9584 Mechanically 9651 Commissary Spaces 9652 Medical Spaces Operated Door, Gate Pump, and Turntable Systems Spaces Service Spaces 9585 Elevating and Retracting Gear 9653 Dental Spaces 9586 Aircraft Recovery Support Systems 9654 Utility Spaces (Barber Shop, 9655 Laundry Spaces Ship’s Stores, and Brig) (See also 13810) 9587 Aircraft Launch Suppo@ Systems 9588 Aircraft Handling, (See ●lso 13820) 9590 9656 Trash Disposal Spaces Working Spaces Servking, and 9660 Storage (See also 13600 series) 9661 Off~ces 9664 Damage Control Stations 9665 Workcenters, Special Purpose Systems (Auxiliary Systems) 9591 Scientific and Ocean Engineering 9592 Swimmer and Diver Support and 9593 Environmental Portable Tools and Equipment) Systems Protection Systems 9670 Stowage Space 9690 Special Purpose Systems (Outfit and Furnishings) Pollution Control Systems (Sewage Treatment and 9700-9799 Disposal, Trash Disposal, and Incineration) 9594 Laboratories, Test Areas and Shops (Including Submarine Rescue, Salvage, and Survival Systems 9595 Towing, Launching, and Handling 9596 Handling System for Divers 9s97 Salvage Support Systems for Underwater ARMAMENT (SHIPBOARD lNSTALLATlONS) 9700 General (See also 8000) 9710 Guns and Ammunition, Stowage and Handling (See also 8021,8023, and 10490) Systems 9720 Missiles and Rockets, Stowage and Handling (See also 8021,8022, and Submersible Vehicles 8023, and 10490) 28 - SECNAVINST go 9730 Mines, Stowage and Hand! ing(See 9740 Depth Charges, Stowage and Handling also 8021,8022,8023 - and 10490) (See also 8021,8022,8023 and 10490) 9750 Torpedoes, Stowage and Handling (See also 8021,8022,8023, and 10490) 9770 Cargo Munitions, Stowage and Handling (See also 8021,8022, 8023, and 10490) 9780 Aircraft Related Weapons, Stowage 9790 Special Purpose Systems and Handling (See also 8600) (Armament) Special Weapons (See also 8110) 9792 9800-9899 INTEGRATION AND ENGINEERING (SHIPBUILDER RESPONSE) 9800 General 9810 Production Engineering 9820 Special Drawings for Nuclear 9830 Design Support Propulsion Systems 9840 Quality Assurance 9850 Integrated Logistic Support Engineering 9890 Special Purpose Items 9900-9999 SHIP ASSEMBLY AND SUPPORT SERVICES 9900 General 9980 Contractual and Production Support 9990 Construction Support Services 9995 Molds and Templates 9996 Launchings 9997 Drydocking 29 5210.11 OCT1987 D SECNAVINST Z () 5210.11 D oCT 1987 GENERAL MATERIAL 10000-10999 10000-10099 GENERAL 10000 General (Include Marine Corps SOP’s) 10010 Technical information Molds, Dies, Jigs (General) 10460 Office Equipment and Supplies, General and Modifi- cation (Marine Corps only) 10100-10199 10400 10461 Records Production Equipment 10462 Records Handling and Utilization 10463 Records Filing, Storage, and Equipment PERSONNEL MATERIAL 10100 General 10120 10121 Clothing and Uniforms Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Clothing 0122 Officer Clothing and Uniforms 0123 Officer 0124 Organizational 0125 Special Clothing/Cold Weather Clothing Clothing Records Destruction Equipment 10465 Other Office Procedures Equipment 10466 Office Supplies 10467 Office Furniture and Furnishings Safety and Survival Equipment and Devices 10480 Sanitary and Cleaning Equipment 10490 Materials 10500 Navigational 10510 Test Measurement Handling Equipment and Mooring Aids, General and Diagnostic (A Equipment (MARCORPS) 0126 Flight Clothing 0127 Atomic, Biological, and Chemi- 10550 Electronics (See also 9420 series, 3320, and 13290) Protective Clothing 0128 10464 10470 Candidate Clothing and Uniforms cal Warfare . -- Retrieval Equipment 10110 Provisions and Rations Retail Clothing Store Items 10551 Radar (See also 13290) 10552 Sonar 0130 Ships Store Items 10553 Loran, Racon (See also 13220) 0140 Exchange Items 10554 Electrostatic Discharge (E SD) 0150 Personal Service Equipment 10560 Diving and Hyperbaric Systems Equipment 10561 Surface Supplied Air Diving Systems (A 10562 Surface Supplied Mixed-Gas Diving Systems (A 10563 Saturation Diving Systems (A 10564 SCUBA Equipment (A 10565 Recompression Chambers and Equipment (A 0151 0152 0170 Mess Laundry Training Material 10200-10299 MACHINERY AND TOOLS ... (R 10566 Diver Tools (A 10200 General 10567 Diver Accessories (A 10250 Conveying and Hoisting Equipment 10570 (See also 4870) 10300-10599 MISCELLANEOUS Animals, Domestic and Wild 10700-10799 (See also 4840) AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES 10300 General 10310 Metals 10700 General 10320 Nonmetallic Materials (See also 4110) 10710 Motion Picture Equipment and Accessories 10330 Chemicals and Gases (Except 10720 Still Picture Acquisition Equipment and 10750 Video Acquisition Equipment Accessories Warfare) 10340 10342 Fuel Propellants and Oxidizers 10350 Lubricants 10360 Protective and Preservative Coatings and Compounds (includes paints, dopes, and related products) 10370 Building Materials 10380 Electrical and Electronic Components 10390 Electric Distribution Equipment 30 10760 Audio Acquisition Equipment 10770 Graphic Atis Equipment SECNAVINST 5210.1 ID 20 OCT Iw7 FACILITIES AND ACTIVITIES ASHORE 11000-11999 11000-11999 GENERAL 11000 General (Include Marine Corps SOP’s) 11163 11170 Cemeteries 11010 Shore Station Development 11180 Chapels 11011 Real Estate Property Magazines 11200-11299 TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES, HEAVY EQUIPMENT 11012 Shore Station Design Criteria 11013 Shore Station Construction 11014 Shore Station Maintenance 11200 General 11015 Agriculture, Fish, and Wildlife 11210 Highways and Roads 11016 Plant Property 11220 Bridges, Trestles, C)verpasses 11017 Grounds or Unpaved Areas (Land) 11230 Railways and Rolling Stock 11240 Automotive 11018 Testing Areas and Facilities 112S0 Boat or Water Transportation 11019 Shore Station Special Projects 11260 Heavy Equipment 11080 11261 Atomic, Biological, and Chemical 11262 Defense 11090 11270 Damage Control Construction-Type Heavy Weight Lifting Engineer Supplies and Construction Equipment 11100-11199 11100 General 11101 Family Housing 11300-11399 11300 General UTILITIES AND SERVICES 11102 Training 11310 11103 Housing, Other 11320 Fire Protection and Fire Fighting 11104 Community Facilities 11330 Water Supply Drainage 11107 Resale Activities 11340 11110 Medical and Dental 11345 Power Sewers and Sewerage Medical Center 11350 Refuse Collection and Disposal 11112 Hospital 11360 Lighting 11113 Medical Clinic 11370 Heating 11114 Other Medical Facility; Activity 11380 Refrigeration 11115 Dental Center 11390 Cable Television Franchise Management 11116 Dental Clinic 11111 11120 Communications 11400-11499 11400 General 11130 Aviation 11117 Other Dental Facility/Activity and Air Conditioning FLEET FACILITIES 11410 Watedront 11131 Hangers 11420 Drydocks 11132 Runways 11430 Marine Railways 11133 Lighting 11440 Shipways 11135 Crash, Salvage, Rescue 11450 Weight Handling 11460 Dredging 11470 Pontoons 11137 11140 11143 11150 R) STRUCTURES AND FACILITIES Service and Repair Ordnance Guided Missile Assembly and Test Research and Development 11151 Harbor Defense 11152 Drill and Parade Grounds 11153 Mooring and Navigation 11154 11155 Observatories 11160 Facilities Hyperbaric Facilities Storage 11161 Storehouses 11162 Fuel Storage Facilities 31 (D SECNAVINST z o 5210.1 ID oCT 1*7 CIVILIAN PERSONNEL 12000-12999 (Note: The format used in this series follows that of the Federal Personnel Manual (FPM) issued by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and not necessarily that of the remainder and deletions are made based on FPM changes. It includes no indentions breakdowns, of this directive. Therefore, additions at the secondary or lower level numerical as does the rest of the manual, since in this case they would not necessarily represent homogeneous subdivisions of subject matter titles.) 12000-12099 GENERAL 12305 Employment Under the Executive Assign- ment System 12100-12199 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 12171 Office of Personnel Management *7 12306 Selective Placement Programs 12307 Transitional and Veterans Readjustment 12308 Youth and Student Employment 12310 Employment of Relatives Appointments Issuance System Programs 12200-12299 12200 General PERSONNEL PROVISIONS 12311 Power of Appointment 12210 Basic Concepts and Definitions (General) 12312 Position Management 12211 Veteran Preference 12315 Career and Career-Conditional 12212 Competitive 12213 Excepted Service 12316 Temporary 12230 Organizations 12330 Recruitment, Service and Competitive Employment Status of the Govt for Personnel Employment Selection, and Placement (General) Management 12250 Personnel Management 12251 Intramanagement 12252 Professional or Other Associations 12270 Personnel Controls and Direction 12271 Developing 12331 in Agencies Communications Organization for Recruitment and Examining and Consultations 12332 Recruitment and Selection through 12333 Recruitment and Selection for Competitive Examination Temporary and Term Appoint- Policies, Procedures, ment Outside the Register Programs and Standards 12272 and Removal 12334 Personnel Policy Formulation and Temporary Assignment of Employees between Personnel Issuances Executive Agencies and 12273 Inspections, Surveys, and Audits States, Local Governments, 12274 Corrective Actions Institutions of Higher Education 12275 Evaluation and Assessment of Personnel Programs 12335 Promotion and Internal Placement 12337 Examining System 12338 and 12290 Personnel information Qualification Requirements (General) 12291 Personnel Reports 12339 Qualification Requirements (Medical) 12292 Personnel Data Standardization 12340 Part-time 12293 Personnel Records and Files 12351 Reduction in Force 12294 Availability 12352 Reemployment 12295 Personnel Forms and Documents 12353 Restoration to Duty 12296 Processing Personnel Action and Data 12361 Career Intern Programs 12297 Protection of privacy and personnel 12362 Presidential Management (General) of Official Information Federal Workforce Information Intern System 12400-12499 12300-12399 Rights Program records 12298 Employment EMPLOYMENT 12300 Employment 12301 Overseas Employment (General) 12302 Employment in the Excepted Service 12400 General 12304 Employment of Experts and Consultants 12410 32 Training EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AND UTILIZATION AND CIVILIAN CAREER MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS .--- SECNAVINST 5210.1 ID 20 OCT 1987 12411 in Grade or Pay Supervisory Training and Development Executive Development 12720 Affirmative 12430 Performance Appraisal 12731 Suitability 12431 Withholding of Within-Grade Increases 12732 Personnel Security Program Reduction in Grade and Removal Based 12733 Political Activity of Federal Holding State or Local Office 12412 12432 Program Employees on Unacceptable Performance 12451 Incentive Awards 12734 12470 Personnel Research Programs and 13735 Employee Responsibilities and Conduct 12736 Investigations 12751 Discipline 12752 Adverse Actions by Agencies Demonstration 12500-12599 A) Employment Projects POSITION CLASSIFICATION, PAY, AND ALLOWANCES 12754 Suitability Disqualification Grievance System Actions 12500 General 12771 12510 Classification and Placement Plan for Employees 12772 Appeals to the Merit Systems Protec- Services to Employees (See also 5380) Federal Employees Occupational tion Board under Grade Retention 12511 Classification under the GeneraI Schedule 12790 12512 Job Evaluation under Federal Wage System 12792 12515 Classification under the pay systems 12530 Pay Rates and Systems (General) 12531 Pay under the General Schedule 12800-12899 12532 Federal Wage System 12800 General 12534 Pay under Other Systems 12810 Injury Compensation 12536 Grade and Pay Retention 12831 Retirement 12540 Merit Pay and Cash Awards 12832 Social Security Retirement, 12550 Pay Administration 12553 Deductions from Civilian Pay for INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES Survivors Insurance, Disability Insurance, (General) increases in Uniformed Health and Counseling Program and Medicare Service Retired or Retainer Pay 12551 Fair Labor Standards Act 12570 Travel and Transportation (General) 12571 Travel and Transportation for Pre- Employment Interviews Recruitment Allowances and Differentials 12592 Overseas Allowances and Post Unemployment 12870 Life Insurance 12890 Federal Employees Health Benefits 12900-12999 and 12591 12850 Payable in Non-Foreign Areas Benefits GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS 12900 General 12910 Mobilization 12915 Military 12920 Senior Executive Service 12930 Programs for Specific Positions or 12933 Qualification Readiness Service Obligation Examinations Differentials 12593 Subsistence, Quarters, and Laundry 12594 Allowances for Uniforms 12595 Physician’s Comparability (Miscellaneous) Requirements for Specific Positions Allowance 12938 Classification and Pay of Specific 12950 Solicitation of Federal Civilian and Positions 12600-12699 12600 General ATTENDANCE AND LEAVE Uniformed 12610 Hours of Duty 12620 Alternative 12630 Absence and Leave Services Personnel for Contributions to Private Volunteer Organizations Work Schedule 12971 Training, Promotion, and Executive development 12700-12799 ● - PERSONNEL RELATIONS AND SERVICES (GENERAL) 12700 General 12710 Personnel Relations (General) 12711 Labor Relations 12712 Employee Organizations 12713 Equal Employment 12715 Voluntary agreements with specific agencies and Activities Opportunity Separations and Reductions 33 12981 Delegation 12990 General and Miscellaneous of Personnel Authorities SECNAVINST 5210 I ID 200cT 1987 AERONAUTICAL AND ASTRONAUTICAL MATERIAL 13000-13999 13000-13099 13000 General 13010 13011 A) 13200-13299 13200 General GENERAL 13205 Aircraft Characteristics 13210 Performance 13012 Flying qualities, stability, and control 13013 Aerodynamics 13014 Structural (loads) 13020 Aircraft Maintenance 13021 Organizational AVIONICS Automatic Carrier Landing System Electrical Power Distribution Components and Systems 13220 and hydrodynamics Airborne Navigation, Automatic Flight Control and Instrument 13221 Navigational Systems and Fuel Consumption Instruments and Computers 13022 Intermediate 13222 Flight Instruments 13023 Overhaul, Rework 13223 Automatic Pilot Mechanisms and 13024 Aircraft Battle Damage Repair (ABDR) 13030 Airworthiness Airborne Gyro Components (Use 10170 for training devices) and Service Suitability 13224 13031 Test and Evaluation 13032 Navy Preliminary 13033 Service Suitability 13034 Aircraft RestrictiontiLimitations 13035 AircraWStores 13230 Evaluation (NPE) Engine Instruments Communication and Identification 13240 Airborne Weapon (Fire Control) Systems and Airborne Missile Guidance Systems Compatibility 13040 Aircraft Survivability/Vulnerability 13050 Configuration (Gun Sights) Control 13250 General Purpose Computers 13051 Engineering Change Proposals 13260 Antisubmarine 13052 Changes and Bulletins 13270 Electronic Warfare 13053 Change Kits 13280 Electric Power Generator, 13054 Fleet Proposals for Aircraft Weight and Balance 13070 Reliability and Maintenance 13080 Exterior/Interior Finish, Marking, 13100 ASTRONAUTIC VEHICLES (Complete) 13300 General AIRCRAFT (Complete) 13301 Satellites 13302 Space Shuttle General (Use for more than one model of 13400-13599 aircraft and for both aircraft and AIRFRAME SYSTEMS, COMPONENTS, AND ACCESSORIES guided missiles. Use 8800 for complete guided missiles.) 13120 Inverter, Con- Airborne Radar 13300-13399 and Logs and Records 13100-13199 (ASVV) Systems (EW) Systems Components 13290 Lighting 13090 Warfare verter and Battery Systems, and Modification 13060 (CNI) Systems Trials 13400 General Fixed Wing 13121 Antisubmarine 13410 13122 Attack 13411 Structural (includes materials) Fuselage 13123 Cargtiranspon 13412 Wing, Tail, Control Surfaces, Flaps, etc, 13124 Fighter 13413 Windows, windshields, 13125 Special Electronics 13414 Doors, Hatches, Removable Panels Nacelles, Radomes canopies 13126 Patrol 13415 13127 Trainer 13416 Nuts, bolts, rivets, fasteners 13128 Utility 13420 Landing Gear, Wheels, and Brakes 13130 Vertical Flight (Helicopters, 13150 Research 13160 Aircraft Targets 13421 V/STOL) Tires and Tubes 13430 Aircraft Components for Arresting and 13440 Hydraulic, Pneumatic, and Lubrication Launching Systems 34 SECNAVINST z o 13441 Pumps and Motors 13442 Valves and Lines 13443 Actuators 13700-13799 Fluidic devices 13700 13445 Lubrication (excluding engine) 13710 Reciprocating 13446 Pitot-static System (excluding 13720 Turboshaft and Jet 13730 Rocket 13450 De-icing, Anti-icing, and Anti-fogging 13740 Nuclear General 13451 Airframe de-icing 13750 Engine Diagnostics 13452 Windshield de-icing, defogging, and 13760 Engine Fuel Systems 13770 Engine Electrical Systems rain removal 13460 Environmental Control and Life Support 13461 Heating and Air Conditioning 13462 Oxygen 13463 13470 13780 Engine Cooling Systems 13790 Engine Systems Components 13800-13899 Pressurization OCT 1987 ENGINES AND ENGINE SYSTEMS (INCLUDING COMPONENTS AND ACCESSORIES) 13444 instruments) 5210.1 ID LAUNCHING AND LANDING EQUIPMENT Fuel System (excluding engine) 13471 Fuel Tanks, Internal 13800 General 13472 Fuel Tanks, External 13810 Arresting, Barrier, and Barricade 13473 In-flight refueling 13480 Special Mission Systems 13820 Launching (Shipboard and Land- 13830 Visual Landing Aids 13840 Dynamic Interface Tests (D1 Tests) 13850 Ship Helicopter Operating Limits Recovery Equipment 13481 Internal Cargo 13482 External Cargo (includes helicopter 13483 Air-dropped Cargo Systems 13484 Airborne Mine Countermeasures based) pickup and delivery systems) (SHOL) Systems 13485 13490 13900-13999 Aerial Towing (Targets gliders) Fire Detection and Protection 13500 Escape and Crew Systems (General) 13900 General 13510 Escape Systems 13950 13511 Ejection Seats 13512 Parachutes 13520 Crew Systems Meteorological Instruments and Equipment 13980 Aircraft Alarm and Signal Systems (Include Oxygen, Pressure 13521 Crew Station Design and Human Factors 13522 Comfoti (Galleys, Bunks, Lavatories) 13523 Emergency Equipment (Life Rafts, Mae 13524 Personal Flying Equipment Signals and Warning Devices) 13990 AERONAUTICAL GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT 13600 General 13610 Common Ground Support Equipment 13620 Peculiar Ground Support Equipment 13630 Automatic Test Equipment 13640 Calibration Ground Support Equipment 13650 Aircraft Maintenance Material Readiness List (AMMRL) Program 13660 Repair Parts (shortages) 13670 Mobile Facility Program 13680 Rework, Maintenance, 13690 Avionics Support Equipment Combination and Miscellaneous Instruments Wests, Survival Kits) 13600-13699 OTHER INSTRUMENTS AND LABORATORY EQUIPMENT and Checkout ..- 35 — SECNAVINST Z () 5210.11 D oCT I*7 COAST GUARD MISSIONSI 16000-16999 (See also 3140 series for Geophysical Chronometric and Hydrographic Support. See Also 33 00and3500 Support. series for Watiare 16000-16099 GENERAL 16000 Policy and Plans 16001 Transportation Policy 16002 Transportation Plans 16003 Ocean Policy 16004 16010 16011 16012 16013 16014 16015 Water Resources Policy 16101 16102 16103 16104 16105 Search Execution 16134 Rescue Procedures 16135 Emergency Care ICE OPERATIONS Policies Coast Guard Objectives 16152 Systems Output Measures 16153 Plans Milestones 16154 Agreements Long Range View 16155 Mid-Range Outlooks 16160 Records and Reports Facilities 16161 Polar Icebreakers SEARCH AND RESCUE 16162 Domestic Icebreakers (See 3130 forU.S. Navy Search and Rescue) 16163 Special Icebreaking Vehicles 16164 Icebreaking Equipment Policies 16170 Systems 16171 General Icebreaking Techniques Organization 16172 Polar Icebreaking Plans 16173 Harbor Icebreaking Agreements 16174 River Icebreaking 16106 Records and Reports 16107 Analyses 16110 16133 16151 General Operations 16200-16499 Facilities ENFORCEMENT OF LAWS AND TREATIES Rescue Coordination Centers 16200 General Aircraft 16201 Policies Ships 16202 Enforcement Agency Agreement Boats 16203 16115 Special Watercraft 16210 16116 Submersibles 16211 Land Forces 16212 Economic Zone Communications 16213 Continental Shelf 16111 16112 16113 16114 16117 16120 16121 16122 Automated Records and Reports Laws and Treaties Territorial Systems 16214 Fisheries and Living Resources Mutual Assistance 16215 Customs 16216 Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Communications Vessel Rescue System (AMvER) Immigration Distress Alefiing and Locating Systems 16217 16124 Emergency Signals 16230 16125 Messages and Procedures 16231 Aircraft 2-3 MHz Radiotelephone 16232 Ships 16233 Boats 16234 Special Watercrati 16123 16127 Com- munication Program 16130 16131 16132 1 Operations Search Planning 16235 Search Patterns 16240 Not to be used by Navy or Marine Corps activities. 36 and Techniques, Training and Readiness) 16150-16199 16150 General Objectives and Goals 16100-16149 16100 See also 3160 series for Astronomical Facilities Detection Systems and Equipment Operations -. SECNAVINST 5210.1 lD 20 OCT1987 16241 Surveillance and Detection 16531 Bases 16242 Rules of Engagement 16532 Depots 16243 Use of Force 16533 Aids to Navigation 16244 Seizure and Arrest 16534 Boats 16245 custody 16535 Buoy Tenders 16246 Prosecution 16247 Maritime 16450-16499 16450 16550-16589 Law Enforcement Boarding LONG RANGE AIDS TO NAVIGATION 16550 General MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION General 16551 Radio Aids to Navigation 16552 User Comments Plans 16451 Policies and Procedures 16553 Societies, Panels and other Groups 16452 Environmental 16554 Joint Chiefs of StafflDepartment 1645s Pollution Prevention Coordination District/Activity/Section 16460 Pollution Law Enforcement 16555 OSC Reports 16560 16462 SKIM 16561 16465 Pollution Response 16562 Loran-C System 16466 Extreme Weather 16563 Loran -D System Loran/Omega Loran-A System 16470 Surveillance and Monitoring 16564 Loran Stations 16471 Contingency Planning 16565 Loran Equipment 16472 National Contingency Plan/NRT 16566 Omega System Activities 16567 Omega Stations 16473 Regional Plans 16568 16474 Local Plans 16570 16475 Environmental 16478 Hazardous Waste Management Projects Radiobeacons, Satellites, and other Radio Aids to Navigation Impact Assessments System Hazardous Chemical and Oil Response 16571 Microwave 16572 Radiobeacons Aids 16481 Identification/Detection 16573 Private Radio Aids 16482 Storage/Disposa I 16574 Decca 16483 Special Removal/Chemical 16575 Satellites 16490 CHRIS/HACS 16576 Others 16500-16549 Additives 16590-16599 16590 General SHORT RANGE AIDS TO NAVIGATION BRIDGE ADMINISTRATION 16591 Bridge Permits 16501 Policies and Procedures 16592 Obstructive Bridges 16502 Marine Information 16593 Drawbridge 16503 Repotis and Records 16500 16504 16510 General 16600-16699 16600 General External Relations Audio-visual Aids to Navigation Regulations PORT SAFETY AND SECURITY 16511 Federal Buoys 16601 Policies and Procedures 16512 Federal Unmanned Beacons 16602 Threats and Sabotage 16603 Surveillance of Federal Property 16604 Security Zones 16513 Light Stations 16514 Federal Unmanned 16515 Federal Fog Signals and Fog Signal Lights Stations 16606 Emergency Entry 16610 Waterfront Operations 16s16 Federal RACONS 16611 Shoreside Facilities 16517 State and Municipal Aids to Navi- 16612 Anchorage and Fleeting Areas gation 16518 16519 Private Aids to Navigation Aids to Navigation Positioning Management 16530 Aids to Navigation of Defense 16461 16480 --- Teams Service and Support Units 37 16613 Off-Shore Facilities 16614 Vessel Security 16615 Cargo Security 16616 Dangerous Cargo 16617 Personnel Screening 16618 Special Programs SECNAVINST 5210.1 lD z o ~c~ 16630 1987 16755 Vessel Traffic Management Financial Assistance Program 16631 Vessel Traffic Services Proje~s 16760 Recreational Boats 16632 Vessel Traffic Service Regulations 16761 Boating Standards 16633 Vessel Traffic Service Surveillance 16762 Defect Notifications 16763 Safety Equipment Registration and Numbering Techniques 16634 Vessel Traffic Service Effectiveness 16764 16635 Vessel Traffic Service Data Collection 16765 Manufactures 16770 Boat Operations and Analysis 16636 Speed Control 16771 16637 Pilotage 16772 16650 Ship’s Routing 16780 Identification Codes Operator Qualifications Education and Training Violations and Accidents 16651 Traffic Separation Schemes 16781 Enforcement and Boating Laws 16652 Shipping Safety Fairways 16782 Accident Investigations 16653 Deep Water Routes 16790 16654 Shipping Tracks 16791 Governing Rules and Regulations 16792 Organizational 16670 Navigation Safety Coast Guard Auxiliary Structure 16671 Regulations 16793 Board, Staff, Committee, 16672 Rules of the Road 16794 Member Training and Qualifications 16673 Lines of Demarcation 16795 Facilities; Inspection and Operational 16674 Bridge-to-Bridge 1667S International 16796 Courtesy Marine Examination 16676 Advisory Committees 16797 Public Education Courses 16798 Operations: 16700-16749 16700 Conferences 16799 Legislation Treaties 16703 Regulations 16704 Marine Safety Council 16705 Industry Relations 16706 Liaison 16710 Conferences Commercial Vessels 16711 Inspection 16712 Manning 16713 Documentation 16714 Equipment and Material 1671S Plan Approval 16716 Load Lines 16717 Admeasurement Approval 16720 Commercial Vessel Personnel 16721 Licensing and Ceflificating 16722 Revocation or Suspension 16723 Shipment and Discharge 16724 Security Screening 16730 Violations and Casualties 16731 Violations 16732 Marine Casualties 16750-16799 16750 RECREATiONAL BOATING SAFETY General 16751 policies and Procedures 16752 Regulations 16753 Liaison 16754 Statistics Communications: Program Vessel, Radio, Aircraft COMMERCIAL VESSEL SAFETY 16702 16707 Employment-Federal Radiotelephone General 16701 Duties 38 Uniform, Insignia, Emblem, Flags SECNAVINST z () ~c~ 5210.1 lD 1987 SECTION 4 ALPHABETICAL GUIDE TO STANDARD SUBJECT IDENTIFICATION CODES This section, alphabetically, includes primary, secondary, and tertiary codes. Section 4 is not to be used for the assigning of classification codes without consulting Section 3. -. A 13443 Actuators (Hydraulic, Pneumatic, and AAAWeapons and Cargo Carriers 2340 Address Designators Lubrication Systems) 8412 2324 ACP-117 Listings 6010 Administration (Medicine and Dentistry) 3205 ADP Support to Cryptologic Systems 1110 Administration and Logistics (Recruiting) 2342 AIGs 5000 Administration and Management (General) 4680 AIRLIFT Containers 5291 Administration and Organization (Audiovisual) 2222 AJ (Anti-Jamming) 5771 Administration and Policy (AFRTS) 2517 ALPS (AUTODIN Limited Privacy Service) 3110 Administrative Assignment of Operating 2321 ALTROUTE 2075 ARPANET 2098 ASW (Miscellaneous 2086 8832 2066 Administrative Telephone System 5221 Administrative Workload Management ASW (VP) Broadcast Systems 5880 Admiralty ASW Standoff Weapon 4040 Advanced Base Program 2071 AUTODIN l/AUTODIN II 3280 Advanced Cryptologic Systems Development 2074 AUTOSEVOCOM 2073 AUTOVON 2075 Advanced Research Projects Agency Network Systems) (Legislative Affairs) (Cryptologic R&D) 10300 Abrasives (see also 4840) 12630 Absence and Leave (Civilian Personnel) 1430 Advancements 1531 Academy, Naval Training 12752 Adverse Actions by Agencies 5102 Accident Investigation 12754 Adverse Actions by the ~~ce 5101 Accident Prevention 7410 Accounting, Civilian Labor 1140 Advertising 7420 Accounting, Civilian Payroll 4250 Advertising, 7650 Accounting Handbook 7582 Advisory Accounting Repotis (ARpANET) and Repotiing in Rate or Rating of Personnel Management (Recruiting) Formal (Contracting) 7430 Accounting, Military Payroll 1752 Advocacy, Family Program 7330 Accounting Reports and Returns 3310 Aerial Warfare Techniques 7562 Accounting Rulings, Precedents, and Decisions 10720 Aerial Camera (Hand Held) 2283 Accounts and Inventory Control (COMSEC) 13485 Aerial Towing (Targets, Gliders) 3356 Acoustic Sensor Employment 13013 Aerodynamics 8242 Acquisition and Tracking (Energy Weapons 13600 Aeronautical Ground Support Equipment 4210 Acquisition Assignments (Intra Navy) 13000 Aeronautical and Astronautical 4270 Acquisition Forms 5080 Affairs, Civil, Military Government 4215 Acquisitions, Coordinated 12720 Affirmative 4220 Acquisitions, Interdepatimental 5773 Afloat AFRT Operations 12754 Actions, Adverse 2700 Afloat Communications 1571 Active Duty for Training 2790 Afloat Communications 9471 Active Electronic Countermeasures 2052 Afloat SATCOM Systems 12771 Agency Grievance System and Hydrodynamics (Aircraft Characteristics) Control) ----- Forces of the Navy (within DOD) (ECM) (Including Combination Active and passive) 39 Employment Material, Program Suppoti General SECNAVINST go S21O. 1 ID OCT 1987 (Fleet Proposak) Agricultural Machinery (see also 4870) 13054 Aircraft Modifications 11015 Agriculture, Fish, and Wildlife 13011 Aircraft Performance 1750 Aid, Dependents 9586 Aircraft Recovery Support Systems (see also 13810) 1142 Aids (Recruit Advertising) 9780 Aircrafi Related Weapons, Stowage and Handling 3531 Aids to Navigation (Training and Readiness) Aircraft Restrictions/Limitations Aircraft Rockets 10200 (see also 8600) 8515 Air and Surface Launched Torpedoes 13034 3362 Air ASW (Warfare 8042 Techniques) Air Compressors and Pumps (see also 4870) 5442 Aircraft, Status of 9514 Air Conditioning System 13040 Aircraft SurvivabilityA/ulnerability 10200 Air Conditioning and Ventilating 13160 Aircraft Targets 13035 AircrafVStores 10200 Equipment (see also 9514 and 11380) Compatibility 3340 Air Cushion Assault Craft 13451 Airframe de-icing 3320 Air Defense (Warfare 13400 Airframe Systems, Components, and Accessories 2531 Air/Ground Communications 3872 Air Intelligence Training Techniques) (General) Systems 13030 Airworthiness and Service Suitability 9625 Air Ports, Fixed Port Lights, and Windows 5353 Alcohol Abuse Control (Civilian and Military) 3103 Air Reserve Operations, Naval 2043 Aletiing Net 9515 Air Revitalization 3720 All Weather Systems (Submarines) Flying 3237 Air Systems (Cryptologic) 3213 Allied Efforts (SIGINT) 5452 Air Training Commands 3512 Allied Tactical Publications 4630 Air Transportation 2410 Allocation (Electromagnetic 3517 Air Warfare Tac D&E 7131 Allocations 9550 Air, Gas, and Miscellaneous 5321 Allocations and Ceilings 7620 Allocations, Cash (Industrial Fund Financing) 4832 Allocations, Materials 8516 13483 Fluid Systems Air, Sutiace, and Underwater Airdropped Launched Torpedoes Cargo Systems (Airframe Systems) Spectrum) 7303 Allotments and Project Orders Airborne Electronic Countermeasures 12595 Allowance, Airborne Guns, Launchers, and Racks 8011 Allowances (Ammunition 13484 Airborne Mine Countermeasures 4441 Allowances (Supply/Materiel) 2045 Airborne National Command Post (ABNCP) 7431 Allowances and Accounts (Military) Airborne Navigation, 12594 Allowances and Differentials 2254 3316 8380 13220 Airborne Cryptographic Equipment Systems Automatic Flight Control and Physician’s Comparability and Explosives) Payable in Non-Foreign Areas Instrument Systems Airborne Radar 12594 Allowances for Uniforms (Civilians) Airborne Direct Suppo~ Operations 4720 Alterations and Improvements Airborne Weapon (Fire Controls) Systems and 12620 Alternative Work Schedules 2093 Amateur Radio Aircraft (General) 6450 Ambulatory Aircraft (Historical Matters) 5770 American Forces Radio &Television Aircraft Alarm and Signal Systems (Include Oxygen, 5760 American Red Cross 8037 Ammunition (Aircraft Gun) 8015 Ammunition Stock Recording Systems 8020 Ammunition and Explosives Safety Aircraft Battle Damage Repair (ABDR) 8010 Ammunition and Explosives, General Aircraft Characteristics 7591 Amotiization Aircraft Flying Qualities, Stability and Control 3340 Amphibious (Warfare 13100 Aircraft, General 8440 Amphibious Vehicles 8037 Aircraft Gun Ammunition 6440 Amphibious and Field Medicine Aircraft Handling, Servicing, and Storage 8061 Amphibious and Underwater 5223 Analysis and Review, Management Aircraft Laid Mines 9581 Anchor Handling and Stowage Systems 9587 Aircraft Launch Support Systems (see also 13820) 3171 Anchorage and Betihing (Pofi Operations, Audio- 8512 Aircraft Launched Torpedoes 10570 Animals, Domestic and Wild 9405 Antenna Requirements 13290 3236 13240 Airborne Missile Guidance Systems (Gun Sights) 13100 5756 13980 Pressure Signals and Warning Devices) 13810 Aircraft Arresting, Barrier, and Barricade Recovery Equipment 13024 13010 13012 9588 (see also 13600 series) 8551 13020 Aircraft Maintenance 13650 Aircraft Maintenance Material Care Medicine and Depreciation Techniques) visual Activities) Readiness List (AMMRL) Program 40 (ARFTS) Demolition Material SECNAVINST z L 13450 Anti-icing and Fogging 2222 Anti-Jamming (AJ) 8146 Anti-Stealth 3312 Antisubmarine 10760 (Aerial)(Warfare Antisubmarine Techniques) Mines Audio Reproduction and Distribution Equipment 1154 AudioA/isual (Recruiting) 10700 Audiovisual Equipment and Accessories, General 5290 Audiovisual Management, 7520 Audit Guide Programs Audit Liaison 2086 Antisubmarine Warfare Broadcast System 7564 2098 Antisubmarine Warfare Systems 7570 Audit Procedures, Contract 13260 Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW) Systems 7520 Audit Procedures, Internal 7511 Audit Schedules 3360 Antisubmarine (Warfare 8982 Anti-Swimmer Ordnance and Weapons Systems (Aeronautical) Techniques) General 7566 Audit Services for Other than DOD 7500 Auditing, General 7577 Appeal and Review Briefs 7510 Auditing, Internal 12772 Appeals to the Merit Systems Protection Board 7502 Audits Conducted by the Defense Audit Service 7131 Appofiionments/A 5272 Automated Office Systems 3351 Approach and Attack Procedures (Submarine 2284 Automated Processing Support 9202 Automated Ship Control Systems Systems (General) llocations Warfare Techniques) -. o (ICTW87 and Accessories (Includes Training Aids/Devices) 132121 Antisubmarine (Fixed Wing Aircraft) 8555 5210.110 7301 Appropriation Accounting 2020 Automated 7300 Appropriation, Fund, Cost, and Property 13205 Automatic Carrier Landing System (Avionics) Structure and Language Accounting 5230 Automatic Data Processing and Information 13223 Automatic Pilot Mechanisms and Airborne Gyro 2516 Automatic Processing System for Messages 13630 Automatic Test Equipment (Aeronautical 7101 Appropriation 7040 Appropriations/Funding 7111 Appropriations, 5753 Archives (Historical Matters) 9700 Armament, Systems Specific Regular (General) Components (Use 10170 for Training) General (see also 8000) 8960 Armor (Ordnance Material) 3574 Arms, Small (Ordnance) Ground support) 13430 Arresting and Launching, Aircraft Components for 11240 Automotive 13810 Arresting, Barrier, and Barricade Recovery 9517 Auxiliary Boilers 4623 Auxiliary Force Ships 5754 Artifacts and Paintings 9502 Auxiliary Machinery 8080 Artillery (General) 9237 Auxiliary Propulsion Devices 2051 Ashore SATCOM Systems 9500 Auxiliary Systems, General Equipment Facilities 12275 Assessment of Personnel Programs (Civilian) 12294 Availability 2410 Assignment (Electromagnetic 1532 Aviation Cadet (AvCad) 3770 Aviation, Civil 1036 Assignment and Distribution (Enlisted) 6410 Aviation Medicine 1300 Assignment and Distribution (General) 8600 Aviation Ordnance, General 1301 Assignment and Distribution (Officer) 5451 Aviation Shore Establishment 1750 Assistance, Dependents 11130 Aviation Structures and Facilities 13300 Astronautic Vehicles (General) 9542 Aviation and General Purpose Fuels 3160 Astronomical and Chronometric 11080 Atomic, Biological, and Chemical Defense 10127 Atomic, Biological, and Chemical Wadare 13122 Attack Aircraft (Fixed Wing) 12600 Attendance and Leave (General) 3590 Awards and Competitions 10760 Audio Acquisition Records and Recorder 5305 Awards, Incentive (Military/Civilian) 10760 Audio Duplication Equipment and Accessories 10760 Audio Equipment and Accessories 2804 BESEP (Basic Electronics System Engineering 10760 Audio Production Equipment (Includes Recorders, 9191 Ballast and Buoyancy Units 9164 Ballistic Plating 10760 Audio Production Support Equipment and 8276 Ballistics (Gun and Missile Fire Control) Accessories 8226 Ballistics (Gun Fire Control) Spectrum Management) of Official Information 13200 Avionics (General) Support Protective Clothing 13690 Avionics Support Equipment 12450 Awards (Civilian) (see also 12540) 1650 Awards (Military) 5061 Awards (Public Service) (Training and Readiness) Accessories B Mixers, Amplifiers) .- 41 Plan) SECNAVINST z o 5210.1 lD OCT 1$7 13640 Calibration Ground Support Equipment 2804 Basic Electronics System Engineering Plan (BESEP) 4734 Calibration Program, Navy 8225 Battery Alignment (Gun Fire Control) 2225 Call Sign and Frequency (see also 2344) 13280 Battery Systems 5607 Camera Output to Microform 10400 Bearings (Miscellaneous 10710 Camera Timing/Synchronization 6321 Beds (Hospitalization) 10700 Cameras 1770 Benefits, Casualties and Survivors 3402 Camouflage 1780 Benefits, Educational 5585 Canines (Law Enforcement) 4611 Bills of Lading 8084 Cannon Tubes and Assemblies 4813 Bills of Material 7670 Capital Fund Regulations 3442 Biological (Disaster Control) 3460 Captured Personnel, Material, 3402 Biological (Warfare) 12361 Career Intern Programs 8072 Biological Warfare S381 Banking Facilities and Credit Unions 12210 Basic Concepts and Definitions (General) (Civilian) 6530 (Aeronautical) Material) Material Blood and Derivatives (Warfare Systems Techniques) 12400 Career Management 5357 Career Motivation 1040 Career Planning (Military) 12315 Career and Career-Conditional and Documents Planning and Administration (Civilian and Military) 3172 Boarding of Ships (Audiovisual 5420 Boards, Committees, 9583 Boat Handling and Stowage Systems 11250 Boat or Water Transportation B411 Cargo Carriers 8382 Bomb Racks 9770 Cargo Munitions, Stowage and Handling (see also 3572 Bombing (Ordnance and Gunnery) 8150 Bombs 8022 Cargo Ship Loading Activities) Councils, and Groups Employment (Civilian) 8021,8022,8023, and 10490) 11220 Bridges, Trestles, OverpaSSeS 13123 Cargo Transport Aircraft (Fixed Wing) 7577 Briefs, Appeal and Review 7620 Cash Allocations (Industrial Fund Financing) 2080 Broadcast Systems (see also 2090) 12540 Cash Awards 7130 Budget Execution 9074 Casting, Welding, Riveting, and Allied Processes 7120 Budget Review 3040 Casualties and Casualty Reporting (see also 1770) 7110 BudgeVEstimates 7100 5777 8025 Casualties and Malfunctions Budgeting (General) 1770 Casualties and Survivors’ Benefits (Military) Budgets (AFRTS) 4410 Cataloging, Material 10370 Building Materials 4231 Buy American Act Preparation CAD/CAM Unification (Design Standards, Parts Unification, Textad 60M Unification, Authentication Identification, procedures) 5230 CAD and CAM Information 5239 CAD/CAM Networking Automation Systems 9633 Cathodic Protection 11170 Cemeteries 5514 Censorship (Security) 5060 and Ceremonies and Honors 5062 Ceremonies and Procedures, Christening 1732 Ceremonies, Religious 13053 Change Kits (Aeronautical 13052 Changes and Bulletins (Aeronautical 1440 Changes in Rank, Rate, or Rating 2342 CADS 2791 CAMS (Communications 2515 CLASSIC WIZARD Communications Configuration 2225 Changing Call Sign and Frequency 1737 Chapel Related Organizations Area Master Station) Systems 11180 Chapels (Facilities) Chaplains and Religious Affairs 2200 COMSEC 1730 3267 COMSEC Advice and Assistance Program 8142 Charged Particle Beam COMSEC Briefings and Films Program 7610 Charters (Industrial Fund Financing) COMSEC Equipment Installation and Configuration 3443 Chemical (Disaster Control) 3403 Chemical Warfare 8073 Chemical Warfare Chemicals and Gases (Except Warfare) Child Support Services 2206 Control 2280 COMSEC Material System Material 2224 COMSEC Signal Analysis 10330 3264 COMSEC Telephone Monitoring 1754 2223 COMSEC Traffic Analysis 1735 Christian Theology and Comparative Cable Television Franchise Management 5062 Chrlstenirw Ceremonies and Procedures 11390 Control) Configuration Control) (WAN, LAN, LHS, Interactive, Batch, Protocols) 3268 Safety) Classification c 5235 (Ammunitions 42 Religions ,- SECNAVINST OGT 1987 jI () + Command Post 3160 Chronometry 2045 2007 Circuit MAYFLOWER 2063 Command Switch System (CSS) 2710 Circuitry and Networks 5812 Commanding 9256 Circulating and Cooling Water System 5540 Commerce and Travel (Security) 5850 Citations 4860 Commercial Activities (CA) Program 5080 Civil Affairs, Military Government 4632 Commercial Air Carriers 3770 Civil Aviation 4890 Commercial Commodity Acquisition 5822 Civil Courts 7544 Commercial or Industrial Type Activities (Audits) 3005 Civil Defense 2092 Commercial Refile/Class “E” Messages 1760 Civil Readjustment 9651 Commissary Spaces 7410 Civilian Labor Accounting 4065 Commissary Stores 7230 Civilian Pay 5420 Committees 7420 Civilian Payroll Accounting 13610 Common Ground Support Equipment 12000 Civilian Personnel, General 4381 Claimant Goals and Performance 6220 Communicable 5890 Claims (Other than Contract Claims) 2321 Communication Alternate 7576 Claims, Escalation 13230 Communication and Identification 7575 Claims, Termination and Veterans Affairs Officer’s Nonjudicial Punishment (Aeronautical) Diseases Routing (ALTROUTE) (CNI) Systems (Aeronautical) 2008 Clarinet Merlin 2830 Communication 2092 Class” E“ Messages 2000 Communications Consolidation 12500 Classification (Civilian) 3523 Communications (Electronics) 1221 Classification (Enlisted) 11120 Communications (Structures and Facilities) 1211 Classification (Officer) 2700 Communications Afloat 1200 Classification and Designation (General) 2791 Communications Area Master Station (CAMS) 12938 Classification and Pay of Specif ic Positions 2314 Communications Evaluation 12510 Classification and Placement Plan for Employees 2325 Communications Guard Shift under Grade Retention 2805 Communications Long and Mid-Range Planning 12515 Classification under Other Pay Systems 2300 Communications Methods and Procedures 12511 Classification under the General Schedule 2800 Communications Plans, Programs, and 5511 Classified Material 4031 Cleaning (Packaging) 2318 Communications Problems and Investigations 10480 Cleaning Equipment 2200 Communications Security (COMSEC) 5529 Clearance Adjudications 11104 Community Facilities 5521 Clearances, Personnel 1754 Community 8340 Close-h Weapon 5726 Community Relations 10120 Clothing and Uniforms 9645 Community 5850 Codifications and Citations 12595 Comparability Allowance 3470 Cold Weather 9511 Compartment Heating System 3221 Collection (SIGINT Operations) 9192 Compartment 12711 Collective Bargaining 3590 Competitions 5236 Competitive Requirements Control System (Warfare) Life Program Spaces (Ships) Testing and Awards (Training and Readiness) Acquisition of CAD/CAM Systems, 9010 Cornbat Capabilities 3560 Combat Information 9093 Combat Systems Checkout 8400 Combat Vehicles (General) 12212 Competitive 3480 Combat and Action Reports 5116 Complaints (Mail and Postal Affairs) 13990 Combination 9551 Compressed Air Systems 2212 Compromise (Cryptographic 5233 Computer Aided Maintenance, Workstations, Center and Miscellaneous Instruments 9251 Combustion Air System 13522 Comfofi (Galleys, Bunks, Lavatories) (Airframe 9410 Command and Control Systems Hardware, Supporting 3090 Command, Control, and Communications 9400 Command and Surveillance (Shipboard Service and Competitive Status Equipment) Repair, Training and Education Systems) (C3) 10770 Computer Based Graphic Devices 1554 Computer Managed 5606 Computer Output to Microform (COM) 13221 Computer (Airborne Navigational Consumption) Installations) (General) 5757 Software, Equipment and Services (Aeronautical) --- 5210.1 ID Command Histories 43 Instruction (Military Training) and Fuel SECNAVINST 5210.11 z () oc~ 1987 8264 8274 8224 5401 10320 9254 D Computers (Guided Missile Fire Control) 8265 Conversion Devices (Guided Missile Fire Control) Computers (Gun and Missile Fire Control) 8275 Conversion Devices (Gun and Missile Fire Control) Computers and Rangekeepers 8228 Conversion Devices (Gun Fire Control) Concepts and Principles, Organizational 13280 Converter Systems Concrete 10250 Conveying and Hoisting Equipment Condensers and Air Ejectors 3358 Coordination (Submarine Copy Cameras (Gun Fire Control) 13050 Configuration Control (Aircraft) 10720 4130 Configuration Management 5870 Copyrights (Logistics) Missions) 1640 Confinement 10400 Cordage and Wire Rope 5863 Congressional investigations 12274 Corrective Actions (Civilian Personnel) 5730 Congressional and Legislative Liaison 5216 Correspondence 4100 Conservation and Utilization of Material 7310 Cost Accounting 7312 Cost Classification (Military) and Resources Management --- 4613 Consignment Instructions 4260 Cost Principles, Contract 7045 Construction, Military (Appropriations) 4282 Cost-Type Contracts (see also 7571 ) 9990 Construction Support 5420 Councils 4760 Constru@ion and Conversion 1734 Counseling 11261 Construction-Type 12792 Counseling Program, Federal Employees 4680 Containerization, 3302 Counterinsurgency 2014 Contingency Communications 3850 Counterintelligence 7542 Continuous Internal Audit Reports 3875 Counterintelligence 4330 Contract Administration 9470 Countermeasures 4297 Contract Administrative 3430 Countermeasures Equipment General Lead Time (CALT) 7800 Contract and Special Financing (General) 7584 Contract Audit Closing Statements 7590 Contract Audit Cost Principles (Wadare 5130 (Intelligence Training) Counter-Countermeasures Techniques) Courier Services (Navy Component of the Armed Forces Courier Service) 7570 Contract Audit Procedures 5814 Court-Martial Reviews and Appeals 7580 Contract Audit Reports S813 Court-Martial Trials Courts of Inquiry and Investigations 7560 Contract Auditing, General 5830 4275 Contract Clauses 3490 Cover and Deception (Warfare) 4310 Contract Clearance 11135 Crash, Salvage, and Rescue 4260 Contrad Cost Principles 5381 Credit Unions 13521 Crew Station Design and Human Factors (Airframe 7810 Contract Financing 4208 Contract Management 4265 Contrad 13520 Crew Systems (Airframe 4235 Contract Requests 7020 Cross/Common Servicing (DOD) 4296 Contract Statistics 3330 Cruise Missile Employment (see also 3311 and 3352) Systems) Reviews Pricing Principles Systems) 4370 Contract Termination 2250 Cryptographic Equipment 4200 Contracting (General) 2233 Cryptographic Keying Material 4230 Contracting, Foreign 2230 Cryptographic Security 3202 Cryptologic Architecture and Total Systems (see also 7575) 4225 Contracting, Local or Decentralized 4205 Contracting Authority and Responsibility 4240 Contracting Officer Appointment 3238 Cryptologic Shore Support Activities 4365 Contractor Claims (see also 5890) 3203 Cryptologic Suppoti Group Operations (Concept 4335 Contractor Performance 3971 Contractors’ Test and Evaluation (DT&E) 3200 Cryptology - General 3206 Cryptology and Command, Control and 5118 Customs and Contraband (Mail and Postal Affairs) integration Policy) 7561 Contractors’ Controls and Procedures 4282 Contracts, Cost-Type 4281 Contrads, 4280 Contracts, General 9980 Contractual and Production Support Services Communications Fixed Price 5340 Contributions, 4832 Controlled and Uncontrolled 6330 Convalescence (C3) D Solicitations, and Collections Materials Allocation 44 2017 DCA Quality Assurance Program 2016 DCS HF Entry SECNAVINST z o 5513 DON Security Classification Guidance 1751 Dependents’ Allowances 2076 DSSCS 1755 Dependents’ Schooling 3541 Damage Control (Engineering) 8950 Determining 11090 Damage Control 9463 Deployable 9664 Damage Control Stations 8535 Depth Bombs 3163 Data Analysis (Astronomical) 8392 Depth Charge Release Tracks 5231 Data Base Management (Data Generation, Validation, Conversion, Resource Reliability, and Degaussing (Ordnance Material) Surveillance Systems 8530 Depth Charges Depth Charges, Stowage and Handling (see also 8021,8022,8023, Data Collection (Astronomical) 5235 Data Elements and Codes 3164 Data Prediction (Astronomical) 5230 Data Processing and Information 5231 5232 lD OCT 1987 9740 Associativity) 3162 52101 and 10490) Design and Documentation (Drafting, Modeling, Engineering Change) 9830 Design Support 1212 Designator Codes Data Systems Development 2340 Designators, Address 5239 Data Transmission and Protection 12271 Developing Policies, Procedures, Programs and 13450 De-icing, Anti-icing, and Anti-fogging 3970 Development Test and Evaluation (DT&E) - General Systems Standards (Airframe Systems) 5360 Deaths and Funerals 5272 Dictation Equipment Management 4386 Debarred, ineligible, or Suspended Contractors 3421 Dimout and Blackout (Warfare 9634 Deck Covering 5352 Diplomacy, Overseas 9150 Deck House Structure 8140 Directed Energy Weapons (see also 8240) 1650 Decorations, Medals, and Awards (Military) 5215 Directives 9474 Decoys 8263 Directors (Guided Missile Fire Control) 12553 Deductions from Civilian Pay for Increases 8273 Directors (Gun and Missile Fire Control) 8223 Directors (Gun Fire Control) in Uniformed Service Retired or Retainer Pay 4337 Default 1850 Disability Retirement 3462 Defectors 3006 Disaster Control (Natural) Disaster Control (Warfare) Camouflage) (Military) 7502 Defense Audit Service Audits 3440 2017 Defense Communications Agency (DCA) Quality 7200 Disbursing 2016 Defense Communications Systems (DCS) HF Entry 7543 Disbursing (Internal Audit Reports) 2076 Defense Special Security Communications 7250 Disbursing Records, Repotis and Returns 12751 Discipline (Civilian) System (DSSCS) 2061 Defense Telephone System (DTS) 1620 Discipline (Military) 1170 Deferment 6222 Disease, Venereal 9475 Degaussing 6220 Diseases, Communicable 12981 Delegation of Personnel Authorities 6310 Diseases and Injuries S402 Delegation Succession of Authority 4500 Disposal of Property (General) 4336 Delivery and Shipment (see also 4610) 8026 Disposition of Ammunition 5821 Delivery of Personnel (Military) 7210 Disposition of Funds 4222 Delivery Orders to Other Government 4360 Disputes/Strikes 4238 Delivery Time or Place (Foreign Contracting) 4290 Dissemination 8060 Demolition 5605 Distribution (Micrographics, 12470 Demonstration 4616 Demurrage 6750 Dental (Equipment and Supplies) 2282 Distribution and Allowance (COMSEC) 11115 Dental Center 8012 Distribution and Issue (Ammunition 11116 Dental Clinic 10567 Diver Accessories Diver Tools Agencies Material of Contract Information Publications, Printing, Duplicating, Reproduction) Projects (Civilian Personnel) 4470 (Shipments) Distribution (Supply and Material) and Explosives) 11117 Dental Facility Activity, Other 10566 9653 Dental Spaces 1544 Diver Training 6670 Dental Specialties 10560 Diving and Hyperbaric Systems Equipment 6600 Dentistry, General 3150 Diving and Hyperbaric Systems Operations 5410 Department of Defense and Interservice 3153 Diving and Hyperbaric Systems Safety Certification 5460 Department of the Navy (Organization) 10560 Diving Equipment 1750 Dependents’ 5585 Dogs, Military Working Aid 45 SECNAVIN5T z o 5210.1 ID OCT 1987 1752 Domestic Relations (Family Advocacy) 3874 Electronic (Intelligence 4520 Donations and Transfers 3613 Electronic Counter/Countermeasures Training) 13414 Doors, Hatches, Removable Panels (Airframe 3612 Electronic Countermeasures Systems) 3250 Electronic Intelligence 9603 Draft Marks 5270 Electronic Mail Management 11340 Drainage Services 9423 Electronic Navigation 11460 Dredging 3611 Electronic Surveillance 11152 Drill and Parade Grounds (ECCM) (ECM) (ELINT) Operations Systems (see also 9424) Measures (ESM) (Electronic Wadare) 9491 Electronic Test, Checkout, and Monitoring 8840 Drones (AQM, MQM, BQM, MGM, and MQR) 5355 Drug Abuse Control (Military 6710 Drugs, Chemicals, and t3iologicals 3430 Electronic Warfare (Countermeasures) 9997 Dr ydocking 3610 Electronic Warfare (Training and Readiness) 11420 Drydocks 13270 Electronic Warfare (EW) Systems (Aeronautical) 5272 Duplicating Equipment Management 3240 Electronic Wadare Support (Cryptology) 1601 Duties and Watches 3520 Electronics (Other than Navigational 13840 Dynamic Interface Tests (D1 Tests) 3043 Ele~ronics Casualties (see also 3044,3045, Equipment and Civilian) Aids) and 3046) E 4387 EEO Program Non-awardable 10550 Electronics (see also 9420 series, 3320, and 13290) 3357 Electronics/Optic Sensor (Submarine Warfare Techniques) Contractors 7900 EEO Resources Management 10554 Electrostatic Discharge (E SD) 2046 ELF 9585 Elevating and Retracting Gear 3251 ELINT Collection Systems 3301 Emergency Action (Include Procedures, Messages, 3250 ELINT Operations 3253 ELINT Systems Data Base 2041 Emergency Communications 3252 ELINT Systems Processing and Reporting 13523 Emergency Equipment (Life Rafts, Mae Wests, 3254 ELINT Technical Support 1524 Education, Graduate 2042 Emergency Message Automatic 1737 Education, Religious 3730 Emergency Procedures 1780 Educational Assistance Test Program (EATP) 9239 Emergency Propulsion (Submarines) 1780 Educational Benefits 2240 Emission Security 1156 Educator Liaison 12792 Employee Assistance 5217 Effective Writing (Include Drafting and Review) 12712 Employee Organizations 13511 Ejection Seats (Airframe 12400 Employee Pedormance 9304 Electric Cables 12735 Employee Responsibilities and Conduct 10390 Electric Distribution Equipment 12300 Employment (General) 10200 Electric Motors and Generators 12302 Employment in the Excepted Service 9300 Electric Plant, General 12304 Employment of Expetis and Consultants 9310 Electric Power Generation 12310 Employment of Relatives 13280 Electric Power Generator, 3127 Employment of the Naval Reserve 12720 Employment Program 9235 Electric Propulsion 12316 Employment, Temporary 9305 Electrical Designating and Marking 12305 Employment Under the Executive Assignment 9422 Electrical Navigation Aids (Lights) 9426 Electrical Navigation Systems 4101 Energy Conservation 13210 Electrical Power Distribution Components and Drills, Exercises) (Warfare Survival Kits) (Airframe Systems) Inverter, Convetier and Battery Systems and Components Techniques) Network Systems) Teletype System and Activities and Utilization, General System Systems (Aeronautical) 9210 Energy Generating 8141 Energy Laser, High System (see also 9220) 10380 Electrical and Electronic Components 8140 Energy Weapons, Directed (see also 8240) 2450 Electromagnetic Compatibility 13780 Engine Cooling Systems (Aircraft) 9407 Electromagnetic Interference 13750 Engine Diagnostics (Aircraft) 8147 Electromagnetic Launchers 13770 Engine Electrical Systems (Aircraft) 2400 Electromagnetic Spectrum Mangement 13760 Engine Fuel Systems (Aircraft) 8144 Electron Laser 13224 Engine Instruments (Aircraft) 3823 Electronic (Intelligence 13790 Engine Systems Comfxments (Aircraft) Reduction Collection) 46 SECNAVINST a () 5210.1 ID OCT 1987 11270 Engineer Supplies and Construction Equipment 7576 Escalation Claims 3540 Engineering (Training and Readiness) 13510 Escape Systems (Airframe 13051 Engineering Change Proposals (Aeronautical 3811 Estimates and Studies (Intelligence) 3223 Evaluation 9085 Engineering Drawings 12275 Evaluation and Assessment of Personnel Programs Configuration Control) Systems) (SIGINT Operations) 5775 Engineering and Equipment (AFRTS) 5232 Evaluation and Review (Data Processing) 9291 Engineering Operational 13032 Evaluation, Navy Preliminary 10200 Engines (Except Ships and Aircraft) (see also 4870) 12430 Evaluations, Performance 13700 Engines and Engine Systems (General) (Aircraft) 3305 Evasion and Escape (Warfare 1306 Enlisted (Assignment and Distribution) 5758 Events, Historical 1220 Enlisted (Classification) 1418 Examinations (Enlisted) 1856 Enlisted (Disability Retirement) 1416 Examinations 1626 Enlisted (Discipline) 6120 Examinations, 1326 Enlisted (Orders to Personnel) 12337 Examining System 1616 Enlisted (Performance 12213 Excepted Service 1336 Enlisted (Personnel 2243 Exceptions to National Emission Security Policy 1812 Enlisted (Regular Nondisability 1916 Sequencing System and Conduct) Request) Techniques) (Officer) Physical 10140 Exchange Items Enlisted (Release From Active Duty, Reserve) 4540 Exchange or Sale of Nonexcess Personal Propetiy 1820 Enlisted (Reserve Nondisability 4066 Exchanges 1910 Enlisted (Separation) 7130 Execution, Budget 1236 Enlisted (Testing and Interviewing) 5740 Executive Agencies, Relations With 1221 Enlisted Classification Codes and Billet Descriptions 12305 Executive Assignment System 9640 Enlisted Dining 12412 Executive Development 1418 Enlisted Examinations 2720 Exercises (Afloat Communications) 1414 Enlisted Qualifications (Promotion and 3518 Exercise Data Collection 3s19 Exercise Reconstruction Retirement) Retirement) Advancement) 1223 Enlsited Rating and Rank Structure 7102 Exhibits and Format (Budgeting) 1134 Enlisted Recall 4680 Expansion of Private Industry 1133 Enlisted Recruiting 5233 Expert Systems (Al, Text and Geometry 1510 Enlisted Training 9510 Environmental Control (see also 5090 and 6200) 13460 Environmental Control and Life Support Geometrical Tolerance) (Aeronautical) Environmental Treatment Pollution Control Systems (Sewage and Disposal, Trash Disposal, and Incineration) 5090 Environmental Protection 6280 Environmental Quality and Pollution Control 12713 Equal Employment Opportunity 7900 Equal Employment Opportunity 5585 Explosive (Detector Dogs) 8027 Explosive Ordnance Disposal (see also 3571 ) 1160 Extensions and Reenlistments 8010 Explosives, General 9440 Exterior Communications 13080 Exterior/Interior Finish, Marking, and Lighting (Aeronautical) 13482 External Cargo (Includes Helicopter Pickup and 5720 External Public Affairs (Including Freedom of Delivery Systems) Resources Management (Military Information) 5354 Equal Opportunity 10700 Equipment (Audiovisual) and Civilian) 5700 External and Internal Relations (General) 2046 Extra Low Frequency (ELF) 5117 Equipment (Mail and Postal Affairs) 5608 Equipment (Micrographics) 2206 Equipment Installation and Configuration F Control (COMSEC) 5296 Equipment Management 2094 FOTACS 4731 Equipment Oil Analysis 9087 Facilities (Integrated 6700 Equipment and Supplies, General (Medical) 1543 Equipment and Systems Training (Military) 5532 Facilities (Personnel Security) 4015 Equipping and Allowance Dmuments 11000 Facilities and Activities Ashore, General 5293 Facilities Management 5272 Facsimile Equipment Management Logistics Support Requirements) (MarCorps, only) 4423 Integration, Reasoning, Fault Detection, Fault Equipping Provisioning and Allowances 47 (Audiovisual) SECNAVINST go 0C% 5210.1 lD 1987 Fair Labor Standards Act 3760 Flight Records and Reports Family Advocacy Program 3750 Flight Safety and Accident Analysis 11101 Family Housing 1542 Flight Training 1754 Family Service Centers 3700 FlighVAlr Space (General) 1754 Family Support Programs 9622 Floor Plates and Gratings 12890 Federal Employees Health Benefits 13444 Fluidic Devices (Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Lubrication) 13012 Flying Qualities, Stability, and Control 12551 1752 12792 Federal Employees Occupational Health ●nd Counseling Program 3982 Follow-on Operational Test and Evaluation (FOT&E) 12309 Federal Grant Programs 305s Force Characteristics (Naval Strategy) 4221 Federal Supply Schedule Contracts 3054 Force Employment (Naval Strategy) 30S6 Force Levels (Naval Strategy) 4565 Foreign Areas 4230 Foreign Contracting Feed and Condensate System 2202 Foreign Governments, Fiduciary Affairs 4900 Foreign Military Assistance and Mutual Security Field Station Operations (SIGINT) 4920 Foreign Military Sales 13124 Fighter Aircraft (Fixed Wing) 4960 Foreign Naval Expansion Programs 5211 Filing, Maintenance, 4250 Formal Advertising 2319 Formats and Procedures, Messages 2069 Federal Telecommunications 12532 Federal Wage System System (FTS) 12298 Federal Workforce 9255 5802 6780 Field (Medical Kits and Assemblies) 3224 Information System *Assistance to Programs (General) Protection, Retrieval, ●nd Privacy Act Systems 10710 Film/Tape Cleaning Equipment 12295 Forms and Documents (Civilian Personnel) 7630 Financial Condition 5213 Forms Management 7000 Financial Mangement 9180 Foundations (Hull Structure) 7132 Financial Plans and Operating 4385 Fraud and Irregularities 8085 Fire Control and Optics (Atiillery) 13240 Fire Control Systems (Airborne WtapOn) 8144 Free Electron Laser (see also 8244) 9480 Fire Control Systems (see also 8200) 5720 Freedom of Information 13490 Fire Detection and Protection (Airframe 2460 Frequency Sounders 9555 Fire Extinguishing Systems 9530 Fresh Water Systems (General) (see also 5292) Budgets (Include Formats) (see also 5370,5430, Systems) 11320 Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Services 10340 Fuel Oils (see also 4020) 9461 Fixed Surveillance Systems 4023 Fuel Quality 13120 Fixed Wing Aircraft 9261 Fuel Service Systems 7572 Fixed-Price Contracts (see also4281 ) 11162 Fuel Storage Facilities 10500 Flags and Pennants 13470 Fuel System (Excluding Engine) (Airframe 8423 Flamethrower 13472 Fuel Tanks, External (Airframe Systems) 3124 Fleet Air Operations 13471 Fuel Tanks, Internal (Airframe Systems) Tanks Systems) 3261 Fleet and Afloat Operations (SIGSEC) 10340 Fueling and Fuel Storage Equipment 4623 Fleet Auxiliary Force Ships 9540 Fuels and Lubricants, Handling and Storage 2081 Fleet Broadcast Systems 4041 Functional Components (Base Program) 2095 Fleet Command Centerflask 1540 Functional Training 3052 Functions (Naval Strategy) Force Command Center (FC~FCC) 3230 Fleet Cryptologic Support 7302 Fund Accounting 3126 Fleet Employment 4237 Funding (Foreign Contracting) Funds, Nonappropriated Schedules and Changes 11400 Fleet Facilities, General 7010 5724 Fleet Home Town News 5360 Funerals Fleet Operational 10467 Furniture and Furnishings (Office) 13411 Fuselage (Airframe 2094 Telecommunications Automated Control System (FOTACS) 13054 Fleet Proposals for Aircraft Modification 1830 Fleet Reserve Retirement 8013 Fleet Return Ammunition 1541 Fleet Training 1155 FleeVCommunity 10126 13222 and 5527) (see also 8200) Systems) G 7501 GAO Reviews and Surveys 9222 Gas Generators Flight Clothing 9360 Gas Turbins Flight Instruments 10340 Gasoline and Jet Fuel Liaison 48 SECNAVINST g O 7585 General Accounting Office Reports 10000 General Material 2342 General Messages 3710 General Operating Instructions (FlighUAir Space) 8300 Guns and Mounts (General) (General) H 13250 General Purpose Computers (Avionics) 2797 HICOM 9070 General Requirements for Design and Construction 9596 Handling System for Divers and Submersible 10710 General Use Motion Picture Cameras 10720 General Use Still Picture Cameras 8023 Handling and Transportation 10750 General Use Video Cameras and Accessories 11131 Hangars Vehicles (Ammunition) 10750 General Use Video Recorders (Acquisition) 3380 Harbor Defense (Warfare 3140 Geophysical and Hydrographic 11151 Harbor Defense (Research and Development 4001 Gifts to Naval Establishment 5350 Goals, Human 8560 Harbor Defense Equipment (Include Nets, Booms, Support Techniques) Facilities) Controlled Mines, and Associated Acoustic 4266 Government Price Controls 4340 Government Propetiy 4631 Government-Owned Aircraft 10400 Hardware 4641 Government-Owned Equipment 3081 Hardware, Fleet, Alr Systems) (Miscellaneous Material) 12536 Grade and Pay Retention 3083 Hardware, Fleet, Subsurface 4910 Grant Aid 3082 Hardware, Fleet, Surface 10770 Graphic Arts Duplication Equipment and 3084 Hardware, Shore 12890 Health Benefits, Federal Employees Accessories 10770 Graphic Arts Equipment and Accessories 6150 Health and Medical Records 10770 Graphic Arts Production Equipment and Accessories 7121 Hearings (Budget Review) 11370 Heating 8093 Grenades 13461 Heating and Air Conditioning (Airframe 5819 Grievance Procedures, Military 11260 Heavy Equipment 3871 Ground (Intelligence 11262 Heavy Weight Lifting Equipment 8054 Ground Pyrotechnics 3314 Helicopter (Aerial Warfare Techniques) 8043 Ground Rockets 10330 Helium 9406 Grounding and Bonding 8141 High Energy Lasers 11017 Grounds or Unpaved Areas (Land) 2019 High Frequency Anti-Jam Program (HFAJ) 2325 Guard Shift 3270 High Frequency Direction Finding (HFDF) 5723 Guest Cruise Program 9000 Guidance and Administration 8143 High Power Microwave 9258 High Pressure Steam Drain System 3600 Guided Missile (Training and Readiness) 10720 High Resolution, Intelligence Cameras 11143 Guided Missile Assembly and Test 10710 High Speed/Instrumentation 8260 Guided Missile Fire Control 11210 Highways and Roads (Includes Computer Based Graphic Devices) Training) Systems) Operations (Ship Requirements) (General) --- 5210.1 ID OCT 1987 Cameras 3390 Guided Missile Installation Defense 5758 Historical Places and Events 8394 Guided Missile Launchers 5750 Historical Matters 8800 Guided Missile and Rocket Weapons (General) 5756 Historical Matters, 8039 Guided Projectiles 12734 Holding State or Local Office 8037 Gun Ammunition (Aircraft) 3111 Home Ports and Yards and Permanent 8030 Gun Ammunition (Ordnance) 5724 Hometown Aircraft News (Administration Duty Stations Assignment) 8220 Gun Fire Control S060 Honors and Ceremonies 8291 Gun Fire Control (Switchboards) 10400 Hose, Gaskets, Packing 8227 Gun Sights 6770 Hospital (Equipment and Supplies) 13240 Gun Sights, Airborne 11112 Hospital (Structures and Facilities) 8421 Gun Tank (90mm and Smaller) 6320 Hospitalization 8422 Gun Tank (Larger than 90mm) 12309 Hosting Enrollees of Federal Grant Programs 8270 Gun and Missile Fire Control 70s0 Host-Tenant Relationships (lntra-Navy) 8381 Guns (Airborne) 7051 Host-Tenant Relationships (inter-Service/Agency) 9710 Guns and Ammunition, 12610 Hours of Duty 5330 Hours of Work, Daily Routine (see also 8021,8023, Stowage and Handling and 10490) 49 SECNAVINST z o 5210.1 lD (ICT 1%7 4050 Household Goods and Personal Propetiy 3166 Information Dissemination 11103 Housing, Other (Structures) 3165 Information Products (Astronomical) 8414 Howitzer 5271 Information Resources Management 9620 Hull Compatimentation 5510 Information Security 9636 Hull Damping 5230 Information Systems (Data Processing) 9130 Hull Decks 1720 Informational 9602 Hull Designating and Marking 3981 Initial Operational 9635 Hull Insulation 6310 Injuries Carriages (Astronomical) (see also 5298) Services (Military) Test and Evaluation (lOT&E) 9140 Hull Platforms and Flats 12810 Injury Compensation 9120 Hull Structural Bulkheads 6250 Insect, Pest, and Rodent Control 9167 Hull Structural Closures 2232 Insecurities 9100 Hull Stru~ure, 3967 In Service Weapon System Evaluation 3041 Hull, Mechanical, 4355 Inspection and Acceptance General and Electrical Casualties 3821 Human (Intelligence Collection) 4454 Inspection and Maintenance 3831 Human (Intelligence Dissemination) 5040 Inspection Program, Naval Command 5350 Human Goals 1010 Inspections (Military 9556 Hydraulic Fluid Systems 5522 Inspections (Personnel Security) 13440 Hydraulic, Pneumatic, and Lubrication Systems (Airframe .. Personnel) 4730 Inspections, Examinations, Systems) 12273 Inspections, Surveys, and Audits (Civilian Personnel) Tests and Surveys Suppoti 5041 Inspector General Investigations/Inspections 3140 Hydrographic 6240 Hygiene and Sanitation 5233 Installation 11155 Hyperbaric Facilities 1550 Instruction Courses and Training Materials 6421 Hyperbaric Treatment - Diving Accidents 6422 Hyperbaric Treatment - Medical Disease Management (Data Processing) (see also 10170) 1553 Instructional Systems Development (Military Training) I 4680 1S0 Standard Containers 5512 Identification (Credentials, Tags, Passes, and 5215 lnstru~ions 13950 Instruments (Aeronautical 13224 Instruments {Aircraft Engine) 13221 Instruments (Aircraft Navigational Meteorological) and Fuel Consumption) Permits) 13990 8052 Igniters (Pyrotechnics) 4201 Imprest Funds (Cashier Appointment 2042 Improved Instruments (Combination and Miscellaneous) (Aeronautical) Letters) Emergency Message Automatic Telephone System (IEMATS) Programs, Management 13222 Instruments (Flight) 10500 Instruments (Miscellaneous General Material) 9504 Instruments and Instrument Boards 13900 Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 1741 Insurance (Military 5224 Improvement 13473 In-Flight Refueling (Airframe 4390 In-Lease Administration 1570 Inactive Duty Training 12800 Insurance and Annuities 12451 Incentive Awards (Civilian) 9850 Integrated Logistic Support Engineering 5305 Incentive Awards (Military/Civilian) 9080 Integrated Logistic Support Requirements 9097 Inclining Experiment 4105 Integrated Logistics Support 7640 Income and Expense 4110 Integrated Material 3841 Indications and Warnings 3800 Intelligence (General) 7331 Industrial Accounting Reports and Returns 9800 Integration 7600 Industrial Fund Financing (General) 3820 Intelligence Collection 4800 Industrial Manpower 3830 Intelligence 5240 Industrial Methods 3810 Intelligence Planning Management 5104 Industrial Radiological Safety and Controls 3890 Intelligence Production 4800 Industrial Readiness 3880 Intelligence Suppoti Functions 5531 Industrial Security 3870 Intelligence Training 7544 Industrial Type Activities (Audits) 3514 Inter Type Tac D&E 4862 Industrial and Industrial Reserve Facilities 8810 Intercept-Aerial 7112 Industrial Management 9427 Inertial Navigation Systems) and Trim Drive Benefits) Management and Engineering, General Dissemination Guided Missiles and Rockets (AIM, CIM, LIM, MIM) Funds 2420 SyStems 50 Interference, Electromagnetic Spectrum SECNAVINST 5210.1 ID 20 OCT 1987 9430 13022 Land Mines Interior Communications 8092 Intermediate 8090 Land Type and Marine Corps Ammunition Landing Gear, Wheels, and Brakes Landing Party and Infantry (Ordnance and Gunnery) (Aircraft Maintenance) 5700 internal Affairs 13420 7520 Internal Audit Procedures and Audit Guide 3573 Programs 8410 Landing Vehicles, Tracked (LVT) Landlines Laser Beam Control 7540 Internal Audit Reports 2160 7510 Internal Auditing, General 8243 Internal Cargo (Airframe 8141 Lasers (see also 8244) Launchers (A/S) 13481 Systems) 5780 Internal Public Affairs 8391 2344 International Call Signs 13820 Launching (Shipboard and Landbased) 5710 International Relations 13800 Launching and Landing Equipment (General) 3876 Interrogatioflranslation 9996 Launchings (Ships Construction Support) 1580 Interservice Training 4064 Laundry (Personal Service) 12251 [ntramanagement 10152 Laundry (Personal Service Equipment) 9655 Laundry Spaces 3190 Law Enforcement (see also 5580) Communications and Consultations 5870 Inventions 4550 Inventories 5800 Laws and Legal Matters (General) 4440 Inventory Control , 5351 Leadership and Management 2283 Inventory Control (COMSEC) 2110 Leased Circuits (see also 2120) 4551 Inventory, Contractor 2150 Leased EquipmenVTerminals Afloat 4552 Inventory, Termination 2140 Leased EquipmenVTerminals Ashore 13280 Inverter Systems 12600 Leave (Civilian Personnel) 5102 Investigation 1050 Leave and Liberty (Military 5801 Legal Assistance 5860 Legislation and Congressional Action 5860 Legislative Affairs and Reporting, Accident 12736 Investigations 5527 Investigations 5863 Investigations, 5215 Issuance Systems (Include Directives) 5862 Legislative Enactments Issuing Offices (COMSEC) 5861 Legislative Proposals 2285 (Personnel Security) Congressional J Personnel) 5730 Liaison, Congressional and Legislative 5113 Liaison (Mail and Postal Affairs) 1155 Liaison (Recruit FleeVCommunity) 1050 Liberty (See Leave) 2043 JCS Alerting Net 12512 Job Evaluation Under Federal Wage System 5070 Libraries and Library Services Joint Plans (Operations 4140 Life Cycle Cost Model (LCCM) Records Joint and Advanced Training (tilcer) 12870 Life Insurance (Civilian Personnel) Joint and Combined Intelligence 11133 Lighting (Aviation) Journals (Equipment and Supplies) 11360 Lighting (Utilities and Services) Jurisdiction, Military and/or Civil 9330 Lighting System Justifications (Contracting) 8450 Lightweight 8036 Line Throwing Gun Ammunition 8350 Line-throwing 5891 Litigation Case Files 3020 1s21 3860 6820 5820 4239 and Readiness) K 2233 2221 4283 4350 Gun 9640 Living Space 4002 Loans or Transfer to or by Naval Establishment 9604 Locks, Keys, and Tags (Outfit and Furnishings) 4000 Logistics (General) LEMONADE 1110 Logistics (Recruiting) LPI (Low Probability of Intercept) 4081 Logistics Support Plans and Policies Labor Hour and Time and Material Contracts 4082 Logistics Support Requirements Labor and Manpower 5776 Logistics and Supply Procedures (AFRTS) Logs and Records (Aeronautical) Keying Material (Cryptographic) L 2513 Armored Vehicles (Contracting) 12711 Labor Negotiations 13090 12711 Labor Relations 2805 Long and Mid-Range Planning Laboratory and Pharmacy 2120 Long-haul Leased Circuits Ladders 10553 Loran, Racon (see also 13220) 6740 9623 51 .I SECNAVINST 2 (’) OCT 5210.1 ID w 2212 Loss or Compromise (Security of COMSEC Material) 5250 Management Sciences, Operations Research 5115 Losses and Claims (Mall and Postal Affairs) 5223 Management Studies, Analysis and Review 9645 Lounge 5000 Management and Administration 2221 Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) 5290 Management, Audiovisual 9264 Lube Oil Fill, Transfer, and Purification 7000 Management, Financial 10350 Lubricants 5320 Manning and Billets, Organizational 13445 Lubrication (Excluding Engine) (Airframe 2257 Manpack Cryptographic 5778 Manpower 5310 Manpower (Military 1111 Manpower (Recruiting) Personnel (General) Systems) M 2093 2860 (General) Equipment and Civilian) MARS 5300 Manpower MCEB (Military 4861 Manufacturing Mapping, Charting and Geodesy (MC&G) Communications Electronics Board) Facilities (Navy and Marine Corps) 2802 MEP 3140 2099 MERCOMS 3129 Marine Amphibious Operations MIIP 3125 Marine Aviation (operations) MILVANS 4733 Marine Corps Calibration Program MINET 3208 Marine Corps Cryptologic Policy and Operations 4424 MOV (Material Obligation Validation) 11430 Marine Railways 4627 MPS (Maritime Propositioning Ships) 4627 Maritime Mark-Ups and Reclamas 2803 6680 2077 Propositioning Ships (TAKX) 4680 MSCVANS 7122 8360 Machine Guns (Surface) 4035 Markings, Labels, and Designations (Packaging) 4870 Machine Tools and Industrial Production Equipment 3591 Marksmanship 9513 Machinery Space Ventilation 5580 Master-at-arms System (Competitions and Awards) 9507 Machinery and Piping Designating and Marking 2803 Master Installation Information 10200 Machinery and Tools, General 2253 Master Station Keyed Cryptographic 11163 Magazines 9170 Masts, Kingposts, and Service platforms 5218 Mail Management (Exclude Postal Affairs) Plan (MIIP) 9078 Material (Ship Design and Material) 4422 Material Cognizance Assignments 5110 Mail and Postal Affairs 9223 Main Propulsion Batteries 1141 Material 9224 Main Propulsion Fuel Cells 5511 Material Control, Classified 9262 Main Propulsion Lube Oil System 4480 Material Expenditure Main Steam Piping System 9570 Material Handling Systems Maintenance (Aircraft) (General) 4421 Material Missions (Integrated 4424 Material Obligation Validation (MOV) 4430 Material Receipt 4491 Material Requests 4490 Material Requirements, 9253 13020 9081 Maintenance Logistics Support Requirements) Control (Recruit Advertising) 13022 Maintenance (Intermediate 13021 Maintenance (Organizational 13023 Maintenance (Overhaul Rework - Aircrafi) 4431 Material Shortages 5920 Maintenance (Office Services) 4420 Material Supply Coordination Assistance Support Program (MASP) 4814 Material and Product Classification 10000 Material, General 10100 Material, Personnel (General) 4840 Materials (Production and Industrial Preparedness) 4832 Materials Allocation 4460 Materials Handling 10490 Materials Handling Equipment (Audiovisual) 5220 Measurement, Workload/Performance Consulting (Auditing) 3161 Measurements (Astronomic Mechanical Handling Systems Mechanically 4791 Maintenance - Aircraft) Equipment Naval Telecommunications - Aircraft) Command 4790 Maintenance and Material 8014 Maintenance and Rework, Renovation Management 4700 Maintenance, (Ammunition) Construction, and Conversion (General) 5290 7549 Management Management 2802 Management Engineering Plan (MEP) 9580 7112 Management Funds 9584 S224 Management Improvement Advance plannin9 Operated Door, Gate, Pump, and Turntable Systems Programs, Procedures and Achievements 5727 Media Relations Mediation Medical and Dental Facilities 12362 Management Intern Program, Presidential 12711 5200 Management Programs and Techniques (General) 11110 52 -. SECNAVINST z 11111 Medical Center ‘L - 5210.1 ID o OCT 1987 9730 Mines, Stowage and Handling (see also 8021,8022 2041 Minimum 8023, and 10490) 11113 Medical Clinic 11114 Medical Facility Activity, Other 6150 Medical Records Essential Emergency Communications Network (MEECN) 9652 Medical Spaces 7322 Minor Property in Use 6401 Medical Specialties 4382 Minority Business Enterprise 6450 Medicine, Ambulatory 2090 Miscellaneous 10300 Miscellaneous General Material Care Broadcast Systems 6410 Medicine, Aviation 6300 Medicine, General 13240 Missile Guidance Systems (Aeronautical) 6200 Medicine, Preventive (see also 5100) 8292 Missile Fire Control 6420 Medicine, Submarine and Diving 8390 Miscellaneous 6560 Medicine, Surface and Sealift 3600 Missile, Guided 6010 Medicine and Dentistry (Administration) 9720 Missiles and Rockets, Stowage and Handling (see 6000 Medicine and Dentistry (General) 5050 Meetings, Conferences, Conventions and Visits 3051 Missions (Naval Strategy) 4622 Merchant Marine (Commercial Ocean Carriers) 13670 Mobile Facility Program (Aeronautical 1534 Merchant Marine and Maritime 2099 Merchant Ships Communications 9462 Mobile Surveillance Systems 12540 Merit Pay and Cash Awards 2013 Mobile Transportable 12772 Merit System Protection Board Appeals 8592 Mobile Underwater Launchers and Projectors also 8021,8022,8023, and 10490) (MERCOMS) Systems Ranges 10151 Mess 3060 Mobilization (Operations 2319 Message Formats and Procedures 4080 Mobilization Logistics 4061 Messes and Cafeterias (Logistics) 3062 Mobilization Operational 1746 Messes and Clubs (Military) 10310 Metals (Miscellaneous Meteorological General Material) (see also Instruments and Equipment (Aeronautical) u and Readiness) Requirements (Operations) 5299) 13950 Ground support) 3061 Mobilization Plans and Policies (Operations) 12910 Mobilization Readiness 4812 Mobilization/Emergency 9098 Models antLMockups (Quality Assurance Requirements Requirements) Systems . 9494 Meteorological 5600 Micrographics Publications, Printing, l)uplicating, 2252 Modifications and Reproduction (General) (see also 5270) 9995 Molds and Templates (Ship Construction Support) 10400 Molds, Dies, Jigs 10760 Microphones/Sound 8245 Microwave 8143 Microwave, 2093 Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS)lAmateur Gathering Systems Control High Power Radio to Cryptographic 2780 Monitoring 10500 Mooring Aids Equipment and Control 11153 Mooring and Navigation 9582 Mooring and Towing Systems 2860 Military Communications-Electronics 1700 Morale and Personal Affairs (General) (Military) 7045 Military Construction 7548 Morale, Welfare, 5819 Military Grievance Procedures 8095 Motiar 5810 Military Justice 10710 Motion Picture Cameras and Camera Accessories 7220 Military Pay 10710 Motion Picture Cameras, General Use 7430 Military Payroll Accounting 10710 Motion Picture Equipment and Accessories 1000 Military Personnel (General) 10710 Motion Picture Production Equipment (Includes 7041 Military Personnel (Appropriations) Board (MCEB) and Recreation (Auditing) Ammunition Processors, Printers, Editors, etc.) (see also 1000 19710 series) Motion Picture Production Suppoti, Equipment and Accessories 12915 Military Service Obligation 4857 Military Urgencies System 10710 Motion Picture Projectors 5585 Military Working Dogs 10710 Motion Picture Viewing/Projection 3122 Military-Medical-Dental 3370 Mine (Sea and Land) (Warfare) 5357 Motivation, 13484 Mine Countermeasures (Airborne) 4643 Motor Carriers 9476 Mine Countermeasures (Minesweeping) 9302 Motors and Associated Equipment (Electric Plant) 2077 Movement Information 3123 Movement Re~rts 8550 Equipment and Accessories (Includes Training Aids/Devices) Guardship Assignment Mines (General) >. 53 Career Network (MINET) SECAfAVINST 2() QH 5210.11 D 1987 821S Night Vision Equipment, Sights, and Devices 9073 Noise and Vibration (Ship Design and Construction) Museums 3364 Non-Acoustic (Antisubmarine Music, Sacred 9421 Non-Electrical and Non-Electronic Navigation 9621 Non-Strudural Bulkheads 9624 Non-Structural Closures 7010 Nonappropriated 1810 Nondisability 5812 Nonjudicial Punishment 7547 Multi-Location 2511 Multi-Users S1Communications 5755 1733 and Coordinated Audits Center N 2072 NATO/Allied Systems 2089 NATO Broadcast System 4045 NATO COMMON Infrastructure Program/NATO Logistics Warfare) Funds Retirement (Military) 10320 Nonmetallic Materials 3401 Nuclear (Biological and Chemical Wafiare) 3711 NATOPS 3441 Nuclear (Disaster Control) (Warfare) 3209 NAVRESSECGRU Cryptologic Policy and 13740 Nuclear (Engines and Engine Systems) 2018 Nuclear Forces Communications Operations Aids 3271 NB liFDF Operations 1511 Nuclear Power Training (Sub) (Enlisted) 4626 NORF (National Defense Reserve Fleet) 1522 Nuclear Power Training (Sub) (Officer) 2091 NREC 1512 Nuclear Power Training (Surface) (Enlisted) 13415 Nacelles, Radomes (Aitirame Systems) 1523 Nuclear Power Training (Surface) (Officer) 5521 Name Check and Personnel Clearances 8071 Nuclear Warfare 5030 Names and Symbols (Administration 8120 Nuclear Weapons (General) 8124 Nuclear Weapons Logistics 5031 Names, Ship 8122 Nuclear Weapons Maintenance 5032 Names, Street, Facility, and Area Names 8127 Nuclear Weapons Operations 5585 Narcotics Detector Dogs 8125 Nuclear Weapons Planning 2032 Narrow Band Secure Voice System 8128 Nuclear Weapons Radiological Controls 2045 National Command Post 8123 Nuclear Weapons Readiness and Training 4626 National Defense Reserve Fleet 8126 Nuclear Weapons Security 3220 National SIGINT Operations 8121 Nuclear Weapons Storage 3006 Natural Disaster Control 3400 Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare 1s31 Naval Academy (Training) 8070 Nuclear Biological, and Chemical Warfare Material 3711 Naval Air Training and Operating 5234 Numerical Control Systems (CNC, DNC, NC and Management) Procedures Standardization Material Processing, Rebotics, Assembly, Material (NATOPS) Handling) 10121 Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Clothing 3530 Navigation (Training and Readiness) 6550 Nursing 13416 Nuts, Bolts, Rivets, Fasteners (Aidrame 9428 Navigation Control Monitoring 9420 Navigation Systems 3721 Navigational Aids (Flight) 13221 Navigational and Fuel Consumption Instruments 10500 Navigational 2066 Navy Administrative 2044 Navy Airborne NLF Relay System 4734 Navy Calibration Program 3092 Systems) o and Computers (Aeronautical) and Mooring Aids, General 3161 Observations/Measurements 11154 Observatories (Astronomical) (Structures and Facilities) 6260 Occupational Health (Preventive 12792 Occupational Health and Counseling Program, Navy Command and Control System (NCCS) 5103 Occupational Safety and Health 3212 Navy Compartmented SIGINT Programs 6790 Occupational Therapy 5430 Navy Department (Seat of Government) 2096 Ocean Surveillance Information 3503 Navy Force Status 10460 Office Equipment and Supplies (see also 5272) Telephone System (NATS) 3030 Navy Plans (Operations 5760 Navy Relief 2091 Navy Reserve Emergency Communciations Medicine) Federal Employees (see also 5100) and Readiness) (NREC) Systems (0S1S) 10467 Office Furniture and Furnishings 5270 Office Information 10465 Office Procedures Equipment, Other Systems 5760 Navy Wifeline 5900 Office Services (General) 5760 Navy Wives Club 10466 Office Supplies 5605 Navy Warfare 5272 Office Systems, Automated 7583 Negotiated 5222 Office Techniques, Methods and Procedures Association Publications Final Overhead Reports 54 SECNAVINST z 1301 1210 L 1851 1621 1321 1611 1331 1811 1926 1820 1920 1231 1211 O OCT 1987 OttlCer (Assignment ancl DlstrlDutlonJ 4245 Ordering Officer Appointment Officer (Classification and Designation) 4952 Orders to Foreign Trainees Officer (Disability Retirement) 1320 Orders to Personnel Officer (Discipline) 1326 Orders to Personnel (Enlisted) Officer (Orders to Personnel) 1301 Orders to Personnel (Officer) Officer (Performance 1732 Ordnances, Religious Officer (Personnel Requests) 11140 Ordnance Officer (Regular Nondisability 3042 Ordnance Casualties Officer (Release from Active Duty, Reserve) 3571 Ordnance Handling and Disposal (see also 8027) Officer (Reserve Nondisability Retirement) 8571 Ordnance Locators Officer (Separation) 8600 Ordnance, Aviation (General) Officer (Testing and Interviewing) 8000 Ordnance Material, General Officer Billet Classification Codes and Billet 8900 Ordnance Material, Miscellaneous and Conduct) Retirements) D 3570 Ordnance and Gunnery Officer Candidate Clothing and Uniforms 5410 Organization (Interservice) 1530 Officer Candidate Training 12331 Organization for Recruitment and Examining 10122 Officer Clothing and Uniforms 5400 Organization, Officer Examinations 13021 Organizational (Aircraft Maintenance) Officer Qualifications (Promotion and 5321 Organizational Allowance, Allocations and Ceilings Descriptions 10123 1416 1412 1132 1131 1520 Functions, and Status (General) 10124 Organizational Clothing Officer Recall 5401 Organizational Concepts and Principles Officer Recruiting 5320 Organizational Officer Training 12230 Organizations Advancement) 9661 Offices 4020 Oil Manning and Billets of the Government for Personnel Management 5760 Organizations, Associations, Societies, Individual, and Commercial Enterprises 1754 Ombudsman 2130 On-Base Circuits 1737 Organizations, Operating Budgets 1754 OrientatiomPrograms Operating Forces 6800 Otihopedic (Equipment and Supplies) 3710 Operating 13900 Other Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 3120 Operating Procedures, Tasks, and Employment 4535 Out-Leases and Easements 7132 Instru@ions, General (Flight/Air) 3121 Operation Plans and Orders 3085 Operational 3501 3983 Operational Operational Chapel Related (General) ADP Computer Software 9600 Outfit and Furnishings, General Capabilities 9506 Overflows, Evaluation (OPEVAL) 4710 Overhaul/Rework Air Escapes, and Sounding Tubes (Maintenance, Construction, and Conversion) 3840 Operational Intelligence 3501 Operational Readiness 13023 Overhaul, Rework (Aircraft Maintenance) Reporting 7583 Overhead Reports, Negotiated Test and Evaluation (OT&E) - General 12592 Overseas Allowances and Post Differentials 3504 Ofwational Final 3980 Operational 2760 Operations (Afloat Communications) 5352 Overseas Diplomacy Operations (General) 12301 Overseas Employment 1144 Operations (Recruit Advertising) 10330 Oxygen (Chemicals and Gases) 1130 Operations (Recruiting) 13462 Oxygen (Environmental 4453 Operations (Storage) 13980 Oxygen Pressure Signals and Warning Devices 5280 Operations Analysis 5250 Operations Research 3070 Operations Security 7042 Operations and Maintenance 3100 Control and Life Support) P 2341 (Appropriations/ Funding) ---- 5210.11 PLAD 8021 Packaging and Carloading (Ammunition) Packaging, General 3000 Operations and Readiness (General) 4030 6650 Operative 4940 Packing, Handling, Transportation, Painting (Outfh and Furnishings) Dentistry and Storage 6810 Optical (Equipment and Supplies) 9631 8210 Optics and Visual Equipment 5754 Paintings and Artifacts Oral Surgery 10360 Paints, Dopes, and Related Products 6640 55 SECNAVINST5210. 2() (m I1D 1987 Personnel Relations (General) 13512 Parachutes 12710 5560 Parking 12700 Personnel Relations and Services (General) 8142 Particle Beam, Charged 5510 Personnel Reliability 12340 Part-time Employment 12291 Personnel Reports 4650 Passenger Transportation/Travel 1330 Personnel Requests 9472 Passive Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) 1336 Personnel Requests (Enlisted) 5870 Patent, Copyrights, Inventions, Trademarks 1331 Personnel Requests (Officer) 6510 Pathology 12470 Personnel Research Programs and Demonstration 3313 Patrol (Aerial) (Warfare 13126 Patrol Aircraft (Fixed Wing) 5294 Personnel Resources (Audiovisual) 5585 Patrol Dogs 9403 Personnel Safety 12550 Pay Administration (General) 5520 Personnel Security 7400 Pay Administration and Payroll and Labor 12732 Personnel Security Program Projects Techniques) Accounting, General 7421 Pay Authorizations and Controls 12530 Pay Rates and Systems (General) 8411 Personnel and Cargo Carriers 9088 Personnel and Training (Integrated Logistics Support Requirements) 12534 Pay under Other Systems 5817 Personnel of Courts 12531 Pay under the General Schedule 6250 Personnel, Delivery of 7230 Pay, Civilian 5821 Pest Control 7220 Pay, Military 4020 Petroleum (see also 4021 and 4028) 13620 Peculiar Ground Support Equipment (Aeronautical) 4026 Petroleum Management 13011 Performance (Aircraft Characteristics) 4027 Petroleum Procurement 12430 Performance Appraisal (Civilian) 4021 Petroleum Reserves 4800 Performance and Awards, Plant 6570 Pharmacy (see also 6740) 1610 Performance and Conduct (Military) 10700 Photographic Equipment 1600 Performance and Discipline (General) 3822 Photographic (Intelligence Collection) 12400 Performance and Utilization 3832 Photographic (Intelligence Dissemination) 7541 Periodic Audits 3873 Photographic (Intelligence Training) 6660 Perioclontia 9099 Photographs (Quality Assurance Requirements) 9425 Periscopes 6120 Physical Examinations 1426 Permanent Promotions 6100 Physical Fitness (General) 1700 Personal Affairs (General) (Military) 5530 Physical Security 1740 Personal Affairs and Benefits (Military) 6110 Physical Standards 13524 Personal Flying Equipment 12595 Physician’s Comparability 4060 Personal Service 1738 Pilot Ministries 10150 Personal Service Equipment 3740 Pilot Qualifications 1000 Personnel (Military, 9505 Piping Requirements, 5520 Personnel (Security) 13446 Pilot-static System (Excluding Instruments) 1080 Personnel Accounting (Military) 12296 Personnel Action and Data, Processing 2341 Plain Language Address Directory (PLAD) (Civilian Personnel) General) (Airframe Allowance General Systems) 12981 Personnel Authorities, Delegation 7321 Plan Property Accounting 3047 Personnel Casualties 12950 Planning and Administration 12270 Personnel Controls and Direction 2750 Plans (Afloat Communications) 12292 Personnel Data Standardization 3010 Plans (Include Combined) (Operations and 12295 Personnel Forms and Documents 1120 Plans and Policy (Recruiting) 4800 Plant Performance 11016 Plant Property of 12290 Personnel Information 12250 Personnel Management 10100 Personnel Material, 12272 Personnel Policy Formulation and Personnel Readiness) (General) in Agencies General Issuances and Awards 10400 Plumbing Fixtures and Piping 5580 Police Operations Personnel Programs (Civilian) 5111 Policies (Mail and Postal Affairs) 12200 Personnel Provisions (General) 7710 Policies (Progress and Statistical Reporting) 1070 Personnel Records (Military 1001 Policies and Programs, Reserve 12271 Policies, Procedures, Programs and Standards 12275 12293 Personnel) Personnel Records and Files 56 SECNAVINST to b 5210.1 lD 1987 4800 Production Policy 4850 Production Progressing, Expediting, and Scheduling 4800 Production and Industrial Preparedness Planning Pollution Control 5297 Productions, Products and Services Productivity Awards 1121 Policy (Recruiting) 2201 Policy and Doctrine (Communications 12733 Political Activity of Federal Employees 6280 Security) (see also 2280) . oc~ (General) 11470 Pontoons 4800 3170 Port Operations (Audiovisual Activities) 6610 Professional Service (Dentistry) 12500 Position Classification, Pay and Allowances, General 12252 Professional or Other Associations 12312 Position Management 5295 Professional Training (Audiovisual) 1780 Post-Vietnam 1123 Program Analysis (Recruiting Plans and Policy) 5110 Postal Affairs 1153 Program Development (Recruiting Suppoti) 5119 Postal Operations 1739 Program Requirements (Chaplains and 9320 Power Distribution 9340 Power Generation Era Veterans Education Assistance Religious Affairs) Systems Support Systems (Lube Oil and Diesel Support) 13280 Power Generator 12311 Power of Appointment and Removal (see also 4305) 11310 Power Utilities and Services 7581 Pre-award 5299 Precious Metals Recovery 5772 Programming 3885 Programs (Intelligence) and Production 5711 Programs and Agreements, 12930 Programs for Specific Positions and Examinations Standardization 2251 Project Management (Miscellaneous) Survey and Development, Cryptographic 7594 Premium Pay 7542 Project Management 4627 Propositioning Ships (TAKX) 3990 Projection Acceptance Test and Evaluation (PAT&E) 9630 Preservatives 1400 Promotion and Advancements, 2011 Presidential Communications 12335 Promotion and Internal Placement and Coverings 12362 Presidential Management 13463 Pressurization (Environmental 5811 Pretrial Matters 5101 Prevention, Accident Intern Program and Life Suppoti) Internal Audit Reports 1420 Promotions (Military) 1426 Promotions (Permanent) 2430 Propagation (Electromagnetic Military (General) Spectrum Management) 10342 Medicine (General) (see also 5100) Propellants and Oxidizers 6200 Preventive 4266 Price Controls, Government 7320 Property Accounting 7574 Pricing Surveys 4570 Property, Excess and Surplus 2792 Primary Support Station (Afloat Communications) 6230 Prophylaxis 5600 Printing, Micrographics 9221 Propulsion Boilers 4830 Priorities and Allocation 9242 Propulsion Clutches and Couplings 4614 Priority indicators and Deadline Delivery Dates 9252 Propulsion Control System 3461 Prisoners of War 9234 Propulsion Gas Turbines 5211 Privacy Act 9233 Propulsion Internal Combustion Engines 2318 Problems and Investigations, 9200 Propulsion Plant, General 7520 Procedures (Audit) 9241 Propulsion Reduction Gears 7720 Procedures (Progress and Statistical Reporting) 9244 Propulsion Shaft Bearings 3222 Processing and Reporting (SIGINT Operations) 9243 Propulsion Shafting 12296 Processing Personnel Action 9232 Propulsion Steam Engines Communications 2284 Processing Support (COMSEC) 9231 Propulsion Steam Turbines 7043 Procurement (Appropriations) 9250 Propulsion Support Systems 5604 Procurement (Micrographics) 9260 Propulsion Support Systems (Fuel and Lube Oil) 4027 Procurement (Petroleum) 8610 Propulsion Systems (Aviation Rocket and Missile) 4205 Procurement Authority 9230 Propulsion Units 5236 Procurement of ADP Resources 9245 Propulsory 7210 Procurement, 9246 Propulsory Shrouds and Ducts 4853 Production Analysis 6630 Prosthetic Dentistry 4850 Production Control 5090 Protection, Environmental and Responsibility Custody, and Disposition of Funds 9810 Production Engineering 12297 Protection of Privacy and Personnel Records 4850 Production Expediting 9303 Protective Devices (Electric Plant) 4850 Production Planning and Scheduling 57 SECNAVINST 20 10360 OCT 5210.1 ID 1987 9492 Radiation Detection Compounds (includes paints, dopes, and related 9639 Radiation Shielding (see also 921 8) products) 9404 Radio Frequency Transmission Lines Protective and Preservative Coatings and (RADIAC) 4361 Protests and Appeals 2431 Radio Noise (Telecommunciations) 10110 Provisions and Rations 9441 Radio Systems 6520 Psychiatry 8128 Radiological Controls, Nuclear Weapons 3410 Psychological Warfare 6470 Radiological Medicine 5728 Public Affairs Guidance 4642 Rail Carriers 5061 Public Service Awards 11230 Railways and Rolling Stock 7240 Public Vouchers 1427 Rank and Precedence 5219 Publications, Management 4628 Rapid Surge Force (TAKRX) 5600 Publications, Micrographics 1440 Rate or Rating (Changes (Military)) 8145 Pulsed Power 1430 Rate or Rating (Military 9503 Pumps (Auxiliary 1223 Rating and Rank Structure (Enlisted) 13441 Pumps and Motors (Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Techniques (see also 5605) Systems) Lubrications Systems) 8050 Pyrotechnics Q Advancement) 1514 Rating Training (Enlisted) 9213 Reactors 2740 Readiness (Afloat Communications) 4625 Readiness Program, Sealift 4626 Ready Reserve Fleet (RRF) 11011 Real Estate Property 1134 Recall, Enlisted 1213 Qualification Codes (Officer) 12338 Qualification Requirements (General) 1132 Recall, Officer 12339 Qualification Requirements (Medical) 7270 Receipts 12933 Qualification Requirements for Specific Positions 13710 Reciprocating Engines (Aircraft) 3740 Qualifications, 7122 Reclamas 9840 Quality Assurance (Integration 9090 Quality Assurance Requirements 4855 Quality Assurance, Control (Production) Pilot 2313 Quality Control 2780 Quality Monitoring 6210 Quarantine and Engineering) 12450 Recognition and Incentives (Civilian Personnel) 3561 Recognition and Visual Identification Information 1056S and Control R Interference (Combat - Center) Recompression Chambers and Equipment 3315 Reconnaissance (Aerial Warfare 1402 Record of Procedures, Selection Boards 1070 Records (Military 10464 Records Destruction Equipment 5212 Records Disposal Systems (Include Transfer, 10463 Records Filing, Storage, and Retrieval Equipment Retirement, Techniques) Personnel) Storage, and Destruction) 39~4 R&D, Funding 3911 R&D, Plans 3912 R&D, Programs 10462 Records Handling and Utilization 3913 R&D, Projects 5210 Records Management 3915 R&D, Reports 10461 Records Production Equipment 3904 RDT&E, Fundkg 12293 Records and Files (Civilian Personnel) 3900 RDT&E, General 3760 Records and Reports, Flight 3901 RDT&E, Plans 6150 Records, Health and Medical 3902 RDT&E, Programs 8424 Recovery Vehicle (Tank and Self-Propelled 3903 RDT&E, Projects 8415 Recovery Vehicles (Landing Vehicles, Tracked (LVT)) 3905 ROT&E, Reports 1710 Recreation and Social Affairs (Military) 3906 RDT&E, Support (Fleet Resources) 9645 Recreation Spaces RD7&E, Suppoti (Other than Fleet Resources) 1513 Recruit Training (Enlisted) RRF (Ready Reserve Fleet) 1136 Recruiter Training Recruiting (Enlisted) 3907 4626 13290 Radar (Airborne) 1133 3521 Radar (Electronics) 1100 Recruiting (General) 8262 Radar (Guided Missile Fire Control) 1131 Recruiting (Officer) Radar (Gun Fire Control) 1142 Recruiting Aids 8272 Radar (Guns and Missile Fire Control) 1137 Recruiting Irregularities 10551 Radar (see aso 9451 and 13290) 8222 58 Equipment Artillery) 5ECNAVINST OCT 1987 z 0 12333 Recruitment and Selection for Temporary Appointment -. 12332 4810 and Term (Production and Industrial Preparedness) Outside the Register Recruitment and Selection through Competitive Examination 1410 Requirements 4491 Requisitions and Other Material and Qualifications 12330 Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (General) 11107 Resale Activities 5760 Red Cross 13150 Research (Aircraft) 4500 Redistribution 5751 Research (Historical Matters) and Disposal of Property (General) (Civilian Personnel) (Military) Requests 6500 Research (Medicine and Dentistry) Research (Recruiting Plans and Policy) 12351 Reduction in Force 1122 12432 Reduction in Grade and Removal Based On 3883 Research and Development (Intelligence 3910 Research and Development (R&D) - General Unacceptable Performance 1450 Reductions in Rate, Rank, or Rating 7592 Research and Development Expenses 12352 Reemployment 11150 Research and Development Facilities 7044 Research, Development, 1160 Reenlistments 9638 Refrigerated Rights and Extensions Support) Test and Evaluation (Appropriations/Funding) Spaces 3900 9516 Refrigeration System 11380 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (General) 11350 Refuse Collection and Disposal 12470 7280 Regional Consolidation Procedures 4770 Reserve Fleets and Inactive Ships or Aircraft 1810 Regular Nondisability 1820 Reserve Nondisability 5112 Regulations (Mail and Postal Affairs) 1533 Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) 4651 Regulations (Passenger Transportationflravel) 1001 Reserve Policies and Programs 6330 Rehabilitation 4871 Reserve Production Equipment Retirement (Military) and Convalescence Research Programs (Civilian Personnel) Retirement S726 Relations, Community 5725 Reserve Program 5700 Relations, External and Internal 4022 Reserves, Petroleum 12711 Relations, Labor 2793 Residual Station (Afloat Communications) 5727 Relations, Media 2770 Resources (Afloat Communications) 1916 Release From Active Duty, Reserve (Enlisted) 5238 Reserve Accounting (Data Processing) 1926 Release From Active Duty, Reserve (Officer) 12353 Restoration to Duty 3080 Reliability and Maintainability 10128 Retail Clothing Store Items 13070 Reliability and Maintenance (Aeronautical) 1040 Retention/Career 9076 Reliability and Maintenance (General Requirements 12831 Retirement (Civilian Personnel) 1800 Retirement (Military) 1735 Religions (Christian Theology and History) 7593 Retirement and Profit-Sharing 1736 Religions (General) 5237 Reutilization 1730 Religious Affairs 7120 Review, Budget 1737 Religious Education 5814 Reviews and Appeals, Court-Martial ?754 Relocation Services 7501 Reviews and Surveys Conducted by the GAO 4375 Renegotiation 13680 Rework, Maintenance, 7596 Rental Expenses 13660 Repair Parts (Shortages) (Aeronautical (General) for Ship Design and Constru@ion) and Statutory Profit Limitations Ground Planning (General) Plans and Sharing (Data Processing) (Aeronautical Support Equipment) -- Requirements 5210.1 ID and Checkout Ground Support Equipment) 9614 Rigging and Canvas 3058 Risk Assessment (Naval Strategy) 1732 Rites, Religious 8083 Rocket Artillery 8250 Rocket Fire Control Replenishment-at-Sea 8393 Rocket Launchers 7700 Repofiing, Progress and Statistical (General) 8383 Rocket Racks and Launchers 5779 Reports (AFRTS) 8610 Rocket and Missile Propulsion Systems (Aviation 5214 Reports Management 7330 Reports and Returns, Accounting 8042 Rockets (Aircraft) 5600 Reproduction, Micrographics (see also 5270) 13730 Rocket (Engines and Engine Systems) 7133 Reprogramming (Budget Execution) 8040 Rockets (Ordnance) 2730 Requirements (Afloat Communications) 6250 Rodent Control 5311 Requkements (Manpower, 9605 Rodent and Vermin Proofing 4419 Repairable 4403 Replacement Management 3180 Replenishment 9571 and Evaluation Program (R&E) (Audiovisual Activities) Ordnance) Mdkary and Civilian) 59 SECNAVIN5T521O 200CT llD 1987 4615 Routing (Shipments) 2322 STROFAC 2320 Routing Doctrine 2097 SURTASS 2322 Routing for Afloat Commands 1732 Sacraments, Religious 2243 Routing Indicators 1733 Sacred Music 10320 Rubber 5570 Safeguarding 9562 Rudders 5100 Safety and Occupational 11132 Runways 10470 Safety and Survival Equipment and Devices s Unclassified Matter 8020 Safety, Ammunition 4530 Sales Heath (see also 6200) and Explosives 2050 SATCOM 8035 Saluting Gun Ammunition 10564 SCUBA Equipment 9597 Salvage Support Systems 2046 SEAFAREIUSHELF/SANGUINE 4740 Salvage and Towing 3302 SEAL Team 9644 Sanitary Spaces and Fixtures 4680 SEALIFT Containers 10480 Sanitary and Cleaning Equipment 2517 S1AUTODIN Limited Privacy Service (ALPS) 6240 Sanitation and Hygiene 2531 S1Air/Ground Communications 2050 Satellite Communications 2500 S1Communications (General) 2054 Satellite Navigation 2501 S1Communications 13301 Satellites (Astronautic 10563 Saturation Diving Systems Configuration Systems Equipment Installation and Control Vehicles) 2501 S1Communications Planning and Management 5120 Savings Bonds 2502 S1Communications Procedures 7511 Schedules, Audit 2510 S1Communications Systems 12620 Schedules, Work 2522 S1HFDF Communications Control Shifts 4701 Scheduling (Maintenance, 2521 S1HFDF Communications Reliability Repofis 2520 S1High Frequency Direction Finding Communications (SATCOM) Systems Systems Construction and Conversion) Systems 1755 Schooling, Dependents’ 3966 Science and Technology (ROT&E) 2534 S1Mobile Communications - Afloat 9591 Scientific and Ocean Engineering Systems 2533 S1Mobile Communications - Shore-based 3882 Scientific and Technical (Intelligence 2512 S1Off-Line Encrypted Communications 4624 Scientific Suppoti Ships 2537 S1Operational Systems Intelligence Communications Systems 10720 Scope Reading Cameras 4010 Scrap and Salvageable 6560 Sealift Medicine 4625 Sealift Readiness Program 3505 Seamanship (Training and Readiness) 1152 Sea Power Presentations 3353 Search Procedures (Submarine Warfare Materials 2513 S1Red Line Multiplexing 2532 S1Ship/Shore Communications 2530 S1Tactical Communications 2535 S1Tactical Exchange Automation 2536 S1Tactical Intelligence Communications 3210 SIGINT - GeneraI 3130 Search and Rescue (Operations) 3226 SIGINT Direct Service 9520 Sea Water Systems 3216 SIGINT Equipment Installation and Configuration 9079 Seawotihiness 9238 Secondary Propulsion (Submarines) Systems (LEMONADE) Systems System (TEXAS) Systems Control Support) Techniques) (Ship Design and Material) 3215 SIGINT Equipment Resources 2030 Secure Voice Systems (Excluding AUTOSEVOCOM) 3211 SIGINT Policy and Procedures (USSID) 5500 Security (General) (see also 2200) 3225 SIGINT Systems Support (e.g., FLEXSCOP, IATS) 490s Security Assistance Manpower 3265 SIGSEC Equipment Resources 5513 Security Classification Guidance 3261 SIGSEC Fleet and Afloat Operations 5528 Security Education 3262 SIGSEC Land Based Operations 2240 Security, Emission 2210 Security of Cryptographic Surveillance Systems 3260 SIGSEC Operations 3263 SIGSEC Tactical Application Programs (e.g., HULTEC) 3226 Equipment and Materials (see also 2230) SIGSEC Training Program (Includes COMSEC Training Visits) 9402 Security Requirements 2220 Security, Transmission (Shipboard Installations) 1402 Selection Boards Record of Proceedings 1401 Selections (Military Promotion and Advancement) 2097 Sosus 12306 Selective Placement Programs 2801 SPP (Subsystem Project Plan) 1170 Selective Service, Conscription, and Deferment 60 SECNAVINST a 0 9236 L- 8082 12920 Self-Contained Self-Propelled Propulsion Systems Artillery Senior Executive Service 3877 Sensor 5815 Sentences (Military Justice) Shore Station Design Criteria 11010 Shore Station Development 11014 Shore Station Maintenance 11019 Shore Station Special Projects 3239 Shore Systems (Cryptologic) Shore-based AFRT Operations 12715 Separations (Civilian Personnel) 5774 1900 Separations (Military) 2011 Short-haul Leased Circuits 4780 Service Craft and Relics 2224 Signal Analysis, COMSEC 9650 Service Spaces 3242 Signal Characteristics Identification 13033 Service Suitability Trials (Airworthiness 11137 Service and Repair 5380 Services (Manpower (General) Systems (Cryptdqy) and Service Suitability) + 11012 5210.1 ID OCT 1987 3260 Personnel) Signals Security (SIGSEC), General 7251 Site-Audited 3574 Small Arms (Ordnance Gunner) Returns (Disbursing) 1754 Services and Benefits Council 8091 Small Arms Ammunition 12790 Services to Employees (see also 5380) 8370 Small Arms and Landing Force Equipment 9760 Small Arms and Pyrotechnics, Stowage and Small Business 11345 Sewers and Sewerage 5354 Sexual Harassment 9263 Shaft Lube Oil Systems (Submarines) 4380 Handling (see also 8021,8022,8023, and 10490) 9637 Sheathing 4226 Small Purchases 9110 Shell and Supporting Structure 12832 Social Security Retirement, 9900 Ship Assembly and Support Services, General 9560 Ship Control Systems 1754 Social Services 9610 Ship Fittings 5234 Software 13850 Ship Helicopter Operating Limits (SHOL) 3088 Software, Shore (Reliability and Maintainability) 9091 Ship Inspections 3087 Software, Subsurface (Reliability and Survivors Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Medicare Standards Maintainability) 5031 Ship Names 9597 Ship Salvage Support Systems 3086 Software, 9040 Ship System Management 12950 Solicitation of Federal Civilian and Uniformed 9050 Ship System Performance Services Personnel for Contributions to Private 9092 Ship Tests Volunteer 9094 Ship Trials 2023 Shipboard Automated 2255 Shipboard Cryptographic 4732 Shipboard Weight Handling Equipment Inspection, 10761 Sound Gathering Systems 4612 Shipment Orders 9430 Sound Powered Circuits/Equipment 4610 Shipments (Cargo and Freight) 2097 Sound Surveillance 3450 Shipping Control (Warfare) 4623 Ships (Fleet Auxiliary Force) 5910 Space (Requirements 4621 Ships (Government-owned) 4452 Space Control Space Medicine Communication System Equipment Testing, and Maintenance Surface (Reliability and Maintainability) Organizations 5340 Solicitations, Collections, Contributions 10552 Sonar (see also 9461 through 9464) 3522 Sonar (Electronics) 9165 Sonar Domes System/Surveillance Towed Array Systems (SOSUS/SURTASS) Allocations) 5752 Ships (Historical Matters) 6540 4624 Ships (Scientific Support) 13302 Space Shuttle 3128 Ships (Visits) 4408 Spare and Repair Parts 3173 Ships Boats (Audiovisual 3824 Special (intelligence Collection) 10130 Ships Store Items 3834 Special (Intelligence Dissemination) 4067 Ships Stores Afloat 3886 Special (Intelligence Support Functions) 9430 Ships Telephones 3878 Special (Intelligence Training) Special ACDUTRA Activities) 11440 Shipways 1570 4402 Shop Stores 10125 Special Clothing Cold Weather 2026 Shore Automated 9820 Special Drawing for Nuclear Propulsion Systems Communications 2256 Shore Cryptographic 5450 Shore Establishment 1630 Shore Patrol and Military 11013 Shore Station Construction System Equipment Police 61 Clothing 13125 Special Electronics (Aircraft Fixed Wing) 6400 Special Fields, General (Medicine and Dentistry) 7820 Special Financing 13480 Special Mission Systems (Airfame Systems) SECNAVIN$T 2() 3359 5210.1 ID OCTMl Special Operations (Submarine Warfare Techniques) (see also 3302) 9890 10720 Still Picture Projectors 10720 Still Picture Viewing/Projection, Display Equipment and Accessories (Includes Training Aids/Devices) Special Purpose Items 9790 Special Purpose Systems (Armament) 7113 Stock Funds 9590 Special Purpose Systems (Auxiliary 4841 Stockpiling (Materials) 9490 Special Purpose Systems (Command and Systems) Surveillance) 4450 Storage (Supply) 11160 Storage Structures and Facilities 9390 Special Purpose Systems (Electric Plant) 11161 Storehouses 9190 Special Purpose Systems (Hull) 7323 Stores Accounts 9690 Special Purpose Systems (Outfit and Furnishings) 8024 Stowage (Ammunitions 9290 Special Purpose Systems (Propulsion Plant) 9670 Stowage Space 8373 Special Rifle Team Equipment 8148 Strategic Defense Initiative 2076 Special Security Communications 4069 Special Services 4022 Strategic Petroleum Reserves 9160 Special Structures 2040 Strategic Systems 2010 Special Systems Networks 9020 Strategies and Special Capabilities 10750 Special Use Video Cameras (Instrumentation 3050 Strategy, Naval Safety) Lethality and Target Hardness (SDILTH) System (Communications) Data Recording) 5032 Street, Facility, and Area Names 10750 Special Use Video Recorders 10710 Strike Recording/Gun Cameras 3302 Special Warfare 4360 Strikes/Disputes 8110 Special Weapons Safety 13410 Structural (Includes Materials) 9792 Special Weapons (see also 81 10) 13014 Structural (Loads) (Aircraft Characteristics) 6480 Special Weapons, Medical Problems Concerning 11100 Structures and Facilities, General 12308 Student, Employment Automatic Teletype System), JCSAN (JCS 5223 Studies, Analysis and Review, Management Aletiing Net) Planning IEMATS (Improved Emergency Message Systems) Programs 7573 Subcontracts (see also 4285) 6401 Specialties, Medical 8282 Submarine 5721 Speeches 2083 Submarinelkoadcast 1754 Sponsor Program 8553 Submarine Laid Mines 2322 Stabilized Routing for Afloat Commands 8513 Submarine Launched Torpedos (STROFAC) (Airframe System 3350 Submarine Missions (Warfare Techniques) 9162 Stacks and Macks 10720 Submarine Periscope Cameras (Removable) 4120 Standardization 9594 Submarine Rescue, Salvage, and Survival Systems 5711 Standardization 3234 Submarine Support Operations (Cryptobgic) 2211 Standards (Physical Security of COMSEC Material) 3235 Submarine Systems (Cryptologic) 3093 Standards and Interoperability 3515 Submarine Warfare Tac D&E 4451 Standards and Procedures 6420 Submarine and Diving Medicine Programs and Agreements (C3) 5370 Standards of Conduct 12593 Subsistence, Quarters, and Laundry 6110 Standards, Physical 1214 Sub-speciatty Codes 7595 State and Local Taxes 3363 Subsurface ASW 7700 Statistical Reporting 8053 Subsudace Pyrotechnics 4296 Statistics (Contract) 9060 Subsystem Characteristics (Ship Requirements) 5341 Statistics (Manpower) 2801 Subsystem Project Plan (SPP) 5442 Status of Aircrati 12731 Suitability 3503 Status of Forces 12754 Suitability Disqualification 5441 Status of Vessels 3752 Summary Report of Aircraft Mishap 6oard Actions Conclusions and Recommendations 10310 Steel 5930 Stenographic, Clerical, and Messenger 9371 Superconducting Propulsion 10720 Still Picture Cameras and Camera Accessories 9370 Superconduaing Systems 10720 Still Picture Equipment and Accessories 6322 Supernumeraries 10720 Still Picture Production Equipment (Processors, 10720 12411 Supervisor Training and Development Printers, Washers, Dryers, and Mounters) 7114 Supplemental Still Picture Production Support Equipment and 4406 Supply Afloat 4442 Supply Levels Accessories (Includes Aerial) 62 and Deficiency Appropriations SECNAVINST (ICT1987 go L- 2011 Supply Support Supply/Material 10466 Supplies, Office 1150 Suppo~ (Recruiting) 9082 Suppofi and Test Equipment 3964 4624 Support Ships, Scientific 3963 T&E Projects 2792 Support Station 3969 T&E Range Instrumentation (General) T T&E Funding 3330 Surface (Warfare 3968 T&E Ranges 6560 Surface and Sealift Medicine 3965 T&E Reports 3361 Surface ASW 2044 TACAMO 8820 Surface Attack Guided Missiles and Rockets (AGM, 4628 TAKRX (Rapid Surge Force) CGM, HGM, LGM, MGM, PGM, RGM, UGM, 4627 TAKX (Maritime BGM) 1570 TEMAC 2535 TEXAS Techniques) Surface Carry-on Systems (e.g., SSQ-80 VANS) (Cryptologic) Propositioning Ships) 2180 TSR (Telecommunications Service Request) 3231 Surface Support Operations (Cryptologic) 3311 Tactical Air (Warfare 8554 Surface Laid Mines 3510 Tactical Doctrine 8514 Surface Launched Torpedoes 20212 Tactical Nets 8051 Surface Pyrotechnics 5605 Tactical Publications (TAP, AMP, AXP, NWP, 8041 Surface Rockets 8281 Surface Ship 3355 Tactical Security (Submarine Warfare Techniques) 10S61 Surface Supplied Air Diving Systems 3352 Tactical Weapons Employment 9030 Tactical and Strategic Operation Suppoti NWIP) 10562 Surface Supplied Mixed-Gas Diving System 3232 Surface Systems (Cryptologic) Techniques) (Submarine Warfare Techniques) Capabilities 8815 Surface to Air (RIM) 3516 Surface Warfare Tac D&E 8420 Tanks 4628 Surge Force, Rapid 3227 Target Communications 6460 Surgery Systems (SIGINT Operations) 6730 Surgical and Diagnostic 8230 Target Designation Systems 6720 Surgical Dressings 2095 Task Force Command Center (TFCC) 9450 Surveillance Systems (Surface) 7401 Tax Withholding 9460 Surveillance (Underwater) 5840 Taxes, Customs, and Duties 4305 Surveys, Preaward 7595 Taxes, State and Local 2242 Surveys, Tempest 4792 Technical Assistance, Communications 3131 Survival (Operations) and Electronic Equipment 1772 Survivors’ Benefits 4793 Technical Assistance (Other) 8981 Swimmer Ordnance and Weapon Systems 3972 Technical Evaluation (TECHEVAL) 8980 Swimmer and Antiswimmer 3241 Technical Guidance Unit Operations (Cryptology) 10010 Technical Information Ordnance and Weapon Systems 9592 and Modification (General Material) Swimmer and Diver Support and Protection 8805 Technical Information and Modifications 8290 Switchboards (Fire Control and Optics) 2063 Switch System 2070 Switched Systems-Networks 9086 Technical Manuals and Other Data 4023 Synthetic Fuels 2880 Telecommunications 5238 System Integration (Guided Missiles) and Architecture Parallel Process) System, Requirements 2180 Telecommunications Service Request (TSR) 2100 Telecommunications Service, General Systems, General 9408 System Test Requirements 2000 Telecommunications 8261 Systems (Guided Missile Fire Control) 9444 Telemetry Systems 8221 Systems (Gun and Fire Control) 3264 Telephone Monitoring, 8271 Systems (Gun and Missile Fire Control) 2060 Telephone Systems 3884 Systems (Intelligence) 9445 Teletype and Facsimile Systems 1143 Systems (Recruit Advetiising) 10750 Television Equipment 7545 Systems Development 2241 Tempest Policy and Criteria (Internal Audits) (Excluding Frequency) (CIM, CAP, FMS, Group Technology, Distributed ..- Systems Networks (Communications) 9083 4400 3233 5210.1 ID COMSEC SECNAVINST z o (ICT 5210.1 ID 1987 Training (NROTC) 2242 Tempest Surveys 1533 12334 Temporary Assignment of Employees between 1530 Training (Officer Candidate) Executive Agencies, and States, Local 11102 Training (Structures and Facilities) Governments, 4951 Training Courses (Quotas, Durations) 9089 Training Equipment (Integrated and Institutions of Higher Education 12316 Temporary Employment Logistic Support Requirements) 1421 Temporary Promotions 1551 Training Films, Aids, and Special Devices 4660 Terminal Operations 88s0 Training Guided Missile and Rocket (ATM, MTM, 7575 Termination 13031 Test and Evaluation (Airworthiness 10170 Training Material 3502 Training Plans and Requirements Claims and RTM) and Service Suitability) (see also 15SO) 3960 Test and Evaluation (T&E) - General 1552 Training Publications 3961 Test and Evaluation Master Plans (TEMPs) Test and 3550 Training Ranges 3551 Training Range Instrumentation Evaluation Plans (TEPs) 12411 Training and Development, Testing Areas and Facilities 1500 Training and Education (Military) Testing and Interviewing 3500 Training and Readiness (General) 12971 Training, Promotion and Executive Development 1136 Training, Recruiter 12307 Transitional and Veterans Readjustment 9240 Transmission and Propulsion Systems 10510 Test Measurement 11018 1230 and Diagnostic Equipment (Military) 6820 Textbooks and Journals (Equipment and Supplies) 2018 Theatre Nuclear Forces Communication Agreements System (TNFCS) 9508 Thermal Insulation for Piping and Machinery 9509 Thermal Insulation for Ventilation Supervisory (General) with Specific Agencies Appointment and Air Conditioning Ducts 9075 Threaded Fasteners Maintenance 2220 Transmission Security 3057 Threat Assessment (Naval Strategy) 4670 Transportability 13421 Tires and Tubes (Airframe 2013 Transportable 10200 Tools (see also 4870) 4630 Transportation (Air) 9473 Torpedo Countermeasures 8395 Torpedo Tubes 8510 Torpedos (Underwater 9750 Torpedos, Stowage and Handling (see also 8021, Systems) Communications Systems Transportation (Land) 5114 Transportation (Mail and Postal Affairs) 8028 Transpotiation (Ordnance) 4620 Transportation (Sea) 11200 Transportation Facilities Heavy Equipment, General 9084 Transportation and Handling 4601 Transportation and Security Systems 4650 Transportationflravel, 6270 Toxicology 4602 Transporting 3354 Tracking Procedures (Submarine Warfare 4603 Transporting Mail and Postal Affairs Techniques) 9656 Trash Disposal Spaces 5870 Trademarks 4600 Travel and Transpofiation 2223 Traffic Analysis (COMSEC) (see also 2311) 3722 Traffic Control (FlighVAir Space) 5560 Traffic Control and Parking 2311 Traffic Engineering 6620 Treatment (Dental) 2310 Traffic Handling/Processing 6320 Treatment and Hospitalization 2316 Traffic Statistical Data 5831 Trials, Court Martial 13127 Trainer Aircraft (Fixed Wing) 6430 Tropical Medicine 5295 Training (Audiovisual) 6224 Tuberculosis 1532 Training (AvCad) 13720 Turboshaft and Jet (Aircraft Engines) 12410 Training (Civilian) 10460 Typewriters 1* Training (Diver) 4950 Training (Foreign) 1534 Training (Merchant 1500 Training (Military) 5570 Unclassified Matter, Safeguarding 1531 Training (Naval Academy) 3302 Unconventional 8022,8023, Ordnance) and 10490) 8081 Towed Artillery 9595 Towing, launching, and Handling for Underwater Passenger Hazardous Material (General) (see also 12570) 12571 Travel and Transportation Interviews for Pre-Employment and Recruitment u Marine and Maritime) 64 Warfare . SECNAVINST521O llD 20 OCT 1987 8830 Underwater 10750 Attack Guided Missile and Rockets Video/Video Disk~V Recorders and Recorder Accessories (UUM, RUR) 10750 VideoiVideo Disk/TV Viewing/Projection, 8570 Underwater Countermeasures 3302 Underwater Demolition 8280 Underwater Fire Control 8293 Underwater Fire Control (Switchboards) 10720 View Cameras 8581 Underwater Mobile Targets 2232 Violations and Insecurities and Evasion Devices Distribution Team Equipment and Accessories (Including Training Aids/Devices) 8500 Underwater Ordnance (General) 6490 Vision (Medicine) 8591 Underwater Range Support Equipment 3128 Visits of Ships 8590 Underwater Ranges 2015 Visual Communications 9442 Underwater Systems 13830 Visual Landing Aids 8580 Underwater Targets 9443 Visual and Audible Systems 12850 Unemployment 2345 Voice Call Signs Unfair Labor Pradices 9435 Voice Tubes and Message Passing Scuttles Unified Command Planning Matters (Operations 1560 Voluntary Education (Training) 12715 Voluntary Separations and Reductions in Grade or 1742 Voting (Military) 12711 3025 Benefits and Readiness) 1020 Uniforms (Military Pay Personnel) 12711 Unions 5760 United Services Organization 4750 Upkeep (Maintenance, Systems (USO) w Construction, and Conversion) Uptakes (Inner Casing) 3272 WB ACQ/HFDF Operations Usage 2021 WWMCCS Operations (see also 3091) 4140 USMC Life Cycle Cost Model (LCCM) Records 2323 WWMRI 11300 Utilities and Services, General 9645 Wardroom Utility Aircraft (Fixed Wing) 3511 Warfare Publications, Naval (see also 5605) Tasks (Naval Strategies) Techniques (General) 9259 2440 13128 9654 Utility Spaces (Barber Shop, Ships, Stores, and Brigs) 3053 Warfare 5312 Utilization 3300 Warfare 9518 Waste Head Recovery Systems 9247 Water Jet Propulsory 11330 Water Supply Services (Civilian and Military Manpower) v 4858 Value Engineering 11410 Waterfront 13442 Valves and Lines (Hydraulic, Pneumatic and 3593 Weapons (Competition 8800 Weapons (Guided Missile and Rockets - General) Lubricating, Systems) Facilities 9096 Weight Control (Quality Assurance Requirements) 11450 Weight Handing Venereal Disease 13060 Weight and Balance (Aeronautical) Ventilation 7548 Welfare 2031 Wide band Secure Voice Systems 13413 Windows, 8400 Vehicles, Combat (General) 2257 Vehicular/Manpack 6222 9512 2047 VERDIN 13130 Vetiical Flight Aircraft (Helicopters, 5441 Vessels, Status of 1760 Veterans Affairs (Military) Cryptographic Equipment System V/STOL) and Recreation (Auditing) Windshields, Canopies (Airframe Systems) 13452 12211 Veterans Preference (Civilian Personnel) 10750 Video Production Equipment (Includes Recorders, Re-recorders, Amplifiers, Windshield De-icing, Defogging, (Airframe Whtg, Tail, Control Surfaces, Flaps (Airframe Systems) Vide~elevision Cameras and Camera Accessories 12431 Withholding 10750 Video/Television Equipment and Accessories 7401 Withholding, 10750 Videoflelevision 10750 Video/Video (Includes Video Disc) Monitors, Receivers, Players and Projectors DiskM/ Duplication Equipment and Accessories Video/Video and Rain Removal SysteMS) 13412 Editors) 10750 10750 and Awards) Disk/TV Production Support Equipment and Accessories 65 of Within-Grade Increases Tax 12431 Within-Grade 10320 Wood, Lumber and Allied Products Increases Withholding of 5940 Word Processing Systems (see also 5272) 7030 Work for Other Agencies 7670 Working Capital Fund Regulations 9660 Working Spaces 5220 Workload/Petiormance Measurement SECNAVINST 5210.110 1987 z () ~c~ 9665 Work Centers, Laboratories, (Including 12620 Work Portable Schedules, Test Areas, and Shops Tools and Equipment) Alternative 323 Worldwide Mobile 3091 Worldwide Military Routing Index (WWMRI) Command (WWMCCS) (see ah 1731 Worship 9645 Worship Spaces (Ships) and Control System 2021 ) x 6760 X-Ray (Equipment and Supplies) * v 12308 Youth and Student Employment Program z 9632 Zinc Coating 66 ● SECNAVINST521O.11D z o ~CT 1987 SECTION 5 GUIDELINES FOR REQUESTING CHANGES 1. Submit recommendations for changes (additions, deletions and modifications) to Director, Naval Data Automation Command (Code 81), Washington, DC 203741662. 2. Provide the following information: a. SSIC number (present number or recommended number) b. Current subject (if applicable) c. Recommended subject (for additions and modifications, ) d. Related areas (cite any applicable system, procedure, technical term. and/or any acronym which might ap-ply. e. Justification for the request. 3. Use the following guidelines when considering a change to an existing number, a deletion, or a new number. a. Any subject that has relevance to a large segment of the Navy may be recommended provided it does not duplicate or identify with a closely related existing subject. b. Accurately identify a proper placement of new subjects by ensuring that the functional major subject grouping, primary sub”ect grouping, secondary subject grouping and te~iary number are all in logical / unctional sequence. c. Narrative subject titles should be functionally definition and be stated concisely. descriptive, have broad c. New words or subject titles closely related to an existing SSIC may be submitted for insertion in Section 4of the Manual (alphabetical guide), along wtih the associated numerical code. d. If a numerical code isdeleted, narrative subject. the number cannot be used for a different L *U.S. G, P.O. 1988-506-716 67 @