Aufgabe - American Association of Teachers of German
Aufgabe - American Association of Teachers of German
Graphic Novels as Tools for Building Language Proficiency and Literary Analytical Skills Lynn M. Kutch Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Kutztown, PA © American Association of Teachers of German American Association of Teachers of German About the Presenter Lynn M. Kutch (PhD, Rutgers--New Brunswick) is Associate Professor of German at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests include scholarship and pedagogy of the German graphic novel, visual culture, adaptation studies, and German crime fiction. American Association of Teachers of German Using the Webinar Chat Window Select everyone when asking or responding to questions in the Chat. American Association of Teachers of German American Association of Teachers of German The Traditional Leap: How do we expect students to go from this to this in our language/lit sequences? Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt. Er lag auf seinem panzerartig harten Rücken und sah, wenn er den Kopf ein wenig hob, seinen gewölbten, braunen, von bogenförmigen Versteifungen geteilten Bauch, auf dessen Höhe sich die Bettdecke, zum gänzlichen Niedergleiten bereit, kaum noch erhalten konnte. Seine vielen, im Vergleich zu seinem sonstigen Umfang kläglich dünnen Beine flimmerten ihm hilflos vor den Augen. American Association of Teachers of German The Traditional Leap: How do we expect students to go from this to this in our language/lit sequences? Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt. Er lag auf seinem panzerartig harten Rücken und sah, wenn er den Kopf ein wenig hob, seinen gewölbten, braunen, von bogenförmigen Versteifungen geteilten Bauch, auf dessen Höhe sich die Bettdecke, zum gänzlichen Niedergleiten bereit, kaum noch erhalten konnte. Seine vielen, im Vergleich zu seinem sonstigen Umfang kläglich dünnen Beine flimmerten ihm hilflos vor den Augen. American Association of Teachers of German My Argument • Instructors’ skillful integration of graphic texts, which offer visual, literary, and cultural clues, has the potential to combat students’ frustration • Students build vocabulary and boost reading confidence • Instructors can move students smoothly along in the sequence toward desired and required capstone goals that aim for proficiency in skills of literary analysis American Association of Teachers of German Aims of Today’s Webinar • Present field-tested and adaptable ideas from my curriculum that links to the graphic novel version of the Die Verwandlung • Demonstrate how to use instructional units and assessments in which illustrations and text cooperate • Inspire further ideas to design similar instructional materials that support progression from comprehension and description to interpretation and analysis American Association of Teachers of German From Hyperattention to Deep Attention Hyperattention [Anticipate] Deep Attention Activities often associated with lower tier learning: • Activating vocabulary, • promoting speaking, • describing pictures • Connecting sentences to tell a story Skills often associated with higher tier learning: • Identifying/interpreting symbols • Describing themes • Proposing and answering analytical questions American Association of Teachers of German Simple Stories for Complex Themes Contains a number of wordless stories whose themes and ideas correspond to Kafka’s. American Association of Teachers of German Warum muss er aufstehen? Was hat an diesem Tag vor? American Association of Teachers of German American Association of Teachers of German Was denkt er? Was kann er jetzt besser mit der Brille American Association of Teachers of German American Association of Teachers of German Was überlegt er sich? American Association of Teachers of German Was fällt ihm jetzt ein? American Association of Teachers of German American Association of Teachers of German American Association of Teachers of German American Association of Teachers of German Wie geht die Geschichte weiter? Was sieht er, als er in dem Moment aus dem Fenster schaut? American Association of Teachers of German American Association of Teachers of German Wie interpretieren wir diese Geschichte? • Metapher? • Was ist die Bedeutung der Kreisform, der mehrmals zu sehen ist? (Wo ist sie zu sehen?) • Wie wirkt es anders, wenn wir die ganze Bildgeschichte American Association of Teachers of German Welche Themen/Elemente sind hier zu erkennen? /What themes or elements can we recognize? •Eine große Änderung/a significant change •Eine Überraschung/a surprise •Etwas Unerwartetes, was nicht zu erklären ist / something unexpected that is hard or impossible to explain rationally American Association of Teachers of German ACHTUNG: not that easy to go from this to this American Association of Teachers of German 101 Traditional (and maybe not so traditional because they still exist) language/liter ature course sequences EASY! 102 Not so sure! Ich kann sprechen! GAPS GUTTERS 300er Literatur kurs American Association of Teachers of German “Visual to Verbal” Oriented Curriculum • Visual format: helps students boost vocabulary and cultural knowledge before adding analytical layer • Picture description and text comprehension before interpretation and analysis • Types and progression of questions mirror levels of analysis on the AAC&U Reading Value Rubric American Association of Teachers of German American Association of Teachers of German Sample Unit from the Curriculum • Instructors must gauge their students’ abilities and identify their own aims • The curriculum is versatile: • Stick with the description and comprehension levels • OR • Use the levels as building blocks leading to literary competence American Association of Teachers of German The Curriculum and Assessments American Association of Teachers of German First Building Block if Necessary Labeling pictures/iden tifying vocabulary. American Association of Teachers of German AAC&U Reading Value Rubric* Comprehension: Benchmark 1: Students should “apprehend vocabulary appropriately to paraphrase or summarize the information the text communicates.” *NOTE: the reading value rubric is designed for written/verbal texts. I have adapted its ideas to encompass both the visual and verbal. American Association of Teachers of German Visual (Benchmark 1): drawing on previously learned skills Aufgabe: Beschreiben Sie Gregors Zimmer auf der ersten Seite. (describe Gregors room on the first page) TIPP: • Room vocabulary • Two way prepositions American Association of Teachers of German Visual (Benchmark 1): describing details Aufgabe: Beschreiben Sie Gregors Zimmer auf der ersten Seite. (describe Gregors room on the first page) BONUS: builds on what students have done Building on this description [to learn something about Gregor]: •Name and describe specific objects in the room •Have students describe/tell what those objects are used for or what they associate: •Example: •Schrank: für Kleider; Anzug für die Arbeit American Association of Teachers of German Visual (Benchmark 1): describing details to characterize Gregor Aufgabe: Beschreiben Sie Gregors Zimmer auf der ersten Seite. (describe Gregors room on the first page) Was können wir über Gregor lernen? TIPP: compare with another room (maybe even from beginner textbook). What doesn’t Gregor have? (emphasize aspects of personality) American Association of Teachers of German Verbal (Benchmark 1): comprehension Aufgabe: Was entdeckt er an dem Morgen? Wie beschreibt er seinen Zustand? [not just repeating what’s in text word for word: phrasing with own words, or manipulating new words] Instructor could provide a vocabulary list to use to build a brief paragraph. You could also reinforce one type of verb, such as separable prefix verbs. Gregor Samsa wacht auf. Er sieht anders aus. Er hat viele Beine. Er versteht nicht, was passiert ist, aber er muss zur Arbeit. American Association of Teachers of German Vorsicht! • Question could arise how students can read such a complex text if their output is at such a different level. [Students don’t write like Kafka!] • Possible answers: – Access to thorough vocabulary lists from text (either student- or teacher-generated) – Students can summarize(without losing meaning) in more contemporary, level-appropriate language American Association of Teachers of German Verbal (Benchmark 1): comprehension Aufgabe: Was entdeckt er an dem Morgen? Wie beschreibt er seinen Zustand? [not just repeating what’s in text word for word: phrasing with own words, or manipulating new words] TIPP: use other graphic art to reinforce vocabulary/help with new vocabulary and verbal formulations For example: Nabakov’s drawings from his lecture notes zB: gewölbt American Association of Teachers of German Verbal (Benchmark 1): identifying symbols Aufgabe: Konzentrieren Sie sich auf die Gegenstände, die auf S. 2 abgebildet werden. Beschreiben Sie sie Gegenstände. Was assoziiert man mit diesen Gegenständen im Allgemeinen? Arbeit langweilig BONUS: students will recognize these significant objects that appear multiple times in the text Geld American Association of Teachers of German Verbal (Benchmark 1): identifying symbols Aufgabe: Konzentrieren Sie sich auf die Gegenstände, die auf S. 2 abgebildet werden. Beschreiben Sie sie Gegenstände. Was assoziiert man mit diesen Gegenständen im Allgemeinen? Die Außenwelt durchsichtig Anticipate: example that comes up later traurig American Association of Teachers of German Verbal (Benchmark 1): identifying symbols Aufgabe: Konzentrieren Sie sich auf die Gegenstände, die auf S. 2 abgebildet werden. Beschreiben Sie sie Gegenstände. Was assoziiert man mit diesen Gegenständen im Allgemeinen? Sehnsucht Liebe Anticipate: example that comes up later Kein echter Kontakt American Association of Teachers of German Visual (Benchmark 1) Aufgabe: Kommentieren Sie das Layout auf Seite 3: TIPP: concentrate on individual pictures. • Each student provides a written description of the pictures OR • Students can work in groups on separate pictures American Association of Teachers of German Visual (Benchmark 1) Aufgabe: Kommentieren Sie das Layout auf Seite 3: TIPP: concentrate on individual pictures. • Each student provides a written description of the pictures OR • Students can work in groups on separate pictures>>instructor can cut pictures apart for different groups to work on American Association of Teachers of German Verbal (Benchmark 1) Aufgabe: Wie beschreiben die Bilder Gregors professionelles Leben? TIPP: use pictures and text from student work in the previous activity to build answer • Not happy with his work (die schlechten Mahlzeiten + picture description) • Hectic conditions (das dauernde Umsteigen + picture description) American Association of Teachers of German AAC&U Reading Value Rubric Comprehension: Milestone 2: Students should recognize how “textual features (eg sentence and paragraph structure or tone) contribute to the author’s message [and to] draw basic inferences about context and purpose of text.” American Association of Teachers of German Visual (Milestone 2) [style/ language] Aufgabe: Kommentieren Sie, wie das Buch präsentiert wird. Wie sieht es ganz konkret aus? *example of my adaptation of the rubric>>style also has to do with visual impressions **Important to differentiate here between Kafka as author of the original, and this artist as the author of an adaptation American Association of Teachers of German Visual (Milestone 2) [style/ language] Aufgabe: Kommentieren Possible Sie, wie das Buch ideas: präsentiert wird. Wie sieht • Discuss es ganz konkret aus? color • Discuss the photo album look and what that could mean • Discuss perspectives American Association of Teachers of German Visual (Milestone 2) [style/ language] Aufgabe: Kommentieren Possible Sie, wie das Buch ideas: präsentiert wird. Wie sieht • Discuss es ganz konkret aus? color • Discuss TIPP: use art/photography terms the photo • Perspective album • Front, above, look and underneath, what that side could • Geometric elements mean • Division of • Discuss frame per• lines • Surfaces, spectives • • shapes Lighting • Side, front, shadows Colors (actual/psychological ) • enliven or calm American Association of Teachers of German Verbal (Milestone 2) [style/ language] Aufgabe: Kommentieren Sie die Form und die Sprache. Wir wird die Geschichte erzählt? •Zeitungsartikel? •geblümter Stil? •detailliert? •*Taking just as close a look at the language. Gregor sah sich in dem Zimmer um, das ihm immer etwas zu klein erschienen war, die Mappe mit seiner Musterkollektion von Tuchwaren—Gregor war Handelsreisender— war an ihrem Platz. Er betastete die Stelle mit einem Bein, zog es aber gleich zurück, den bei der Berührung umwehten ihn Kälteschauer. Vorläufig allerdings muss ich aufstehen, mein Zug fährt um fünf. American Association of Teachers of German AAC&U Reading Value Rubric Comprehension: Milestone 3: Students should use the “text, general background knowledge, and/or specific knowledge of the author’s context to draw more complex inferences about the author’s message and attitude.” American Association of Teachers of German [Milestone 3] TIPP: use page 4, but also use previous information/d escriptions/st udent work to build this description of Gregor’s identity Aufgabe: Schauen Sie auf Seite 4 und beschreiben Sie die Szene, in der Gregor seine Mitarbeiter beobachtet. Was könnte diese Komposition über sein Arbeitsleben, seinen sozialen Status und seine Identität aussagen? Milestone 3 Aufgabe: Schauen Sie auf Seite 4 und beschreiben Sie die Szene, in der Gregor seine Mitarbeiter beobachtet. Was könnte diese Komposition über sein Arbeitsleben, seinen sozialen Status und seine Identität aussagen? His positioning in the frame • small • in the background insecurity worry alone / nervous unfulfilled assertiveness American Association of Teachers of German AAC&U Reading Value Rubric Comprehension: Capstone: Students should recognize “possible implications of the text for contexts, perspectives, or issues beyond the assigned task within the classroom or beyond the author’s explicit message (eg) might recognize broader issues at play, or might pose challenges to the author’s message and presentation.” American Association of Teachers of German Capstone 4: Visual to Verbal to Analytical Why would someone feel like this/describe oneself like this? Why would Gregor feel like this? Lead into a thesis statement about social message. American Association of Teachers of German Capstone 4: Visual to Verbal to Analytical Aufgabe: welche sozialen Probleme könnte die im Text beschriebene Situation kommentieren? Build up to the socially critical statement/thesis by organizing information by theme: IDEAS [can be done on whiteboard, bulletin board, electronically, or as “four corners” setup where groups write on large sheets of paper and then report back] ] •GREGOR AS LONELY • Empty room • Large room in comparison to his size •GREGOR AS SHUT OFF FROM THE WORLD • Window • Magazine picture •GREGOR AS SELF-CRITICAL of HIS NONASSERTIVENESS • Imagining what he would say to his boss • Interaction with Colleagues American Association of Teachers of German Capstone 4: Visual to Verbal to Analytical Aufgabe: welche sozialen Probleme könnte die im Text beschriebene Situation kommentieren? Build up to the socially critical statement/thesis by organizing information by theme: IDEAS ORGANIZED AS THEME GREGOR AS LONELY • Empty room • Large room in comparison to his size • GREGOR AS SHUT OFF FROM THE WORLD • Window • Magazine picture • GREGOR AS SELF-CRITICAL of HIS NON-ASSERTIVENESS • Imagining what he would say to his boss • Interaction with Colleagues • GREGOR AS NOT ACCEPTED AT WORK • Pictures showing him separate from his co-workers American Association of Teachers of German Capstone 4: Visual to Verbal to Analytical Aufgabe: welche sozialen Probleme könnte die im Text beschriebene Situation kommentieren? Related Questions to Encourage/Inspire Thesis Statements • What causes loneliness in modern societies? • Why are there differences among employees in work cultures? • What are common causes of selfcriticism and coping mechanisms? American Association of Teachers of German Thesis Statements/ Exploration Questions • Either student driven • OR • Teacher can provide template In discussions of Kafka’s Die Verwandlung, some argue that _______________ while others would say that ____________________. Of course some would object to _____________, I still think/want to argue/contend….. The visual/verbal readings provide a lot of supporting evidence. Visual references are easily identifiable, located, and contextualized. American Association of Teachers of German Recap: From Visual to Verbal Wie bitte?! Versteht ihr mich? Unge heure s Unge ziefer Nicht ganz. Doch etwas besser American Association of Teachers of German Problematic Aspects • Pictures can seem rather simplified as compared to textual references that inspired them • Instructor must consistently make it clear that students are working with an adaptation of a classic work • Danger that students end up only reading the pictures • Design exercises like these that demand visual and verbal evidence American Association of Teachers of German \ Has it Made ConnectingThese Steps Any Easier? Why or why not? Feedback erwünscht! One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. "What's happened to me?" he thought. It wasn't a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. American Association of Teachers of German Questions? [email protected] Thank you! © American Association of Teachers of German American Association of Teachers of German