HHL news Spring 2013


HHL news Spring 2013
Over 26 Different Scholarships Support our Students
Number 1 in
115 Years of Experience in
Management Education
HHL Offers Best
M.Sc. and MBA
Programs in
HHL offers the best Master in Management
programs (MBA and M.Sc.) in Germany. Additionally, HHL’s Master Program in Management (M.Sc.) was ranked among the top
10 in Europe for the first time. These results
were published in “European Business
Schools 2012”, Europe’s leading ranking by
the Financial Times (FT). HHL Dean Prof.
Dr. Andreas Pinkwart says: “With this result, I think HHL is on the way to move
up into the league of the top ten graduate
schools in Europe over the next few years.”
“European Business Schools” by FT is considered to be the most comprehensive and
important ranking for Master programs in
Europe. It is based on the consolidation of
five individual rankings of MBA, M.Sc., Executive MBA as well as open or companyspecific on-the-job programs for 2012. The
main evaluation criteria are alumni income
and career data as well as structure, internationality and research performance of
the universities.
SaVe the date
November 20/21, 2013
2013 HHL Forum: Rethinking
Leadership - The Role of
Mutual Exchange
Currently, 21 exchange stu­dents from HHL’s
partner universities from Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Finland, France, Italy, Peru, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand are in Leipzig. At
the same time 18 students from HHL’s full
and part-time Master programs are enjoying their study abroad term at universities
in Australia, Canada, China, Costa Rica,
Diversity Management
in Higher Education
dents in full-time programs as well as in the
global executive program, HHL is offering
Student Initiatives Promote
Diversity on the Campus
out under the auspices of the German Academic Exchange Service, German Rectors’
Conference and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. According to the study,
HHL’s master programs in management
MBA and M.Sc. rank number one among
internationally oriented programs in Germany, which compose only 5 percent of all
international programs nationwide. Furthermore, all master programs at the first
business school established in Europe’s
German-speaking regions are taught in
English and students have the opportunity
to receive a dual degree in cooperation with
an international partner school (Germanywide: 2 percent).
HHL is constantly looking for ways to promote diversity on its campus, especially
through its student initiatives. These
student-led groups provide opportunities
throughout the semester for all students,
professors and the non-academic staff to
celebrate the many different cultures present at HHL, and many are also involved in
the student-run sporting events and conferences (see: p. 6).
Many more tasks await the diversity management of the school. According to Prof.
Pinkwart, this also includes continuing to
increase the number of international professors at HHL, which increased last year to
over twenty-five percent.
Reacting to Student and Corporate
Diversity Conforms to the
Needs with Part-Time Programs
Trend for Globalization
The HHL Dean summarizes, “Programmatically, the qualitative course for growth can
be explained by the impact of diversity. It is
basically about creating opportunities for as
many people as possible and using each of
their contributions which promise tremendous synergies when put together. Diversity,
however, also conforms to the trend for globalization. More and more diverse skills are
required to find one’s way in an increasingly
fast and complex world. HHL would like to
contribute to that.”
The international profile of the Leipzig
business school was emphasized in the
study “Internationalization of Universities” in the past, for example. In 2012, HHL
received number one rankings in several
categories in a group of the 61 smaller universities once again. The study was carried
HHL Dean Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart emphasized: “We would like to offer programs
for lifelong learning and for people with
novel types of employment histories with
our study and scholarship programs. Our
ever growing part-time MBA in General
Management has been successfully established on the market since 2002. Our new
structure within this part-time program accommodates the increased desire for a balance of studies, job and the family. HHL is
also seen as an innovator for its part-time
M.Sc. Program which we established in
2011. Its curriculum and its profile meet the
requirements of changing competencies in
today’s knowledge and information society.”
In order to increase the number of international students in the part-time MBA
programs and the number of female stu-
Estonia, France, India, Italy, Taiwan, Thailand, South Africa, Spain, and the U.S.A.
From January until May, Marvin Wruck
und Oliver Thiem (both MSc7) are studying at the University of Victoria (Canada).
Thiem explains: “Everybody here is very
open and helpful, which has made it a lot
easier for me to settle in. Assigning each exchange student a buddy from the business
school is an excellent idea. Therefore, Marvin and I were involved a lot with the Canadian students from the very beginning.
We are both completing four courses in the
fields of business and economics.” Oliver
Thiem (left) considers a fishing trip out on
the Pacific with Marvin Wruck and his buddy one of the highlights of his term in Canada so far. “We set off for the open sea in
our little fishing boat directly from Victoria in the morning. There we cast a few crab
traps and went out even further to fish. We
caught one salmon and 10 crabs that day.
After we got back, we all cooked a typical
West Coast dinner.”
It might look like a contradiction at first
glance; a private, university-level school
that selects its students according to performance and a statesocial precept fixed in
the German Constitution. It standardizes
participation, and therefore diversity as
well, in higher education. The core idea here
is to add programs and offers for all those
social groups that were underrepresented
up to now. Within its diversity management
HHL aims for a profile inclusive of “continuing education students” - people who pursue another higher education degree or certificate parallel to their job, or who would at
least like to refresh their knowledge. Additionally, the Leipzig business school seeks
out students who have an immigrant background and foreign students.
Bankers, musicians, biomedical specialists, engineers, legal practitioners, young
entrepreneurs and students who represent
almost all industries and professions can
be found in a typical full- or part-time MBA
program. HHL’s MBA students have especially diverse socio-economic and ethnic
backgrounds, religious beliefs, nationalities
as well as life and professional experience.
These future managers work together at
HHL and learn from each other.
Internationality is the Focus of HHL
April 25, 2013
HHL celebrates its 115th
* 2012 Study “Internationalization of Universities”
02 HHL NEWS spring 2013
We Support HHL’s innovate125 Future Concept
Association of Friends of HHL Deepens
Integration of HHL Entrepreneurs
In their latest general assembly, the members of the AoF-Association of Friends of
HHL (Gesellschaft der Freunde der Handelshochschule e.V.) elected a new management board incorporating a stronger focus
on integrating HHL entrepreneurs into its
activities. AoF is one of the three shareholders of HHL and focuses on providing services that add value, e.g. co-organizing the biannual Startup-Career Fair or co-founding
various DAAD scholarships. All new board
members are entrepreneurial HHL alumni,
active in Start-ups or Family Firms. Dirk
Graber (Center), 1st Chair of AoF and CEO of
a growing start-up says, “One of the key initiatives of the new board will be to strengthen the network for entrepreneurs among
HHLs’ stakeholders and to facilitate even
Portrait of the New Academic Group Structure
more entrepreneurial thinking among the
students as we believe this is a strong driver
of future growth for HHL”. AoF encourages
every alumnus, student and friend of HHL
to join the association as a member to benefit from this community and to support the
development of HHL.
Portrait of Prof. Dr. Henning Zülch,
Academic Director of the HHL M.Sc. Programs
What is important to you with regard
to the M.Sc. Programs?
The already excellent quality of these programs should be continuously optimized.
I am constantly discussing these matters
with the Program Management and the Student Affairs department. Additionally, the
General Management approach as a USP for
HHL will be strengthened and established
in the market. Regardless of that, topics
such as innovation, entrepreneurship, strategy, accounting and finance will continue to
be specific to HHL.
With regards to the “Bridge to Practice”
– How do you accommodate the students’ demands and those of companies for an M.Sc. Program?
We accommodate both the interests of companies and those of the students with regard
to the part-time M.Sc. Program. Companies
are actively looking for a program to provide
their bachelor graduates with further qualifications. They do not want to lose good
young employees but at the same time want
HHL Sets Course for Top 10 in Europe
By 2023, when HHL will celebrate its 125th anniversary, it wants to have
“I am an Ambassador of the
M.Sc. Program”
Young and innovative: That’s how Prof.
Dr. Henning Zülch presented himself in
the interview with HHL news. After his
studies and the conferral of his doctorate at the University of Münster, the born
Dortmunder and passionate fan of Borussia Dortmund led the department of
accounting at the Technical University
of Clausthal from 2002 to 2006. Prof.
Dr. Zülch, now 39 years old, was one of
the first junior professors in Germany.
Together with others he had defended
the construct of “junior professorship”
very early in administration and politics
and had therefore supported the breakthrough of an innovation in the German
university landscape. The father of two
children has been the Chair of Accounting and Auditing at HHL since Sept. 1,
2006, and the Academic Director of the
M.Sc. Programs since September 1, 2011.
Sustainable Competitive Strategies
and General Framework
More concretely, it is about the inA new milestone has been reached with rereached
two goals. First, it is aiming toteaching.
enter the
league of the Top 10
fluence of trust on competitive and sustainspect to HHL’s innovate125 Future Concept:
sustainIn order to enhance
to prograduate
its fullandprocesses,
M.Sc. andofMBA
ability for macroeconomic development,
file new focus areas, HHL has organized its
its executive,
well five
as its doctoral
and value added chains, marresearch and teaching
as wellwith
as ecologthematic
HHL also wants to position itself amongst the Top 10fairness,
ical discontinuity and sustainability. The
Strategic and International Management;
Govern- listed
is already
Top 10 infor
able competitive strategies and a general
ance; Economics and Regulation; SustainaTherefore
substantial efforts
be undertaken
in thetheir
few years
framework from
bility and Competitiveness,
as well aswill
include the analysis
the “Code
the related
as wellRecently,
as content
of theofschool.
of Responsible Conduct for Business”; the
faculty has appointed the groups’ speakers.
cooperation amongst Chairs in the leading
We will introduce the groups to you in the
edge cluster BioEconomy; the cluster moncoming editions of HHL news, starting with
itoring of the City of Leipzig as well as the
the group “Sustainability and Competitiveprojects “Twenty20 – Partnership for Innoness” with Prof. Dr. Iris Hausladen (Chair
vations” and “Climate Police and the Growth
of Heinz-Nixdorf Chair of IT-based LogisPatterns of Nations” funded by the Federal
tics), Prof. Dr. Manfred Kirchgeorg (Chair of
Ministry of Education and Research. Prof.
Marketing Management), Prof. Dr. Andreas
Dr. Althammer stated, “Existing cooperaSuchanek (Dr. Werner Jackstädt Chair of
In order to enhance its strengths and protions and connections with external instituEconomics
new focus areas,
is organizing Ethics) as well as
and future
tions such as the Harvard Business School
Wilhelm Althammer
around thematic areas. The faculty is subor the Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics
into the following fields: Strategic Chair of Macroand
International Management;
will be further developed to strengthen our
The group
“Sustainability and
Accounting and Corporate Governance;
profile. Additionally, we would like to proCompetitiveness” deals with the organizaEconomics and Regulation; Sustainability
mote the transfer of research results into
and ambivalence
of competitive proand
as well as Innovation
Each department
practice and practical dialogue through
in the context
of sustainable develwill put key future issues of business adcenters that are related to the group such as
opment in companies, company networks
ministration in their focus.
the CITLOG.”
(clusters) and regions for research and
New Group
Structure of
the School
HHL aims to distinguish
itself as one of the
leading entrepreneurial
graduate schools in
Europe in the coming
in 2
To reach its stra
a qualitative gro
few years. The fo
internationally r
cellent research
students and the
global networks
HHL aims at dou
full-time, junior
sorships. This d
further the inter
of women in the
and the HHL boa
the number of in
bers increased f
By introducing n
providing additi
number of class
the number of st
585 by 2016. Add
the science and
zig, as well as wi
national partner
and In
Stable finances a
for a private uni
ensure excellenc
a great challeng
the new federal
For example, the
Foundation, wh
1898, were destr
“Opt for HHL. Here you
will receive a package
that offers une­qualed
opportunities in Europe.”
to offer them an opportunity to develop.
We also closely cooperate with companies
within the full-time M.Sc. Program. For example, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants:
The diverse involvement of the consultancy
company at HHL builds a bridge between
teaching and corporate practice for the fulltime M.Sc.Program and its students.
According to the innovate125 HHL Future Concept, HHL’s M.Sc. which is already positioned amongst the Top 10
in Europe shall be positioned amongst
the Top 10 worldwide as well by 2023.
A noble ambition?
In my view this is clearly an ambitious objective, which does not appear impossible.
However, as a German business school we
see our market to be in Europe first of all.
We need to satisfy the needs on this market first. In this context I see myself not only
as the Academic Director of the Program
but also as its active ambassador. I will continue to go out as an advocate of the M.Sc.
Program and convince interested students:
“Opt for HHL.”
reform in 1923, a
occupation in 19
Foundation, alo
ber of Commerc
been the main su
tematic expansio
fore a central po
and CEIM
for Students
For improving research, teaching and the
transfer of knowledge, HHL is establishing
mental questions of business management
for the 21st century. For example, it explores
ment (CEIM), which is planned for 2013,
will bundle existing knowledge of innova-
part-time MBAtiveand
M.Sc. students, Ph.D.
entrepreneurship from the respective
will focusin
its work
In close cooperation
with the five
companies Afand the economy.
but also new
In this of
the course
of the Department
of in
research groups, as well as HHL's doctoral
Graduate School in cooperation with HHL's
way HHL is aiming to distinguish itself as
the creation and
the implementation of the
fairs and Examination Office, summarizes
program, the Center for Advanced Studies
Ph.D.-Program starts in fall 2012. The Center
one of the leading entrepreneurial graduate
the dethe
tasks and
of her department.
deals with fundafor Entrepreneurial and Innovative
Manage- HHL
in Europe Concept,
in the coming years.
partment of Student Affairs and ExaminaShe together with her team of four memtion Office assumes an important function.
bers take care of the students from the moTo reach its strategic goals, HHL is followment they apply, through the admission
ing a quality concept for growth in the next
process and the enrollment, during their
few years which will involve additional
studies and their exams until they complete
programs and more students. The departtheir degree. The team looks after full- and
ment with its new structure is already targeted towards the qualitative growth objectives. Additionally, so as to better assist
accepted applicants, coordination with the
Department of Program Management, together with the cooperation of recruiting
managers, was improved. The department
has even received top grades for its opendoor policy and the quick response time for
inquiries of students. In 2012, trendence, a
personnel service enterprise, ranked HHL
as the leading German institution in the
category of student advisory services.
“We are doing everything to make our stu-
two new research centers whose research
the role of trust in business sciences and the
dents the
different research
of transformation
This also applies
the government
ny to allow HHL
buildings it alre
ditional building
which are neces
Beyond this HH
raising external
HHL gGmbH,
Jahnallee 59, 04
T +49 341 9851-6
HHL NEWS spring 2013 03
Companies at Your Fingertips
Dirk Bremm
New Head of BASF CC Americas
Dirk Bremm (40) has been appointed Senior Vice President of Construction Chemicals Americas at BASF. During his 13 year career with
BASF, Bremm has held various sales, marketing and executive positions in Germany, South Africa and Mexico. Most recently, he was
Senior Vice President for BASF’s Construction Chemicals European retail business. He
completed his studies in Business Administration at HHLin 1999.
At HHL, numerous entrepreneurial activities are combined under one roof. In addition, many
successful entrepreneurs and founders developed at HHL, who then founded more than 120
companies in various business fields and branches. HHL alumni are an important pillar of
the entrepreneurial spirit at HHL. With a terrific selection of products, which are provided by
HHL entrepreneurs, we arranged an HHL startup basket for our guest speakers at HHL such
as Timotheus Höttges, CFO and future CEO of the Deutsche Telekom AG, and Matthias Müller, Porsche CEO. These are the entrepreneurs who presented us with something from their
Christiane Springer
Professor at HfTL
Following her PhD at the Chair of Marketing Management (Prof. Dr.
Manfred Kirchgeorg), Christiane Springer (35) was appointed Professor of General Business Administration, with an emphasis on Marketing, at the Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig (HfTL) in August 2010. Previous to that, she worked as Chief Executive Officer at the Leipzig School of
Philipp Leutiger
Partner at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
Philipp Leutiger (36) was named a partner at Roland Berger Consultants. Leutiger has advised customers from the IT and telecommunications industry in the Competence Center InfoCom in Munich since
2010. Before joining Roland Berger, he worked for other leading consultancies for eight years. He is the industry expert for digital business models as well as
the broadband technologies they are based on. Philipp Leutiger holds a Masters degree
from HHL.
Christian Blank
Director of Infiniti
Christian Blank (40) is the Director Central Europe of Infiniti, Nissan
Motor Company’s premium brand. Mr. Blank will take over the leadership of the development of the presence of Infiniti in the region as
well as driving dealer performance. Previously, he worked for Mazda
Motor Europe as the Director of Fleet Operations. Mr. Blank graduated from HHL in 2000.
Jaroslaw Smialek
St. ERHARD (state of the art beer which
is brewed and bottled in Bavaria and
exported to India)
Christian Klemenz (MSc4)
SunCoal Industries GmbH (worldwide
technology leader that refine organic
waste into SunCoal® biocoal)
Friedrich von Ploetz (K11)
Ringekaufen.com GmbH
(online jeweller)
Dirk Masurat (M9, born Plotzki)
Alfred SCHLADERER Alte Schwarzwäl­
der Hausbrennerei GmbH (family-run
distillery now in the sixth generation)
Philipp Schladerer (MSc1)
Flaconi (online perfumery)
Björn Kolbmüller, Paul Schwarzenholz
(both K20)
Head of Department at WKN AG
Since the beginning of 2013 the executive team of the Husum-based
WKN AG has been bolstered by Jaroslaw Smialek (43) serving as new
Head of Department in Poland. Before joining WKN, Smialek had
worked as the Sales and Marketing Director of Fuhrländer AG, Head of
Sales in Germany of the Siemens Wind Division and in different management roles with GE
Wind Energy. In 2010, he completed his part-time MBA degree at HHL.
Spreadshirt (worldwide creative platform for personalized apparel)
Lukasz Gadowski (K12)
7 Coffee Circle (online shop for coffee,
social venture start up)
Martin Elwert (K17)
8 Besser Betreut GmbH (leading online
platform for family services in Germany)
Steffen Zoller (K15)
Career Service at HHL
“The Internship is a
Huge Chance for Me”
HHL student Jonas Stahl found his dream
internship at Bentley Motors Limited in
Crewe, UK within a week. “The HHL Career Service got me in contact with a former MBA student at Bentley and through
him I can now gather work experience from
January to March,” says the 24-year-old. As
soon as Jonas had signed his learning agreement with HHL he came in contact with Career Services. In addition to job offers he
was given a personal checkup of his application papers as well as the opportunity to
use the HHL network for career purposes
even before he started his studies. In their
first days at HHL, students have the opportunity for a personal consultation. Which
internship makes sense at the beginning,
which could follow later? HHL supports
students to search for an internship successfully. Additionally, extracurricular company presentations take place on campus to
provide students with some insight into in-
dividual career options at those companies.
These events are also ideal platforms to get
in contact with HHL-Alumni and those individuals in charge of personnel. Jonas Stahl
appreciates the responsible work in the sector HR Strategy, Organization and Projects
at Bentley which allowed him to integrate
quickly into the team. According to Jonas,
“The basic principles we learned at HHL are
very helpful during an internship: always
think one step ahead, anticipate doubts
and be prepared to provide well-founded
reasoning”. The Master of Science in Management Program that he is enrolled in includes one obligatory and one optional internship. Melanie Petersen, Director of the
HHL Career Service, says, “The thesis ‘internship as a door opener’ for the dream job
is still valid. Those who prove themselves in
an internship often get into so-called intern
retention programs or receive a direct offer, and this applies across all industries. It
From right to left: Julia Teale (Bentley Recruitment and Talent Manager),
Jonas Stahl (MSc8 Student / Internship Trainee),
Ralf Böttcher (HHL graduate / Assistant to Member of the Board Sales and Marketing)
is an ideal option for the companies to meet
future employees through an internship, it
often shortens the expensive recruiting process and makes things much easier.” The option of an internship that is integrated in the
studies was an important selection criterion
for the M.Sc. Program at HHL. He says, “es-
pecially because all students do an internship, we can exchange information about
different industries, sectors and companies.
This head start on information is a clear advantage for future career choices. Altogether, I consider the internship as an opportunity and not as an inconvenient obligation.”
04 HHL NEWS spring 2013
Chair of Financial Management
Visiting Again: Deutsche Bahn AG
Exploring the Market of Online
Pharmacies – Field Project for the
Apologistics GmbH
On January 28, 2013, we welcomed Harald
Brost, Senior Project Manager and Koray Külçür, CVA, Project Manager M&A
Transport & Logistics at Deutsche Bahn
AG as guest speakers within the M13 lecture “Corporate Valuation”. Their lecture
provided students with a deeper insight
into the practical implementation of corporate valuation and M&A. The speakers
presented the most important acquisitions and disinvestments of Deutsche Bahn
AG between 2001 and 2011, the strategic
goals connected to them and explained the
three-step M&A process of the company.
We are very happy that the cooperation
with the M&A department at Deutsche
Bahn could be intensified.
Harald Brost (right), Senior Project Manager,
Koray Külçür (left), CVA, Project Manager, M&A
Transport & Logistics at Deutsche Bahn AG
together with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwetzler
“Cooperation CCT-BCG - Research
Report on Secondary Buyouts”
The Center for Corporate Transactions (CCT)
was founded in 2007 and is affiliated with
HHL’s Chair of Financial Management. The
CCT’s objective, in close cooperation with
renowned companies, is to analyze practicerelevant questions from the sector of company transactions from different perspectives and to generate and discuss new ideas
for research.
Since the CCT’s foundation there has been
cooperative research with the Boston Consulting Group GmbH. Until now it has generated two successful dissertations, two socalled “white papers”, two academic working
papers and two publications in scientific
journals. The mutually-achieved research
results were presented at the Conference of
the Strategic Management Society in Rome
in 2011 at the VHB Conference in Bolzano,
at the EFMA Conference in Barcelona and
at the Conference of the German Research
Foundation (DGF) in Hannover in 2012.
Their current project, the third, is dedicated to the Private Equity (PE) sector and
was published at the beginning of February. Under the heading “Take a Second Look
at Secondaries. Owners That Raise Their
Value-Creation Game Can Excel” Prof. Dr.
Bernhard Schwetzler and Alexander Knauer (HHL) and Jens Kengelbach, Michael Brigl
and Falk Bielesch (BCG) look at secondary
buyouts, i.e. at those circumstances in which
an investment management company is sold
from one private equity company (PE) to
another. Building on one of the most extensive data samples in the PE sector of more
than 220 companies with “back-to-back” PE
owners, the authors were able to show that,
contrary to popular belief, “secondaries” do
not generate significantly lower earnings
than “primaries”. The study also shows that
“secondaries“ carry less risk.
Center for Leading Innovation & Cooperation
CLIC Makes Innovative Capacity
in Medicine Visible
A deaf man creates software which helps
deaf students to participate in school, a
woman who had breast cancer surgery develops a shirt (“ShowerShirt”) that can be
worn in the shower after the operation, a
paraplegic man builds “electric pants” that
he can walk in - all these examples show
how affected people created innovations
that many others can benefit from later.
In their article “User Innovators: When Patients Set Out to Help Themselves and End
Up Helping Many” which was published in a
special edition of the journal Die Unternehmung (August 2012), Hagen Habicht from
the Center for Leading Innovation and Cooperation (CLIC) and his colleagues Pedro
Oliveira and Viktoriia Shcherbatiuk from
the Católica in Lisbon use the examples of
eight innovations in the health sector to describe how patients became first innovators
and then producers of innovative medical
appliances and therefore provided benefits
for other patients.
Hagen Habicht says: “Health is valuable and
expensive. Looking at our modern healthcare system, the part that is played by affected people in the innovation and improvements of healthcare services is absolutely
remarkable. The stories of those and many
other affected people make a part of innovative medicine visible that has so far been
completely neglected.” Link to the article:
New Publication
“Leading Open Innovation” at MIT Press
“Leading Open Innovation” is the title of
the latest book published by Professors
Anne Sigismund Huff,
Kathrin M. Möslein
and Ralf Reichwald,
the academic directors of CLIC through the renowned publishing house MIT Press. The volume is an
introduction to the fundamentals, actors
and trends of open innovation. It bundles
contributions of respected academic authorities such as John Bessant, University of
Exeter; Yves Doz, INSEAD; Lynda Gratton,
London Business School; Karim Lakhani,
Harvard Business School; Frank T. Piller,
RWTH Aachen; and Mitchell Tseng, Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology
with the perspectives of leading representatives of management practice.
The website www.leadingopeninnovation.com allows for a first glance at the book.
This year’s field project of the Chair of Accounting and Auditing was conducted with
Apologistics GmbH. The company was
founded in 2006 near the international logistic hub Leipzig and, with its main internet domain apodiscounter.de, has since
grown to be one of the leading online pharmacies in Germany.
The project aimed to analyze customer behavior in the E-Commerce business. Based
on a scientifically-derived hypothesis, field
tests were conceptualized and conducted
in order to achieve a better understanding
of the so-called “customer journey” during
the web buying process. Additionally, the
project team ran a comprehensive shopping
basket analysis and developed a planning
tool to facilitate calculating discount campaigns. During the project, several meetings
were held between the client and the project
team consisting of the MSc7 students Marc
Fischer, Elisabeth Handschuh, Maximilian
May, Torsten Nowell, and Oliver Thiem. The
project was supervised by the chair´s assistant professor Dr. Sebastian Hoffmann.
“Aligning the challenge of combining marketing theory with the practical development of a methodology to find the most
important drivers influencing conversion
rates of the online pharmacy has been one of
the greatest tasks of the project”, said Maximilian May. “Besides the challenging workload at HHL, we really have been able to
learn a lot during the project. In particular,
we were able to train our in-depth knowledge of methodological competence, team
and time management as well as excellent
analytical and conceptual skills,” stated Torsten Nowell. Oliver Thiem added, “For all of
us the field project was a great opportunity
to combine practical experience with theoretical knowledge. I am very happy with the
outcome and proud of our well-reasoned
recommendations that will positively affect
the sales management of apodiscounter.de
in its daily business.”
Learning from World-Class Academics
in Accounting History
Last fall term, Dominic Detzen, Research
Associate and Doctoral Candidate at HHL’s
Chair of Accounting and Auditing, spent a
semester as a visiting scholar at Rice University in Houston, TX. During the visit, he
pursued two main objectives: On one hand,
he participated in two semester-long accounting seminars – “Introduction to Accounting Research”, taught by K. Ramesh,
professor of accounting, and “Applied Empirical Methods in Accounting” by Brian
Rountree, associate professor at Rice. Both
lecturers are extensively published and
highly-regarded accounting researchers,
who brought their unique insights into the
courses. On the other hand, Dominic Detzen
made use of the extensive library, which
Professor Stephen Zeff, arguably the best
known researcher in the field of accounting history, holds. Based on this large collection of books, journals and official publications by accounting standard setting
bodies worldwide, Dominic Detzen drafted
a research article titled “Inflation, Exchange
Rates and the Conceptual Framework: The
FASB’s Debates from 1973-1984”, which is to
be part of his dissertation. Besides the direct
support of Professors Ramesh, Rountree
and Zeff, Dominic Detzen acknowledges
the engaging research environment at Rice
and the interaction with the school’s worldclass faculty as well as doctoral students at
an institution that is truly dedicated to advancing accounting thought and practice.
From Leipzig to Asia
MBA Students Inga Brauer and Kyle Wilson (M12)
Experience Study Abroad Term
“We actually got the opportunity to enjoy
‘two study abroad periods’ during our stay in
Asia. While one of us did the study abroad in
Bangkok, Thailand (at Sasin Graduate School
of Management) from September to the end
of November, the other did the study abroad
in Singapore (at Nanyang Technical University) from the beginning of November until
February. Since the periods overlapped a little, we moved to both places together. The six
months abroad provided great insight into
the Asian culture. It was interesting to see
how different the cultures and countries are
from one another. Besides our study abroad
destinations, we had the possibility to travel
to some other countries in the region (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines and
China) which, again, were all very different from one another. For our career, the
time in Asia broadened our understanding
of this diverse continent and we feel better
prepared to work for companies who want
to take advantage of Asia’s growth opportunities. Currently we are finishing our theses
and have also begun to fill out applications
for companies in Germany and the USA.”
“The six months abroad
provided great insight into
the Asian culture.”
HHL NEWS spring 2013 05
Dr. Werner Jackstädt Chair of Economic
and Business Ethics
Helping an Online Shop to become
more International - Field Project
for Mysportgroup
In the fall term 2012, the project team consisting of Christian Pflug, André Prenzlow,
Michael Steibl, Steffen Suttner and Marvin
Wruck (MSc8) worked on a field project for
mysportgroup, a Berlin-based online sports
equipment retailer founded in 2010 by the
HHL graduates Erik Pfannmöller and Albert Schwarzmeier. The goal of the project
was to establish an excel-based decision
tool to support the management of mysportgroup in identifying attractive markets
for the internationalization of the company’s online shop and to give a country rec-
ommendation based on the results. The
team identified four major decision criteria
as crucial for the internationalization process; those being the macroeconomic environment of a country, the local e-commerce
market, country-specific customer acquisition costs and last but not least the level of
competition. These categories were split up
in measurable sub-criteria. After a final sensitivity analysis,the project team concluded
that the United Kingdom and the Netherlands were the most promising markets for
Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank Chair of
Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Wissenschaftsförderung der SparkassenFinanzgruppe e.V. Supports Research at HHL
The Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank Chair of
Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship at HHL is conducting a joint research
project with Technische Universität Dresden
(TU Dresden) to analyze the Venture Capital
market in Germany and reestablish an active
discussion in literature. To get new insights
HHL and TU Dresden conducted a longitudinal survey in cooperation with eight public Venture Capital funds and are currently
analyzing the data of 124 technology-based
new ventures. The focus lies in making new
findings in the areas of interpersonal relationships, management support, networks,
technology, risk management and internationalization. The innovative research method of combining quantitative and qualitative
data and using a longitudinal data set distinguishes the research project from previous
ones in the field. Early results of the research
projects were presented at the Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurial Research 2012 (in Regensburg) and
G-Forum 2012 (in Potsdam). A forthcoming
paper for the special issue of the Thunderbird International Business Review will deal
with the topic of the internationalization of
the VC-backed high-tech companies. Therefore, the resources which may foster the internationalization process were analyzed.
Further conference presentations and journal articles are already planned. The project
partners are now very glad to receive external funds from Wissenschaftsförderung der
Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe e.V. This is not
only a great success for the project but also
shows the importance of the topic of Venture Capital.
Latin American Students at HHL
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Mexico and Peru: those are the LatinAmerican countries from which most students come to study at HHL. Additionally,
the exchange universities of the Leipzig
Business School, where HHL-students go
for their term abroad, are located in these
and other regions of South America.
One example is the Chilean Tomas Labra (33,
right) who came from Chile to HHL for his
MBA studies together with his wife and his
two children. The industrial engineer had
worked for a port operating company in Valpariso before. He came across HHL during
his internet research and by looking at rankings and accreditations. One positive aspect
for him was to see that HHL has a student
initiative called “Hispanic Business Club”
which confirmed his resolution for choosing HHL. Enthused about the activities of
the club he recently assumed the leadership
of the club. Life in Germany offers him and
his family the opportunity to live in an open
and highly developed society and to learn
the German language. The biggest challenge
for the Labras at first was finding a place at a
kindergarten and a doctor in Leipzig.
In his roles as an MBA student and a father
Tomas Labra receives a lot of support from
his fellow students. “Their reactions are always very responsible and they support me
if there is a problem.” He adds, “for me the
concept of a full-time MBA cannot be 24/7.
As a father, I still have other responsibilities. In the evenings and on weekends I try
not to work for my MBA. But this is a huge
challenge.” After completing his MBA studies, Tomas Labra wants to found his own
business. “That’s why I have chosen HHL,”
he says.
Chair of Marketing Management
HHL Actively Promotes Partnership
for Innovation Program
In late 2012, the German Federal Ministry
of Education and Research announced the
Zwanzig20 – Partnerschaft für Innovation
program. The program’s aim is to support
entrepreneurial cooperation and research
across different economic sectors. Small and
medium sized enterprises in combination
with innovative research institutes are the
main focus of this program, which will support up to ten syndicates with a total funding of 500 million. The uniqueness of this
program lies in the fact that there are no restrictions with regards to the problems that
any one syndicate can address and the fact
that all syndicates will be supported over a
period of seven years until 2020.
The Chair of Marketing Management under
Professor Dr. Manfred Kirchgeorg was asked
by the Leipzig Chamber of Commerce to co-
ordinate an application process for the Leipzig region. Beginning in 2012, many diverse
ideas and possible competencies of companies in and around Leipzig were gathered.
In combination with an analysis of current
macroeconomic challenges, a focus was put
on an energy and resource topic. During the
process, the syndicate merged with another
syndicate at the University of Leipzig that
had pursued a very similar focus. With these
combined competencies, the newly formed
syndicate aims at addressing some of the
key challenges that the Energiewende has
created for the coming decades.
Program applications are due at the beginning of April and in June the Federal Ministry of Education and Research will announce
which syndicates will be supported over the
coming years. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!
Students Discuss Topics
of Service and Retail Marketing
On February 26 and 27 a group of students
from the MSc6 class and a number of exchange students met at HHL’s city campus
for the service and retail marketing seminar. The seminar is part of the marketing
management elective module and this year
covered topics such as multichannel shopping, vertical integration in retailing, and
how to improve the customer service experience. In order to bridge the gap between
academia and practice, Professor Kirch-
georg invited two guest speakers. On Tuesday, Rainer Borst, center manager of the recently opened shopping mall Höfe am Brühl
in Leipzig, showed the students around
and answered their challenging questions.
On Wednesday, Dr. Stefan Wriggers, former Ph.D. student at the Chair of Marketing Management and now sales manager at
Media Markt, joined the students and contributed to the seminar through his deep
knowledge in the field of retailing.
Sustainability, Marketing and Casinos –
A Good Match?
Since 2012, HHL’s Chair of Marketing Management is conducting research in the area
of sustainable consumer behavior in cooperation with the marketing chairs from the
Leibniz University Hannover (Prof. Wiedmann), the University of Potsdam (Prof.
Balderjahn) and the GfK Verein (Prof. Wildner). From February 15-17, 2013, first results
were presented in a competitive paper session at the AMA Winter Marketing Educa-
tor’s Conference of the American Marketing Association. This year’s conference took
place in Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas (Nevada, USA) and was attended by more than
650 participants from the international
marketing science community. Thus, a
promising opportunity was given to share
our insights, obtain feedback for future research, and establish networks to conduct
international research.
Academic Marketing Association
Meets in Austria
The Academic Marketing Association (Akademische Marketinggesellschaft e.V., AMG)
has opened its new business year with its
PhD student seminar and its seventh members’ meeting from February 28 to March 3,
2013 in Wörgl/Tyrol (Austria). Numerous
members found their way into the famous
winter region. With their presence they facilitated networking and professional exchange with regard to different scientific
topics and business issues such as trade
show atmosphere or the position of Marketing in practice. Current PhD students at
HHL’s Chair of Marketing Management took
the opportunity to discuss their work and
to get helpful advices from their colleagues.
Discussions with the Chair’s PhD alumni
have contributed to the knowledge transfer from practice to science. In the seventh
meeting of the members the last business
year was reviewed and plans for upcoming
projects and next steps for the current year
were discussed. All members agreed, that in
2013 again the best marketing student will
be awarded with the association’s marketing prize.
Hispanic Business Club
Besides the USA, Europe and Asia, Latin America is a highly attractive region to conduct
business. The Hispanic Business Club aims at building a network of Spanish speaking HHL
students and companies. Current activities involve:
_ Additionally, the club plans to organize
_ Start-up Chile Meetup Session organized
a guest lecture with a business leader
by the Hispanic Business Club of HHL
from a Latin American country.
on March 21, at 6 p.m. at HHL.
www.facebook.com/#!/pages/HHL-Hispanic-BusinessClub/ 153244714724414
06 HHL NEWS spring 2013
Upcoming Events
Save the date
March 18
Enrollment Ceremony & Welcome BBQ
Keynote speaker at the enrollment ceremony will be Samuel Kermelk, HHL Alumnus
(P4) and CEO of HeiterBlick GmbH
March 21
Start-up Chile Meetup Session
organized by the Hispanic Business
Club of HHL
March 22
HHL Master Information Day
March 23
GMAT Seminar For Beginners
March 25
HHL International Guest Lecture with
Dr. József Czukor, Ambassador of the
Republic of Hungary
April 3 (Start: 11 a.m.)
Leipzig Leadership Lecture with Timotheus Höttges, CFO, Deutsche Telekom AG
April 9
HHL Startup Career Fair
April 12 (Start: 6.30 p.m.)
The All-New Thank God it’s Friday
April 13
HHL Students’ Golf Trophy 2012
April 18/19
Energy Conference “Let’s face the Energiewende – Business solutions to manage
upcoming challenges”
May 10-12
XVII. European Ivy League
May 31/June 1
Leipzig Entrepreneurship Lecture
und Accelerate Conference
June 1
GMAT Seminar for Beginners
July 4
CASiM Conference “Change Management”
August 31
Graduation / HHL Alumni Homecoming
Keynote speaker at the graduation
ceremony will be Matthias Müller,
CEO of Porsche AG
September 6
5th HHL Manager Golf Cup
September 11
Enrollment Ceremony with keynote speaker Frank Strauß, Chairman of the Board of
Management of Deutsche Postbank AG
November 20/21
2013 HHL Forum
Application Deadlines for HHL’s
Study Programs
Full-time M.Sc. Program:
June 20 (intake September)
January 15 (intake March)
Full-time MBA Program: June 30,
Non-EU applications: May 30
Part-time M.Sc. Program/
Part-time MBA Program:
January 15
Global Executive MBA:
August 31, 2013
General Management Program 2013
Start-Up Chile Meetup Session
at HHL
Start-Up Chile is a program created by the
Chilean Government, that seeks to attract early stage, high-potential entrepreneurs
to create their startups in Chile, using it
as a platform to go global. The program
provides entrepreneurs with USD 40,000
of seed capital, and a temporary 1-year
resident visa to develop their projects for
six months, along with access to the most
potent social and capital networks in the
country. As an HHL’s Hispanic Business
Club initiative, Start-Up Chile will hold
a meetup session at HHL on March 21 at
6 p.m. in order to explain in detail the
program and answer any questions.
[email protected]
Currently, HHL’s General Management Program (GMP) is running until June 2013. The
open-enrollment program with Professor
Dr. Manfred Kirchgeorg as Academic Director is designed for managers who want
to expand their business knowledge. The
15-day program (in German) which starts
again in April costs EUR 9,000. Special financial support from the European Union
is possible.
“I am extremely grateful for the German National
Scholarship. I am particularly glad to see HHL expand its regional profile with this National Scholarship, giving me the privilege to be supported by
enviaM, a company from my hometown Chemnitz.
Thanks to the flexible nature of the funding I can
focus even more on my academic studies.”
Thomas Maier, M.Sc. in Management Program
July 4, 2013
CASiM Scientific Conference
“Change Management”
vation and the rise of digital media, the
management of change and transformation processes in firms and organizations
has become a crucial task of survival. While
change management is not a new topic in
business research, the developments of the
last decade have posed many new challenges for the change management of firms and
organizations, and have thus also raised
many new questions for academic research
in business administration. The conference will run scientific talks focusing on
“Organizational Change and Leadership”
and “Change Management in Firms and
Markets” with parallel panels on the topics
“Adaptive Leadership and Motivation”, “Organizational Change and Corporate Gov-
cheerleading and table soccer competitions
again. Participants also have the opportunity to participate in workshops and individual recruiting interviews with first-class
companies. Last but not least, networking
and the opportunity to celebrate are part of
the program.
April 3, 2013
Leipzig Leadership Lecture
On April 3, 2013, Timotheus Höttges, CFO
and future CEO of Deutsche Telekom AG,
will speak to kick-off the new series of lectures “Leipzig Leadership Lecture”. The
event will take place from 11 to 12 o’clock
in the lecture hall in the Schmalenbach
April 18/19, 2013
German National Scholarship
On July 4, 2013, the Center for Advanced
Studies in Management (CASiM) and HHL
will host a scientific conference on the topic “Change Management”. In current times
of economic and financial crises with ever
shortening innovation cycles, open inno-
March 21, 2013
HHL Energy Conference
On April 18 and 19, 2013, the III. HHL Ener­
gy Conference under the patronage of Dr.
Philipp Rösler, Vice Chancellor and Federal
Minister of Economics and Technology,
will take place discussing the topic “Let’s
face the Energiewende – business solutions
to manage upcoming challenges”. High
ranking representatives will discuss current trends in the energy sector. Within the
framework of the conference, students of
Economy and Engineering can win prize
money totaling EUR 3,500 in a case study
Partners and participants of the event are,
amongst others, Siemens, Siemens Management Consulting, Deutsche Bahn, enviaM, MITGAS, MIBRAG, CTG and E.ON.
May 10 - 12, 2013
XVII. European Ivy League
Every goal counts in the 17th edition of the
European Ivy League between May 10 and
12. The motto of Europe’s biggest soccer
tournament organized by students this
year is “Score for more”. The traditional
tournament is organized annually by students of HHL. For HHL Alumni, it is a welcome invitation to return to their former
school and make new contacts. Besides
the soccer tournament there will also be
ernance”, as well as “Co-Evolution: Change
Management and Interactive Communication”. Call for Papers: A special publication
will be devoted to the topics of the CASiM
Conference. Deadlines: April 15, 2013, for the
pre-submission of an abstract.
Contact: [email protected]
Over 200 companies stand behind
HHL’s part-time MBA students
May 31/June 1, 2013
Leipzig Entrepreneurship Lecture
and Accelerate Conference
The Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank Chair
of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship and the student initiative Accelerate@HHL have joined forces this year to
offer an event on the topic of Entrepreneurship. This year’s Entrepreneurship Lecture
which will take place on May 31 on the HHL
campus is dedicated to financing startups.
The Accelerate Conference that follows and
which continues to June, 1 will, amongst
other things, deal with questions of the operative implementation of founding a business. A case study competition encourages
participants to apply their knowledge and
takes them closer to their goal of founding
a scalable startup.
November 20/21, 2013
2013 HHL Forum: Rethinking
Leadership – The Role of Communication
Following the 2012 HHL Forum entitled
“Rethinking Management – Dynamic Competition and Sustainability”, we would like
to consider the role of communication in
2013. Managers hide behind phrases, citizens behind prejudice. Our business and
market economy, however, cannot afford
for its two most important pillars to not
understand each other. Dr. Heinrich Weiss
(former president of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) as well as CEO of SMS
Siemag AG) will be one of the speakers.
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Jahnallee 59 · 04109 Leipzig · Germany
Tel.: +49 341 9851-60 · Fax: +49 341 9851-679
e-mail: [email protected] · Internet: www.hhl.de
Publication Date: March 18, 2013
V.I.S.D.P.: Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart,
Dean of HHL
Editors: Executive Management of HHL:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart, Dr. Axel Baisch
Editorial Board: Volker Stößel (MBA)
Concept: CLAUS KOCHTM www.clauskoch.com
Photos: HHL
Frequency: quarterly
ISSN 1433 934X | ISSN 1867-8017
Thank you to all contributors and
proofreaders of this edition.

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