Publikationen von Prof. Dr. Johannes Keogh


Publikationen von Prof. Dr. Johannes Keogh
Publikationen von Prof. Dr. Johannes Keogh
Stand: 12.10.2015
Ranchal, A., Jolley, M.J., Keogh, J., Lepiesova, M., Rasku, T. & Zeller, S. 2015. The
challenge of the standardization of nursing specializations in Europe. International Nursing
Loewenhardt, C., Wendorff, J., Büker, C. & Keogh, J. 2014. Simulations-Netzwerk
Ausbildung und Training in der Pflege e.V. - Simulation in der Pflegebildung. Pädagogik der
Gesundheitsberufe. (1), 64-68.
Keogh, J. 2013. Hochschulische Masterprogramme im Kontext der modernen Pflegebildung:
Die internationalen Perspektive. bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik – Online. Spezial
6: HT 2013.
Keogh, J., Rummel, L., Benson, G., Hikuroa, E.& Farrell, E. 2012. Health-promoting schools
in New Zealand: A case study of belonging and empowerment in two primary
schools. Education and Health, 30(2): 22-28.
Keogh, J.J., Loewenhardt, C., Herchet, D. & Bleses, H. 2012. Nurse education in Fulda:
Simulation as a means to attain clinical competence. IN: Poikela, E. & Poikela,
P. Eds. Towards simulation pedagogy: Developing Nursing simulation in a European
network. Rovaniemi: Rovaniemi Univerity of Applied Sciences Publications. (Pages 6271) ISBN: 978-952-5923-35-3
Fourie,W.J. & Keogh, J.J. 2011. The need for continuous education in the prevention of
needlestick injuries. Contemporary Nurse, 39(2): 194-205
Fourie, W., Keogh, J. & Beck, J. 2010. Needlestick injuries: Are they a threat to practice
nurses employed in the private sector in the Auckland region? L.O.G.I.C., 9(3): 31-34
Hülsken-Gießler, M., Brinker-Meyendriesch, E., Keogh, J., Muths, S., Sieger, M., Stemmer,
R., Stöcker, G. & Walter, A. 2010. Kerncurriculum Pflegewissenschaft für pflegebzogene
Studiengänge - eine Initiative zur Weiterentwicklung der hochschulischen Pflegebildung in
Deutschland. Pflege & Gesellschaft, 15 (3): 216 - 236.
Keogh, J.J., Fourie, W.J., Watson, S, Gay, H. 2010. Involving stakeholders in the curriculum
process: A recipe for success? Nurse Education Today, 30:37-43.
Ammende, R. Igl. G., Keogh, J.J., Müller, K., Reinhardt, M. & Stoecker, G. 2010.
Handlungsleitende Perspektiven zur Gestaltung der beruflichen Qualifizierung in der Pflege.
Deutscher Bildungsrat für Pflegeberufe (Hrsg.) : Berlin.
Keogh, J.J., Russel-Roberts, E. 2009. Exchange programmes and student mobility: meeting
students' expectations or expensive holiday? Nurse Education Today, 29: 108-116.
Fourie, W. J. (Ed.), Keogh, J.J., Watson, S. & Dick, G. (2007): A descriptive analysis of the
development process of the Bachelor of Nursing degree programme. Manukau Institute of
Technology: Auckland. ISBN 978-0-9582824-0-6.
(2006): Family-Centred Nursing as a means of preventing abuse to elderly people in need of
care. As CD: Conference Procedings, 1. Congreso Internacional de Enfermería en
Traumatología y Ortopedia. Gestión de la Competencia y Enfermería. Aosciación Española
de Enfermería en Traumatología y Ortopedia. Gijón, Spain. ISBN 8460995003.
(2006) Reformprozesse in der Pflegeausbildung. Die Perspektive der
Hochschulen. PADUA, 1(4): 55-57.
(2006): B.Sc. Pflege. Erstqualifierendes Pflegestudium. PADUA, 1(5): 59-60.
Schulz, M., Renard, C., & Keogh, J. (2006): Analyse des Gruppenangebots einer
psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutischen Klinik anhand von Struktur-, Prozess- und
Ergebniskriterien. Krankenhauspsychiatrie, 17:25-30.
(2005): Academic Nursing in Germany. As CD: Conference proceedings, 6th. Annual
interdisciplinary Research Conference: Transforming Health Care through Research,
Education & Technology. The University of Dublin Trinity College, School of Nursing and
Midwifery. (Pages 350-358)
Gellermann, A., Winter, H., Berendonk, C. & Keogh, J. (2005): Wo Prävention Programm
ist. Pflegezeitschrift, 58(7):462-463, Juli.
(2004): Will Nurse Education in the 21st. Century enable the modern Nurse to meet the
changing needs of the population? In: Kudlová, P. (Ed.) Ošetřovatelství: Perspektivní vĕda
i umĕní. Praha: Grada Publishing. ISBN 80-247-1156-7 (Pages 145-149)
(2004): Bachelor of Science in Nursing: A new start for academic Nursing in
Germany? In: Kudlová, P. (Ed.) Ošetřovatelství: Perspektivní vĕda i umĕní. Praha: Grada
Publishing. ISBN 80-247-1156-7 (Pages 141-144)
(2002): The Declaration of Munich: The chance to fully implement Community Nursing in
Europe. In: Holešinská, P. (Ed.) Multiborová, interdisciplinární a mezinárodní kooperace v
ošetřovatelství. Praha: Brabapress. (Pages 177-183)
Bezzina, P., Keogh, J.J. & Keogh, M. (2000): Nursing, radiography and primary care within
healthcare education in Malta.. Radiography Today, 6:273-282
Keogh, J.J. & Keogh M. (2000): Das Gesundheitsfürsorge-System in
Südafrika. Pflegemagazin, 1(4):54-55.
Bezzina, P., Keogh, J. J. & Keogh, M. (1998): Teaching primary health care: an
interdisciplinary approach. Nurse Education Today, 18(1):36-45.
Fourie, W.J. & Keogh, J.J. (1997): A comparison between nursing degree programmes
offered at the University of Malta, and the University of Fort Hare. Curationis, 20(1): 30-35,
(1997):Professionalization of nursing : development, difficulties and solutions. Journal of
Advanced Nursing, 25(2):302-208, Feb.
(1997): Primary health care: From classroom to reality. Nurse Education Today, 17(5):376380, Oct.
Keogh, J. J., & De Villiers, F.M.J. (1994): Continuing education for the registered nurse in
the gold mining industry. Curationis, 17(4):59-65, Dec.
Bellad-Ellis, P., Fourie, W. J., & Keogh, J. J. (1990): The perception of the South African
Nursing Association by registered nurses of the East London
branch. Curationis, 13(3&4):40-43, Dec.
(1989): Counselling teenage males about sex. Nursing RSA Verpleging, 4(1):41, Jan.
(1988): Pregnant: Sex counselling of the male adolescent. Nursing RSA Verpleging, 3(9):3031, Sept.
(1988): The role of the community nurse in the prevention and management of mental ill
health. (Title translated from Afrikaans). Curationis, 11(3):6-10, Sept.
1988): Family planning and the male adolescent. Nursing RSA Verpleging, 3(10):42-43, Oct.
(1988): Clinical conditions in the sexually active male. Nursing RSA Verpleging, 3(1112):14-15, 21, Nov./Dec.