Eyeopener - Spring 2016 - Texas Association of PeriAnesthesia
Eyeopener - Spring 2016 - Texas Association of PeriAnesthesia
2016 Spring Edition Eyeopener Texas Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses Recipient of 2015 ASPAN People’s Choice Award Volume 28 - Number 1 LeadershipAppliestoEveryone Inside President’s Message cont. 2 ASPAN Director’s Message 3 Region News 4-7 Committee Reports 7-9 Certification Corner 9 Region Contacts 11 ASPAN’s PANAW celebration has come and gone. I have seen pictures on Facebook of some of the fun and hope you have sent copies to Susan to post on the website. I hope everyone was able to print the proclamation from our governor. I had the pleasure to be welcomed by the North and East Region which had a wonderful speaker for PANAW week. Dana Linda Allyn Robertson CRNA did a great TAPAN President job speaking on “Professional 2015 - 2017 Development and the PeriAnesthesia Nurse”. They had a great turnout of over 50 members and had ABPANC and TAPAN information available for all. I would like to congratulate the winners of ASPAN/ TAPAN membership drawing to celebrate PANAW. I wish there were more people that entered by responding to the email that was sent out in January. The winners are Jennifer Rice, Farra Moayyadi, Laurie Morrison, Carolyn James, and Linda Allyn. Dana Robertson CRNA www.TAPAN.org Pretty soon it will be time for another ASPAN National Conference. I hope to see many of you joining us in Philadelphia. If you have never attended a national conference, please put it on your “Bucket List”. Once you go you will wonder why you have waited so long to experience the great life changing learning you will encounter. Between the speakers and TAPAN Board of Directors President Linda Allyn, BSN, RN, CPAN, CAPA Elgin, TX [email protected] 1st Vice President / President Elect Deborah Davis, BSN, RN, CPAN Missouri City, TX 2nd Vice President Felicia Selman, RN, CAPA Missouri City, TX [email protected] Treasurer Mollie Smith, RN, CAPA Montgomery, TX [email protected] Secretary Cielito Ascio, BSN, RN, CPAN San Antonio, TX [email protected] Past President Sylva McClurkin, MSN, RN, CAPA Sugar Land, TX [email protected] TAPAN Mission Statement “The Texas Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses, as a component of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses, advances nursing practice through education, research, and standards.” 2 of 11 the lifelong friends, you will connect with during conference you will leave hoping you will be able to continue attending them. Celebrate ASPAN’s 35th National Conference Component Night on Sunday, April 10th, 2016, from 7:00pm - 9:00pm at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown. The theme this year is “Love Philly and Philly Will Love You Back”. Join ASPAN in celebration of the Philly experience. Look for the TAPAN table and say hi. If you have never attended before make sure you plan on arriving in plenty of time to stop by the Representative Assembly on Sunday first. Everyone is encouraged to attend. There are seats in the gallery for those who are not the designated RA reps. You are also able to comment on floor agenda items that are up for vote. I would like to close on a personal thought. I lost a close family member last week and at her eulogy it was brought to my attention that we have very few pictures of this person. She was never one to be in the pictures. She was always in the background, cooking the dinner for the many people that came to eat or playing the organ at church for the wedding or funeral. So many of TAPAN members are like her. They entertain different ways to accomplish the needs of their patients or make their unit more efficient. We never hear about all that is accomplished by our fellow TAPAN members. Please let us know all (or some) of your accomplishments so we can celebrate your accomplishments with you. Better yet write it up and give it the Susan Norris so you can share your ideas with others. ABPANC offers a Nursing Passion in Action Award — This unit-level award empowers Nurse Managers to recognize a CPAN or CAPA certified nurse who goes beyond their normal job to provide outstanding patient care. Monthly award winners are eligible for a $25 gift certificate to the ABPANC online store. If you are not a manager let her know what is out there to recognize your fellow staff members. Don’t forget you can go to www.tapan.org at any time to nominate your coworker for the TAPAN Star award. Don’t wait until the last minute before conference because you’ll forget and miss the deadline. It’s easy to fill in the nomination form and the recipients will be announced at State Conference. Important dates to remember ASPAN National Conference April 10-14, in Philadelphia, TAPAN on the Road June 18 in Midland, TAPAN Leadership Conference in August (date to be announced) in Houston, and TAPAN State Conference in Lewisville September 23-25. I hope to see you at least one of those locations. Sincerely, Linda LindaAllyn,RN,BSN,CPAN,CAPA TAPANPresident2015-2017 Eyeopener - Spring Edition 2016 Greetings Region 2 As I’ve traveled around Region two’s vast geographic area, I’m amazed it never ceases to amaze me at the abundance of energy and brilliance among Perianesthesia nurses. It’s been a gratifying journey for me professionally and personally to serve you as Region Director, Region 2 ASPAN! From gathering for component and board meeting, to seminars, conferences, webcasts where we share a common passion for patient care and safety and it has been so much fun to be a part. To travel and meet nurses from all walks of life, rich in culture, experiences, and specialties, who are committed to their calling and community has been a joy! I know full well that for the rest of my life, I will look back on this experience and remain in awe, thank you! Indeed, it is wonderful to be a part something really big and exciting like ASPAN. To be among thousands of nurses that do the same work I enjoy daily is a joy. There is a common passion shared for learning and improving nursing skill and techniques that directly contribute our patients experience by belonging to ASPAN. As we strive for providing excellent patient care as well as the drive to create safe environments for the persons experiencing the unknown aspects of surgery and various medical intervention, being a part of an organization that has the muscle to provide clinical practice standards, research, and educate globally sets us apart from the status quo. With that in mind, don’t ever underestimate the power of professional growth. Knowledge is power that broadens our nursing ability and bridges the gaps among fellow nurses and other healthcare entities. Institutions are not as generous with supporting continued education, ASPAN Mission attending workshops, even time off, membership, certification, but the value and Statement importance of being a part of your specialty professional organization, continuing “The American Society education has never been more vital. Education and networking sustains our practice and of PeriAnesthesia moves us forward. It allows us the ability to be on the cutting edge of care. It allows us a Nurses advances chance to network and speak the common language of nursing professionals as well as nursing practice through education, research, and opening our eyes to possibilities. It’s important to set aside your time or money in your standards.” professional development. Invest in yourself! I hope to see you in Philadelphia this April for ASPAN’s 35th National Conference! More than a duty, serving as Region Director has been a delight! I boldly encourage each of you to lead, be involved in work within your components and in ASPAN nationally! Let me say again, it has truly been an honor to serve, thank you so much! Warmregards, Jenny Kilgore, RN, BSN, CPAN ASPAN Director - Region 2 3 of 11 Eyeopener - Spring Edition 2016 News From Across Texas Upper Gulf Coast Region Sharon Lombard, BS, MSN, RN, CPAN UGCRhadtwoeducaFonalprogramsatMDAndersonMaysClinicthiswinterasfollows: December1st,AnesthesiaEssen+alsforthePeriAnesthesiaRNbyNicoleLuongoMSNCRNA; January6,2016PainManagement:ALookatMul+modalPainTherapiesbyDr.LarryDriver. TheMarch19,2016meeFngwasheldatMemorial-Hermann-KatywherethetopicwasPain ManagmentinSpecialPopula+ons:AFocusintheSurgicalSe@ngbyTheresaGerst,PharmD. PeriAnesthesianursesfromallovertheUGCRgatheredonSaturday,February20VWforthe AnnualSpringSeminarenFtledRenewPeriAnesthesiaPassionthroughExcellenceinClinicalPrac+ce.Someofthe region’srepresentaFvesincludednursesfromMichaelE.DebakeyVAHospital,TexasChildrens,St.Joseph,Harris Health,CHISt.Luke’s,MemorialHermannTheWoodlands&Katy,Methodist,TexasWomens,MDAndersonand UTMB.Thehalfdayseminarhadaturnoutof84aaendeesandofferedatotalof4.75CEUs.Aspecialthankyouto ourconferencechair,CeciliaRimaRodriguez,andtheconferencecommiaeemembersforalltheirhardworktomake thisyear’sconferenceagreatsuccess! ElecFonFmewillbeherebeforeyouknowit!TAPANUpperGulfCoastRegionislookingforqualifiedmembersto serveasofficersonourBoardofDirectorsfornextyear’sterm(September2016throughAugust2017).Consider joiningourteamandbecomingafutureleaderofTAPANUGCR.FormoreinformaFononofficerresponsibiliFesorto filloutaWillingnesstoServeform,pleasecontactPresidentGloriaSpenceratgloria.spencer@mdanderson.org. KudostothenursesfromMDACCAmbulatorySurgicalCenterandtheMDACCMainPACUthathadabstractposters acceptedatASPAN’s35VWNaFonalConferenceApril10-14,2016,inPhiladelphia,Pennsylvania.Ifyouaregoingtothe NaFonalConference,pleasestopbyandvisittheposterexhibiFonsandcongratulatethenursesthere.Thefollowing postersthatwillbepresented: 1.CAPACERTIFIEDNURSESTOTHERESCUE:RAPIDRESPONSEINTHEOUTPATIENTSETTING TeamLead:DeborahWhiteBSNRNCAPA TeamMembers:FeliciaSelmanBSNCAPA,JanelleKisterBSNRNCAPA 2.ENGAGINGTHEPEOPLEWESERVETHROUGHCOLLABORATION TeamLead:DeborahWhiteBSNRNCAPA TeamMembers:OfeliaAlilainBSNRNCAPA,YveaeRosenthalRNCAPA,TomarFoster-MillsBSNRNCAPA 3.THEINTEGRATIONOFCERTIFIEDPERIANESTHESIANURSESINTOANAMBULATORYSPECIALTYTREATMENT CENTER TeamLeaders:YveaeRosenthalRNCAPA,DeborahWhiteBSNRNCAPA,JanelleKisterBSNRNCAPACCCRN TeamMembers:LeoFloresBSNRNCAPA,SharonCarsonMSNRNCPAN,JessicaRobertsBSNRNCAPA,Sharon HamptonMSNPhDRN 4.IMPROVINGCARECOORDINATIONINANEWPACU:PUTTINGTHEPIECESTOGETHER TeamLeaders:ElsyPuthenparampilMSNRNCPANRN-BC TeamMember:JeniseRiceMSNRNCPAN 5.ESSENTIALROLEOFPACUNURSINGINDEVELOPINGANDSUSTAININGAMULTIDISCIPLINARYENHANCED RECOVERYPROGRAM TeamLeader(s):JinHuangBSNRNOCNRN-BC,ImeldaDeCastroBSNRN 4 of 11 Eyeopener - Spring Edition 2016 News From Across Texas TeamMember(s):AlitaCampbellBSNRNOCN,SudhaYalamanchiliBSNRN,DavidReamsBARN,StaciEguia MSNRNCCRN,SooOkBSNRNCPAN 6.ONESIZEDOESNOTFITALL:NURSEEDUCATIONFORPROPERLYFITTEDANTI-EMBOLISMCOMPRESSION STOCKINGS TeamLeader:MiguelLaxaBSNRN,SarammaJohnBSNRNCCRN,JayaMaahewBSNRNPCCN,CoriKopecky MSNRNOCN TeamMember(s):AlitaCampbellBSNRNOCN,DarylGumbanBSNRN, KimKitchenBSNRN,EdithaSandlePCP, ChandyKachamkodomPCP,BridgeaeThomasPCP 7.IMPLEMENTINGCAUTIPREVENTIONBUNDLEINTHEPACU TeamLeader(s):DwayneE.BrownRNCPAN&StaciEguiaMSNRNCCRN TeamMembers:CeciliaRodriguezRNCPAN,DonnaCondeBSNRNCPAN,AnnaMaeJosueBSNRNCPAN,Cori KopeckyMSNRNOCN,ValsaKuriachanBSNRNCVRN,ClaireZimmermanBSNRNCPAN 8.IMPROVINGTHEPROCESSOFIDENTIFYINGDEFECTIVEEQUIPMENTBYDURABLELABELINGSYSTEMINTHE POSTANESTHESIACAREUNIT TeamLeaders:FlorineMendonsaBSNRNCPAN,ImeldadeCastroBSNRN,PrescillaMadthaBSNRNCCRN TeamMembers:StaciEguiaMSNRNCCRN,CoriKopeckyMSNRNOCN 9.SEPSISAWARENESSAMONGONCOLOGYOUTPATIENTS TeamLeader(s):ElsyPuthenparambilMSNRNCPANRN-BC,BijiChirappaauRNCPANRN-BC,StaciEguiaMSN RNCCRN TeamMember(s):MinazMominRN,CourtneyBishopRN,JayaSantosRN 10.SCRATCHINGTHESURFACE:PREVENTIONOFCORNEALABRASIONINTHEPACU TeamLeader(s):KatelynLillienthalRN,AnnaMaeJosueRNBSNCPAN,MarkTemplonuevoRN,StaciEguiaMSN RNCCRN TeamMember(s):SooOkRNBSNCPAN,CoriKopeckyMSNRNOCN,ElizabethTrejoRN,MiguelLaxaRN,Julia FultonRN 11.STETHOSCOPEDISINFECTION:CANWEBETTEROURPRACTICE? PrimaryInvesFgator(s):SashaRamirezBSNRN,StaciEguiaMSNRNCCRN,SaraAbbasiBSNRN,JoyWhiteBSN RN Co-InvesFgator(s):CoriKopeckyMSNRNOCN,SooOkBSNRNCPAN 12.DEVELOPMENTOFAUNITBASEDCOMPETENCYPROGRAMTOEVALUATE,ANDENGAGETHEADULT LEARNER. TeamLeaders:StaciEguiaMSNRNCCRN,CoriKopeckyMSNRNOCN ThenextUGCRmonthlymeeFngwillbeheldonMarch19,2016atMemorialHermann,Katy.Moredetailstofollowby e-mail.Forourlatestnewsandevents,visitourwebsiteTAPAN Upper Gulf Coast Regionorourfacebookpage (TAPANUpperGulfCoastRegion). 5 of 11 Eyeopener - Spring Edition 2016 News From Across Texas Hill Country South Texas Region Sarah Hessling, BSN, RN, CPAN We have had great turn out to our last couple of meetings. We have had guest speakers discuss the great effects of a new product of Ionsys, a fentanyl patch pca. And we love hearing the effects of Ofirmev and had guest speaker, Katherine O'Donnell DNP, APRN, FNPBC, discuss pain control in the post-op area and her pre-op education and survey to see if patients understand post-op treatment and when to call the MD. She was an author of one of the pain articles in a recent JOPAN issue. It was great to hear her speak and start discussion on what we can do better as perianesthesia nurses. We did a donation for the Children's Shelter here in San Antonio. And as all of us locals know, we are enjoying the San Antonio Rodeo. Some of us perianesthesia nurses are also spending time there as first aid volunteers. We are planning our spring seminar for May 7th. We are still looking for interested speakers. But we will have representatives for Ofirmev, Ionsys, capnography equipment, and Provena (portable home wound vac) at this seminar. We are looking forward to it. HCSTR members with donation for Children’s Shelter Far West Texas Region No news submitted. West Texas - Panhandle Region Kat Tollett, BSN, RN, CST, CPAN HappySpringfromtheWestTexasPanhandleRegion!Wehavehadasmallshareof iceandsnowthiswinter,buttheactivitiesinourregionarehotterthanever!Wehadgreat successlastDecemberwithaPamperedCheffundraiserbringinginover$160!Thanksto EdnaPabruadaforyourgreatideaandhardwork! PANAWweekwasagreatcelebrationwithmanyactivities,gifts,andlotsoffood! Lunchesprovidedbydifferentdepartments,byanesthesiaproviders,cakes,andcookieswere hadacrosstheregion.SomethingspecialfortheweekspeciLictoAbilenewasapublic announcementovertheradiowavesonKBCY99.7duringtheDoc&Kellymorningshow.Not onlythat,butMayorNormArchibalddeclaredPANAWweekforFebruary1-7VW,2016andhe cametohavehispicturemadewiththePACUstaffandournewplaque!Thankstoallofthe folkswhohelpedraiseawarenessforourspecialtyinnursing!Ifyouwouldliketoseemore celebrationpicturesfromwesTpan,visitourwebsite(andseepageXofthisnewsletter). WearekeepingtheexcitementgoingwithaplannedpresentationonApril11VWbyChrisPaseroMS,RN-BC, FAAN.ThetopicwillbeTheUseofMultimodalAnalgesiainTreatingAcutePain:AfocusonQualityofPatient Care.Ms.Paseroisacelebrityaroundthesepartsandwecan’twaittowelcomehertoAbilene!Wewillbe collectingnon-perishablefoodsforthelocalfoodbankduringthisevent.Pleasehelpustofeedthoseinneed! TAPANontheRoadwillbemakinganappearanceinMidlandonJune18VW2016.Othertopicsatthe seminarareJurisprudenceandEthics,andasectionongeriatricstofulLillCEsrequiredbytheTexasBoardof Nursing.Theentrancefeeisremarkablylow-youneedtocheckitout!!Pleasevisitourwebsite,http:// www.tapan-westtexas-panhandle.com/ toseethelatestdevelopmentsforthisseminar,aswellasinformationto signup! WearegladtoshareallthatwehavehereinWestTexasandPanhandleRegion-wewouldlovetosee youhere.Summerfunisneverfarawayinourregionwiththismuchgoingon! 6 of 11 Eyeopener - Spring Edition 2016 Treasurer’s Report Mollie Smith, RN, CAPA - TAPAN Treasurer 10/1/15-12/31/15 Income Expenses $20,340.08 $31,711.83 EndingBalance $69,081.28 TAPAN needs you Today! Sylva McClurkin MSN, RN, CAPA - Immediate Past President & Nominating Committee Chair ElecFonFmeisapproaching!!!TAPANisseekingaqualifiedcandidateforanopenposiFonintheExecuFveBoard:TAPAN Treasurer 2016 - 2018. EachofyouhasthepotenFaltobeapartofthedynamicTAPANExecuFveBoard.YourtalentsandabiliFesareassetsthatcan helppropelTAPANtowardsgreaterachievements.Thiscouldbeoneofthebestdecisionsyouwillmakeforyourprofessional growthandadvancement. QualificaFons: • • • • Active ASPAN/TAPAN membership. Active TAPAN member at the region or state level for two (2) years and have served as a State Component Committee Chair or as a Region Officer. Submit a completed Willingness to Participate Form (see www.TAPAN.org) to the Election Chairperson. IfanyoneisinterestedinrunningfortheofficeofTreasurerandwishtolearnmoreabouttheposiFon,duFesandresponsibiliFes; [email protected] News From Across Texas North and East Region Jennifer Rice, BSN, RN, CPAN, CAPA The North and East Region had a wonderful PANAW Week Celebration. It was held at Zale Lipshy Hospital on January 30, 2016. We had approximately 60 nurses attend the event to learn about professional development and its importance in our careers. It was a great outreach session and there were several new members to join ASPAN and TAPAN after the meeting. We are looking forward to having a summer presentation in June. If there are any members from the North and East Region that are planning on attending the Conference in Philadelphia, please let us know at [email protected]. We would like to get together while we are there! 7 of 11 Eyeopener - Spring Edition 2016 Awards Committee Felicia Selman BSN, RN, CAPA ~ TAPAN 2nd Vice President It’samazinghowfastFmegoesby,itseemslikeyesterdayweconcludedour39VWStateConferencewiththeinducFonofNew StateOfficers.Fourmonthshavegonebyalready. Asyour2ⁿtVicePresidentandChairpersonoftheAwardsCommiaeeIwanttoencourageeachregiontoparFcipateinthesefun andcompeFFveawardstoshowcaseallthegreatacFviFesyourregionsareinvolvedin.Thefollowingawardswillbepresented duringtheTAPAN40VWStateConference,September23-25,2016attheHiltonGardenInn–ConferenceCenterinLewisville,TX duringtheStateConferencebusinessmeeFng. TheBluebonnetAward Thepurpose:Torecognizetheregionthatshowcasesalloftheregion’sacFviFesinthemostcreaFve,originalandelectronic format. OutstandingRegionAward(ORA) Thepurpose:TorecognizethoseregionsthatexemplifiestheTAPANmissionbyencouragingthemembers’professionalgrowth andinvolvementintheAssociaFon’sacFviFes. PleasecheckthenewrequirementsfortheTAPANOutstandingRegionAward(ORA)A-011. Themembershiprequirementhaschangedforthetwocategories. Withtherevisions,theBoardanFcipatesthatthechangeswillencouragemorecompeFFonfortheawardthisyear.A completedapplicaFonworksheetwillbesubmiaedelectronicallytotheAwardsCommiaeeChairnolaterthanAugust31. TAPANStarAward Thepurpose:ThisawardisgiventorecognizeoutstandingTAPANmember(s)forextraordinarycontribuFonsandservices‘above andbeyond’toTAPANandperianesthesianursing. AllcurrentTAPANmembersareeligiblefortheTAPANStarAward.NominaFonsshouldreflectthemember’sexemplaryservice toTAPANandperianesthesianursingduringtheprecedingyear.Amaximumof10Starsmaybeawarded.NominaFonsfor TAPANStarmaybesubmiaedbyanycurrentTAPANmember.Sokeepyoureyesopenanddocumentwhatyourfellow colleaguesaredoing.NominaFonsshallbelimitedto200words.NominaFonsshallbeelectronicallysubmiaedtothe2ndVice PresidentbyAugust1,(midnight)tobeconsideredforthe2016award.NominaFonsformisfoundonTAPAN.orgweb NominaFonsshallincludeadescripFveparagraphoutliningthenominee’sscholarship,leadership,advocacy,andcerFficaFonin perianesthesianursingaswellasservicetoprofessionalperianesthesiaorganizaFons. Let’sallstayinvolveandexemplifytheMissionofTAPAN“throughourcontribuFonsandservicetoprofessionalperianesthesia nursing”,notonlythisyear,butalways.MarkdeadlinedatesonyourcalendartosubmityourapplicaFons. TAPAN Research Committee Katherine Simpson, RN, MSN(c), CNRN, CVRN-II, LNC TAPAN Research Committee Chair Looking for a way to get more involved? The Research Committee is looking for more members. Our collective and individual practices are based on issues identified and solved through evidenced-based research (EBR). Joining the Research Committee is a great way to keep up the inquiring momentum from both personal and professional standpoints. If you have aspirations to learn more about EBR, create a poster presentation, provide an oral presentation, lead an evidence-based project, or explore other research related thoughts, the TAPAN Research Committee is a great way to thrust your ideas into existence. All person interested, please contact me via email @ [email protected] or call my cell - 859-609-0976. I appreciate your interest and look forward to working with you. Eyeopener - Spring Edition 2016 8 of 11 Certification Corner TAPAN Certification Coaches Cielito Ascio, RN, CPAN Betty Brookins, RN, CPAN Sandra Carrasco, RN, CPAN Dale Cuthbertson, RN, CPAN Deborah Davis, RN, CPAN Vicky Lessing, RN, CPAN, CAPA Elizabeth (Libby) Morse, RN, CPAN Jennifer Rice, RN, CPAN, CAPA Michael (Parry) Smith, RN, CPAN For more information visit www.cpancapa.org Editor’s Corner Susan Norris, BScN, RN, CAPA - Eyeopener Editor and Webmaster TAPAN’s mission includes enhancing perianesthesia nursing through education and research. One way to meet these goals is through publication of articles in this newsletter. Every member of TAPAN is invited to submit articles for publication in the Eyeopener. You do not need to be an experienced author. All articles will be reviewed and you will receive feedback if needed. If you have an idea for an article but are not sure if it would be appropriate, send me a brief summary of what the article will be about, why you think it would be of interest to our members and when you expect to be able to submit it. Articles will generally be printed within 3-6 months of submission. Your input is needed to increase the value of this publication to all our members! TAPAN 40th State Conference September 23 - 25, 2016 Hilton Garden Inn - Conference Center Lewisville, TX Conference brochure and online registration will be available at www.TAPAN.org later approximately 6 weeks prior to the conference Region Raffles: Space will be available for any region who wishes to hold a fundraiser during conference. The region will be responsible for staffing the space. Posters: Members are encouraged to bring research and evidence based practice posters to display. 9 of 11 Eyeopener - Spring Edition 2016 Goodnews!TAPANhasdevelopedanew policyforResearchGrantAward.Pleasevisit TAPAN.orgforfurtherdetailsincludingtheapplicaFonandguidelines.Tobeconsideredfora researchgrant,applicantsmustmeetalleligibilityrequirements.Applicantsmustbecurrent membersofTAPAN.ApplicaFonsmustbesubmiaedbySeptember12016. www.facebook.com/TexasAssociationofPeriAnesthesiaNurses Mark the Calendar… TAPAN Star nomination deadline………………………………………………………………………..Aug. 1, 2016 TAPAN Outstanding Region Award application deadline……………………………...……………Aug. 31, 2016 TAPAN Historian’s Bluebonnet Award application deadline…………………………………..…….Aug. 31, 2016 TAPAN Academic Scholarship application deadline……………………………………….….……..Aug. 31, 2016 TAPAN Newsletter Award submission deadline………………………………………………….…..Aug. 31, 2016 TAPAN Annual State Conference, Lewisville, TX……………………………….…………..….Sep. 23 - 25, 2016 TAPAN Education Scholarship submission deadline..………………………....at least 30 days prior to program ASPAN National Conference, Philadelphia, PA………………………………………………….Apr. 10 - 14, 2016 ICPAN, (Sydney, Australia) ……………………………………………………………………Nov. 1-4, 2017 10 of 11 Eyeopener - Spring Edition 2016 TAPAN Region Presidents Upper Gulf Coast Gloria Spencer, MSPHN, RN [email protected] North & East Texas Lisa Osbun, BSN, RN, CPAN [email protected] West Texas—Panhandle From the Editor The Eyeopener is the official publication of the Texas Association of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (TAPAN). All rights reserved. No part of The Eyeopener may be copied or reproduced in any form without prior written permission from TAPAN. Contact the editor for further information. Eyeopener submissions: Jeanette Frantz, MSN, RN [email protected] Hill Country & South Texas Polly Smith RN, BSN, CCRN [email protected] Far West Texas Region Please contact TAPAN President Linda Allyn [email protected] Members are encouraged to write to the editor with comments, suggestions, and/or articles of interest to PeriAnesthesia Nursing. Submissions must be typed and double spaced. It is the responsibility of the author of items submitted for publication in The Eyeopener to verify the accuracy of information and provide appropriate references. The editor and the TAPAN Board reserve the right to edit or reject submitted material. Submission Deadlines: February 15: Spring Edition May 15: Summer Edition August 15: Fall Edition November 15: Winter Edition Send comments, suggestions and/ or submissions to: Susan Norris BScN, RN, CAPA 11206 Fall Breeze Dr., Houston, TX 77064 [email protected] TxAssocofPerianesthesiaNurses@gmail. com TAPAN Operations Research Chair Katherine Simpson, BS, RN, CVRN, CNRN [email protected] Policy & Procedure Coordinator Susan Russell, BSN, RN, JD, CPAN, CAPA [email protected] Eyeopener Editor & Webmaster Susan Norris, BScN, RN, CAPA [email protected] Membership & Marketing Chair Susan Waggoner, RN, CPAN [email protected] Governmental Affairs Chair (GAC) Cindy Hill, BSN, RN, CPAN, CAPA [email protected] Education Chair Tracy Allen, BSN, RN, CPAN [email protected] 11 of 11 Eyeopener - Spring Edition 2016
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